pro reduce_level_1_jma,fits_name, REM_CR=rem_cr, NO_VIG=no_vig, PIPELINE=pipeline, $ RESET=reset, NO_MASK=no_mask,SAVEDIR=savedir ;+ ; NAME: ; REDUCE_LEVEL_1 ; ; PURPOSE: ; This procedure performs the standard pipeline processing to ; take the level 0.5 image to Level 1. ; *** Note: This procedure is now designed to operate without ; any calling procedure. Simply input a level_05 FITS ; filename with path and it will do the rest. ; - NBR, 8/4/00 ; ; CATEGORY: ; LASCO REDUCTION ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; REDUCE_LEVEL_1, Fits_name ; ; INPUTS: ; Fits_name = Name of FITS file to process, including path ; ; OPTIONAL INPUTS: ; $RED_L1_PATH, $REDUCE_OPTS: environment variable for pipeline processing ; ; KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ; /REM_CR Perform cosmic ray removal algorithm - THIS OPTION IS NOT RECOMMENDED because it ; doesn't work very well ; /NO_VIG Do not apply vignetting correction ; /PIPELINE Process for pipeline (saves in pipeline directory, creates database entry) ; /RESET Read in calibration images (vignetting, mask, ramp, etc.) from file instead ; of using what is stored in the common block ; SAVEDIR = 'pathname' Directory to save output in. Default is current directory. ; ; ; OUTPUTS: ; Default: ; Writes FITS file in current directory or SAVEDIR (or $IMAGES if PIPELINE set) ; Writes ./reduce_level_1.log (or unique log file if PIPELINE set) ; Description of keywords in FITS header are at ; ; ; OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: ; None ; ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; DBMS, REDUCE_HISTORY ; ; RESTRICTIONS: ; Must have LASCO IDL Library ; Must have environment $LASCO_DATA defined ; The REM_CR option is not currently supported outside of NRL ; *** Current versions of calibration files only tested for images observed before July 1998!!! *** ; Polarization processing or background removal is Level 2 ; ; PROCEDURE: ; ; Level 1 consists of calibrating for ; dark current ; flat field ; stray light ; distortion ; vignetting ; photometry (physical units) ; corrected time and position ; ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Written RA Howard, NRL ; Version 1 rah 3 Oct 1995 Initial release ; 2 rah 15 Nov 1995 Modified log output ; 3 rah 21 Oct 1996 Added fits_hdr to make_browse ; 4 aee 23 Oct 1997 Added fits name error handling and camera ; case statement and modified the code to ; use C3_CALIBRATE instead of photocal. Also ; introduced environment variable ; REDUCE_L1_OPTS which must contain 'DBMS' ; in order to create a DB file. Set negative ; image intensity values to zeros. Also adds ; image info to the img_hdr.txt file. Also ; added stray light and distortion correction. ; nbr 5 Oct 1998 changed output directory; no database entry ; 5 nbr 1 Mar 1999 Added header updates from GET_IMG_LEB_HDR_UPDATES; ; added IMG_LEB_HDR for .db files; open .db file ; nbr 4 Aug 2000 - Update version recording; reconstruct FITS header for Level 1; ; compute roll, suncenter, time corrections ; nbr 7 Aug 2000 - Edit HISTORY fields ; nbr 26 Oct 2000 - Edit call to C3_CALIBRATE ; nbr 14 Nov 2000 - Add header field N_MISSING, REM_CR keyword ; nbr 12 Jan 2001 - Apply mask after warp ; nbr 25 Jan 2001 - Add bkg, mask_blocks, zblocks0 to common block; add MISSLIST to header ; nbr 15 Feb 2001 - Add C2 ; nbr 15 May 2001 - Change SOLAR_R to R_SUN in hdr ; nbr 31 May 2001 - Change $ANCIL_DATA to $LASCO_DATA ; nbr 8 Nov 2001 - Modify for use outside of pipeline; remove c3_cal_img COMMON block ; nbr 3 Dec 2001 - Make paths compatible with Windows SSW for GSV ; nbr 17 Dec 2001 - Make paths compatible with Windows SSW for GSV ; nbr 24 Jun 2002 - Use RED_L1_PATH for pipeline savedir and for log and db files; ; use yyyymmdd for output dir ; nbr 5 Jul 2002 - Change comment for CROTA; reinsert READPORT in header because is ; used in ; nbr 17 Sep 2002 - Use BSCALE and BZERO to save images as integers; ; add BLANK keyword; use .txt instead of .sav for c3[2]nullblocks ; nbr 9 Jan 2003 - mask_flag=0 for debugging ; nbr 14 Mar 2003 - Reinsert COMMON c3_cal_img for mask; don't get mask in this program; ; add fixwrap for summed images; convert only C3 Clear to type integer; ; use adjust_hdr_tcr() for time, roll, suncenter ; nbr 9 Apr 2003 - reduce_img_hdr DAY_ONLY if not pipeline ; nbr 14 Apr 2003 - Modify to do monthly images. ; nbr 16 May 2003 - Modify keyword comments ; nbr 11 Sep 2003 - Change img_leb_hdr db update ; 04.04.01, nbr - Use best available values post-interruption and note in header; ; obsolete TIME-OBS; rotate inverted images ; 04.04.08, nbr - Update for bkg images ; 05.07.25, nbr - Update/fix C3 mask implementation ; 05/07/28 KarlB - Change output directory structure ; Aug 1,05 KB - Another minor change to output dir ; Sep21,05 KarlB - Routine now skips files that don't exist as LZ data ; Sep30,05 KarlB - Change format of 'DATE' ; Oct03,05 KarlB - Add "LEVEL = 1.0" to fits header ; - Remove "tab" spaces from HISTORY comments ; May09,05 KBattams - Add savedir k/w (which appeared to be missing) ; - made some mods to how filenames of rolled monthly images are formed ; Jun22,06 KB/RCC - reduce_img_hdr now only called during pipeline processing ; version= '@(#) 1.44, 06/22/06' ; LASCO IDL LIBRARY ; ;- COMMON dbms, ludb,lulog COMMON reduce_history, cmnver, prev_a, prev_hdr, zblocks0 COMMON c3_cal_img,vig_full,mask,vig_fn,msk_fn, ramp_fn, ramp_full, dte_vig, $ dte_msk, dte_ramp,bkg_full, hb, mask_blocks,mask_full ver = strmid(version,4,strlen(version)) ;IF datatype(!delimiter) NE 'UND' THEN dlm = !delimiter ELSE dlm = get_delim() dlm = get_delim() not_found=0 ; this is just a flag for if the LZ fits file is not found IF not file_exist(fits_name) THEN BEGIN ; this prevents crashes from non-existant LZ files. not_found = 1 PRINT,'FILE NOT FOUND: ' help,fits_name PRINT,' Skipping it...' goto,done ENDIF print,'Reading ',fits_name a = lasco_readfits (fits_name,hdr) camera= strupcase(strtrim(hdr.detector,2)) IF datatype(prev_hdr) NE 'UND' THEN BEGIN IF prev_hdr.filter NE hdr.filter THEN reset=1 IF prev_hdr.detector NE hdr.detector THEN reset=1 ENDIF IF keyword_set(RESET) THEN new=1 $ ; Read in vig, mask, and ramp file each time ELSE new = 0 IF keyword_set(NO_MASK) THEN mask_flag=0 ELSE mask_flag=1 ; If set, apply mask mask_blocks=0 ; Reset in FUZZY_IMAGE.PRO via TOO_MANY keyword, called by C3_CALIBRATE ;toomanyinzone=0 xsumming = (hdr.sumcol>1)*(hdr.lebxsum>1) ysumming = (hdr.sumrow>1)*(hdr.lebysum>1) summing = xsumming*ysumming IF summing GT 1 THEN a = fixwrap(a) ; If image is summed, fix integer wrapping fname=hdr.filename source = strmid(fname,1,1) if (source EQ 'm') THEN fname = fits_name dot = strpos(fname,'.') root = strmid(fname,0,dot) yymmdd=strmid(hdr.date_obs,2,2)+strmid(hdr.date_obs,5,2)+strmid(hdr.date_obs,8,2) if(source eq '1') then STRPUT,root,'4',1 if(source eq '2') then STRPUT,root,'5',1 if(source EQ 'm' or source EQ 'd') THEN BEGIN ; for doing monthly images ;stop if (strmid(root,2,1) EQ 'r') THEN root = strmid(root,0,3)+'1'+strmid(root,3,13) $ ELSE root = strmid(root,0,2)+'1'+strmid(root,2,12) yymmdd = 'monthly' hdr.r1col=20 hdr.r2col=1043 hdr.r1row=1 hdr.r2row=1024 ENDIF ;strput,root,'t' outname=root+'.fts' print,hdr.filename,' ',hdr.date_obs,' ',hdr.time_obs,' ',hdr.filter,' ',hdr.polar IF keyword_set(PIPELINE) THEN $ sd = GETENV_SLASH('RED_L1_PATH')+yymmdd+dlm+strlowcase(camera)+dlm $ ELSE IF keyword_set(SAVEDIR) THEN $ sd = savedir+dlm $ ELSE sd = './' ; save in current working dir by default caldir = getenv_slash('LASCO_DATA')+'calib' IF keyword_set(PIPELINE) THEN BEGIN logpath = getenv_slash ('REDUCE_LOG') logfile = logpath+'log/red_'+yymmdd+'_'+root+'.log' appnd = 0 opt = strupcase (getenv('REDUCE_OPTS')) ;opt='none' ENDIF ELSE BEGIN logfile = 'reduce_level_1.log' appnd = 1 print,"NOTE: Appending log file reduce_level_1.log!!!!" print ENDELSE print,'Opening ',logfile openw,lulog,logfile,/GET_LUN,APPEND=appnd if(a(0) eq -1) then begin print,'ERROR: reduce_level_1 - lasco_readfits returned invalid image' print,'Terminating reduce_level_1.' printf,lulog,'ERROR: reduce_level_1 - lasco_readfits returned invalid image' printf,lulog,'Terminating reduce_level_1.' goto, done end get_utc,today,/ecs printf,lulog,'Procedure reduce_level_1 started at '+today printf,lulog,'Procedure version = '+ver printf,lulog,'Parameter #1, fits_name = '+fits_name if(source ne '1' and source ne '2' and source NE 'm' and source NE 'd') $ then begin print,'ERROR: reduce_level_1 - Invalid FITS source ('+fname+')' print,' ^' print,'Terminating reduce_level_1.' print printf,lulog,'ERROR: reduce_level_1 - Invalid FITS source ('+fname+')' printf,lulog,' ^' printf,lulog,'Terminating reduce_level_1.' goto, done end ; ** Begin FITS Header re-creation ** ; dte=today today_dte = strmid(dte,0,4)+'-'+strmid(dte,5,2)+'-'+strmid(dte,8,2)+'T'+strmid(dte,11,12) FXHMAKE,fits_hdr,a fxaddpar,fits_hdr,'DATE', today_dte ; some old values needed for procedures fxaddpar,fits_hdr,'FILENAME',hdr.filename fxaddpar,fits_hdr,'FILEORIG',hdr.fileorig fxaddpar,fits_hdr,'DATE-OBS',hdr.date_obs fxaddpar,fits_hdr,'TIME-OBS',hdr.time_obs fxaddpar,fits_hdr,'EXPTIME', hdr.exptime fxaddpar,fits_hdr,'TELESCOP',hdr.telescop fxaddpar,fits_hdr,'INSTRUME',hdr.instrume fxaddpar,fits_hdr,'DETECTOR',hdr.detector fxaddpar,fits_hdr,'READPORT',hdr.readport fxaddpar,fits_hdr,'SUMROW', hdr.sumrow fxaddpar,fits_hdr,'SUMCOL', hdr.sumcol fxaddpar,fits_hdr,'LEBXSUM', hdr.lebxsum fxaddpar,fits_hdr,'LEBYSUM', hdr.lebysum fxaddpar,fits_hdr,'FILTER', hdr.filter fxaddpar,fits_hdr,'POLAR', hdr.polar fxaddpar,fits_hdr,'COMPRSSN',hdr.comprssn ; ++ required for fxaddpar,fits_hdr,'MID_DATE',hdr.mid_date,'WARNING: Original (Uncorrected)' fxaddpar,fits_hdr,'MID_TIME',hdr.mid_time,'WARNING: Original (Uncorrected)' ; ++ fxaddpar,fits_hdr,'R1COL', hdr.r1col fxaddpar,fits_hdr,'R1ROW', hdr.r1row fxaddpar,fits_hdr,'R2COL', hdr.r2col fxaddpar,fits_hdr,'R2ROW', hdr.r2row fxaddpar,fits_hdr,'LEVEL', '1.0' histlen=1 cmntlen=1 inc = 0 WHILE histlen GT 0 DO BEGIN histlen = strlen(hdr.history[inc]) IF histlen GT 0 and strpos(hdr.history[inc],'bias') LT 0 THEN $ ; different bias used in level 1 fxaddpar,fits_hdr,'HISTORY', ' '+strcompress(hdr.history[inc]) inc = inc+1 ENDWHILE inc = 0 WHILE cmntlen GT 0 DO BEGIN cmntlen = strlen(hdr.comment[inc]) IF cmntlen gt 0 then fxaddpar,fits_hdr,'COMMENT', ' '+hdr.comment[inc] inc = inc+1 ENDWHILE s = ver+",'"+fname+"','"+outname+"'" fxaddpar,fits_hdr,'HISTORY', ' '+strcompress(s) IF keyword_set(REM_CR) and DATATYPE(prev_a) NE 'UND' THEN BEGIN print,' *** The REM_CR option is not currently supported. Continuing. *** print ;a1 = REMOVE_CR(prev_a, prev_hdr, a, hdr, N_CR=n_cr) ;fxaddpar,fits_hdr,'N_COSRAY',n_cr,' No. of pixels removed in CR scrub' ;fxaddpar,fits_hdr,'HISTORY',cmnver ENDIF ELSE a1 = a prev_a = a prev_hdr = hdr case camera of ; ************************* 'C1': begin ; ************************* print,'WARNING: reduce_level_1 - C1 is not implemented yet.' print,'Terminating reduce_level_1.' printf,lulog,'WARNING: reduce_level_1 - C1 is not implemented yet.' printf,lulog,'Terminating reduce_level_1.' goto, done end ; ************************* 'C2': begin ; ************************* ;Apply vignetting, ramp, scale factor, exp. time correction, bias: get_utc,dte,/ecs printf,lulog,'Procedure c2_calibrate started at '+dte b= C2_CALIBRATE(a1,fits_hdr,NEW=new) ; ; HISTORY added to header in c2_calibrate get_utc,dte,/ecs printf,lulog,'Procedure c2_calibrate completed at '+dte bsize= size(b) if(bsize(0) eq 0) then begin print,'ERROR: Procedure c2_calibrate returned 0' print,'Terminating reduce_level_1.' printf,lulog,'ERROR: Procedure c2_calibrate returned 0' printf,lulog,'Terminating reduce_level_1.' goto, done end ;stop ;Apply distortion: get_utc,dte,/ecs printf,lulog,'Procedure c2_warp started at '+dte b= c2_warp(b,fits_hdr) FXADDPAR,fits_hdr,'HISTORY',' '+strcompress(cmnver) ; ; Add distortion correction version here from common block get_utc,dte,/ecs printf,lulog,'Procedure c2_warp completed at '+dte ; ; Apply mask: ; ; ** For C2, simply use missing blocks as the mask. ; sz = size(mask) ; IF (sz(0) EQ 0 or keyword_set(RESET)) THEN BEGIN ; CD,caldir,CURRENT=cur_dir ; msk_fn= get_cal_name('C3_cl*msk*.dat',yymmdd) ; IF msk_fn ne '' THEN BEGIN ; dte_msk = FILE_DATE_MOD(msk_fn,/DATE_ONLY) ; print,'Using ',msk_fn ; mask = READFITS(msk_fn) ; printf,lulog,'Used '+msk_fn+', last mod '+dte_msk ; ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ; print,'ERROR: c3_calibrate - No '+'C3_cl*msk*.dat file' ; IF (szlog(0) NE 0 and (not KEYWORD_SET(no_update)) ) THEN $ ; printf,lulog,'ERROR: c3_calibrate - No '+sd+'C3_cl*msk*.dat file' ; mask_flag=0 ; ENDELSE ; CD, cur_dir ; ENDIF ; IF datatype(zblocks0) EQ 'UND' or keyword_set(RESET) THEN BEGIN CD,caldir,CURRENT=cur_dir ; Retrieve nominally missing blocks ;restore, 'c2nullblocks.sav' c2zs = '' openr,luz,'c2nullblocks.txt',/get_lun readf,luz,c2zs close,luz free_lun,luz zblocks0 = fix(str_sep(c2zs, ' ')) CD, cur_dir ENDIF zz = WHERE(a LE 0) ;maskall = mask ; stop lnsz = size(zz) maskall = dblarr(hdr.naxis1,hdr.naxis2) if lnsz[2] GT 1 THEN BEGIN ;stop maskall[*] =1d maskall[zz] = 0d ENDIF ELSE maskall = a spx = REBIN(a,hdr.naxis1/32,hdr.naxis2/32) ; ** Superpixel original image zblocks = WHERE(spx LE 0,nzblocks) ;IF nzblocks LT n_elements(zblocks0) THEN Stop ; ** Some images have no masked blocks IF nzblocks GT 0 THEN BEGIN IF summing GT 1 THEN nmissing = nzblocks-8 ELSE BEGIN zblocksn = DIFF(zblocks,zblocks0,blocks_missing) IF blocks_missing THEN nmissing = n_elements(zblocksn) ELSE nmissing = 0 ENDELSE ENDIF ELSE nmissing = 0 IF nmissing GT 17 THEN BEGIN ; Mask all missing blocks for C2. ; Up to 17 missing blocks will ; be listed in a single string header field. missing_string = 'More than 17 blocks missing' ENDIF ELSE IF nmissing EQ 0 THEN missing_string = 'None' $ ELSE IF summing GT 2 THEN missing_string = 'Not computed for summed images.' $ ELSE missing_string = nums2string(zblocksn) IF mask_flag THEN BEGIN maskall = c2_warp(maskall,fits_hdr) b = b*maskall FXADDPAR,fits_hdr,'HISTORY',' Masked missing blocks only' ENDIF end ; ************************* 'C3': begin ; ************************* ;Apply vignetting, ramp, scale factor, exp. time correction, bias: get_utc,dte,/ecs printf,lulog,'Procedure c3_calibrate started at '+dte b= C3_CALIBRATE(a1,fits_hdr,/FUZZY,/NO_MASK,NEW=new,NO_VIG=no_vig) ; HISTORY added to header in c3_calibrate get_utc,dte,/ecs printf,lulog,'Procedure c3_calibrate completed at '+dte bsize= size(b) if(bsize(0) eq 0) then begin print,'ERROR: Procedure c3_calibrate returned 0' print,'Terminating reduce_level_1.' printf,lulog,'ERROR: Procedure c3_calibrate returned 0' printf,lulog,'Terminating reduce_level_1.' goto, done end ; Apply distortion: get_utc,dte,/ecs printf,lulog,'Procedure c3_warp started at '+dte bn= c3_warp(b,fits_hdr) ;b=c3_warp(b,fits_hdr,/REVERSE) FXADDPAR,fits_hdr,'HISTORY',' '+strcompress(cmnver) ; Add distortion correction version here from common block get_utc,dte,/ecs printf,lulog,'Procedure c3_warp completed at '+dte xnorm = 518.0 ; IDL coordinates ynorm = 531.5 ; nbr, 27Jul00 ; ; Apply mask: ; ; Loaded mask in ; ; IF datatype(zblocks0) EQ 'UND' or keyword_set(RESET) THEN BEGIN ; CD,caldir,CURRENT=cur_dir ; ; Retrieve nominally missing blocks; includes seven blocks in center ; ;restore, 'c3nullblocks.sav' ; c3zs = '' ; openr,luz,'c3nullblocks.txt',/get_lun ; readf,luz, c3zs ; close,luz ; free_lun,luz ; zblocks0 = fix(str_sep(c3zs,' ')) ; CD, cur_dir ; ENDIF ; zz = WHERE(a LE 0) ;maskall = mask maskall=bytarr(hdr.naxis1,hdr.naxis2) maskall[*]=1 ; ** using fuzzy/mb2str instead ; spx = REBIN(a,hdr.naxis1/32,hdr.naxis2/32) ; ; ** Superpixel original image ; zblocks = WHERE(spx LE 0,nzblocks) ; ;IF nzblocks LT n_elements(zblocks0) THEN $ ; ; message,' ** Some images have no masked blocks' ; IF nzblocks GT 0 THEN BEGIN ; IF summing GT 1 THEN nmissing = nzblocks-17 ELSE BEGIN ; zblocksn = DIFF(zblocks,zblocks0,blocks_missing) ; IF blocks_missing THEN nmissing = n_elements(zblocksn) ELSE nmissing = 0 ; ENDELSE ; ENDIF ELSE nmissing = 0 ; IF spx[16,16] eq 0 THEN nmissing=nmissing-7 ; already in c3nullblocks ; ; ** In case inside occulter is masked ; nmissing=0 mbstrings=1 find_miss_blocks,a,fits_hdr,mbstruct, STRMAP=mbstrings nmissing = mbstruct.nbmiss help,mask_blocks IF nmissing EQ 0 THEN missing_string = 'None' $ ELSE BEGIN missing_string = mbstrings.mbpos fxaddpar,fits_hdr,'COMMENT',' MISSLIST is base-32 rep of missing blocks; use' IF mask_blocks GT 0 THEN BEGIN ; mask_blocks is set to zero in; if more than 16 blocks ; are missing in a zone or if any missing block is adjacent to an edge, ; then mask_blocks is set to the number missing in the zone. ; is called in maskall[zz]=0 ; Mask ALL missing blocks if more than 16 blocks ; are missing IN A ZONE. 16 is used based on analysis ; of 565 zones of missing block replacements. -nbr,3/10/03 ;missing_string = 'More than 17 blocks missing' fxaddpar,fits_hdr,'COMMENT',' Missing blocks masked if GT 16 in a zone OR occurs on an edge.' printf,lulog,trim(string(mask_blocks))+' missing blocks in zone: '+trim(string(nmissing))+' blocks re-masked' print,mask_blocks,' missing blocks in zone: ',nmissing,' blocks re-masked' ENDIF ELSE IF summing GT 2 THEN missing_string = 'Not computed for summed images.' $ ELSE FXADDPAR,header,'HISTORY',' Used FUZZY_IMAGE.PRO to replace missing blocks.' ENDELSE IF mask_flag THEN BEGIN maskallw = c3_warp(maskall,fits_hdr) b = bn*float(maskallw*mask) FXADDPAR,fits_hdr,'HISTORY',' '+strcompress(msk_fn)+' '+strcompress(dte_msk) ;fxaddpar,fits_hdr,'COMMENT','Inner and outer mask and pylon mask are not warped.' ENDIF end else: begin print,'ERROR: reduce_level_1 - Invalid telescope '+ camera print,'Terminating reduce_level_1.' printf,lulog,'ERROR: reduce_level_1 - Invalid telescope '+ camera printf,lulog,'Terminating reduce_level_1.' goto, done end endcase print,'There are ',trim(string(nmissing)),' missing blocks.' print tcr = adjust_hdr_tcr(fits_hdr,/verb) IF EQ "" THEN BEGIN r = get_roll_or_xy(hdr,'ROLL',rsrc,/degrees,/median) ; To correct, rotate image r degrees CCW! fxaddpar,fits_hdr,'HISTORY',' ROLL: '+strcompress(cmnver[0])+': '+strcompress(rsrc) IF cmnver[1] NE "" THEN fxaddpar,fits_hdr,'HISTORY',' '+strcompress(cmnver[1]) c= get_sun_center(hdr,csrc,/median,FULL=1024) cx=c.xcen cy=c.ycen fxaddpar,fits_hdr,'HISTORY',' '+strcompress(cmnver)+': '+strcompress(csrc) cmnt='WARNING: Interim value ' tcmnt='WARNING: Original uncorrected value' obstime=hdr.time_obs obsdate=hdr.date_obs ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ; HISTORY (time file, time orig, position file) added in adjust_hdr_tcr r = tcr.roll cx = tcr.xpos cy = tcr.ypos cmnt="Final Correction " tcmnt=cmnt obstime=tcr.time ENDELSE ; now correct for nominal inverted roll IF hdr.crota1 GT 0 THEN BEGIN rectify=hdr.crota1 cntr=511.5 x=cx-cntr y=cy-cntr cx=cntr + x*cos(rectify*!pi/180.) - y*sin(rectify*!pi/180.) cy=cntr + x*sin(rectify*!pi/180.) + y*cos(rectify*!pi/180.) IF rectify EQ 180 THEN BEGIN msg="Image rotated 180 degrees." print,msg printf,lulog,msg fxaddpar,fits_hdr,'HISTORY',' '+strcompress(msg) b = ROTATE ( temporary(b) , 2 ) r=r-180. ENDIF ENDIF xc = (cx - hdr.r1col+20)/xsumming yc = (cy - hdr.r1row+ 1)/ysumming ;b= ROT(b,-1*r,1,xc,yc,/interp,/PIVOT) ;crpix_x=xnorm+1 ;crpix_y=ynorm+1 ;b= ROT(b,0,1,511.5-(xc-xnorm),511.5-(yc-ynorm),cubic=-0.5) ;/interp) ; ; Shift sun center to constant location (no rotation) ; ; (IDL coordinates) ;b= ROT(b,0,1,511.5+(xc-xnorm),511.5+(yc-ynorm),cubic=-0.5) ;/interp) ; ; Shift back for comparison purposes ; ** Don't rotate or shift for now ** r_hdr = -1*r crpix_x = xc+1 ; IDL to FITS coordinates crpix_y = yc+1 ;b= FLOAT(b) ; ** Continue adding updated or new values to header. ** ; ;sxdelpar,fits_hdr,'READPORT' ; no longer needed in level 1 fxaddpar,fits_hdr,'FILENAME',outname FXADDPAR,fits_hdr,'CRPIX1',crpix_x,' sun center pixel (X), '+cmnt FXADDPAR,fits_hdr,'CRPIX2',crpix_y,' sun center pixel (Y), '+cmnt FXADDPAR,fits_hdr,'COMMENT',' FITS coordinate for center of full image is (512.5,512.5).' FXADDPAR,fits_hdr,'CROTA' ,r_hdr,cmnt FXADDPAR,fits_hdr,'COMMENT', ' Rotate image CROTA degrees CW to correct.' FXADDPAR,fits_hdr,'CROTA1',r_hdr FXADDPAR,fits_hdr,'CROTA2',r_hdr ;FXADDPAR,fits_hdr,'HISTORY',cmnver+', '+trim(string(xc))+', '+trim(string(yc))+', '+trim(string(r))+' Deg' FXADDPAR,fits_hdr,'CRVAL1',0 FXADDPAR,fits_hdr,'CRVAL2',0 FXADDPAR,fits_hdr,'CTYPE1','ARCSEC' FXADDPAR,fits_hdr,'CTYPE2','ARCSEC' platescl = GET_SEC_PIXEL(hdr) ;FXADDPAR,fits_hdr,'HISTORY',cmnver FXADDPAR,fits_hdr,'CDELT1',platescl,' Arcsec/pixel' FXADDPAR,fits_hdr,'CDELT2',platescl,' Arcsec/pixel' FXADDPAR,fits_hdr,'XCEN',0+platescl*((hdr.naxis1+1)/2. - crpix_x),' Arcsec' FXADDPAR,fits_hdr,'YCEN',0+platescl*((hdr.naxis2+1)/2. - crpix_y),' Arcsec' ;updates = get_img_leb_hdr_updates(hdr) ;fxaddpar, fits_hdr, 'DATE-OBS',updates.date_obs,' Corrected.' ;fxaddpar, fits_hdr, 'TIME-OBS',updates.time_obs,' Corrected.' ;FXADDPAR, fits_hdr, 'DATE_OBS',updates.date_obs+' '+updates.time_obs ;fxaddpar, fits_hdr, 'MID_DATE',updates.mid_date,' Corrected.' ;fxaddpar, fits_hdr, 'MID_TIME',updates.mid_time,' Corrected.' ;;fxaddpar, fits_hdr, 'DATEORIG',updates.orig_date ; ;;fxaddpar, fits_hdr, 'TIMEORIG',updates.orig_time ; In HISTORY field ;FXADDPAR,fits_hdr,'HISTORY',cmnver+",'"+updates.orig_date+" "+updates.orig_time+"'" ; ; Add adjust_date_obs version here from common block utcdt=anytim2utc(obsdate+'T'+obstime) newdt=utc2str(utcdt) ; use dashes instead of slashes fxaddpar, fits_hdr, 'DATE-OBS',newdt,tcmnt fxaddpar, fits_hdr, 'TIME-OBS',"",' Obsolete' FXADDPAR, fits_hdr, 'DATE_OBS',newdt rsun = get_solar_radius(hdr) fxaddpar, fits_hdr, 'RSUN',rsun,' Arcsec' fxaddpar, fits_hdr, 'NMISSING',nmissing,' Number of missing blocks.' printf,lulog,'NMISSING = ',string(nmissing) FXADDPAR, fits_hdr, 'MISSLIST',missing_string FXADDPAR, fits_hdr, 'BUNIT','MSB',' Mean Solar Brightness' IF camera EQ 'C3' and hdr.filter EQ 'Clear' THEN BEGIN scalemin = 0 ;2e-13 scalemax = 6.5e-9 REDUCE_STATISTICS2,b,fits_hdr, SATMAX=scalemax ; ; Convert image to integer type ; datamax=fxpar(fits_hdr,'DATAMAX') datamin=fxpar(fits_hdr,'DATAMIN') datasat=fxpar(fits_hdr,'DATASAT') printf,lulog,'DATASAT ='+string(datasat)+', DATAMIN='+string(datamin)+', DATAMAX='+string(datamax) bscale = (scalemax-scalemin)/65536 bzero=bscale*32769 help,bscale,bzero nz=where(b NE 0) bout=fltarr(hdr.naxis1,hdr.naxis2) bout[nz] = ROUND(((b[nz]scalemin)-bzero)/bscale) bout = FIX(bout) fxaddpar, fits_hdr,'BSCALE',bscale,'Data value = FITS value x BSCALE + BZERO' fxaddpar, fits_hdr,'BZERO',bzero fxaddpar, fits_hdr,'BLANK',fix(0) fxaddpar, fits_hdr,'COMMENT',' Data is scaled between '+trim(string(scalemin))+' and '+trim(string(scalemax)) fxaddpar, fits_hdr,'COMMENT',' Percentile values are before scaling.' ENDIF ELSE BEGIN reduce_statistics2,b,fits_hdr bout = float(b) datamax=fxpar(fits_hdr,'DATAMAX') datamin=fxpar(fits_hdr,'DATAMIN') ENDELSE ;wset,2 ;plot,b[*,yc] ;wset,1 ;tvscl,hist_equal(rebin(b,hdr.naxis1/2,hdr.naxis2/2)) maxmin,bout ; ; construct appropriate subdirectory ; ;spawn,'pwd',sd05,/sh ;cur_dir= sd05(0) ;if(strlen(fits_name) gt 12) then sd05= strmid(fits_name,0,strlen(fits_name)-13) ;sd05=sd05(0) ;p=strpos(sd05,'level_05') ;if (p gt 0) then begin ;yymmdd=strmid(updates.date_obs,2,2)+strmid(updates.date_obs,5,2)+strmid(updates.date_obs,8,2) ;sd = sd+yymmdd ;spawn,'mkdir '+sd ,/sh ; make sure directory exists ;CD, sd, CURRENT=cur_dir datedir=GETENV_SLASH('RED_L1_PATH')+yymmdd+dlm ; KB 050801 IF not file_exist(datedir) THEN spawn,'mkdir '+datedir ,/sh IF not file_exist(sd) THEN spawn,'mkdir '+sd ,/sh ; make sure directory exists CD, sd, CURRENT=cur_dir ;endif else sd=sd05 ;neg= where(b lt 0.0D,cnt) ;if(cnt gt 0) then b(neg)= 0.0D ;printf,lulog,'Output directory = '+sd ;print,'Output directory = '+sd printf,lulog,'Writing FITS file to '+sd+dlm+outname print,'Writing FITS file to '+sd+dlm+outname writefits,outname,bout,fits_hdr ;Write disk FITS file (bout is previously rounded) ;IF keyword_set(PIPELINE) THEN test=0 ELSE test=1 ;help,test ; ; * * * BEGIN Database update section * * * (only if /PIPELINE and DBMS ge 0) ; IF keyword_set(PIPELINE) THEN IF (strpos(opt,'DBMS') ge 0) THEN BEGIN IF yymmdd NE 'monthly' THEN reduce_img_hdr,fits_hdr, DAY_ONLY=test ;Add image info to the img_hdr.txt file cd,cur_dir ; ; If generating the DBMS update commands, then open a file ; ; dbfile = log+'db/red_'+root+'.db' dbfile = logpath+'db/red_'+yymmdd+'_'+root+'.db' openw,ludb,dbfile,/get_lun ;today = FXPAR(fits_hdr,'DATE') ; use fits header DATE printf,ludb,'use lasco' printf,ludb,'go' printf,lulog,'DB update file = '+dbfile ; ; update db table IMG_LEB_HDR ; PRINTF,lulog,'Updating DBMS table = img_leb_hdr' printf,ludb,'update img_leb_hdr' printf,ludb,'set' printf,ludb,'date_mod="', today,'",' printf,ludb,'dateorig="', hdr.date_obs,' ',hdr.time_obs,'",' printf,ludb,'exptimeorig=', hdr.exptime,',' printf,ludb,'date_obs="',' '+tcr.time,'",' printf,ludb,'exptime=', fxpar(fits_hdr,'EXPTIME'),',' printf,ludb,'nmissing=', fxpar(fits_hdr,'NMISSING'),',' printf,ludb,'misslist="', fxpar(fits_hdr,'MISSLIST'),'",' printf,ludb,'crota=', fxpar(fits_hdr,'CROTA') printf,ludb,'from img_leb_hdr where' printf,ludb,'fileorig="', hdr.fileorig,'" and' plus5min=utc2str(tai2utc(anytim2tai(,/ecs) printf,ludb,'date_mod between "',,'" and "',plus5min,'"' printf,ludb,'go' ; ; update db table IMG_FILES ; printf,lulog,'Updating DB table = img_files' a = get_db_struct ('lasco','img_files') a.filename=outname a.fileorig=hdr.fileorig a.filetype = 2 a.source = source a.composite= 0 if (camera eq 'C1') then a.bunit='erg/cm2/ster/A/sec' else a.bunit = 'MSB' a.datamax= datamax a.datamin= datamin ;if(a.datamax gt 0.0) then a.datamin= min(b(where(b gt 0.0))) a.hdr_only = 0 ;spawn,'pwd',cwd a.diskpath = sd ;cwd(0) a.date_mod = today db_insert,a ; ; update db table IMG_BROWSE ; ; printf,lulog,'Updating DB table = img_browse' ; a = get_db_struct ('lasco','img_browse') ; a.filename=outname ; a.browse_img = make_browse (b,fits_hdr,outname) ; a.date_mod = today ; db_insert,a ; ; update db table IMG_HISTORY ; printf,lulog,'Updating DB table = img_history' a=get_db_struct ('lasco','img_history') a.filename=outname a.date_mod = today hst = fxpar (fits_hdr,'HISTORY') for i=0,n_elements(hst)-1 do begin a.history = hst(i) db_insert,a endfor ; ; update db table IMG_PARENT ; printf,lulog,'Updating DB table = img_parent' a = get_db_struct ('lasco','img_parent') a.filename= outname a.parent_num= 0 a.parent= hdr.filename a.date_mod = today db_insert,a close,ludb free_lun,ludb get_utc,dte,/date_only,/ecs dte = strmid(dte,0,4)+strmid(dte,5,2)+strmid(dte,8,2) tt='_lvl1.lst' openw,ludb,logpath+'dbupdates/'+dte+tt,/append printf,ludb,'$1 < '+dbfile close,ludb ;spawn,['/usr/bin/chmod a+x ',log+'updates/update_'+dte+tt],/noshell free_lun,ludb if (strpos(opt,'UPDATE') ge 0) then $ spawn,'isql '+dbfile ,/sh endif $ ; end of processing for 'DBMS' ELSE print,'Not writing database file.' done: IF not (not_found) THEN BEGIN get_utc,dte,/ecs printf,lulog,'Procedure reduce_level_1 ended at '+dte for i=0,5 do printf,lulog close,lulog free_lun,lulog ENDIF return END