NERSC FY 1999 User Survey Results

NERSC would like to thank all the users who participated in this year's survey. Your responses provide feedback about every aspect of NERSC's operation, help us judge the quality of our services, give DOE information on how well NERSC is doing, point us to areas we can improve, and show how we compare to similar facilities.

This year 177 users responded to our survey, compared with 138 last year. In general user satisfaction with NERSC was rated higher than last year, by an average of 0.6 on a 7-point scale across 27 questions common to the two years. The biggest increases in satisfaction were with the allocations process, the HPSS system and the T3E. See FY 1998 to FY 1999 Changes.

On a scale from 7 (very satisfied) to 1 (very dissatisfied) the average scores ranged from a high of 6.6 for timely response to consulting questions to 4.0 for PVP batch wait time. The areas users are happiest with this year are consulting services, HPSS reliability and uptime, as well as PVP and T3E uptime. Areas of concern are batch wait times for both PVP and T3E systems, visualization services, the availability of training classes, and PVP resources in general. See the table that ranks all satisfaction questions.

The areas of most importance to users are the overall running of the center and its connectivity to the network, the available computing hardware and its management and configuration, consulting services, and the allocations process. Access to cycles is the common theme. See the Overall Satisfaction and Importance summary table.

In their verbal comments users focussed on NERSC's excellent support staff and its well run center with good access to cycles (although users wish we could provide even more), hardware and software support, and reliable service. When asked what NERSC should do differently the most common response was "provide even more cycles". Of the 52 users who compared NERSC to other centers, half said NERSC is the best or better than other centers, 23% simply gave NERSC a favorable evaluation or said they only used NERSC, 19% said NERSC is the same as other centers or provided a mixed evaluation, and only 4 said that NERSC is less good. Several sample responses below give the flavor of these comments; for more details see Comments about NERSC.

NERSC made several changes this past year based on the responses to last year's survey. Watch this section for changes we plan to implement next year based on this year's survey.

Below are the survey results. For the survey itself, click here.

  1. Table Legend
  2. Overall Satisfaction and Importance
  3. All Satisfaction Questions
  4. FY 1998 to FY 1999 Changes
  5. User Information
  6. Visualization
  7. Consulting and Account Support
  8. Information Technology and Communication
  9. Hardware Resources
  10. Software Resources
  11. Training
  12. Comments about NERSC

    1. Table Legend

    Very Satisfied7Very Important3
    Mostly Satisfied6Somewhat Important2
    Somewhat Satisfied5Not Important1
    Somewhat Dissatisfied3
    Mostly Dissatisfied2
    Very Dissatisfied1

    2. Overall Satisfaction and Importance

    No. of ResponsesAvg.'98/ChangeNo. of ResponsesAvg.'98/Change
    Consulting services 154 6.585.87/+0.71145 2.632.70/-0.07
    Account support 136 6.395.67/+0.72124 2.482.31/+0.17
    Overall satisfaction 176 6.255.43/+0.82162 2.872.77/+0.10
    Network connectivity 143 6.175.70/+0.47130 2.872.84/+0.03
    Mass storage facilities 120 6.065.13/+0.93115 2.472.06/+0.41
    Available software 129 5.99 116 2.57 
    Available computing hardware 138 5.96 127 2.82 
    Software maintenance and configuration 114 5.89 100 2.54 
    HPCF web site 134 5.875.54/+0.33123 2.312.51/-0.20
    Allocations process 118 5.874.60/+1.27109 2.612.31/+0.30
    Hardware management and configuration 121 5.71 107 2.69 
    Software documentation 117 5.46 104 2.50 
    Web-based training 69 5.19 75 1.81 
    Training classes 59 4.85 69 1.52 
    Visualization services 57 4.37 67 1.58 

    3. How Satisfied are you? - All Satisfaction Questions

    Topic Satisfaction
    No. of ResponsesAvgerage
    Consulting: Timely response 134 6.64
    Consulting overall 154 6.58
    Consulting: Quality of technical advice 134 6.52
    HPSS: Reliability 81 6.46
    Consulting: Followup 106 6.43
    Account support 136 6.39
    HPSS: Uptime 81 6.33
    PVP: Uptime 93 6.29
    Consulting: Response to special requests 103 6.28
    Account support: Ease of obtaining account info 124 6.26
    T3E: Uptime 93 6.26
    Overall satisfaction with NERSC 176 6.25
    Web: Accuracy 94 6.22
    Training: classes (attendees) 21 6.19
    Software: Programming Libraries 50 6.18
    Training: Online Tutorials 40 6.17
    Network connectivity 143 6.17
    T3E: Overall 64 6.17
    Account support: Ease of modifying account info 124 6.15
    Software: User Environment 68 6.12
    Software: Fortran Compilers 68 6.12
    HPSS: Overall 69 6.12
    Web: Getting Started Guide 73 6.08
    Mass storage overall 120 6.06
    HPSS: User interface 72 6.06
    Web: Timeliness 90 5.99
    Web: T3E Section 72 5.99
    Available software 129 5.99
    Available computing hardware 138 5.96
    Training: Online class slides 19 5.95
    Web: NERSC-specific info 72 5.93
    Software: General tools and utilities 44 5.90
    HPSS: Performance 73 5.90
    Software maintenance and configuration 114 5.89
    HPCF web site overall 134 5.87
    Allocations process 118 5.87
    Web: File Storage Section 66 5.82
    Software: C/C++ Compilers 40 5.81
    Training: Teleconference lectures 9 5.78
    Software: Bug resolution 34 5.77
    Software: Local documentation 52 5.76
    Web: Programming Info 86 5.74
    Software: Accounting tools 47 5.73
    Hardware management and configuration 121 5.71
    Web: Ease of navigation 117 5.70
    Training: Streaming AV 10 5.70
    Software: Application software 33 5.69
    Web: Searching 83 5.69
    Web: PVP Section 55 5.69
    HPSS: Response Time 75 5.68
    T3E: Ability to run interactively 85 5.60
    PVP: Disk configuration and I/O performance 93 5.56
    T3E: Batch queue structure 81 5.47
    Software documentation 117 5.46
    Software: Performance and Debugging Tools 49 5.45
    Visualization Server: Escher 11 5.45
    Software: Vendor Documentation 37 5.26
    Math Server: Newton 12 5.25
    T3E: Disk configuration and I/O performance 71 5.23
    Web-based training 69 5.19
    PVP: Ability to run interactively 68 5.18
    PVP: Overall 58 5.05
    T3E: Batch wait time 71 5.04
    PVP: Batch queue structure 60 5.03
    Training classes (all responses) 59 4.85
    Visualization services 574.37
    PVP: Batch wait time 62 3.95

    4. FY 1998 to FY 1999 Changes

    The following is a comparison for questions common to the FY98 and FY99 user surveys.

    TopicFY99 SatisfactionFY98 SatisfactionChange
    Allocations process 5.874.60+1.27
    HPSS: User Interface 6.064.88+1.18
    HPSS: Overall 6.125.09+1.03
    T3E: Overall 6.175.20+0.97
    T3E: Batch Queue Structure 5.474.51+0.96
    HPSS: Reliability 6.465.51+0.95
    HPSS: Uptime 6.335.39+0.94
    Mass Storage overall 6.065.13+0.93
    Consulting: Followup 6.435.57+0.86
    Overall Satisfaction 6.255.43+0.82
    Account Support 6.395.67+0.72
    Web: File Storage Section 5.825.10+0.72
    Consulting overall 6.585.87+0.71
    T3E: Uptime 6.265.58+0.68
    Consulting: Quality of technical advice 6.525.88+0.64
    T3E: Batch Wait Time 5.044.43+0.61
    PVP: Uptime 6.295.69+0.60
    Web: Getting Started Guide 6.085.54+0.54
    Web: T3E Section 5.995.48+0.51
    Network Connectivity 6.175.70+0.47
    Web: PVP Section 5.695.69+0.35
    HPSS: Performance 5.905.46+0.44
    HPSS: Response Time 5.685.29+0.39
    HPCF Website 5.875.54+0.33
    PVP: Batch Queue Structure 5.034.85+0.18
    PVP: Overall 5.054.92+0.13
    PVP: Batch Wait Time 3.954.79-0.84

    5. User Information

    Number of responses: 177

    What NERSC resources do you use?

    PVP Cluster115(65%)
    Web Site106(60%)
    Cray T3E104(59%)
    Consulting Services93(53%)
    Account Support57(32%)
    Operations Support23(13%)
    Math Server8(4%)
    Visualization Server7(4%)
      PDSF (2)
      Visualization lab
      Teleconference seminars

    How long have you used NERSC?

    More than 3 years: 81 (48%), 6 months to 3 years: 68 (40%), less than 6 months: 21 (12%)

    What desktop systems do you use to connect to NERSC?

    (Percentages may sum to greater than 100% since each user could choose multiple platforms.)
    Sun Solaris65(38%)
    Apple MacIntosh46(27%)
    SGI IRIX39(22%)
    Windows 9831(18%)
    Windows 9529(17%)
    IBM AIX25(14%)
    DEC OSF22(13%)
    HP HPUX21(12%)
    Windows NT20(12%)
    Windows 3.02(1%)

    How often do you connect to NERSC from:


    Connection type:

    LocationEthernetCable ModemDSLISDNModem

    6. Visualization

    Do you use visualization software to analyze or display your results?

    No: 86, Yes: 84

    Have you used NERSC visualization resources?

    No: 147, Yes: 19

    Describe the visualization software used to analyze or display your results - 94 responses

    If you don't use visualization software, why not? - 25 responses

    Describe the NERSC visualization resources you have used - 19 responses

    What additional visualization services or software could NERSC provide for you? - 36 responses

    Describe the visualization software used to analyze or display your results - 94 responses

    If you don't use visualization software, why not? - 25 responses

    Describe the NERSC visualization resources you have used - 19 responses

    What additional visualization services or software could NERSC provide for you? - 36 responses

    7. Consulting and Account Support

    No. of ResponsesAvg.'98/Change
    Timely response to consulting questions 134 6.64  
    Quality of technical advice from consultants 134 6.52 5.88/+0.64
    Followup to initial consulting questions 106 6.43 5.57/+0.86
    Response to special requests 103 6.28  
    Ease of obtaining account information 124 6.26  
    Ease of modifying account information 96 6.15  

    Comments and suggestions regarding NERSC Consulting Services - 36 responses

    Comments and suggestions regarding NERSC Account Support Services - 25 responses

    Comments and suggestions regarding NERSC Consulting Services - 36 responses

    Comments and suggestions regarding NERSC Account Support Services - 24 responses

    8. Information Technology and Communication

    HPCF Web Site

    No. of Responses Avg.'98/Change
    Accuracy of information 94 6.22  
    Getting Started Guide 73 6.08 5.54/+0.54
    Timeliness of information 90 5.99  
    T3E Section 72 5.99 5.48/+0.51
    Info on using NERSC-specific resources 87 5.93  
    File Storage Section 66 5.82 5.10/+0.72
    General programming information 86 5.74  
    Search Facilities 83 5.69  
    Ease of finding information 117 5.70  
    PVP Section 55 5.69 5.34/+0.35

    How useful are these for keeping informed of NERSC issues and changes?

    No. of ResponsesAvg.
    E-mail notices from NERSC1362.63
    News and Announcement web pages1202.16
    MOTD on computers1142.09
    Phone calls from NERSC1031.89
    Online web magazine1051.54

    Do you feel you are adequately informed?

    Topic Yes No% '98/Change
    Do you feel you are adequately informed about NERSC changes? 128795% 82%/+13%
    Are you aware of planned outages 24 hours in advance ? 1061091% 
    Are you aware of major changes at least 1 month in advance? 1091389% 
    Are you aware of software changes at least 7 days in advance? 871883% 

    Do you like the new web site? 42 responses

    We created a new web site just for users of the NERSC High Performance Computing Facility. The URL is Do you like the new web site?

    How could we improve our web site? 25 responses

    How would like to keep informed of changes and issues at NERSC? 42 responses

    Do you like the new web site?   42 responses

    How could we improve our web site?   25 responses

    How would like to keep informed of changes and issues at NERSC?   42 responses

    9. Hardware Resources

    Cray T3E - MCurie

    Topic Satisfaction
    No. of ResponsesAvg. '98/Change
    Uptime 93 6.26 5.58/+0.68
    Overall 64 6.17 5.20/+0.97
    Ability to run interactively 85 5.60  
    Batch queue structure 81 5.47 4.51/+0.96
    Disk configuration and I/O performance 71 5.23  
    Batch job wait time 80 5.04 4.43/+0.61

    QuestionNo. of ResponsesAvg.
    Uptime estimate (%) 56 89.6
    Batch wait time estimate (hours) 49 14.5
    Max. number of PEs used 77 142.2
    Max. number of PEs code can effectively use 60 379.4

    Cray PVP Cluster

    Topic Satisfaction
    No. of Responses Avg.'98/Change
    Uptime 73 6.29 5.69/+0.60
    Disk configuration and I/O performance 54 5.56  
    Ability to run interactively 68 5.18  
    Overall 58 5.05 4.92/+0.13
    Batch queue structure 60 5.03 4.85/+0.18
    Batch job wait time 62 3.95 4.79/-0.84

    QuestionNo. of ResponsesAvg.
    Uptime estimate (%) 48 88.6
    Batch wait time estimate (hours) 43 43.7


    Topic Satisfaction
    No. of Responses Avg.'98/Change
    Reliability 81 6.46 5.51/+0.95
    Uptime 81 6.33 5.39/+0.94
    User Interface 72 6.06 4.88/+1.18
    Overall 69 6.12 5.09/+1.03
    Performance 73 5.90 5.46/+0.44
    Response Time 75 5.68 5.29/+0.39

    QuestionNo. of ResponsesAvg.
    Uptime estimate (%) 50 91.7
    Reliability estimate (%) 45 94.2
    Performance estimate (MB/sec) 12 11.8


    No. of ResponsesAvg.
    Visualization Server - Escher 11 5.45
    Math Server - Newton 12 5.25

    Comments on NERSC's Cray T3E - 39 responses

    Did the C90 retirement go as smoothly as possible? - 42 responses

    Does the current NERSC PVP cluster meet your vector computing needs? - 52 responses

    Comments on NERSC's Cray PVP Cluster - 26 responses

    Comments on NERSC's HPSS Storage System - 38 responses

    Comments about NERSC's auxiliary servers - 10 responses

    Comments on NERSC's Cray T3E - 39 responses

    Did the C90 retirement go as smoothly as possible? - 42 responses

    Does the current NERSC PVP cluster meet your vector computing needs? - 52 responses

    Comments on NERSC's Cray PVP Cluster - 26 responses

    Comments on NERSC's HPSS Storage System - 38 responses

    Comments about NERSC's auxiliary servers - 10 responses

    10. Software Resources

    PVP Software

    No. of ResponsesAvg.
    User environment 52 6.08
    Fortran compilers 52 6.04
    Programming libraries 33 5.94
    General tools and utilities 35 5.89
    Accounting tools 38 5.74
    Local (NERSC) documentation 44 5.68
    Software bug resolution 24 5.62
    Application software 26 5.54
    Performance & Debugging Tools 35 5.46
    C/C++ Compilers 20 5.45
    Vendor documentation 31 5.03

    T3E Software

    No. of ResponsesAvg.
    Programming libraries 50 6.42
    Fortran compilers 66 6.20
    User environment 68 6.15
    C/C++ Compilers 40 5.97
    General tools and utilities 44 5.91
    Software bug resolution 34 5.91
    Application software 33 5.85
    Local (NERSC) documentation 52 5.83
    Accounting tools 47 5.72
    Vendor documentation 37 5.49
    Performance & Debugging Tools 49 5.45

    Comments about NERSC's software resources, suggested improvements, future needs - 24 responses

    11. Training

    Overall Satisfaction and Usefulness

    Topic No. who have usedSatisfactionUsefulness
    No. of ResponsesAvg.No. of ResponsesAvg.
    Classes 18 21 6.19 21 2.48
    Online web tutorials 36 40 6.17 34 2.68
    Class slides on web 19 22 5.95 22 2.45
    Teleconference lectures 7 9 5.78 13 1.77
    Streaming AV on web 8 10 5.70 14 1.93

    Comments about training. In what area should we focus our attention? - 11 responses

    12. Comments about NERSC

    What does NERSC do well? - 91 responses

    What should NERSC do differently? - 53 responses

    What additional services would you like NERSC to provide? - 29 responses

    How does NERSC compare to other centers you have used? - 55 responses

    What does NERSC do well? - 91 responses

    What should NERSC do differently? - 53 responses

    What additional services would you bke NERSC to provide? - 29 responses

    How does NERSC compare to other centers you have used? - 54 responses