ARTHUR CAPPER, KANS.. CHAIRMAN GEORGE D. AIKEN, VT. HARLAN J. BUSHFIEID, S. DAK. GEORGE A. WILSON. IOWA MILTON R. YOUNG, N. DAK. JAMES P. KEM. MO. EDWARD J. THYE. MINN. ELMER THOMAS. OKU. ALLEN 1. ELLENDER. LA. %OH W. LUWS, ILL. TOM STEWART. TENN. CLYDE R. NOEY. N. C. CLAUDE PEPPER. FIA. JAMES M. KENDALL. CLERK '31Crrifeb States Serrate COMMllTEE ON AGRICULTURE AND FORESTRY June 28, 1947 Mrs. Albert U. Lasker Chrysler Building New York 17, N. Y. Dear Mary: I had a private and perfectly thrilling luncheon yesterday with Doctor Urey. Two of my men were with me as we talked and our discussion was most enlightening to me. After the luncheon I called 38r. Biffle and several Senators out and they had a very interesting talk with Doctor Urey and all warmly thanked me for the privilewe. I was a little selfish as I had not had a chance to talk with many of the atomic scientists and I was anxious to drink as deeply as possible of his lmowledge, but I assured him nsxt time he came I would get a group toqether to discuss the whole atomic bomb situation and another subject close to his heart-and the only way of controlling the atomic bomb world federation. thankfxl to you. I told him afterward For all this, of course, I am deeply I wanted you to know also that we had an excellent conference with Senator Bridges on Tuesday afternoon at two 0' clock. Re agreed that when another appropriation bill comes over from the House, the Public Health Service and one or more of the group of doctors at the conference should appear and for- ally make a record in justification of the amount recommended by the group, .;b2,900,000, I believe. Senator Bridges ail1 try to qet the whole anount into the appropriation bill. cannot get the whole amount, of course, he will get all he can. I believe we have made a little beginning toward getting some funds in the heart research field to which also you have grandly contributed. If he Tell Albert we are still. remembering and talking about his great speech to US. have you both here. It was an immense pleasure to us all to Best wishes to you both, and aL CP:mvd