CVS diff for FountainWireProt.h between 1.23 and 1.15:

Revision 1.15 Revision 1.23
Line 24 Line 24
//! noticed immediately during the call to select in FountainSocketHandlers::CheckConnections. 
class FountainWireProt { 
//! noticed immediately during the call to select in FountainSocketHandlers::CheckConnections. 
class FountainWireProt { 
		//! \brief default constructor
		//! Creates an unconnected wire protocol handler
		FountainWireProt(SSSWireProt* connection=NULL); 
		//! \brief Server socket constructor
		//! Creates a connected wire protocol handler using the SSS wire protocol handler
		//! @param connection A SSSWireProtocol connection already in place
		FountainWireProt(SSSWireProt* connection);
		//! \brief Client socket constructor
		//! Created an unconnected wire protocol handler ready to connect
		//! @param prot The SSS wire protocol to use
		FountainWireProt(SSS_Protocols prot);
//! \brief Destructor that will close the socket and remove the file descriptor from our vector of clientSockets 
//! \brief Connects to the specified host and port
//! \brief Destructor that will close the socket and remove the file descriptor from our vector of clientSockets 
//! \brief Connects to the specified host and port
        //! @param Host - The hostname to connect to
		//! @param node The NodeID of the host to connect to 
        //! @param Port - The port on to connect to
        //! @return SUCCESS if the connection was successful, or FAILURE if it was not
        int connect(const char* Host, int Port);

        //! \brief Same as the c-string equivalent function above
        int connect(const string& Host, int Port);
		//! \brief Same as calling connect(hostname, listenPort)
		int connect(const NodeID& node); 
//! \brief Blocking send 
		int connect(const NodeID& node); 
//! \brief Blocking send 
Line 51 Line 49
        //! \brief Blocking receive 
//! @return A pointer to a ParseMsg object containing the received message 
FountainParseMessage* recvMessage(); 
        //! \brief Blocking receive 
//! @return A pointer to a ParseMsg object containing the received message 
FountainParseMessage* recvMessage(); 
		//! \brief Blocking receive
		//! @return A pointer to a c-string array containing the received message
		const char* recvMessage(int& length); 
//! \brief Send a text message on the socket 
//! @return SUCCESS if sending the message was successful 
//! \brief Send a text message on the socket 
//! @return SUCCESS if sending the message was successful 
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		//! @param sleepTime The time in seconds to wait for data on this connection 
int CheckForData(int sleepTime=0); 
		//! @param sleepTime The time in seconds to wait for data on this connection 
int CheckForData(int sleepTime=0); 
		//! @return get the hostname of the host this object is connected to
		const std::string& getHostname() const { return _hostname; };
        //! The FountainSocketHandlers class needs to be a friend class so it 
//! has access to our static private sockets vector 
friend class FountainSocketHandlers; 
        //! The FountainSocketHandlers class needs to be a friend class so it 
//! has access to our static private sockets vector 
friend class FountainSocketHandlers; 
        //! private assignment operator and copy constructor since we don't
        //! want people to use them 
		//! \enum FountainWireProtType
		//! \brief Enumerated types to define client or server sockets
		enum FountainWireProtType {

		//! \enum FountainWireProtState
		//! \brief Enumerated types to define the state of a FountainWireProt object
		enum FountainWireProtState {
        //! \brief private unimplemented copy constructor since we don't want people to use it
        FountainWireProt(const FountainWireProt& rhs);
        FountainWireProt(const FountainWireProt& rhs);
        //! \brief private unimplemented assignment operator since we don't want people to use it 
        FountainWireProt& operator=(const FountainWireProt& rhs);
        FountainWireProt& operator=(const FountainWireProt& rhs);
		//! \brief This function is called by the FountainWireProt destructor
        void removeSocket();
		//! \brief Looks up a hostname of a connected socket using the getpeername system call
		void lookupHostname() throw(FountainException); 


        //! \todo make this an enum or use the enum in SSSWireProt
        string state;
		//! This function is called by the FountainWireProt destructor
        void removeSocket(int socket); 
		//! \brief Convert a FountainWireProtType enumeration into a c-string
		static const char* fountain_convert(FountainWireProtType t);

		//! \brief Convert a FountainWireProtState enumeration into a c-string
		static const char* fountain_convert(FountainWireProtState t);
		//! enumerated value to determine if we're a server or client socket
        FountainWireProtType socketType;
		//! Vector of file descriptors for our existing open client sockets
    	static std::vector<int> sockets; 
		//! enumerated value to determine our state
		FountainWireProtState state; 
//! The SSSWireProt handler for each FountainWireProt object 
SSSWireProt* _connection;
//! The SSSWireProt handler for each FountainWireProt object 
SSSWireProt* _connection;
		//! The hostname of the host this FountainWireProt object is connected to
		std::string _hostname;
		//! Vector of file descriptors for our existing open client sockets.  Both this vector and the serverSockets vector
		//! are static since they contain values needed by the FountainSocketHandlers class during it's system call
		//! to select to determine which sockets have data ready.
    	static std::vector<int> clientSockets;
		//! Vector of file descriptors for our existing open server sockets. This has to be separated from the clientSockets
		//! vector because when the FountainSocketHandlers class detects data ready on an open server socket it will have
		//! to create a new wire protocol handler for that socket and return it to the caller of its checkConnections method.
		//! When data is ready on a clientSocket no wire protocol handler is returned since one alredy exists.
    	static std::vector<int> serverSockets;

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