Document Revision 1.4 - January, 1992 PhoneLineTM An On-line Corporate & Personal Phone Book For VINES Networks User's Guide CCOM Information Systems 555 Route 1 South Iselin, New Jersey 08830 (908) 634-8808 Information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of CCOM Information Systems. The software described in this document is furnished under a license agreement or non- disclosure agreement. The software may used or copied only in accordance with the terms of the agreement. It is against the law to copy the software on any medium except as specifically allowed in the license or non-disclosure agreement. No part of this manual may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, for any purpose without the expressed written permission of CCOM Information Systems. Copyright 1992, CCOM Information Systems. All rights reserved. PhoneLine and the PhoneLine logo are trademarks of CCOM Information Systems. Banyan, VINES, and the Banyan logo are registered trademarks of Banyan Systems, Inc. StreetTalk is a trademark of Banyan Systems, Inc. MS-DOS and MS-Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. PhoneLine User's Guide Contents About This Manual v Introduction vi Preface: System Features vii Banyan VINES Integration vii PhoneLine Searches vii PhoneLine Directories vii Multi-field Queries vii PhoneLine Configuration viii Part 1: PhoneLine For Windows Chapter 1: Getting Started 1 Chapter 2: PhoneLine Directories 2 Corporate and Personal Directories 2 Basic and Detail Information 4 Chapter 3: Procedures 6 Detail Information 6 Scrolling Through The Directory 6 Search By Letters 6 Direct Search 6 Exiting PhoneLine 7 Chapter 4: The Toolbar 8 Buttons 8 Toggle Directory Button 8 Phonetic Search Button 8 Extension Search Button 9 PhoneLine User's Guide Contents STDA Search Button 11 Clear Search Button 13 E-Mail Button 13 Chapter 5: File Menu 14 Open Directory Option 14 New Directory Option 14 Delete Directory Option 15 Close Directory Option 15 Chapter 6: Entries Menu 17 Add Entry Option 17 Modify Entry Option 18 Delete Directory Option 19 Chapter 7: Utilities Menu 20 STDA Option 20 Query Option 21 Re-index Directory Option 22 Part 2: PhoneLine For DOS Chapter 8: Getting Started 23 Initialization File 23 Terminate Stay Resident (TSR) 23 Releasing Phone For DOS TSR 24 Swapping In Expanded Memory 24 Chapter 9: PhoneLine Directories 25 Corporate and Personal Directories 25 PhoneLine User's Guide Contents Basic and Detail Information 26 Chapter 10: Procedures 28 Detail Information 28 Scrolling Through The Directory 28 Search By Letters 28 Direct Search 28 Exiting PhoneLine 29 Chapter 11: Application Control 30 Keyboard Control 30 Mouse Control 31 Chapter 12: File Menu 32 Toggle Directory Option 32 Open Directory Option 32 New Directory Option 32 Delete Directory Option 33 Chapter 13: Entries Menu 34 Add Directory Entry Option 34 Modify Directory Entry Option 35 Delete Directory Entry Option 36 Chapter 14: Search Menu 37 Phonetic Search Option 37 Extension Search Option 38 STDA Search Option 39 Clear Search String Option 41 PhoneLine User's Guide Contents Chapter 15: Utilities Menu 42 STDA Option 42 Query Option 42 E-Mail Option 43 Re-index Directory Option 44 Chapter 16: Help Menu 45 Part 3: PhoneLine Configuration Chapter 17: Configuration 46 Data Files 46 Index Files 46 Initialization File 47 Initialization File Settings 48 Sample Initialization File 53 Chapter 18: MkIndex 55 Creating PhoneLine Corporate Indexes55 Creating A PhoneLine Personal Index56 Chapter 19: Error Messages 57 Corporate Initialization Errors 58 Personal Initialization Errors 59 PhoneLine User's Guide About This Manual The PhoneLine User's Guide is a complete reference to the use of this software product. We assume that you are familiar with VINES, DOS and MS-Windows; therefore, no attempt will be made to cover these subjects in detail. Please refer to your VINES, DOS or MS-Windows manuals if you need more information on these subjects. This manual is comprised of three parts: PhoneLine For Windows, PhoneLine For DOS, and PhoneLine Configuration. PhoneLine User's Guide Introduction Most companies print their corporate or institutional telephone directories a few times a year. They usually are costly to print, use enormous amounts of paper and are outdated the minute they are distributed. Is there a better solution, ABSOLUTELY: PhoneLine lets LAN users access your telephone directory on-line. PhoneLine is a VINES integrated telephone directory software product that can be accessed by any user on your VINES network through a DOS or MS- Windows interface. PhoneLine provides easy access to your corporate or institutional telephone directory and supplements or replaces outdated paper phone books. PhoneLine takes existing directory information, whether its from your Mainframe/Mini/PC database or Public Branch Exchange (PBX), in ASCII (flat file) format and makes it available to network users. Once a name is located, the PhoneLine user can optionally search for a persons StreetTalk name and send them a VINES E- mail message. This eliminates the need to exit PhoneLine to send E-mail. Full StreetTalk Directory Assistance has been incorporated into PhoneLine For Windows, providing the user with "one stop shopping" for telephone and StreetTalk information. Combined with Personal Directories, Multi-field Corporate Directory queries, Phonetic and Extension searches; PhoneLine can truly enhance user productivity. PhoneLine User's Guide Preface System Features The features described below are several of the key elements of PhoneLine. Banyan VINES Integration PhoneLine is integrated with the Banyan VINES network and provides an interface to STDA (StreetTalk Directory Assistance) and E-Mail services. PhoneLine Searches PhoneLine provides the ability to search for telephone directory information by direct, phonetic, extension and STDA searches. PhoneLine Directories PhoneLine uses two types of Directories: Corporate and Personal. There is one main Corporate Directory and one Corporate type Directory that can be generated by Queries. PhoneLine can create and manage many Personal type Directories. Queries PhoneLine provides multi-field queries for the Corporate Directory. Preface System Features PhoneLine Configuration PhoneLine is configurable in many ways: Field Name, Field Length, Field Display, STDA Search pattern, and Extension Search pattern. Refer to the PhoneLine Configuration part of this manual for more information. PhoneLine For Windows Chapter 1 Getting Started In order to run PhoneLine For Windows, your version of Banyan VINES software must be 4.10 (5) or greater; and MS- Windows must be 3.0 or greater and VINES aware. We recommend that a Windows PC should have at least 2-4 megabytes of RAM. Prior to running PhoneLine For Windows for the first time, the initialization file (phlinew.ini) must be configured and the mkindex.exe program must be invoked. Refer to the PhoneLine Configuration part of this manual for more information. The initialization file, the PhoneLine For Windows help file (phlinew.hlp), and a Windows Dynamic Linked Library (bwcc.dll) must be installed in the same directory as the PhoneLine For Windows executable (phlinew.exe). To run PhoneLine For Windows, add a Windows program item called PhoneLine. The command line should include the executable (phlinew.exe). PhoneLine For Windows Chapter 2 PhoneLine Directories Corporate and Personal Directories PhoneLine For Windows uses two types of Directories: Corporate and Personal. There is one Corporate Directory and one Corporate type Directory that can be generated by Queries. There can be many Personal type Directories. The Corporate type is associated with three files: a data file, an index file and an extension file. The DOS file extensions are respectively .dat, .idx and .ext. The Personal type is associated with two files: a data file and an index file. The DOS file extensions are respectively .dat and .idx. The maximum number of Entries for each Personal Directory is 150 Entries. PhoneLine For Windows looks for these files as specified in the [Files] section of the initialization file (phlinew.ini). By default, the Corporate Directory name is corpdir, and its associated files are corpdir.dat, corpdir.idx and corpdir.ext. By default the Personal Directory name is personal, and its associated files are personal.dat and personal.idx. In addition to the Corporate Directory, PhoneLine For Windows maintains a Corporate type Directory called the Corporate Query Directory. This Directory contains the same structure as the Corporate Directory as defined in the [Corporate] section of the initialization file. Refer to Chapter 7 for more information about Queries. Chapter 2 PhoneLine Directories PhoneLine For Windows provides for up to ten (10) fields per Directory Entry for both the Corporate and Personal type Directories. Each field is uniquely identified by Field Title as defined in the [Corporate] and [Personal] sections of the initialization file. The Corporate and Personal Directories are sorted by a key field. For the Corporate Directory, the key field is defined as Field1 in the [Corporate] section of the initialization file. For the Personal Directories, the key field is defined as Field1 in the [Personal] section of the initialization file. Refer to the PhoneLine Configuration part of the manual for more information about the initialization file. Chapter 2 PhoneLine Directories Basic and Detail Information As defined in the initialization file, Directory Entries are displayed as Basic and Detail Information. Basic Information consists of the fields that are displayed in the Directory Entries box. The Basic Information display includes fields which are specified in the DisplayFields setting in the initialization file. The rest of the fields will be displayed in the Detail Information box. Chapter 2 PhoneLine Directories Detail Information will be displayed in a Detail Information box. All fields associated with a Directory Entry will be displayed in this box. PhoneLine For Windows Chapter 3 Procedures Detail Information To get Detail Information associated with a Directory Entry, press the Return key or click on the left mouse button while the pointer is on a Directory Entry. When a Directory Entry is selected, it is highlighted and a Detail Information box will be displayed. Scrolling Through The Directory The Entries in a Directory are displayed in a Directory Entries box. The Directory Entries can be scrolled using the scrollbar or the cursor movement keys. Search By Letters You can search for a Directory Entry by typing the letters of the key field. (Refer to the PhoneLine Directories section in Chapter 2 for more information about the key field.) As each letter is entered, the letters are displayed in the 'Search For:' box and the highlight bar will be positioned at the Entry beginning with the search string. If no Entry is found beginning with the search string, PhoneLine will sound a beep. Pressing the Backspace key will erase the last letter in the 'Search For:' box. Pressing Ctrl-BkSp (Control Backspace) will erase all the letters in the 'Search For:' box. Direct Search You can directly search for a Directory Entry by pressing the left mouse button while the pointer is in the 'Search For:' box. The cursor will be positioned at the beginning of the box. Type in a search pattern and press the Return key. If an Entry is found, the Chapter 3 Procedures highlight bar will be positioned at the Entry. If an Entry is not found, PhoneLine will sound a beep. A partial name can be entered for a direct search. Exiting PhoneLine You may exit PhoneLine For Windows from either the File Menu Close Option or from the System Menu Close Option (the System Menu appears when you click on the small bar in the upper left hand corner). If you choose the File Menu Close Option, PhoneLine will ask for confirmation before exiting. PhoneLine For Windows Chapter 4 The Toolbar Buttons The Toolbar buttons allow quick access to some of the features in PhoneLine For Windows. Toggle Directory Button By pressing the Toggle Directory button, you can switch from the Corporate Directory to the Personal Directory. If you are viewing any other Directory, pressing the Toggle Directory button will switch back to the Corporate Directory. Phonetic Search Button By pressing the Phonetic Search button, you can search for Entries without knowing their exact spelling. Enter a search string in the 'Phonetic Search:' box and press the Return key. If a single match is found, the highlight bar will be positioned at the Entry in the Directory Entries box and the Detail Information will be displayed. If several phonetically equivalent Entries are found, they are displayed in a list box. Choose the desired Entry and click on the OK button or double click on the Entry. The highlight bar will be positioned at the Entry in the Directory Entries box and the Detail Information will be displayed. Chapter 4 The Toolbar Extension Search Button By pressing the Extension Search button, you can search the Corporate Directory for a phone extension. The search uses the Extension setting as defined in the initialization file. Enter a four digit extension in the 'Extension Search:' box and press the Return key. If a single match is found, the highlight bar will be positioned at the Entry in the Directory Entries box and the Detail Information will be displayed. If more than one match is found, the matches are displayed in a list box. Choose the desired Entry and click on the OK button or double click on the Entry. The highlight bar will be positioned at the Entry in the Directory Entries box and the Detail Information will be displayed. Chapter 4 The Toolbar For example, if Field2 is defined as the Extension setting, PhoneLine will parse the field for the last four digits and perform the search. (Refer to the PhoneLine Configuration part of this manual for more information.) i.e. If the Extension setting is defined in the initialization file as: Extension = Field2 and the contents of Field2 is: 212-703-4143 the search pattern will be: 4143 The extensions located are displayed in a list box. Chapter 4 The Toolbar STDA Search Button By pressing the STDA Search button, you can locate one or several StreetTalk Ids associated with the selected Directory Entry. The search looks for the STDA setting as defined in the initialization file. The STDA setting can consist of one or two comma separated fields. If only one field is used and the field is the key field, (refer to the PhoneLine Directories section in Chapter 2 for more information about the key field.), PhoneLine will parse the contents of the field and compose a search pattern out of the first and second words. The words may be separated by spaces or a comma. The order of the first and second words will be reversed in order to accommodate the StreetTalk convention of Firstname, Lastname. Otherwise, if any other field is defined in the STDA pattern, the entire contents of the field will be used. For example, if Field1 is defined to be the STDA setting, PhoneLine will parse the field and perform the search. i.e. If the STDA setting is defined in the initialization file as: STDA = Field1 and the contents of Field1 is: Smith, John the search pattern will be: John*Smith*@*@* If two fields are used, PhoneLine will not parse the fields. Instead the full contents of each field will be used for the search. For Chapter 4 The Toolbar example, if the STDA setting is defined to be Field1 and Field2, PhoneLine will perform the search on the combined fields. i.e. If the STDA setting was defined in the initialization file as: STDA = Field2, Field1 and the contents of Field1 and Field 2 are respectively: Smith John the search pattern will be: John*Smith*@*@* The StreetTalk Ids located are displayed in a list box. Choose the desired Id and click on the OK button or double click on the Id. The selected Id can be later used in the 'To:' field of the E- Mail feature. Chapter 4 The Toolbar Clear Search Button By pressing the Clear Search button, the letters in the Search box will be cleared. You can also clear the Search box by pressing the Ctrl-BkSp (Control Backspace) keys. E-Mail Button By pressing the E-Mail button, you can send Banyan VINES electronic mail. To populate the 'To:' and 'Cc:' fields, you can enter a valid StreetTalk Id or select the STDA option and choose an Id. If a previous STDA Search was invoked, the 'To:' field will be populated with the selected match. PhoneLine For Windows Chapter 5 File Menu The File Menu allows you to manipulate Directories and exit PhoneLine For Windows. The File Menu contains the following items: Open Directory Option This option allows you to open a PhoneLine Directory. A list of Directories will be displayed. The list will be Directories in the Personal Path as specified in the initialization file (phlinew.ini). Once a Directory is selected, its Entries will be displayed in the Directory Entries box. New Directory Option This option allows you to create a new PhoneLine Personal type Directory. By entering a Directory name and selecting OK, the new Directory will be created and an empty Directory Entries box will be displayed. Chapter 5 File Menu The new Directory will be created in the Personal Path as specified in the initialization file. Delete Directory Option This option allows you to delete a Personal Directory. This option refers to the Directory currently in view. (In order to delete a Directory, you must open it first). A confirmation box will be displayed before the Directory is deleted. Close Option This option will exit PhoneLine For Windows. A confirmation box will be displayed. Chapter 5 File Menu Click on the OK button to exit or press the Return key to exit PhoneLine For Windows. Click on the Cancel button to return to PhoneLine For Windows. PhoneLine For Windows Chapter 6 Entries Menu The Entries Menu allows you to Add, Modify and Delete Personal Directory Entries. Each Directory is sorted by a key field. The key field is defined as Field1 in the [Personal] section of the initialization file. The key field must begin with an uppercase letter. Add Entry Option This option allows you to add a new Personal Directory entry. Upon invoking this option, a data entry box will be displayed. To add an entry, fill in the fields. The first character of the key field must be a letter. PhoneLine will force the first letter to be uppercase. Use the mouse or press the Tab key to move from field to field. Press the Return key or click on the OK button to accept the new Entry. Click on the Cancel button to exit the operation. When a new Directory Entry is added to the Directory, the Entry will be positioned at the end of the Personal Directory. To sort the Entries by the key field, use the Re-index Directory option in the Utilities Menu. The modified Directory will be re-indexed automatically when you open a different Directory, use the Toggle Directory button or when you exit PhoneLine For Windows. Refer to Chapter 7 for more information about Re-indexing Directories. Chapter 6 Entries Menu Modify Entry Option This option allows you to modify a Personal Directory Entry. Prior to modifying an Entry, you must first make the Entry current by pressing the Return key or clicking on the left mouse button while the mouse pointer is on a Directory Entry. Upon invoking this option, a data entry box will be displayed. To modify an entry, change the information in the desired fields. The first character of the key field must be a letter. PhoneLine will force the first letter to be uppercase. Use the mouse or press the Tab key to move from field to field. Press the Return key or click on the OK button to accept the modified Entry. Click on the Cancel button to exit the operation. If the key field of a Directory Entry is modified, the Entry may be out of sort order. To sort the Entries by the key field, use the Re-index Directory option in the Utilities Menu. The modified Directory will be re-indexed automatically when you open a different Directory, use the Toggle Directory button or when you exit PhoneLine For Windows. Refer to Chapter 7 for more information about Re-indexing Directories. Chapter 6 Entries Menu Delete Entry Option This option allows you to delete a Personal Directory entry. Prior to deleting an Entry, you must first make the Entry current by pressing the Return key or clicking on the left mouse button while the mouse pointer is on a Directory Entry. Upon invoking this option, a confirmation box will be displayed. Press the Return key or click on the OK button to confirm the deletion. Click on the Cancel button to exit the operation. When a Directory Entry is deleted, the a blank Entry will appear in the Directory Entries box. To remove this blank Entry, use the Re-index Directory option in the Utilities Menu. The blank Entry will be automatically be removed when you open a different Directory, use the Toggle Directory button or when you exit PhoneLine For Windows. Refer to Chapter 7 for more information about Re-indexing Directories. PhoneLine For Windows Chapter 7 Utilities Menu The Utilities Menu provides an interface to STDA, Multi-field Corporate Queries, and Re-indexing Personal type Directories. STDA Option This option provides access to StreetTalk Directory Assistance (STDA). The database is made up of classes that include users, lists, and nicknames. This feature allows you to: Scroll through the STDA database of names. Enter a pattern in the search text area to match and locate a name in the database. Use the subset command to search for a name. Chapter 7 Utilities Menu Query Option This option will query the Corporate Directory. A query box will appear with the Corporate Directory fields. By filling in the fields, a query is composed. PhoneLine will search for all Directory Entries that contain fields matching the values specified in the query. If a query field is left empty, any value will be matched. Values in the query fields may contain partial search information. For example, a query field containing the letter 'A' will match any value beginning with the letter 'A'. A successful query will result in a new Corporate Query Directory which will be displayed in the Directory Entries box. To toggle back to the full Corporate Directory, select the Toggle Directory button on the Toolbar. Chapter 7 Utilities Menu PhoneLine maintains a single Corporate Query Directory. Subsequent queries will overwrite the existing Query Directory. Re-index Directory Option This option will alphabetically sort Personal type Directories based on the key field. The key field is defined as Field1 in the [Personal] section of the initialization file. The key field must begin with an uppercase letter. PhoneLine will automatically re-index a modified Directory when you open a different Directory, use the Toggle Directory button or when you exit PhoneLine for Windows. PhoneLine For DOS Chapter 8 Getting Started PhoneLine For DOS operates in two modes for the MS-DOS environment. The first mode is a regular executable. The second mode is a TSR (Terminate Stay Resident) executable that can be re- executed from memory via a Hot-Key. Prior to running PhoneLine For DOS, the initialization file (phline.ini) must be configured and the mkindex.exe program must be invoked. Refer to the PhoneLine Configuration part of this manual for more information. Initialization File PhoneLine For DOS (phline.exe) must be invoked with the /i switch. This switch provides the path to the initialization file (phline.ini). i.e. phline /i phline.ini Terminate Stay Resident (TSR) When PhoneLine For DOS is invoked with the optional /r switch, PhoneLine is loaded in memory as a TSR (Terminate Stay Resident) program. In order to re-execute the memory resident program, press Alt-D. To release the program from memory, use the freedir.exe program . To override the default TSR Hot-Key, use the /h option in conjunction with the /r switch. PhoneLine For DOS will prompt you to enter two keys. The prompts are as follows: Chapter 8 Getting Started The Hot-Key To Activate The TSR Can Be Alt Or Ctrl Press A For Alt, C For Ctrl: Press Any Character Or Function Key 1-10: If any an invalid Hot-Key was entered, PhoneLine For DOS will display the message: Hot-Key Not Registered If a valid combination was entered, PhoneLine will display the Hot-Key. When PhoneLine For DOS is executed as a TSR, two files are created in the root of the C drive (C:\). The files are phline.scr and phline.swp. These files are used for saving the screen and swapping the process image between TSR invocations. When PhoneLine For DOS is released from memory, these files will be removed. In the event, the PC is rebooted while PhoneLine For DOS is memory resident, these files will not be removed. However, upon the next TSR invocation, these files will be re- written. Releasing PhoneLine For DOS TSR To release the PhoneLine For DOS TSR from memory, invoke freedir.exe. This command assumes that PhoneLine For DOS is the last TSR to be loaded in memory. If PhoneLine is not the last TSR in memory, it will not be released. Swapping In Expanded Memory By default, when PhoneLine For DOS is invoked with the /r switch, the process image will be swapped to the hard disk when PhoneLine is not active. If the PhoneLine user wants to use expanded memory to swap the process image, PhoneLine For DOS must be invoked with the /e switch in conjunction with the /r switch. PhoneLine For DOS Chapter 9 PhoneLine Directories Corporate and Personal Directories PhoneLine For DOS uses two types of Directories: Corporate and Personal. There is one Corporate Directory and one Corporate type Directory that can be generated by Queries. There can be many Personal type Directories. The Corporate type is associated with three files: a data file, an index file and an extension file. The DOS file extensions are respectively .dat, .idx and .ext. The Personal type is associated with two files: a data file and an index file. The file DOS extensions are respectively .dat and .idx. The maximum number of Entries for each Personal Directory is 150 Entries. PhoneLine For DOS looks for these files as specified in the [Files] section of the initialization file (phline.ini.). By default, the Corporate Directory name is corpdir, and its associated files are corpdir.dat, corpdir.idx and corpdir.ext. By default the Personal Directory name is personal, and its associated files are personal.dat and personal.idx. In addition to the Corporate Directory, PhoneLine For DOS maintains a Corporate type Directory called the Corporate Query Directory. This Directory contains the same structure as the Corporate Directory as defined in the [Corporate] section of the initialization file. Refer to Chapter 15 for more information about Queries. Chapter 9 PhoneLine Directories PhoneLine For DOS provides for up to ten (10) fields per Directory Entry for both the Corporate and Personal type Directories. Each field is uniquely identified. by Field Title as defined in the [Corporate] and [Personal] sections of the initialization file. The Corporate and Personal Directories are sorted by a key field. For the Corporate Directory, the key field is defined as Field1 in the [Corporate] section of the initialization file. For the Personal Directories, the key field is defined as Field1 in the [Personal] section of the initialization file. Refer to the PhoneLine Configuration part of the manual for more information about the initialization file. Basic and Detail Information As defined in the initialization file, Directory Entries are displayed as Basic and Detail Information. Basic Information consists of the fields that are displayed in the Directory Entries box. Chapter 9 PhoneLine Directories The Basic Information display includes fields which are specified in the DisplayFields setting in the initialization file. The rest of the fields will be displayed in the Detail Information box. Detail Information will be displayed in a Detail Information box. All fields associated with a Directory Entry will be displayed in this box. PhoneLine For DOS Chapter 10 Procedures Detail Information To get Detail Information associated with a Directory Entry, press the Return key or click on the left mouse button while the pointer is on a highlighted Directory Entry. Scrolling Through The Directory The Entries in a Directory are displayed in a Directory Entries box. The Directory Entries can be scrolled using the scrollbar or the cursor movement keys. Search By Letters You can search for a Directory Entry by typing the letters of the key field. (Refer to the PhoneLine Directories section in Chapter 9 for more information about the key field.) As each letter is entered, the letters are displayed in the 'Search For:' box and the highlight bar will be positioned at the Entry beginning with the search string. If no Entry is found beginning with the search string, PhoneLine will sound a beep. Pressing the Backspace key will erase the last letter in the 'Search For:' box. Pressing Ctrl-BkSp (Control Backspace) will erase all the letters in the 'Search For:' box. Direct Search You can directly search for a Directory Entry by pressing the left mouse button while the pointer is in the 'Search For:' box or by pressing the TAB key. The cursor will be positioned at the beginning of the box. Type in a search pattern and press the Return key. If an Entry is found, the highlight bar will be Chapter 10 Procedures positioned at the Entry. If the Entry is not found, PhoneLine will sound a beep. A partial name can be entered for a direct search. Exiting PhoneLine You may exit PhoneLine For DOS by pressing the Escape (Esc) key or by clicking the left mouse button while the pointer is on the Exit Attribute ( ). PhoneLine For DOS Chapter 11 Application Control PhoneLine can be controlled by using the mouse or the keyboard. The highlighted Directory Entry is the selected Entry. Keyboard Control Selects the next entry in the Directory Entries box. Selects the previous entry in the Directory Entries box. PgDn Moves the Entries in the Directory Entries box one page down. PgUp Moves the Entries in the Directory Entries box one page up. Alt-P Accepts a Phonetic Search pattern. Alt-S Accepts a STDA Search pattern. Alt-E Accepts an Extension Search pattern A-Z Character by character search. Ctrl- Clears the search box. BkSp ENTER Displays the selected entry's Detail Information. Esc Exits PhoneLine For DOS TAB Accepts a Direct Search pattern. Chapter 11 Application Control Keyboard Control F1 Invokes the Help Menu. F2 Invokes the File Menu. F3 Invokes the Entries Menu. F4 Invokes the Search Menu. F5 Invokes the Utilities Menu. Mouse Control Single click of the left mouse button selects the next entry in the Directory Entries box. Hold down the left mouse button scrolls down the Directory Entries box. Single click of the left mouse button selects the previous entry in the Directory Entries box. Hold down the left mouse button scrolls up the Directory Entries. Entry Click on the selected Entry to display the Detail Information. Exits PhoneLine For DOS. Invokes the Help Menu. Search Click in the Search For box for a direct search. PhoneLine For DOS Chapter 12 File Menu The File Menu allows you to manipulate Directories. By pressing F2, the File Menu will display a list box containing the following items: Toggle Directory Option By selecting the Toggle Directory option, you can switch from the Corporate Directory to the Personal Directory. If you are viewing any other Directory, pressing the Toggle Directory button will switch back to the Corporate Directory. Open Directory Option This option allows you to open a PhoneLine Directory. A list of Directories will be displayed. The list will be Directories in the Personal Path as specified in the initialization file (phline.ini). To select a Directory, highlight the desired Directory and press the Return key. Once a Directory is selected, its Entries will be displayed in the Directory Entries box. New Directory Option This option allows you to create a new PhoneLine Personal type Directory. PhoneLine will display a dialog box that prompts you Chapter 12 File Menu to enter a new Directory name. The name can be up to eight (8) characters long. After entering the name, press the Return key. The new Directory will be created and an empty Directory Entries box will be displayed. The new Directory will be created in the Personal Path as specified in the initialization file. Delete Directory Option This option allows you to delete a Personal Directory. A list of Directories will be displayed. The list will be Directories in the Personal Path as specified in the initialization file (phline.ini). To delete a Directory, highlight the desired Directory and press the Return key. A confirmation box will be displayed. Press 'D' to delete the Directory, or 'C' to cancel the operation. PhoneLine For DOS Chapter 13 Entries Menu The Entries Menu allows you to Add, Modify and Delete Personal Directory Entries. Each Directory is sorted by the key field. The key field is defined as Field1 in the [Personal] section of the initialization file. The key field must begin with an uppercase letter. By pressing F3, the Entries Menu will display a list box containing the following items: Add Directory Entry Option This option allows you to add a new Personal Directory Entry. Upon invoking this option, a data entry box will be displayed. To add an entry, fill in the fields. The first character of the key field must be a letter. PhoneLine will force the first letter to be uppercase. Press the Enter key to move from field to field. Once the Entry has been entered, PhoneLine prompts for an action (A/E/C). Pressing the letter 'A' will accept the new Entry. Pressing the letter 'E' will allow you to re-edit the new Entry. Pressing the letter 'C' will cancel the operation. Chapter 13 Entries Menu While adding a new Entry, pressing Ctrl- BkSp (Control Backspace) will clear a field. Pressing the Escape (Esc) key will cancel the operation. When a new Directory Entry is added to the Directory, the Entry will be positioned at the end of the Personal Directory. To sort the Entries by the key field, use the Re-index Directory option in the Utilities Menu. The modified Directory will be re-indexed automatically when you open a different Directory, use the Toggle Directory option or when you exit PhoneLine For DOS. Refer to Chapter 15 for more information about Re-indexing Directories. Modify Directory Entry Option This option allows you to modify a Personal Directory entry. Upon invoking this option, a data entry box will be displayed. To modify an entry, change the information in the desired fields. The first character of the key field must be a letter. PhoneLine will force the first letter to be uppercase. Press the Enter key to move from field to field. Once the Entry has been entered, PhoneLine prompts for an action (A/E/C). Pressing the letter 'A' will accept the modified Entry. Pressing the letter 'E' will allow you to re-edit the Entry. Pressing the letter 'C' will cancel the operation. Chapter 13 Entries Menu While modifying an Entry, pressing Ctrl- BkSp (Control Backspace) will clear a field. Pressing the Escape (Esc) key will cancel the operation. If the key field of a Directory Entry is modified, the Entry may be out of sort order. To sort the Entries by the key field, use the Re-index Directory option in the Utilities Menu. The modified Directory will be re-indexed automatically when you open a different Directory, use the Toggle Directory option or when you exit PhoneLine For DOS. Refer to Chapter 15 for more information about Re-indexing Directories. Delete Directory Entry Option This option allows you to delete a Personal Directory entry. Prior to deletion, a confirmation box will be displayed. PhoneLine will prompt for an action (D/C). Pressing the letter 'D' will delete the Entry. Pressing the letter 'C' will cancel the operation. When a Directory Entry is deleted, a blank Entry will appear in the Directory Entries box. To remove this blank Entry, use the Re-index Directory option in the Utilities Menu. The blank Entry will be automatically removed when you open a different Directory, use the Toggle Directory option or when you exit PhoneLine For DOS. Refer to Chapter 15 for more information about Re-indexing Directories. PhoneLine For DOS Chapter 14 Search Menu By pressing F4, the Search Menu will display a list box containing the following items: Phonetic Search Option By selecting the Phonetic Search option, you can search for Entries without knowing their exact spelling. Enter a search string in the 'Phonetic Search:' box and press the Return key. If a single match is found, the highlight bar will be positioned at the Entry in the Directory Entries box. If several phonetically equivalent Entries are found, they are displayed in a list box. By using the PgUp, PgDn, Up Arrow or Down Arrow keys, highlight the desired Entry and press the Return key. PhoneLine will make the highlighted Directory Entry the selected Entry in the Directory Entries box. Chapter 14 Search Menu An unsuccessful search will be indicated in a message box. The Phonetic Search option can also be invoked by pressing Alt-P. Extension Search Option By selecting the Extension Search option, you can search the Corporate Directory for a phone extension. The search uses the Extension setting as defined in the initialization file (phline.ini). Enter a four digit extension in the 'Extension Search:' box and press the Return key. If a single match is found, the highlight bar will be positioned at the Entry in the Directory Entries box. If more than one match is found, the matches are displayed in a list box. By using the PgUp, PgDn, Up Arrow or Down Arrow keys, highlight the desired Entry and press the Return key. PhoneLine will make the highlighted Directory Entry the selected Entry in the Directory Entries box. For example, if Field2 is defined as the Extension setting, PhoneLine will parse the field for the last four digits and perform Chapter 14 Search Menu the search. (Refer to the PhoneLine Configuration part of this manual for more information.) i.e. If the Extension setting field is defined in the initialization file as: Extension = Field2 and the contents of Field2 is: 212-703-4143 the search pattern will be: 4143 The extensions located are displayed in a list box. An unsuccessful search will be indicated in a message box. The Extension Search option can also be invoked by pressing Alt-E. STDA Search Option By selecting the STDA Search option, you can locate one or several StreetTalk Ids associated with the selected Directory Chapter 14 Search Menu Entry. The search looks for the STDA setting as defined in the initialization file. The STDA setting can consist of one or two comma separated fields. If only one field is used and the field is the key field, (refer to the PhoneLine Directories section in Chapter 9 for more information about the key field.), PhoneLine will parse the contents of the field and compose a search pattern out of the first and second words. The words may be separated by spaces or a comma. The order of the first and second words will be reversed in order to accommodate the StreetTalk convention of Firstname, Lastname. Otherwise, if any other field is defined in the STDA pattern, the entire contents of the field will be used. For example, if Field1 is defined to be the STDA setting, PhoneLine will parse the field and perform the search. i.e. If the STDA setting is defined in the initialization file as: STDA = Field1 and the contents of Field1 is: Smith, John the search pattern will be: John*Smith*@*@* If two fields are used, PhoneLine will not parse the fields. Instead the full contents of each field will be used for the search. For example, if the STDA setting is defined to be Field1 and Field2, PhoneLine will perform the search on the combined fields. Chapter 14 Search Menu i.e. If the STDA setting was defined in the initialization file as: STDA = Field2, Field1 and the contents of Field1 and Field 2 are respectively: Smith John the search pattern will be: John*Smith*@*@* The StreetTalk Ids located are displayed in a list box. By using the PgUp, PgDn, Up Arrow or Down Arrow keys, highlight the desired Id and press the Return key. The selected Id can be later used in the 'To:' field of the E-Mail feature. An unsuccessful search will be indicated in a message box. Clear Search String Option By selecting the Clear Search String option, the letters in the Search box will be cleared. You can also clear the Search box by pressing the Ctrl-BkSp (Control Backspace) keys. PhoneLine For DOS Chapter 15 Utilities Menu The Utilities Menu provides an interface to STDA , Multi-field Corporate Queries, VINES E-mail, and Re-indexing Personal type Directories. By pressing F5, the Utilities Menu will display a list box containing the following items: STDA Option The STDA Option will invoke a Banyan VINES StreetTalk Id pattern matching utility. Enter a StreetTalk Id search string in the 'STDA Search:' box and press the Return key. If any StreetTalk Ids are found, they are displayed in a list box. By using the PgUp, PgDn, Up Arrow or Down Arrow keys, highlight the desired Id and press the Return key. You can select one of them to be later used in the 'To:' field of the E-Mail feature. An unsuccessful search will be indicated in a message box. The STDA option can also be invoked by pressing Alt-S. The list box display is limited to 150 entries. Query Option The Query option will query the Corporate Directory. A query box will appear with the Corporate Directory fields. Chapter 15 Utilities Menu By filling in the fields, a query is composed. PhoneLine will search for all Directory Entries that contain fields matching the values specified in the query. If a query field is left empty, any value will be matched. Values in the query fields may contain partial search information. For example, a query field containing the letter 'A' will match any value beginning with the letter 'A'. A successful query will result in a new Corporate Query Directory which will be displayed in the Directory Entries box. To toggle back to the full Corporate Directory, choose the Toggle Directory option in the File Menu. PhoneLine maintains a single Corporate Query Directory. Subsequent queries will overwrite the existing Query Directory. E-Mail Option By pressing the E-Mail option, you can send Banyan VINES electronic mail. To populate the 'To:' and 'Cc:' fields, you can enter a valid StreetTalk Id. If a previous STDA Search was invoked, the 'To:' field will be populated with the selected match. Chapter 15 Utilities Menu Re-index Directory Option This option will alphabetically sort Personal type Directories based on the key field. The key field is defined as Field1 in the [Personal] section of the initialization file. The key field must begin with an uppercase letter. PhoneLine will automatically re-index a modified Directory when you open a different Directory, use the Toggle Directory option or when you exit PhoneLine for DOS. PhoneLine For DOS Chapter 16 Help Menu To display the Help Menu, press F1 or click on the left mouse button while the mouse pointer is on the Help attribute (). The Help Menu will display a list box containing the following items: Each item displays an on-line explanation about the topic. PhoneLine Configuration Chapter 17 Configuration Data Files PhoneLine reads Directory Entries from a flat/ASCII file. The format of the file is simple: Each line represents one Directory Entry. The following guidelines should be followed when constructing a data file: All Entries contain the same number of characters (fixed length records). Fields within the Entries have fixed lengths. (Meaning across all the Entries, the same field must contain the same number of characters.) All Entries contain the same fields. (The values in the fields will be different.) Field values are left justified and padded with spaces to the full length of the field. Entries in the file are sorted by a key field. The key field must begin with a capital letter The data file name must have the extension .dat. These guidelines are for Corporate and Personal Directories. Usually, only Corporate Directories are constructed, while Personal Directories are created by PhoneLine. Index Files Phoneline uses two index files for the Corporate Directory: a .idx file for the key index and a .ext file for the Extension index. Chapter 17 Configuration Personal Directories are associated with a single index file: a .idx file. Refer to Chapter 18 for information about creating index files. Initialization File In addition to the data and index files, PhoneLine (DOS and Windows) uses an initialization file. This file specifies various parameters (settings) used by PhoneLine, like the path names of the data files, the data layout, the display layout and more. The fact that these parameters are read from an ASCII file, in a simple format, allows the user to customize Phoneline to a given environment. Both PhoneLine For Windows and PhoneLine for DOS use the same format for their respective initialization files. The initialization file for PhoneLine For Windows is phlinew.ini. The initialization file for PhoneLine For DOS is phline.ini. The initialization file is partitioned into three sections: [Files], [Corporate], and [Personal]. The format is as follows: [Files] setting_name = value . . [Corporate] setting_name = value . . [Personal] setting_name = value . . Chapter 17 Configuration A line beginning with semi-colon is considered to be a comment line and will be ignored. Initialization File Settings The Corporate and Personal Directories are sorted by a key field. For the Corporate Directory, the key field is defined as Field1 in the [Corporate] section of the initialization file. For the Personal Directories, the key field is defined as Field1 in the [Personal] section of the initialization file. [Files] The Files section contains information about PhoneLine paths and file names. The settings for this section are: CorporateFile=name The name of the Corporate Directory is defined as name. The Corporate Directory file extension is .dat. CorporatePath=path The path of the Corporate Directory is set according to path. PersonalFile=name The name of the Personal Directory is defined as name. The Personal Directory file extension is .dat. PersonalPath=path The path of the Personal Directories are set according to path. Chapter 17 Configuration [Corporate] The Corporate section contains information about PhoneLine Corporate Directory fields and layout. The settings for this section are: RecordSize = number This setting defines the length of a record in the flat/ASCII file. The maximum length of a record is 253 characters. (Not including end of line characters, '\r' '\n' ) NumberOfFields=number This setting defines the number of fields per Directory Entry. The maximum number of fields is 10. A valid number can be between 1 and 10. DisplayFields= number This setting defines the number of fields that will be displayed as Basic Information. A valid number can be between 1 and the value of NumberOfFields. The number represents the fields that will be displayed starting with Field1. Therefore, if number is set to 4, Fields1 through Field4 will be used for the Basic Information display. For PhoneLine For DOS, the maximum length for the Basic Information display is 67 characters. Therefore, the total length of the DisplayFields must be less than or equal to 67. Data beyond the 67th position will be clipped. STDA=field or field,field This setting defines which field(s) to use for the STDA search. Chapter 17 Configuration Extension=field This setting defines which field to use for the Extension search. The last four digits of this field will be used for the Extension search. FieldnTitle=name This setting defines the title of the fieldn (n is set to 1 - NumberOfFields). name will be used as the field description in the Directory Entries and Detail Information box. The maximum length of a field title is 10 characters. If the name contains spaces, the name must be enclosed in double quotes. FieldnColumn=number This setting is used to define the Basic Information display column for fieldn (n is set to 1 - NumberOfFields). The starting column in the Directory Entries box is 0. Fields that are not used for Basic Information do not need to define this setting. FieldnOffset=number This setting defines the starting position of fieldn (n is set to 1 - NumberOfFields) within the Entry in the flat/ASCII file. FieldnLength=number This setting defines the length of fieldn (n is set to 1 - NumberOfFields) in the flat/ASCII file. The maximum length of a field is 40 characters. Chapter 17 Configuration [Personal] The Personal section contains information about PhoneLine Personal Directories fields and layout. The settings for this section are: RecordSize = number This setting defines the length of a record in the flat/ASCII file. The maximum length of a record is 253 characters. (Not including end of line characters, '\r' '\n' ) NumberOfFields=number This setting defines the number of fields per Directory Entry. The maximum number of fields is 10. A valid number can be between 1 and 10. DisplayFields= number This setting defines the number of fields that will be displayed as Basic Information. A valid number can be between 1 and the NumberOfFields. The number represents the fields that will be displayed starting with Field1. Therefore, if number is set to 4, Fields1 through Field4 will be used for the Basic Information display. For PhoneLine For DOS, the maximum length for the Basic Information display is 67 characters. Therefore, the total length of the DisplayFields must be less than or equal to 67. STDA=field or field,field This setting defines which field(s) to use for the STDA search. Chapter 17 Configuration FieldnTitle=name This setting defines the title of the fieldn (n is set to 1 - 10). name will be used as the field description in the Directory Entries and Detail Information box. The maximum length of a field title is 10 characters. If the name contains spaces, the name must be enclosed in double quotes. FieldnColumn=number This setting is used to define the Basic Information display column for fieldn (n is set to 1 - NumberOfFields). The starting column in the Directory Entries box is 0. Fields that are not used for Basic Information do not need to define this setting. FieldnOffset=number This setting defines the starting position of fieldn (n is set to 1 - NumberOfFields) within the Entry in the flat/ASCII file. FieldnLength=number This setting defines the length of fieldn (n is set to 1 - 10) in the flat/ASCII file. The maximum length of a field is 40 characters. Chapter 17 Configuration Sample Initialization File The sample initialization file used for the PhoneLine For Windows part of this manual is as follows: [Files] CorporateFile=CORPDIR CorporatePath=E:\PHLINE\DEMO\DATA PersonalFile=PERSONAL PersonalPath=E:\PHLINE\DEMO\DATA [Corporate] RecordSize = 119 NumberOfFields= 8 DisplayFields= 4 STDA=Field1 Extension=Field2 Field1Title=NAME Field1Column=1 Field1Offset=0 Field1Length=31 Field2Title=PHONE Field2Column=32 Field2Offset=32 Field2Length=12 Field3Title=ROOM Field3Column=50 Field3Offset=47 Field3Length=4 Field4Title=LOCATION Field4Column=60 Field4Offset=52 Field4Length=6 Field5Title=DIV# Field5Offset=62 Field5Length=7 Field6Title=DIV Field6Offset=70 Field6Length=20 Field7Title=DEPT# Field7Offset=91 Field7Length=7 Field8Title=DEPT Field8Offset=99 Field8Length=20 Chapter 17 Configuration [Personal] RecordSize=116 NumberOfFields=5 DisplayFields=3 STDA=Field1 Field1Title=NAME Field1Offset=0 Field1Length=30 Field1Column=2 Field2Title=PHONE Field2Offset=30 Field2Length=12 Field2Column=31 Field3Title=NOTE Field3Offset=42 Field3Length=16 Field3Column=60 Field4Title=NOTE1 Field4Offset=58 Field4Length=28 Field5Title=NOTE2 Field5Offset=86 Field5Length=28 PhoneLine Configuration Chapter 18 MkIndex Creating PhoneLine Corporate Indexes Prior to invoking mkindex.exe, the initialization file must be configured. Refer to Chapter 17 for more information on configuring the initialization file. The Corporate Directory has two associated index files. The first file is indexed on the key field. The second file is indexed on the Extension Search field as specified in the initialization file. To create these index files, invoke the mkindex command. Mkindex must be invoked with the /i switch. This switch provides the path to the initialization file (phline.ini for PhoneLine For DOS and phlinew.ini for PhoneLine For Windows). For example: mkindex /i e:\phline\demo\phlinew.ini When mkindex is invoked, the initialization file is parsed and checked for consistency. If any problems exist, an error message will be displayed. Refer to Chapter 19 for a listing of error messages. If the initialization file is configured properly, mkindex will display the following messages: Chapter 18 MkIndex Copyright (c) CCOM Information Systems, 1992 PhoneLine MkIndex Version 1.0 Parsing Configuration File: e:\phline\demo\phlinew.ini .... Reading Data File: e:\phline\demo\data\corpdir.dat .... Creating Index Files: e:\phline\demo\data\corpdir.idx e:\phline\demo\data\corpdir.ext .... Creating A PhoneLine Personal Index Prior to invoking mkindex.exe, the initialization file must be configured. Refer to Chapter 17 for more information on configuring the initialization file. Personal Directories have one associated index file. The file is indexed on the key field. To create an index for a Personal Directory, invoke mkindex with the /p switch in conjunction with the /i switch. The /i switch provides the path to the initialization file (phline.ini for PhoneLine For DOS and phlinew.ini for PhoneLine For Windows). The /p switch provides the name of the Personal Directory. When a Personal Directory is created by PhoneLine, an index file is created. In order to import a flat file into PhoneLine, use mkindex to create an index. The imported flat file must adhere to the format specified in the initialization file. For example: mkindex /i e:\phline\demo\phlinew.ini /p personal When mkindex is invoked with the /i and the /p switches, the initialization file is parsed and check for consistency. If any problems exist, an error message will be displayed. Refer to Chapter 19 for a listing of error messages. Chapter 18 MkIndex If the initialization file is configured properly, mkindex will display the following messages: Copyright (c) CCOM Information Systems, 1992 PhoneLine MkIndex Version 1.0 Parsing Configuration File: e:\phline\demo\phlinew.ini .... Reading Data File: e:\phline\demo\data\personal.dat .... Creating Index Files: e:\phline\demo\data\personal.idx To create both the Corporate Directory and a Personal Directory, invoke mkindex with the /i, /p and /c switches. The /c switch informs mkindex to create the indexes for the Corporate Directory according to the initialization file settings. PhoneLine Configuration Chapter 19 Error Messages Corporate Initialization Errors: where x and y can be a valid number 1 - 10 FieldxColumn < FieldyColumn FieldxColumn must be less than FieldyColumn. FieldxColumn Must Be Within The Range 0-67 This error is specific to PhoneLine For DOS. The total length of the Basic Information Directory Entries box must be greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 67. RecordSize Must Be Within The Range 1 To 253 Each record in the flat/ASCII file must have a length of at least 1 and less than or equal to 253. NumberOfFields Must Be Within The Range 1 To 10 The number of fields must be in the range of 1 through 10. DisplayFields Must Be Within The Range 1 To NumberOfFields The number of fields displayed as Basic Information must be less than or equal to the total number of fields. Chapter 19 Error Messages Extension Must Be Within The Range 2 To NumberOfFields The field used as the Extension search field must be defined as field2 to fieldx. X must be less than or equal to the total number of fields. FieldxOffset Must Be Within The Range 0 To RecordSize The offset is the actual position of the field in the flat/ASCII file. This position must be in the range of 0 to the size of a record in the flat/ASCII file. FieldxLength Must Be Within The Range 1 To 40 The maximum size of a field must be less than or equal to 40. Total Length Of Fields > RecordSize The total length of the fields must be less than or equal to the record size. Personal Initialization Errors: where x and y can be a valid number 1 - 10 FieldxColumn < FieldyColumn FieldxColumn must be less than FieldyColumn. FieldxColumn Must Be Within The Range 0-67 This error is specific to PhoneLine For DOS. The total length of the Basic Information Directory Entries box must be greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 67. Chapter 19 Error Messages RecordSize Must Be Within The Range 1 To 253 Each record in the flat/ASCII file must have a length of at least 1 and less than or equal to 253. NumberOfFields Must Be Within The Range 1 To 10 The number of fields must be in the range of 1 through 10. DisplayFields Must Be Within The Range 1 To NumberOfFields The number of fields displayed as Basic Information must be less than or equal to the total number of fields. FieldxOffset Must Be Within The Range 0 To RecordSize The offset is the actual position of the field in the flat/ASCII file. This position must be in the range of 0 to the size of a record in the flat/ASCII file. FieldxLength Must Be Within The Range 1 To 40 The maximum size of a field must be less than or equal to 40. Total Length Of Fields > RecordSize The total length of the fields must be less than or equal to the record size. Total Length Of Fields Must Be Equal To RecordSize To sum of the length of all the fields must equal the size of a record in the flat/ASCII file. Chapter 19 Error Messages Processing Error: RecordSize Does Not Match Data File The size of the record in the flat/ASCII file must match the definition as defined in the RecordSize setting.