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United States Department of Health and Human Services, Substance Abouse and Mental Health Services Administration
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GAINS Re-Entry Checklist

Background Information

Free Re-Entry Checklist Start-up/Pilot Packet from the National GAINS Center

Bulk order additional copies through the Bajan Group


The GAINS Re-Entry Checklist for Inmates with Mental Health Service Needs is now available for distribution and implementation.

Facilities wishing to evaluate the Re-EntryChecklist for use in their own discharge planning procedures can request, free of charge, a Start-up/Pilot Packet containing 20 Checklists and supportive materials.

Those adopting the tool on a continuing basis can order additional copies direct from the printer, the Bajan Group, using an online order form (credit card customers only).

The National GAINS Center's Re-Entry Initiative was launched in 2002 with A Best Practice Approach to Community Re-Entry from Jail for Inmates with Co-Occurring Disorders: the APIC Model, co-written by Fred Osher, MD, Henry J. Steadman, PhD, and Heather Barr, JD, MA (hard copies are available via our online publication order form).

Based on the APIC Model, GAINS developed the Re-Entry Checklist to assist jails in transition planning for individuals with mental illness and co-occurring substance use disorders. In 2004, the Re-Entry Checklist was modified following a series of expert reviews and pilot tests.

The final GAINS Re-Entry Checklist is a quadruplicate form offering a centralized record of the individual’s potential needs and the steps taken by jail staff to ensure those needs are met upon re-entry. The four copies of the form can be distributed to the files of the correctional facility, the mental health unit, the medical unit and to the detainee themselves.


  The CMHS National GAINS Center    800.311.GAIN  

Funded by the Center for Mental Health Services of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
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