QHttpPrivate Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for QHttpPrivate:

Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for QHttpPrivate:

Collaboration graph
List of all members.

Detailed Description

Definition at line 65 of file qhttp.cpp.

Public Member Functions

 QHttpPrivate ()
 ~QHttpPrivate ()
void _q_startNextRequest ()
void _q_slotReadyRead ()
void _q_slotConnected ()
void _q_slotError (QAbstractSocket::SocketError)
void _q_slotClosed ()
void _q_slotBytesWritten (qint64 numBytes)
void _q_slotDoFinished ()
void _q_slotSendRequest ()
int addRequest (QHttpRequest *)
void finishedWithSuccess ()
void finishedWithError (const QString &detail, int errorCode)
void init ()
void setState (int)
void closeConn ()
void setSock (QTcpSocket *sock)

Public Attributes

int reconnectAttempts
bool deleteSocket
QList< QHttpRequest * > pending
QHttp::State state
QHttp::Error error
QString errorString
QString hostName
quint16 port
QByteArray buffer
qint64 bytesDone
qint64 bytesTotal
qint64 chunkedSize
QHttpRequestHeader header
bool readHeader
QString headerStr
QHttpResponseHeader response
QRingBuffer rba
QString userName
QString password
QString proxyHost
int proxyPort
QString proxyUser
QString proxyPassword

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

QHttpPrivate::QHttpPrivate (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 70 of file qhttp.cpp.

00070                           : socket(0), reconnectAttempts(2),
00071           deleteSocket(0), state(QHttp::Unconnected),
00072           error(QHttp::NoError), port(0), toDevice(0),
00073           postDevice(0), bytesDone(0), chunkedSize(-1)
00074     {
00075     }

QHttpPrivate::~QHttpPrivate (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 77 of file qhttp.cpp.

References deleteSocket, QList< T >::isEmpty(), pending, socket, and QList< T >::takeFirst().

00078     {
00079         while (!pending.isEmpty())
00080             delete pending.takeFirst();
00082         if (deleteSocket)
00083             delete socket;
00084     }

Here is the call graph for this function:

Member Function Documentation

void QHttpPrivate::_q_startNextRequest (  ) 

Definition at line 2215 of file qhttp.cpp.

References emit, error, errorString, QList< T >::first(), QHttpRequest::id, QList< T >::isEmpty(), QHttp::NoError, pending, and QHttpRequest::start().

Referenced by finishedWithSuccess().

02216 {
02217     Q_Q(QHttp);
02218     if (pending.isEmpty())
02219         return;
02220     QHttpRequest *r = pending.first();
02222     error = QHttp::NoError;
02223     errorString = QLatin1String(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("QHttp", "Unknown error"));
02225     if (q->bytesAvailable() != 0)
02226         q->readAll(); // clear the data
02227     emit q->requestStarted(r->id);
02228     r->start(q);
02229 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

void QHttpPrivate::_q_slotReadyRead (  ) 

Definition at line 2431 of file qhttp.cpp.

References buffer, QAbstractSocket::bytesAvailable(), bytesDone, QAbstractSocket::canReadLine(), chunkedSize, closeConn(), QHttp::Connected, QByteArray::constData(), QHttpHeader::contentLength(), QByteArray::data(), emit, finishedWithError(), QString::fromAscii(), QHttpHeader::hasContentLength(), headerStr, QString::indexOf(), QHttp::InvalidResponseHeader, QMetaObject::invokeMethod(), n, ptr, qDebug(), qMin(), Qt::QueuedConnection, rba, QIODevice::read(), QIODevice::readAll(), readHeader, QHttp::Reading, QIODevice::readLine(), QRingBuffer::reserve(), QByteArray::resize(), response, setState(), QByteArray::size(), socket, state, toDevice, QString::toInt(), QString::toLatin1(), QString::toLower(), QString::truncate(), QHttpHeader::value(), QIODevice::write(), and QHttp::WrongContentLength.

Referenced by setSock().

02432 {
02433     Q_Q(QHttp);
02434     if (state != QHttp::Reading) {
02435         setState(QHttp::Reading);
02436         buffer = QByteArray();
02437         readHeader = true;
02438         headerStr = QLatin1String("");
02439         bytesDone = 0;
02440         chunkedSize = -1;
02441     }
02443     while (readHeader) {
02444         bool end = false;
02445         QString tmp;
02446         while (!end && socket->canReadLine()) {
02447             tmp = QString::fromAscii(socket->readLine());
02448             if (tmp == QLatin1String("\r\n") || tmp == QLatin1String("\n"))
02449                 end = true;
02450             else
02451                 headerStr += tmp;
02452         }
02454         if (!end)
02455             return;
02457 #if defined(QHTTP_DEBUG)
02458         qDebug("QHttp: read response header:\n---{\n%s}---", headerStr.toLatin1().constData());
02459 #endif
02460         response = QHttpResponseHeader(headerStr);
02461         headerStr = QLatin1String("");
02462 #if defined(QHTTP_DEBUG)
02463         qDebug("QHttp: read response header:\n---{\n%s}---", response.toString().toLatin1().constData());
02464 #endif
02465         // Check header
02466         if (!response.isValid()) {
02467             finishedWithError(QLatin1String(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("QHttp", "Invalid HTTP response header")),
02468                               QHttp::InvalidResponseHeader);
02469             closeConn();
02470             return;
02471         }
02473         // The 100-continue header is ignored, because when using the
02474         // POST method, we send both the request header and data in
02475         // one chunk.
02476         if (response.statusCode() != 100) {
02477             readHeader = false;
02478             if (response.hasKey(QLatin1String("transfer-encoding")) &&
02479                 response.value(QLatin1String("transfer-encoding")).toLower().contains(QLatin1String("chunked")))
02480                 chunkedSize = 0;
02482             emit q->responseHeaderReceived(response);
02483         }
02484     }
02486     if (!readHeader) {
02487         bool everythingRead = false;
02489         if (q->currentRequest().method() == QLatin1String("HEAD")) {
02490             everythingRead = true;
02491         } else {
02492             qint64 n = socket->bytesAvailable();
02493             QByteArray *arr = 0;
02494             if (chunkedSize != -1) {
02495                 // transfer-encoding is chunked
02496                 for (;;) {
02497                     // get chunk size
02498                     if (chunkedSize == 0) {
02499                         if (!socket->canReadLine())
02500                             break;
02501                         QString sizeString = QString::fromAscii(socket->readLine());
02502                         int tPos = sizeString.indexOf(QLatin1Char(';'));
02503                         if (tPos != -1)
02504                             sizeString.truncate(tPos);
02505                         bool ok;
02506                         chunkedSize = sizeString.toInt(&ok, 16);
02507                         if (!ok) {
02508                             finishedWithError(QLatin1String(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("QHttp", "Invalid HTTP chunked body")),
02509                                               QHttp::WrongContentLength);
02510                             closeConn();
02511                             delete arr;
02512                             return;
02513                         }
02514                         if (chunkedSize == 0) // last-chunk
02515                             chunkedSize = -2;
02516                     }
02518                     // read trailer
02519                     while (chunkedSize == -2 && socket->canReadLine()) {
02520                         QString read = QString::fromAscii(socket->readLine());
02521                         if (read == QLatin1String("\r\n") || read == QLatin1String("\n"))
02522                             chunkedSize = -1;
02523                     }
02524                     if (chunkedSize == -1) {
02525                         everythingRead = true;
02526                         break;
02527                     }
02529                     // make sure that you can read the terminating CRLF,
02530                     // otherwise wait until next time...
02531                     n = socket->bytesAvailable();
02532                     if (n == 0)
02533                         break;
02534                     if (n == chunkedSize || n == chunkedSize+1) {
02535                         n = chunkedSize - 1;
02536                         if (n == 0)
02537                             break;
02538                     }
02540                     // read data
02541                     qint64 toRead = chunkedSize < 0 ? n : qMin(n, chunkedSize);
02542                     if (!arr)
02543                         arr = new QByteArray;
02544                     uint oldArrSize = arr->size();
02545                     arr->resize(oldArrSize + toRead);
02546                     qint64 read = socket->read(arr->data()+oldArrSize, toRead);
02547                     arr->resize(oldArrSize + read);
02549                     chunkedSize -= read;
02551                     if (chunkedSize == 0 && n - read >= 2) {
02552                         // read terminating CRLF
02553                         char tmp[2];
02554                         socket->read(tmp, 2);
02555                         if (tmp[0] != '\r' || tmp[1] != '\n') {
02556                             finishedWithError(QLatin1String(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("QHttp", "Invalid HTTP chunked body")),
02557                                               QHttp::WrongContentLength);
02558                             closeConn();
02559                             delete arr;
02560                             return;
02561                         }
02562                     }
02563                 }
02564             } else if (response.hasContentLength()) {
02565                 n = qMin(qint64(response.contentLength() - bytesDone), n);
02566                 if (n > 0) {
02567                     arr = new QByteArray;
02568                     arr->resize(n);
02569                     qint64 read = socket->read(arr->data(), n);
02570                     arr->resize(read);
02571                 }
02572                 if (bytesDone + q->bytesAvailable() + n == response.contentLength())
02573                     everythingRead = true;
02574             } else if (n > 0) {
02575                 // workaround for VC++ bug
02576                 QByteArray temp = socket->readAll();
02577                 arr = new QByteArray(temp);
02578             }
02580             if (arr) {
02581                 n = arr->size();
02582                 if (toDevice) {
02583                     toDevice->write(*arr, n);
02584                     delete arr;
02585                     arr = 0;
02586                     bytesDone += n;
02587 #if defined(QHTTP_DEBUG)
02588                     qDebug("QHttp::_q_slotReadyRead(): read %lld bytes (%lld bytes done)", n, bytesDone);
02589 #endif
02590                     if (response.hasContentLength())
02591                         emit q->dataReadProgress(bytesDone, response.contentLength());
02592                     else
02593                         emit q->dataReadProgress(bytesDone, 0);
02594                 } else {
02595                     char *ptr = rba.reserve(arr->size());
02596                     memcpy(ptr, arr->data(), arr->size());
02597                     delete arr;
02598                     arr = 0;
02599 #if defined(QHTTP_DEBUG)
02600                     qDebug("QHttp::_q_slotReadyRead(): read %lld bytes (%lld bytes done)", n, bytesDone + q->bytesAvailable());
02601 #endif
02602                     if (response.hasContentLength())
02603                         emit q->dataReadProgress(bytesDone + q->bytesAvailable(), response.contentLength());
02604                     else
02605                         emit q->dataReadProgress(bytesDone + q->bytesAvailable(), 0);
02606                     emit q->readyRead(response);
02607                 }
02608             }
02609         }
02611         if (everythingRead) {
02612             // Handle "Connection: close"
02613             if (response.value(QLatin1String("connection")).toLower() == QLatin1String("close")) {
02614                 closeConn();
02615             } else {
02616                 setState(QHttp::Connected);
02617                 // Start a timer, so that we emit the keep alive signal
02618                 // "after" this method returned.
02619                 QMetaObject::invokeMethod(q, "_q_slotDoFinished", Qt::QueuedConnection);
02620             }
02621         }
02622     }
02623 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

void QHttpPrivate::_q_slotConnected (  ) 

Definition at line 2346 of file qhttp.cpp.

References buffer, bytesDone, bytesTotal, QByteArray::constData(), header, QString::length(), postDevice, qDebug(), QHttp::Sending, setState(), QIODevice::size(), QByteArray::size(), socket, state, QString::toLatin1(), QHttpRequestHeader::toString(), and QIODevice::write().

Referenced by _q_slotSendRequest(), and setSock().

02347 {
02348     if (state != QHttp::Sending) {
02349         bytesDone = 0;
02350         setState(QHttp::Sending);
02351     }
02353     QString str = header.toString();
02354     bytesTotal = str.length();
02355     socket->write(str.toLatin1(), bytesTotal);
02356 #if defined(QHTTP_DEBUG)
02357     qDebug("QHttp: write request header %p:\n---{\n%s}---", &header, str.toLatin1().constData());
02358 #endif
02360     if (postDevice) {
02361         bytesTotal += postDevice->size();
02362     } else {
02363         bytesTotal += buffer.size();
02364         socket->write(buffer, buffer.size());
02365         buffer = QByteArray(); // save memory
02366     }
02367 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

void QHttpPrivate::_q_slotError ( QAbstractSocket::SocketError   ) 

Definition at line 2369 of file qhttp.cpp.

References QAbstractSocket::abort(), QObject::blockSignals(), closeConn(), QHttp::Closing, QHttp::Connecting, QHttp::ConnectionRefused, QAbstractSocket::ConnectionRefusedError, finishedWithError(), QString::fromLatin1(), QHttp::HostNotFound, QAbstractSocket::HostNotFoundError, QMetaObject::invokeMethod(), QAbstractSocket::peerName(), postDevice, Qt::QueuedConnection, QHttp::Reading, reconnectAttempts, QAbstractSocket::RemoteHostClosedError, QHttp::Sending, setState(), socket, state, QHttp::Unconnected, and QHttp::UnknownError.

Referenced by setSock().

02370 {
02371     Q_Q(QHttp);
02372     postDevice = 0;
02374     if (state == QHttp::Connecting || state == QHttp::Reading || state == QHttp::Sending) {
02375         switch (err) {
02376         case QTcpSocket::ConnectionRefusedError:
02377             finishedWithError(QLatin1String(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("QHttp", "Connection refused")), QHttp::ConnectionRefused);
02378             break;
02379         case QTcpSocket::HostNotFoundError:
02380             finishedWithError(QString::fromLatin1(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("QHttp", "Host %1 not found"))
02381                               .arg(socket->peerName()), QHttp::HostNotFound);
02382             break;
02383         case QTcpSocket::RemoteHostClosedError:
02384             if (state == QHttp::Sending && reconnectAttempts--) {
02385                 setState(QHttp::Closing);
02386                 setState(QHttp::Unconnected);
02387                 socket->blockSignals(true);
02388                 socket->abort();
02389                 socket->blockSignals(false);
02390                 QMetaObject::invokeMethod(q, "_q_slotSendRequest", Qt::QueuedConnection);
02391                 return;
02392             }
02393             break;
02394         default:
02395             finishedWithError(QLatin1String(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("QHttp", "HTTP request failed")), QHttp::UnknownError);
02396             break;
02397         }
02398     }
02400     closeConn();
02401 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

void QHttpPrivate::_q_slotClosed (  ) 

Definition at line 2324 of file qhttp.cpp.

References bytesDone, QHttp::Closing, QHttp::Connecting, QHttpHeader::contentLength(), finishedWithError(), QHttpHeader::hasKey(), QMetaObject::invokeMethod(), postDevice, Qt::QueuedConnection, QHttp::Reading, response, QHttp::Sending, setState(), state, QHttp::UnexpectedClose, and QHttp::WrongContentLength.

Referenced by setSock().

02325 {
02326     Q_Q(QHttp);
02327     if (state == QHttp::Closing)
02328         return;
02330     if (state == QHttp::Reading) {
02331         if (response.hasKey(QLatin1String("content-length"))) {
02332             // We got Content-Length, so did we get all bytes?
02333             if (bytesDone + q->bytesAvailable() != response.contentLength()) {
02334                 finishedWithError(QLatin1String(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("QHttp", "Wrong content length")), QHttp::WrongContentLength);
02335             }
02336         }
02337     } else if (state == QHttp::Connecting || state == QHttp::Sending) {
02338         finishedWithError(QLatin1String(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("QHttp", "Server closed connection unexpectedly")), QHttp::UnexpectedClose);
02339     }
02341     postDevice = 0;
02342     setState(QHttp::Closing);
02343     QMetaObject::invokeMethod(q, "_q_slotDoFinished", Qt::QueuedConnection);
02344 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

void QHttpPrivate::_q_slotBytesWritten ( qint64  numBytes  ) 

Definition at line 2403 of file qhttp.cpp.

References QIODevice::atEnd(), bytesDone, bytesTotal, QAbstractSocket::bytesToWrite(), closeConn(), QByteArray::data(), emit, n, QIODevice::pos(), postDevice, qWarning(), QIODevice::read(), QByteArray::resize(), QIODevice::size(), socket, and QIODevice::write().

Referenced by setSock().

02404 {
02405     Q_Q(QHttp);
02406     bytesDone += written;
02407     emit q->dataSendProgress(bytesDone, bytesTotal);
02409     if (!postDevice)
02410         return;
02412     if (socket->bytesToWrite() == 0) {
02413         int max = qMin<qint64>(4096, postDevice->size() - postDevice->pos());
02414         QByteArray arr;
02415         arr.resize(max);
02417         int n = postDevice->read(arr.data(), max);
02418         if (n <= 0) {
02419             qWarning("Could not read enough bytes from the device");
02420             closeConn();
02421             return;
02422         }
02423         if (postDevice->atEnd()) {
02424             postDevice = 0;
02425         }
02427         socket->write(arr, n);
02428     }
02429 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

void QHttpPrivate::_q_slotDoFinished (  ) 

Definition at line 2625 of file qhttp.cpp.

References QHttp::Connected, finishedWithSuccess(), setState(), state, and QHttp::Unconnected.

02626 {
02627     if (state == QHttp::Connected) {
02628         finishedWithSuccess();
02629     } else if (state != QHttp::Unconnected) {
02630         setState(QHttp::Unconnected);
02631         finishedWithSuccess();
02632     }
02633 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

void QHttpPrivate::_q_slotSendRequest (  ) 

Definition at line 2231 of file qhttp.cpp.

References _q_slotConnected(), QAbstractSocket::abort(), QObject::blockSignals(), QAbstractSocket::ConnectedState, QHttp::Connecting, QAbstractSocket::connectToHost(), finishedWithError(), QString::fromAscii(), QUrl::fromEncoded(), header, hostName, QString::isEmpty(), QString::isNull(), QHttpRequestHeader::majorVersion(), QHttpRequestHeader::method(), QHttpRequestHeader::minorVersion(), password, QHttpRequestHeader::path(), QAbstractSocket::peerName(), QAbstractSocket::peerPort(), port, proxyHost, proxyPassword, proxyPort, proxyUser, QUrl::resolved(), QUrl::setHost(), QUrl::setPort(), QHttpRequestHeader::setRequest(), setState(), QHttpHeader::setValue(), socket, QAbstractSocket::state(), QString::toAscii(), QUrl::toEncoded(), QString::toLatin1(), QHttp::UnknownError, and userName.

02232 {
02233     // Proxy support. Insert the Proxy-Authorization item into the
02234     // header before it's sent off to the proxy.
02235     if (!proxyHost.isEmpty()) {
02236         QUrl proxyUrl;
02237         proxyUrl.setScheme(QLatin1String("http"));
02238         proxyUrl.setHost(hostName);
02239         if (port && port != 80) proxyUrl.setPort(port);
02240         QString request = QString::fromAscii(proxyUrl.resolved(QUrl::fromEncoded(header.path().toLatin1())).toEncoded());
02242         header.setRequest(header.method(), request, header.majorVersion(), header.minorVersion());
02244         if (!proxyUser.isEmpty()) {
02245             QByteArray pass = proxyUser.toAscii();
02246             if (!proxyPassword.isEmpty()) {
02247                 pass += ':';
02248                 pass += proxyPassword.toAscii();
02249             }
02250             header.setValue(QLatin1String("Proxy-Authorization"), QLatin1String("Basic " + pass.toBase64()));
02251         }
02252     }
02254     // Username support. Insert the user and password into the query
02255     // string.
02256     if (!userName.isEmpty()) {
02257         QByteArray pass = userName.toAscii();
02258         if (!password.isEmpty()) {
02259             pass += ':';
02260             pass += password.toAscii();
02261         }
02262         header.setValue(QLatin1String("Authorization"), QLatin1String("Basic " + pass.toBase64()));
02263     }
02265     if (hostName.isNull()) {
02266         finishedWithError(QLatin1String(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("QHttp", "No server set to connect to")),
02267                           QHttp::UnknownError);
02268         return;
02269     }
02271     // Do we need to setup a new connection or can we reuse an
02272     // existing one?
02273     if (socket->peerName() != hostName || socket->peerPort() != port
02274         || socket->state() != QTcpSocket::ConnectedState) {
02275         socket->blockSignals(true);
02276         socket->abort();
02277         socket->blockSignals(false);
02279         setState(QHttp::Connecting);
02280         if (proxyHost.isEmpty())
02281             socket->connectToHost(hostName, port);
02282         else
02283             socket->connectToHost(proxyHost, proxyPort);
02284     } else {
02285         _q_slotConnected();
02286     }
02288 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

int QHttpPrivate::addRequest ( QHttpRequest  ) 

Definition at line 2203 of file qhttp.cpp.

References QList< T >::append(), QList< T >::count(), QHttpRequest::id, QMetaObject::invokeMethod(), pending, and Qt::QueuedConnection.

02204 {
02205     Q_Q(QHttp);
02206     pending.append(req);
02208     if (pending.count() == 1) {
02209         // don't emit the requestStarted() signal before the id is returned
02210         QMetaObject::invokeMethod(q, "_q_startNextRequest", Qt::QueuedConnection);
02211     }
02212     return req->id;
02213 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

void QHttpPrivate::finishedWithSuccess (  ) 

Definition at line 2290 of file qhttp.cpp.

References _q_startNextRequest(), emit, QList< T >::first(), QHttpRequest::id, QList< T >::isEmpty(), pending, and QList< T >::removeFirst().

Referenced by _q_slotDoFinished().

02291 {
02292     Q_Q(QHttp);
02293     if (pending.isEmpty())
02294         return;
02295     QHttpRequest *r = pending.first();
02297     emit q->requestFinished(r->id, false);
02298     pending.removeFirst();
02299     delete r;
02301     if (pending.isEmpty()) {
02302         emit q->done(false);
02303     } else {
02304         _q_startNextRequest();
02305     }
02306 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

void QHttpPrivate::finishedWithError ( const QString detail,
int  errorCode 

Definition at line 2308 of file qhttp.cpp.

References emit, error, errorString, QList< T >::first(), QHttpRequest::id, QList< T >::isEmpty(), pending, and QList< T >::takeFirst().

Referenced by _q_slotClosed(), _q_slotError(), _q_slotReadyRead(), and _q_slotSendRequest().

02309 {
02310     Q_Q(QHttp);
02311     if (pending.isEmpty())
02312         return;
02313     QHttpRequest *r = pending.first();
02315     error = QHttp::Error(errorCode);
02316     errorString = detail;
02317     emit q->requestFinished(r->id, true);
02319     while (!pending.isEmpty())
02320         delete pending.takeFirst();
02321     emit q->done(true);
02322 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

void QHttpPrivate::init (  ) 

Definition at line 1536 of file qhttp.cpp.

References errorString, QMetaObject::invokeMethod(), and Qt::QueuedConnection.

01537 {
01538     Q_Q(QHttp);
01539     errorString = QLatin1String(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("QHttp", "Unknown error"));
01540     QMetaObject::invokeMethod(q, "_q_slotDoFinished", Qt::QueuedConnection);
01541 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

void QHttpPrivate::setState ( int   ) 

Definition at line 2673 of file qhttp.cpp.

References emit, qDebug(), and state.

Referenced by _q_slotClosed(), _q_slotConnected(), _q_slotDoFinished(), _q_slotError(), _q_slotReadyRead(), _q_slotSendRequest(), and closeConn().

02674 {
02675     Q_Q(QHttp);
02676 #if defined(QHTTP_DEBUG)
02677     qDebug("QHttp state changed %d -> %d", state, s);
02678 #endif
02679     state = QHttp::State(s);
02680     emit q->stateChanged(s);
02681 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

void QHttpPrivate::closeConn (  ) 

Definition at line 2683 of file qhttp.cpp.

References QAbstractSocket::close(), QHttp::Closing, QMetaObject::invokeMethod(), QIODevice::isOpen(), postDevice, Qt::QueuedConnection, setState(), socket, state, QAbstractSocket::state(), QHttp::Unconnected, and QAbstractSocket::UnconnectedState.

Referenced by _q_slotBytesWritten(), _q_slotError(), and _q_slotReadyRead().

02684 {
02685     Q_Q(QHttp);
02686     // If no connection is open -> ignore
02687     if (state == QHttp::Closing || state == QHttp::Unconnected)
02688         return;
02690     postDevice = 0;
02691     setState(QHttp::Closing);
02693     // Already closed ?
02694     if (!socket || !socket->isOpen()) {
02695         QMetaObject::invokeMethod(q, "_q_slotDoFinished", Qt::QueuedConnection);
02696     } else {
02697         // Close now.
02698         socket->close();
02700         // Did close succeed immediately ?
02701         if (socket->state() == QTcpSocket::UnconnectedState) {
02702             // Prepare to emit the requestFinished() signal.
02703             QMetaObject::invokeMethod(q, "_q_slotDoFinished", Qt::QueuedConnection);
02704         }
02705     }
02706 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

void QHttpPrivate::setSock ( QTcpSocket sock  ) 

Definition at line 2708 of file qhttp.cpp.

References _q_slotBytesWritten(), _q_slotClosed(), _q_slotConnected(), _q_slotError(), _q_slotReadyRead(), QObject::connect(), deleteSocket, QObject::disconnect(), error, SIGNAL, SLOT, and socket.

02709 {
02710     Q_Q(const QHttp);
02712     // disconnect all existing signals
02713     if (socket) socket->disconnect();
02715     // use the new QTcpSocket socket, or create one if socket is 0.
02716     deleteSocket = (sock == 0);
02717     socket = sock ? sock : new QTcpSocket();
02719     // connect all signals
02720     QObject::connect(socket, SIGNAL(connected()), q, SLOT(_q_slotConnected()));
02721     QObject::connect(socket, SIGNAL(disconnected()), q, SLOT(_q_slotClosed()));
02722     QObject::connect(socket, SIGNAL(readyRead()), q, SLOT(_q_slotReadyRead()));
02723     QObject::connect(socket, SIGNAL(error(QAbstractSocket::SocketError)), q, SLOT(_q_slotError(QAbstractSocket::SocketError)));
02724     QObject::connect(socket, SIGNAL(bytesWritten(qint64)),
02725                      q, SLOT(_q_slotBytesWritten(qint64)));
02726 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

Member Data Documentation

QTcpSocket* QHttpPrivate::socket

Definition at line 105 of file qhttp.cpp.

Referenced by _q_slotBytesWritten(), _q_slotConnected(), _q_slotError(), _q_slotReadyRead(), _q_slotSendRequest(), closeConn(), setSock(), and ~QHttpPrivate().

int QHttpPrivate::reconnectAttempts

Definition at line 106 of file qhttp.cpp.

Referenced by _q_slotError().

bool QHttpPrivate::deleteSocket

Definition at line 107 of file qhttp.cpp.

Referenced by setSock(), and ~QHttpPrivate().

QList<QHttpRequest *> QHttpPrivate::pending

Definition at line 108 of file qhttp.cpp.

Referenced by _q_startNextRequest(), addRequest(), finishedWithError(), finishedWithSuccess(), and ~QHttpPrivate().

QHttp::State QHttpPrivate::state

Definition at line 110 of file qhttp.cpp.

Referenced by _q_slotClosed(), _q_slotConnected(), _q_slotDoFinished(), _q_slotError(), _q_slotReadyRead(), closeConn(), and setState().

QHttp::Error QHttpPrivate::error

Definition at line 111 of file qhttp.cpp.

Referenced by _q_startNextRequest(), finishedWithError(), and setSock().

QString QHttpPrivate::errorString

Definition at line 112 of file qhttp.cpp.

Referenced by _q_startNextRequest(), finishedWithError(), and init().

QString QHttpPrivate::hostName

Definition at line 114 of file qhttp.cpp.

Referenced by _q_slotSendRequest().

quint16 QHttpPrivate::port

Definition at line 115 of file qhttp.cpp.

Referenced by _q_slotSendRequest().

QByteArray QHttpPrivate::buffer

Definition at line 117 of file qhttp.cpp.

Referenced by _q_slotConnected(), and _q_slotReadyRead().

QIODevice* QHttpPrivate::toDevice

Definition at line 118 of file qhttp.cpp.

Referenced by _q_slotReadyRead().

QIODevice* QHttpPrivate::postDevice

Definition at line 119 of file qhttp.cpp.

Referenced by _q_slotBytesWritten(), _q_slotClosed(), _q_slotConnected(), _q_slotError(), and closeConn().

qint64 QHttpPrivate::bytesDone

Definition at line 121 of file qhttp.cpp.

Referenced by _q_slotBytesWritten(), _q_slotClosed(), _q_slotConnected(), and _q_slotReadyRead().

qint64 QHttpPrivate::bytesTotal

Definition at line 122 of file qhttp.cpp.

Referenced by _q_slotBytesWritten(), and _q_slotConnected().

qint64 QHttpPrivate::chunkedSize

Definition at line 123 of file qhttp.cpp.

Referenced by _q_slotReadyRead().

QHttpRequestHeader QHttpPrivate::header

Definition at line 125 of file qhttp.cpp.

Referenced by _q_slotConnected(), and _q_slotSendRequest().

bool QHttpPrivate::readHeader

Definition at line 127 of file qhttp.cpp.

Referenced by _q_slotReadyRead().

QString QHttpPrivate::headerStr

Definition at line 128 of file qhttp.cpp.

Referenced by _q_slotReadyRead().

QHttpResponseHeader QHttpPrivate::response

Definition at line 129 of file qhttp.cpp.

Referenced by _q_slotClosed(), and _q_slotReadyRead().

QRingBuffer QHttpPrivate::rba

Definition at line 131 of file qhttp.cpp.

Referenced by _q_slotReadyRead().

QString QHttpPrivate::userName

Definition at line 133 of file qhttp.cpp.

Referenced by _q_slotSendRequest().

QString QHttpPrivate::password

Definition at line 134 of file qhttp.cpp.

Referenced by _q_slotSendRequest().

QString QHttpPrivate::proxyHost

Definition at line 136 of file qhttp.cpp.

Referenced by _q_slotSendRequest().

int QHttpPrivate::proxyPort

Definition at line 137 of file qhttp.cpp.

Referenced by _q_slotSendRequest().

QString QHttpPrivate::proxyUser

Definition at line 138 of file qhttp.cpp.

Referenced by _q_slotSendRequest().

QString QHttpPrivate::proxyPassword

Definition at line 139 of file qhttp.cpp.

Referenced by _q_slotSendRequest().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
Generated on Thu Mar 15 18:00:26 2007 for Qt 4.2 User's Guide by  doxygen 1.5.1