import java.lang.Math; /** * This class represents a shot transition. * A shot boundary or transition is defined by its pre frame and its post frame. * These frames are respectively the last and first frame before and after the * beginning of the transition. The transition could be a short one * (CUT) with its post right after the pre frame or * a gradual one with at least one frame within the transition effect. * * @author * This software was produced by NIST, an agency of the * U.S. government, and by statute is not subject to copyright in the * United States. Recipients of this software assume all * responsibilities associated with its operation, modification and * maintenance. * */ public class Transition implements Cloneable{ private final static String[] types = {"CUT", "GRAD"}; private static int shortGradualThreshold = 5; /** * The pre frame: the last frame of a previous shot without any content of the transition effect. * * @see #getPre() */ public int pre; /** * The post frame: the first frame of the following shot without any content of the transition effect. * * @see #getPost() */ public int post; /** * The type of transition: could take the value "cut" and anything else stands for a gradual transition. * */ public String type; /** * Indicates wether the transition has matched with another one during a comparison. * */ public boolean matched = false; public Object clone(){ int apre = pre; int apost = post; //String type = type try{ Transition aClone = new Transition(apre, apost, type); return aClone; }catch(TransitionDefinitionException e){ System.out.println("CLONING PROBLEM"); return null; } } /** * Constructs Transition object with the given parameters. * * @param pre The pre frame of the transition. * @param post The post frame of the transition. * @param type The type of trnasition. * @exception TransitionDefinitionException Thrown if the pre frame is not strictly less than the post frame. */ public Transition(int pre, int post, String type)throws TransitionDefinitionException{ if((pre >-1) && (post >-1) && (pre < post)){ this.pre = pre; = post; if(type.compareToIgnoreCase("CUT") == 0) if(pre != post-1) throw new TransitionDefinitionException("Transition definition error: CUT definition not respected"); else this.type = "CUT"; else this.type = type; } else throw new TransitionDefinitionException("Transition definition error: pre and post not well ordered"); } /** * Set the threshold for short gradual and cut confusion * */ public static void setShortGradualThreshold(int value){ Transition.shortGradualThreshold = value; } /** * Get the threshold for short gradual and cut confusion * */ public static int getShortGradualThreshold(){ return shortGradualThreshold; } /** * Return true if the transition is a short gradual ie length less than * the threshold. * */ public boolean isShortGradual(){ return(this.type.compareToIgnoreCase("CUT") != 0 && this.length() <= Transition.shortGradualThreshold); } /** * Returns true if the transition is a CUT * */ public boolean isCut(){ return (this.type.compareToIgnoreCase("CUT") == 0); } /** * Returns true if the transition is a CUT * */ public boolean isGradual(){ return (this.type.compareToIgnoreCase("CUT") != 0 && this.length() > Transition.shortGradualThreshold); } /** * Gets the pre frame. * */ public int getPre(){ return this.pre; } /** * Gets the post frame. * */ public int getPost(){ return; } /** * Gets the type. * */ public String getType(){ return this.type; } /** * Returns true if the given transition has the same type as the current instance * regarding the setted confusions between types. * */ public boolean sameType(Transition t){ return ((this.isCut() && t.isCut()) || (this.isGradual() && t.isGradual()) || (this.isCut() && t.isShortGradual()) || (this.isShortGradual() && t.isCut()) || (this.isShortGradual() && t.isShortGradual())); } /** * Sets the pre frame value. * */ public void setPre(int newPre) throws TransitionDefinitionException{ if((newPre >-1) && (newPre < post)){ this.pre = newPre; } else throw new TransitionDefinitionException("Transition definition error: pre and post not well ordered"); } /** * Sets the post frame value. * */ public void setPost(int newPost) throws TransitionDefinitionException{ if(newPost > pre){ = newPost; } else throw new TransitionDefinitionException("Transition definition error: pre and post not well ordered"); } /** * Sets the post frame value. * */ public void reset(int newPre, int newPost) throws TransitionDefinitionException{ if((newPre >-1) && (newPre < newPost)){ this.pre = newPre; = newPost; } else throw new TransitionDefinitionException("Transition definition error: pre and post not well ordered "+ newPre+" "+newPost); } /** * Returns the length of the transition (post - pre - 1). * */ public int length(){ return ( - this.pre -1); } /** * Returns a transition representing the intersection with the given transition. * */ public Transition intersection(Transition t){ try{ return (new Transition(Math.max(this.pre, t.pre), Math.min(,, "INT")); } catch(Exception e){ return null; } } /** * Returns true if there is an intersection with the given transition. * */ public boolean intersected(Transition t){ return (Math.max(this.pre, t.pre) < Math.min(,; } /** * Returns an Xml style string of transition. * */ public String toString(){ return ""+System.getProperty("line.separator"); } /** * Returns an Xml style string of transition. * */ public String toString(String tag){ return "<"+tag+" type=\""+this.type+"\" pre=\""+this.pre+"\" post=\"""\"/>"+System.getProperty("line.separator"); } /** * Returns an Xml style string of transition with the Xml element name equal to "sysTrans". * */ public String sysToString(){ return ""+System.getProperty("line.separator"); } /** * Returns an Xml style string of transition with the Xml element name euqal to "refTrans". * */ public String refToString(){ return ""+System.getProperty("line.separator"); } }