Alina Chertock alina at math.lbl.gov
Wed May 24 14:16:11 PDT 2000


	Numerical Methods Seminar [A. Chorin, A. Chertock]

Speaker:   T. W. Patzek, Department of Civil and
           Environmental Engineering, UCB

Title:     Pore-Level Physics of Drainage and Imbibition
           3D Disordered Pore Networks with Contact Angle Hysteresis 

Date:      May 31, 4:30pm

Location:  LBNL 50A-5132

Other than fractures, relative permeabilities to oil, gas and
water limit hydrocarbon recovery more than any other factor in the
reservoir description. These relative permeabilities, in turn,
depend critically on the geometry and topology of the pore space,
on the physical characteristics of the solid and the fluids, and
on the conditions imposed by the recovery process. Crucial
insights into field-scale oil recovery can thus be gained by
imaging and characterizing the rock samples and the fluids. The
basic equations of immiscible flow in the imaged samples can then
be solved. In this manner, we can elucidate how relative
permeability and capillary pressure functions depend on
wettability, interfacial tension and the interplay between
viscous, capillary and gravitational forces.

In my seminar I will introduce a three-step procedure that (1)
starts from generating a rock model based on thin-sections, micro
CT images and deposition mechanisms, (2) converts the model to a
3D disordered network of angular pores, and (3) performs
capillary-pressure and relative permeability calculations on the
network.  I will focus attention on Step 3, and discuss in some
detail the pore-level physics of two-phase immiscible flow in
drainage and imbibition in triangular and square cross-section
capillaries. I will use computer animations of the more complex
physics of invasion percolation and compact cluster growth in


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