package gov.nist.javax.sip.parser; import*; import java.util.*; /** Input class for the pipelined parser. *Buffer all bytes read from the socket and make them available to the message parser. * *@author M. Ranganathan (Contains a bug fix contributed by Rob Daugherty ( Lucent Technologies) ) * */ public class Pipeline extends InputStream { private LinkedList buffList; private Buffer currentBuffer; private boolean isClosed; private Timer timer; private InputStream pipe; private int readTimeout; private TimerTask myTimerTask; class MyTimer extends TimerTask { Pipeline pipeline; private boolean isCancelled; protected MyTimer(Pipeline pipeline) { this.pipeline = pipeline; } public void run() { if (this.isCancelled) return; pipeline.close(); try { pipeline.pipe.close(); } catch (IOException ex) {} } public boolean cancel() { boolean retval = super.cancel(); this.isCancelled = true; return retval; } } class Buffer { byte[] bytes; int length ; int ptr; public Buffer (byte[] bytes, int length) { ptr = 0; this.length = length; this.bytes = bytes; } public int getNextByte() { int retval = bytes[ptr ++ ] & 0xFF; return retval; } } public void startTimer() { if (this.readTimeout == -1) return; //TODO make this a tunable number. For now 4 seconds // between reads seems reasonable upper limit. this.myTimerTask = new MyTimer(this); this.timer.schedule(this.myTimerTask, this.readTimeout); } public void stopTimer() { if (this.readTimeout == -1) return; if (this.myTimerTask != null) this.myTimerTask.cancel(); } public Pipeline (InputStream pipe,int readTimeout, Timer timer) { // pipe is the Socket stream // this is recorded here to implement a timeout. this.timer = timer; this.pipe = pipe; buffList = new LinkedList(); this.readTimeout = readTimeout; } public void write (byte [] bytes, int start, int length) throws IOException { if (this.isClosed) throw new IOException ("Closed!!"); Buffer buff = new Buffer(bytes,length); buff.ptr = start; synchronized (this.buffList) { buffList.add(buff); buffList.notifyAll(); } } public void write (byte [] bytes) throws IOException { if (this.isClosed) throw new IOException ("Closed!!"); Buffer buff = new Buffer(bytes,bytes.length); synchronized (this.buffList) { buffList.add(buff); buffList.notifyAll(); } } public void close() { this.isClosed = true; synchronized(this.buffList) { this.buffList.notifyAll(); } } public int read() throws IOException { // if (this.isClosed) return -1; synchronized (this.buffList) { if (currentBuffer != null && currentBuffer.ptr < currentBuffer.length) { int retval = currentBuffer.getNextByte(); if (currentBuffer.ptr == currentBuffer.length ) this.currentBuffer = null; return retval; } // Bug fix contributed by Rob Daugherty. if (this.isClosed && this.buffList.isEmpty()) return -1; try { // wait till something is posted. while (this.buffList.isEmpty()) { this.buffList.wait(); if (this.isClosed) return -1; } currentBuffer = (Buffer) this.buffList.removeFirst(); int retval = currentBuffer.getNextByte(); if (currentBuffer.ptr == currentBuffer.length ) this.currentBuffer = null; return retval; } catch (InterruptedException ex) { throw new IOException(ex.getMessage()); } catch (NoSuchElementException ex ) { ex.printStackTrace(); throw new IOException(ex.getMessage()); } } } }