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The Great Lakes/Baltic Sea Partnership Program
2000 Fellowship Selections


Vida Auguliene’s Fellowship Report

Estimation and Modeling of the Traffic Emissions in Urban Areas

My host institution was the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. The Fellowship period was from October 9 to November 6, 2000. The main goal of the Fellowship project was to gain knowledge and experience for the traffic estimation and modeling of traffic emissions in urban areas. Project objectives included:

  • Investigating how emission inventories should be constructed in order to be useful for air pollution modeling. Specifications of emission data focusing on emission factors for mobile sources;

  • Learning how to use motor traffic models;

  • Using traffic emission data simulation to help evaluate air quality in the Vilnius area and provide a basis for an air quality improvement plan for Vilnius.

During my Fellowship I met with specialists from different departments of Wisconsin DNR, Illinois EPA and US EPA Region 5 in order to gain knowledge and experience for traffic emission estimation and modeling and other activities associated with urban air pollution.

I gave a presentation on "Vilnius Ambient Air Quality Management System" at the Wisconsin DNR Southeast Region in Milwaukee. I also presented during meetings with the Children’s Health Education Center of Wisconsin, the Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission, and at US EPA Region 5.

I collected many articles, reports and information related to my work, which will be used in my future investigation on traffic emissions.

Further research of MOBILE5a, CALQ3HC, ISCST3, UAM, and FIRE, tools for emission factor usage, helped me to understand the basic principles of traffic emission estimation and modeling as well as the system of emission databases and data needed for modeling and air quality management at US EPA.

The comparison of emission factors and traffic characteristics data set needed for MOBILE5a in US and for COPERT in Europe was done. Similarities between COPERT and MOBILE5a were noted. COPERT is well accepted in Europe and is the basis for other applications and could be used for Vilnius AIRVIRO traffic emission database.

The Bureau of Air Management, WI DNR, is comprised of eight sections, four of which serve specific "industrial process focuses." All four of these sections include specialized staff with expertise in permit engineering, compliance, emission inventory and air quality modeling. I established contacts with specialists from the Ozone, Combustion Process, Small Business, Environmental Studies and Monitoring sections.

Knowledge and experience that I have gained through the Fellowship Program will be applied towards the improvement of the air quality in Vilnius city.

Table 1: Description of activities during my fellowship.

Activity name, place and date



1. Discussion of Wisconsin’s air quality problems and mobile source emissions


Wisconsin DNR, Bureau of Air Management,



Discussion of air quality in Wisconsin. Air quality monitoring at 45 permanent sites across Wisconsin over 25 years shows that concentrations of major air pollutants have fallen well below national standards. The toughest challenge remaining is ground-level ozone. Yet 11 southeastern Wisconsin counties are still classified as ozone problem areas.

Acquaintance with WDNR traffic emissions estimation system. WDNR uses the US EPA’s MOBILE5 model to obtain the vehicle emission factors and transportation data provided by SEWRPC.

Mr. Marty Burkholder,

Bureau of Air Management,

Environmental Studies,

Mr.Larry H. Bruss,

Mr.Chris Bovee,

Mr.Bob Lopez,

Mr. Muhamed Islam,

Mr. Michael Friedlander, Bureau of Air Management, Ozone Section

2. Discussion on dispersion models

Wisconsin DNR, Bureau of Air Management,



Met with the air quality modeling analysis performed in WDNR.

Some examples for the impact assessment from different sources by using the Industrial Source Complex Short Term 3 (ISCST3) and CALQ3HC have been presented.

The presentation and analysis gave the idea for the adoption of these models in Lithuania air quality assessment system.

Mr.John Roth,

Bureau of Air Management,

Environmental Studies

3. Discussion on air quality monitoring, visit to monitoring sites

Wisconsin DNR, Bureau of Air Management,



Met with Wisconsin air monitoring structure - measurements, data analysis, reporting, maintenance and QA/QC issues.

Two monitoring stations in Madison and Ozone monitoring station in Devil’s Like were visited.

Gained information, which will be transferred to the monitoring specialists and data analysts in Lithuania.

Mr. Tim Trapp,

Bureau of Air Management,

Monitoring Section,

Mr. Marty Burkholder,

Bureau of Air Management,

Environmental Studies

4. Visit to Health Education Center of Wisconsin and 16th street Community Health Center of Department of Environmental Health



Introduction to HEC programs and US EPA granted project "Air pollution and asthma". The mission of the HEC is to motivate children and adults to lead healthy, productive lives using multimedia presentations, larger-than-life models and lots of hand-on learning for a group-based educational experience that’s "seriously" fun for all ages.

Discussion on health problems related to air pollution. Short presentation at 16th street Community Health Center on air pollution and health problems in Vilnius city.

Mrs. Maggie M.Butterfield, Education Director of HEC

Mr. Peter McMullen,


Mrs. Mary Mertes,


Mrs. Eva Larson,


5. Marquette Interchange Presentation at the War Memorial Museum



Participating in public meeting and exhibition that related to changes for Milwaukee downtown highway system.

Gained new ideas and learned much about freeway condition estimation, traffic, crash data and alternatives for reconstruction.

I gave an interview to local newspaper correspondent.

Public meeting

6. Visit to Air Monitoring Group and Monitoring Sites at Southeast Region DNR



I met with representatives from the Standards Lab, studied measuring equipment for different pollutants, and US EPA reference methods and calibration procedures. I got information about data collecting, reporting and QA/QC system operated in Southeast Region.

I visited two monitoring sites and gained practical experience with measuring equipment of PM2.5, PM10, TSP, Toxics, Ozone, NOx, CO and VOC. Perkin Elmer Gas Chromatograph analyses (55 compounds every hour).

Mr. John Hillery,

Lead worker-Standards Lab,

Mrs. Mary Mertes,

Standards Lab, Site operation,

Mrs.Theresa Foley,

PAMS Sampling,

Mrs. Sherry Sanford,


Mrs. Andre Ash,

Electronics Engineer,

All specialists from


7. Presentation of

"Ambient Air Quality Management in Vilnius, Lithuania" at Southeast Region DNR



Introduction to air quality management system AIRVIRO operated in Vilnius city. AIRVIRO computer based air pollution management system designed to produce information for decision makers and integrates the most vital functions in air quality management such as: air quality monitoring, data analysis, emission simulation and dispersion calculation.

The basic technical staff from SER DNR took part

8. Visit to Wisconsin Vehicle Emission Inspection Station and Technical Assistance Center



I met with representatives from the Wisconsin Vehicle Emission Inspection Program, vehicle’s emission levels inspection and testing procedure. The purpose of the Wisconsin Vehicle Inspection Program (VIP) is to identify vehicles with excessive exhaust emissions and require them to meet reasonable emission standards to reduce vehicle-related air pollution.

The WDNR sets the emission standards for vehicles and WisDOT administers the Vehicle Inspection Program.

We discussed on enhanced vehicle emission testing and vehicle’s test results. I received testing report and other useful documentation and brochures.

Mrs. Charles C. Rhodes, Wisconsin Department of Transportation,

WVI Station and TAC staff – 5 persons

Mrs. Eva Larson,


Mrs.Theresa Foley,


9. Discussion of air emissions inventory

Wisconsin DNR, Bureau of Air Management,



Investigation of computer based Air Emissions Management System created specially for WDNR. Acquaintance with the factor information retrieval (FIRE) data system. FIRE is database management system containing EPA’s recommended emission estimation factors and includes information about industries and their emitting processes.

Emission factors obtained from AP-42 are used in Lithuania for some industries.

Mr. John Meier,

Bureau of Air Management,

Combustion Process Section

10. Discussion on quality assurance issues

Wisconsin DNR, Bureau of Air Management,



Analysis of Ozone quality assurance plan (draft version), quality assurance objectives, defined as follows- precision, accuracy, completeness, representativeness and comparability. The main statements of QA plan will be incorporated as a good experience into Lithuania QA/QC system.

Mr. Steve Schuenemann,

Bureau of Air Management,

Monitoring Section,

Mr. Marty Burkholder,

Bureau of Air Management,

Environmental Studies

11. Meeting at US EPA Region 5





Introduction to Vilnius air quality management system, traffic emission estimation and simulation.

Air monitoring, emissions modeling and traffic controls subjects were discussed.

Discussion on mobile source issues, national regulations, regional traffic control measures, traffic flow models. Vehicle emission modelling using MOBILE5 model and vehicle emissions model interface with ozone models was presented. Air toxics monitoring and vehicle emissions sampling, toxics regulatory approaches and emission inventories, regional air pollutants inventory development system (RAPIDS) was discussed. Most of above mentioned issues will be applied in traffic emission estimation and modelling in Lithuania.

Mr. Sirtaj Ahmed, US EPA, Office of International Activities,

Mr.Vacys Saulys, US EPA, Office of International Activities,

Mr.Michael Leslie, US EPA,

Mr.Ryan Bahr, US EPA,

Mr.Francisco Acevedo, US EPA,

Mr.Edward Doty, US EPA,

Mr. Joseph Chung, US EPA,

Ms.Suzanne King, US EPA

12. Visit to Illinois EPA



Discussion on air quality monitoring, visit to monitoring station located in North-Brook, acquaintance with measurement equipment OPSIS AR 500-10, Perkin Elmer Gas Chromatograph, photometric ozone analyser, CO analyzer and other.

Mr. Jeff Flick,

Mr. Kurt Sims,

Illinois EPA

13. Discussion on photochemical assessment monitoring data, ozone and PM2.5 trends

Lake Michigan Air Directors Consortium (LADCO)

Des Plaines, Illinois


Analysis of studies how using PAMS data to compare and evaluate two emission inventory tools: Receptor Models and EMS-95.

Discussion on Midwest Ozone Trends on Meteorologically Similar Days. The main conclusion from this research study - consistence evidence of 1-2%/year decline in ozone at urban locations.

Acquaintance with PM2.5 Speciation Results for the IEPA Minitrends Site at SE Police Station in Feb.-Aug. 2000.

Knowledge and experience gained will be useful on the same investigation fields in Lithuania.

Dr. Donna Kenski,


14. Investigation of highway emission factor model MOBILE5a and MOBILE6

Wisconsin DNR, Bureau of Air Management,



WDNR calculated highway mobile source emission estimates for VOC, CO and NOX by multiplying each MOBILE5a emission factor by appropriate vehicle miles traveled (VMT).

The derivations of MOBILE5a emission factors and VMT are complex, involving numerous factors such as highway functional class, travel speed, ambient temperature, vehicle age distribution and emission control programs in effect.

Experience gained on mobile source emission estimation will be transferred to the specialists from Lithuania.

Mr.Chris Bovee,

Bureau of Air Management, Ozone Section

15. Visit to Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission



Short presentation on traffic emission database structure, driving behavior investigation and air pollution modelling in Vilnius city.

SEWRPC provide planning and development assistance to local government, works closely with the WisDOT to ensure a comprehensive, coordinated approach to local, regional, and state issues affecting transportation planning.

Obtained experience will be useful for the transportation planning and for improvement of the air quality in Vilnius city.

Mr.Kenneth R.Yunker,


Mr.Chris Bovee and

Mr. Michael Friedlander, Bureau of Air Management, Ozone Section


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