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09/20/2001   09/14/2002

october 9, 2001

First, the somewhat serious link: High school brings back segregated prom courts, from Anil. Cause for concern? Probably. But you see, I've grown up in environments where diversity is preached, but when the chips fall, everyone hangs out in their own racially segregated cliques. I've written about experiences at UC Davis, and I won't go there again. ("Not going there" being the issue, not the school. Well, I probably wouldn't return to the school either. Anyway.) So instead of repeating myself, I bring you this completely non-related story about high-school.

The High School Graduation Story

Now for those of you who know me, like know me, you guys know that I went to a predominately African American high school. If you're a stats hound, I'd say that the year I graduated, probably 60% of the student body was African American, 20% of the students were white, and the majority of the rest of those students were Latino. Us Asians that didn't transfer to nearby Albany High huddled in a corner, studying for our SATs. If we weren't on the tennis courts. (You know how it is.)

So it's June, and graduation is right around the corner. The students that were at the top 20% of the class were the honors students — you got a cheesy bronze medal with the school crest on it and you sat in the front of the auditorium. The rest of the students, the regular grads, sat in the back. The day of graduation rehearsal, everyone took our assigned seats and looked around.

Everyone sitting at the front of the room was Caucasian and Asian. Everyone in the back was African American and Latino. There were some exceptions here at there, a white kid in the back, and black kid in the front, but if you stuck us all on a giant bus by our seating order, you would think you were on a Birmingham bus in the 1950's.

(Now, why's it gotta be like that, you ask yourself? Why were only the white and asian kids the ones taking the honors classes, the ones going on to college? The high school is smack dab between Kensington, an affluent white suburb, and Richmond, once called the murder capital of California. Why weren't more opportunies given to students of low socio-economic status? Gah. Who knows? That's why I majored in engineering when I got to college, and not sociology.)

Where were we? Oh yeah. At the practice, the pricipal stood on the stage. "There will be NO tom-foolery during the actual ceremony, especially while walking across the stage," he said sternly. He was looking towards the back of the crowd. "If I see anyone doing anything that robs them and us of the dignity and the respect they deserve, I will give the thumbs-down signal, the woman will not give you your diploma and you will not be able to obtain your diploma until the end of August." Yeah, like that's gonna stop anyone.

So fast forward to the night of the actual ceremony. The Senior Class President is at the podium. "Now.. I present to you, the honors graduates of El Cerrito High." We stand up. Polite applause, we cross the stage one by one, get our diplomas, sit down. I swear to god, there were 80 of us and it couldn't have taken any longer than 10 minutes. Some boring ass white/asian folk, we were. There is a 20 second pause. And then, it happens. "Now everyone," says the class president, "STAND THE FUCK UP! EVERYONE MUTHAFUCKIN' STAND UP! EVERYONE GIVE UP FOR THE REAL GRADUATES OF EL CERRITO'S CLASS OF 1994!" All the sudden, 7 airhorns go off. I swear to you, the crowd turned into a Bulls game.

"DENISHI... BLAKE!" The class president yells out from the podium. Five girls in the front start standing up and chanting. Go Denishi. Go Denishi. Go Denishi. Denishi runs up to the stage like she's on the Price is Right and starts step-dancing for the crowd of a couple of hundred. The crowd is going apeshit. "My parents are huddled fetal position in that crowd somewhere," I think to myself. "Wondering why they ever left Taiwan." The principals smile fades away and gives the thumb down signal to take her diploma away. "Oh, HELL NAW," I hear a middle aged woman scream from the back of the auditorium. "THAT'S MY BABY! THAT'S MY BABY!!"

The principal ended up revoking around ten, twenty diplomas that night. The cabbage patch, the running man, the Roger Rabbit, the robot... just about every single dance that was popular in the 1990's I saw someone do at least once that night. One guy actually got on the floor and did the snake. That actually got the white kids to stand up and cheer.

But yeah. Best Graduation Cermony ever. Getting my college degree wasn't a tenth as exciting.

Wes' Top 10 Reasons to Date an Asian... if you're gay. This guy is hysterical. All he needs now is a weblog. Heh.

october 8, 2001

From Chris, who probably got it from the millions of other places on the internet: the dangers of drinking. Not that I already knew that, of course.

october 7, 2001

So, it only took half a year to the day I got my first Artful Dodger CD, but I finally had the chance to see him spin last night at Sno-drift. Three feet away from me, no less. And if we arrived at the club just ten minutes earlier, we would have gotten in for free with the coupons that we had. The Artful Dodger. With him spinning, three feet away. Rad. Now, if you've never been to Sno-drift before, there are two types of people there:
  1. The people who have come for the sole purpose of seeing the DJ
    Perfect example: The cute Irishman with the very dialated eyes, stammering up to me and my friends. "Artful Dodger fawkin' RULES! When he plays in London, he has these big invitation-only parties that go for four hundred dollars a ticket, and all these people fawking love him but the only people that can watch him spin are fawkin' British celebrities and Americans are fawkin' stupid for not knowin who the Artful Dodger is, well not you of course because you're here but..." He went on talking for another 20 minutes, muttering something in his thick Irish accent about David Gray and Paddy Casey and how much ecstacy he took in the past 6 hours. Belinda later caught him in the DJ's booth, snorting something with the MC. God Bless America.

  2. The people who have come for the sole purpose of looking beautiful
    Because, you see, Sno-drift is apparently also where the ex-dotcom yuppies and the hip crowd goes, in their satin shirts drinking their martinis in plastic cups.
    Perfect example: The beautiful six foot tall blonde woman, casually walking up to the DJ's booth. She mutters something to the DJ and he shakes his head. She says something else, longer this time, and the DJ frowns and again shakes his head no. She frowns, turns around, and walks away, in the way that only beautiful people can walk away. I obviously wasn't able to hear what they said, but I can only imagine what the conversation could be.
    Beautiful girl: Can you play "Who Let the Dogs Out?"
    DJ: *shakes head*
    BG: But I really love that song. "Who Let the Dogs Out" is a beautiful song. I will give you 14 lines of cocaine if you play me "Who Let the Dogs Out." Woof. Woof. WoofWoofWoof.
    DJ: *frowns, shakes head*
    BG: hmmph. *walks away*
I'm sure that by now, everyone British is rolling their eyes at me because it's the Artful Dodger, while all the Americans are rolling their eyes at me because they have no idea who the fuck I'm talking about. Hey, at least I'm not talking about the war.

october 5, 2001

More AOL Instant Messenger fun with Kevin:

Ernie: *pause* what's this?
Kevin: PHP easter egg, apparently... It's on any PHP site.
Ernie: that's scary. is that the PHP guy?
Kevin: Probably. It's nice to know your site runs on a foundation built by a guy with fries up his nose. Instills confidence.
Ernie: i thought those were pencils.
Kevin: 'cause that's normal.
Aaah, technology geeks... brings a tear to my eye, really.
So in the morning, I have this ritual of turning on the TV before I hop in the shower. What do you know, it's a very patriotic episode of Martha Stewart. Because <Martha Stewart voice> nothing quite says greiving for terrorist acts like making American flag sugar cookies.</Martha Stewart voice> The absolute kicker, though, was her spotlight on the national bird, the bald eagle:
<Martha Stewart voice>This majestic creature is George. George is the ambassador for all bald eagles, currently living in a wildlife habitat when he was hit by a car while eating carrion.</Martha Stewart voice>
Carrion? You mean "dead and decaying flesh"? Roadkill? Jesus Christ, lady, is this how you all speak in Maine? (No offense, J-Go.) The last time I've heard the word uttered was listening to SAT tapes. And even then, the way she said it made it sound like it was creme brulee or filet mignon. "Why, I'll have the mesquite-grilled carrion with a side of baby greens, please." *shiver*
SURVIVORblog 2 alumnus (alumni? almuna?) AJ done went and became a daddy again. I was going to make a sarcastic little comment about why Filipinos give their children.. uhmm... unique names, but instead I'll just give him the mad props he deserves. For now. Congrats, yo.

october 4, 2001

Why I'm Glad I Hold my Tongue at Work, #27:
The setting: An office, somewhere in the Silicon Valley. Ernie is at a contracting job, working with stock photography to put on a website.

Me: Uhhh, this e-mail says to use pictures from the photoshoot of Bob Veccione* and his kids. Know where I can find them?
Guy I work for: Hmm... let me look through my folders. (Guy goes through a couple of directories, pulls up Photoshop images of a guy sitting on a couch with SEVEN, count 'em, SEVEN half-Asian kids surrounding him.)
Me: Okay, SOMEONE has a thing for Asians. *cough* SweetbabyJESUS, the dude is a PIMP! (Ernie looks around the office and stares at a couple of flowcharts to keep himself from making a sarcastic comment or breaking out into laughter)
Guy I work for: Yeah. You know who that is? The Senior VP of Operations.
Me: *long pause* That's nice. I'm going back to work now.

* Bob Veccione's name has been changed to protect the innocent. Or not so innocent, since the dude has seven kids, if you know what I'm sayin'.
So Dave brings up the whole idea of eating at the CostCo food court. Everyone thinks that CostCo is short for "Cost Company," but you know what it's really short for, right? Poor man's buffet.

You know what I'm talking about. Mom and Dad will say "Let's go to Saturday morning brunch," and instead of driving to a restaurant, they'll end up driving to Costco (or Price Club, before the two companies merged and became SuperMegaPriceCostco#1, or whatever it's called now.) At first, I thought they were there to run simple errands, like buying 12-packs of cereal or toothpaste in packs of 500. Then my parents enthusiatically wanted me to try the foods they had for sampling, like the bite-sized turkey pot pies or the bagel pizzas or virgin piña coladas. 7 trips around a giant wherehouse picking up free bite-sized food, and not only did I walk an equivalent of three miles (keep in mind, I was a tubby boy) but I saved their Chinese asses the cost of a McDonalds Happy Meal.

Maaan. Those free samples don't fill me up anymore. Now I have to shell out $1.45 for a hot dog and a coke. I miss those days.

october 3, 2001

october 1, 2001

From Ariel Meadow, god bless her jaded raver soul, comes, a raver site that doesn't take itself too seriously. For starters, try Dancers & Drugees, the raver role-playing game, what rave fliers should really say, or the many, many, many hysterical captions. Which brings me to my own (paraphrased) jaded raver moment:
(The setting: An underground drum & bass party, somewhere on a beach in San Francisco.)
Me: God, this is beautiful. The full moon, the way the moonlight hits the waves, the beach, the music, everything.
Mike: Yeah.
Me: Do you know what this reminds me of?
Mike: No, what?
Me: A Volkswagen commercial.
Mike: Mmm, great. "Drivers Wanted." Thanks for single-handedly ruining my night, Ernie.
Me: No problem.
PLUR! Ha ha ha.

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