Table of contents for Paradoxical citizenship : Edward Said / edited by Silvia Nagy-Zekmi.

Bibliographic record and links to related information available from the Library of Congress catalog.

Note: Contents data are machine generated based on pre-publication provided by the publisher. Contents may have variations from the printed book or be incomplete or contain other coding.

Ultimate Coherence					
The Word, the Text and Said	 	
Gareth Griffiths
I. Hegemony and the Role of the Intellectual		
Knowledge, Power and Fear: 				
Edward Said and the "Mainstreaming" of 
Postcolonial Literary Thought
 Valérie Orlando
Said's Impact on Arab Intellectuals: Reverberations 	
of Said's Thought in the Current Debates over Islam, 
and US-Muslim/Arab Relations
Laura Rice - Karim Hamdy
The 'Postcolonial' in Translation: Reading 		
Said in Hebrew
Ella Shohat
Said's Foucault, or the Desire for Analogy		
John Ochoa
Textuality, Theory, (In)fusionism: Reinventing 		
Said's "Materiality" & "Amateurism"
Ranjan Ghosh		
Edward Said's "Counterpoint"				
Kiyoko Magome
Resisting the Hegemonic Function of Culture: 		
Edward Said and the Responsibility of the 
Matthew Abraham
II. Orientalism and its Discontents			
Historiography as a Means for Power: "Otherization"	 
and Imperialism Through the Writings of Edward Said
Rasha I. Ramzy
What Would Said Say? Reflections on Tradition, 	
Imperialism, and Globalism
Sura P. Rath
 "": Orientalism's Strange 		
Persistence in Diasporic South Asian Literature in 
Steven Barfield
Latin American Orientalism: from Margin 		
to Margin
Hern n G. H. Taboada
The Legacy and the Future of Orientalism		
Lidan Lin 
Occidentalism: Edward Said's Legacy for the		
Occidentalist Imaginary and its Critique
Tamara Silvia Wagner
III. Narrating the Postcolonial				
"Nation and Narration": The English Novel and 		
Sarah Fulford
Fish(ing) for Colonial Counter-Narratives in 		
the Short Fiction of Paul Bowles 
Robert Ficociello
Subject and Citizen: The Ambivalent Identity 		
in Postcolonial Francophone Africa. 
Gilbert Doho
Was Edward Said Right in Depicting Albert Camus 	
as an Imperialist Writer?
Nabil Boudraa
IV. The Last Sky over Broummana			
Edward Said, John Berger, Jean Mohr: Seeking an 	
Other Optic
John Hawley
After the Last Sky: A Liminal Space			
Yifen Beus
Other Places: Said's Map of the Middle East.		
Salah Hassan - Jamelie Hassan
Books by Edward Said				

Library of Congress Subject Headings for this publication:

Said, Edward W.
Politics and literature.
Postcolonialism in literature.
Literature, Modern -- 20th century -- History and criticism.