Waubay National Wildlife Refuge and Wetland Management District
Mountain-Prairie Region
Terms and Definitions

Altricial: Young that are born naked, blind and unable to care for themselves at birth.

Carnivore: An animal that preys on other animals; especially mammals of the Order Carnivora.

Carrion: Dead flesh.

Diurnal: Active during the daylight hours.

Dorsal: Relating to or situated near or on the back of an animal.

Ecosystem: A community of plants and animals interacting among themselves and with their environment

Endangered: Threatened with extinction.

Environment: the natural world that surrounds us.

Extinction: The process of ceasing to exist.

Flyway: A route used by migratory birds on their annual flights between wintering and breeding ranges.

Gestation Period: The period of carrying young in the uterus; the period of pregnancy.

Granivorous: Subsisting on diet of grains and seeds from cereal grasses.

Habitat: The kind of environment in which an organism is able to find adequate food, water, and shelter and space for survival.

Hibernation: Period of time when an animal becomes inactive or dormant, usually during winter. Allows an animal to survive harsh conditions using less energy than when active.

Insectivore: An animal that eats insects.

Keystone Species: Species that have a key role in the ecosystem.

Migration: The annual or regular movement of certain animals from one habitat to another.

Natural heritage: The natural places in our country that belong to everyone.

Nocturnal: Active at night.

Omnivorous: Feeding on all sorts of plant or animal material.

Pectoral: Of, pertaining to, situated, or occurring in or on the chest.

Pelage: The hair of mammals.

Precocial: Young born with hair, eyes open, and the ability to move about immediately after birth.

Refuge: A place that offers protection or shelter.

Rut: The breeding period, as in deer.

Threatened: In danger or at risk.

Ungulate: A mammal with hooves.

Ventral: Of or relating to the belly of an animal or the lower surface that is opposite the back.

Wetland: A place where the ground is saturated or that is partially or completely covered by water during some or all the year.

Last updated: November 18, 2008