dset ^WW3_06Z index ^WW3_06Z.idx undef 9.999E+20 title WW3_06Z * produced by grib2ctl v0.9.12.5p33f dtype grib 255 options yrev ydef 45 linear 34.000000 0.25 xdef 37 linear -78.000000 0.250000 tdef 50 linear 06Z13apr2005 3hr zdef 1 linear 1 1 vars 4 HTSGWsfc 0 100,1,1 ** surface Sig height of wind waves and swell [m] UGRDsfc 0 33,1,1 ** surface u wind [m/s] VGRDsfc 0 34,1,1 ** surface v wind [m/s] WVPERsfc 0 103,1,1 ** surface Mean period of wind waves [s] ENDVARS