Seepage Model for PA Including Drift Collapse Rev 00, ICN 00 MDL-NBS-HS-000002 February 2000 1. PURPOSE The purpose of this Analysis/Model Report (AMR) is to document the predictions and analysis performed using the Seepage Model for Performance Assessment (PA) and the Disturbed Drift Seepage Submodel. These results will be used by PA to develop the probability distribution of water seepage into waste emplacement drifts at Yucca Mountain, Nevada, as part of the evaluation of the long term performance of the potential repository. This is in accordance with the AMR Development Plan for U0075 Seepage Models for Performance Assessment (PA) Including Drift Collapse (CRWMS M&O 1999a). This purpose is accomplished by performing numerical simulations with stochastic representations of hydrological properties using the Seepage Model for PA and evaluating the effects of an alternative drift geometry representing a partially collapsed drift using the Disturbed Drift Seepage Submodel. This AMR supports: • PA • Abstraction of Drift-Scale Seepage • Unsaturated Zone (UZ) Flow and Transport Process Model Report (PMR) Seepage into drifts is evaluated by applying numerical models with stochastic representations of hydrological properties and performing multiple realizations of the permeability field around the drift. The Seepage Model for PA uses the distribution of permeabilities derived from seepage testing in niches to stochastically simulate the 3D flow of water in the fractured host rock in the vicinity of potential emplacement drifts under ambient conditions. The Disturbed Drift Seepage Submodel evaluates the impact of the partial collapse of a drift on seepage. Drainage in rock below the emplacement drift is also evaluated. The work scope is to: (1) evaluate percolation flux predictions for UZ Site Scale Flow and Transport Model (UZ model) for use in establishing a range of flux rates to be applied at the upper boundary of the drift seepage model, (2) use the calibrated parameter sets developed using the Seepage Calibration Model, (3) design a set of simulations for evaluating drift seepage, (4) perform multiple realizations of heterogeneous rock properties and subsequent simulations of drift seepage using the Seepage Model for PA and provide input for the evaluation of the distribution probability of water dripping onto waste packages, (5) evaluate dependence of predictions on the effective local correlation length and the degree of heterogeneity of hydrologic parameters, (6) evaluate existing models of tunnel or drift collapse provided by the Engineered Barrier System (EBS) group for representation as an alternative drift geometry and develop a simplified representation of partial drift collapse, (7) perform simulations using this simplified representation, and (8) use Seepage Model for PA to evaluate drainage of rocks below a drift (CRWMS M&O 1999a, p. 4). This AMR is classified as a scientific analysis because it documents predictions and analyses for seepage into drifts for use in the evaluation of the performance of natural barriers. The terms “model” and “analysis” are used interchangeably throughout this AMR and refer to predictions and evaluation of seepage and not necessarily to the classification of this AMR per AP-3.10Q, Analyses and Models. Title: Seepage Model for PA Including Drift Collapse U0075 MDL-NBS-HS-000002 REV00 12 February 2000 The primary caveats and limitations in the scope of this AMR and the results from the Seepage Model for PA are that its basis is limited to the current repository design and available site data including the drift configuration defined by the current design, available hydrologic properties data from the site, limitations reported in the AMRs that directly support this AMR, and consideration of seepage under ambient conditions only. Thus thermal-hydrologic and thermalhydrological- mechanical effects are not considered in this AMR. Also since the main available seepage-related data are for the Topopah Spring middle nonlithophysal geological unit (Tptpmn) at Yucca Mountain, evaluation in this AMR is mainly for this unit. Note that the purpose of this AMR is to document the predictions from the Seepage Model for PA and not to draw conclusions on final PA predictions. Thus it forms a vital link between the field data and calibrated-model parameters and the PA effort. The AMR establishes trends of seepage over ranges of parameter values with a state-of-art understanding of the processes involved. PA, working under a separate AMR, will discuss probability weighting factors for parameter values and scenarios, that are appropriate to the potential repository horizon at Yucca Mountain. Thus for this AMR, the data that have been surveyed are not used directly but are used as corroborative information to establish the limits of the parameter ranges to be used. Similarly the scenarios (such as rockfalls) are taken to indicate trends and potential values of the results. In other words, this AMR does not utilize a particular parameter set, but considers ranges of possible values for these input parameters. Indeed, PA can select any of the combinations of input values for their analyses. Title: Seepage Model for PA Including Drift Collapse U0075 MDL-NBS-HS-000002 REV00 13 February 2000 2. QUALITY ASSURANCE The activities documented in this AMR were evaluated with other related activities in accordance with QAP-2-0, Conduct of Activities, and were determined to be subject to the requirements of the U.S. DOE Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management (OCRWM) Quality Assurance Requirements and Description (QARD) (DOE 1998). This evaluation is documented in M&O Site Investigations CRWMS M&O 1999b, c; and Wemheuer 1999 (Activity Evaluation for Work Package WP 1401213UM1). The modeling activities documented in this AMR have been conducted in accordance with the CRWMS M&O quality assurance program, using OCRWM Administrative Procedures (APs) and YMP-LBNL Quality Implementing Procedures (QIPs) identified in the AMR Development Plan for U0075, Seepage Models for PA Including Drift Collapse and Drainage, Rev.00 (CRWMS M&O 1999a). This AMR has been developed in accordance with procedure AP-3.10Q, Rev. 1, ICN 1, Analyses and Models. Title: Seepage Model for PA Including Drift Collapse U0075 MDL-NBS-HS-000002 REV00 14 February 2000 INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Title: Seepage Model for PA Including Drift Collapse U0075 MDL-NBS-HS-000002 REV00 15 February 2000 3. COMPUTER SOFTWARE AND MODEL USAGE The software codes and routines used in this study are listed in Table 1 and were used in accordance with AP-SI.1Q, Rev. 2, ICN 1, Software Management. These are appropriate for the intended application and were used only within the range of software validation. The software codes were submitted to and obtained from software configuration management. The use of ITOUGH V3.2_drift (ITOUGH2 V3.2_drift, STN: 10055-3.2_DRIFT-00, Version 3.2) prior to obtaining it from configuration management and issuance of a user’s request has been reviewed per AP-3.17, Rev. 0, ICN 0, Impact Reviews, and has been found to have no impact on this AMR and its products. The qualification status of this software is given in the Document Input Reference System (DIRS) included as Attachment I and in the DIRS database. Table 1. Computer Software and Routines Software Name Version Software Tracking Number (STN) Computer Platform ITOUGH2 V3.2_drift 3.2 10055-3.2_DRIFT-00 SUN and DEC w/Unix OS GSLIB V 2.0 (SISIM module of GSLIB package) 2.0 10098-2.0MSISIMV2.0-00 SUN w/Unix OS and PC w/DOS AMESH V 1.0 1.0 10045-1.0-00 SUN w/UNIX OS Routines: Accession Number (ACC): frac_calc 1.1 MOL.19990903.0032 PC w/DOS Read_TDB 1.0 MOL.19990903.0031 MOL.20000104.0304 PC w/DOS Meshbd.f 1.0 MOL.20000217.0297 SUN w/Unix OS mininipresf.f 1.0 MOL20000217.0298 SUN w/Unix OS mddf.f 1.0 MOL.20000217.0299 SUN w/Unix OS mk_gener.f 1.0 MOL.20000217.0300 SUN w/Unix OS mk_scale_k.f 1.0 MOL.20000217.0301 SUN w/Unix OS mininipresf_ir.f 1.0 MOL.20000217.0302 SUN w/Unix OS mddf_CC8.f 1.0 MOL.20000217.0303 SUN w/Unix OS mddf_CS8.f 1.0 MOL.20000217.0304 SUN w/Unix OS mddf_cc.f 1.0 MOL.20000217.0305 SUN w/Unix OS minrefine3df.f 1.0 MOL.20000217.0306 SUN w/Unix OS The codes ITOUGH2 V3.2_drift, SISIM module of the GSLIB package (GSLIB V2.0, STN: 10098-2.0MSISIMV2.0-00, Version 2.0) and AMESH (AMESH V1.0, STN: 10045-1.0-00, Version 1.0) were reverified as part of the YMP Configuration Management Software Revalidation effort under AP-SI.1Q, Rev. 1, ICN 0. The routines were qualified per Section 5.1 of AP-SI.1Q, Rev. 1, ICN 0 (the first two routines listed in Table 1) and AP-SI.1Q, Rev. 2, ICN 1 (all other routines). The source codes for the routines are provided in Attachment III. All other Title: Seepage Model for PA Including Drift Collapse U0075 MDL-NBS-HS-000002 REV00 16 February 2000 related documentation per AP-SI.1Q, including test cases, has been submitted under the corresponding ACC number in Table 1 (see column 3). The AMESH V1.0 code is used in the analysis to generate numerical grids for modeling simulations of the undisturbed and partially collapsed drifts. The SISIM module of GSLIB is used to generate stochastic representations of the permeability fields in the host rock surrounding the drifts using the air-k test data obtained from niche studies. ITOUGH2 V3.2_drift is used to perform forward simulations and calibration inversions during the analyses. The first two routines (frac_calc and Read_TDB) in Table 1 were used for pre-processing of data from the TDMS and calculating fracture spacing for the discussion of alternative conceptual models in Section 6.7. The other macros listed in Table 1 were used for pre-processing and preparing input files for ITOUGH2 V3.2_drift. The commercially-available visual-display graphics program TECPLOT (Version 7.0) was also used. It was used for plotting data and presentation purposes only and therefore is exempt from software quality assurance requirements per Section 2.0 of AP-SI.1Q, Rev. 2, ICN 1. This AMR documents the analysis using the Seepage Model for PA. The input and output files for the model runs presented in this AMR are listed in Attachment II. It also utilizes results from the Seepage Calibration Model which is documented in CRWMS M&O (2000a). Title: Seepage Model for PA Including Drift Collapse U0075 MDL-NBS-HS-000002 REV00 17 February 2000 4. INPUTS The inputs to the models were obtained from the Technical Data Management System (TDMS) and their development is documented in other AMRs. The field and developed data used to characterize the seepage conditions in the models are discussed below. 4.1 DATA AND PARAMETERS The input data used for the development of the Seepage Model for PA include the following: • Proposed drift and waste package configuration (Table 2, Row 1) • Calibrated drift-scale properties to establish parameter ranges (Table 2, Row 3) • Fracture properties (frequency and calibrated van Genuchten a and n parameters) for the potential repository host rock to establish parameter ranges (Table 2, Row 2) • Fracture permeabilities from air-k niche test results to corroborate the choice of permeability range (Table 2, Row 4) • Pneumatic pressure data used for estimating air permeability from the Single Heater Test (SHT) (Table 2, Row 5; Tsang and Birkholzer 1999, p. 393) and Drift Scale Test (DST) (Table 2, Row 5; Birkholzer et al. 1999, p. 359) areas to corroborate the choice of parameter ranges • Detailed line survey of fractures in the Topopah Spring middle nonlithophysal geological unit along the Exploratory Studies Facility (ESF) Main Drift (Stations 27 + 20 to 37 + 80) to corroborate the use of the fracture continuum approach (Table 2, Rows 6–8) • General drift shape from the EBS AMR Drift Degradation Analysis (CRWMS M&O 2000b) (Table 2, Row 1) Specific input data sets and the associated Data Tracking Numbers (DTNs) are listed in Table 2. The current Q-status of these data are provided in the DIRS which is included as Attachment I and in the DIRS database. Title: Seepage Model for PA Including Drift Collapse U0075 MDL-NBS-HS-000002 REV00 18 February 2000 Table 2. Input Data Used DTN Data Description SN9908T0872799.004 Drift geometry and waste package length and spacing LB997141233129.001 Mountain-scale, calibrated parameter sets for base-case infiltration LB990861233129.001 Drift-scale, calibrated parameter sets for base-case infiltration LB980001233124.002 Pre- and post-excavation air permeability data from Niche 3650 LB960500834244.001 LB970600123142.001 Pneumatic pressure data from air injection tests in the SHT and DST areas used for air permeability estimates GS971108314224.025 Fracture type (location, strike, dip, length) Sta. 26+00 to 30+00 GS960708314224.008 Fracture type (location, strike, dip, length) Sta. 30+00 to 35+00 GS960808314224.011 Fracture type (location, strike, dip, length) Sta. 35+00 to 40+00 In the data listed in Table 2, Rows 1, 4, and 5 are labeled to be verified (TBV) with TBV numbers 3471, 3094, 3247 and 3248, respectively. Their impact will be discussed in Section 7. Reports documenting past numerical modeling related to drift seepage at Yucca Mountain as well as other pertinent documents are listed in Section 8.5, Supporting Bibliography. This bibliography is for information only, and this AMR does not directly rely on any of the listed documents. 4.2 CRITERIA This AMR complies with the DOE interim guidance (Dyer 1999). Subparts of the interim guidance that apply to this analysis or modeling activity are those pertaining to the characterization of the Yucca Mountain Site (Subpart B, Section 15), the compilation of information regarding hydrology of the site in support of the License Application (Subpart B, Section 21(c)(1)(ii)), and the definition of hydrologic parameters and conceptual models used in performance assessment (Subpart E, Section 114(a)). 4.3 CODES AND STANDARDS No specific formally established standards have been identified as applying to this analysis and modeling activity. Title: Seepage Model for PA Including Drift Collapse U0075 MDL-NBS-HS-000002 REV00 19 February 2000 5. ASSUMPTIONS The Seepage Model for PA follows the approach and modeling framework described in Birkholzer et al. (1999, pp. 358–362) and CRWMS M&O (2000a, Sections 5 and 6). These documents provide the necessary scientific and technical background for the readers to understand this AMR. The general model assumptions and justifications are similar to those of CRWMS M&O (2000a, pp. 19–20). The applicable assumptions are discussed below. Assumption 1: It is assumed that the continuum approach is a valid concept to calculate percolation flux and drift seepage at Yucca Mountain. Rationale: The rationale for this assumption is presented in Section 5.3 of CRWMS M&O 2000a (also see Section 6.7 of this AMR). Assumption 2: Adopting the continuum approach, water flow under unsaturated conditions is assumed to be governed by Richards’ equation (Richards 1931, pp. 318–333). Rationale: This general concept is believed reasonable for unsaturated water flow through both porous matrix and fractures. Richards’ equation simply states that water flows under the combined effect of gravitational and capillary forces, and that flow resistance is a function of saturation, thus neglecting resistance due to the presence of air. Assumption 3: Permeabilities determined from air-injection tests are assumed to be representative of the hydraulic conductivity of the fracture medium at the site. Rationale: The injected air will seek out the most permeable paths in the medium that have the least capillary suction. These are in the fracture continuum part of the medium. The short duration of the air injection tests also implies that there is insignificant phase change during the tests so that the conventional single phase analysis method applies. Assumption 4: Relative permeability and capillary pressure are assumed to be described as continuous functions of effective liquid saturation, following the expressions given by the van Genuchten-Mualem model (van Genuchten 1980, pp. 892–898; Luckner et al. 1989, pp. 2191–2192) as implemented in the ITOUGH2 code (Finsterle 1997, p. 224). Rationale: The van Genuchten-Mualem model is the standard model used in the suite of UZ flow and transport models; it was chosen here for consistency. Furthermore, the applicability of relative permeability and capillary pressure functions is consistent with the continuum assumption and seems appropriate also for fractures, which are likely to be rough and/or partially filled with porous material. Assumption 5: Water removal from the formation and the capture system by vapor diffusion and evaporation is assumed to be small and hence the drift acts as having 100% relative humidity condition and as a capillary barrier to flow. Rationale and discussion: Under isothermal conditions, potential evaporation in the drift is small compared to the amount of water percolating through the medium. It is important to realize that prescribing a 100% relative humidity boundary condition in a seepage prediction model is a conservative assumption. While such a model underestimates vapor flow, it yields the maximum liquid-phase influx, which is defined here as drift seepage. The Title: Seepage Model for PA Including Drift Collapse U0075 MDL-NBS-HS-000002 REV00 20 February 2000 underestimation of vapor flow is irrelevant, since the assumption of 100% relative humidity already implies that the moisture content in the drift environment is at its maximum. Assumption 6: Imbibition and flow into the matrix continuum is not considered. Rationale: In the current AMR, except for the episodic percolation flux case (Sections 6.5 and 6.6.7), we are calculating steady-state flow conditions over long time frames. At steady-state, the flow exchange between fracture and matrix continua will settle to a small amount with the matrix close to full saturation. The flow partitions between the fracture and matrix continua according to their effective permeabilities and porosities, and it follows that the matrix with its five to six orders-of-magnitude lower permeability would not have significant effects on seepage into drift, which would be controlled by the flow in the fracture continuum. For the episodic percolation flux case (Sections 6.5 and 6.6.7), the matrix continuum provides a damping effect on seepage in the fracture continuum, and neglecting it represents a conservative case. Note that assumption 5 in CRWMS M&O (2000a, Section 5) states that the van Genuchten parameter 1 a is assumed to be correlated to the absolute permeability according to the Leverett scaling rule (Leverett 1941, p. 159). This scaling rule, which states that 1 a is inversely proportional to the square root of the absolute permeability, was developed for porous media. For fractured media, a large permeability could possibly result from both larger fracture apertures and an increase in the intensity of fracturing. The former affects the a values and the latter does not. In our calculations, we have chosen to assume a to be constant over the heterogeneous domain for each case, which allows more efficient numerical computation. Then the impact of a- k correlation according to the Leverett relationship is calculated as a correction factor (see Section 6.6.4) All of the above assumptions are used throughout this report. None of the above assumptions require further confirmation, either because we have addressed its uncertainty in this AMR, we have taken a more conservative alternative, or we have attached a range to the parameters used. Title: Seepage Model for PA Including Drift Collapse U0075 MDL-NBS-HS-000002 REV00 21 February 2000 6. ANALYSIS/MODEL 6.1 OBJECTIVES AND OUTLINE This AMR models drift seepage under long-term, steady-state and episodic conditions for a range of parameters and conditions (such as drift collapse scenarios). The model used follows that of Birkholzer et al. (1999, pp. 358-362). The objectives are to calculate seepage values for different values of percolation flux down to the drift, to discuss the effect on seepage resulting from various processes such as excavation-induced drift degradation (i.e. drift collapse), and to provide results as input to PA. This section will first discuss the validity of this analysis for its intended purpose as required by AP-3.10Q Analyses and Models. Then, the geometry used, the ranges of parameters, and the choice of conditions will be presented and rationalized. Next, results will be given. Finally, the AMR will conclude with discussions of alternative models and conclusions. Key scientific notebooks (with relevant page numbers) used for modeling activities described in this AMR are listed in Table 3. Table 3. Scientific Notebooks LBNL Scientific Notebook ID M&O Scientific Notebook Register ID Page Numbers Accession Numbers (ACC) YMP-LBNL-CFT-2 SN-LBNL-SCI-058-V1 91–108 MOL.19991103.0330 YMP-LBNL-CFT-GL-1 SN-LBNL-SCI-033-V1 71–72, 86–89, 125–156 MOL.19991103.0331 YMP-LBNL-DSM-MC-1 SN-LBNL-SCI-052-V1 1–42 MOL.19991025.0236 YMP-LBNL-GSB-1.9 SN-LBNL-SCI-053-V1 105 MOL.19990908.0227 6.2 MODEL VALIDATION As required by AP-3.10Q, Rev. 1, ICN 1, a model should be valid for its intended purpose. This normally requires testing model results against relevant data which are not used in the original development of the model and which are appropriate to the intended use of the model. For the Seepage Model for PA, these data should include percolation flux at low flow rates over periods of years, even hundreds of years, in many locations in the repository block (for proper statistical representation). Those data are not available. Further, data for adequate validation would need to cover the wide range of conditions (such as drift degradation and collapse with time) studied in this AMR. Those are not available either. Hence we cannot use the approach of Section 5.3a of AP-3.10Q for model validation, and an alternative approach under Section 5.3b is used. First, the relevant physics of the problem as represented by Richards' equation (Richards, 1931, pp. 318-333), van Genuchten-Mualem model (Luckner et al. 1989, pp. 2191–2192), Philip's studies (Philip et al. 1989, pp. 16–28), and effects of flow channelization resulting from heterogeneity and ponding (Birkholzer and Tsang, 1997, pp. 2221–2224; Birkholzer et al. 1999, pp. 370–379) are used. These are all in the open literature and have gone through proper technical peer review and which have withstood scrutiny of the scientific community since their Title: Seepage Model for PA Including Drift Collapse U0075 MDL-NBS-HS-000002 REV00 22 February 2000 dates of publication (AP-3.10Q, Section 5.3.b.2). Further, the model is consistent with results from niche seepage tests in the ESF (Wang et al. 1999, pp. 332–338). These data were used in the Seepage Calibration Model on which the seepage model is based (AP-3.10Q, Section 5.3.b.5), as described in CRWMS M&O (2000a, Section 6). Further, parameters used are reasonable and consistent with all relevant data (AP-3.10Q, Section 5.3.b.3). Thus, based on these external pieces of evidence, we conclude that the analysis and predictions using the Seepage Model for PA presented here, with proper uncertainty ranges assigned to these predictions, is an acceptable representation of the process system. 6.3 CALCULATION MODEL AND SELECTION OF CASES The calculation model follows that of Birkholzer et al. (1999, pp. 358-362), which provides the scientific and technical background for the readers to understand this AMR. The conceptual model is a heterogeneous permeability field for the fracture continuum generated with parameters discussed below using the SISIM module of the GSLIB package (GSLIB V2.0, STN: 10098-2.0MSISIMV2.0-00,Version 2.0). The 3D field is 20 m vertical, 15 m wide normal to drift axis and 5.23 m along the drift axis. With the drift of 5.5 m diameter (see Section 6.3.1) and the distance to either side boundary of 4.75 m, we expect the vertical cross section to capture the flow features around the drift. The distance along the drift axis is defined by the waste package length being 5.13 m (see below) with 0.1 m between the waste packages. The side boundary conditions are no-flow, the lower boundary condition is gravity drainage, and the upper boundary surface is simulated by an extra grid cell with constant percolation flux connected to all the grid cells in the upper boundary, so that flow is free to move into these cells according to local property parameters. A comment may be added on the no-flow boundary condition on the two planes at the end of the waste package normal to the drift axis. For homogeneous, constantproperty medium, these are symmetric planes between successive waste packages and a no-flow boundary condition is justified. For a heterogeneous system, the issue is the length of the flow domain versus the spatial correlation length .. From Section 6.3.5 below, . = 0.5 m so that the length of the domain is about 10 correlation lengths, and the effect of the no-flow boundary should not have a significant effect on the flow results. The mesh is generated using the AMESH V1.0 code (AMESH V1.0, STN: 10045-1.0-00, Version 1.0) and the grid cell used is 0.5 ื 0.5 ื 0.5 m, chosen as a compromise between being fine enough to include the main flow features and being coarse enough to allow the feasibility of about 1000 3D stochastic simulations. As discussed in Section 6.7 of this AMR, the choice of grid size is not related to Philip's boundary layer at the drift crown (Philip et al. 1989, p. 21, Figure 1), but to heterogeneity field characteristics. A numerical study (YMP-LBNL-CFT-GL-1, pp. 86–89) has shown that 0.5 m is an adequate grid size for our calculations. Flow calculation was performed using ITOUGH2 V3.2_drift (ITOUGH V3.2_drift, STN: 10055-3.2_DRIFT-00, Version 3.2). A number of routines were also used for preprocessing of inputs for ITOUGH2 V3.2_drift and these are listed in Table 1 and documented in YMP-LBNL-CFT-GL-1, and provided in Attachment III. The selection of parameter ranges and particular cases to be modeled is presented in this subsection together with rationale for the selection. We shall consider a drift emplaced in Topopah Springs middle nonlithophysal unit (UZ model layer tsw34 or the lithostratigraphic unit Title: Seepage Model for PA Including Drift Collapse U0075 MDL-NBS-HS-000002 REV00 23 February 2000 Tptpmn). The discussion of parameter values below refers to this unit. Figure 1 is a sketch summarizing the modeling cases, which can be used as a guide as one follows the discussions below. The top part of Figure 1 shows a 3D grid, spanned by the three parameters, which are most sensitive in affecting drift seepage; namely, fracture continuum permeability kFC, van Genuchten a value and the standard deviation s in ln kFC, which is a measure of heterogeneity of the permeability field. For each combination of these three parameters, i.e. at each grid point, seepage model calculations (Birkholzer et al. 1999, pp. 358–362) will be made for 3 realizations, using a range of values for percolation flux Qp at the repository level. Two particular combinations of parameters, Set A and Set B, are selected for additional studies. Their selection and values are discussed in Section 6.3.5. x x 100 30 300 1000 0.9 x 10-14 0.9 x 10-13 0.9 x 10-12 0.9 x 10-11 kFC (m2) 1 a a = constant 1.66 1.93 2.5 slnk . = "random" . = 1 m n = 2.7 3 realizations for each grid point 3 realizations . = 4 m 5 realizations Qp = 5, 14.6, 72.3, 213, 500 mm/yr t Qp (Pa) Set A Set B Set B Set B B Set A Set B Figure 1. Cases Studied. The middle part of Figure 1 indicates a study of drift seepage for three alternative permeability spatial correlation lengths .. This allows an evaluation of the effect of this important parameter, which is difficult to determine in the field. The minimum set of parameters that describe a simple Title: Seepage Model for PA Including Drift Collapse U0075 MDL-NBS-HS-000002 REV00 24 February 2000 heterogeneous field can be the two parameters s and .. Thus this AMR will investigate how seepage depends on the heterogeneous field. The lower right part of Figure 1 shows the disturbed drift seepage submodel. Based on a review of current information, alternative drift degradation modes are evaluated (see below) and four scenarios are identified for seepage model studies as indicated. The lower left part of Figure 1 shows the case when the percolation flux above the drift is episodic rather than at a constant average value, so that all the flux comes within a short period of time, with no flux between such pulses. This case will also be evaluated. All the cases are computed on 3D heterogeneous unsaturated systems. Since some cases involve more than one run, altogether more than 1000 runs were made. What follows below, after the specification of drift geometry, are the choices of parameter ranges on which seepage calculations are performed. These choices are based on a comprehensive review of available relevant data. However the data are not used directly to produce a single set of simulation results, but are used as references to establish parameter ranges. 6.3.1 Geometry As provided in DTN: SN9908T0872799.004, the drift diameter is 5.5 m and the drift section under study has the same length as that of a waste package with half the spacing to the next waste packages on its two ends. Since the waste package length is 5.13 m and the spacing between the waste packages is 0.1 m, the drift section modeled is 5.23 m. This drift section is emplaced in a heterogeneous fracture continuum of dimension 15 m wide and 20 m high, following Birkholzer et al. (1999, p. 360). 6.3.2 Fracture Continuum Permeability kFC As shown in Figure 1, the range of permeability chosen for the fracture continuum kFC is from 0.9 ื 10-14 m2 to 0.9 ื 10-11 m2. The choice is based on the air permeability tests at Niche 3650 in the ESF, which give a mean log permeability of -11.66 or 2.2 ื 10-12 m2 (CRWMS M&O 2000a, p.43, Table 5), which is within our range. Note that the parameter is based on field airpermeability data (see Table 2, Row 4 for DTN) around the niche that has been impacted by excavation effect. Air permeability represents mainly permeability of the fractures, whose permeability is much larger and whose water capillary effect is much smaller than those of the rock matrix. The excavation is a coupled hydromechanical process in which the fracture apertures may be made larger in the immediate neighborhood of the opening. The permeability change associated with these aperture changes can be as much as two orders of magnitude (Wang et al. 1999, p. 328, Figure 3). The fracture permeability before excavation was also measured by Wang et al. (1999, p. 328) and the mean value is 6.6 ื 10-14 m2. This is based on their tests in boreholes at their niche experiment, with a packer interval of 0.3 m (Wang et al. 1999, p. 325). Air-permeability tests were also carried out in the SHT area in the ESF. There, the packer intervals are typically 3 to 7 m, and the mean permeability was found to be 5.8 ื 10- 14 m2 (Tsang and Birkholzer, 1999, p. 393). Air-permeability measurements were also carried out in the DST block in the ESF, where they found the mean permeability to be 10-13 m2 with a standard deviation in ln kFC to be 2 Title: Seepage Model for PA Including Drift Collapse U0075 MDL-NBS-HS-000002 REV00 25 February 2000 (Birkholzer et al. 1999, p. 359). Here, the packer intervals are mainly between 10 and 20 m in length. The DTNs for these data are provided in Table 2, Rows 4 and 5. The mean air permeability values without excavation effects, as mentioned in the last paragraph, are 0.7 ื 10-13 m2, 0.6 ื 10-13 m2 and 10-13 m2 after being rounded to one significant figure. They are quite consistent to each other even though the packer intervals used in the tests ranged from 0.3 m to ~20 m. These values are somewhat more than one order of magnitude smaller than post-excavation values (mean k = 2.2 ื 10-12 m2). For seepage into drifts, the permeability of rock near the drift is the relevant value. Thus, the weighting of seepage results in this table should be at this larger permeability value. On the other hand, the excavation effect on permeability depends on local fracture orientation, distribution, and density as well as on excavation methods. This has sufficient uncertainty to require the computation of seepage percentages over the full range of fracture continuum permeability, 0.9 ื 10-14 m2 to 0.9 ื 10- 11 m2, as shown in Figure 1. It is interesting to note that Ahlers et al. (1999, p. 66), from their pneumatic data analysis in surface-based boreholes, give air permeability for the TSw units of 4 ื 10-12 m2, vertical, to 8 ื 10-13 m2 horizontal. Also, LeCain’s air-injection tests in four surface-based deep boreholes, UE–25 UZ#16, USW SD–12, USW NRG–6 and USW NRG–7a (LeCain 1997, pp. 2, 11–14), give permeability for the Tptpmn unit as ranging from ~2.5 ื 10-14 to ~1 ื 10-11 m2, based on measurements with packer intervals of 3.5–4.9 m. These results are all covered by the full range of values in Figure 1. 6.3.3 Standard Deviation in ln kFC Finsterle and Trautz in CRWMS M&O (2000a, p. 43, Table 5) give the standard deviation of fracture continuum permeability in log base 10 to be 0.72, which translates to the standard deviation s (in ln kFC) of 1.66. Birkholzer et al. (1999, p. 359) on the other hand used s = 2.1. According to Birkholzer et al. (1999, p. 371, Figure 14) drift seepage tracks the probability for finding local ponding in the heterogeneous field and, further, the ponding probability is smaller for smaller permeability standard deviations (Birkholzer et al. 1999, p. 375, Figure 17). Hence we expect less seepage for smaller s values. Thus, in our simulations we decided to study the dependence on s by going to larger values than 1.66. Three alternatives, s = 1.66, 1.93, and 2.5, are selected for our study. 6.3.4 van Genuchten Parameters The van Genuchten n parameter used by Birkholzer et al. (1999, p. 354, Table 1) has a value of 2.7 corresponding to m parameter equal to 0.63, based on a review of fracture properties in the ESF (YMP–LBNL–GSB–1.9, p. 105). Finsterle and Trautz (CRWMS M&O 2000a, p. 52, Table 8), on the other hand, use a value n = 2.551. In their calibration study, this parameter is not varied, since it is not as sensitive a parameter as the van Genuchten a parameter and the effective porosity, which were indeed varied in the calibration (CRWMS M&O 2000a, p. 51). On the other hand, n is varied in another calibration study (Bandurraga and Bodvarsson 1999, p. 33). Considering these studies, we decided to use one single value for n = 2.7, since it is based on Title: Seepage Model for PA Including Drift Collapse U0075 MDL-NBS-HS-000002 REV00 26 February 2000 fracture information in the ESF, and then a sensitivity study is made by running several cases with n = 2.55. As will be seen below, (Section 6.6.3), the differences in seepage results are not significant. For a value, CRWMS M&O (2000a, p. 57, Table 10) provides a value of 1.82 for log (1/a [Pa]) through their calibration exercise, for the case of the 3D heterogeneous model. This translates to 1/a = 66 Pa. For the four alternative models they used, the smallest value obtained through their calibration is 31.6 Pa. Birkholzer et al. (1999, p. 354, Table 1), on the other hand, used an a value of 9.73 ื 10–4 Pa–1, which translates to 1/a = 1028 Pa. We decided to use four 1/a values bracketed by values used in these two references, i.e., 1/a = 30, 100, 300, and 1000 Pa, as shown in Figure 1. For the main part of this AMR, for each case corresponding to the grid point (kFC, a) in Figure 1 (top), we consider a to be constant over the 3D heterogeneous field. Thus, the kFC value is the mean fracture permeability over the heterogeneous field with its standard deviation given by s, but a is constant at all points in the 3D space. This is the "uncorrelated a" case. We also study the impact of a being correlated with the square root of local kFC values, according to the Leverett (1941, p. 159) scaling rule. In such cases the kFC and a values specified will be considered as the reference, and the local a value at each point in the 3D heterogeneous field is calculated by Leverett's scaling rule from the reference values, according to the local kFC value, i.e. a ( )local = a ท kFC ( )local kFC . . . . . . . . 1 2 Simulations using this method will be referred to as the "correlated a" cases (Section 6.6.4). 6.3.5 Spatial Correlation Length . of kFC The analysis of air-permeability tests in the AMR by Finsterle and Trautz (CRWMS M&O 2000a, Section 6.3.2) suggests that “the permeability is essentially random without a noticeable spatial correlation.” Thus, for the main set of calculations, we adopt this result and generate heterogeneous fields with . equal to grid size, corresponding to no spatial correlation. Note that Finsterle and Trautz shows a result that .=3.87 m (CRWMS M&O, 2000a, Section 6.3.2), but in this case, the nugget is 0.40 and the sill is 0.53. With the nugget value close to the sill value, the accuracy of determining . is very poor, and in fact, if the nugget and sill values are equal, . is undefined. To be consistent within this AMR, we have taken the nugget to be zero, then Finsterle and Trautz’s result is equivalent to the .-0 case, based on which they made the statement referenced above. For each combination of kFC, 1/a and s values (see top part of Figure 1), we shall conduct calculations for three realizations to obtain an estimate of the variation range as a result of geostatistics. These multiple-realization results give a preliminary indication on the probability distribution spread of seepage predictions due to the geostatistical uncertainty. Title: Seepage Model for PA Including Drift Collapse U0075 MDL-NBS-HS-000002 REV00 27 February 2000 Since . is not a well-determined parameter in situ, we decided to investigate its sensitivity by computing seepage for alternative . values. For this, we shall select only two particular parameter sets out of the 3D table of (kFC, 1/a, s) values (see Figure 1). We designate the first Set A, close to the base case of Birkholzer et al. (1999, p. 354, Table 1), with kFC = 0.9 ื10–13m2 1/a =1000 Pa s =1.93 . = 0.5m . . . . . . . (Set A) and the second parameter set is chosen to be close to Finsterle and Trautz’s (CRWMS M&O 2000a, Tables 5 and 10) calibrated model parameters, with kFC = 0.9 ื10–12m2 1/a =100 Pa s =1.66 . = 0.5m . . . . . . . (Set B) For these two cases, we study the alternatives of . = 1 m and . = 4 m. For the former, again three realizations will be considered, while for the latter, because of the large . value as compared with the drift diameter, we expect large variations in results and five realizations will be evaluated. It should be remarked here that while the many calculations made in this AMR help us to understand the trends of seepage results, parameter Sets A and B are closest to the data we have so far from the field. 6.3.6 Percolation Flux, Qp Wu et al. (1999, p. 210) calculated the percolation flux expected at the repository level, based on a 3D UZ model of Yucca Mountain. They obtained an averaged fracture flow of 4 to 5 mm/yr at the repository level under present conditions. Ritcey and Wu (1999, p. 262) found that under a simulated 21-ka pluvial scenario, the percolation flux ranges from 0 to 120 mm/yr, with the peak of the probability distribution to be around 20 mm/yr. For our calculations, we decided to select 5 values for Qp ranging from 5 to 500 mm/yr; more specifically at Qp = 5, 14.6, 73.2, 213 and 500 mm/yr. The upper limit of 500 mm/yr is chosen to safely bracket an uncertainty range more than four times the high flux value of 120 mm/yr. 6.4 IMPACT OF DRIFT DEGRADATION ON SEEPAGE Drift degradation may occur in three ways: 1. Loosening of rock blocks and hence wider fracture aperture (fracture dilation) 2. Rock fall from the ceiling of the drift 3. Extended rock failure in drift roof. Title: Seepage Model for PA Including Drift Collapse U0075 MDL-NBS-HS-000002 REV00 28 February 2000 These are discussed below. Based on these discussions, a drift degradation submodel is designed to evaluate the impact of drift degradation on seepage, and it is shown in Figure 2 as four alternative scenarios. 1 m 3 m 1 m 1 m 2 m 1 m Set A Set B Set B Set B Set B s Figure 2. Drift Degradation Submodel Scenarios, with Associated Parameter Set Used in the Modeling 6.4.1 Fracture Dilation Because of excavation, stress is relieved at the drift and fractures are expected to dilate at certain areas around the drift. Hart in Brekke et al. (1999, pp. E3-E29) shows that such fracture dilation depends on the orientation of the fracture set and generally occurs within one drift radius. An increase in fracture aperture generally causes an increase in fracture permeability and a decrease in 1/a value. We believe that the increase in permeability from the pre-excavation to the postexcavation values (Wang et al. 1999, p. 328) is a result of this effect. In this sense, Set B, Section 6.3.5 (see also Figure 1), which is based on in-situ post-excavation results (CRWMS M&O 2000a, p. 42), already has taken this into account. This means that the fracture dilation neighboring the drift causes properties to change from parameter Set A to Set B in Figure 1, as the new rock properties to represent the total effect of the near-field distributed zone and the far Title: Seepage Model for PA Including Drift Collapse U0075 MDL-NBS-HS-000002 REV00 29 February 2000 field as shown in Figure 2, lower-left. Results with parameter Set B are shown in Tables 4-8, and no further calculations are necessary. There is a possibility that new fractures may be formed during fracture dilation. In this case, kFC will be increased with a relatively smaller decrease in the 1/a value. This is, however, not studied. 6.4.2 Rock Fall from Drift Ceiling Kicker in CRWMS M&O (2000b, p. 53, Tables 23 and 24) used the key block theory to calculate the rock fall probability in the drifts based on fracture maps in the ESF. For the Topopah Spring middle nonlithophysal zone, he calculated 39 key blocks per km of the drift and 19 m3 volume of total rock fall per km. This implies that rock fall occurs on the average with one block every 25 m and that the mean size of the block is about 0.5 m3. Kicker also estimated that 90% of the blocks have size less than 1.18 m3 (CRWMS M&O 2000b, p. 48, Table 17). Hart in Brekke et al. (1999, p. E-12) used a 2D discrete-element method and found rock fall to occur at the spring line of the drift and the size of the block to depend on the assumed fracture spacing. To study the effect of rock fall on seepage, we use parameter Set B and do two calculations, one in which a (1.0 m)3 block is taken out from the crown of the drift and the second in which the (1.0 m)3 block is taken out at the spring line (see Figure 2). The size used for the block is close to Kicker's 90 percentile value, to study a more significant event. 6.4.3 Extended Rock Failure at the Drift Roof Over time, extended rock failure may also occur at the roof of the drift. Kaiser (Brekke et al. 1999, pp. D12-D14) estimated the failure at the roof to be 0.1–1 m in depth, and it would be 0.4–1.2 m in depth if one were to include seismic effects. Generally he expected that stressinduced failure at the drift crown to be over a distance of 1/2 drift radius, i.e., ~1.25 m. Kicker in CRWMS M&O (2000b, p. 56, Figure 28; p. 60, Figure 32) used a discrete-region key-block analysis, which shows a more extended failure region up to one drift diameter above the drift roof. In our seepage study, we designed a case in which an extended cavity is found in the drift roof with a step shape of 0.5 m at the crown, 1 m depth at 0.5 m to one side, and so on, reaching 3 m depth at 2 m laterally from the drift crown (see Figure 2, lower right). Further, the stepshaped failure is 1 m thick (into the page in Figure 2, lower right). Parameter Set B is used. 6.5 EPISODIC PERCOLATION FLUX The cases discussed thus far use a steady-state percolation flux, ranging from 5 to 500 mm/yr. To study the sensitivity of seepage to episodic flux, we shall do a transient calculation for seepage percentage by assuming that, every year, the total flux over the year is concentrated in the first two months and no flux occurs in the other 10 months. The results will be compared with the cases using steady-state percolation. 6.6 RESULTS Seepage percentage is defined as the liquid that seeped into the drift divided by the total liquid arriving on a cross-sectional area corresponding to the footprint of the drift. All results are Title: Seepage Model for PA Including Drift Collapse U0075 MDL-NBS-HS-000002 REV00 30 February 2000 submitted to TDMS under DTN: LB991101233129.002, and the input/output files for the model computation are submitted under DTN: LB991101233129.001 and described as in Attachment II. 6.6.1 Seepage Over (kFC, 1/a) Space For values of kFC = 0.9 ื 10–14, 0.9 ื 10–13, 0.9 ื 10–12 and 0.9 ื 10–11 m2, 1/a = 30, 100, 300, 1000 Pa and . = 0.5 m, Tables 4–8 give the seepage percentages in a matrix form of kFC and 1/a coordinates. Within each table are three subtables giving results of three realizations of the heterogeneous field R1, R2, and R3, indicating the spread of geostatistical uncertainty. Generally, to calculate the spread of geostatistical uncertainty, many realizations, much more than three, are needed. However, because of the need to keep computations within reasonable limits, three realizations are used to indicate the possible spread of this uncertainty. Also, the tables show a definite decrease of seepage percentage with increasing 1/a or kFC. Thus when the seepage percentage is zero for a given case, the cases with larger 1/a and kFC also have zero seepage. This reduces the amount of calculations needed significantly. In all these tables, results are presented to two significant figures. Tables 4a, 4b, and 4c give results for the same Qp = 5mm/yr and s = 1.66, 1.93 and 2.5 respectively. Table 4a. Seepage Percentage as a Function of kFC and 1/a for s = 1.66 and Qp = 5 mm/yr. kFC (m2) Realizations 1/a (Pa) 0.9 ื 10–14 0.9 ื 10–13 0.9 ื 10–12 0.9 ื 10–11 R1 1000 300 100 30 0 0.0 4.5 37 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 000 0 000 0 R2 1000 300 100 30 0 0.0 4.5 33 00 0 0.0 00 00 00 00 R3 1000 300 100 30 0 0.0 7.4 34 0 00 0.0 0 000 0 000 Based on data submitted with this AMR under DTN: LB991101233129.002. NOTE: “0.0” is a calculated value and "0" indicates seepage is inferred to be zero from results of neighboring cases. Title: Seepage Model for PA Including Drift Collapse U0075 MDL-NBS-HS-000002 REV00 31 February 2000 Table 4b. Seepage Percentage as a Function of kFC and 1/a for s = 1.93 and Qp = 5 mm/yr. kFC (m2) Realizations 1/a (Pa) 0.9 ื 10–14 0.9 ื 10–13 0.9 ื 10–12 0.9 ื 10–11 R1 1000 300 100 30 0.0 0.0 6.2 38 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 000 0 000 R2 1000 300 100 30 0 0.0 5.1 33 00 0.0 0.0 0000 0000 R3 1000 300 100 30 0 0.0 9.0 34 000 0.0 0000 0000 Based on data submitted with this AMR under DTN: LB991101233129.002. NOTE: “0.0” is a calculated value and "0" indicates seepage is inferred to be zero from results of neighboring cases. Table 4c. Seepage Percentage as a Function of kFC and 1/a for s = 2.5 and Qp = 5 mm/yr. kFC (m2) Realizations 1/a (Pa) 0.9 ื 10–14 0.9 ื 10–13 0.9 ื 10–12 0.9 ื 10–11 R1 1000 300 100 30 0.0 0.0 8.4 41 00 0.0 0.02 000 0.0 000 0 R2 1000 300 100 30 0 0.0 6.0 34 000 0.0 000 0 000 0 R3 1000 300 100 30 0.0 2.6 12 35 00 0 0.0 00 00 00 00 Based on data submitted with this AMR under DTN: LB991101233129.002. NOTE: “0.0” is a calculated value and "0" indicates seepage is inferred to be zero from results of neighboring cases. Then, Tables 5a–c through Tables 8a–c give results for Qp = 14.6, 73.2, 213 and 500 mm/yr, respectively. Title: Seepage Model for PA Including Drift Collapse U0075 MDL-NBS-HS-000002 REV00 32 February 2000 Table 5a. Seepage Percentage as a Function of kFC and 1/a for s = 1.66 and Qp = 14.6 mm/yr. kFC (m2) Realizations 1/a (Pa) 0.9 ื 10–14 0.9 ื 10–13 0.9 ื 10–12 0.9 ื 10–11 R1 1000 300 100 30 0.0 6.2 38 66 0 0 0.0 3.9 0 00 0.0 0 000 R2 1000 300 100 30 0.0 5.7 34 59 0 0 0.0 5.8 0 00 0.0 0 000 R3 1000 300 100 30 0.0 9.9 36 64 00 0.0 7.0 000 0.0 0000Based on data submitted with this AMR under DTN: LB991101233129.002. NOTE: “0.0” is a calculated value and "0" indicates seepage is inferred to be zero from results of neighboring cases. Table 5b. Seepage Percentage as a Function of kFC and 1/a for s = 1.93 and Qp = 14.6 mm/yr. kFC (m2) Realizations 1/a (Pa) 0.9 ื 10–14 0.9 ื 10–13 0.9 ื 10–12 0.9 ื 10–11 R1 1000 300 100 30 0.0 7.2 41 65 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.9 000 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 R2 1000 300 100 30 0.0 6.1 34 58 0 0.0 0.0 6.5 000 0.0 000 0 R3 1000 300 100 30 0.0 11 36 65 00 0.0 8.7 00 0 0.0 00 00 Based on data submitted with this AMR under DTN: LB991101233129.002. NOTE: “0.0” is a calculated value and "0" indicates seepage is inferred to be zero from results of neighboring cases. Title: Seepage Model for PA Including Drift Collapse U0075 MDL-NBS-HS-000002 REV00 33 February 2000 Table 5c. Seepage Percentage as a Function of kFC and 1/a for s = 2.5 and Qp = 14.6 mm/yr. kFC (m2) Realizations 1/a (Pa) 0.9 ื 10–14 0.9 ื 10–13 0.9 ื 10–12 0.9 ื 10–11 R1 1000 300 100 30 0.0 8.3 42 68 00 0.0 9.0 000 0.0 000 0 R2 1000 300 100 30 0.0 6.8 35 60 00 0.0 7.8 00 0 0.0 00 00 R3 1000 300 100 30 2.1 13 35 64 0 0.0 0.12 11 0 00 0.0 0 000 Based on data submitted with this AMR under DTN: LB991101233129.002. NOTE: “0.0” is a calculated value and "0" indicates seepage is inferred to be zero from results of neighboring cases. Table 6a. Seepage Percentage as a Function of kFC and 1/a for s = 1.66 and Qp = 73.2 mm/yr. kFC (m2) Realizations 1/a (Pa) 0.9 ื 10–14 0.9 ื 10–13 0.9 ื 10–12 0.9 ื 10–11 R1 1000 300 100 30 24 57 75 85 0 0.0 15 52 00 0.0 0.09 000 0.0 R2 1000 300 100 30 20 51 69 81 0 0.0 15 46 00 0.0 0.02 000 0.0 R3 1000 300 100 30 27 57 75 84 0 0.0 17 48 00 0.0 0.28 000 0.0 Based on data submitted with this AMR under DTN: LB991101233129.002. NOTE: “0.0” is a calculated value and "0" indicates seepage is inferred to be zero from results of neighboring cases. Title: Seepage Model for PA Including Drift Collapse U0075 MDL-NBS-HS-000002 REV00 34 February 2000 Table 6b. Seepage Percentage as a Function of kFC and 1/a for s = 1.93 and Qp = 73.2 mm/yr. kFC (m2) Realizations 1/a (Pa) 0.9 ื 10–14 0.9 ื 10–13 0.9 ื 10–12 0.9 ื 10–11 R1 1000 300 100 30 24 57 75 85 0.0 0.0 15 52 00 0.0 0.83 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 R2 1000 300 100 30 19 51 68 81 0.0 0.0 15 46 0 0 0.0 0.63 0 00 0.0 R3 1000 300 100 30 26 56 75 84 0.0 1.5 17 44 0 0 0.0 0.66 0 000.0 Based on data submitted with this AMR under DTN: LB991101233129.002. NOTE: “0.0” is a calculated value and "0" indicates seepage is inferred to be zero from results of neighboring cases. Table 6c. Seepage Percentage as a Function of kFC and 1/a for s = 2.5 and Qp = 73.2 mm/yr. kFC (m2) Realizations 1/a (Pa) 0.9 ื 10–14 0.9 ื 10–13 0.9 ื 10–12 0.9 ื 10–11 R1 1000 300 100 30 23 56 75 86 0.0 0.05 16 55 00 0.0 1.88 000 0.0 R2 1000 300 100 30 19 52 68 80 0.0 0.0 13 47 00 0.0 0.23 000 0.0 R3 1000 300 100 30 24 58 *.** *.** 0.0 5.4 20 48 00 0.0 4.8 00 0 0.0 Based on data submitted with this AMR under DTN: LB991101233129.002. NOTE: *.** Seepage large, solution not convergent “0.0” is a calculated value and "0" indicates seepage is inferred to be zero from results of neighboring cases. Title: Seepage Model for PA Including Drift Collapse U0075 MDL-NBS-HS-000002 REV00 35 February 2000 Table 7a. Seepage Percentage as a Function of kFC and 1/a for s = 1.66 and Qp = 213 mm/yr. kFC (m2) Realizations 1/a (Pa) 0.9 ื 10–14 0.9 ื 10–13 0.9 ื 10–12 0.9 ื 10–11 R1 1000 300 100 30 60 78 86 91 0.0 17 50 73 00 0.0 13 00 0 0.0 R2 1000 300 100 30 53 73 82 *.** 0.0 15 44 66 0 0 0.0 14 0 00 0.0 R3 1000 300 100 30 63 79 87 *.** 0.0 19 47 71 0 0 0.0 15 0 000.0 Based on data submitted with this AMR under DTN: LB991101233129.002. NOTE: *.** Seepage large, solution not convergent “0.0” is a calculated value and "0" indicates seepage is inferred to be zero from results of neighboring cases. Table 7b. Seepage Percentage as a Function of kFC and 1/a for s = 1.93 and Qp = 213 mm/yr. kFC (m2) Realizations 1/a (Pa) 0.9 ื 10–14 0.9 ื 10–13 0.9 ื 10–12 0.9 ื 10–11 R1 1000 300 100 30 59 78 86 *.** 0.0 17 50 73 00 0.0 15 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 R2 1000 300 100 30 53 73 83 *.** 0.0 14 51 64 00 0.0 14 00 0.0 0.0 R3 1000 300 100 30 63 80 *.** 90 1.6 19 47 72 00 0.0 16 000 0.0 Based on data submitted with this AMR under DTN: LB991101233129.002. NOTE: *.** Seepage large, solution not convergent “0.0” is a calculated value and "0" indicates seepage is inferred to be zero from results of neighboring cases. Title: Seepage Model for PA Including Drift Collapse U0075 MDL-NBS-HS-000002 REV00 36 February 2000 Table 7c. Seepage Percentage as a Function of kFC and 1/a for s = 2.5 and Qp = 213 mm/yr. kFC (m2) Realizations 1/a (Pa) 0.9 ื 10–14 0.9 ื 10–13 0.9 ื 10–12 0.9 ื 10–11 R1 1000 300 100 30 56 76 *.** *.** 0.0 16 50* 73 0 0.0 0.48 18 000 0.0 R2 1000 300 100 30 53 73 83 90 0.0 14 46 66 00 0.0 15 000 0.0 R3 1000 300 100 30 *.** *.** *.** 91 5.1 20 46 *.** 0 0.0 3.7 18 000 0.0 Based on data submitted with this AMR under DTN: LB991101233129.002. NOTE: * Steady-state not quite reached (flow out/flow in = 95%) *.** Seepage large, solution not convergent “0.0” is a calculated value and "0" indicates seepage is inferred to be zero from results of neighboring cases. Table 8a. Seepage Percentage as a Function of kFC and 1/a for s = 1.66 and Qp = 500 mm/yr. kFC (m2) Realizations 1/a (Pa) 0.9 ื 10–14 0.9 ื 10–13 0.9 ื 10–12 0.9 ื 10–11 R1 1000 300 100 30 78 *.** 92 *.** 9.6 46 69 82* 0 0.0 4.5 42 000 0.0 R2 1000 300 100 30 73 85 *.** 91 8.2 41 62 77* 0 0.0 4.5 35 00 0 0.0 R3 1000 300 100 30 *.** *.** *.** 92 14 45 69 82 0 0.0 6.9 36 00 0 0.0 Based on data submitted with this AMR under DTN: LB991101233129.002. NOTE: * Steady-state not quite reached (flow out/flow in = 95%) *.** Seepage large, solution not convergent “0.0” is a calculated value and "0" indicates seepage is inferred to be zero from results of neighboring cases. Title: Seepage Model for PA Including Drift Collapse U0075 MDL-NBS-HS-000002 REV00 37 February 2000 Table 8b. Seepage Percentage as a Function of kFC and 1/a for s = 1.93 and Qp = 500 mm/yr. kFC (m2) Realizations 1/a (Pa) 0.9 ื 10–14 0.9 ื 10–13 0.9 ื 10–12 0.9 ื 10–11 R1 1000 300 100 30 *.** 87 *.** *.** 9.5 46 69 82 0 0.0 6.2 38 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 R2 1000 300 100 30 74 86 *.** *.** 7.9 42 62 76 0 0.0 5.1 38 00 0.0 0.0 R3 1000 300 100 30 *.** 90 *.** *.** 14 45 68 81 0 0.0 9.0 35 00 0.0 0.0 Based on data submitted with this AMR under DTN: LB991101233129.002. NOTE: *.** Seepage large, solution not convergent “0.0” is a calculated value and "0" indicates seepage is inferred to be zero from results of neighboring cases. Table 8c. Seepage Percentage as a Function of kFC and 1/a for s = 2.5 and Qp = 500 mm/yr. kFC (m2) Realizations 1/a (Pa) 0.9 ื 10–14 0.9 ื 10–13 0.9 ื 10–12 0.9 ื 10–11 R1 1000 300 100 30 77 *.** *.** *.** 11 46 69 *.** 0 0.0 8.4 44 00 0.0 0.02 R2 1000 300 100 30 72 * *.** *.** *.** 8.2 43 62 *.** 0 0.0 6.9 39 00 0 0.0 R3 1000 300 100 30 *.** *.** *.** 94 * 15 45* *.** 81 0.0 2.4 12 35 0 0 0.0 0.0 Based on data submitted with this AMR under DTN: LB991101233129.002 NOTE: * Steady-state not quite reached (flow out/flow in = 95%) *.** Seepage large, solution not convergent. “0.0” is a calculated value and "0" indicates seepage is inferred to be zero from results of neighboring cases. In these tables, results indicated by " 0 " without decimal point imply zero seepage as inferred from calculated zero-seepage cases with smaller 1/a and smaller kFC. Results indicated by " * " are the large seepage cases where steady-state is reached within 95% due to numerical Title: Seepage Model for PA Including Drift Collapse U0075 MDL-NBS-HS-000002 REV00 38 February 2000 convergence problems. For these cases, we expect the calculated values to be within 5% of the steady-state results. For cases, indicated by " *.** ", the seepage percentages are large and the solutions are not convergent, but we can safely consider them to be larger than the neighboring values in the tables. At Qp = 5 mm/yr, seepage is essentially zero, except for cases with the very low permeability value of 0.9 ื 10-14 m2. Generally, seepage is larger for lower permeability and lower 1/a values. Seepage is also larger for larger s values as one would expect (Birkholzer et al. 1999, pp. 371, 375; Figures 14, 17). Though the extensive required computations prevent us from obtaining the full geostatistical distribution of seepage, results of three realizations are given for each case, giving an indication of the spread of the results. Note also that the results are all for . = 0.5 m and, as shown in the next section, they are smaller than the corresponding results for larger . values. 6.6.2 Seepage for Alternative . Values Table 9 gives results for Parameter Set A defined in Section 6.3.5 (see also Figure 1). For the four Qp values from 14.6 to 500 mm/yr, seepage percentages are given for three realizations of the . = 1 m case and for five realizations of the . = 4 m case. Seepage was not calculated for Qp = 5 mm/yr because, from Table 9, the results are expected to be zero. Appropriate results for . = 0.5 m from Tables 5 through 8 are included for comparison. Table 10 gives the results for Set B. It is interesting to note that seepage increases with ., with the geostatistical spread of predictions also increasing with .. While the results in Tables 9 and 10 provide an understanding of the trends, the best data we have so far (CRWMS M&O 2000a, Section 6.3.2) indicate no spatial correlation, so that . = 0.5 m, equal to grid size, may be the most appropriate value to use. Table 9. Seepage Percentage as a Function of Qp for Alternative . Values for Set A (kFC =.0.9 ื 10-13 m, 1/a = 1000 Pa, s = 1.93) Qp (mm/yr) . 14.6 73.2 213 500 Random (. = 0.5 m) R1 R2 R3 0.0 00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.6 9.5 7.9 14 . = 1 m R1a R2a R3a 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.11 0.0 0.0 4.5 0.0 0.27 12 7.1 7.0 . = 4 m R1b R2b R3b R4b R5b 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.1 6.7 8.3 0.58 0.0 3.9 14 19 2.3 0.0 8.4 21 27 15 7.1 36 Based on data submitted with this AMR under DTN: LB991101233129.002. NOTE: “0.0” is a calculated value and "0" indicates seepage is inferred to be zero from results of neighboring cases. Three realizations are calculated for each of the . = 0.5 m and . = 1 m cases and five realizations re calculated for the . = 4 m case. Title: Seepage Model for PA Including Drift Collapse U0075 MDL-NBS-HS-000002 REV00 39 February 2000 Table 10. Seepage Percentage as a Function of Qp for Alternative . Values for Set B (kFC =.0.9 ื 10-12 m2, 1/a = 100 Pa, s = 1.66) Qp (mm/yr) . 14.6 73.2 213 500 Random (. = 0.5 m) R1 R2 R3 0 00 0 00 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.5 4.5 6.9 . = 1 m R1c R2c R3c 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.8 0.04 0.12 7.4 4.3 3.6 . = 4 m R1d R2d R3d R4d R5d 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.6 0.0 0.0 0.01 0.0 7.7 0.0 0.0 3.3 2.2 14 1.3 6.4 10 Based on data submitted with this AMR under DTN: LB991101233129.002. NOTE: “0.0” is a calculated value and "0" indicates seepage is inferred to be zero from results of neighboring cases. Three realizations are calculated for each of the . = 0.5 m and . = 1 m cases and five realizations are calculated for the . = 4 m case. 6.6.3 Sensitivity to n value As discussed in Section 6.3.4, we have used van Genuchten n = 2.7 in all the calculations. To study the impact of using n = 2.55, we calculate two cases with parameter Sets A and B, respectively, for Qp = 500 mm/yr and realization R1. The results are shown in Table 11, which indicates that the impact can be neglected. Table 11. Sensitivity to n Value. Seepage is given as percentage for Qp = 500 mm/yr and realization R1 Parameter Set A (but varying 1/a) 1/a (Pa) 1000 300 100 30 n = 2.7 9.5 46 69 82 n = 2.55 10 47 69 82 Parameter Set B (but varying 1/a) 1/a (Pa) 1000 300 100 30 n = 2.7 0.0 0.0 4.5 42 n = 2.55 0.0 0.0 4.8 42 Based on data submitted with this AMR under DTN: LB991101233129.002. Title: Seepage Model for PA Including Drift Collapse U0075 MDL-NBS-HS-000002 REV00 40 February 2000 6.6.4 Sensitivity to correlated a parameter. The simulations presented thus far used a constant value for van Genuchten a parameter over the permeability heterogeneous field for each simulation. To study the alternative approach based on Leverett scaling law (Leverett 1941, p. 159), we performed calculations by setting a to be proportional to the square root of kFC, with the reference values corresponding to parameter Sets A and B respectively (see Section 6.3.5). Figure 3 shows the seepage percentage versus the percolation rate for realizations R1 and R3, and parameter Set A (lower two curves in the figures). They also show results for additional cases where all parameters are the same except the reference a value is changed. Similarly Figure 4 shows the results for parameter Set B with variants as indicated in the figures. It is interesting to note that the correlated a condition yields higher seepage by 0–10%. We propose that these figures can be used to provide adjustments to seepage predictions when one wants to use the correlated a condition. 6.6.5 Effects of Drift Degradation Table 12 presents the seepage percentages for the three realizations (R1, R2 and R3) with drift degradation modes as defined in Section 6.4 (Figure 2) and compares them with the nodegradation case. Only the Qp = 500 mm/yr cases are shown. Additional calculations were made for Qp = 73.2 mm/yr and the results for all cases in the Table are zero. Table 12. Seepage Percentage (%) for Alternative Drift Degradation Scenarios, for Qp = 500 mm/yr and Parameter Set B. Seepage Percentage Condition R1 R2 R3 No-degradation case (Set B) 4.5 4.5 6.9 1-m rock fall from crown of drift 4.5 4.7 7.0 1-m rock fall from springline of drift 4.5 4.5 7.4 3-m rock failure in drift roof 5.8 8.6 10 3–m rock failure case: calc. from Set B non-degraded case 5.8 5.9 9.0 Based on data submitted with this AMR under DTN: LB991101233129.002. The results show that the effect of a single rock fall is not significant for seepage. A deeper rock failure in the drift roof increases seepage. Now we propose an approach to calculate drift degradation effects from no-degradation results from Tables 4–8. The approach is based on the fact that . (0.5 m) is much smaller than the drift diameter and that seepage is due to flow channeling and local ponding from medium heterogeneity, and not due to Philip's model of homogeneous flow exclusion by the drift (Philip et al. 1989, pp. 17–20). The latter model would Title: Seepage Model for PA Including Drift Collapse U0075 MDL-NBS-HS-000002 REV00 41 February 2000 101 102 103 Qp(mm/yr) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Seepage-Percentage(%) Set A 101 102 103 Qp(mm/yr) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Seepage-Percentage(%) Set A Constant a, 1/a 30 (Pa) Constant a, 1/a 100 Constant a, 1/a 300 Constant a, 1/a 1000 Correlated a-k, 1/a 30 Correlated a-k, 1/a 100 Correlated a-k, 1/a 300 Correlated a-k, 1/a 1000 (a) R1 (b) R3 Constant a, 1/a 30 (Pa) Constant a, 1/a 100 Constant a, 1/a 300 Constant a, 1/a 1000 Correlated a-k, 1/a 30 Correlated a-k, 1/a 100 Correlated a-k, 1/a 300 Correlated a-k, 1/a 1000 Figure 3. Seepage Percentage as a Function of Percolation Flux for Uncorrelated and Correlated a-kFC Cases. Parameter Set A is used (lower two curves). Variant cases were obtained by varying the mean or reference 1/a values while keeping all other parameters the same. Realizations R1 and R3 are used in (a) and (b), respectively. 101 102 103 Qp(mm/yr) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Seepage-Percentage(%) 101 102 103 Qp(mm/yr) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Seepage-Percentage(%) (a) R1 (b) R3 Constant a, 1/a 30 (Pa) Constant a, 1/a 100 Constant a, 1/a 300 Constant a, 1/a 1000 Correlated a-k, 1/a 30 Correlated a-k, 1/a 100 Correlated a-k, 1/a 300 Correlated a-k, 1/a 1000 Constant a, 1/a 30 (Pa) Constant a, 1/a 100 Constant a, 1/a 300 Constant a, 1/a 1000 Correlated a-k, 1/a 30 Correlated a-k, 1/a 100 Correlated a-k, 1/a 300 Correlated a-k, 1/a 1000 Set B Set B Figure 4. Seepage Percentage as a Function of Percolation Flux for Uncorrelated and Correlated a-kFC Cases. Parameter Set B is used (lower two curves). Variant cases were obtained by varying the mean or reference 1/a values while keeping all other parameters the same. Realizations R1 and R3 are used in (a) and (b), respectively Title: Seepage Model for PA Including Drift Collapse U0075 MDL-NBS-HS-000002 REV00 42 February 2000 imply that a drift shape like the deep failure case (Figure 2, lower right) with a sharper ceiling will allow an easier flow around the drift and hence less seepage (Philip 1989, pp. 1531–1533), contrary to the results in Table 12. Heterogeneity causes flow channeling and local ponding, and the ponding probability is shown to be correlated to seepage by Birkholzer et al. (1999, p. 371, Figure 14). For a given realization the ponding probability for the medium is the same and seepage is proportional to the up-stream area of drift wall which may encounter these channels and local ponding locations. For the case of 3–m rock failure, the area of the original non-degraded drift wall is p(5.5)ท(5.23)/2 m2 = 45.2 m2, where 5.5 and 5.23 are the drift diameter and drift length in meters, respectively, and the division by 2 indicates that we only take the upper half surface of the drift wall. Now with the 3–m rock failure, the added rock surface area is estimated to be (3.5)ื1+(9ื0.5)ื1+(11ื0.25)ื2 m2 = 13.5 m2, where the thickness (along drift axis) of the rock failure is 1 m. The estimation can be understood by examining the bottom right part of Figure 2 (YMP-LBNL-CFT-2, pp. 107–108). The additional surface area on the left side of the cavity formed by rock failure in the drift ceiling is 3.5 m high and 1 m thick along the axis of the drift. The second term 9 ื 0.5 ื 1 m2 represents the extra area due to the step structure on the right side of the cavity. The third term represents the areas of the cavity in the two planes normal to the drift axis (see Figure 2: the area of the step-structure cavity above the broken line), except for the part closest to the original curved surface of the drift. The latter would compensate for the curved drift area no longer present because of the cavity. Now if we scale the seepage value for the no-degradation case (B) by the factor (1+13.5/45.2), we obtain 5.85, 5.85 and 8.97 for the three realizations. These are indicated in Table 12 and compare with the numerical results very well for the first and third realizations. This approach may provide an easy way to estimate the impact of drift degradation, once the degraded shape is found from mechanical modeling. It deserves further consideration. 6.6.6 Drainage Below the Drift The drift provides a barrier to downward percolation flux. Water moves around the drift or seeps into it. For the case that the water seeped into the drift is gone, then directly below the drift is a shadow of dryer zone. This dryer zone will decrease in width with depth below the drift. The vertical extent of the shadow zone depends on both kFC and 1/a values (Philip et al. 1989, pp. 16- 28). Figures 5 and 6 illustrate the saturation profiles one drift diameter below the drift for parameter Sets A and B, with Qp=500 mm/yr. The figures clearly show the shadow effect. Philip et al. (1989, pp. 21–23) also provide an approximate analytic solution to define the shadow zone that may be useful for practical applications. Title: Seepage Model for PA Including Drift Collapse U0075 MDL-NBS-HS-000002 REV00 43 February 2000 0 5 10 15 20 Z 0 2 4 X 0 5 10 15 Y Sliq 0.95 0.8 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.2 0.05 Based on data submitted with this AMR under DTN: LB991101233129.001. Figure 5. Saturation Profiles Around a Drift with Parameter Set A. 0 5 10 15 20 Z 0 2 4 X 0 5 10 15 Y Sliq 0.95 0.8 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.2 0.05 Based on data submitted with this AMR under DTN: LB991101233129.001 Figure 6. Saturation Profiles Around a Drift with Parameter Set B. Title: Seepage Model for PA Including Drift Collapse U0075 MDL-NBS-HS-000002 REV00 44 February 2000 6.6.7 Effects of Episodic Percolation Episodic percolation is simulated for a drift without degradation. Table 13 shows the seepage results if, every year, the percolation flux over the year is concentrated in the first 2 months representing a wet period and then zero flux occurs for the remaining 10 months. These results are compared with the case where the flux is constant over the whole year. In both alternatives, the average flux over the year is 73.2 mm/yr. The seepage percentage at the end of the wet period (after the first 2 months) for the episodic scenario stabilizes very quickly after the first year. Calculations were performed for Parameter Sets A and B and also for an additional parameter set with Set A properties, except that 1/a is reduced to 100 Pa to ensure some seepage even in the constant flux case. In all cases, the seepage percentages for episodic scenarios are higher than those of the constant seepage scenario. Note that the percolation flux in the two wet months is 6ื73.2 mm/yr, or 439.2 mm/yr. In Tables 7 and 8, calculated seepage percentages for Qp = 213 and 500 mm/yr can be found, and, if we interpolate between these cases to obtain the seepage percentages for 439.2 mm/yr, they are found to be approximately equal to the seepage percentage for the episodic scenario. It appears that for our sets of parameters, the memory effect between percolation pulses separated by 10 months is small and each pulse can be treated independently at the high percolation rate of the wet period. The seepage rate over this period increases with time and its peak value at the end of the two wet months may be roughly estimated by interpolation from Tables 4–8 or calculated directly. Table 13. Effects of Episodic Percolation. Qp = 73.2 mm/yr Parameters Seepage % at end of wet period* Seepage % if flux is constant over the year Parameter Set A 6.3 0 Parameter Set B 2.5 0 Parameter Set A, but with 1/a = 100 Pa 67 14 Based on data submitted with this AMR under DTN: LB991101233129.002. NOTE: *This value is the seepage rate at the end of the wet period divided by the percolation flux of the wet period, which is 6 times the average flux rate. For each year, the total percolation is all in the first 2 months and no flux in the remaining 10 months. Results are the same every year after the first year. Heterogeneous field used is Realization R1. The results show the importance of the appropriate episodic percolation flux profile at the repository level, with all the possible flow dissipation and diversion in the lithostratigraphic units above. 6.7 ALTERNATIVE CONCEPTUAL MODELS AND SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS Sensitivity analyses are part of the scope of this AMR and are presented in the above subsections (6.6.2 through 6.6.7). The main alternative conceptual model is the discrete fracture-network model (DFNM). This is thoroughly discussed by Finsterle and Trautz (CRWMS M&O 2000a, p. 68) and will not be repeated here. Note further that the rock in the ESF is highly fractured and the fractures are well connected, so that the fracture continuum model is a reasonable one. This is Title: Seepage Model for PA Including Drift Collapse U0075 MDL-NBS-HS-000002 REV00 45 February 2000 shown in Figure 7, in which fracture data from the ESF main drift from Station 27+20 to 37+80 (see Table 2 for DTNs) were plotted as the average fracture spacing (calculated using the software routine frac_calc V1.1) against the minimum fracture length for groups of fractures that contain all fractures longer or equal to the minimum length selected (YMP-LBNL-DSM-MC-1, pp. 40–42). The figure shows that the spacing is consistently less than fracture lengths for all classes of fracture grouping. Further, Kicker in CRWMS M&O (2000b, p. 26, Fig. 5) shows that the major fracture sets in Tptpmn unit are in three almost orthogonal planes with strike/dip angles given by 131/84, 209/83, and 329/09. The result is thus a well-connected fracture network that can be represented by a fracture continuum. Note, however, that the fracture continuum is very heterogeneous (see Section 6.3.3), so that flow through the fracture continuum is highly channelized (Birkholzer and Tsang 1997, pp. 2229–2231). As explained in Birkholzer et al. (1999, pp. 358–384), seepage into drift under conditions discussed in the AMR is controlled by heterogeneity-induced channeling and local ponding. It occurs much earlier than results of the conceptual model of a drift in homogeneous constantproperty medium (Philip et al. 1989, pp. 17–21). In other words, Philip et al. would predict seepage to occur at a threshold that is orders of magnitude larger. In this sense, Philip's approach is not relevant. Thus, Philip's boundary layer flow regime near the drift crown (Philip et al. 1989, p. 21, Figure 1) should not be used to define the required grid size. Rather the grid size should be chosen based on the heterogeneity spatial correlation scale ., which controls the flow channel width and the scale of local ponding. The use of grid size of 0.5 m equal to . is probably sufficient to study the relevant physics in our problem. The sensitivity of seepage results on grid size was calculated for grid sizes 0.5 m and 0.25 m (YMP-LBNL-CFT-GL-1, pp. 86–89). The change due to the grid size is of the same order as changes due to the different realizations, with an increase of 0-3% for the finer mesh for the case calculated. 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 0 1 2 3 Minimum fracture length (m) Fracture spacing (m) Based on data from DTN: GS971108314224.025, GS960708314224.008 and GS960808314224.011 NOTE: Straight line indicates a 1:1 correspondence Figure 7. Average Fracture Spacing for Topopah Spring Middle Nonlithophysal Hydrogeologic Unit in the ESF from Stations 27+20 to 37+80. Title: Seepage Model for PA Including Drift Collapse U0075 MDL-NBS-HS-000002 REV00 46 February 2000 The drift seepage problem involves the accumulation of unsaturated flow at the location near the drift wall, until the local saturation is large, and capillary suction is small. Then seepage into drift occurs. This problem is intrinsically a 3D problem, because flow accumulation at a location in 2D could easily disappear if it is allowed to flow away in the third dimension. Hence 2D models would overestimate seepage. The present AMR considers alternative spatial correlation lengths, using a spherical correlation structure and a gaussian field. There have been suggestions to use alternative geostatistical methods, such as nonparametric representation of the heterogeneity field and multiple-scale correlation structure. However for a specific problem with a particular scale of a drift, such complications are not needed so long as the parameters used are appropriate to this scale. The reason is that structures much smaller than the drift diameter can be approximated by an average property parameter, except near the drift wall (see below for the "surface needle" effect). Structures with correlation lengths much larger than the drift diameter should be handled deterministically for each case of occurrence, and can probably not be handled statistically. What is of more interest and importance is the question of the appropriate parameter values to be used in the seepage-prediction model. This depends on an interplay between seepage-model grid-element scale, calibration-model grid-element scale, and field data support scale. We have shown in this AMR that the air (fracture) permeability without excavation effects seems to have quite consistent values when the data support scale ranges from 0.3 to ~20 m. However we have no similar information on 1/a and other parameters. Further study of the interplay among the three scales for the purpose of deriving appropriate parameter values for predictive modeling would be very useful to enhance confidence in these values. However, one would expect they will still be in the ranges shown in Figure 1. One issue of great concern that may have significant negative impact on seepage is the “surface needle” effect. This refers to the possibility that there are 1D pathways from within the rock above the drift to the drift ceiling, from which there are no effective lateral intersecting fractures to divert water away. Then these 1D pathways or needles will act as special conduits through which seepage can occur. The increase in seepage due to their presence could be very significant and needs to be carefully evaluated. One example of such “needles” is the rock bolts used to stabilize the drift roof. Whether rock bolts would form such special seepage pathways depends on the leakage around the bolts and how it develops as the bolt cement degrades and the bolt corrodes with time. This is an important issue. A very preliminary estimate has been made on the needles effect (YMP-LBNL-CFT-GL-1, pp. 71-72). For parameter Set A, but with .=2m, seepage increases are calculated as a function of needle length and the number of needles in the section. With the needle length, the seepage increase stabilizes to a constant value after the length exceeds 0.15-0.25 m. For a 16.5-m section of the drift (approximately three waste package lengths), the seepage increase is found to be about 3% when there are three needles present in the drift ceiling; about 40% when there are 33 needles, and 70% when there are 330 needles. Title: Seepage Model for PA Including Drift Collapse U0075 MDL-NBS-HS-000002 REV00 47 February 2000 7. CONCLUSIONS The present AMR is based on the Seepage Calibration Model AMR (CRWMS M&O 2000a) and Birkholzer et al. (1999). By reviewing available information (Section 6.3 and 6.4), we selected a range of parameters and possible scenarios (Figure 1) on which seepage calculations were conducted. Results are tabulated (Tables 4–13) that show the impact of various factors on seepage and provide data for PA to develop probability distributions (DTN: LB991101233129.002). Generally, seepage is calculated to be larger for smaller kFC, smaller 1/a and larger Qp values (Tables 4–8). It is insensitive to n parameter (Table 11). To allow local a values to be correlated with local kFC (proportional to the square root of kFC) increases seepage by 0–10% as compared with a constant a case. Results in this AMR are based on a review of available in-situ field results appropriate to the Tptpmn geological unit. As more data from this unit and from neighboring units (where the potential repository resides) are obtained in field measurements, parameter values with their uncertainties and probability weightings should be developed and then seepage predictions from tables in this AMR can be used in PA to obtain the best estimates (with uncertainty ranges) for Yucca Mountain. Uncertainty associated with geostatistics is evaluated with calculations of three realizations for each case (five for a case of large spatial correlation length) and results are in Tables 4 through 8 and Table 10. In general, to establish geostatistical probability requires many more realizations than three, but the extensive amount of simulations in this AMR prevents us from doing more realizations. Nevertheless the spread of results from the three should give an indication of geostatistical distribution. In general, the spread is expected to be larger for large . and more limited if . is much smaller than drift diameter. Use of the multi-realization results requires care based on this discussion. The present effort demonstrated that the impact of mechanical effects can be evaluated (Sections 6.4 and 6.6.5). This is based on the recent AMR by Kicker (CRWMS M&O 2000b) and the Brekke et al.’s Panel Report (Brekke et al. 1999), which includes Hart and Kaiser’s scoping analyses. These reports also considered thermal and seismic effects on drift degradation in a schematic way. As further mechanical studies are made on drift degradation, seepage calculations should follow to update the assessment of their impact. A possible approach is proposed in this AMR to calculate seepage for degraded drift case from that of no-degradation case. The preliminary results show promise so that the approach deserves further development. As mentioned in Section 1, no analysis on the impact of coupled thermal-hydrological-chemical effects on seepage has yet been made, since such modeling results are not formally available at the time of this AMR and hence not citable. In summary, the present AMR identifies the following significant issues: 1. Drift degradation – disturbed zone scenario and extended failure scenario (Section 6.6.5) 2. Episodic percolation flux (Section 6.6.7). Title: Seepage Model for PA Including Drift Collapse U0075 MDL-NBS-HS-000002 REV00 48 February 2000 3. "Surface Needles" effect; in particular, impact of rock bolts in the long time frame (Section 6.7) 4. Effects of property change on seepage due to coupled thermal-hydrologicalchemical processes. These issues need to be addressed in performance assessment. This AMR may be affected by technical product input information that requires confirmation. Any changes to the document that may occur as a result of completing the confirmation activities will be reflected in subsequent revisions. The status of the input information quality may be confirmed by review of the DIRS database. Among the input data relied upon, the only essential data value used is the drift diameter of 5.5 m. The results of this AMR should not change if the verification of this value results in a change in diameter of less than 10%. In general, smaller diameter cases would result in less seepage or less conservative results. The only other relied upon data are the permeability data that are used to establish a range of values for the simulations. These permeability data could change by an order of magnitude and still be in the selected range and not affect the results of this AMR. In general, the verification and confirmation of these permeability data should not affect the results of this AMR. Title: Seepage Model for PA Including Drift Collapse U0075 MDL-NBS-HS-000002 REV00 49 February 2000 8. INPUTS AND REFERENCES 8.1 DOCUMENTS CITED Ahlers, C.F.; Finsterle, S. and Bodvarsson, G.S. 1999. “Characterization and Prediction of Subsurface Pneumatic Response at Yucca Mountain, Nevada.” Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 38 (1–3), 47–68. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Elsevier Science Publishers. TIC: 244160. Bandurraga, T.M. and Bodvarsson, G.S. 1999. “Calibrating Hydrogeologic Parameters for the 3- D Site-Scale Unsaturated Zone Model of Yucca Mountain, Nevada.” Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 38 (1–3), 25–46. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Elsevier Science Publishers. TIC: 244160. Birkholzer, J.; Li, G.; Tsang, C.F.; and Tsang, Y. 1999. “Modeling Studies and Analysis of Seepage into Drifts at Yucca Mountain.” Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 38 (1–3), 349– 384. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Elsevier Science Publishers. TIC: 244160. 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Philip, J.R.; Knight, J.H. and Waechter, R.T. 1989. “Unsaturated Seepage and Subterranean Holes: Conspectus, and Exclusion Problem for Cylindrical Cavities.” Water Resources Research, 25 (1), 16–28. Washington, D.C.: American Geophysical Union. TIC: 239117. Richards, L.H. 1931. “Capillary Conduction of Liquids through Porous Mediums.” Physics, 1, 318–333. Washington, D.C.: American Physical Society. TIC: 225383. Ritcey, A.C. and Wu, Y.S. 1999. “Evaluation of the Effect of Future Climate Change on the Distribution and Movement of Moisture.” Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 38 (1–3), 257– 280. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Elsevier Science Publishers. TIC: 244160. Tsang, Y.W. and Birkholzer, J.T. 1999. “Predictions and Observations of the Thermal- Hydrological Conditions in the Single Heater Test.” Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 38 (1– 3), 385–425. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Elsevier Science Publishers. 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Title: Seepage Model for PA Including Drift Collapse U0075 MDL-NBS-HS-000002 REV00 53 February 2000 8.5 SUPPORTING BIBLIOGRAPHY Birkholzer, J.; Li, G.; Tsang, C.F.; and Tsang, Y. 1998. Drift Scale Modeling: Studies of Seepage into a Drift. Milestone Report SP4CKLM4. Berkeley, California: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. ACC: MOL.19980825.0204. Birkholzer, J.; Li, G.; Tsang, C.F.; Tsang, Y; Trautz, R.C.; and Wang, J. 1998. Drift Scale Modeling: Studies of Seepage into a Drift. Milestone Report SP3CKLM4. Berkeley, California: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. ACC: MOL.19980908.0282. Birkholzer, J.T.; Tsang, C.F.; Tsang, Y.W.; and Wang, J.S.Y. 1996. “Drift Scale Modeling, FY96 Project Report.” Chapter 4 of Multi-Scale Modeling to Evaluate Scaling Issues, Percolation Flux and Other Processes for PA Recommendations. Altman S.J. et al., eds. Milestone Report T6540. Albuquerque, New Mexico: Sandia National Laboratories. ACC: MOL.19970320.0116. Cook, P.J.; Trautz, R.C.; and Wang, J.S.Y. 1998. “Compilation of Borehole Permeability Values from the Pre- and Post-Excavation Air Injection Tests.” Chapter 3 of Drift Seepage and Niche Moisture Study: Phase 1 Report on Flux Threshold Determination, Air Permeability Distribution, and Water Potential Measurement, Version 1.0. Wang, J.S.Y. et al. Milestone Report SPC315M4. Berkeley, California: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. ACC: MOL.19980806.0713. Cook, P.J.; Trautz, R.C.; and Wang, J.S.Y. 1997. “Cross-hole Pneumatic Tests of Fracture Flow Paths.” Chapter 2 of Field Testing and Observation of Flow Paths in Niches, Phase 1 Status Report of the Drift Seepage Test and Niche Moisture Study. Wang, J.S.Y et al. Milestone Report SPC314M4. Berkeley, California: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. ACC: MOL.19980121.0078. Li, G.; Tsang, C.F.; and Birkholzer, J. 1998. Calculation of Drift Seepage for Alternative Emplacement Designs. BB0000000-01717-0200-00011. Berkeley, California: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. ACC: MOL.19990323.0138 Philip, J.R. 1989. “The Seepage Exclusion Problem for Sloping Cylindrical Cavities.” Water Resources Research, 25 (6), 1447–1448. Washington, D.C.: American Geophysical Union. TIC: 239729. Philip, J.R. 1989. “Asymptotic Solutions for the Seepage Exclusion Problem for Elliptic- Cylindrical, Spheroidal, and Strip- and Disc-Shaped Cavities.” Water Resources Research, 25 (7), 1531–1540. Washington, D.C.: American Geophysical Union. TIC: 239858. Philip, J.R.; Knight, J.H; and Waechter, R.T. 1989. “The Seepage Exclusion Problem for Parabolic and Paraboloidal Cavities.” Water Resources Research, 25 (4), 605–618. Washington, D.C.: American Geophysical Union. TIC: 239116. Tsang, C.F.; Li, G.; Birkholzer, J.T.; and Tsang, Y.W. 1998 . Abstraction Modeling of Drift Seepage for TSPA/VA. Milestone Report SLX01LB4. Berkeley, California: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. ACC: MOL.19980730.0607. Title: Seepage Model for PA Including Drift Collapse U0075 MDL-NBS-HS-000002 REV00 54 February 2000 Tsang, C.F. 1997. Drift-Scale Heterogeneous Permeability Field Conditioned to Field Data. Milestone Report SP331BM4. Berkeley, California: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. ACC: MOL.19971125.0915. Tsang, C.F.; Birkholzer, J.T.; and Li, G. 1997. Drift Scale Modeling: Progress in Studies of Seepage into a Drift. Milestone Report SP331CM4. Berkeley, California: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. ACC: MOL.19971204.0420. Tsang, C.F.; Birkholzer, J.T.; Li, G; and Tsang, Y.W. 1997. Drift Scale Modeling: Studies of Seepage into a Drift. Milestone Report SP331DM4. Berkeley, California: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. ACC: MOL.19971208.0369. Tsang, C.F.; Li, G.; Birkholzer, J.T.; and Tsang, Y.S. l997. Drift Scale Abstraction: Evaluation of Seepage into Drifts. Milestone Report NWD98-1. Berkeley, California: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. ACC: MOL.19980423.0388. Tsang, C.F.; Li, G.; Birkholzer, J.; and Tsang, Y. S 1997. Drift Scale Abstraction: Additional Results on Seepage into Drifts and Model Testing against Niche Liquid Release Test. Milestone Report NWD98-2. Berkeley, California: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. ACC: MOL.19980506.0008. Tsang Y.W.; Wang, J.; Freifeld, B.; Cook, P.; Suarez-Rivera, R.; and Tokunaga, T. 1996. Letter Report on Hydrological Characterization of the Single Heater Test Area in the ESF. Milestone Report OS327322D1. Berkeley, California: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. ACC: MOL.19971119.0549. Tsang, Y.W. and Cook, P. 1997. Ambient Characterization of the ESF Drift Scale Test Area by Field Air Permeability Measurements. Milestone Report SP9512M4. Berkeley National Laboratory. ACC: MOL.19971201.0829. Wang, J.S.Y. and Elsworth, D. 1999. “Permeability Changes Induced by Excavation in Fractured Tuff.” Rock Mechanics for Industry, Proceedings of the 37th U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium, Vail, Colorado, June 6-9, 1999, 2, 751–757. Alexandria, Virginia: The American Rock Mechanics Association. TIC: 245246. Wang, J.S.Y.; Trautz, R.C.; Salve, R.; Oldenburg, C.M.; Ahlers, C.F.; Finsterle, S.; Cook, P.J.; Doughty, C.; Fairley, J.P.; James, A. Hu, M.Q.; Guell, M.A.; and Freifeld, B. 1998. Progress Report on Fracture Flow, Drift Seepage, and Matrix Imbibition Tests in the Exploratory Studies Facility. Milestone Report SP33PBM4. Berkeley, California: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Wang, J.S.Y.; Trautz, R.C.; Cook, P.J.; Finsterle, S.; James, A.L.; Birkholzer J.; and Ahlers, C.F. 1998. Testing and Modeling of Seepage into Drift: Input of Exploratory Study of Facility Seepage Test Results to Unsaturated Zone Model. Milestone Report SP33PLM4. Berkeley, California: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. ACC: MOL.19980508.0004. Wang, J.S.Y.; Trautz, R.C.; Cook, P.J.; and Salve, R. 1998. Drift Seepage Test and Niche Moisture Study: Phase 1 Report on Flux Threshold Determination, Air Permeability Title: Seepage Model for PA Including Drift Collapse U0075 MDL-NBS-HS-000002 REV00 55 February 2000 Distribution, and Water Potential Measurement. Milestone Report SPC315M4. Berkeley, California: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. ACC: MOL.19980806.0713. Wang, J.S.Y, Cook, P.; Trautz, R.; James, A.; Finsterle, S. Sonnenthal, E.; Salve, R.; Hesler, G.; and Flint, A. 1997. Drift Seepage Test and Niche Moisture Study: Phase 1 Progress Report on Data Interpretation and Model Prediction. Milestone Report SPC31DM4. Berkeley, California: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. ACC: MOL.19980501.0484. Wang, J.S.Y., Cook, P.J.; Trautz, R.C.; Salve, R.; James, A.L.; Finsterle, S.; Tokunaga, T.K.; Solbau, R.; Clyde, J.; Flint, A.L.; and Flint, L.E. 1997. Field Testing and Observation of Flow Paths in Niches, Phase 1 Status Report of the Drift Seepage Test and Niche Moisture Study. Milestone Report SPC314M4. Berkeley, California: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. ACC: MOL.19980121.0078. Title: Seepage Model for PA Including Drift Collapse U0075 MDL-NBS-HS-000002 REV00 56 February 2000 INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Title: Seepage Model for PA Including Drift Collapse U0075 MDL-NBS-HS-000002 REV00 57 February 2000 9. ATTACHMENTS Attachment I - Document Input Reference System Attachment II - Model Input and Output Files Attachment III – Software Routine Code Listing Title: Seepage Model for PA Including Drift Collapse U0075 MDL-NBS-HS-000002 REV00 58 February 2000 INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Title: Seepage Model for PA Including Drift Collapse U0075 MDL-NBS-HS-000002 REV00 Attachment II-1 February 2000 ATTACHMENT II–MODEL INPUT AND OUTPUT FILES Below are the descriptions of the directory paths and the input and output files submitted under DTN: LB991101233129.001 for this AMR. Tables 4-8 Directories /ad5k#@_r&/ (includes subpaths and data files) ‘ad5’ indicates that the correlation length is 0.5 meter. # 11,12,13 and 14 corresponding to the mean permeability at 0.9ื10-11, 0.9ื10-12, 0.9ื10-13 m2, and 0.9ื10-14 m2. @ standard deviation: ‘s’ means the value of standard deviation is 1.66; ‘l’ means the value is 2.50; otherwise the value is 1.93. & realization number. For example, /ad5k13s_r1/ identifies the root directory for simulations where the correlation length is 0.5 meter and the mean permeability of realization 1 is 0.9ื10-13 m2 with a standard deviation of 1.66. Mesh filename MESHSF input file of mesh generation for a 5.5 m diameter drift. Initial Condition Filenames INCON@&_% @ standard deviation: ‘s’ means the value of standard deviation is 1.66; ‘l’ means the value is 2.50; ‘o’ means the value is 1.93. & realization number. If the realization number is missing the file is generated for the realization number of the directory given above. % value of 1/a. For example, INCONs1_100 identifies the initial condition file for realization 1 with standard deviation of 1.66 and 1/a of 100 Pa. /ad5k13s_r1/INCONo_100 is generated for realization 1. Subdirectories /*_a%/ * is the percolation flux (mm/yr). % is the value of 1/a. For example, /500_a100/ is a subdirectory containing the files for a simulation with a percolation flux of 500 mm/yr and 1/a of 100 Pa. ITOUGH2 Input files Title: Seepage Model for PA Including Drift Collapse U0075 MDL-NBS-HS-000002 REV00 Attachment II-2 February 2000 *_a^ * is the percolation flux. ^ value of 1/a: 1k = 1000, 3h = 300 and 1h = 100, or 30. For example, 500_a1h is a input file for a flux of 500 mm/yr and 1/a of 100 Pa. Output files *_a^.out output file for ITOUGH2. *_a^.sav ITOUGH2 .sav file with output conditions outq file containing seepage results t2.msg ITOUGH2 message file providing simulation status Steps to rerun an example case corresponding to Tables 4 through 8 In table 4C, realization 3 and 1/a 30Pa with the mean permeability of 0.9ื10-14 m2 ( the seepage percentage is 35). Step 1: go to directory ad5k14l_r3, where the correlation length is 0.5 meter (‘ad5’), s = 2.5, the realization is 3 and the mean permeability is 0.9ื10-14 m2; Step 2: go to directory 5_a30, where the percolation flux is 5 mm/yr and the 1/a is 30 Pa; Step 3: Type “rund” and enter to run ITOUGH2v3.2_drift with the input file 5_a30; Step 4: Calculate the seepage percentage from the output file outq. Tables 9-10 Root directory /a!_?/ includes subdirectories and data files. ! 1 or 4 is the value of the correlation length. ? ‘stefan’ means Parameter Set B and ‘old’ means Set A. For example, /a1_stefan/ indicates that the correlation length is 1 meter with Parameter Set B. Mesh filename MESHSF input file of mesh for a 5.5 m diameter drift. Initial Condition Filenames INCON@a!_&_% @ standard deviation: ‘s’ means the value of standard deviation is 1.66; ‘l’ means the value is 2.50; ‘o’ means the value is 1.93. Title: Seepage Model for PA Including Drift Collapse U0075 MDL-NBS-HS-000002 REV00 Attachment II-3 February 2000 ! 1 or 4 is the value of the correlation length. & realization number. % value of 1/a. For example, INCONsa1_1_100 indicates that it is for realization 1 with a standard deviation of 1.66, correlation length of 1 meter and 1/a of 100 Pa. Subdirectories /*_a%_a!_&/ subpaths under /a!_? /. * is the percolation flux (mm/yr). % is the value of 1/a. ! 1 or 4 is the value of the correlation length. & realization number (1 through 5 for correlation length 4). For example, /500_a100_a1_1/ indicates that the correlation length of realization 1 is 1 meter, 1/a is 100 Pa and the percolation flux is 500 mm/yr. ITOUGH2 Input files *_a^ * is the percolation flux. ^ value of 1/a: 1k = 1000, 3h = 300 and 1h = 100, or 30. For example, 213_a30 is a input file for a flux of 213 mm/yr and 1/a of 30 Pa. Output files *_a^.out output file for ITOUGH2. *_a^.sav ITOUGH2 .sav file with output conditions outq file containing seepage results t2.msg ITOUGH2 message file providing simulation status Steps to rerun an example case corresponding to the tables 9-10 In table 10, use Parameter Set B, alternative . value of 4, realization 2, flux 213 mm/yr (the seepage percentage is 7.7). Step 1: go to directory a4_stefan, where the correlation length is 4 meter (‘a4’); Step 2: go to directory 213_a100_a4_2, where the percolation flux is 213 mm/yr, 1/a is 100 Pa, correlation length 4, realization 2; Step 3: type “rund” and enter to run ITOUGH2v3.2_drift with the input file 213_a1h; Step 4: calculate the seepage percentage from the output file outq. Title: Seepage Model for PA Including Drift Collapse U0075 MDL-NBS-HS-000002 REV00 Attachment II-4 February 2000 Table 11 Root directory /ad5k#@_r1_nn/ includes subdirectories and data files. ‘ad5’ indicates that the correlation length is 0.5 meter. # 12,13 corresponding to the mean permeability at 0.9ื10-12or 0.9ื10-13 m2 @ standard deviation: ‘s’ means the value of standard deviation is 1.66; ‘l’ means the value is 2.50; otherwise the value is 1.93. ‘nn’ means the van Genuchten parameter n is 2.55 For example, /ad5k13s_r1_nn/ indicates that the correlation length is 0.5 meter, van Genuchten n is 2.55 and the mean permeability of realization 1 is 0.9ื10-13 m2 with the standard deviation of 1.66. Mesh filename MESHSF input file of mesh generation for a 5.5 m diameter drift. Initial Condition Filenames INCON@&_% @ standard deviation: ‘s’ means the value of standard deviation is 1.66; ‘l’ means the value is 2.50; ‘o’ means the value is 1.93. & realization number. % value of 1/a. For example, INCONl1_1000 identifies the initial condition file for realization 1 with standard deviation of 2.50 and 1/a of 1000 Pa. Subdirectories /*_a%/ subpaths under /ad5k#@_r&_nn/ * is the percolation flux (mm/yr). % is the value of 1/a. For example, /500_a100/ a subdirectory containing the files for a simulation with a percolation flux of 500 mm/yr and 1/a of 100 Pa. ITOUGH2 Input files *_a^ * is the percolation flux. ^ value of 1/a: 1k = 1000, 3h = 300 and 1h = 100, or 30. For example, 500_a1h is a input file for a flux of 500 mm/yr and 1/a of 100 Pa. Title: Seepage Model for PA Including Drift Collapse U0075 MDL-NBS-HS-000002 REV00 Attachment II-5 February 2000 Output files *_a^.out output file for ITOUGH2. *_a^.sav ITOUGH2 .sav file with output conditions outq file containing seepage results t2.msg ITOUGH2 message file providing simulation status Steps to rerun an example case corresponding to the table 11 In Table 11, use the file with a van Genuchten n of 2.55, and 1/a 300 Pa, and Parameter Set A (the seepage percentage is 47). Step 1: go to directory ad5k13_r1_nn, where the correlation length is 0.5 meter (‘ad5’), s = 1.93, realization 1 and the mean permeability is 0.9ื10-13 m2; Step 2: go to directory 500_a300, where the percolation flux is 500 mm/yr and the 1/a is 300 Pa; Step 3: type “rund” and enter to run ITOUGH2v3.2_drift with the input file 500_a3h; Step 4: calculate the seepage percentage from the output file outq. Figures 3 and 4 with correlated a-k simulations Root directory /ad5k#@_r&_k+/ includes subpaths and data files. ‘ad5’ indicates that the correlation length is 0.5 meter. # 12 or 13 corresponding to the mean k of 0.9ื10-12or 0.9ื10-13 m2 @ standard deviation: ‘s’ means the value of standard deviation is 1.66; ‘l’ means the value is 2.50; ‘o’ means the value is 1.93. & the realization number. ‘+’ ‘o’ for Parameter Set A; ‘s’ for Set B. For example, /ad5k13s_r1_ko/ indicates that it is for parameter Set A with correlated a-k. Mesh filename MESHSF input file of mesh generation for a 5.5 m diameter drift. Initial Condition Filenames INCONo_% % value of 1/a. For example, INCONo_100 indicates that it is for 1/a of 100 Pa. Subdirectories Title: Seepage Model for PA Including Drift Collapse U0075 MDL-NBS-HS-000002 REV00 Attachment II-6 February 2000 /*_a%/ subpaths under /ad5k#@_r&_k+/ * is the percolation flux (mm/yr). % is the value of 1/a. For example, /500_a100/ a subdirectory containing the files for a simulation with a percolation flux of 500 mm/yr and 1/a of 100 Pa. ITOUGH2 Input files *_a^ * is the percolation flux. ^ value of 1/a: 1k = 1000, 3h = 300 and 1h = 100, or 30. For example, 500_a1h is a input file for a flux of 500 mm/yr and 1/a of 100 Pa. Output files *_a^.out output file for ITOUGH2. *_a^.sav ITOUGH2 .sav file with output conditions outq file containing seepage results t2.msg ITOUGH2 message file providing simulation status Steps to rerun a case corresponding to Figures 3 and 4 In Figure 3(a), 1/a is 30Pa with the correlated a-k ( the seepage percentage is about15). Step 1: go to directory ad5k13_r1_ko, where the correlation length is 0.5 meter (‘ad5’), s = 1.93, the realization is 1 and the mean permeability is 0.9ื10-13 m2 (Parameter Set A). Step 2: go to directory 500_a30, where the percolation flux is 500 mm/yr and the 1/a is 30 Pa; Step 3: type “rund” and enter to run ITOUGH2v3.2_drift with the input file 500_a30; Step 4: calculate the seepage percentage from the output file outq. Table 12 Root directory /drift_geo/ includes subpaths and files for drift collapse models Subdirectories /drift_cc/drift_cc_r&/ files for the model cut out 3m depth and 2m width at the drift roof. /drift_cc8/drift_cc8_r&/ files for the model cut out 1 m3 rock-fall from the drift crown. /drift_cs8/drift_cs8_r&/ files for the model cut out 1 m3 rock-fall from the drift springline Title: Seepage Model for PA Including Drift Collapse U0075 MDL-NBS-HS-000002 REV00 Attachment II-7 February 2000 /drift_kzone/drift_kz_r&/ files for the model with disturbed zone around the drift Mesh names MESHSF_cc; MESHSF_cc8; MESHSF_cs8; MESHSF Initial Condition Filenames INCONcc_a1h_r& INCONcc8_a1h_r& INCONcs8_a1h_r& INCONkz_r& & is the realization number. Subdirectories /*_a%/ * is the percolation flux (mm/yr). % is the value of 1/a. For example, /500_a100/ a subdirectory containing the files for a simulation with a percolation flux of 500 mm/yr and 1/a of 100 Pa. ITOUGH2 Input files *_a^ * is the percolation flux. ^ value of 1/a: 1k = 1000, 3h = 300 and 1h = 100, or 30. For example, 500_a1h is a input file for a flux of 500 mm/yr and 1/a of 100 Pa. Output files *_a^.out output file for ITOUGH2. *_a^.sav ITOUGH2 .sav file with output conditions outq file containing seepage results t2.msg ITOUGH2 message file providing simulation status Steps to rerun a example case corresponding to table 12 In Table 12, 3_m rock failure in drift roof and realization 2 with Parameter Set B ( the seepage percentage is 8.6). Step 1: go to directory drift_geo/drift_cc/drift_cc_r2/, where the correlation length is 0.5 meter, s = 1.66, the realization is 2 and the mean permeability is 0.9ื10-12 m2; Step 2: go to directory 500_a100, where the percolation flux is 500 mm/yr and the 1/a is 100 Pa; Step 3: type “rund” and enter to run ITOUGH2v3.2_drift with the input file 500_a100; Title: Seepage Model for PA Including Drift Collapse U0075 MDL-NBS-HS-000002 REV00 Attachment II-8 February 2000 Step 4: calculate the seepage percentage from the output file outq. Table 13 Root Directory /multi_p/ includes subpaths and data files for episodic percolation simulations Mesh Filename MESHSF input file mesh for a 5.5 m diameter drift. Subdirectory /multi_73+_2-10/ + ‘s’ means Set A, ‘a1k’ means Set B. If + is missing this indicates Set A but with 1/a = 100 Pa. For example, file multi_73_2-10 indicates a flux of 73 mm/yr, Parameter Set A but with 1/a =100 Pa, with flux occurring in the first two months of each year. Initial Conditions Filename INCON Input files *_^m+?y * is the percolation flux during the first two months of the year in mm/yr. ^ shows the number of months for the run. ? is the year number of the run. The sequence starts with 0 . For example, 439_2m+1y is a input file for a simulation over the two wet months with the percolation flux of 439 mm/yr in the second year. 439_10m+1y is the file for the simulation of the following 10 months. Output files *_^m+?y.out ITOUGH2 output *_^m+?y.sav ITOUGH2 .sav file with final simulation conditions *_^m+?y.tec ITTOUGH2 .tec file for plotting outq_^m+?y output file from ITOUGH2 for seepage rates. For example, outq_2m+1y is a output file for the percolation flux of 439 mm/yr over the second wet period (second year). Steps to rerun an example case corresponding to table 13 In Table 13, use Parameter Set B at the end of wet period ( the seepage percentage is 2.5). Step 1: go to directory /multi_p/multi_73s_2-10/; Title: Seepage Model for PA Including Drift Collapse U0075 MDL-NBS-HS-000002 REV00 Attachment II-9 February 2000 Step 2: copy 0_10m+2y.sav to INCON as initial condition of the forth wet period. After three years episodic percolation the seepage is near steady state; Step 3: type “rund” and enter to run ITOUGH2v3.2_drift with the input file 439_2m+3y; Step 4: calculate the seepage percentage from the output file outq_2m+3y. Title: Seepage Model for PA Including Drift Collapse U0075 MDL-NBS-HS-000002 REV00 Attachment III-2 February 2000 c---------------------------------------------------------------------- c Commented out variables no longer used MAC 7/98 c integer ni1,ni2 integer i,k,ni,n,nn,nm1,nfr,nf,ns1,ns2 parameter (nf = 50000) parameter (pi=3.1415926536d0) parameter (ni = 199) c Added MAC 4/13/98 character*32 fname c Commented out variables no longer used MAC 7/98 c character*8 outfile, header2, fstat c character*200 header c integer dist1 c double precision height(nf),dist2 integer nfrint(ni),ns double precision blksiz,kf,sdsq,stkrad,diprad,proptf double precision fmin,fmax double precision kfrc(nf),aper(nf) double precision ktens(9) double precision kxx,kxy,kxz,kyx,kyy,kyz,kzx,kzy,kzz double precision endp1,endp2,totaltr,totalht,adip,bdip double precision dist(nf),nfrc(nf) double precision strike(nf),dip(nf),alen(nf),blen(nf) double precision atrace(nf),btrace(nf),trace(nf) double precision trlen,fmesf,frint,fgrp1,fgrp2,fsiz double precision trcmax,dipmin,dipmax,aperture double precision avgsp,frcint,varsp,sdspac double precision freq,sdfreq,frcvol,frcrad,frcpor,blkht,blkdp double precision sdlen,varlen,avglen,frarea,frcp2d character*1 ans1,ans2 c MAC V1.1 double precision intarea, gmlen c c-------------------------------------------------------------------------- c Below added by MAC 4/98 - 5/98 c Data statements added to identify subunits and later combine c subunits for each model layer. c Moved to include MAC 6/98 so that various combinations could be c used by simply using a different file for include c Note that alcove stations are entered with Alcove # in the c ten thousandth location. c Assignment for model layers based on CRWSM M&O, 1998. c For most recent assignment see c Scientific Notebook YMP-LBNL-GSB-MC-1.1 pages 36-39. c c Include file 'datablk.f' includes data statements for c unitname, modlayer, unitsta, unitend, and logairk c MAC V1.1 include 'datablk11.f' c Title: Seepage Model for PA Including Drift Collapse U0075 MDL-NBS-HS-000002 REV00 Attachment III-3 February 2000 c For testing, instead of 'datablk.f', include file 'uzmodel97.f' c for comparison with calculations performed for the July 97 c milestone (Chapter 7, Sonnethal et. al, 1997) or include c 'sweetkind.f' for comparison with calculations in c Sweetkind et. al (1997). Use the data files ericdls.dat and c sweetdls.dat, respectively. c include 'uzmodel97.f' c include 'sweetkind.f' c MAC 7/98 For the more detailed PTn model layers use c include 'ptnblk.f' c-------------------------------------------------------------------------- c Below added MAC 4/98 - 6/98 c ntotal is the total number of UZ model layers c nlayers is the total number of segments along the ESF c Both are used for the data statements and are defined in the c file 'datablk.f' c npar is the number of parameters saved for calculating properties c for entire model layer c variables with 'int' are for calculating fracture properties for c intervals c variables for data statements [integer modlayer(ntotal); c double precision logairk(nlayers),unitsta(nlayers), c unitend(nlayers)] are in file 'datablk.f' integer layer,first,last,npar c MAC V1.1 changed npar from 16 to 18 parameter(npar=18) double precision spac,frcp1d,trcmin, combine,kzzkxx,kyykxx,kzzkyy, + alpha,loga,logf,sdalpha dimension combine(nlayers,npar) character*5 outfile integer intn,intmax,intnfr,intlayer parameter(intmax=10000) double precision intfreq,intspace, intlength, inttrace dimension intfreq(intmax),intspace(intmax),intnfr(intmax), + inttrace(intmax) c...Input file name 2 print *, 'Enter fracture data filename: ' read (*,*) fname open(unit=12,file=fname,status='old',err=5) go to 7 5 write(*,*)'File not found' go to 2 7 continue c Removed call to station file -- all in one file MAC 4/13/98 c revised MAC 4/13/98 - starting and end points for model layers c now determined internally c revised MAC 4/17/98 - changed input process dipmin = 0.d0 dipmax = 90.d0 Title: Seepage Model for PA Including Drift Collapse U0075 MDL-NBS-HS-000002 REV00 Attachment III-4 February 2000 ans1 = 'n' ans2 = 'y' write(*,*)'Enter minimum and maximum fracture length to use' read(*,*)fmin,fmax c Added MAC 7/8/98 - query user for interval length write(*,*)'Enter interval length (in meters)' read(*,*)intlength c-------------------- c... Read station file - Removed MAC 4/13/98 c MAC 4/98 open output files open(13,file='all1.par',status='unknown') open(14,file='all2.par',status='unknown') write(13,441) write(14,442) open(18,file='interval.par',status='unknown') write(18,1999) open(20,file='tmp.par') c c... Read fracture data file c Rev MAC 4/13/98 read (12,*) i = 0 10 i = i + 1 c rev MAC 6/29/98 - Don't read in height c read(12,*,end=99)dist(i),strike(i),dip(i),atrace(i), c & btrace(i),height(i) read(12,*,end=99)dist(i),strike(i),dip(i),atrace(i), & btrace(i) go to 10 99 ns = i - 1 dist(ns+1)=99999.9 close(12) c c Added MAC 6/25/98 c initialize combine do j=1,npar do i=1,nlayers combine(i,j) = 0d0 end do end do c---------------- c Added MAC 4/17/98 c Loop through model layers, assiging station ranges c Define endp1, endp2, ns1, ns2 c DO layer = 1,nlayers endp1 = unitsta(layer) endp2 = unitend(layer) write(*,*)unitname(layer),endp1,endp2 ns1 = 0 ns2 = 0 do i = 1,ns+1 if (((dist(i).ge.endp1).and.(dist(i-1).lt.endp1)) Title: Seepage Model for PA Including Drift Collapse U0075 MDL-NBS-HS-000002 REV00 Attachment III-5 February 2000 & .or.((dist(i).ge.endp1).and.(i.eq.1))) & ns1 = i if ((dist(i).gt.endp2).and.(dist(i-1).le.endp2)) & ns2 = i - 1 end do c MAC V1.1 - changed 0.0 to 0 if ((ns2-ns1).le.0) go to 999 write(*,*)' ',dist(ns1),dist(ns2) c outfile = unitname(layer) outfile = 'dummy' c if ((layer.eq.48).or.(layer.eq.27)) then c outfile = unitname(layer) c write(*,*)'Tecplot file for',unitname(layer), c + unitsta(layer),unitend(layer) c end if c... Find size distribution for all fractures if(ans2.eq.'y')then fmesf = 0.3d0 frint = 0.2d0 do i = ns1,ns2 trlen = atrace(i) + btrace(i) do k = 1, ni fgrp1 = fmesf + dble(k-1)*frint fgrp2 = fmesf + dble(k)*frint if( & nfrint(k)=nfrint(k)+1 enddo enddo endif c c Added MAC 4/98 find minimum trace length before excluding trcmin = fmax do i = ns1,ns2 trcmin = min((atrace(i)+btrace(i)),trcmin) enddo c... Find fractures that are within range if given n = 0 nfr = 0 do i = ns1,ns2 if(dip(i).ge.dipmin.and.dip(i).le.dipmax.and.atrace(i)+ + btrace(i).ge.fmin.and.atrace(i)+btrace(i).le.fmax) + then n = n + 1 nfrc(n) = i nfr = n endif enddo if (nfr.le.1) go to 999 c c... Calculate proportion of total fractures proptf = dble(nfr)/(dble(ns2-ns1+1)) c Title: Seepage Model for PA Including Drift Collapse U0075 MDL-NBS-HS-000002 REV00 Attachment III-6 February 2000 c... Find total trace length do n = 1, nfr nn = nfrc(n) trace(n) = atrace(nn) + btrace(nn) enddo c c... Find maximum trace length trcmax = -1.d5 do n = 1, nfr trcmax = max(trace(n),trcmax) enddo c c... Length of fracture segment for plotting is 0.15 inch/meter do n = 1, nfr nn = nfrc(n) alen(n) = atrace(nn)*0.15d0 blen(n) = btrace(nn)*0.15d0 enddo c c... Calculate blocksize (interval length) blksiz = endp2 - endp1 blkht = 6.d0 blkdp = 6.d0 c c Rev MAC 4/17/98 - moved perm, frac volume, porisity to after c parameters c Rev MAC 4/98 - zero sum parameters totalht = 0d0 totaltr = 0d0 ssqht = 0d0 ssqtr = 0d0 sspac = 0d0 ssqsp = 0d0 ssqlsp =0d0 slgsp = 0d0 c MAC V1.1 gmlen = 0d0 intarea = 0d0 c Added MAC 5/98 do n = 1, intmax intspace(n) = 0d0 intfreq(n) = 0d0 intnfr(n) = 0 inttrace(n) = 0d0 end do intn = 0 intlayer = 0 c c... Calculate fracture parameters - loop through fractures do n = 1, nfr nn = nfrc(n) totaltr = trace(n) + totaltr ssqtr = trace(n)**2 + ssqtr Title: Seepage Model for PA Including Drift Collapse U0075 MDL-NBS-HS-000002 REV00 Attachment III-7 February 2000 c MAC V1.1 gmlen = gmlen + dlog10(trace(n)) if( nm1 = nfrc(n-1) c rev MAC 4/13/98 - put in if spac = dabs(dist(nn)-dist(nm1)) if (spac.eq.0.0) then write(*,*)'station overlap',dist(nn),nn,nm1 end if 2099 format(1x,a5,3(1x,f9.2)) sspac = spac + sspac c correction MAC 4/13/98 c put in '+ slgsp' in place of '+ sspac' c put in dlog10 and if-then if ( then slgsp = dlog10(spac) + slgsp c correction MAC 4/98 c put in '+ ssqlsp' in place of '+ ssqsp' c put in dlog10 ssqlsp = (dlog10(spac))**2 + ssqlsp else c rev MAC 4/98 for zero spacing use 0.005 m which is 1/2 c of the measurement precision slgsp = dlog10(5d-3) + slgsp ssqlsp = (dlog10(5d-3))**2 + ssqlsp end if ssqsp = spac**2 + ssqsp c added MAC 5/98 - for determining frequency and intensity over interval c added MAC 7/98 - if-then statment to prevent from c overextending interval boundary intn = INT((dist(nn)-endp1)/intlength)+1 if ( (endp1+(intn*intlength)).le.endp2 ) then if ( then write(*,*)'Max number of intervals exceeded -', + ' program stopped' write(*,*)'Resize intmax - intmax,intn',intmax,intn stop end if intspace(intn) = intspace(intn) + spac intnfr(intn) = intnfr(intn) + 1 inttrace(intn) = inttrace(intn) + trace(n) intlayer = intn end if endif 300 continue enddo avgsp = sspac/dble(nfr-1) freq = 1.d0/avgsp Title: Seepage Model for PA Including Drift Collapse U0075 MDL-NBS-HS-000002 REV00 Attachment III-8 February 2000 c added MAC 5/98 - for determining frequency and intensity over interval do intn = 1,intlayer if (intnfr(intn).gt.1) then intspace(intn) = intspace(intn)/dble(intnfr(intn)-1) intfreq(intn) = 1d0/intspace(intn) else intfreq(intn) = 1d0/intlength end if inttrace(intn) = inttrace(intn)/intlength/blkht end do c MAC 5/98 added if-then for small # of fractures if ( then c nfr-1 is the number of pairs used to calculate spacing varsp = (ssqsp - ((sspac**2)/dble(nfr-1)))/(dble(nfr-2)) if ( then sdspac = sqrt(varsp) c added comment and put in varsp rather than sdspac**2 by MAC 5/98 c V[f]= V[s]*(-E[s]**-2)**2 sdfreq = sqrt((((-avgsp)**(-2))**2)*varsp) else sdspac = 0d0 sdfreq = 0d0 end if else varsp = 0d0 sdspac = 0d0 sdfreq = 0d0 end if frcint = totaltr/blksiz/blkht avglen = totaltr/dble(nfr) varlen = (ssqtr - ((totaltr**2)/dble(nfr)))/dble(nfr-1) if ( then sdlen = sqrt(varlen) else sdlen = 0d0 end if c Rev MAC 4/17/98 - calculate b (in um) from airk aperture = 1d6*(12d0*(10**logairk(layer))/freq)**(1.0/3.0) c... Calculate permeability of each fracture and pass to ktensor do n = 1, nfr aper(n) = aperture*1.d-6 kfrc(n) = (aper(n)**3)/12.d0 enddo c Rev MAC 4/98 - zero sum parameters frcvol = 0d0 frarea = 0d0 do i = 1,9 ktens(i) = 0d0 end do c... Calculate fracture volume based on penny-shaped fractures do n = 1, nfr Title: Seepage Model for PA Including Drift Collapse U0075 MDL-NBS-HS-000002 REV00 Attachment III-9 February 2000 frcrad = trace(n)*0.5d0 frcvol = pi*aper(n)*frcrad**2 + frcvol frarea = aper(n)*frcrad*2.d0 + frarea c MAC V1.1 - will divide by block volume after combining intarea = pi*frcrad**2 + intarea enddo c... Calculate fracture porosity frcpor = frcvol/(blksiz*blkht*blkdp) frcp2d = frarea/(blksiz*blkht) c Added MAC 4/22/98 - include 1-D porosity frcp1d = freq*aperture*1d-6 c c... Calculate components associated with each fracture, then sum radian = pi/180.d0 do n = 1, nfr nn = nfrc(n) if(strike(nn).le.90.d0)then stkrad = strike(nn)*radian diprad = dip(nn)*radian elseif(strike(nn).gt.90.d0.and.strike(nn).le.180.d0)then stkrad = strike(nn)*radian diprad = (180.d0-dip(nn))*radian elseif(strike(nn).gt.180.d0.and.strike(nn).le.270.d0)then stkrad = strike(nn)*radian diprad = (180.d0-dip(nn))*radian else stkrad = strike(nn)*radian diprad = dip(nn)*radian endif sdsq = (dsin(diprad))**2 kxx = 1.d0 - ((dcos(stkrad))**2)*sdsq kxy = 0.5d0*dsin(2.d0*stkrad)*sdsq kxz = -0.5d0*dsin(2.d0*diprad)*dcos(stkrad) kyx = kxy kyy = 1.d0 - ((dsin(stkrad))**2)*sdsq kyz = 0.5d0*dsin(2.d0*diprad)*dsin(stkrad) kzx = kxz kzy = kyz kzz = sdsq kf = kfrc(n)*freq ktens(1) = kxx*kf + ktens(1) ktens(2) = kxy*kf + ktens(2) ktens(3) = kxz*kf + ktens(3) ktens(4) = kyx*kf + ktens(4) ktens(5) = kyy*kf + ktens(5) ktens(6) = kyz*kf + ktens(6) ktens(7) = kzx*kf + ktens(7) ktens(8) = kzy*kf + ktens(8) ktens(9) = kzz*kf + ktens(9) enddo c Added MAC 4/21/98 kzzkxx = ktens(9)/ktens(1) kyykxx = ktens(5)/ktens(1) kzzkyy = ktens(9)/ktens(5) Title: Seepage Model for PA Including Drift Collapse U0075 MDL-NBS-HS-000002 REV00 Attachment III-10 February 2000 c Added MAC 4/21/98 c Calculate alpha (see equation 7) alpha = aperture*1d-6/2d0/72d-3 c c Commented out MAC 7/98 c... Open and write permeability components of fracture networks c open(11,file=outfile//'.prm',status='unknown') c write(11,*)'Permeability Tensor for: ',outfile c write(11,450)'kxx','kxy','kxz','kyx','kyy','kyz','kzx', c + 'kzy','kzz' c write(11,460)ktens(1),ktens(2),ktens(3),ktens(4), c + ktens(5),ktens(6),ktens(7),ktens(8),ktens(9) c write(11,*)'kzz/kxx= ',ktens(9)/ktens(1) c write(11,*)'kyy/kxx= ',ktens(5)/ktens(1) c close(11) c... Calculate orientations and open and write GMT plot file open(11,file=outfile//'.plt',status='unknown') do n = 1, nfr nn = nfrc(n) if(strike(nn).le.90.d0)then adip = dip(nn) bdip = dip(nn) + 180.d0 elseif(strike(nn).gt.90.d0.and.strike(nn).le.270.d0)then adip = 180.d0 - dip(nn) bdip = 360.d0 - dip(nn) else adip = dip(nn) bdip = dip(nn) + 180.d0 endif write(11,404)dist(nn),adip,alen(n),unitname(layer) write(11,404)dist(nn),bdip,blen(n),unitname(layer) enddo close(11) c----------------------------------------------------------------- c Below by MAC 4/98 c Completely changed output file formatting c now 'all1.par' and 'all2.par' which list data for each subunit c Deleted E.S. output file writing if ( then write(13,443)unitname(layer),endp1,endp2,trcmin,fmin, + trcmax,nfr,avgsp,sdspac,freq,sdfreq,avglen,sdlen,frcint write(14,444)unitname(layer),fmin,nfr,freq, + aperture,frcpor,frcp2d,frcp1d,alpha,kzzkxx,kyykxx,kzzkyy write(13,443)' ',dist(ns1),dist(ns2) else c alcove data & ECRB data c ECRB is read in as if it is alcove 9 MAC 3-23-99 if ( then write(13,2443)unitname(layer),INT(endp1/10000.0),trcmin,fmin, + trcmax,nfr,avgsp,sdspac,freq,sdfreq,avglen,sdlen,frcint else write(13,2445)unitname(layer),trcmin,fmin, + trcmax,nfr,avgsp,sdspac,freq,sdfreq,avglen,sdlen,frcint end if Title: Seepage Model for PA Including Drift Collapse U0075 MDL-NBS-HS-000002 REV00 Attachment III-11 February 2000 write(14,444)unitname(layer),fmin,nfr,freq, + aperture,frcpor,frcp2d,frcp1d,alpha,kzzkxx,kyykxx,kzzkyy write(13,2444)(dist(ns2)-dist(ns1)) end if 441 format(1x,' Unit',1x,'<---Station--->',1x, + ' Min-m',1x,'MinUse',1x,' Max-m',1x,' #Frac',1x, + 'Spac-m',1x,'SDSpac',1x,'Fq-1/m', + 1x,'SDFreq',1x,'Leng-m',1x,'SDLeng',1x,'Intens') 442 format(1x,' Unit',1x, + 'MinUse',1x,' #Frac',1x,'Fq-1/m' + ,1x,'Apr-um',1x,' Por-3D',1x,' Por-2D',1x,' Por-1D' + ,1x,' alpha',1x,'kzz/kxx',1x,'kyy/kxx',1x,'kzz/kyy') 443 format(1x,a5,2(1x,f7.2),3(1x,f6.2),1x,i6,7(1x,f6.2)) 444 format(1x,a5,1x,f6.2,1x,i6,1x,f6.2,1x,f6.0,4(1x,es9.2), + 3(1x,f7.2)) 2443 format(1x,a5,4x,'Alcove',i2,4x,3(1x,f6.2),1x,i6,7(1x,f6.2)) 2444 format(7x,f7.2,1x,'meters') 2445 format(1x,a5,4x,'ECRB ',2x,4x,3(1x,f6.2),1x,i6,7(1x,f6.2)) c Save results for combined output c added MAC 4/98 combine(layer,1)=endp1 combine(layer,2)=endp2 combine(layer,3)=trcmin combine(layer,4)=trcmax combine(layer,5)=dble(nfr) combine(layer,6)=avgsp*dble(nfr-1) combine(layer,7)=ssqsp combine(layer,8)=avglen*dble(nfr) combine(layer,9)=ssqtr combine(layer,10)=frcpor*blksiz/(aperture*1d-6) combine(layer,11)=frcp2d*blksiz/(aperture*1d-6) combine(layer,12)=ktens(1)/freq combine(layer,13)=ktens(5)/freq combine(layer,14)=ktens(9)/freq combine(layer,15)=slgsp combine(layer,16)=ssqlsp c MAC V1.1 combine(layer,17)=intarea combine(layer,18)=gmlen c Added MAC 5/98 - Output interval results to 'interval.par' do intn=1,intlayer write(18,2000)unitname(layer), + (endp1+(intn-1)*intlength), + (endp1+(intn)*intlength), + intnfr(intn),intspace(intn),intfreq(intn), + (dble(intnfr(intn))/intlength),inttrace(intn) end do 1999 format(1x,' Unit',2(1x,' Station'),1x,' #Frac',4x, + 'Spacing',2x,'Frequency',3x,'#/Length',2x,'Intensity') 2000 format(1x,a5,2(1x,f9.1),1x,i8,4(1x,f10.2)) c--------------------------------------------------------------------- c... Write fracture size distributions if(ans2.eq.'y')then Title: Seepage Model for PA Including Drift Collapse U0075 MDL-NBS-HS-000002 REV00 Attachment III-12 February 2000 open(12,file=outfile//'.szd',status='unknown') do k = 1, ni fgrp1 = fmesf + dble(k-1)*frint fsiz = fgrp1 + frint*0.5d0 c rev MAC 5/12/97 write(12,470)fsiz,dble(nfrint(k))/dble(ns) write(12,475)fsiz,nfrint(k) enddo close(12) fsum = 0.d0 c write cumulative size distributions open(12,file=outfile//'.csd',status='unknown') ftot = 1.d0 write(12,470)fmesf,ftot do k = 1, ni fgrp1 = fmesf + dble(k)*frint fsum = dble(nfrint(k))/dble(ns) + fsum write(12,470)fgrp1,1.d0 - fsum enddo close(12) endif c c Added MAC 4/17/98 999 continue END DO close(13) close(14) c---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- c Below is all new code added by MAC 4/98 c Combine results for single values for each model layer c c Output to files 'comb1.par' & 'comb2.par' - combined results of c all1.par & all2.par c Output to file 'calibrate.par' - data to be used for inversion c open(13,file='comb1.par',status='unknown') open(14,file='comb2.par',status='unknown') open(15,file='calibrate.par',status='unknown') write(13,1441) write(14,442) write(15,2501) DO i = 1,ntotal trcmin = 1d6 trcmax = 0d0 nfr = 0 avgsp = 0d0 sspac = 0d0 sdspace = 0d0 ssqsp = 0d0 avglen = 0d0 sdlen = 0d0 ssqtr = 0d0 frcpor = 0d0 frcp2d = 0d0 Title: Seepage Model for PA Including Drift Collapse U0075 MDL-NBS-HS-000002 REV00 Attachment III-13 February 2000 blksiz = 0d0 kxx = 0d0 kyy = 0d0 kzz = 0d0 slgsp = 0d0 sslgsp = 0d0 c MAC V1.1 intarea = 0d0 gmlen = 0d0 first = modlayer(i) if ( then last = modlayer(i+1) - 1 else last = nlayers end if n = last - first + 1 DO layer = first,last trcmin = min(trcmin,combine(layer,3)) trcmax = max(trcmax,combine(layer,4)) nfr = nfr + NINT(combine(layer,5)) sspac = sspac + combine(layer,6) ssqsp = ssqsp + combine(layer,7) avglen = avglen + combine(layer,8) ssqtr = ssqtr + combine(layer,9) frcpor = frcpor + combine(layer,10) frcp2d = frcp2d + combine(layer,11) blksiz = blksiz + combine(layer,2) - combine(layer,1) kxx = kxx + combine(layer,12) kyy = kyy + combine(layer,13) kzz = kzz + combine(layer,14) c slgsp = slgsp + combine(layer,15) ssqlsp = ssqlsp + combine(layer,16) c MAC V1.1 intarea = intarea + combine(layer,17) gmlen = gmlen + combine(layer,18) if ((layer.eq.last).and.( then avgsp = sspac/dble(nfr-n) freq = 1.d0/avgsp c nfr-n is the number of pairs used to calculate spacing varsp = (ssqsp - ((sspac**2)/dble(nfr-n)))/(dble(nfr-n-1)) if ( then sdspac = dsqrt(varsp) else sdspac = 0d0 end if varlen = (ssqtr - ((avglen**2)/dble(nfr-n))) / > (dble(nfr-n-1)) avglen = avglen/dble(nfr) if ( then sdlen = dsqrt(varlen) else sdlen = 0d0 end if if (sdspac .gt. 0.0) then Title: Seepage Model for PA Including Drift Collapse U0075 MDL-NBS-HS-000002 REV00 Attachment III-14 February 2000 sdfreq = dsqrt(varsp/(avgsp**4)) else sdfreq = 0d0 end if aperture = 1d6*(12d0*(10**logairk(layer))/freq) & **(1.0/3.0) alpha = aperture*1d-6/2d0/72d-3 frcpor = frcpor*(aperture*1d-6)/blksiz frcp2d = frcp2d*(aperture*1d-6)/blksiz frcp1d = freq*aperture*1d-6 c calculate k ratios (note freq cancels) kzzkxx = kzz/kxx kyykxx = kyy/kxx kzzkyy = kzz/kyy c calulate fracture intensity frcint = avglen*dble(nfr)/blksiz/6e0 c MAC V1.1 gmlen = 10**(gmlen/dble(nfr)) intarea = intarea/blksiz/(gmlen**2) write(13,1443)unitname(layer),trcmin,fmin, + trcmax,nfr,avgsp,sdspac,freq,sdfreq,avglen,sdlen,frcint write(14,444)unitname(layer),fmin,nfr,freq, + aperture,frcpor,frcp2d,frcp1d,alpha,kzzkxx,kyykxx,kzzkyy c ssqlsp = (ssqlsp - slgsp**2/dble(nfr-n) )/ dble(nfr-n-1) slgsp = slgsp / dble(nfr-n) logf = - slgsp loga = (1d0/3d0)*(dlog10(12d0)+logairk(layer)-logf) > - dlog10(2d0*72d-3) sdalpha = sdfreq*dsqrt(1d0/72d-3) * > ( (10**logairk(layer)) /18d0/(freq**4) )**(1.0/3.0) if (ssqlsp.le.0.0) then write(*,2500)unitname(layer),slgsp,ssqlsp ssqlsp = 0.0 end if c MAC V1.1 add new parameters gmlen (gemetric mean length) and c intarea (fracture area/block volume where block volume is c block length * gmlen^2). Also changed output for calibrate.par write(15,2500)unitname(layer),fmin,frcp2d,(aperture*1d-6),freq, + intarea,gmlen,alpha,sdalpha,loga,dsqrt(ssqlsp/9d0) 2500 format(1x,a5,5x,f9.2,2(3x,es9.2),3x,f9.2,2(3x,f9.3), + 2(3x,es9.2),2(3x,f9.2)) 2501 format(1x,' Unit',1x,'Min-Fr-Length',1x,'Fr-Porosity',4x, + 'Aperture',3x,'Frequency',2x,'Inter-Area',3x,'Gm-length', + 4x,'Fr-Alpha',4x,'SD-Alpha',4x,'LogAlpha',1x,'SD-LogAlpha') c2500 format(1x,a5,2(1x,f7.2),2(1x,es9.2),3(1x,f7.2),1x,f7.3,1x,f7.2, c + 1x,i5,2(1x,f7.2)) c2501 format(1x,' Unit',4x,'Freq',2x,'SDFreq',5x,'alpha',3x,'sdalpha', c + 4x,'loga',2x,'logsda',2x,'', c + 1x,'s',2x,'gmFreq',1x,'#Frac',3x,'Block',3x,'#Freq') c added else statement - MAC 6/25/98 else Title: Seepage Model for PA Including Drift Collapse U0075 MDL-NBS-HS-000002 REV00 Attachment III-15 February 2000 if (layer.eq.last) then write(13,2500)unitname(layer) write(14,2500)unitname(layer) write(15,2500)unitname(layer) end if end if END DO END DO 1441 format(1x,' Unit',1x, + ' Min-m',1x,'MinUse',1x,' Max-m',1x,' #Frac',1x, + 'Spac-m',1x,'SDSpac',1x,'Fq-1/m', + 1x,'SDFreq',1x,'Leng-m',1x,'SDLeng',1x,'Intense') 1443 format(1x,a5,3(1x,f6.2),1x,i6,7(1x,f6.2)) close(13) close(14) stop 400 format(a200) 404 format(f13.2,1x,f8.4,1x,f9.5,1x,a5) 408 format(a10) 410 format(i2,1x,f5.2) 415 format(a21,2(1x,f7.2)) 420 format(a48,2(1x,f7.3),1x,i5,1x,f5.3) 425 format(a78) 430 format(f8.4,5(2x,f8.4),2(2x,e10.4)) 440 format(a40) 450 format(9(4x,a4,3x)) 460 format(9(1x,e10.3)) 470 format(f10.3,1x,f8.4) 475 format(f10.3,1x,i8) c stop end Title: Seepage Model for PA Including Drift Collapse U0075 MDL-NBS-HS-000002 REV00 Attachment III-16 February 2000 Source code for Software Routine Read_TDB, Version 1.0 program Read_TDB c This program reads the data files from the c Technical Database. Output are written c unformatted to selected output file. All messages are c recorded to the screen and file 'index.txt' c Mark Cushey 4/98 c Output is limited to 10 numerical datatypes c It is assumed that the maximum line length is less than 250 real anum,bnum,value(10),limvalue(10,2),loctype character*4 first character*25 filename character*250 all character*250 datastring character*8 astat,bstat,avalue,limtext(10) character*1 onestring(250),onedata(8),plus(8),ans character*8 dataname(10),limitname(10) integer row,iname,istring,idata,icolumn(10),i,loc,rowused, + im,limnum,limtxt c ---------------------------------------- c open output files write(*,*)'Enter name of output file:' read(*,1000)filename open(unit=20,file=filename) open(unit=21,file='index.txt') write(*,*)'Details on data retrieval are in index.txt' c ---------------------------------------- c query for different data types to be stored c write(*,*)'List names of data types to be retrieved - up to 10' write(*,*)' Enter only the first 8 letters for each' write(*,*)' Enter the word end for last entry' i = 0 40 i = i + 1 read(*,1010)dataname(i) if ((dataname(i).ne.'end').and. & (dataname(i).ne.'END')) go to 40 iname = i - 1 write(*,1040)iname write(21,1040)iname write(20,1041)(dataname(i),i=1,iname) write(*,*)'Should header be printed in output file - Y or N' read(*,1011)ans if ((ans.eq.'Y').or.(ans.eq.'y')) & write(21,1041)(dataname(i),i=1,iname) 1010 format(a8) 1011 format(a1) 1040 format(1x,i7,' datatypes selected') 1041 format(10(2x,a8)) c ---------------------------------------- Title: Seepage Model for PA Including Drift Collapse U0075 MDL-NBS-HS-000002 REV00 Attachment III-17 February 2000 c query for limits on outputting data limnum = iname limtxt = iname write(*,*)'Are there limits for the output - Y or N ?' read(*,1011)ans if ((ans.eq.'Y').or.(ans.eq.'y')) then i = iname c write(*,*)'Enter the parameter names for numerical limits' c write(*,*)' Enter only the first 8 letters for each' c write(*,*)' Enter the word end for last entry' c45 i = i + 1 c read(*,1010)dataname(i) c if ((dataname(i).eq.'end').or. c & (dataname(i).eq.'END')) go to 46 c write(*,*)'Enter upper and lower value for limit' c read(*,*)limvalue(i,1),limvalue(i,2) c write(*,*)'Enter next limit or end' c go to 45 c46 i = i - 1 c limnum = i write(*,*)'Enter the parameter names for text-defined limits' write(*,*)' Enter only the first 8 letters for each' write(*,*)' Enter the word end for last entry' 47 i = i + 1 read(*,1010)dataname(i) if ((dataname(i).eq.'end').or. & (dataname(i).eq.'END')) go to 49 write(*,*)'Enter text to exclude - up to 8 characters' read(*,1010)limtext(i) write(*,*)'Enter next limit or end' go to 47 49 limtxt = i - 1 do i=(iname+1),limtxt if (i.le.limnum) then write(*,1045)dataname(i),limvalue(i,1),limvalue(i,2) write(21,1045)dataname(i),limvalue(i,1),limvalue(i,2) else write(*,1046)dataname(i),limtext(i) write(21,1046)dataname(i),limtext(i) end if end do end if 1045 format(1x,'Limits on',a8,1x,f9.3,1x,f9.3) 1046 format(1x,'Limits on',a8,1x,'exclude',1x,a8) c ------------------------------------------ c query for input filename and open 50 write(*,*)'Enter next data filename (use MS-DOS filename) or quit' read(*,1000)filename if ((filename.eq.'quit').or.(filename.eq.'QUIT'))go to 990 open(unit=10,file=filename,action='READ', & form='FORMATTED',status='old',err=75) write(*,*)filename write(21,*)'------------------' write(21,*)filename Title: Seepage Model for PA Including Drift Collapse U0075 MDL-NBS-HS-000002 REV00 Attachment III-18 February 2000 write(21,*)'------------------' 1000 format(a25) go to 80 75 write(*,*)'File does not exist' go to 50 c ---------------------------------------- c If one of the parameters is LOCATION, determine type. c If LOCATION is station number along DLS, loctype =0 C If LOCATION is along alcove, loctype = alcove # (can be #.1, #.2) c If other, then loctype = -1. 80 loctype = -1.0 Do i = 1,iname if (dataname(i).eq.'LOCATION') then write(*,*)'Is LOCATION a station number along the', +' DLS, alcove, or other - d, a, or o' read(*,*)ans if ((ans.eq.'d').or.(ans.eq.'D')) then loctype = 0.0 else if ((ans.eq.'a').or.(ans.eq.'A')) then write(*,*)'Which alcove #' read(*,*)loctype else loctype = -1.0 end if end if end if End Do c ---------------------------------------- c find header line (between rows of asteriks) 82 read(10,1001)first if ('****') go to 82 1001 format(a4) c ---------------------------------------- c find location where different data starts (use header) do i=1,limtxt icolumn(i)=0 end do read(10,1020)datastring read(datastring,1021)(onestring(istring),istring=1,250) do i = 1,limtxt read(dataname(i),1022)(onedata(idata),idata=1,8) do istring = 1,250 do idata = 1,8 if( (onestring(istring+idata-1).ne.onedata(idata)) ) & go to 98 end do 98 if (idata.eq.9) go to 99 end do 99 if ( then icolumn(i)=istring Title: Seepage Model for PA Including Drift Collapse U0075 MDL-NBS-HS-000002 REV00 Attachment III-19 February 2000 else write(*,1023)dataname(i) pause stop end if end do write(*,1003)(icolumn(i),i=1,iname) write(21,1003)(icolumn(i),i=1,iname) 1003 format(1x,'Column headers at',10(1x,i5)) 1020 format(a250) 1021 format(250(a1)) 1022 format(8(a1)) 1023 format(1x,a8,' not found in file -- stopped') c -------------------------------------- c move forward to first data row 105 read(10,1001)first if ('****') go to 105 c skip blank line read(10,1002)all 1002 format(a72) c ---------------------------------------- c read data lines from file and get values rowused = 0 row = 0 200 read(10,2001,err=900,end=900)datastring if (datastring.eq.'End of Report') go to 900 if (datastring.eq.' ') go to 200 row = row + 1 write(*,*)row c first see if data is within text-defined limits do ii=(limnum+1),limtxt loc = icolumn(ii) read(datastring,1999)all if (all.eq.limtext(ii)) then write(*,2025)row,dataname(ii),limtext(ii) write(*,2026)datastring write(21,2025)row,dataname(ii),limtext(ii) write(21,2026)datastring go to 200 end if end do do i=1,iname loc = icolumn(i) read(datastring,1999)avalue c first check to see if any are not recorded (NR) or c special (*) -- exclude NR and use * read(avalue,2002)(onedata(idata),idata=1,8) do idata=1,8 Title: Seepage Model for PA Including Drift Collapse U0075 MDL-NBS-HS-000002 REV00 Attachment III-20 February 2000 if ((onedata(idata)).eq.'N') then c the entire line is excluded write(*,2020)row,onedata(idata),onedata(idata+1), & dataname(i) write(21,2020)row,onedata(idata),onedata(idata+1), & dataname(i) go to 200 end if if (onedata(idata).eq.'*') then write(*,2021)row write(21,2021)row read(avalue,2024)avalue end if end do c check if entry is a station number -- if loctype = 0 c LOCATION is station number along DLS, if loctype = +# c LOCATION is along alcove (number loctype) If (('LOCATION')) then c get station number read(avalue,2005)(plus(ip),ip=1,8) do ip=1,8 if (plus(ip).eq.'+') go to 215 end do 215 read(avalue,2010)astat,all,bstat read(astat,*)anum read(bstat,2005)(plus(im),im=1,(8-ip)) do im = 1, (8-ip) if (plus(im).eq.'-') go to 216 end do 216 read(bstat,2011)astat read(astat,*)bnum if (loctype.eq.0.0) then value(i) = anum*100 + bnum else value(i) = loctype*10000 + anum*100 + bnum end if else read(avalue,*)value(i) end if end do 2001 format(a250) c change a8 to larger value if number is more than 8 digits 1999 format(x,a8) 2002 format(8(a1)) 2005 format(8(a1)) 2010 format(a,a1,a8) 2011 format(a) 2020 format(1x,'Row',i5,' has a ',a1,a1,' for ',a8, & ' - this data row is not used') 2021 format(1x,'Row',i5,' has a * - printed value will be used') 2024 format(a) Title: Seepage Model for PA Including Drift Collapse U0075 MDL-NBS-HS-000002 REV00 Attachment III-21 February 2000 2025 format(1x,'Row',i5,' excluded ',a8,' is ',a8) 2026 format(5x,a40) c write data to output file and read next line write(20,3000)(value(i),i=1,iname) 3000 format(10(f10.3)) rowused = rowused + 1 go to 200 900 close(10) write(*,*)row,' rows read and',rowused,' used' write(21,*)row,' rows read and',rowused,' used' c ask for next file go to 50 990 close(20) close(21) pause stop 999 write(*,*)'Error in file formatting -- stopped' write(*,*)'Error in file formatting -- stopped' close(20) close(21) close(10) pause stop end Title: Seepage Model for PA Including Drift Collapse U0075 MDL-NBS-HS-000002 REV00 Attachment III-22 February 2000 Source code for Software Routine Meshbd.f, Version 1.0 program Meshbd c c change mesh order c change z direction from "-" to "+" c change interface at top boundary c implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) integer nc,ne integer me,mc,nh parameter (me = 88500) parameter (mc =310000) parameter (nh = 1000) double precision voll(mc),aa(mc) character*5 dddd,ccc,cccc character*5 texte character*1 text character*5 wrd,wrd2 nx=12 ny=30 nz=42 c open(unit=2,file='MESH',status='unknown') rewind(2) texte='ELEME' write(2,'(a)')texte c open(unit=1,file='meshm.mes',status='old') rewind(1) read(1,'(a)',end=40) wrd if(wrd .ne. 'eleme' .and. wrd .ne. 'ELEME') then stop 'no eleme in MESH' endif c ne = 0 nesum = 0 locat = 1 do i=1,nx do j=1,ny do k=1,nz ne=ne+1 read(1,'(a,10x,a,2e10.4,10x,3e10.4)',end=40) & dddd,texte,voll(ne),v1,x1,y1,z1 nesum = nesum + 1 if( texte='BUNOF' elseif(k.eq.1)then texte='DRAIN' voll(ne)=1.0e+50 else texte='SOILF' endif write(2,'(a,10x,a,2e10.4,10x,3e10.4)') & dddd,texte,voll(ne),v1,x1,y1,-z1 enddo Title: Seepage Model for PA Including Drift Collapse U0075 MDL-NBS-HS-000002 REV00 Attachment III-23 February 2000 enddo enddo c read(1,*) read(1,'(a)')cccc write(2,*) cccc='CONNE' write(2,'(a)')cccc nc=0 locat =1 30 read(1,'(2a,19x,a,4e10.4)',end=40)wrd,wrd2,text,v1,v2,aa(nc+1),v3 if( ' ''+++ ')then if(wrd(1:2).eq.'B7'.and.wrd2(1:2).eq.'B7')aa(nc+1)=100.0 write(2,'(2a,19x,a,4e10.4)')wrd,wrd2,text,v1,v2,aa(nc+1),v3 nc=nc+1 goto 30 endif c texte=' ' write(2,'(a)')texte close(1) close(2) stop 40 stop'Premature End of File' end Title: Seepage Model for PA Including Drift Collapse U0075 MDL-NBS-HS-000002 REV00 Attachment III-24 February 2000 Source code for Software Routine mininipresf.f, Version 1.0 program mininipresf c for 12x30x42 mesh (5.23x15x20 m) c make incon block from c MESH c implicit double precision(a-h,o-z) character name*5,head*80 dimension xfield(100,100,100,20),class(100) c read nz=42 ny=30 nx=12 ndual=1 do i=1,nx do j=1,ny do k=1,nz do kk=1,ndual xfield(i,j,k,kk)=4.e-18 enddo enddo enddo enddo c read kfield open(unit=1,file='permcut.dat',status='old') rewind(1) read(1,*) do k=1,nz do j=1,ny do i=1,nx read(1,*)xfield(i,j,k,1) enddo enddo enddo close(1) c check input field do k=1,100 class(k)=0.0d0 enddo write(*,*)' number of classes' read(*,*)inums xmins=1.0e+30 xmaxs=-1.0e+30 do k=2,nz-1 do j=1,ny do i=1,nx if(xfield(i,j,k,1).lt.xmins)xmins=xfield(i,j,k,1) if(xfield(i,j,k,1).gt.xmaxs)xmaxs=xfield(i,j,k,1) enddo enddo enddo write(*,*)'min= ',xmins write(*,*)'max= ',xmaxs xmeans=0.0d0 sss=0.0d0 Title: Seepage Model for PA Including Drift Collapse U0075 MDL-NBS-HS-000002 REV00 Attachment III-25 February 2000 dxs=(xmaxs-xmins)/dble(inums) iouts=0 do kk=2,nz-1 do j=1,ny do i=1,nx do k=1,inums x1=xmins+(k-1)*dxs x2=xmins+k*dxs if(xfield(i,j,kk,1).ge.x1.and.xfield(i,j,kk,1).le.x2)then class(k)=class(k)+1.0d0 goto 12 endif enddo enddo iouts=iouts+1 12 enddo enddo do k=2,nz-1 do j=1,ny do i=1,nx xmeans=xmeans + xfield(i,j,k,1) enddo enddo enddo xmeans=xmeans/dble(12*30*40) do k=2,nz-1 do j=1,ny do i=1,nx sss=sss+(xfield(i,j,k,1)-xmeans)*(xfield(i,j,k,1)-xmeans) enddo enddo enddo sss=sss/dble(12*30*40) sssd=sqrt(sss) do i=1,inums class(i)=class(i)/dble(12*30*40) enddo open(unit=3,file='perm.tec',status='unknown') rewind(3) write(3,*)'MEAN IN Log10 ',xmeans write(3,*)'STANTARD DIVIATION IN Log10 and Ln ',sssd,2.3026*sssd write(3,*)'TITLE="FREQUENCY OF PERMEABILITY"' write(3,*)'VARIABLES = "LOG10 PERM", "FREQUENCY"' write(3,*)'ZONE, I = ',2*inums do k=1,inums write(3,'(2e15.6)')xmins+(k-1)*dxs,class(k)/dxs write(3,'(2e15.6)')xmins+k*dxs,class(k)/dxs enddo close(3) c read and write incon open(unit=1,file='MESH',status='old') Title: Seepage Model for PA Including Drift Collapse U0075 MDL-NBS-HS-000002 REV00 Attachment III-26 February 2000 rewind(1) open(unit=2,file='inconsf.out',status='unknown') rewind(2) c read(1,'(a)')dddd write(2,*)'INCON -- INITIAL CONDITIONS FOR DUAL PERMBILITY ' do i=1,nx do j=1,ny do k=1,nz do kk=1,ndual read(1,'(a,14x,a,2e10.4,10x,3e12.6)')name c sat=sini if(k.eq.1)then c permeability of top element equal next element if(kk.eq.1)then xkf=(10.0**xfield(i,j,2,kk)) porm=0.000124 sat=0.011 alfa0=0. else xkf=xfield(i,j,1,kk) porm=0.089 sat=0.92 alfa0=1562500. endif goto 99 endif if( c permeability of top element equal next element if(kk.eq.1)then xkf=(10.0**xfield(i,j,nz-1,kk)) porm=0.000124 sat=0.011 alfa0=0. else xkf=xfield(i,j,nz,kk) porm=0.089 sat=0.92 alfa0=1562500 endif goto 99 endif if(kk.eq.1)then xkf=(10.0**xfield(i,j,k,kk)) porm=0.000124 sat=0.011 alfa0=0. else xkf=xfield(i,j,k-1,kk) porm=0.089 sat=0.92 alfa0=1562500. endif Title: Seepage Model for PA Including Drift Collapse U0075 MDL-NBS-HS-000002 REV00 Attachment III-27 February 2000 99 continue c por=porm write(2,'(a5,2i5,e15.9,5e10.4)')name,idum,idum,porm,xkf,alfa0 write(2,'(2e20.14)')sat enddo enddo enddo enddo texte=' ' write(2,'(a)')texte write(2,*) close(1) close(2) stop end Title: Seepage Model for PA Including Drift Collapse U0075 MDL-NBS-HS-000002 REV00 Attachment III-28 February 2000 Source code for Software Routine mddf.f, Version 1.0 program mddf c cut round tunnel with radius R in 3D FD mesh c truncate elements and connections within R c cut for refined mesh c write connectivity list for tunnel bound elements to tunnel element c file: 'drift3d.con' c write list with coordinates of tunnel bound elements in c file: 'drift3d.coor' implicit none integer ne,ixyz integer me,mc,nh parameter (me =160000) parameter (mc =700000) parameter (nh = 128) character*5 ,id(me) double precision x(3,me) double precision a(mc),rdrift,dx,dz integer ec(me) integer e(2,mc) integer cc(2,mc) integer hsh(nh) integer ind(me) double precision vol double precision x1, y1, z1 double precision xhi, yhi, zhi double precision xlo, ylo, zlo character*5 wrd, wrd2 integer i integer ihash integer locat integer nc integer ne1 integer ne1 integer ne2 integer nu1 integer nu2 write(*,*)'radius tunnel' read(*,*)rdrift call rmesh(rdrift,ne,id,x,ec,e,a,cc,hsh,ind,me,mc,nh,ixyz) stop end c subroutine rmesh(rdrift,ne,id,x,ec,e,a,cc,hsh,ind,me,mc,nh,ixyz) implicit none integer ne,ixyz integer me,mc,nh character*5 id(me) character*5 irock character*1 text double precision x(3,me) double precision a(mc),rdrift,rr,v1,v2,v3,dy,dz integer ec(me) integer e(2,mc) integer cc(2,mc) integer hsh(nh) Title: Seepage Model for PA Including Drift Collapse U0075 MDL-NBS-HS-000002 REV00 Attachment III-29 February 2000 integer ind(me) double precision vol double precision x1, y1, z1 double precision xhi, yhi, zhi double precision xlo, ylo, zlo character*5 wrd, wrd2 integer i integer ihash integer locat integer nc,neall,nz integer ne1 integer ne2 integer nu1 integer nu2 open(unit=1,file='MESH',status='old') rewind(1) read(1,'(a)',end=40) wrd if(wrd .ne. 'eleme' .and. wrd .ne. 'ELEME') then stop 'no eleme in MESH' endif open(unit=10,file='',status='unknown') rewind(10) write(10,'(a)') wrd open(unit=3,file='driftff.con',status='unknown') rewind(3) open(unit=9,file='driftff.coor',status='unknown') rewind(9) open(unit=7,file='driftff.tec',status='unknown') rewind(7) write(3,*)'CONNE' write(9,*)'COOR' ne = 0 neall=0 nz=42 locat = 1 10 read(1,'(a,10x,a,2e10.4,10x,3e10.4)',end=40) & id(ne + 1),irock,vol,v1,x1,y1,z1 neall=neall+1 x(1,ne+1) = x1 x(2,ne+1) = y1 x(3,ne+1) = z1 if(id(ne+1) .ne. ' ') then if(vol .eq. 0.) goto 10 c dy=dabs(y1-7.5) c dy=idint(dy/0.5)*0.5+0.25 dz=dabs(z1- 7.75) c dz=idint(dz/0.5)*0.5+0.25 c c check radius rr=sqrt(dy*dy+dz*dz) if( goto 10 write(10,'(a,10x,a,2e10.4,10x,3e10.4)') & id(ne + 1),irock,vol,v1,x1,y1,z1 ne = ne + 1 ind(ne) = ne Title: Seepage Model for PA Including Drift Collapse U0075 MDL-NBS-HS-000002 REV00 Attachment III-30 February 2000 if(x1 .ne. 0.0 .or. y1 .ne. 0.0 .or. z1 .ne. 0.0) locat = 0 goto 10 endif call hash(id,ind,hsh,ne,nh,ec) if(locat .ne. 0) then do i = 1, ne x(2,i) = -999.d0 x(3,i) = -999.d0 enddo open(unit=2,file='locat',status='old') read(2,'(a)',end=50) wrd if(wrd .ne. 'locat' .and. wrd .ne. 'LOCAT') then stop 'no locat in locat' endif 20 read(2,'(a5,5x,2f20.0)',end=50) wrd, y1, z1 if(wrd .ne. ' ') then nu1 = ihash(wrd, id,ind,hsh,ne,nh) if(nu1 .eq. 0) then goto 20 endif x(2,nu1) = y1 x(3,nu1) = z1 goto 20 endif write(10,*) endif if(ne .ge. me) then stop 'Exceeded maximum number of elements' endif ixyz=3 ne1 = 0 ne2 = ne do while(ne1 .lt. ne2) x1 = x(1,ne1+1) y1 = x(2,ne1+1) z1 = x(3,ne1+1) if(y1 .ne. -999.d0 .or. z1 .ne. -999.d0) then if(ne1 .eq. 0) then xhi = x1 xlo = x1 yhi = y1 ylo = y1 zhi = z1 zlo = z1 else xhi = max(xhi,x1) xlo = min(xlo,x1) yhi = max(yhi,y1) ylo = min(ylo,y1) zhi = max(zhi,z1) zlo = min(zlo,z1) endif ne1 = ne1 + 1 else if(x(2,ne2) .eq. -999.d0 .and. x(3,ne2) .eq. -999.d0) then ne2 = ne2 - 1 else wrd = id(ne1+1) Title: Seepage Model for PA Including Drift Collapse U0075 MDL-NBS-HS-000002 REV00 Attachment III-31 February 2000 x(1,ne1+1) = x(1,ne2) x(2,ne1+1) = x(2,ne2) x(3,ne1+1) = x(3,ne2) id(ne1+1) = id(ne2) x(1,ne2) = x1 x(2,ne2) = y1 x(3,ne2) = z1 id(ne2) = wrd endif enddo if(ixyz .eq. 0) then xhi = xhi - xlo yhi = yhi - ylo zhi = zhi - zlo if(zhi .le. min(xhi,yhi)) then ixyz = 3 else if (yhi .le. min(xhi,zhi)) then ixyz = 2 else ixyz = 1 endif endif if(ixyz .eq. 2) then do i = 1, ne1 x(2,i) = x(3,i) enddo elseif(ixyz .eq. 1) then do i = 1, ne1 x(1,i) = x(2,i) x(2,i) = x(3,i) enddo endif call hash(id,ind,hsh,ne,nh,ec) read(1,'(a)',end=40) wrd if(wrd .ne. 'conne' .and. wrd .ne. 'CONNE') then stop 'no conne in MESH' endif write(10,*) write(10,'(a)')wrd nc = 0 do i = 1, ne ec(i) = 0 enddo 30 read(1,'(2a,19x,a,4e10.4)',end=40) wrd,wrd2,text,v1,v2,a(nc+1),v3 if(wrd .ne. ' ' .and. wrd .ne. '+++ ') then nu1 = ihash(wrd, id,ind,hsh,ne,nh) nu2 = ihash(wrd2,id,ind,hsh,ne,nh) if(nu1 .eq. 0) then c write(6,60) wrd,nc+1 if(nu2 .ne. 0)then wrd='DRI 1' text='3' c no gravity write(3,'(2a,19x,a,4e10.4)') & wrd2,wrd,text,v2,1.0e-08,a(nc+1),0.0!v3 write(9,'(a,5x,4e12.6)')wrd2,x(1,nu2),x(2,nu2), & x(3,nu2),v3 Title: Seepage Model for PA Including Drift Collapse U0075 MDL-NBS-HS-000002 REV00 Attachment III-32 February 2000 endif goto 30 else if(nu2 .eq. 0) then c write(6,60) wrd2,nc+1 if(nu1 .ne. 0)then wrd2='DRI 1' text='3' write(3,'(2a,19x,a,4e10.4)') & wrd,wrd2,text,v1,1.0e-08,a(nc+1),0.0!v3 write(9,'(a,5x,4e12.6)')wrd,x(1,nu1),x(2,nu1), & x(3,nu1),v3 endif goto 30 endif write(10,'(2a,19x,a,4e10.4)') wrd,wrd2,text,v1,v2,a(nc+1),v3 nc=nc+1 e(1,nc) = nu1 e(2,nc) = nu2 if(nu1 .gt. ne1 .or. nu2 .gt. ne1) goto 30 cc(1,nc) = ec(nu1) cc(2,nc) = ec(nu2) ec(nu1) = nc ec(nu2) = nc goto 30 endif if(nc .ge. mc) then stop 'Exceeded maximum number of connections' endif close(unit=1) close(unit=10) close(unit=3) close(unit=9) ne = ne1 return 40 stop 'Premature EOF on MESH' 50 stop 'Premature EOF on locat' 60 format(' Unknown element "',a,'" at connection',i8) end subroutine hash(id,ind,hsh,ne,nh,h) implicit none integer ne, nh character*5 id(ne) integer ind(ne) integer h(ne) integer hsh(nh) character*5 w1 integer i,i1,i2,j,k,n do j = 1, ne w1 = id(j) if(w1(4:4) .eq. '0') w1(4:4) = ' ' n = 0 do i = 1, 5 n = n + i * ichar(w1(i:i)) enddo h(j) = mod(n,nh) + 1 enddo i1 = 1 Title: Seepage Model for PA Including Drift Collapse U0075 MDL-NBS-HS-000002 REV00 Attachment III-33 February 2000 do i = 1, nh i2 = i1 do j = i2, ne k = ind(j) if(h(k) .eq. i) then h(k) = 0 ind(j) = ind(i1) ind(i1) = k i1 = i1 + 1 endif enddo hsh(i) = i1 enddo return end integer function ihash(wrd,id,ind,hsh,ne,nh) implicit none integer ne, nh character*5 id(ne) integer ind(ne) integer hsh(nh) character*5 wrd, w1, w2 integer i,i1,i2,n w1 = wrd if(w1(4:4) .eq. '0') w1(4:4) = ' ' n = 0 do i = 1, 5 n = n + i * ichar(w1(i:i)) enddo n = mod(n,nh) + 1 i1 = 1 if(n .gt. 1) i1 = hsh(n - 1) i2 = hsh(n) - 1 do i = i1, i2 ihash = ind(i) w2 = id(ihash) if(w2(4:4) .eq. '0') w2(4:4) = ' ' if(w1 .eq. w2) then if(ihash .gt. ne) ihash = 0 return endif enddo ihash = 0 return end Title: Seepage Model for PA Including Drift Collapse U0075 MDL-NBS-HS-000002 REV00 Attachment III-34 February 2000 Source code for Software Routine mk_gener.f, Version 1.0 program mk_gener c makes gener block for heater in drift and wing heaters implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) integer ne,ixyz integer me,mc,nh parameter (me =160000) parameter (mc =700000) parameter (nh = 2500) character*5 id(me) character*5 tfeld(me) double precision x(3,me) double precision a(mc),voll(me) integer ec(me) integer e(2,mc) integer cc(2,mc) integer hsh(nh) integer ind(me) call rmesh &(rdrift,ne,id,tfeld,x,ec,e,a,cc,hsh,ind,me,mc,nh,ixyz,voll) stop end c subroutine rmesh &(rdrift,ne,id,tfeld,x,ec,e,a,cc,hsh,ind,me,mc,nh,ixyz,voll) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) character*5 id(me) character*5 texte character*5 tfeld(me) double precision x(3,me) double precision a(mc) integer ec(me) integer e(2,mc) integer cc(2,mc) integer hsh(nh) integer ind(me) double precision voll(me) character*5 wrd c write(*,*)'Infiltration Rate in mm/a' read(*,*)rinf c open(unit=2,file='GENERsf',status='unknown') rewind(2) texte='GENER' write(2,'(a)')texte iw1=0 iw2=0 c open(unit=1,file='MESHSF',status='old') rewind(1) read(1,'(a)',end=40) wrd if(wrd .ne. 'eleme' .and. wrd .ne. 'ELEME') then stop 'no eleme in MESH' endif c Title: Seepage Model for PA Including Drift Collapse U0075 MDL-NBS-HS-000002 REV00 Attachment III-35 February 2000 ne = 0 nesum = 0 locat = 1 10 read(1,'(a,10x,a,2e10.4,10x,3e10.4)',end=40) & id(ne + 1),texte,voll(ne+1),v1,x1,y1,z1 nesum = nesum + 1 if(id(ne+1) .ne. ' ') then c if(vol .eq. 0.) goto 10 if(texte.eq.'BUNOF')ne = ne + 1 goto 10 endif c volsum=0.0 do i=1,ne volsum=volsum+voll(i) enddo c do i=1,ne fakt=voll(i)/volsum write(2,'(2a,i4,25x,a,e10.4)') &id(i),'I',i,'WATE ',fakt*rinf*78.45*3.171e-08 enddo c close(1) close(2) stop 40 stop'Premature End of File' end Title: Seepage Model for PA Including Drift Collapse U0075 MDL-NBS-HS-000002 REV00 Attachment III-36 February 2000 Source code for Software Routine mk_scale_k.f, Version 1.0 program mk_scale_k c for 12x30x42 mesh (5.23x15x20 m) c implicit double precision(a-h,o-z) character name*5,head*80 dimension xfield(100,100,100,20),class(100) c read nz=42 ny=30 nx=12 ndual=1 c read kfield open(unit=1,file='permd5_r3.dat',status='old') rewind(1) read(1,*) do k=1,nz do j=1,ny do i=1,nx read(1,*)xfield(i,j,k,1) enddo enddo enddo close(1) do k=1,nz do j=1,ny do i=1,nx xmeans=xmeans + xfield(i,j,k,1) enddo enddo enddo xmeans=xmeans/dble(12*30*42) do k=1,nz do j=1,ny do i=1,nx sss=sss+(xfield(i,j,k,1)-xmeans)*(xfield(i,j,k,1)-xmeans) enddo enddo enddo sss=sss/dble(12*30*42) sssd=sqrt(sss) open(unit=3,file='',status='unknown') rewind(3) write(3,*)'MEAN IN Log10 ',xmeans do k=1,nz do j=1,ny do i=1,nx scalek=(xfield(i,j,k,1)-xmeans)*0.860+xmeans write(3,*)scalek Title: Seepage Model for PA Including Drift Collapse U0075 MDL-NBS-HS-000002 REV00 Attachment III-37 February 2000 enddo enddo enddo close(1) close(3) stop end Title: Seepage Model for PA Including Drift Collapse U0075 MDL-NBS-HS-000002 REV00 Attachment III-38 February 2000 Source code for Software Routine mininipresf_ir.f, Version 1.0 program mininipresf_ir c for 12x30x42 mesh (5.23x15x20 m, with rock fall) c make incon block from c MESH c implicit double precision(a-h,o-z) character name*5,head*80 dimension xfield(100,100,100,20),class(100) c read nz=42 ny=30 nx=12 ndual=1 do i=1,nx do j=1,ny do k=1,nz do kk=1,ndual xfield(i,j,k,kk)=4.e-18 enddo enddo enddo enddo c read kfield open(unit=1,file='permcut.dat',status='old') rewind(1) read(1,*) do k=1,nz do j=1,ny do i=1,nx read(1,*)xfield(i,j,k,1) enddo enddo enddo close(1) c check input field do k=1,100 class(k)=0.0d0 enddo write(*,*)' number of classes' read(*,*)inums xmins=1.0e+30 xmaxs=-1.0e+30 do k=2,nz-1 do j=1,ny do i=1,nx if(xfield(i,j,k,1).lt.xmins)xmins=xfield(i,j,k,1) if(xfield(i,j,k,1).gt.xmaxs)xmaxs=xfield(i,j,k,1) enddo enddo enddo write(*,*)'min= ',xmins write(*,*)'max= ',xmaxs xmeans=0.0d0 sss=0.0d0 Title: Seepage Model for PA Including Drift Collapse U0075 MDL-NBS-HS-000002 REV00 Attachment III-39 February 2000 dxs=(xmaxs-xmins)/dble(inums) iouts=0 do kk=2,nz-1 do j=1,ny do i=1,nx do k=1,inums x1=xmins+(k-1)*dxs x2=xmins+k*dxs if(xfield(i,j,kk,1).ge.x1.and.xfield(i,j,kk,1).le.x2)then class(k)=class(k)+1.0d0 goto 12 endif enddo enddo iouts=iouts+1 12 enddo enddo do k=2,nz-1 do j=1,ny do i=1,nx xmeans=xmeans + xfield(i,j,k,1) enddo enddo enddo xmeans=xmeans/dble(12*30*40) do k=2,nz-1 do j=1,ny do i=1,nx sss=sss+(xfield(i,j,k,1)-xmeans)*(xfield(i,j,k,1)-xmeans) enddo enddo enddo sss=sss/dble(12*30*40) sssd=sqrt(sss) do i=1,inums class(i)=class(i)/dble(12*30*40) enddo open(unit=3,file='perm.tec',status='unknown') rewind(3) write(3,*)'MEAN IN Log10 ',xmeans write(3,*)'STANTARD DIVIATION IN Log10 and Ln ',sssd,2.3026*sssd write(3,*)'TITLE="FREQUENCY OF PERMEABILITY"' write(3,*)'VARIABLES = "LOG10 PERM", "FREQUENCY"' write(3,*)'ZONE, I = ',2*inums do k=1,inums write(3,'(2e15.6)')xmins+(k-1)*dxs,class(k)/dxs write(3,'(2e15.6)')xmins+k*dxs,class(k)/dxs enddo close(3) c read and write incon open(unit=1,file='MESH',status='old') Title: Seepage Model for PA Including Drift Collapse U0075 MDL-NBS-HS-000002 REV00 Attachment III-40 February 2000 rewind(1) open(unit=2,file='inconsf.out',status='unknown') rewind(2) c read(1,'(a)')dddd write(2,*)'INCON -- INITIAL CONDITIONS FOR DUAL PERMBILITY ' do i=1,nx do j=1,ny do k=1,nz do kk=1,ndual read(1,'(a,14x,a,2e10.4,10x,3e12.6)')name c sat=sini if(k.eq.1)then c permeability of top element equal next element if(kk.eq.1)then xkf=(10.0**xfield(i,j,2,kk)) porm=0.000124 sat=0.011 alfa0=1000. else xkf=xfield(i,j,1,kk) porm=0.089 sat=0.92 alfa0=1562500. endif goto 99 endif if( c permeability of top element equal next element if(kk.eq.1)then xkf=(10.0**xfield(i,j,nz-1,kk)) porm=0.000124 sat=0.011 alfa0=1000. else xkf=xfield(i,j,nz,kk) porm=0.089 sat=0.92 alfa0=1562500 endif goto 99 endif yyy=(j-1)*0.5+0.25 zzz=(k-2)*0.5+0.25 if(kk.eq.1)then if(( j ( xkf=10.0*(10.0**((xfield(i,j,k,kk)+13.05)*0.860-13.05)) alfa0=100. else xkf=(10.0**xfield(i,j,k,kk)) alfa0=1000. end if Title: Seepage Model for PA Including Drift Collapse U0075 MDL-NBS-HS-000002 REV00 Attachment III-41 February 2000 porm=0.000124 sat=0.011 else xkf=xfield(i,j,k-1,kk) porm=0.089 sat=0.92 alfa0=1562500. endif 99 continue c por=porm write(2,'(a5,2i5,e15.9,5e10.4)')name,idum,idum,porm,xkf,alfa0 write(2,'(2e20.14)')sat enddo enddo enddo enddo texte=' ' write(2,'(a)')texte write(2,*) close(1) close(2) stop end Title: Seepage Model for PA Including Drift Collapse U0075 MDL-NBS-HS-000002 REV00 Attachment III-42 February 2000 Source code for Software Routine mddf_CC8.f, Version 1.0 program mddf_cc8 c cut round tunnel with radius R in 3D FD mesh and rock fall from the crown c truncate elements and connections within R c cut for refined mesh c write connectivity list for tunnel bound elements to tunnel element c file: 'drift3d.con' c write list with coordinates of tunnel bound elements in c file: 'drift3d.coor' implicit none integer ne,ixyz integer me,mc,nh parameter (me =160000) parameter (mc =700000) parameter (nh = 128) character*5 ,id(me) double precision x(3,me) double precision a(mc),rdrift,dx,dz integer ec(me) integer e(2,mc) integer cc(2,mc) integer hsh(nh) integer ind(me) double precision vol double precision x1, y1, z1 double precision xhi, yhi, zhi double precision xlo, ylo, zlo character*5 wrd, wrd2 integer i integer ihash integer locat integer nc integer ne1 integer ne1 integer ne2 integer nu1 integer nu2 write(*,*)'radius tunnel' read(*,*)rdrift call rmesh(rdrift,ne,id,x,ec,e,a,cc,hsh,ind,me,mc,nh,ixyz) stop end c subroutine rmesh(rdrift,ne,id,x,ec,e,a,cc,hsh,ind,me,mc,nh,ixyz) implicit none integer ne,ixyz integer me,mc,nh character*5 id(me) character*5 irock character*1 text double precision x(3,me) double precision a(mc),rdrift,rr,v1,v2,v3,dy,dz integer ec(me) integer e(2,mc) integer cc(2,mc) integer hsh(nh) Title: Seepage Model for PA Including Drift Collapse U0075 MDL-NBS-HS-000002 REV00 Attachment III-43 February 2000 integer ind(me) double precision vol double precision x1, y1, z1 double precision xhi, yhi, zhi double precision xlo, ylo, zlo character*5 wrd, wrd2 integer i integer ihash integer locat integer nc,neall,nz integer ne1 integer ne2 integer nu1 integer nu2 open(unit=1,file='MESH',status='old') rewind(1) read(1,'(a)',end=40) wrd if(wrd .ne. 'eleme' .and. wrd .ne. 'ELEME') then stop 'no eleme in MESH' endif open(unit=10,file='',status='unknown') rewind(10) write(10,'(a)') wrd open(unit=3,file='driftff.con',status='unknown') rewind(3) open(unit=9,file='driftff.coor',status='unknown') rewind(9) open(unit=7,file='driftff.tec',status='unknown') rewind(7) write(3,*)'CONNE' write(9,*)'COOR' ne = 0 neall=0 nz=42 locat = 1 10 read(1,'(a,10x,a,2e10.4,10x,3e10.4)',end=40) & id(ne + 1),irock,vol,v1,x1,y1,z1 neall=neall+1 x(1,ne+1) = x1 x(2,ne+1) = y1 x(3,ne+1) = z1 if(id(ne+1) .ne. ' ') then if(vol .eq. 0.) goto 10 c dy=dabs(y1-7.5) c dy=idint(dy/0.5)*0.5+0.25 dz=dabs(z1- 7.75) c dz=idint(dz/0.5)*0.5+0.25 c c check radius rr=sqrt(dy*dy+dz*dz) if( goto 10 if( if( if( Title: Seepage Model for PA Including Drift Collapse U0075 MDL-NBS-HS-000002 REV00 Attachment III-44 February 2000 go to 10 end if end if end if write(10,'(a,10x,a,2e10.4,10x,3e10.4)') & id(ne + 1),irock,vol,v1,x1,y1,z1 ne = ne + 1 ind(ne) = ne if(x1 .ne. 0.0 .or. y1 .ne. 0.0 .or. z1 .ne. 0.0) locat = 0 goto 10 endif call hash(id,ind,hsh,ne,nh,ec) if(locat .ne. 0) then do i = 1, ne x(2,i) = -999.d0 x(3,i) = -999.d0 enddo open(unit=2,file='locat',status='old') read(2,'(a)',end=50) wrd if(wrd .ne. 'locat' .and. wrd .ne. 'LOCAT') then stop 'no locat in locat' endif 20 read(2,'(a5,5x,2f20.0)',end=50) wrd, y1, z1 if(wrd .ne. ' ') then nu1 = ihash(wrd, id,ind,hsh,ne,nh) if(nu1 .eq. 0) then goto 20 endif x(2,nu1) = y1 x(3,nu1) = z1 goto 20 endif write(10,*) endif if(ne .ge. me) then stop 'Exceeded maximum number of elements' endif ixyz=3 ne1 = 0 ne2 = ne do while(ne1 .lt. ne2) x1 = x(1,ne1+1) y1 = x(2,ne1+1) z1 = x(3,ne1+1) if(y1 .ne. -999.d0 .or. z1 .ne. -999.d0) then if(ne1 .eq. 0) then xhi = x1 xlo = x1 yhi = y1 ylo = y1 zhi = z1 zlo = z1 else Title: Seepage Model for PA Including Drift Collapse U0075 MDL-NBS-HS-000002 REV00 Attachment III-45 February 2000 xhi = max(xhi,x1) xlo = min(xlo,x1) yhi = max(yhi,y1) ylo = min(ylo,y1) zhi = max(zhi,z1) zlo = min(zlo,z1) endif ne1 = ne1 + 1 else if(x(2,ne2) .eq. -999.d0 .and. x(3,ne2) .eq. -999.d0) then ne2 = ne2 - 1 else wrd = id(ne1+1) x(1,ne1+1) = x(1,ne2) x(2,ne1+1) = x(2,ne2) x(3,ne1+1) = x(3,ne2) id(ne1+1) = id(ne2) x(1,ne2) = x1 x(2,ne2) = y1 x(3,ne2) = z1 id(ne2) = wrd endif enddo if(ixyz .eq. 0) then xhi = xhi - xlo yhi = yhi - ylo zhi = zhi - zlo if(zhi .le. min(xhi,yhi)) then ixyz = 3 else if (yhi .le. min(xhi,zhi)) then ixyz = 2 else ixyz = 1 endif endif if(ixyz .eq. 2) then do i = 1, ne1 x(2,i) = x(3,i) enddo elseif(ixyz .eq. 1) then do i = 1, ne1 x(1,i) = x(2,i) x(2,i) = x(3,i) enddo endif call hash(id,ind,hsh,ne,nh,ec) read(1,'(a)',end=40) wrd if(wrd .ne. 'conne' .and. wrd .ne. 'CONNE') then stop 'no conne in MESH' endif write(10,*) write(10,'(a)')wrd nc = 0 do i = 1, ne ec(i) = 0 enddo 30 read(1,'(2a,19x,a,4e10.4)',end=40) wrd,wrd2,text,v1,v2,a(nc+1),v3 if(wrd .ne. ' ' .and. wrd .ne. '+++ ') then Title: Seepage Model for PA Including Drift Collapse U0075 MDL-NBS-HS-000002 REV00 Attachment III-46 February 2000 nu1 = ihash(wrd, id,ind,hsh,ne,nh) nu2 = ihash(wrd2,id,ind,hsh,ne,nh) if(nu1 .eq. 0) then c write(6,60) wrd,nc+1 if(nu2 .ne. 0)then wrd='DRI 1' text='3' c no gravity write(3,'(2a,19x,a,4e10.4)') & wrd2,wrd,text,v2,1.0e-08,a(nc+1),0.0!v3 write(9,'(a,5x,4e12.6)')wrd2,x(1,nu2),x(2,nu2), & x(3,nu2),v3 endif goto 30 else if(nu2 .eq. 0) then c write(6,60) wrd2,nc+1 if(nu1 .ne. 0)then wrd2='DRI 1' text='3' write(3,'(2a,19x,a,4e10.4)') & wrd,wrd2,text,v1,1.0e-08,a(nc+1),0.0!v3 write(9,'(a,5x,4e12.6)')wrd,x(1,nu1),x(2,nu1), & x(3,nu1),v3 endif goto 30 endif write(10,'(2a,19x,a,4e10.4)') wrd,wrd2,text,v1,v2,a(nc+1),v3 nc=nc+1 e(1,nc) = nu1 e(2,nc) = nu2 if(nu1 .gt. ne1 .or. nu2 .gt. ne1) goto 30 cc(1,nc) = ec(nu1) cc(2,nc) = ec(nu2) ec(nu1) = nc ec(nu2) = nc goto 30 endif if(nc .ge. mc) then stop 'Exceeded maximum number of connections' endif close(unit=1) close(unit=10) close(unit=3) close(unit=9) ne = ne1 return 40 stop 'Premature EOF on MESH' 50 stop 'Premature EOF on locat' 60 format(' Unknown element "',a,'" at connection',i8) end subroutine hash(id,ind,hsh,ne,nh,h) implicit none integer ne, nh character*5 id(ne) integer ind(ne) integer h(ne) integer hsh(nh) Title: Seepage Model for PA Including Drift Collapse U0075 MDL-NBS-HS-000002 REV00 Attachment III-47 February 2000 character*5 w1 integer i,i1,i2,j,k,n do j = 1, ne w1 = id(j) if(w1(4:4) .eq. '0') w1(4:4) = ' ' n = 0 do i = 1, 5 n = n + i * ichar(w1(i:i)) enddo h(j) = mod(n,nh) + 1 enddo i1 = 1 do i = 1, nh i2 = i1 do j = i2, ne k = ind(j) if(h(k) .eq. i) then h(k) = 0 ind(j) = ind(i1) ind(i1) = k i1 = i1 + 1 endif enddo hsh(i) = i1 enddo return end integer function ihash(wrd,id,ind,hsh,ne,nh) implicit none integer ne, nh character*5 id(ne) integer ind(ne) integer hsh(nh) character*5 wrd, w1, w2 integer i,i1,i2,n w1 = wrd if(w1(4:4) .eq. '0') w1(4:4) = ' ' n = 0 do i = 1, 5 n = n + i * ichar(w1(i:i)) enddo n = mod(n,nh) + 1 i1 = 1 if(n .gt. 1) i1 = hsh(n - 1) i2 = hsh(n) - 1 do i = i1, i2 ihash = ind(i) w2 = id(ihash) if(w2(4:4) .eq. '0') w2(4:4) = ' ' if(w1 .eq. w2) then if(ihash .gt. ne) ihash = 0 return endif enddo ihash = 0 return end Title: Seepage Model for PA Including Drift Collapse U0075 MDL-NBS-HS-000002 REV00 Attachment III-48 February 2000 Source code for Software Routine mddf_CS8.f, Version 1.0 program mddf_cs8 c cut round tunnel with radius R in 3D FD mesh with rock fall around the spring line c truncate elements and connections within R c cut for refined mesh c write connectivity list for tunnel bound elements to tunnel element c file: 'drift3d.con' c write list with coordinates of tunnel bound elements in c file: 'drift3d.coor' implicit none integer ne,ixyz integer me,mc,nh parameter (me =160000) parameter (mc =700000) parameter (nh = 128) character*5 ,id(me) double precision x(3,me) double precision a(mc),rdrift,dx,dz integer ec(me) integer e(2,mc) integer cc(2,mc) integer hsh(nh) integer ind(me) double precision vol double precision x1, y1, z1 double precision xhi, yhi, zhi double precision xlo, ylo, zlo character*5 wrd, wrd2 integer i integer ihash integer locat integer nc integer ne1 integer ne1 integer ne2 integer nu1 integer nu2 write(*,*)'radius tunnel' read(*,*)rdrift call rmesh(rdrift,ne,id,x,ec,e,a,cc,hsh,ind,me,mc,nh,ixyz) stop end c subroutine rmesh(rdrift,ne,id,x,ec,e,a,cc,hsh,ind,me,mc,nh,ixyz) implicit none integer ne,ixyz integer me,mc,nh character*5 id(me) character*5 irock character*1 text double precision x(3,me) double precision a(mc),rdrift,rr,v1,v2,v3,dy,dz integer ec(me) integer e(2,mc) integer cc(2,mc) Title: Seepage Model for PA Including Drift Collapse U0075 MDL-NBS-HS-000002 REV00 Attachment III-49 February 2000 integer hsh(nh) integer ind(me) double precision vol double precision x1, y1, z1 double precision xhi, yhi, zhi double precision xlo, ylo, zlo character*5 wrd, wrd2 integer i integer ihash integer locat integer nc,neall,nz integer ne1 integer ne2 integer nu1 integer nu2 open(unit=1,file='MESH',status='old') rewind(1) read(1,'(a)',end=40) wrd if(wrd .ne. 'eleme' .and. wrd .ne. 'ELEME') then stop 'no eleme in MESH' endif open(unit=10,file='',status='unknown') rewind(10) write(10,'(a)') wrd open(unit=3,file='driftff.con',status='unknown') rewind(3) open(unit=9,file='driftff.coor',status='unknown') rewind(9) open(unit=7,file='driftff.tec',status='unknown') rewind(7) write(3,*)'CONNE' write(9,*)'COOR' ne = 0 neall=0 nz=42 locat = 1 10 read(1,'(a,10x,a,2e10.4,10x,3e10.4)',end=40) & id(ne + 1),irock,vol,v1,x1,y1,z1 neall=neall+1 x(1,ne+1) = x1 x(2,ne+1) = y1 x(3,ne+1) = z1 if(id(ne+1) .ne. ' ') then if(vol .eq. 0.) goto 10 c dy=dabs(y1-7.5) c dy=idint(dy/0.5)*0.5+0.25 dz=dabs(z1- 7.75) c dz=idint(dz/0.5)*0.5+0.25 c c check radius rr=sqrt(dy*dy+dz*dz) if( goto 10 if( if( Title: Seepage Model for PA Including Drift Collapse U0075 MDL-NBS-HS-000002 REV00 Attachment III-50 February 2000 if( go to 10 end if end if end if write(10,'(a,10x,a,2e10.4,10x,3e10.4)') & id(ne + 1),irock,vol,v1,x1,y1,z1 ne = ne + 1 ind(ne) = ne if(x1 .ne. 0.0 .or. y1 .ne. 0.0 .or. z1 .ne. 0.0) locat = 0 goto 10 endif call hash(id,ind,hsh,ne,nh,ec) if(locat .ne. 0) then do i = 1, ne x(2,i) = -999.d0 x(3,i) = -999.d0 enddo open(unit=2,file='locat',status='old') read(2,'(a)',end=50) wrd if(wrd .ne. 'locat' .and. wrd .ne. 'LOCAT') then stop 'no locat in locat' endif 20 read(2,'(a5,5x,2f20.0)',end=50) wrd, y1, z1 if(wrd .ne. ' ') then nu1 = ihash(wrd, id,ind,hsh,ne,nh) if(nu1 .eq. 0) then goto 20 endif x(2,nu1) = y1 x(3,nu1) = z1 goto 20 endif write(10,*) endif if(ne .ge. me) then stop 'Exceeded maximum number of elements' endif ixyz=3 ne1 = 0 ne2 = ne do while(ne1 .lt. ne2) x1 = x(1,ne1+1) y1 = x(2,ne1+1) z1 = x(3,ne1+1) if(y1 .ne. -999.d0 .or. z1 .ne. -999.d0) then if(ne1 .eq. 0) then xhi = x1 xlo = x1 yhi = y1 ylo = y1 zhi = z1 zlo = z1 Title: Seepage Model for PA Including Drift Collapse U0075 MDL-NBS-HS-000002 REV00 Attachment III-51 February 2000 else xhi = max(xhi,x1) xlo = min(xlo,x1) yhi = max(yhi,y1) ylo = min(ylo,y1) zhi = max(zhi,z1) zlo = min(zlo,z1) endif ne1 = ne1 + 1 else if(x(2,ne2) .eq. -999.d0 .and. x(3,ne2) .eq. -999.d0) then ne2 = ne2 - 1 else wrd = id(ne1+1) x(1,ne1+1) = x(1,ne2) x(2,ne1+1) = x(2,ne2) x(3,ne1+1) = x(3,ne2) id(ne1+1) = id(ne2) x(1,ne2) = x1 x(2,ne2) = y1 x(3,ne2) = z1 id(ne2) = wrd endif enddo if(ixyz .eq. 0) then xhi = xhi - xlo yhi = yhi - ylo zhi = zhi - zlo if(zhi .le. min(xhi,yhi)) then ixyz = 3 else if (yhi .le. min(xhi,zhi)) then ixyz = 2 else ixyz = 1 endif endif if(ixyz .eq. 2) then do i = 1, ne1 x(2,i) = x(3,i) enddo elseif(ixyz .eq. 1) then do i = 1, ne1 x(1,i) = x(2,i) x(2,i) = x(3,i) enddo endif call hash(id,ind,hsh,ne,nh,ec) read(1,'(a)',end=40) wrd if(wrd .ne. 'conne' .and. wrd .ne. 'CONNE') then stop 'no conne in MESH' endif write(10,*) write(10,'(a)')wrd nc = 0 do i = 1, ne ec(i) = 0 enddo 30 read(1,'(2a,19x,a,4e10.4)',end=40) wrd,wrd2,text,v1,v2,a(nc+1),v3 Title: Seepage Model for PA Including Drift Collapse U0075 MDL-NBS-HS-000002 REV00 Attachment III-52 February 2000 if(wrd .ne. ' ' .and. wrd .ne. '+++ ') then nu1 = ihash(wrd, id,ind,hsh,ne,nh) nu2 = ihash(wrd2,id,ind,hsh,ne,nh) if(nu1 .eq. 0) then c write(6,60) wrd,nc+1 if(nu2 .ne. 0)then wrd='DRI 1' text='3' c no gravity write(3,'(2a,19x,a,4e10.4)') & wrd2,wrd,text,v2,1.0e-08,a(nc+1),0.0!v3 write(9,'(a,5x,4e12.6)')wrd2,x(1,nu2),x(2,nu2), & x(3,nu2),v3 endif goto 30 else if(nu2 .eq. 0) then c write(6,60) wrd2,nc+1 if(nu1 .ne. 0)then wrd2='DRI 1' text='3' write(3,'(2a,19x,a,4e10.4)') & wrd,wrd2,text,v1,1.0e-08,a(nc+1),0.0!v3 write(9,'(a,5x,4e12.6)')wrd,x(1,nu1),x(2,nu1), & x(3,nu1),v3 endif goto 30 endif write(10,'(2a,19x,a,4e10.4)') wrd,wrd2,text,v1,v2,a(nc+1),v3 nc=nc+1 e(1,nc) = nu1 e(2,nc) = nu2 if(nu1 .gt. ne1 .or. nu2 .gt. ne1) goto 30 cc(1,nc) = ec(nu1) cc(2,nc) = ec(nu2) ec(nu1) = nc ec(nu2) = nc goto 30 endif if(nc .ge. mc) then stop 'Exceeded maximum number of connections' endif close(unit=1) close(unit=10) close(unit=3) close(unit=9) ne = ne1 return 40 stop 'Premature EOF on MESH' 50 stop 'Premature EOF on locat' 60 format(' Unknown element "',a,'" at connection',i8) end subroutine hash(id,ind,hsh,ne,nh,h) implicit none integer ne, nh character*5 id(ne) integer ind(ne) integer h(ne) Title: Seepage Model for PA Including Drift Collapse U0075 MDL-NBS-HS-000002 REV00 Attachment III-53 February 2000 integer hsh(nh) character*5 w1 integer i,i1,i2,j,k,n do j = 1, ne w1 = id(j) if(w1(4:4) .eq. '0') w1(4:4) = ' ' n = 0 do i = 1, 5 n = n + i * ichar(w1(i:i)) enddo h(j) = mod(n,nh) + 1 enddo i1 = 1 do i = 1, nh i2 = i1 do j = i2, ne k = ind(j) if(h(k) .eq. i) then h(k) = 0 ind(j) = ind(i1) ind(i1) = k i1 = i1 + 1 endif enddo hsh(i) = i1 enddo return end integer function ihash(wrd,id,ind,hsh,ne,nh) implicit none integer ne, nh character*5 id(ne) integer ind(ne) integer hsh(nh) character*5 wrd, w1, w2 integer i,i1,i2,n w1 = wrd if(w1(4:4) .eq. '0') w1(4:4) = ' ' n = 0 do i = 1, 5 n = n + i * ichar(w1(i:i)) enddo n = mod(n,nh) + 1 i1 = 1 if(n .gt. 1) i1 = hsh(n - 1) i2 = hsh(n) - 1 do i = i1, i2 ihash = ind(i) w2 = id(ihash) if(w2(4:4) .eq. '0') w2(4:4) = ' ' if(w1 .eq. w2) then if(ihash .gt. ne) ihash = 0 return endif enddo ihash = 0 return Title: Seepage Model for PA Including Drift Collapse U0075 MDL-NBS-HS-000002 REV00 Attachment III-54 February 2000 end Title: Seepage Model for PA Including Drift Collapse U0075 MDL-NBS-HS-000002 REV00 Attachment III-55 February 2000 Source code for Software Routine mddf_cc.f, Version 1.0 program mddf_cc c cut round tunnel with radius R in 3D FD mesh with 3-m rock failure in the roof c truncate elements and connections within R c cut for refined mesh c write connectivity list for tunnel bound elements to tunnel element c file: 'drift3d.con' c write list with coordinates of tunnel bound elements in c file: 'drift3d.coor' implicit none integer ne,ixyz integer me,mc,nh parameter (me =160000) parameter (mc =700000) parameter (nh = 128) character*5 ,id(me) double precision x(3,me) double precision a(mc),rdrift,dx,dz integer ec(me) integer e(2,mc) integer cc(2,mc) integer hsh(nh) integer ind(me) double precision vol double precision x1, y1, z1 double precision xhi, yhi, zhi double precision xlo, ylo, zlo character*5 wrd, wrd2 integer i integer ihash integer locat integer nc integer ne1 integer ne1 integer ne2 integer nu1 integer nu2 write(*,*)'radius tunnel' read(*,*)rdrift call rmesh(rdrift,ne,id,x,ec,e,a,cc,hsh,ind,me,mc,nh,ixyz) stop end c subroutine rmesh(rdrift,ne,id,x,ec,e,a,cc,hsh,ind,me,mc,nh,ixyz) implicit none integer ne,ixyz integer me,mc,nh character*5 id(me) character*5 irock character*1 text double precision x(3,me) double precision a(mc),rdrift,rr,v1,v2,v3,dy,dz integer ec(me) integer e(2,mc) integer cc(2,mc) integer hsh(nh) Title: Seepage Model for PA Including Drift Collapse U0075 MDL-NBS-HS-000002 REV00 Attachment III-56 February 2000 integer ind(me) double precision vol double precision x1, y1, z1 double precision xhi, yhi, zhi double precision xlo, ylo, zlo character*5 wrd, wrd2 integer i integer ihash integer locat integer nc,neall,nz integer ne1 integer ne2 integer nu1 integer nu2 open(unit=1,file='MESH',status='old') rewind(1) read(1,'(a)',end=40) wrd if(wrd .ne. 'eleme' .and. wrd .ne. 'ELEME') then stop 'no eleme in MESH' endif open(unit=10,file='',status='unknown') rewind(10) write(10,'(a)') wrd open(unit=3,file='driftff.con',status='unknown') rewind(3) open(unit=9,file='driftff.coor',status='unknown') rewind(9) open(unit=7,file='driftff.tec',status='unknown') rewind(7) write(3,*)'CONNE' write(9,*)'COOR' ne = 0 neall=0 nz=42 locat = 1 10 read(1,'(a,10x,a,2e10.4,10x,3e10.4)',end=40) & id(ne + 1),irock,vol,v1,x1,y1,z1 neall=neall+1 x(1,ne+1) = x1 x(2,ne+1) = y1 x(3,ne+1) = z1 if(id(ne+1) .ne. ' ') then if(vol .eq. 0.) goto 10 c dy=dabs(y1-7.5) c dy=idint(dy/0.5)*0.5+0.25 dz=dabs(z1- 7.75) c dz=idint(dz/0.5)*0.5+0.25 c c check radius rr=sqrt(dy*dy+dz*dz) if( goto 10 if( if(( Title: Seepage Model for PA Including Drift Collapse U0075 MDL-NBS-HS-000002 REV00 Attachment III-57 February 2000 go to 10 elseif(( go to 10 elseif(( go to 10 elseif(( go to 10 end if end if write(10,'(a,10x,a,2e10.4,10x,3e10.4)') & id(ne + 1),irock,vol,v1,x1,y1,z1 ne = ne + 1 ind(ne) = ne if(x1 .ne. 0.0 .or. y1 .ne. 0.0 .or. z1 .ne. 0.0) locat = 0 goto 10 endif call hash(id,ind,hsh,ne,nh,ec) if(locat .ne. 0) then do i = 1, ne x(2,i) = -999.d0 x(3,i) = -999.d0 enddo open(unit=2,file='locat',status='old') read(2,'(a)',end=50) wrd if(wrd .ne. 'locat' .and. wrd .ne. 'LOCAT') then stop 'no locat in locat' endif 20 read(2,'(a5,5x,2f20.0)',end=50) wrd, y1, z1 if(wrd .ne. ' ') then nu1 = ihash(wrd, id,ind,hsh,ne,nh) if(nu1 .eq. 0) then goto 20 endif x(2,nu1) = y1 x(3,nu1) = z1 goto 20 endif write(10,*) endif if(ne .ge. me) then stop 'Exceeded maximum number of elements' endif ixyz=3 ne1 = 0 ne2 = ne do while(ne1 .lt. ne2) x1 = x(1,ne1+1) y1 = x(2,ne1+1) z1 = x(3,ne1+1) if(y1 .ne. -999.d0 .or. z1 .ne. -999.d0) then if(ne1 .eq. 0) then xhi = x1 xlo = x1 yhi = y1 Title: Seepage Model for PA Including Drift Collapse U0075 MDL-NBS-HS-000002 REV00 Attachment III-58 February 2000 ylo = y1 zhi = z1 zlo = z1 else xhi = max(xhi,x1) xlo = min(xlo,x1) yhi = max(yhi,y1) ylo = min(ylo,y1) zhi = max(zhi,z1) zlo = min(zlo,z1) endif ne1 = ne1 + 1 else if(x(2,ne2) .eq. -999.d0 .and. x(3,ne2) .eq. -999.d0) then ne2 = ne2 - 1 else wrd = id(ne1+1) x(1,ne1+1) = x(1,ne2) x(2,ne1+1) = x(2,ne2) x(3,ne1+1) = x(3,ne2) id(ne1+1) = id(ne2) x(1,ne2) = x1 x(2,ne2) = y1 x(3,ne2) = z1 id(ne2) = wrd endif enddo if(ixyz .eq. 0) then xhi = xhi - xlo yhi = yhi - ylo zhi = zhi - zlo if(zhi .le. min(xhi,yhi)) then ixyz = 3 else if (yhi .le. min(xhi,zhi)) then ixyz = 2 else ixyz = 1 endif endif if(ixyz .eq. 2) then do i = 1, ne1 x(2,i) = x(3,i) enddo elseif(ixyz .eq. 1) then do i = 1, ne1 x(1,i) = x(2,i) x(2,i) = x(3,i) enddo endif call hash(id,ind,hsh,ne,nh,ec) read(1,'(a)',end=40) wrd if(wrd .ne. 'conne' .and. wrd .ne. 'CONNE') then stop 'no conne in MESH' endif write(10,*) write(10,'(a)')wrd nc = 0 do i = 1, ne Title: Seepage Model for PA Including Drift Collapse U0075 MDL-NBS-HS-000002 REV00 Attachment III-59 February 2000 ec(i) = 0 enddo 30 read(1,'(2a,19x,a,4e10.4)',end=40) wrd,wrd2,text,v1,v2,a(nc+1),v3 if(wrd .ne. ' ' .and. wrd .ne. '+++ ') then nu1 = ihash(wrd, id,ind,hsh,ne,nh) nu2 = ihash(wrd2,id,ind,hsh,ne,nh) if(nu1 .eq. 0) then c write(6,60) wrd,nc+1 if(nu2 .ne. 0)then wrd='DRI 1' text='3' c no gravity write(3,'(2a,19x,a,4e10.4)') & wrd2,wrd,text,v2,1.0e-08,a(nc+1),0.0!v3 write(9,'(a,5x,4e12.6)')wrd2,x(1,nu2),x(2,nu2), & x(3,nu2),v3 endif goto 30 else if(nu2 .eq. 0) then c write(6,60) wrd2,nc+1 if(nu1 .ne. 0)then wrd2='DRI 1' text='3' write(3,'(2a,19x,a,4e10.4)') & wrd,wrd2,text,v1,1.0e-08,a(nc+1),0.0!v3 write(9,'(a,5x,4e12.6)')wrd,x(1,nu1),x(2,nu1), & x(3,nu1),v3 endif goto 30 endif write(10,'(2a,19x,a,4e10.4)') wrd,wrd2,text,v1,v2,a(nc+1),v3 nc=nc+1 e(1,nc) = nu1 e(2,nc) = nu2 if(nu1 .gt. ne1 .or. nu2 .gt. ne1) goto 30 cc(1,nc) = ec(nu1) cc(2,nc) = ec(nu2) ec(nu1) = nc ec(nu2) = nc goto 30 endif if(nc .ge. mc) then stop 'Exceeded maximum number of connections' endif close(unit=1) close(unit=10) close(unit=3) close(unit=9) ne = ne1 return 40 stop 'Premature EOF on MESH' 50 stop 'Premature EOF on locat' 60 format(' Unknown element "',a,'" at connection',i8) end subroutine hash(id,ind,hsh,ne,nh,h) implicit none integer ne, nh Title: Seepage Model for PA Including Drift Collapse U0075 MDL-NBS-HS-000002 REV00 Attachment III-60 February 2000 character*5 id(ne) integer ind(ne) integer h(ne) integer hsh(nh) character*5 w1 integer i,i1,i2,j,k,n do j = 1, ne w1 = id(j) if(w1(4:4) .eq. '0') w1(4:4) = ' ' n = 0 do i = 1, 5 n = n + i * ichar(w1(i:i)) enddo h(j) = mod(n,nh) + 1 enddo i1 = 1 do i = 1, nh i2 = i1 do j = i2, ne k = ind(j) if(h(k) .eq. i) then h(k) = 0 ind(j) = ind(i1) ind(i1) = k i1 = i1 + 1 endif enddo hsh(i) = i1 enddo return end integer function ihash(wrd,id,ind,hsh,ne,nh) implicit none integer ne, nh character*5 id(ne) integer ind(ne) integer hsh(nh) character*5 wrd, w1, w2 integer i,i1,i2,n w1 = wrd if(w1(4:4) .eq. '0') w1(4:4) = ' ' n = 0 do i = 1, 5 n = n + i * ichar(w1(i:i)) enddo n = mod(n,nh) + 1 i1 = 1 if(n .gt. 1) i1 = hsh(n - 1) i2 = hsh(n) - 1 do i = i1, i2 ihash = ind(i) w2 = id(ihash) if(w2(4:4) .eq. '0') w2(4:4) = ' ' if(w1 .eq. w2) then if(ihash .gt. ne) ihash = 0 return endif Title: Seepage Model for PA Including Drift Collapse U0075 MDL-NBS-HS-000002 REV00 Attachment III-61 February 2000 enddo ihash = 0 return end Title: Seepage Model for PA Including Drift Collapse U0075 MDL-NBS-HS-000002 REV00 Attachment III-62 February 2000 Source code for Software Routine minrefine3df.f, Version 1.0 program minrefine3df c make incon block from inconsf.out c and MESH (refined new mesh) c c implicit double precision(a-h,o-z) character*5 name,wrd character head*60 character*1 text character*5 irock dimension x(160000),y(160000),z(160000) dimension por(70,45,55,5),xperm(70,45,55,5), j xalfa(70,45,55,5) dimension xsat(70,45,55,5) character*5 id(160000) character*5 iinc(70,45,55,5) c c read refined mesh ndual=1 open(unit=1,file='',status='old') rewind(1) read(1,'(a)',end=40) wrd if(wrd .ne. 'eleme' .and. wrd .ne. 'ELEME') then stop 'no eleme in MESH' endif ne = 0 10 read(1,'(a,10x,a,2e10.4,10x,3e10.4)',end=40) & id(ne + 1),irock,vol,v1,x1,y1,z1 if(id(ne+1) .eq. ' ') goto 100 ne = ne + 1 x(ne) = x1 y(ne) = y1 z(ne) = z1 goto 10 100 close(1) c c read incon (not refined) nx=12 ny=30 nz=42 c open(unit=1,file='inconsf.out',status='old') rewind(1) read(1,'(a60)')head do i=1,nx do j=1,ny do k=1,nz do kk=1,ndual read(1,'(a5,2i5,e15.9,2e10.4)') &iinc(i,j,k,kk),idum,idum,por(i,j,k,kk),xperm(i,j,k,kk), j xalfa(i,j,k,kk) read(1,'(e20.14)')xsat(i,j,k,kk) enddo Title: Seepage Model for PA Including Drift Collapse U0075 MDL-NBS-HS-000002 REV00 Attachment III-63 February 2000 enddo enddo enddo c open(unit=2,file='INCONsf',status='unknown') rewind(2) write(2,'(a60)')head do i=1,nx do j=1,ny do k=1,nz do kk=1,ndual do nn=1,ne if(id(nn).eq.iinc(i,j,k,kk))then write(2,'(a5,2i5,e15.9,2e10.4)') & id(nn),idum,idum,por(i,j,k,kk),10.0*xperm(i,j,k,kk), & xalfa(i,j,k,kk) write(2,'(e20.14)')xsat(i,j,k,kk) endif enddo enddo enddo enddo enddo c write(2,*) close(1) close(2) stop 40 stop 'Premature EOF on MESH' end