%images;]> LCRBMRP-T1605Diamond jubilee thanksgiving service : June 20,1897.: a machine-readable transcription.Collection: African-American Pamphlets from the Daniel A. P. Murray Collection, 1820-1920; American Memory, Library of Congress.Selected and converted.American Memory, Library of Congress.

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91-898204Daniel Murray Pamphlet Collection, 1860-1920, Rare Book and Special Collections Division, Library of Congress.Copyright status not determined.

Protestant Episcopal ChurchDiamondJubilee ThanksgivingService.In honor of Queen Victoria of EnglandJUNE 20, 1897.

The Service shall be the same with the usual Office for Sundays Morning or Evening Prayer shall begin with this Sentence.I exhort that first of all Supplications, Prayers, Intercessions, and giving of Thanks be made for all men; for Kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty: for this is good and acceptable unto God our Saviour.--1 Tim.ii 1--3

Proper Psalms, xx.,xxi.,exxi.Proper Lessons.The First, Joshua i, to v 10, or Proverbs viii. to v 17.The Second, Rom. xii. to v 11, or Rev. xxi 22--xxii. 4.The Suffrages next after the Creed shall stand thus:--PRIEST. O Lord, shew Thy mercy upon us.Answer. And grant us Thy salvation.PRIEST. O Lord, save the Queen.Answer. Who putteth her trust in Thee.PRIEST. Send her help from Thy holy place.Answer. And evermore mightily defend her.PRIEST. Let her enemies have no advantage of her.Answer. Let not the wicked approach to hurt her.PRIEST. Endue Thy Ministers with righteousness.Answer. And make Thy chosen people joyful.PRIEST. O Lord save Thy people.Answer. And bless Thine inheritance.PRIEST. Give peace in our time, O Lord.Answer. Because there is none other that fortieth for us, but onlyonly Thou, O God.PRIEST. Be unto us, O Lord, a strong tower.Answer. From the face of our enemies.PRIEST. O Lord, hear our prayer.Answer. And let our cry come unto Thee.qAfter the first Collect, at Morning or Evening Prayer, shall be used the used the following Collect:

O God, which providest for Thy people by Thy power, and rulest over them in love, grant unto Thy 00022servant our Queen the spirit of wisdom and government that, being devoted unto Thee with all her heart, she may so wisely govern this kingdom that in her time the Church may be in safety, and Christian devotion may continue in peace; that so, persevering in good works unto the end, she may by Thy guidance come to Thine everlasting Kingdom, through Jesus Christ Thy Son our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with Thee and the Holy Ghost ever one God, world without end. Amen.

qIf the Litany be sung or said, these Prayers shall follow immediately after the Prayer " We humbly beseech Thee" and if the Litany be not sung or said, then these Prayers shall be said instead of the Prayers for the Queen and for the Royal Family at Matins or Evensong.

O Lord our God, who dost uphold and govern all things by the word of Thy power, receive our humble prayers for our Sovereign Lady Victoria as on this day set over us by Thy grace and providence to be our Queen; and, together with her, bless, we beseech Thee, Albert Edward, Prince of Wales, the Princess of Wales, and all the Royal Family; that they all, ever trusting in Thy goodness, protected by Thy power, may continue before Thee in health, peace, joy, and honour, and may live long and happy lives upon earth, and after death obtain everlasting life and glory, by the merits and mediation of Christ Jesus our Saviour, who with Thee and the Holy Ghost liveth and reigneth ever one God, world without end. Amen.

Almighty God, who rulest over all the Kingdoms of the world, and dost dispose of them according to Thy good pleasure; We yield Thee unfeigned thanks, for that Thou wast pleased as on this day to place Thy Servant our Sovereign Lady, Queen Victoria, upon the throne of this Realm. Let Thy wisdom be her guide, and let Thine arm strengthen her; let justice, truth, and holiness, let peace and love, flourish in her days. Direct all her counsels and endeavours to Thy glory, and the welfare of her people; and give us grace to obey her cheerfully for conscience sake. Let her always possess the hearts of her people; let her Reign be long and prosperous, and crown he with immortality in the life to come; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

qIn the Communion Service, instead of the collect for the Queen, the Collect,"O God, which providest," shall be said after the Collect for the day.

The Epistle. 1St. Peter,ii. II.The Gospel. St. Matt. xxii. 16.


qThanksgiving to be said immediately after the Gener Thansgiving.

O Lord, our heavenly Father, we give Thee hearty thanks for the many blessings which Thou hast bestowed upon us during the sixty years of the happy reign of our gracious Queen Victoria. We thank Thee for progress made in knowledge of Thy marvellous works, for increase of comfort given to human life, for kindlier feeling between rich and poor, for wonderful preaching of the Gospel to many nations, and we pray Thee that these and all other Thy gifts may be long continued to us and to our Queen, to the glory of Thy Holy name; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

HYMNS.1. The National Anthem.God save our Gracious Queen,Long live our noble Queen,God save the Queen;Send her victorious,Happy and glorious,Long to reign over us;God save the Queen.Thou Who for threescore yearsIn sunshine, cloud, and tearsHast kept our Queen:Still be her Guide and Stay,Thro' life's uncertain wayTill dawns the perfect day:God bless our Queen.Thy choicest gifts in storeOn her be pleased to pour;Long may she reign:May she defend our laws,And ever give us causeTo sing with heart and voice,God save the Queen. Amen

2. God Supreme Dominion.Tune, A. & M. 215., C.H. 509.God of supreme dominion,From whom all power has birth,Whose Praise on eagle pinionO'ersweeps Thine Heav'n and earth:We lift one voice before TheeFrom many a land and race,And with one heart adore TheeFor threescore years of grace.These years, in tale excellingAll years of olden reign,Their twofold story tellingOf blended joy and pain--With equal grace upon her,Like twain wings of Thy Dove--Have crowned the Head we honour:Have blessed the Heart we love.00044Comes with prophetic morning,With Hope our hills adorning,This Diamond Marriage Year!And hearts with praise o'erflowingAnd souls that only pray,Great Queen and Nation goingStill on their stately way.Praise for Thy long sustaining,That held her firm in aim,Ever to keep unwaningOur fair ancestral fame;Praise for the sweet compassionWhich makes the wide world ownThat Love's divinest fashionIs set from Britain's throne.Lord, as her realm lies truly'Neath an unsetting sun,As earthly meed all dulyHer stainless life hath won:So when at last before theeShe lays her kingdom down,Christ's One Light be her glory,Christ's Merit be her crown. Amen

3. To Thee, O God, Be Praise.Tune, A. & M. 379. H. C. 397.To Thee, O God, be praise,Sole Source of every blessing;To Thee we come to-day,Thy watchful care confessing:A nation's thanks we bring,A people's heartfelt praise,For Queen Victoria's reign,Her Heaven-sent length of daysBy Thee alone she rules,Thine is the Arm which strengthens;Her reign vouchsafe to guide,As day by day it lengthens;Still may her people's heartsIn prayer surround her throne-Her Tower of Strength, her Shield,The Lord of Hosts alone.O king supreme, endowThis nation with Thy blessing;Our Queen preserve in peace,Her people's love possessing;And may Thy Holy ChurchFresh triumphs win for Thee,Till o'er this Britain realm,The Cross triumphant be.Great God of nations, hear,Thou Majesty tremendous;All needful blessings give,Defence and succour send us;So shall we praise Thy Name,Thy faithfulness adore-The God our fathers served,Our God for evermore. Amen,


4. Forward! Be Our Watchword.Tune A. & M. 392, H. C. 207.Forward! be our watchword,Steps and voices joined,Seek the things before us,Not a look behind;Burns the fiery pillarAt our army's head;Who shall dream of shrinking,By our Captain led?Forward through the desert,Through the toil and fight;Jordan flows before us,Sion beams with light.Forward when in childhoodBuds the infant mind;All through youth and manhood,Not a thought behind;Speed through realms of nature,Climb the steps of grace;Faint not, till in glory,Gleams our Father's Face.Forward all the life-time,Climb from height to height;Till the head be hoary,Till the eve be light.Far o'er yon horizonRise the city towers,Where our God abideth,That fair home is ours;Flash the streets with jasper,Shine the gates with gold;Flows the gladdening river,Shedding joys untold.Thither, onward, thither,In the Spirit's might;Pilgrims to your country,Forward into light.That fair city needeth,Nought of wood and stone;Where the Godhead dwelleth,Temple there is none;All the saints that everIn these courts have stood,Are but babes and feedingOn the children's food.On through sign and token,Stars amidst the night,Forward through the darkness,Forward into light!To the eternal FatherLoudest anthems raise;To the Son and SpiritEcho songs of praise;To the Lord of glory,Blessed Three in One,Be by men and anglesEndless honours done:Weak earthly praises;Dull the songs of night;Forward into triumph,Forward into light. Amen.


Praise My Soul The King Of Heaven.Tune A. & M. 298, 232; C. H. 484.Praise, my soul, the King of Heaven,To His feet thy tribute bring;Ransom'd, heal'd restored, forgiven,Evermore His praises sing:Alleluia! Alleluia!Praise the everlasting King.Praise Him for His grace and favourTo our fathers in distress;Praise Him still the same as ever,Slow to chide, and swift to bless;Alleluia! Alleluia!Glorious in his faithfulness.Father-like, he tends and spares us,Well our feeble frame He knows;In His hands He gently bears us,Rescues us from all our woes;Alleluia! Alleluia!Widely yet His mercy flows.Angles in the height adore Him;Ye behold Him face to face;Saints triumphant, bow before Him,Gather'd in from every race;Alleluia! Alleluia!Praise with us the God of grace. AmenThe Day Thou Gavest, Lord, Is Ended.Tune. A. & M. 477, C. H. 32.The day Thou gavest, Lord, is ended,The darkness falls at They behest;To Thee our morning hymns ascended,Thy praise shall sanctify our rest.We thank Thee that Thy Church unsleeping,While earth rolls onward into light,Through all the world her watch is keeping,And rests not now by day or night.As o'er each continent and islandThe dawn leads on another day,The voice of prayer is never silent,Nor dies the strain of praise away.The sun that bids us rest is wakingOur brethren 'neath the western sky,And hour by hour fresh lips are makingThy wondrous doings heard on high.So be it, Lord, Thy Throne shall never,Like earth's proud empires, pass away;Thy kingdom stands and grows for ever,Till all They creatures own Thy away.Amen.Church of England Publishing Company, Toronto.


5. To Thee Our God We Fly.Tune C. H.129, 537, A.& M. 142.To Thee our God we flyFor mercy and for grace,O hear our lowly cry,And hide not Thou Thy Face.O Lord, stretch forth Thy mighty hand,And guard and bless our Fatherland.Arise, O Lord of hosts,Be jealous for Thy Name,And drive from out our coastsThe sins that put to shame,O Lord, stretch forth Thy mighty hand,And guard and bless our Fatherland.Bless Lord, our gracious Queen,This realm's anointed head;On whom for threescore years,Thy bounties Thou hast shed.O Lord, stretch forth Thy mighty hand,And guard and bless our Fatherland.The Church of Thy dear SonInflame with love's pure fire,Bind her once more in one,And life and truth inspire.O Lord, stretch forth Thy mighty hand,And guard and bless our Fatherland.Give peace, Lord, in our time;O let no foe draw nigh,Nor lawless deed of crimeInsult Thy Majesty.O Lord, stretch forth Thy mighty hand,And guard and bless our Fatherland.Amen.

6. O King Of Kings; Thy Blessing Shed.Tune H.C. 550, A.& M. 166.O King of kings; Thy blessing shedOn our anointed Sovereign's head:And looking from Thy holy heaven,Protect the crown Thyself hast given.Her may we honour and obey,Uphold her right and lawful sway;Remembering that the powers that beAre ministers ordained of Thee.Her with Thy choicest mercies bless,To all her counsels give success;In war, in peace, Thy power be seen,Thy grace be given to our Queen.And then! when earthly thrones decay,And earthly kingdoms fade away,Grant her a throne in worlds on high,A crown of immortality.Amen.


7. Lord Of Heaven, And Earth, And Ocean.Tune H. C. 264, A. & M. 292.Lord of heaven, and earth, and ocean,Hear us from Thy bright abode,While our hearts with deep devotionOwn their great and gracious God:Now with joy we come before thee.Seek Thy face, Thy mercies sing;Lord of life and light and glory,Guard Thy church, and guide our Queen.Peace with health, and every blessing,Are Thy bounteous gifts alone;Comforts undeserved possessing,Here we bend before Thy throne;Young and old, O God, before TheeTheir united tribute bring;Lord of life, and light, and glory,Shield our land, and save our Queen.Thee, with humble adoration,Lord we praise for mercies pastStill to this most favour'd nationMay those mercies ever last;And Thy servants still before TheeSongs of ceaseless praise will sing;Lord of life, and light, and glory,Bless Thy people, bless our Queen. Amen.8. Before The Lord We Bow.Tune A. & M. 546, H. C. 383.Before the Lord we bow.The God Who reigns above,And rules the world below,Boundless in power and love;Our thanks we bringIn joy and praise,Our hearts we raiseTo heaven's high King.The nation Thou hast blestMay well Thy love declare,From foes and fears at rest,Protected by Thy care.For this fair land,For this bright dayOur thanks we pay--Gifts of thy hand.May every mountain height,Each vale and pasture greenShine in Thy World's pure light,And its rich fruits be seen!May every tongueBe tuned to praise,And join to raiseA grateful song.And when in power He comes,O may our native land,From all its rending tombs,Send forth a glorious band;A countless throngEver to singTo heaven's high KingSalvation's song. Amen.