Table of contents for Organometallic compounds in the environment / edited by P.J. Craig.

Bibliographic record and links to related information available from the Library of Congress catalog

Information from electronic data provided by the publisher. May be incomplete or contain other coding.

Occurrence and Pathways of Organometallic Compounds in the Environment - general considerations (P J Craig, George Eng and R O Jenkins).  
Organomercury Compounds in the Environment (Robert P Mason and Janina M Benoit).  
Organotin Compounds in the Environment (C F Harrington and Francesca Cima).  
Organolead Compounds in the Environment (J Yoshinaga).  
Organoarsenic Compounds in the Marine Environment (J S Edmonds and K A Francesconi).  
Organoarsenic Compounds in the Terrestrial Environment (Doris Kuehnelt and Walter Goessler).  
Organoantimony Compounds in the Environment (Paul Andrewes and William R Cullen).  
Organosilicon Compounds in the Environment (Alfred V Hirner, Daniela Flaßbeck and R Grümping).  
Other Organometallic Compounds in the Environment (J Feldmann).
Organoselenium Compounds in the Environment (Craig and Maher)

Library of Congress subject headings for this publication: Organometallic compounds, Environmental chemistry