Sergio Novaes Monday, December 17, 2001 Webpages updated I have just updated several webpages with the information provided by the group: # Documentation page: # Schedule for 2002 (*): # Physics Tasks and Software update (*): # Video conference page: (*) The people that did not send me the requested information appear in red. Any comment or suggestion is welcome. __________________________________________________________________________ Michael Strang Tuesday, December 18, 2001 Veto counters cable correspondence is: A5 -> VN1 A4 -> VN2 A1 -> VS2 A3 -> VS1 South is towards our P side pots. North is towards the A side pots. 1 means the counter is closer to the interaction region, 2 means it is further away. __________________________________________________________________________ Mike Martens Wednesday, December 19, 2001 1 ACNET variables Here is a list of all ACNET variables which I think could be relevant to the FPD:. Sequential listing of Tevatron magnets, separators, BPMs, and FPD pots (Devices in parenthesis are magnets or separators which are connected in series.) C:D0Q5 Q5 low beta quadrupole T:VC48 vertical dipole corrector C:HC48 horizontal dipole corrector T:HPC48 horizontal BPM T:VPC48 vertical BPM T:HC48 horizontal dipole corrector FPD_D2 FPD dipole station D2 FPD_D1 FPD dipole station D1 T:IRING Tevatron dipole magnet (T:IRING) Tevatron dipole magnet (T:IRING) Tevatron dipole magnet T:VPC49 vertical BPM T:HC49 horizontal dipole corrector T:VC49 vertical dipole corrector T:SQD0 trim skew quadrupole T:HPC49 horizontal BPM FPD_A2 FPD pbar station A2 C:C4HSP horizontal separator C:C4HSM horizontal separator C:C4VSP vertical separator C:C4VSM vertical separator (C:C4VSP) vertical separator (C:C4VSM) vertical separator FPD_A1 FPD pbar station A1 C:D0Q2 Q2 low beta quadrupole C:D0QT2 Q2 trim low beta quadrupole C:D0Q3 Q3 low beta quadrupole C:D0QT3 Q3 trim low beta quadrupole (C:D0Q4) Q4 low beta quadrupole T:HPD0U horizontal BPM T:VPD0U vertical BPM D0 D0 detector T:VPD0D vertical BPM T:HPD0D horizontal BPM (C:D0Q4) Q4 low beta quadrupole (C:D0Q3) Q3 low beta quadrupole (C:D0Q2) Q2 low beta quadrupole FPD_P1 FPD proton station P1 C:D1HSP horizontal separator C:D1HSM horizontal separator (C:D1HSP) horizontal separator (C:D1HSM) horizontal separator C:D1VSP vertical separator C:D1VSM vertical separator FPD_P2 FPD proton station P2 T:HPD11 horizontal BPM T:HD11 horizontal dipole corrector T:VD11 vertical dipole corrector (T:SQD0) trim skew quadrupole T:VPD11 vertical BPM (T:IRING) Tevatron dipole magnet (T:IRING) Tevatron dipole magnet (T:IRING) Tevatron dipole magnet (T:IRING) Tevatron dipole magnet (C:D0Q5) Q5 low beta quadrupole T:VD12 vertical dipole corrector T:HD12 horizontal dipole corrector T:HPD12 horizontal BPM T:HVD12 vertical BPM Collision point monitor (CPM) positions (Status: Can only get proton vertical and horizontal positions. Pbar intensity is too week, so no positions for pbar beam and no longitudinal cogging information. This could change if pbar intensities are increased) T:D0UHPP MM D0_IR UPSTR HOR PROT POS T:D0DHPP MM D0_IR DNSTR HOR PROT POS T:D0UVPP MM D0_IR UPSTR VER PROT POS T:D0DVPP MM D0_IR DNSTR VER PROT POS T:D0UHNP MM D0_IR UPSTR HOR PBAR POS T:D0DHNP MM D0_IR DNSTR HOR PBAR POS T:D0UVNP MM D0_IR UPSTR VER PBAR POS T:D0DVNP MM D0_IR DNSTR VER PBAR POS T:D0UHDF MM D0_IR UPSTR HOR P-PB POS T:D0DHDF MM D0_IR DNSTR HOR P-PB POS T:D0UVDF MM D0_IR UPSTR VER P-PB POS T:D0DVDF MM D0_IR DNSTR VER P-PB POS T:D0HPSL D0_IR HOR PROT SLOPE T:D0VPSL D0_IR VER PROT SLOPE T:D0HNSL D0_IR HOR PBAR SLOPE T:D0VNSL D0_IR VER PBAR SLOPE T:D0HPIN MM D0_IR HOR PROT INTERCEPT T:D0VPIN MM D0_IR VER PROT INTERCEPT T:D0HNIN MM D0_IR HOR PBAR INTERCEPT T:D0VNIN MM D0_IR VER PBAR INTERCEPT T:D0IRDT NSEC DO_IR DELTA TIME T:D0HCER CM DO_IR HOR COG ERR +=DNST T:DOVCER CM DO_IR VER COG ERR +=DNST BEAM parameters DC Beam Intensities (Status: Working) T:IBEAM DCCT Total DC beam in the Tevatron Fast bunch integrator (Status: Working) C:FBIPNG[37] Fast Bunch Integrator, Narrow Gate Bunch by bunch proton intensity. C:FBIANG[37] Fast Bunch Integrator, Narrow Gate Bunch by bunch pbar intensity. C:FBIPWG[37] Fast Bunch Integrator, Wide Gate Bunch by bunch proton intensity. C:FBIAWG[37] Fast Bunch Integrator, Wide Gate Bunch by bunch pbar intensity Sampled bunch display (SBD) (Status: Needs work to convert to 36x36 mode operation. ACNET parameters not yet defined.) ???T:SBPINT???[37] Sampled Bunch Display Bunch by bunch proton intensity. ???T:SBAINT???[37] Sampled Bunch Display Bunch by bunch pbar intensity. ???T:SBPSIG???[37] Sampled Bunch Display Proton rms bunch length. ???T:SBASIG???[37] Sampled Bunch Display pbar rms bunch length. Flying wire beam emittance (Status: Needs lots of work. Wires do not give reasonable results.) T:FWVPSG[37] Vert Flying wire at E11 Bunch by bunch proton vertical beam width sigma T:FWHPSG[37] Horz flying wire at E11 Bunch by bunch proton horizontal beam width sigma T:FWEPSG[37] Horz flying wire at E17 Bunch by bunch proton horizontal beam width sigma T:FWVASG[37] Vert Flying wire at E11 Bunch by bunch pbar vertical beam width sigma T:FWHASG[37] Horz flying wire at E11 Bunch by bunch pbar horizontal beam width sigma T:FWEASG[37] Horz flying wire at E17 Bunch by bunch pbar horizontal beam width sigma Low beta quad roll and pitch (Status: working. These are mostly useful to measure changes in magnet pitch and roll.) C;C4Q3P Pitch of Q3 magnet on C4 side C;C4Q3R Roll of Q3 magnet on C4 side C;C4Q4P Pitch of Q4 magnet on C4 side C;C4Q4R Roll of Q4 magnet on C4 side C;D1Q3P Pitch of Q3 magnet on D1 side C;D1Q3R Roll of Q3 magnet on D1 side C;D1Q4P Pitch of Q4 magnet on D1 side C;D1Q4R Roll of Q4 magnet on D1 side FPD pot position, limit swtich, and rates parameters Epics Variable ACNET variable Descriptive Text Units FPD_RM_TNA1_02-01/UP_POS C:FPA1UL FPD A1 UP LVDT position mm FPD_RM_TNA1_02-01/DN_POS C:FPA1DL FPD A1 DWN LVDT position mm FPD_RM_TNA1_02-01/IN_POS C:FPA1IL FPD A1 IN LVDT position mm FPD_RM_TNA1_02-01/OUT_POS C:FPA1OL FPD A1 OUT LVDT position mm FPD_RM_TNA2_02-03/UP_POS C:FPA2UL FPD A2 UP LVDT position mm FPD_RM_TNA2_02-03/DN_POS C:FPA2DL FPD A2 DWN LVDT position mm FPD_RM_TNA2_02-03/IN_POS C:FPA2IL FPD A2 IN LVDT position mm FPD_RM_TNA2_02-03/OUT_POS C:FPA2OL FPD A2 OUT LVDT position mm FPD_RM_TNP1_02-11/UP_POS C:FPP1UL FPD P1 UP LVDT position mm FPD_RM_TNP1_02-11/DN_POS C:FPP1DL FPD P1 DWN LVDT position mm FPD_RM_TNP1_02-11/IN_POS C:FPP1IL FPD P1 IN LVDT position mm FPD_RM_TNP1_02-11/OUT_POS C:FPP1OL FPD P1 OUT LVDT position mm FPD_RM_TNP2_02-13/UP_POS C:FPP2UL FPD P2 UP LVDT position mm FPD_RM_TNP2_02-13/DN_POS C:FPP2DL FPD P2 DWN LVDT position mm FPD_RM_TNP2_02-13/IN_POS C:FPP2IL FPD P2 IN LVDT position mm FPD_RM_TNP2_02-13/OUT_POS C:FPP2OL FPD P2 OUT LVDT position mm FPD_RM_TND1_02-05/IN_POS C:FPD1IL FPD D1 IN LVDT position mm FPD_RM_TND2_02-05/IN_POS C:FPD2IL FPD D2 IN LVDT position mm FPD_RM_TNA1_02-01/UP_HOME C:FPA1UH FPD A1 UP Home limit sw in/out FPD_RM_TNA1_02-01/DN_HOME C:FPA1DH FPD A1 DWN Home limit sw in/out FPD_RM_TNA1_02-01/IN_HOME C:FPA1IH FPD A1 IN Home limit sw in/out FPD_RM_TNA1_02-01/OUT_HOME C:FPA1OH FPD A1 OUT Home limit sw in/out FPD_RM_TNA2_02-03/UP_HOME C:FPA2UH FPD A2 UP Home limit sw in/out FPD_RM_TNA2_02-03/DN_HOME C:FPA2DH FPD A2 DWN Home limit sw in/out FPD_RM_TNA2_02-03/IN_HOME C:FPA2IH FPD A2 IN Home limit sw in/out FPD_RM_TNA2_02-03/OUT_HOME C:FPA2OH FPD A2 OUT Home limit sw in/out FPD_RM_TNP1_02-11/UP_HOME C:FPP1UH FPD P1 UP Home limit sw in/out FPD_RM_TNP1_02-11/DN_HOME C:FPP1DH FPD P1 DWN Home limit sw in/out FPD_RM_TNP1_02-11/IN_HOME C:FPP1IH FPD P1 IN Home limit sw in/out FPD_RM_TNP1_02-11/OUT_HOME C:FPP1OH FPD P1 OUT Home limit sw in/out FPD_RM_TNP2_02-13/UP_HOME C:FPP2UH FPD P2 UP Home limit sw in/out FPD_RM_TNP2_02-13/DN_HOME C:FPP2DH FPD P2 DWN Home limit sw in/out FPD_RM_TNP2_02-13/IN_HOME C:FPP2IH FPD P2 IN Home limit sw in/out FPD_RM_TNP2_02-13/OUT_HOME C:FPP2OH FPD P2 OUT Home limit sw in/out FPD_RM_TND1_02-05/IN_HOME C:FPD1IH FPD D1 IN Home limit sw in/out FPD_RM_TND2_02-05/IN_HOME C:FPD2IH FPD D2 IN Home limit sw in/out FPD_RM_TNA1_02-04/AL_SMO C:FPA1SM FPD A1 rack smoke status OK/flt FPD_RM_TNA2_02-04/AL_SMO C:FPA2SM FPD A2 rack smoke status OK/flt FPD_RM_TNP1_02-04/AL_SMO C:FPP1SM FPD P1 rack smoke status OK/flt FPD_RM_TNP1_02-04/AL_SMO C:FPP2SM FPD P2 rack smoke status OK/flt FPD_RM_TND1_02-04/AL_SMO C:FPD1SM FPD D1 rack smoke status OK/flt FPD_RM_TNA1_02-01/UP_REQ C:FPA1UR FPD A1 UP Requested pos mm FPD_RM_TNA1_02-01/DN_REQ C:FPA1DR FPD A1 DWN Requested pos mm FPD_RM_TNA1_02-01/IN_REQ C:FPA1IR FPD A1 IN Requested pos mm FPD_RM_TNA1_02-01/OUT_REQ C:FPA1OR FPD A1 OUT Requested pos mm FPD_RM_TNA2_02-03/UP_REQ C:FPA2UR FPD A2 UP Requested pos mm FPD_RM_TNA2_02-03/DN_REQ C:FPA2DR FPD A2 DWN Requested pos mm FPD_RM_TNA2_02-03/IN_REQ C:FPA2IR FPD A2 IN Requested pos mm FPD_RM_TNA2_02-03/OUT_REQ C:FPA2OR FPD A2 OUT Requested pos mm FPD_RM_TNP1_02-11/UP_REQ C:FPP1UR FPD P1 UP Requested pos mm FPD_RM_TNP1_02-11/DN_REQ C:FPP1DR FPD P1 DWN Requested pos mm FPD_RM_TNP1_02-11/IN_REQ C:FPP1IR FPD P1 IN Requested pos mm FPD_RM_TNP1_02-11/OUT_REQ C:FPP1OR FPD P1 OUT Requested pos mm FPD_RM_TNP2_02-13/UP_REQ C:FPP2UR FPD P2 UP Requested pos mm FPD_RM_TNP2_02-13/DN_REQ C:FPP2DR FPD P2 DWN Requested pos mm FPD_RM_TNP2_02-13/IN_REQ C:FPP2IR FPD P2 IN Requested pos mm FPD_RM_TNP2_02-13/OUT_REQ C:FPP2OR FPD P2 OUT Requested pos mm FPD_RM_TND1_02-05/IN_REQ C:FPD1IR FPD D1 IN Requested pos mm FPD_RM_TND2_02-05/IN_REQ C:FPD2IR FPD D2 IN Requested pos mm FPD_CAMAC_0308-SCR/D1IS C:FPD1IS FPD D1 IN singles rate Hz FPD_CAMAC_0309-SCR/D2IS C:FPD2IS FPD D2 IN singles rate Hz FPD_CAMAC_0306-SCR/A2US C:FPA2US FPD A2 UP singles rate Hz FPD_CAMAC_0307-SCR/A2DS C:FPA2DS FPD A2 DWN singles rate Hz FPD_CAMAC_0600-SCR/A2IS C:FPA2IS FPD A2 IN singles rate Hz FPD_CAMAC_0601-SCR/A2OS C:FPA2OS FPD A2 OUT singles rate Hz FPD_CAMAC_0304-SCR/A1US C:FPA1US FPD A1 UP singles rate Hz FPD_CAMAC_0305-SCR/A1DS C:FPA1DS FPD A1 DWN singles rate Hz FPD_CAMAC_0602-SCR/A1IS C:FPA1IS FPD A1 IN singles rate Hz FPD_CAMAC_0603-SCR/A1OS C:FPA1OS FPD A1 OUT singles rate Hz FPD_CAMAC_0300-SCR/P1US C:FPP1US FPD P1 UP singles rate Hz FPD_CAMAC_0301-SCR/P1DS C:FPP1DS FPD P1 DWN singles rate Hz FPD_CAMAC_0604-SCR/P1IS C:FPP1IS FPD P1 IN singles rate Hz FPD_CAMAC_0605-SCR/P1OS C:FPP1OS FPD P1 OUT singles rate Hz FPD_CAMAC_0302-SCR/P2US C:FPP2US FPD P2 UP singles rate Hz FPD_CAMAC_0303-SCR/P2DS C:FPP2DS FPD P2 DWN singles rate Hz FPD_CAMAC_0606-SCR/P2IS C:FPP2IS FPD P2 IN singles rate Hz FPD_CAMAC_0607-SCR/P2OS C:FPP2OS FPD P2 OUT singles rate Hz __________________________________________________________________________ Sergio Novaes Thursday, December 20, 2001 Measuments of the castle. I just got the answer from Newton about the measurements of the castle that we need. He had to check in the drawing from LNLS and it took a while. I did not get anything from Helio yet about his measurements in the tunnel. Here goes the numbers that Newton sent me. Please Newtom correct me if I am wrong. Any doubt please write to him: * From the bottom of the pot to the top of the tube: 10.933" or 277,7 mm +/- 0,1 mm. * From the top of the pot (border of the tube) to the bottom of the pot (i.e. to the face of the detector): 277,5 mm +/- 0,1 mm. * The colar has 15,0 mm and the LVDT arm touchs the colar. * Therefore the measurements that we need, from the external face of the LVDT arm to the face of the detetor is: 262,5 mm +/- 0,1 mm Helio and I have measured the distance between the the external face of the LDVT arm to the external face of the colar. Most of our measurements were put by Helio in the FPD News. Some of the Newton's drawing that are in our documentation page should also help. __________________________________________________________________________ Pierrick Hanlet Thursday, December 20, 2001 Tunnel access results After having changed the fuses in P1 and P2 we found that we still had no power. After measuring the line voltage, I ascertained that the Sola had died. We swapped it with the D Sola. The access was fairly successful: 1) all fuses changed in P1 and P2 A/S LVPSs 2) all blank off panels for P1 and P2 Control racks installed 3) tested and saw SLP signals at P1 and P2 LMBs 4) swapped P1 SLP cable - plugged in wrongly 5) connected P1 and P2 PIN/Amp ps cables 6) connected P2 PIN/Amp return cable 7) Victor saw different signals with P2 A/S on/off/LMB 8) Jorge measured all of the P2 voltages and recorded them: +15V -> +14.9V -15V -> -14.8V +12V -> +11.7V -12V -> -11.8V +5V -> +4.8V The bad news is that the P1 12V supply is bad. Since the LVPS in Lab 6 is not yet fully tested, we did not have it at our disposal for swapping. We removed the P1 LVPS for repair. __________________________________________________________________________ FPD Group account [] Saturday, December 22, 2001 Lost beam Dear all, At 13:02 we lost the beam due to a TeV quench at A48V. We saw that the beam was very instable at the end and we were retracting pots when the beam felt. We never could reach the nominal operating position 27.1 mm because at 23mm we affected already the beam at least by 10%. The pots are home now and the control lines and HV are off. Victor and Jorge __________________________________________________________________________ Victor Bodyagin [ Saturday, December 22, 2001 Lost beam We would like to deliver few more details about today's quench. We have hard copies for Pots positions and counting rates. Also we have a hard copy from LUMBERJACK when it happened. First, we moved P1D and P2D at HIGH speed to 23.0 mm at this position counting rates were P1D ~ 30KHz P2D ~ 60KHz at this point we were 4.1mm away off expected working position. Please, note at that time D0 had Luminousity ~7*10**30 So: Runplan working Counting rates Halo rates Counting rates Halo(kHz) position @home @home @23.0mm P1D: 27.1mm P1D: ~25KHz P : 24KHz P1D: 30KHz P: 24-26 P2D: 30.5mm P2D: ~50KHz A: 1.3KHz P2D: 60KHz A:1.3-1.4 We started at 12:13 after ~ 2min Pots reached the position at 23.0mm It did not have any affect on CDF losses and had some influence on increase of D0 pbar losses ~7%. Half an hour later at 12:45 we observed a spike of CDF pbar losses. At that time Pots were not moving. Few minutes later we decided to proceed with motion of P2D. A new position was 23.2mm and it was reached at LOW speed mode of motion. D0 pbar losses increased a little bit (total losses increased up to ~10% comparing home position). Few minutes later we moved P2D to 23.3 mm. At this position counting rates for P2D were 60-62KHz. A few minutes later two big spikes were observed for CDF pbar losses and shortly after that the store was lost. Before the store was lost having seen these big spikes we retracted P2D to 23.00mm Obviously, there was not any direct connection between our activity and store loss. In principle, it is possible to imagine an indirect connection between pot motion and store loss today. Here we have to ask for the opinion of Mike Martens. Could it happen so, that a relatively small perturbation of beam intensity or halo intensity causes rather distant though correlated in time autoexcitement of the beam stabilizing system with a consequent store loss? Jorge, Victor. __________________________________________________________________________ Pierrick Hanlet Monday, December 24, 2001 Shift today Hi folks, I have completed timing in the Veto-N counters. There is a known discrepency that is noted in the log book about the LM timing. All veto counter signals now come into the patch panel. I will attempt to set the HV and discriminator thresholds next time that I'm in. A first look at raw rates (all in kHz): V1S 101.8 LM-S 131.7 V2S 127.7 LM-S 131.2 V1N 73.4 LM-N 119.8 V2N 54.0 LM-N 117.0 __________________________________________________________________________ Michael Strang Thursday, December 27, 2001 Lumberjack plot from saturday I've recreated the lumberjack plot from Saturday. It can be found at _1056_149.gif Actually, if you look at it, you can see that both CDF and D0 baselines appear to start creeping upwards while both of our pots are stationary. It looks like something started happening to the beam when we were NOT moving pots. At least that is what it looks like to me. One thing about this plot, is I'm only able to get logged CDF information on a longer scale rather than the Hz scale you were able to get on Saturday because of the logger they use. So there may very well have been a spike before the moving of pots that wasn't stored in the logger I was forced to use. __________________________________________________________________________ Mike Martens Thursday, December 27, 2001 FPD pot insertion. Dmitri, The FPD pots are suspected of causing the quench on Saturday 12/22/01 at 13:02. I have examined this in more detail and cannot determine if the pots were responsible for the quench. The pbar halo losses did increase during the time the pots were inserted, but the increase was relatively small. It appears that the magnet that quenched first was a low beta quad on the B1 side of CDF which would be consistent with increased pbar losses. However, the level of losses in C:B0ALOS while the pots were in place is similar to the level of losses at the start of the store. (See attached plot.) This leads me to believe that the pots were not the cause of the quench. For now I think it is reasonable to assume that the pots were not the cause of the quench and continue to gain more experience. But we should also closely examine any quench that occurs while the pots are inserted before we can conclusively rule out the pots as the culprit. Given the uncertainty, it is probably wise to keep the pots out of the beam during the start of stores. However, instead of only using the last 2 hours I would suggest that the pots could be moved in during the last 8 hours of the store. This is a more useful amount of time for pot studies. Acting as run coordinator I would be comfortable with such an arrangement. Mike __________________________________________________________________________ Andrew Brandt Friday, December 28, 2001 FPD pot insertion. (fwd) After discussions between DMitri and Mike and Dmitri and I we have reached the followed modification to the run plan. NOte that in addition if losses start to increase after the pots have been inserted we should moniotr the situation closely, notify MCR and remove pots if tthe losses reach 20% more than original value. Mike, your proposal sounds fine with me. I just talked to Andrew to clarify a few issues and will change D0 Run plan to reflect 8 hours before end of store pots insertion time. We also agreed that if losses (D0 and/or CDF) increase by 20% or more the pots have to be quickly completely removed and inserted again only after ~30 minutes of stable running following standard pot insertion procedures. Andrew will send information about this to FPD group, so we can continue pots insertion starting from next store (Friday, 12/28). My best wishes, Dmitri. __________________________________________________________________________ Pierrick Hanlet Saturday, December 29, 2001 shift results I spent the shift working on the VETO counters. After a couple of false starts, I measured A(peak) and rates, where A is the raw signal amplitude as measured by a scope, for each of V1S, V2S, V1N, V2N as a function of HV. For the south(north) counters, I normalized the rates by LM-S(LM-N). I then plotted the ratios as a function of HV; the results are in the SCR logbook. I used the plots to set the HV to 1.5kV. There is not a real plateau curve, but one can see where the PMTs go into saturation for the S counters. Because I originally cut the cables to length based on measuring with LM-N and LM-S, and there is an offset of ~25ns between them, I added 25ns delay to V1N and V2N to time them into V1S and V2S. I began also to study the thresholds. At 1.5kV: = 1.0V = 0.4V = 1.7V = 0.5V Using these numbers, I estimated that we could set the discriminator threshold to 200mV. Unfortunately, this cut the 1*2 coincidence rates by 40-60% from a threshold of 30mV. Presently the threshold is set to 100mV. With this the rates are: V1S*V2S = 129kHz LM-S = 204kHz V1N*V2N = 95kHz LM-N = 191kHz V1S*V2S*V1N*V2N = 47kHz LM-S*LM-N = 157kHz Sometime during the night, the TFW died. This caused us to loose LM signal. However, LM-N and LM-S worked, and so I used these signals. I'm hoping that the definition of LM is close to an AND of LM-S and LM-N. When I get back in later today, I'll finish setting up the elastic trigger for the new detector arms and verify the signals using LM, assuming it will be fixed by then. __________________________________________________________________________ Pierrick Hanlet Monday, December 31, 2001 1 new trigger and working SLP Hi folks, I set up the trigger for the new detector arms. Unfortunately, I didn't have a chance to check the timing because of a lack of beam. Hopefully it didn't change. The only parts of the trigger for which I really have concern are the Early signals which make up part of the veto. The veto is now defined as: (EA1U OR EA2U) OR (EP1D OR EP2D) OR (LM-N * LM-S) OR (V1S*V2S * V1N*V2N) While I was waiting for beam, I made a TTL copy of the CAL pulser trigger which is used to trigger the ICD SLP. I ran a cable to M100 where we have the NIM-ECL-NIM converter. In this crate, I added a NIM-TTL converter, and put the output to Channel 14 of the NIM-ECL-NIM converter. (All of this was done with the permission of the Heidi, the shift captain, and Michael Begel). In the SCR, I took the Channel 14 output, delayed it to get the P1 MAPMT signals in the daq gate. So we now have the SLP to operate our LMBs. In order to operate the SLPs, one needs to go to the python subdirectory on d0ol13, and run One can change the SLP voltage and the channel's delay. For P1, the delay is 0 ns. Unfortunately, the daq is down, so I can't check it with the daq. At the next CH access, one needs to plug the P2 SLP cable to the one that goes into the tunnel; all other cables are in their final configuration. We can then clear out the fake SLP hardware that we have in the SCR. Once this is done, I will check the timing for P2. I just realized that we may have an issue with timing both the MAPMT signals and PMT signals; I'll ponder more on this. There are a couple of small problems with using the CAL pulser. First is that when any CAL person shuts it off, we may not be informed. This is the problem with sharing an SLP with the ICD folks. I'll ask Dean Schamberger to notify us if this happens. Secondly, the rate is small, namely 88Hz. This simply means that using an analogue scope is all but useless for looking at signals. I'm turning off the A/S and turning off the HV. __________________________________________________________________________ FPD Group account Sunday, January 06, 2002 pots Dear all, We retract all the pots, we inserted successfully this night and took 1.5 hours of data. We found the operating positions for AU.PD pots: P1U:23.3mm A1U:28.8mm P2U:23.5mm A2U:28.9mm The file is in the directory: /home/bodyagin/d0/fpd/camac/daq/socket/vers01/data At a first glance looks like the elastic rate was low but this we'll have to investigate further (may be was due to the position of the pots). Now pots are home and HV are of for all detectors. and control lines are off. __________________________________________________________________________ Victor Bodyagin [ Sunday, January 06, 2002 pots let me add a few words more. The good news is that the problem of "doubled" pedestals has gone away. We did it! Tha bad news is that the majority of ADC8 channels did not see neither physical signals neither LMBs though the pedestals looked good enough. Probably the cable from the detector is not plugged into A/S properly. And one remark more. While looking at LMB signals we saw perfect distributions for ADCs, i.e. perfectly narrow pedestals + gaussian-like distributions to the right from the pedestals. Meanwhile the same distributions look different for physical triggers. One can see that we have a fraction of events with ADC values a little bit lower than the pedestals. These can be explained if to recall that A/S produces a shaped signal of negative polarity with some small spike of positive one at the trailing edge of the pulse. So, if the pulse arrives too early versus ADC gate it can cause such an effect. The nature of these pulses is: halo particles, detector noise, and possible timing problems. __________________________________________________________________________ FPD Group account Tuesday, January 08, 2002 evenings summary Today was pretty successful! After the pots were inserted, I worked on our trigger. I checked: - all discriminator widths (15ns) - all discriminator thresholds - EP1D and EP2D have same timing - EA1U and EA2U have same timing - changed EP1D*EP2D to EP1D OR EP2D - changed EA1U*EA2U to EA1U OR EA2U - adjusted EP1D OR EP2D time wrt L0-N*L0-S (LM) (note that due to a broken module, I could not adjust EA1U OR EA2U; however, there is still a significant overlap) - verified V1S*V2S*V1N*V2N is timed in wrt L0-N*L0-S - now: VETO=(EP1D OR EP2D) OR (EA1U OR EA2U) OR (L0-S*L0-N) OR (V1S*V2S*V1N*V2N) - timed in PMT signals: added 25ns to P1D and 60ns to A1D - stretched VETO signal from 60ns to 75ns to cover all of 4-fold signal - plateau'd PMTs: P1D set to -1850V P2D set to -1750V A1U set to -1700V A2U set to -1800V - made discriminator threshold scans for P1D and P2D: P1D set to 60mV P2D set to 40mV We wanted to take some data, and Jorge wanted to move the pots in more, so I stopped the threshold scans. At D0 L=1.893E30, we have an elastic rate of 25.5Hz Details are in the logbook, as are the plots. I've also included the plots of the plateau curves and discriminator threshold scans as attachments. We took about 1/2 hour of data; more by Jorge and Victor. Jorge is now moving the pots in closer. When that is finished, he and Victor will start another run. __________________________________________________________________________ FPD Group account Tuesday, January 08, 2002 shift report Hi all, At the first part of the shift we inserted the 8 pots to the following in positions: P1D:23.3 mm A1U:28.8 mm P2D:23.5 mm A2U:28.9 mm P1U:27.2 mm A1D:37.9 mm P2U:29.9 mm A2D:38.0 mm Everything behave as expected, first we put the pots AU.PD far away from the operational position and they didn't affect the beam at all. Then we inserted the pots for the branch AD.PU until the operational positions and they affected exactly 10% as in the past (before the october shutdown). After that we went further in with the AU.PD pots until their operational positions and they didn't affect much the beam (less than 5%). Note that we are calling operational position for the branch AU.PU to the values reached in the lasts two insertions and not to the first one reached inmediatly after shutdown (there's ~4mm difference). At this point Pierrick made the plateau of the L0 tubes and set the discrimination values. The 4 fold coincidence rate together with the veto (VETO.4_FOLD_COINC) at this point (L = 2.25E30) was 31 Hz. He also measured the threshold values for P1D and P2D (more details in Pierrick's report). Once he finished we took data (run 71) for about 30 m, at a initial rate of ~25 Hz (L = 1.98E30) After that we inserted the AU and PD pots to see if we could find the values reached previously of 27.1 and 30.5 mm for P1D and P2D and 33.1 and 35.0 mm for A1U and A2U respectively. The final operating positions found were: A1U:30.6 mm P1D:25.0 mm A2U:35.0 mm P2D:27.0 mm At this positions and with L = 1.85E30 we found the VETO.4_FOLD_COINC ~62 Hz. Then 45 min before the planed end of store we took data (run 72). Now all pots are in home position, control lines are off and HV are all off. Cheers, Victor, Pierrick, Jorge __________________________________________________________________________ Vladimir Sirotenko Tuesday, January 08, 2002 Viewing EPICS variables There are several ways to examine epics variables from any online Linux node: - go to any online Linux node - setup onl_apps 1) to see numbers, you can run with configureation file (I've put three of them into /online/config/fpd/epics/ directory), for example /online/config/fpd/epics/pos_variables.pp - position variables /online/config/fpd/epics/hom_variables.pp - home variables /online/config/fpd/epics/smo_variables.pp - smoke variables If you see red colors, it means that the folloving variable in not accessible 2) you can create your own *.pp configuration file (list of epics variables you are interested, the complete list of fpd variables is in /online/config/fpd/epics/all_variables.pp and run with that file 3) to see stripchart of any variable in real time, you can run > StripTool and then supply any epics variable name to look at (you can superimpose several plots in one graph) 4) another way to see stripchart is (one variable per graph) > __________________________________________________________________________ Pierrick Hanlet Wednesday, January 09, 2002 day's events + pictures Hi folks, Two tasks were accomplished today (by me that is): 1) The TPP mounting frame with 1 comb were modified and 1 partially stuffed TPP was mounted. The modifications were essentially those I wrote about a couple of weeks ago; Russ Rucinski went over them with me, and Bob ? implemented the changes. We assembled the frame and mounted a TPP; Bob also made a spacer piece to fill the gap left by the short leg of the comb. I took pictures of it and have them on my web site (URL below); look for the last link under the heading "Integration of FPD detectors into D0 electronics" 2) During the last tunnel access, we installed a cable from the LVPS to the RM for monitoring the LVPS voltages. With Vladimir Siretenko, we checked that we were reading the voltages correctly. In addition, we defined and created new EPICs variables to monitor all of the LVPS voltages. They are: FPD_RM_P1-LVPS/+05V FPD_RM_P1-LVPS/+12V FPD_RM_P1-LVPS/-12V FPD_RM_P1-LVPS/+15V FPD_RM_P1-LVPS/-15V and so on for P2, A1, A2, and DI. Following Vladimir's email describing how to look at these variables, I created a file with these EPICs variables; using Vladimir's proceedure, we can now look at them. For example, from home right now, I know that someone has turned off the FPDGui (which is good). Later, I'll right some python interface, but this is fine for a while. This ability to remotely monitor the LVPS voltages allowed me to figure out that it is the +5V line that has the wrong return line for monitoring. (I think that I made note of this when documenting the last tunnel access). One of the tasks in the tunnel tomorrow is to install the cable for monitoring the LVPS voltages for P2 A/S crate. __________________________________________________________________________ Victor Bodyagin Sunday, January 13, some DAQ news now we can run daq_v03 version of DAQ. In fact, this is a new version of data logger or more specifically a new version of histgramming based on fully unpacked and decoded events. In this version a new set of multiplot windows has been added: ALL TDC channels ALL PLANES MULTIPLICITIES Of course, all set of old plots is in effect. Moreover, now we can easily introduce different two-dimensional plots to see correlating firing fibers. This is in project. Do not miss to watch an exciting movie! A new store is not expected to be before 4.00 a.m. __________________________________________________________________________ FPD Group account Sunday, January 13, 2002 shift report Dear all, We (Jorge and Victor) started moving the pots at 17:30, we moved P1D, P2D, A1U and A2U. We could put all the pots in operating positions except P2D that only reached 29.0 mm instead of the 30.5 mm reached in the last insertion. We had to retract the P2D from 29.5 to 29.0 mm because the losses passed the 20%. The PD insertion was very slow because we were affecting the A_HALO. We didn't have any problems with the AU insertion and it was fast. Now Pierrick is working with the timing and then he will finish finding the threshold of the A detectors (more details in his report). After that Victor will take data. Cheers, Jorge __________________________________________________________________________ Pierrick Hanlet Sunday, January 13, 2002 trigger ready Hi folks, I managed to set the discriminator thresholds for A1U and A2U. The HV and discriminator thresholds are now: Detector HV (kV) Threshold (mV) -------------------------------------------- P1D 1.85 60 P2D 1.70 40 A1U 1.75 60 A2U 1.80 70 With D0 L=2.322E30/(cm*cm*s), we have an elastic rate of 12Hz. I also checked the timing of the TDCs. They are all sitting at about 200ns; I did have to adjust a couple. With Victor's new histograms, we can see a peak in the TDC distributions at ~200ns. Hence, these are also working. Victor is now taking data. Though this won't be a large data sample due to the fact that the store will be dumped in 25 minutes, it should be a very clean sample. Victor has also generated histograms of hit multiplicities in each plane. These look very good; lots of zeros and ones. The data is in run 73. For clean track purposes, we can now cut on TDC distributions and plane multiplicities. I did not attempt the new halo track trigger, as we wanted to start a run asap, and I did not want to take a chance on screwing up the other trigger. If we don't get anything out of this run, I'll work on setting up this trigger. __________________________________________________________________________ FPD Group account Monday, January 14, 2002 shift report Dear all, We finished taking data. We took data runs 74, 75, 76, 77, and 78 ~10k events each. While data taking we were playing with different cuts for two-dimensional plot for X vs X' planes channels. All ADC responds were discriminated at the level Ped + 3*PedSigma + 2 counts. It could be seen that this cut was "soft" enough. After that we were looking at X-X' under different terms: 1. No multiplicity cuts. Maximum ADC values in X and X' respectively were plotted. 2. No multiplicity cuts. Weighted maximimum values were plotted. 3. No multiplicity cuts. For each plane Fiber No. was calculated as: (Sum nfiber*adc_val)/(Sum adc_val). 4. Multiplicity in each plane < 3. Fibers were calculated as in case 3. 5. Multiplicity = 1. Most severe cut. In all cases "diagonal" is clearly seen. Of course, the distribution cleaner at multiplicity = 1. But case No. 4 looks very promising: a. The distribution looks clean. b. Multiplicity < 3 is not a severe cut as it follows from Multiplicity distributions for all planes. all the pictures mentioned above can found in the directory: /home/d0fpd/daq_plots/.. Their names start from XvsXprime... Also you can see We could insert the pots to their final operating positions without problems. As yesterday the PD pots were the slowest ones while the AU's where faster and cleaner (in the sense we didn't affect the P_HALO so much). We also insert the the PU's pots and they also affected the A_HALO in ~20% like the PD's. Now pots are home, L0 and MAPMT HV are off VETO at standby and control lines are off. Victor and Jorge __________________________________________________________________________ Jorge Luis Vivas Barreto Tuesday, January 15, 2002 3 data progress Yes, we also need the values of the 3 quadrupoles magnet strengths at the proton side, their absolute position from the center of the Dzero, the separator electric fields, their absolute position from Dzero, and lenght, but just in case these values are not the same as the values from the original Tevatron's lattice for Run II, gave to me by M. Martens a long time ago. If we get nice events, we can plot xi- and t-distributions of it. Will that be sufficient? We can also have some plots given x- and y-positions as a function of z (beam) at some points of the lattice (magnets, separators, etc). For those of you interested in the tracking documentation, there are few technical reports you can find at Then, download the files,, and The former three describe the tracking in the (old) FORTRAN ages, but they give a rather good idea about the tracking logic. The C++ version of the actual code is described in the file, which is a first version of our (single hit) code. Please, let we know if you have any question about it. __________________________________________________________________________ Victor Bodyagin Thursday, January 17, 2002 and the last DAQ news for today Andrew, I think it's a very good news. Everyone saw that doubled subtraction of the pedestals while drawing daq plots did not kill our ADC pictures completely. It makes me suspicious that we have to make serious studies on our MAPMT operating HVs and on widths of our ADC gates. It's very likely that HV are tooooo high either gates are tooooooo wide. I've created already fully simulated data file for our offline community in order people could verify once more all our packing/unpacking stuff. This file is /home/d0fpd/vme/daq/data/simulated.dat It contains: ~1000 events scalers simulated as scaler[i] = 1000*[i+1] TDCs simulated as tdc[i] = 100*[i+1] ADCs simulated as adc[i] = i+1 DAQ packing/unpacking and mapping gave perfect result on these data. Now, I'm going to simulate more sophisticated data for ADCs filled fractionally with zeroes because in our case the packing/unpacking and decoding of ADCs is the most complicated. __________________________________________________________________________ Gilvan A. Alves Friday, January 18, 2002 possible hit (fwd) Yes we got it. We were actually checking the Pot positions and found out an error we did yesterday on reco. We were actually using the 8 sigma positions and not the ones given by Mike, that is 16.61mm for P1D and 11.93mm for P2D. Using this values the actual numbers are: xi_reco = 0.0229729 t_reco = 1.35054 Playing games with this values we acually have xi_reco = 0.0143169 t_reco = 1.24069 for P1D = 15.61 and P2D = 10.93 xi_reco = 0.0050155 t_reco = 1.13617 for P1D = 14.61 and P2D = 9.93 that is from Mike's values. given our resolution in xi of about 0.006 we can not go beyond that, but with more events we can get a good estimate of the actual positions. I should say that we are still using the old lattice so this is not the final word. We REALLY, ABSOLUTELY, POSITIVELY need the new lattice values. Gilvan, for the tracking group.