Headline News Internal Communications Branch (P-2) NASA Headquarters Monday, December 16, 1991 Audio Service: 202 / 755-1788 This is NASA Headline News for Monday, December 16, 1991... This afternoon at 1:00 pm EST, JPL will hold another in its series of Magellan-at-Venus science seminars. This seminar will feature Annette deCharon from the JPL project officee, who will discuss "Twisted Tale at Tessera: New Views from Magellan." The proogram will be shown live on NASA Select TV. Tomorrow, Tuesday, December 17, Administrator Truly will deliver his year-end message to all NASA employees. It can be seen on NASA Select at noon, and will be repeated at 2:00 pm and 4:00 pm EST * * * * * * * * * * * * * Jet Propulsion Laboratory radar scientists and engineers have developed a new, more accurate, airborne radar system for topographic mapping of the Earth's surface. TOPSAR--topographic synthetic aperture radar--is an interferometric radar mapper deloped in collaboratn with the Italian Consortium for Research and Development of Advanced Remote Sensing Systems. TOPSAR has many potential commercial and scientific uses and will be about three times more accurate than any topographic mapper now readily available. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Researchers at Langley Research Center have developed a laser-based system for measuring winds above launch sites that eventually may replace weather balloons as a data-gathering method on high. CLAWS, or Coherent Launch Site Atmospheric Wind Sounder, has two main advantages over balloons: Scieists can get a vertical wind profile in about a minute instead of an hour; and CLAWS is capable of a 5-meter vertical range resolution, which lets scientists see fine-grained phenomena that balloons miss, such as sharp wind shears. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * A recent agreement between NASA's Office of Commercial Programs and the University of Alabama, Huntsville (UAH) will provide additional flight research opportunies on the Space Shuttle for NASA's 17 Centers for the Commercial Development of Space (CCDS). In support of this initiive, Instrumentation Technology Associates, Inc., (ITA) , has signed a commercial agreement with NASA to provide the university's CCDS with flight hardware which will be flown on five Shuttle missions. Under this agreement, ITA-developed Materials Dispersion Apparatus minilabs will be flown aboard the Shuttle. This hardware made two development flights this year on shuttle missions. The rst [?? -PEY] flight of experiment hardware is anticipated for the fall of 1992. Here's the broadcast schedule for Public Affairs events on NASA Select TV. Note at all events and times may change without notice, and that all times listed are Eastern. Monday, December 16, 1991 12:0pm NASA Today news program 12:30 pm Life Sciences at Manned Space Station 1:00 pm Magellan Science Seminar (Live from JPL) 1:30 pm Life into Space 2:00 pm Project Laser 2:30 pm Safe Computing 3:00 pm New Look at an Old Moon 3:30 pm Life in the Universe This report is filed daily at noon, Monday through Friday. It is a service of NASA's Office of Public Affairs. The editor is Charles Redmond, 202/453-8425 or CREDMOND on NASAmail. NASA Select TV is carried on GE Satcom F2R, transponder 13, C-Band, 72 degrees West Longitude, transponder frequency is 3960 MegaHertz, audio subcarrier is 6.8 MHz, polarization is vertical.