<%@page contentType="text/html"%> <%@ page import="gov.globe.tg.*" %> <%@ page import="gov.globe.tg.torque.*" %> <%@ page import="java.sql.*" import="java.util.ArrayList" import="java.util.List" import="org.apache.torque.util.Criteria" %> <%@ page errorPage="concepterror.jsp" %> <%@ taglib uri="WEB-INF/taglib.tld" prefix="set" %> <% // %> <% String contextPath = request.getContextPath(); //create a new pageInfo object for this page. //PageInfo pageInfo = new PageInfo(request); //history.update(pageInfo); //HttpServletRequest req = BreadCrumbUtils.getHistoricPage(request); //if (req != null) request = req; //get results from search String gradelevelIdParam[] = request.getParameterValues("gradelevel"); int invToTaskIds[] = null; String conceptParam = request.getParameter("concept"); //Revert to the previous sectionId if the the current sectionIdParam is not specified in the request. if (gradelevelIdParam == null && conceptParam == null) { gradelevelIdParam = (String[]) session.getAttribute("gradelevel"); conceptParam = (String) session.getAttribute("concept"); } else { session.setAttribute("gradelevel", gradelevelIdParam); session.setAttribute("concept", conceptParam); } if (gradelevelIdParam == null && conceptParam == null) { throw new Exception("Your session has expired. Please start over at the eGuide Homepage" ); } if (gradelevelIdParam == null && conceptParam == null) { throw new Exception ("Go back and select a grade level and " + "choose either a concept or an investigation area."); } else if (gradelevelIdParam == null) { throw new Exception ("Go back and select a grade level."); } else if (conceptParam == null) { throw new Exception ("Go back and select a concept or an investigation area."); } System.out.println("Testing just checking the request?" + request.getParameter("concept")); //find where the pipe is in the string int index = conceptParam.indexOf("|"); System.out.println("print conceptParam: " + conceptParam); //get the concept type and put it in the conceptType object String conceptType = conceptParam.substring(0,index); //get the concept id and put it in the conceptId String conceptId = conceptParam.substring(index + 1); //populate this with ConceptIdStructures to be displayed later ConceptStructure conceptStruct = null; ArrayList conceptIdStructures = new ArrayList(); if ("inv".equals(conceptType)) { //if this conceptId now equals "inv|" then convert conceptId from a string to an integer: Integer invid = new Integer(conceptId); //Now that conceptId is an integer, retrieve an investigation area by primary key given an id represented by object "invid". InvestigationArea investarea = InvestigationAreaPeer.retrieveByPK(invid); //create the conceptStructure which is displayed later conceptStruct = new ConceptStructure(); conceptStruct.conceptHeader = investarea.getName(); //now we get all the tasks the relate to the investigation area //first we get all the Investigations To Tasks List invToTasks = investarea.getInvestigationToTasks(); //now we get all the Tasks, that are associated with //grade level and investigation //get the taskIds from the investigation to task table. invToTaskIds = new int[invToTasks.size()]; //cycle through each investigation to task , extracting the task id //and placing it in the taskIds array for (int i = 0; i < invToTasks.size(); i++){ InvestigationToTask iToTask = (InvestigationToTask) invToTasks.get(i); invToTaskIds[i] = iToTask.getTaskId().intValue(); } //GOAL: get the task id from the gradelevels to task join table //create a query to get all grade levels to task rows. Criteria glCrit = new Criteria(); glCrit.addIn(TgGradeLevelsToTaskPeer.GRADELEVELID,gradelevelIdParam); //execute the query List gls = TgGradeLevelsToTaskPeer.doSelect(glCrit); int glToTaskId[] = new int[gls.size()]; //cycle though each grade levels to task row extracting the //task id, and placing that in the glToTaskId array for (int i = 0; i < gls.size(); i++){ TgGradeLevelsToTask gltot = (TgGradeLevelsToTask) gls.get(i); glToTaskId[i] = gltot.getTaskId().intValue(); } //build the criteria to query the task id Criteria invCrit = new Criteria(); invCrit.addIn(TgGlobeTaskPeer.TASKID,invToTaskIds); Criteria c = new Criteria(); c.addIn(TgGlobeTaskPeer.TASKID,glToTaskId); Criteria andCrit = new Criteria(); andCrit.add(invCrit.getCriterion(TgGlobeTaskPeer.TASKID)); andCrit.and(c.getCriterion(TgGlobeTaskPeer.TASKID)); //query for the tasks List tasks = TgGlobeTaskPeer.doSelect(andCrit); //GOAL: get concepts to task //now we get the conceptToTasks ids int taskIds[] = new int[tasks.size()]; //cycle through each task, placing its id in the taskIds array for (int i = 0; i < tasks.size(); i++){ TgGlobeTask tg = (TgGlobeTask) tasks.get(i); taskIds[i] = tg.getTaskId().intValue(); } //create the criteria to query for concepts to tasks invCrit.clear(); //adding the array we just created of conceptToTask ids to the criteria invCrit.addIn(ConceptToTaskPeer.TASKID, taskIds); //do the query List conceptToTasks = ConceptToTaskPeer.doSelect(invCrit); //GOAL get the criteria String conceptIds[] = new String[conceptToTasks.size()]; //cycle through each concepttoTask object, extracting the concept //id into the conceptIds array for (int i = 0; i < conceptToTasks.size(); i++){ ConceptToTask conceptToTask = (ConceptToTask) conceptToTasks.get(i); conceptIds[i] = conceptToTask.getConceptCode(); } //create the criteria invCrit.clear(); invCrit.addIn(EducationConceptPeer.CONCEPTCODE,conceptIds); invCrit.addAscendingOrderByColumn(EducationConceptPeer.CONCEPTCODE); //execute the query List educationConcepts = EducationConceptPeer.doSelect(invCrit); //we have all concepts, now we cycle through each of the concepts //extracting the name and the code, placing those into the //conceptStructure which is used to display later for (int i = 0; i < educationConcepts.size(); i++){ EducationConcept concept = (EducationConcept) educationConcepts.get(i); ConceptIdPair pair = new ConceptIdPair(); pair.conceptName = concept.getConceptName(); pair.conceptCode = concept.getConceptCode(); conceptStruct.conceptIdPairs.add(pair); } } else if ("area".equals(conceptType)) { //No integer conversion is necessary at this point since the fields we will query are Varchars. //Retrieve an education area by primary key given an id represented by object "conceptId". EducationArea educarea = EducationAreaPeer.retrieveByPK(conceptId); //create the conceptStructure which is displayed later conceptStruct = new ConceptStructure(); conceptStruct.conceptHeader = educarea.getAreaName(); //now we get all the tasks and concept codes that relate to the education area //first we get all the concepts associated with the Area from Area To Concepts List areaToConcepts = educarea.getAreaToConcepts(); //now we get all the Concepts, that are associated with an Areacode //get the ConceptCode rows from the tg area to concept table. String conCodes[] = new String[areaToConcepts.size()]; //cycle through each area to concept row , extracting the conceptcodes //and placing them in the conCodes array for (int i = 0; i < areaToConcepts.size(); i++){ AreaToConcept aToConcept = (AreaToConcept) areaToConcepts.get(i); conCodes[i] = aToConcept.getConceptCode(); } //GOAL: get the task id from the gradelevels to task join table //create a query to get all grade levels to task rows. Criteria glCrit = new Criteria(); glCrit.addIn(TgGradeLevelsToTaskPeer.GRADELEVELID,gradelevelIdParam); //execute the query List gls = TgGradeLevelsToTaskPeer.doSelect(glCrit); int glToTaskId[] = new int[gls.size()]; //cycle though each grade levels to task row extracting the //task id, and placing that in the glToTaskId array for (int i = 0; i < gls.size(); i++){ TgGradeLevelsToTask gltot = (TgGradeLevelsToTask) gls.get(i); glToTaskId[i] = gltot.getTaskId().intValue(); } //build the criteria to query concept_to_tasks Criteria conCodeCrit = new Criteria(); conCodeCrit.addIn(ConceptToTaskPeer.CONCEPTCODE,conCodes); Criteria taskIdCrit = new Criteria(); taskIdCrit.addIn(ConceptToTaskPeer.TASKID,glToTaskId); Criteria andCrit = new Criteria(); andCrit.add(conCodeCrit.getCriterion(ConceptToTaskPeer.CONCEPTCODE)); andCrit.and(taskIdCrit.getCriterion(ConceptToTaskPeer.TASKID)); //execute query List cttConCodes = ConceptToTaskPeer.doSelect(andCrit); String edConCodes[] = new String[cttConCodes.size()]; //cycle though each concept to task row extracting the //conceptcode, and placing that in the edConCode array for (int i = 0; i < cttConCodes.size(); i++){ ConceptToTask ccContot = (ConceptToTask) cttConCodes.get(i); edConCodes[i] = ccContot.getConceptCode(); } //create the criteria conCodeCrit.clear(); conCodeCrit.addIn(EducationConceptPeer.CONCEPTCODE,edConCodes); conCodeCrit.addAscendingOrderByColumn(EducationConceptPeer.CONCEPTCODE); //execute the query List educationConcepts = EducationConceptPeer.doSelect(conCodeCrit); //we have all concepts, now we cycle through each of the concepts //extracting the name and the code, placing those into the //conceptStructure which is used to display later for (int i = 0; i < educationConcepts.size(); i++){ EducationConcept concept = (EducationConcept) educationConcepts.get(i); ConceptIdPair pair = new ConceptIdPair(); pair.conceptName = concept.getConceptName(); pair.conceptCode = concept.getConceptCode(); conceptStruct.conceptIdPairs.add(pair); } } //query for grade levels Criteria glCrit = new Criteria(); glCrit.addIn(TgGradeLevelsPeer.GRADELEVELID,gradelevelIdParam); glCrit.addAscendingOrderByColumn(TgGradeLevelsPeer.GRADELEVELID); List gradelevlist = TgGradeLevelsPeer.doSelect(glCrit); //iterate through list to form part of the get request parms StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0 ; i < gradelevelIdParam.length; i++){ sb.append("gradeLevelId="); sb.append(gradelevelIdParam[i]); sb.append("&"); } String gradeGetRequest = sb.toString(); //} //For breadcrumbs add: //pageInfo.setTitle(conceptStruct.conceptHeader + " Concepts"); %> GLOBE eGuide Concept Search Results
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<% //%>

> <%=conceptStruct.conceptHeader%> Concepts

<% //cycle through tg_investigation_area String tgToTaskGet = null; if (invToTaskIds == null) { tgToTaskGet = ""; } else { StringBuffer sb2 = new StringBuffer("&invToTask="); for (int i = 0; i < invToTaskIds.length; i++){ sb2.append(invToTaskIds[i]); if (i < invToTaskIds.length - 1) { sb2.append(','); } } tgToTaskGet = sb2.toString(); } //cycle through concepts for (int i = 0 ; i < conceptStruct.conceptIdPairs.size(); i++){ ConceptIdPair pair = (ConceptIdPair) conceptStruct.conceptIdPairs.get(i); %><% } %>
<%=conceptStruct.conceptHeader%> Concepts
for <% for (int i = 0 ; i < gradelevlist.size(); ){ TgGradeLevels tggl = (TgGradeLevels) gradelevlist.get(i); out.print(tggl.getGradeLevel()); //next to last element if (i == gradelevlist.size() - 2) { out.print(" and "); } //last element else if (i == gradelevlist.size() - 1){ } //all others else if (i < gradelevlist.size()) { out.print(", "); } i++; } %> Grades
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<%! private class ConceptIdPair { public String conceptName; public String conceptCode; } private class ConceptStructure { public String conceptHeader; public ArrayList conceptIdPairs = new ArrayList(); } %>