Table of contents for Bodies in contact : rethinking colonial encounters in world history / Tony Ballantyne and Antoinette Burton, eds.

Bibliographic record and links to related information available from the Library of Congress catalog.

Note: Contents data are machine generated based on pre-publication provided by the publisher. Contents may have variations from the printed book or be incomplete or contain other coding.

Introductory Note for Students: Bodies, Empires and the Globe: World History in 
Part I. Thresholds of Modernity: Mapping Genders
"Masculinity and the Bangash Nawabs of Farrukhabad"
Rosalind O'Hanlon
"An Island of Women: Gender in Qing Travel Writing about Taiwan"
Emma Jinhua Teng
"Male Travelers, Female Bodies, and the Gendering of Racial Ideology, 1500/1700"
Jennifer Morgan	
"Christian Morality in New Spain: The Nahua Woman in the Franciscan Imaginary"
Rebecca Overmyer-Velazquez
"Eva's Men: Gender and Power at the Cape of Good Hope"
Julia C. Wells
"Colonial Bodies, Hygiene and Abolitionist Politics in Eighteenth-century France"
Sean Quinlan
Part II. Global Empires, Local Encounters
"Women, Property, and Power in Eighteenth-Century Cairo"
Mary Ann Fay
"Reproducing Colonialism in British Columbia, 1849/1871"
Adele Perry
"Native American and Métis Women as 'Public Mothers' in the Nineteenth-Century 
Lucy Eldersveld Murphy,
"Britishness, Clubbability, and the Colonial Public Sphere"
Mrinalini Sinha
"Muscular Catholicism: Nationalism, Masculinity and Gaelic Team Sports, 1884-1916"
Patrick McDevitt
Reproducing the "French Race": Immigration and Pronatalism in Early 
Twentieth-Century France"
Elisa Camiscioli
"Race Hysteria, Darwin 1938"
Fiona Paisley
"Tattooed Secrets: Women's History in Magude District, Southern 	Mozambique"
Heidi Gengenbach
Part III. The Mobility of Politics and the Politics of Mobility
"An Ottoman Occidentalist in Europe: Ahmed Midhat Meets Madame Gülnar, 1889"
Carter Vaughn Findley
"Out of India: The Journeys of the Begam of Bengal, 1901/1930"
Siobhan Lambert-Hurley
"Celibacy, Sexuality, and Nationalism in North India"
Joseph S. Alter
"Women's Liberation and Islam in Soviet Uzbekistan, 1926/1941"
Shoshana Keller
"Gender, Power and United States Imperialism: the Occupation of Japan,1945/1952"
Mire Koikari
"History and Memory: The 'Comfort Women' Controversy"
Hyun Sook Kim
""One Black Allah": The Middle East in the Cultural Politics of 	
African American Liberation, 1955-1970"
Melani McAlister
Postscript "Bodies, Genders, Empires: Re-imagining World Histories"
Tony Ballantyne and Antoinette Burton
Contributors' Notes

Library of Congress Subject Headings for this publication:

Body, Human -- Social aspects -- Cross-cultural studies.
Body, Human -- Symbolic aspects -- Cross-cultural studies.
Sex role -- Cross-cultural studies.