SAM Technical Assessment of Grid-Jim Version 0.93 10 February 2004 Participating for SAM: Rob Kennedy (lead) and Sinisa Veseli Participating for Grid-Jim: Igor Terekhov, Gabriele Garzoglio 1) Background documents a) for project definition, task list. b) PPDG Year 3 plan for deliverables and timetables, available at c) Informal meetings between Rob, Sinisa, Igor, and Gabriele on 17 Dec 2003 and on 16 Jan 2004. Written notes are available. d) Meetings at the Computing Division level with some combination of CD management, Grid-Jim team, D0CA department head, and SAM team. e) E-mail "JIM Deployment Plan for MC Production" by Wyatt Merritt, dated 02 Feb 2004. 2) Project definition, mission statement, organization From (a): "D0 Grid is a virtual project whose core is the D0-PPDG group at Fermilab and which includes off-site D0 collaborators under the aegis of various Grid projects. It's mission is to enable fully distributed computing for the experiment, by enhancing SAM as the distributed data handling system of D0, incorporating standard Grid tools and protocols, and developing new solutions for Grid computing together with Computer Scientists. Under this mission, the project strives to unite the D0 efforts from the multifarious Grid activities (PPDG, EU DataGrid, GridPP and more), off-site analysis work and other aspirations distributed throughout the D0 collaboration. The two main areas of work are Job Handling (including specification, brokering, scheduling etc.) and Monitoring and Information Services." Igor Terekhov and Gabriele Garzoglio are the Grid-Jim team co-leaders. The team also includes two students. 3) Deliverables and timetable a) PPDG Year 3 "October 2003" goals: All goals considered met as described except the transition to using VDT releases. This has been deferred until higher priority goals (see 'b' below) are achieved. b) Next major milestone: Remote D0 Simulation Production in March 2004. The deliverables and timetable for this is outlined in e-mail "JIM Deployment Plan for MC Production" by Wyatt Merritt, dated 02 Feb 2004. c) After this milestone: CDF JIM issues, improved brokering, and a web-based status page. 4) Inter-project dependencies Grid/Jim does not depend on other SAM projects. It does depend on Condor-G and Globus tools. 5) Project status The project is almost completely focussed now on the Remote D0 Simulation Production milestone. A plan is in place now, and progress is being made towards the goal. D0 Simulation jobs have been and are being run by the Grid-Jim team at remote computing centers, though without output merging. The remaining work in the next month is to educate the D0 manager in how to run jobs and deal with errors, and to bring the operation of this system in general up to production quality standards. 6) Challenges and critical path items There are several challenges worth noting. The entire run-time environment (RTE) is being shipped to worker nodes in the Grid-Jim deployment model. This has been aided by using the SAM system not only to distribute data files, but also to distribute RTE tarballs to remote computing centers. Another issue is the merging of output files, which is not yet supported. Also, large input files to Simulation jobs can limit the amount of parallelism one can exploit in a computing center since the traditional model of one input file per process within a job is no longer applicable. 7) Lessons Learned IMHO, one should decouple a development team from experiment schedules and choices outside of the control of the development team. The development team delivers a well-specified tool or system, which the experiment can choose to integrate with their operations on their time schedule. There should be clearly defined responsibilities for the development team as well as the experiment liaison team, and individuals should not be expected to play both roles. If the either team fails to meet its obligations, then the other can not be pushed into doing the unmet tasks, and thus take them away from their area of expertise and responsibility, in order to meet the overall goal. 8) Project-specific comments, alternative points of view or opinions, etc. There are extensive notes on the discussions that led to this assessment write-up, which for the sake of brevity, are not all reproduced here. Some tasks where the SAM team may help: Mcrunjob needs to handle the parentage issues with the intermediate files. Perhaps this can be canned as a fixed 3-day project for someone like Dave Evans. Temporary file support in SAM may need some work for locations where file is physically erased. This is similar to what other sub-projects want and hopefully can be worked on in parallel with other GRID-Jim tasks. Also, the SAM team may help in the operations support and installation support of GRID-JIM. Paraphrased comments from Rick: This sub-project seems to be two chiefs and 2 indians.(students). It should be re-formed into a more global context of SAMGrid. We should redefine this by grid services and these are condor, gridftp and monitoring. The monitoring can be spun off to a separate sub-project. It would also help to have a break-down along grid services defining protocol and package versions in use in order to facilitate communications with other GRID projects. 9) Next sub-project report We should update this assessment after the D0 Simulation Production milestone is met, expected in March 2004. .the end.