[Henry Clark's "Windy" Tale]

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Katherine Ragsdeal

11/25/[56?] cl-255 words {Begin handwritten}Henry Clark's Windy Tale{End handwritten} PIONEER STORY

Henry Clark, an old timer living in Carlsbad, is known and has the name of being the "windiest" man in New Mexico---he has always been "that way."

One day, while on his way home an old rancher named "Pap" Jones saw a man on horse back coming toward him. The horse was running very fast, but as the rider drew nearer, the pace was somewhat slowed,. "Pap" saw it was Henry so he called out "Say Henry, get off your horse and tell me one of your "windies" -----"Sorry, I can't "Pap" -- your wife just fell off the porch and broke her arm and I'm on the way to get the doctor". "Pap" spurred his horse and practically flew home, when he reached his home, much to his surprise, he saw his wife ("Mam") sitting out on the front porch knitting. "Why," said "Pap" "I thought you had fallen off the porch and broke your arm, Henry told me you had, the ? ! **--# so-n-so."

In a few days "Pap" saw Henry and asked him why he had told him his wife had broken her arm. "Well," said Henry," I'll tell you, you asked me to get off my horse and tell you a windy and I didn't have time to get off my horse and tell it so I just told one while I rode past you." {Begin note}{Begin handwritten}C18 - N. Mex.{End handwritten}{End note}


Mr. Bretz

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