Forest Preserve District of Cook County (Illinois)

Nature Bulletin No. 501-A   October 6, 1973
Forest Preserve District of Cook County
George W. Dunne, President
Roland F. Eisenbeis, Supt. of Conservation


Here in Cook County, nowadays, we seldom see a buzzard. Even if we 
do, it may be mistaken for an eagle or a hawk. Buzzards are more 
common in central Illinois and Indiana. They are abundant farther 
south. Our neighborhood has become too citified for them; too few 
dead animals are left to rot.

The Turkey Vulture or Turkey Buzzard is a paradox in the bird world. 
On the ground it is an uncouth awkward object, repulsive in 
appearance and habits but, once in the air after a few powerful naps, it 
becomes a graceful creature to be admired. With no perceptible 
motions of wide spread pinions, the buzzard takes advantage of 
invisible currents which carry it up, as if by magic in every-widening 
spirals until sometimes it becomes a mere speck in the sky. Designers 
and pilots of gliders have learned much by studying this bird's 
masterful navigation of the air.

The turkey vulture's body, clothed by dull black feathers edged with 
brown, is from 26 to 30 inches in length and the long broad wings 
have a spread of about 6 feet. Its small head and short neck are naked, 
with a wrinkled leathery skin that is bright red. In the hooked heavy 
bill are large nostrils. Its aspect is evil, obscene and revolting. Like all 
vultures, it feeds almost entirely on carcasses of dead animals, no 
matter how putrid, rarely attacking a live one unless newly born or 
nearly dead. Its feet are not adapted for seizing prey: they are relatively 
smaller and weaker than those of a hawk or an eagle; the talons are 
shorter and more blunt.

As he patrols the sky in overlapping circles, a buzzard's marvelous 
telescopic vision enables him to detect any carrion. Then he sweeps 
down to it and that alerts others which soon come to join in the feast. 
They are not guided by smell, as was formerly supposed. They often 
gorge until scarcely able to walk and unable to fly without spewing 
some of their filthy cargo. They feed their young with that and they 
defend themselves with foul streams of it when attacked. Except for 
low grunts and, when angry, long hisses, the turkey vulture is 
voiceless. They build no nest, merely laying two eggs on the ground 
among rocks or logs in woodlands, in decayed stumps, in large hollow 
logs, or sometimes in caves.

This species ranges over most of North America from the Gulf of 
Mexico to southern Canada, but is scarce in the more northern 
regions. When soaring it can be distinguished from an eagle by its 
smaller head -- always peering downward -- shorter neck, the narrow 
rounded tail, and by the upward tilt of its wings. An eagle's wings are 
outstretched in almost a straight line.

The Black Vulture or Black Buzzard, commonly called "Carrion 
Crow" down south, is smaller than the turkey vulture. The skin on its 
naked head is black and its black plumage is glossy. In flight, it shows 
a short square tail and a white spot on the underside of each wing, 
near the ends. It is a bird of our southern states, most numerous near 
the coasts, where they scavenge along highways and even near cities.

Of nine species in North, Central and South America, the California 
Condor -- nearly extinct -- is the only other vulture in the United 
States. With wingspreads of as much as 12 feet, this species and the 
Andean Condor and the Lammergeir or Bearded Vulture of Europe, 
Africa and Asia are the largest of all birds of prey.

"Buzzard" was the pioneer's nickname for a native of Georgia.

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