350096 . Oklahoma Writers‘ Project !x-‘Slaves. 152 ~ ~ Çj~\~~ 1Age 79 yrs. ~ ~ Tulsa, Okia. ~3oom . . . ~oom! ~oom . . . ~ That ‚ s the way the old weaver go all day long when my sister, Margaret, is maldxig cloth for the slaves down on old~ Doc Joe Jacksonts plantation in Louisiana. That was near the little place of Bunker, and its my birthplace, and I guess where all Maimnyts children were born because she was never sold. but once and. nobody but the old Doc ever did own her after she come to his place. He always say could.nt t ~ nobody get work out of Mainn~y but him. I gueps thatts just his foolery tcause if she ain‘t no good. the Old Doc most likely sell her to some of them white. folks in Texas. Thas what they done to them mean, no account slave s — just send. them to Texas. Them folks sure knew how for to ha~id.le ‘emi But I was talking about my sister, Margaret. I can still see her weaving the cloth ~ Booxn~ . . ~oornI — arid. she hear that all the d.ay and. get mighty tfred.. Sometimes she drop her head. an~. go to sleep. The Mistress get her then sure. . Pap her on the head. with almost anything ]~andy, but she hit pretty easy ‚ just trying to scare her that ‚ s all. The old. Mast er though, he am1 t so easy as that • The whippings was done by the master and. the overseer just tell the old. Doc about the troubles, like the old Doc say: ~You just watch the slave s and. see they works and. works 1~ard, but d~o21‘ t ~.ay on with the whip ‚ because I i s the only one who knows how to do i~ rightl“,