O Nutrition and Health Table l-2 (continued) 1843 1848 1849-57 1850 1850-52 186641 1867 1877 1885 18% 1897 1902 1909-28 1912 1914 1916 1918 1919-22 1921-24 1922 1928 1929 1931-37 1932 1933 Chossat studied the effect of starvation on the body using pigeons. Addison described pernicious anemia. Bernard elucidated digestive action of pancreatic juices and glycogenic function of liver. Livingstone described xerophthalmia (due to vitamin A deficiency) in Africa. Chatin in France used iodine to prevent goiter. Voit and Pettenkofer explained protein metabolism. Boussingault recognized iron as essential nutrient. Pavlov began classic studies on digestion in dogs. Takaki demonstrated in controlled dietary experiments with Japanese Navy sailors that beriberi could be prevented. Atwater and Bryant introduced their basic reference, Chemical Composition of American Food Materials. Eijkman published his work on causes of beriberi. Rubner showed that food components increased metabolism by different amounts. Osborne and Mendel studied the nutritive value of protein. Funk coined the term "vitamine." Goldberger established dietary cause of pellagra. McCollum and Davis and Osborne and Mendel discovered accessory dietary factors "fat-soluble A" and "water-soluble B." Mellanby showed that experimental rickets in dogs is due to lack of fat-soluble vitamin. Water-soluble B factor shown to be more than one factor. Blindness in children shown to be result of lack of vitamin A. McCollum identified vitamin D in cod liver oil. Goldberger identified pellagra-preventing factor in yeast. Role of intrinsic and extrinsic factors in pernicious anemia discovered. Fluoride content of drinking water identified as cause of mottled enamel of teeth and prevention of tooth decay. Vitamin C isolated from lemon juice. Warburg and Christian identified riboflavin and defined its molecular function. Williams identified kwashiorkor as a nutritional disease. 26 Introduction and Background O Table l-2 (continued) 1938 1941 Rose classified amino acids as essential and nonessential. Evidence provided for the influence of prenatal diet on the health of the newborn infant. ! 944-46 Keys and coworkers studied effects on young men of experimentally induced semistarvation and methods of dietary rehabilitation. I945 1948-49 Grand Rapids. Michigan. becomes the first city in the world to fluoridate its drinking water to prevent tooth decay. Crystalline vitamin B,, isolated from liver extract and shown to contain cobalt. 1949 Framingham Study of coronary heart disease risk factors begins. Sources: Darby 1985; McCollum 1957; Murlin 1948; Olson 1978; Todhunter 1962, 1973, 1976. food ingested (Lusk 1933). In the 19th century, European and American scientists isolated and began to identify the major groups of nutrients in the diet, to develop the first estimates of nutrient requirements, and to explore the basics of energy metabolism. For example, in 1816, Magendie of France established that nitrogen-containing compounds were essential in the diet of dogs; in 1838, these compounds were given the name protein (from the French word for "primary substance"). In 1814, the French chemist Chevreul discovered that fats consisted of fatty acids attached to a glycerol molecule. By 1834, the London physician Prout was able to introduce the idea that food consists of substances called saccharine, oily, and albuminous-today called carbohydrates, fats, and proteins (Todhunter 1959). Later in the century, Rubner ofGermany and Atwater of the United States established the energy values of these substances as approximately 4, 9, and 4 kcal/g, respectively (McCollum 1957). Thus, from the time of Lavoisier to the end of the 19th century, knowledge of nutritional science grew to encompass the metabolic basis of energy production from food, the classification of nutrients and sources of energy, the dependence of energy requirements on physical activity, the influence of diet on body weight and of fevers on metabolism of food substances, the principles of metabolic homeostasis, and the roles of specific essential nutrients in human physiology (Murlin 1948). During this period, lemon juice was found to prevent scurvy, iodine to prevent goiter, and in- completely milled rice to prevent beriberi. Despite these advances, the most fundamental concepts about nutrition were still poorly developed at the beginning of the 20th century. It was not until the first half of this 27 O Nutrition and Health century that scientists identified human nutritional requirements, charac- terized the nutritional value of proteins, and identified the amino acids, vitamins, fatty acids, and minerals essential in the human diet (Todhunter 1976). For example, Osborne and Mendel of Yale University elucidated the differences between complete and incomplete proteins during the first decades of this century. Later, Rose of the University of Illinois estab- lished which of the amino acids were essential and estimated how much of each was required each day. The diseases of scurvy, beriberi, rickets, and pellagra had been described in very early writings, but their specific causes were not identified until after 1900. In 1906, Hopkins of Cambridge University suggested that food contained certain accessory factors necessary for prevention of these conditions. In 1912, Funk named these factors "vitamines," later called vitamins as more was learned about their chemical structure (Rosen 1958). Early in the century, the dietary cause of pellagra was established by Goldberger, a PHS physician, and fat- and water-soluble vitamins were isolated and characterized (McCollum 1957). Also during this period, kwashiorkor was identified as a nutritional disease and the importance of prenatal diet on the health of newborn infants began to be appreciated (Darby 1985). Over the next three decades, all of the vitamins were identified, starting with the isolation of a fat-soluble substance in egg yolk by McCollum at the University of Wisconsin, now known as vitamin A, and continuing with the discoveries of folic acid, vitamin Br2, and other B vitamins in the 1930's and 1940's (McCollum 1957). The essential nature of trace elements such as selenium and zinc were finally recognized in the 1950's and 1960's (Darby 1985). After World War II, the major focus of attention in nutrition began to shift away from acute nutrient deficiency diseases. The advent of improved transportation systems and home refrigeration and frozen foods expanded the year-round availability of fresh and wholesome foods, and food for- tification helped to increase the availability of previously scarce nutrients. At the same time, vaccines, antibiotics, and other advances in medicine and health prevented and controlled many of the infectious diseases that had previously shortened the human lifespan. Thus, chronic degenerative diseases became more important as causes of illness and death. Nutrition scientists began to examine the relationship of modem dietary patterns and practices to these chronic diseases-cardiovascular disease, cancer, and diabetes, for example-that were becoming increasingly prevalent among 28 Introduction and Background cl Americans in middle and late life, and attention shifted to the effects of specific nutrients and dietary factors on the long. slow development of these conditions. Evolution of .Federal Nutrition Policy As knowledge developed in the nutrition sciences and on the health effects of food, and as food availability and consumption patterns became more apparent, nutrition assumed an increasingly visible role in pubtic policy. By 1979, the Federal Government was involved in efforts to ensure an adequate, safe, and nutritious food supply for Americans through spon- sorship of more than 350 programs in key areas of nutrition policy: agricul- tural support, food safety and regulation, food fortification, food assis- tance, nutrition services and training, food intake and nutritional status monitoring, food and nutrition research, and food and nutrition education (Comptroller General 1979). Some of these programs had rdots that reached back to the turn of the century. but since World War I1 the Government's efforts have increasingly focused on meeting the needs of high-risk groups and on the role of-diet in health promotion and disease prevention. Table l-3 presents a chronological listing of selected events in the development of Federal domestic nutrition policies; the history of Federal initiatives in the major areas of nutrition policy is reviewed below. Table 1-3 Selected Federal Domestic Nutdtion Policy Initiatives, 1862-1988 1862 1867 1887 1889 U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) created. Morrill Act establishes land grant colleges. O&e of Education established-wi;h responsibilities for nutrition education within public schools. Hatch Act establishes agricultural experiment stations. Federal research laboratory established at Staten Island. Name is changed to the National Institute of Health in 1930. U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps authorized for duty on communicable, nutritional, and other diseases. 1893 1906 1914 1916 USDA authorized by Congress to conduct research on agriculture and human nutrition. The Pure Food and Drug (Wiley) Act prohibits interstate commerce and misbranded and adulterated foods, drinks, and drugs. Federal Meat Inspection Act passed. Cooperative Extension Service created as part of USDA. USDA publishes Food for Young Children, first dietary guidance pamphlet. 29 u Nutrition and Health Table l-3 (continued) 1917 1921-29 1924 1927 1930 1933 1935 1936-37 1938 1939 1940 1941 1946 1947 1954 U.S. Food Administration established to supervise World Wa, I food supply. First dietary recommendations issued by USDA-Five Food Groups. Maternity and Infancy Act enabled State health departments to employ nutritionists. Addition of iodine to salt to prevent goiter is first U.S. food fortification program. Food, Drug, and Insecticide Administration established. Name is changed to Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 1932. USDA and Federal Emergency Relief Administration buy and distribute surplus agricultural commodities as food relief. Public Health Service Hygienic Laboratory designated as National Institute of Health (later changes to National Institutes of Health). Agricultural Act amendments permit purchase of surplus commodities for donation to child nutrition and school lunch programs. Food Distribution Program established. Social Security Act authorizes grants to States for nutrition services to mothers and children . USDA conducts first Nationwide Food Consumption Survey (NFCS). The Food, Drug and Cosmetic (FD&C) Act includes provisions for food standards. FDA nutrition research program established. Social Security Act provides support for role of nutrition in health. Federal Surplus Commodities Corporation initiates experimental Food Stamp Program. National Defense Advisory Commission draws attention to malnutrition in the United States. President Roosevelt calls National Nutrition Conference, with announcement of the first Recommended Dietary Allowances by the Food and Nutrition Board. FDA promulgates standards for enrichment of flour and bread with B-complex vitamins and iron. National School Lunch Program established. Laboratories of Nutrition, Chemistry, and Pathology of the National Institutes of Health incorporated into Experimental Biology and Medicine Institute. Special Milk Program established. 30 Introduction and Background 0 Table 1-3 (continued) 1955 1956 1958 1961 1%3 and 1965 1%5 1966 1966-70 1968 1968-70 I%9 1971-74 Interdepartmental Committee on Nutrition for National Defense established (discontinued 1%7). Title VII of the Public Health Service Act authorizes funds to support graduate training in public health nutrition. Food Additives Amendment to FD&C Act prohibits use of a food additive until safety established by manufacturer. Delaney Clause prohibits carcinogenic additives. GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe) list established. President Kennedy expands the use of surplus food for needy people at home and abroad and announces a new pilot Food stamp Program. Maternal and Child Health and Mental Retardation Planning Amendments to the Social Security Act allow for an expanded number of nutritionists in health care programs. Food Stamp Act passed by Congress. Nationwide Food Consumption Survey collects first data on dietary intake of individuals. Child Nutrition Act passed. School Breakfast Program established. President Johnson outlines Food for Freedom Program, the "war on hunger." Allied Health Professions Personnel Training Act includes support for training of dietitians. The Department of Health, Education, and Welfare (DHEW), which later becomes the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), sponsors a National Academy of Sciences study, Maternal Nutrition and the Course of Pregnancy, which makes major recommendations related to the role of nutrition in human reproduction. U.S. Senate Select Committee on Nutrition and Human Needs established. DHEW sponsors Preschool and Ten-State Nutrition Surveys that report evidence of hunger and malnutrition in poverty groups in the United States. President Nixon calls White House Conference on Food, Nutrition, and Health. Secretary of Agriculture establishes the Food and Nutrition Service to administer Federal food assistance programs. The National Center for Health Statistics conducts the first National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) to measure the nutritional status of the U.S. population. This is followed by NHANES II in 1976-80, Hispanic HANES in 1982-84, and NHANES III in 1988. 31 0 Nutrition and Health 1974 1975 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1984 1985 Table l-3 (continued) 1972 USDA establishes Special Supplementary Food Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC). Agriculture and Consumer Protection Act provides price supports to farmers. Amendments to the Older Americans Act of 1%5 establish a congregate and home-delivered meals program for older Americans. U.S. Senate Select Committee on Nutrition and Human Needs issues Guidelines for a National Nutrition Policy, prepared by the National Nutrition Consortium. Safe Drinking Water Act passed. National Institutes of Health establishes Nutrition Coordinating Committee. U.S. Senate Select Committee on Nutrition and Human Needs issues two editions of Dietary Goals for the United States. Food and Agricultural Act and Child Nutrition and National School Lunch Amendments passed. Joint Subcommittee on Human Nutrition Research established in Office of Science and Technology Policy (in 1983 becomes Interagency Committee on Human Nutrition Research under joint direction of USDA and DHHS). DHEW and USDA submit proposal to Congress for National Nutrition Monitoring System. DHEW establishes Department-wide Nutrition Policy Board and issues Healthy People: The Surgeon General's Report on Health Promotion and Disease Prevention. USDA and DHHS jointly issue Nutrition and Your Health: Dietary Guidelines fcr Americans. A second edition follows in 1985. DHHS issues Promoting Health/Preventing Disease: Objectives for the Nation, which contains 17 nutrition objectives to be achieved by the year 1990. The Surgeon General's Workshop on Maternal and Infant Health makes recommendations about improving nutrition for these vulnerable groups. DHHS and USDA issue Joint Implementation PIan for a Comprehensive National Nutrition Monitoring System, revised in 1987 as the Operational Plan for the National Nutrition Monitoring System. The Select Panel for the Promotion of Child Health, created by Public Law 95-626, submits to Congress and the Secretary of DHHS its report, which includes recommendations on nutrition. The Surgeon General's Workshop on Breastfeeding and Human Lactation develops strategies for promoting breastfeeding. USDA initiates Continuing Survey of Food Intakes by Individuals. repeated in 1986. 32 Introduction and Background O Table l-3 (continued) 1986 DHHS and USDA issue Nutrition Monitoring in the United States, the report of the Joint Nutrition Monitoring Evaluation Committee. 1988 DHHS publishes The Surgeon General's Report on Nutrition and Health. Agricultural Support. The earliest Federal nutrition policies in this area were designed to strengthen the agricultural production system and to ensure a consistent and adequate food supply. In 1862. the U.S. Depart- ment of Agriculture (USDA) was created, and the Morrill Act established land grant universities as sites for agricultural training and research. The Hatch Act of 1887 authorized the creation of agricultural experiment stations. As a result of these and other policies. food production increased and farmers began to produce more food than could be consumed. Even- tually, a system of commodity price and income supports was developed to stabilize the economic condition of the farm sector. The Agricultural and Consumer Protection Act of 1973 and the Food and Agriculture Act of 1977 established the basis for current agricultural support policies (Stucker and Boehm 1978; Boehm 1979). Food Safety and Regulation. The pure food movement of the late 1800's, led by Dr. Harvey Wiley, chief of the Government's Bureau of Chemistry, and popularized by the publication of Upton Sinclair's novel of 1906, The Jungle, led Congress to pass the Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906-then known as the Wiley Act-which prohibited interstate transport and sale of misbranded or adulterated foods (Ziporyn 1985). This Act and the Federal Meat Inspection Act, also passed that year, extended Federal responsibil- ity into the arena of food safety. Significant revisions to the legislation occurred in 1938 when the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act established standards of identity and quality for certain foods, required ingredient listings on food labels, and prohibited sales of foods that were determined to be harmful to health. In 1958, the Food Additives Amendment to the 1938 Act shifted the burden of proof of safety to the manufacturer, required that additives known to cause cancer in either humans or animals be deemed unsafe (the Delaney Clause), and established the list of ingredients in common use that were "Generally Recognized As Safe" (GRAS) for human consumption. A 1960 Color Additives Amendment applied the Delaney Clause to all chemical food coloring agents. Since 1969, a major review has been under way of the safety of substances on the GRAS list (Smith and Rulis 1981). Regulation of food safety is a shared responsibility 33 u Nutrition and Health of several Federal agencies, primarily the USDA for plant, animal, poultry production; the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for all c foods and additives; and the Environmental Protection Agency pesticide contaminants. The food labeling provisions of the 1906 and 1938 Acts were designe protect consumers against fraudulent misbranding of foods, and this pc was extended by the Fair Packaging and Labeling Act of 1%6, which cz for accurate ingredient labeling on foods in interstate commerce (PC 1987). More recently, interest has grown in the use of food labels to edu consumers about the nutritional quality of food and the role of nutritic health. Regulations published in 1973 authorized voluntary nutrition la ing and required nutrition labeling for fortified foods and those for WI nutritional claims were made (Hutt 1981). In 1987, the FDA proposed a policy for public health messages on food labels to permit health claim package labels when the information is true and certain criteria are (FDA 1987). Responsibility for regulating labeling and marketing prc dures related to foods is shared by the USDA (meat, poultry, eggs), F (all other foods) and, for advertising, the Federal Trade Commission (. ter 1987). Food Fortrjication. The onset of World War I brought new nutritic concerns and focused attention on the need for an overall improvemer, the availability of nutrients to the general population. The first food tification program, instituted in 1924, was the addition of iodine to sal prevent goiter. During the Second World War, this program was extendel include enrichment of wheat flour with iron and the vitamins thian niacin, and riboflavin. Also during the 1940's, milk was fortified v vitamin D and margarine with vitamin A. Food Assisrunce. As early as 1918, the idea of targeting food assistance vulnerable population groups was proposed in the Children's Bureau p lication Milk-The Indispensable Food for Children. Milk supplies 1 decreased and prices increased due to the effects of World War I, and Children's Bureau advocated that children be given priority in allocat milk supplies. Charitable organizations established milk stations and cc munity kitchens to provide food supplements to the poor and to help peo with limited income choose and prepare an adequate diet (Egan 1980 Widespread unemployment anda overty during the 1930's stimulated I development of new Federal programs to provide food assistance to i poor. At first, these programs focused exclusively on distribution of surp agricultural commodities. In 1930, for example, the USDA and the Fede 34 Introduction and Background 0 Emergency Relief Administration began a distribution program as food relief. The donation of surplus foods to child nutrition and school lunch programs was authorized by amendments to the Agricultural Act in 1933. The more formally organized Food Distribution Program was established in 1935. An experimental Food Stamp Program was initiated by the Surplus Commodities Corporation in 1939. The National School Lunch Program was established in 1946, and the Special Milk Program was added in 1954 (U.S. Senate 1976). In the early 1960's, as a result of surveys and assessments indicating special needs among low-income populations (Citizens' Board 1968), the Federal Government expanded its involvement in income support and direct deliv- ery of food services. A pilot study in 1961 led to the Food Stamp Act of 1965, which authorized a small-scale program to meet limited needs for food assistance. The Child Nutrition Act of 1966 established the School Breakfast Program. Following the 1969 White House Conference on Food, Nutrition, and Health (White House Conference 1970), eligibility and benefits were enlarged for the Food Stamp, School Lunch, School Break- fast, Special Milk, and Summer Food Programs; the Special Supplemental Food Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIG) was created; general assistance reimbursements were increased (for the School Break- fast and School Lunch Programs); and the Nutrition Program for the Elderly was established through an amendment to the Older Americans Act. From I%9 to 1977, Federal expenditures for these programs increased from about $1.2 to $8.3 billion (U.S. Senate 1977a). By 1986, as many as 50 million Americans (the exact number is uncertain due to overlapping benefits) were served by food assistance programs administered by the USDA. The cost of these programs exceeded $18.8 billion in 1986 and $20 billion in 1987 (Matsumoto 1987). Nutrition Services and Training. In the 1920's under the Federal Maternity and Infancy Act, nutrition services were launched in nine State depart- ments of public health. Enactment of the Social Security Act in 1935, authorizing grants-in-aid to the States for health services for mothers and children, was a major impetus for the further development of nutrition services in State health agencies. By 1945, all but three States had one or more nutrition consultant positions included in their budgets. Nutrition services began to extend beyond maternal and child health during the late 1950's and early 1960's in response to new mental retardation, chronic disease control, home health service, and nursing home and other ex- tended care programs. Initiatives in primary health care, family planning, and comprehensive health planning during the 1970's further expanded the availability of nutrition services (Nutrition Services Project Committee 35 cl Nutrition and Health 1983), as did establishment of the Community Food and Nutrition Program (CFN) in the 1980's to provide nutrition services to low-income popula- tions (Office of Community Services 1987). To ensure an adequate supply of health professionals to serve the popula- tion, the Federal Government also supports health professions education in primary care as well as public health practice. Since the 1940's, funds have been available from Title V of the Social Security Act for nutrition training of health professionals, and since 1957, various authorities under Title VII of the Public Health Service Act have supported health profes- sions students and curriculum development in applied nutrition, including capitation grants to schools of public health that support traineeships for public health nutrition students. Food Intake and Nutrition Status Monitoring. The involvement of the Federal Government in monitoring of food intake dates back to 1893 when the USDA received an appropriation for this purpose (Porter 1986). The USDA first began to collect data on the wholesale availability or "disap- pearance" of food commodities in 1909. The subsequent annual collection of such data has provided an important source of information on trends in the availability of food, an indirect indicator of food use by the population (Bunch 1987). Attempts to estimate actual food intake by the population began in the 1930's. For example, household food purchases were exam- ined by the USDA in 1936-37 through the first Nationwide Food Consump- tion Survey (NFCS); such surveys have been conducted about every 10 years since, most recently in 1987-88 (USDA 1986,1987a, 1987b). Estima- tions of the per capita nutrient content of the food supply began in the 1940's and are now reported annually (Marston and Raper 1986). The first collections of data on the food consumption habits of individuals in sampled households were performed by the USDA in 1%5 (NRC 1984). Examples of food intake and availability data are given later in this chapter in the section on dietary patterns. Assessment of nutritional status emerged as a concern as early as 1918 when infants and children were weighed and measured during the opening event of the Children's Year Campaign (initiated to "protect children from the effects of war"). The impetus for this activity was the high percentage of Selective Service rejections in World War I caused by conditions that might have been prevented or corrected by adequate nutrition in early childhood. The first studies of nutrition and child health were conducted by the Children's Bureau in a mountainous section of Kentucky in 1920 and in the industrial area of Gary, Indiana, in 1922 (Egan 1980). 36 Introduction and Background O Much of the recent expertise in measuring human nutritional status was developed through the work of the Interdepartmental Committee on Nutri- tion for National Defense, which conducted nutrition surveys in more than 30 countries during the 1950's and 1960's. Attempts to evaluate the nutri- tional status of the U.S. population began in 1956 when Congress autho- rized the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare (DHEW) to conduct periodic national health examination surveys; with the addition in 1971 of additional status measures, including a dietary intake component, these surveys evolved into the National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys (NHANES). The first NHANES was conducted from 1971-74, the second from 1976-80, and the Hispanic HANES from 1982-84 (DHHS/ USDA 1986). The third NHANES started in 1988. In l%8-70, in response to increasing concern about the nutritional status of low-income popula- tions, DHEW sponsored the Preschool (Owen et al. 1974) and Ten-State (DHEW 1972) Nutrition Surveys and identified evidence of malnutrition in these populations. The dietary intake, health, and nutritional status surveys and surveillance systems listed in Table l-4 and described above are components of the National Nutrition Monitoring System-a complex assortment of inter- connected activities that provide regular information about dietary intake and nutritional status to the health of the American people and about factors that affect diet and nutritional status (DHHS/USDA 1987). The present system was proposed in 1978 in response to a congressional re- quest in the 1977 Food and Agriculture Act that the Secretaries of Agri- culture and of Health, Education, and Welfare, now Health and Human Services (DHHS), develop a joint proposal for a comprehensive system that would monitor the nutritional status of the American people. In 1981, a Joint implementation Pfun (revised in 1987) committed the two Depart- ments to close coordination of survey methods and to submission of reports to Congress every 3 years on information gained from monitoring activities. The National Nutrition Monitoring System includes efforts by several Federal agencies to provide information about health and nutri- tional status, food consumption, food composition, dietary knowledge and attitudes, and food safety and quality. Food and Nutrition Research. The Federal role in nutrition research began in 1887 with the development of the forerunner of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) as a one-room laboratory on Staten Island. In 1893, the USDA was authorized to perform agricultural and human research. The PHS Hygienic Laboratory developed into the first National Institute of Health in 1930; subsequently, it was joined by other laboratories to create 37 Table 14 National Nutrition Surveillance Activities 0 2 1. Category Activity Departmenta Agencya Population Timing g. J Health and Nutritional Status Measurements National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys NHANES 1 NHANES I1 Hispanic HANES NHANES III DHHS CDC/NCHS National Health DHHS Interview Survey NHIS Special Topics DHHS NHANES I Epidemiologic DHHS Followup National Survey of Family DHHS Growth National Maternal and DHHS Infant Health Survey National Mortality Survey DHHS CDC/NCHS CDCR'XHS CDC/NCHS CDC/NCHS CDC/NCHS Planned 1988 CDCMCHS Vital Statistics DHHS CDC/NCHS U.S. population, special groups l-74 yrs 1971-74 6 mo-74 yrs 1976-80 6 mo-74 yrs 1982-84 2 mo+ 1988-94 U.S. Annual U.S. Selected topics NHANES I older 1982-84, 1986, persons 1987 Women 15-44 yrs 1976, 1983, 1987 Annual l%l-68, 1986 U.S. States, counties, local areas Annual Health and Nutritional Status Measurements (continued) Coordinated State Surveillance System Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System Nutrition Research in Support of Nutrition Monitoringb Food Consumption Measurements Nationwide Food Consumption Survey (NFCS) Continuing Survey of Food Intakes by Individuals (CSFII) 1985 and 1986 1989 and beyond NHANES DHHS CDCKHPE Pregnant women, Continuous children CDCKHPE Adults Continuous DHHS USDA NIH Varies Ongoing ARS CDCKHPE FDA USDA HNIS U.S., low-income Every 10 years, sample current 1987-88 USDA HNIS DHHS CDCINCHS Women 19-50, Annual their children, men, low-income sample zi U.S. population, Annual (planned) E low-income a sample, other !? U.S. population 1971-74, 1976-80, 1982-84, 1988-94 g s ii Table 14 (continued) Food Consumption Total Diet Study Measurements (continued) Vitamin/Mineral Supplement Adverse Reactions Food Composition Measurements Nutrient Data Bank Nutrient Composition Laboratory Food Labeling and Package Survey Total Diet Study Fiber, Carotenoid, and Vitamin A Comp. Studies; Taurine and Biotin Comp. Studies Dietary Knowledge Health and Diet Survey and Attitude Assessment Survey of Infant Feeding Practices Survey of Weight-Loss Practices Cholesterol Awareness Survey DHHS FDA DHHS FDA USDA USDA DHHS DHHS DHHS DHHS DHHS DHHS DHHS HNIS ARS FDA FDA NIH/NCI NIHI NIDDK FDA FDA FDA NIHI NHLBI NIHI NHLBI + FDA Specific age-sex Annual groups U.S. Continuous Continuous Continuous Annual and biennial parts Annual Ongoing Ongoing U.S. adults .18-22 mo intervals Pregnant women 1988 or 1989 U.S. adults 1987 or 1988 Physicians 1986 Adults e Dietary Knowledge and Attitude Assessment (continued) Nursing and Dietitian Survey NHIS Special Topics Health Promotion/ Disease Prevention . VitMn Supplement Cancer Control Food Supp!y - CSFII Followup (Consumer Perceptions Survey) Physician Knowledge Survey on Hypertension Cancer Prevention Awareness Program Demand Studies DHHS NIH/ NHLBI DHHS CDC/NCHS U.S. adults + NIH/NCI USDA/DHHS HNIS FSIS FDA DHHS NIH/NHLBI DHHS NIH/NCI USDA ERS Nurses, dietitians 1986, 1987 1985 1986 1987 U 3. population Planned 1989-% Physicians 1978-88 U.S. adults 1984 + ongoing U.S. population Continuous Determinations aARS = Agricuftural Research Service, CDC = Centers for Disease Control, CHPE = Center for Health Promotion and Education, DHHS = Department of Health and Human Services, ERS = Economic Research Service, FDA = Food and Drug Administration, FSIS = Food Safety and Inspection Service, HNIS = Human Nutrition information Service, NCHS = National Center for Health Statistics, NCI = National Cancer Institute, NHIS = National Health Interview Survey, NHLBI = National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, NIDDK = National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, NIH = National Institutes of Health, USDA = U.S. Department of Agriculture. blncludes research on nutritional status assessment and requirements throughout the life cycle. The nutritional status research focuses on (1) indices of nutritional status, (2) micromethods to measure nutrient concentrations in various tissues and plasma, and (3) methods that improve accuracy of dietary intake data. Source: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and U.S. Department of Agriculture 1987. n u Nutrition and Health the present research enterprise of NIH (Simopoulos 1986). In 1975, the NIH Nutrition Coordinating Committee was established to address NIH nutrition issues that span the goals and purposes of 12 Institutes, 2 Divi- sions, and 2 Centers within the agency. The FDA began conducting nutri- tion research in 1938. By 1976, Federal expenditures for nutrition research and research training exceeded $73 million (U.S. Senate 1976). The amount was reported as nearly $200 million by 1979 (JSHNR 1980) and $270 million in 1984, of which nearly $200 million represented research supported by NIH (ICHNR 1986; NIH 1987). In 1987, NIH expended a total of $261 million, reinforcing its longstanding position as the major Federal agency in biomedical and behavioral nutrition research and training support. This nutrition research encompasses a broad range of topics, including health maintenance, human development throughout the life cycle, disease pre- vention, and disease treatment. The Interagency Committee on Human Nutrition Research (ICHNR) was established by the Secretaries of DHHS and USDA to succeed the Joint Subcommittee on Human Nutrition Research that operated out of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy to coordinate all Federal nutrition research activities. The ICHNR produced a 5-year plan for human nutrition research that reviewed the research activities of eight Federal agencies, listed research priorities, and identified six areas for expanded research investigation: nutritional requirements at various stages of the life cycle, nutrition interactions and bioavailability, nutrition and chronic diseases, energy regulation and eating disorders, nutrition monitoring, and nutrition education methodology (ICHNR 1986). Dietary Guidance and Nutrition Education. The Federal Government has supported efforts to teach the public about nutrition since 1867 when the Office of Education was established with responsibility for nutrition educa- tion within the public schools. The Children's Bureau of the Department of Labor published Prenatal Care in 1913 and Znfant Care in 1914 to provide dietary guidance to mothers. These books have been in publication ever since and are all-time best sellers of the U.S. Government Printing Offtce. The USDA also had an early role and published its first food selection guide, designed to help parents meet the nutritional needs of young chil- dren, in 1916 (Hunt 1916). Since that time, federally supported dietary guidance materials have been issued and revised regularly to meet the needs of specific target audiences and to reflect emerging knowledge of nutritional science. A list of Federal dietary guidance publications for the general public since 1917 is presented in Table l-5. 42 e Table l-5 Federal Dietary Recommendations for the General Public, 1917-1988 Recommendationa Year Agencyb Publication Maintain Include Ideal Starch Limit Body and Limit Limit Choles- Limit Limit Variety Weight Fiber Sugar Fat terol Salt Alcohol 1917 USDA 1942 USDA 1943 USDA 1946 USDA 1946 USDA 1958 USDA 1977 U.S. Senate 1979 USDA 1979 DHEW 1979 DHEWINCI What the Body Needs- Five Food Groups Food for Freedom- Daily Eight National Wartime Nutrition Guide-Basic Seven National Food Guide- Basic Seven Food for Growth- Four Food Groups Food for Fitness- Four Food Groups Dietary Goats for the U.S. Building a Better Diet- Five Food Groups Healthy People: The Surgeon General's Report on Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Statement on Diet, Nutrition, and Cancer--Prudent Interim Principles + + + + * * + * + * + * + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + t -I- t + + Year Agencyb Publication 0 z 5 Table l-5 (continued) g Ei Recommendationa 5 Maintain Include Ideal Starch Limit i Body and Limit Limit Choles- Limit 2 Variety Weight Fiber Sugar Fat terol salt Limit 5 Alcohol 1980 USDA/DHHS Dietary Guidelines for Americans + + + + + + + + 1980 DHHS National 1990 Nutrition Objectives + + + + + + + + I984 DHHS/NHLBI Recommendations for Control + + + + % 1985 USDA/DHHS of High Blood Pressure Dietary Guidelines for Americans, + + + + + + + + 2nd edition I986 DHHS/NCI Cancer Control Nutrition Objectives + + + + for the Nation: 1985-2000 1987 DHHS/NHLBI National Cholesterol Education + + + + + + Program Guidelines 1988 DHHS/NCI Dietary Guidelines for Cancer + + + + + + Prevention `!7ecommended for inclusion in the daily diet, as opposed to subsequent recommendations to limit intake. aOther recommendations include: increased consumption of foods containing vitamins and minerals (USDA 1917-l 958; NCI 1988) increased physical activity (USDA/DHHS 18881985; DHHS 1980). and reduced intake of salt-cured or smoked foods (NC1 1988). bUSDA = U.S. Department of Agriculture, U.S. Senate = U.S. Senate Select Committee on Nutrition and Human Needs, DHEW = Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, DHHS = Department of Health and Human Services, NCI = National Cancer Instiiute. NHLBI = National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. Introduction and Background O The earliest federally sponsored guidelines advised the public to consume portions from a variety of food groups every day to obtain sufficient energy and to avoid nutritional deficiencies. As more was learned about nutrients essential in the diet, recommendations began to emphasize consumption of foods containing vitamins, minerals, and other "protective" dietary com- ponents (Hertzler and Anderson 1974). In response to the economic crisis of the 1930's, the USDA began to develop meal plans for consumers at different levels of income to address issues of cost (Haughton, Gussow, and Dodds 1987). The first Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA's) for intake of energy and eight nutrients were developed by the National Research Council and adopted at the wartime National Nutrition Conference in 1941 (Roberts 1958). RDA's have been published periodically since; the most recent (ninth) edition appeared in 1980 (NRC 1980). Its recommendations are reviewed later in this chapter. Also in 1941, the USDA, in cooperation with the Offtce of Education and the PHS, published the first Federal guide to incorporate information on specific vitamins and minerals and the first to use the term "enriched." Meal plans and dietary guidelines published since the 1940's have been designed increasingly to translate the RDA's into terms usable by consumers (Hertzler and Anderson 1974). The USDA's 1958 Food for Fitness-A Daily Food Guide, written in terms of four food groups, was the first to promote intake of specific nutrients-alcium, vitamin A, and vitamin C-that were commonly consumed in amounts substantially below RDA levels (Haughton, Gussow. and Dodds 1987). Typically, an adequate diet has been defined as providing the basic food groups that would contain amounts of essential nutrients-protein, vi- tamins, and minerals-sufficient to prevent deficiency diseases. In the mid-1970's, however, the focus of national policy objectives expanded to encompass the role of overconsumption of fat, cholesterol, salt, sugar, and alcohol as dietary factors associated with chronic disease. The increasing scientific interest in these relationships led the U.S. Senate to hold hear- ings on diet and health from 1973 through 1977 (U.S. Senate 1977a). Expanding knowledge of the role of diet in health maintenance also led to the development in 1975 of a DHEW Policy Statement on Health Aspects of Nutrition (U.S. Senate 1976). Thus, dietary adequacy began to include consideration of the most reasonable proportions of dietary factors for prevention of chronic-rather than deficiency--diseases. This new perspective was reflected in the two editions of the 1977 report Dietary Goals for the United States, produced by the Senate Select Com- mittee on Nutrition and Human Needs (U.S. Senate 1977b. 1977~). These u Nutrition and Health reports recommended significant changes in average dietary intake pat- terns to improve protection against the principal chronic diseases. To accomplish this goal, they established quantitative targets for consumption of complex carbohydrates and naturally occurring sugars (greater than 48 percent of energy), refined and processed sugars (10 percent of energy), total fats (less than 30 percent of energy), saturated fat (less than 10 percent of energy), cholesterol (less than 300 mglday), and salt (less than 5 g/day) (U.S. Senate 1977~). These principles, although not the quantitative targets, were supported and expanded in the 1979 report Healthy People: The Surgeon General's Report on Health Promotion and Disease Prevention (DHEW 1979) and by the 1980 publication Nutrition and Your Health: Dietary Guidelines for Americans, jointly issued and revised in 1985 by the Departments of Agriculture and of Health and Human Services (USDAIDHHS 1985). The Guidelines recommend: o Eat a variety of foods. o Maintain desirable weight. o Avoid too much fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol. o Eat foods with adequate starch and fiber. o Avoid too much sugar. o Avoid too much sodium. o If you drink alcoholic beverages, do so in moderation. This approach reflects the increase in interest in the relation between nutrition and prevention of chronic diseases, a development that has shaped and mandated Federal nutrition education activities of the past decade (see Table l-4) and is the principal focus of the discussion, conclu- sions, and recommendations of this Report. Scientific Background Human Nutritional Requirements Essential nutrients must be obtained from the diet in the proper amounts and proportions to maintain good health and to prevent deficiency dis- eases. A deficiency of an essential nutrient causes signs and symptoms that can be prevented or cured by an increased intake of the nutrient. Such deficiencies may be due to inadequate dietary intake, or they may be 46 Introduction and Background 0 induced by either inherited or acquired inabilities to absorb, transport, store, or metabolize nutrients or by excessive losses of nutrients from the body (for example, from vomiting, bleeding, or diarrhea). Just as a deficiency of a nutrient can cause disease, too much of a nutrient can also lead to disease. For example, as discussed throughout this Report, the excessive consumption of energy, fat (especially saturated fat), and alcohol have been associated with the development of specific chronic disease conditions in some individuals. Excessive intake of some vitamins and most of the minerals also has been shown to result in either acute or long-term disorders. For most nutrients, there appears to be a safe and adequate range of dietary intake that satisfies nutritional requirements but does not cause untoward symptoms. This concept is illustrated in Figure l-1. Ideally, the diet should contain energy and all of the essential nutrients in amounts that fall within these ranges of intake. I ( )I Y'o .:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.~..:.~.~:.:.~:.~.~: .: ......................................... . . ........ . . ......................... , . . . . ..:.1:.:.~:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: .:. . . . . . . ...... . . . . . . ... . ...... . . . . . . ... . ............................ ..................................... ...................................... .......................................................................... C :.:2..~:.:.~:.~:.:.:.:.:.:.:.~..~:.:.:.~:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: . ...................................... .z .............................................................................. . ..... . . . . . . . . . . . ...... . ... . . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... . . . . . . . . . . ...... ...................................... . . ..................................... 5 .................................... ..................................... .................................... . . C :.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.~:.:.:.:.:.~:.:.~.~.:.~~ ... ..................................... 3 .:::::::~::::::::~~::::::::::::::::::::::::::~::::~.::::~::: L . ........................................ . . . .... . . . . . . ... . . ..... ................................................. ..................................... . ..................................... .................................... .................................... . . ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... . ....................................... . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . ...................................................... ..................................... ................................................. . . . . . . . . . . . ....................................................... ... . . ... ...... ...... . ... . . . . ............................................................ . . . . . . -. . . . . . . . . . .... ... ..... . . . ........ . . . . . . . . .................................................. . . . . ...... . . . . . . .... ...... . . . ... .... . . ........ . ......... ............................................................ ..................................... . .................................... .:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: . . ............................. ............... ~:.:.~:.:.~..:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.~:.:.~:.:.:.~:.:.~..:.:.:.: .: * Concrnkltion or intake of nutrient - Figure l-l. Dependence of biologic function or tissue concentration on in- take ol a nutrient. For nutrients and energy sources, there is a range of intake that confers optiil physiologic function. Below thII range, deficiincies can cause dii or death. Excecrsive intake also can lead to increasiing symptoms of toxkity. The op- timal range varies for each nutrient and is affected by many indiiidual and environmental factors. Source: Merlz, W. 1981. The essential trace elements. Science 213:1332-38. Copy- right 1981 by the American Association for the Advancement of Science, re- printed with permission. 47 u Nutrition and Health Recommended Dietary Allowances The need to establish goals for good nutrition in the United States was recognized in the 1930's and led to the establishment in 1940 of the Committee on Food and Nutrition, now called the Food and Nutrition Board, of the National Research Council, National Academy of Sciences. The Committee's initial purpose was to make sure that the population was adequately nourished during World War II, and one of its early functions was to recommend quantities of nutrients that should be provided to the Armed Forces and the general population. These recommendations led to the development of goals for intake of nine specific nutrients that would meet the known nutritional requirements of men, women, and children of varying ages. These first RDA's were adopted in 1941 (Roberts 1958), and they have been published at 5- to lo-year intervals since 1943. Although the original purpose of the RDA's was to promote nutritional health during wartime, their purpose has expanded over the years to include use for development of standards for food assistance programs, food labels, and evaluation of dietary adequacies. Because research on human nutritional requirements is often incomplete or inconsistent, and because of variability in individual nutrient require- ments, the RDA's represent an estimated, rather than an absolute, stan- dard of dietary adequacy, and they are revised periodically to reflect current scientific evaluation of the available nutrition research. The most recent revision was published in 1980 and is presented in Table l-6 (NRC 1980). The RDA's are defined as ". . . the levels of intake of essential nutrients considered, in the judgment of the Committee on Dietary Allow- ances of the Food and Nutrition Board on the basis of available scientific knowledge, to be adequate to meet the known nutritional needs of prac- tically all healthy persons." Thus, each RDA is deliberately set higher than the.actual requirement for that nutrient in most individuals. Specific RDA's have been established for protein, 10 vitamins, and 6 minerals; they are presented in categories that vary according to body size. gender, and energy consumption (NRC 1980). RDA's are usually higher for males than for females, except for women who are pregnant or lactating. For 12 additional nutrients, research has been too limited to establish specific RDA's and the Food and Nutrition Board has proposed ranges of daily intake that are considered "safe and adequate." These are presented in Table l-7. The RDA's are designed to exceed the nutrient requirements of most individuals, but the allowances for energy are designed to reflect average needs for people of different heights and weights, ages, and activi- ty levels. 48 Table l-6 Food and Nutrition Board, National Academy of Sciences- National Research Council Recommended Daily Dietary Allowances,a Revised 1960 Designed for the maintenance of good nutrition of practically all healthy people in the U.S.A. Fat-Soluble Vitamins Age Weight Height Protein Vitamin A Vitamin D Vitamin E (years) (kg) (lb) (cm) (in) w ha REJb (CLkT)C (mg a-TE)d Infants 0.0-0.5 60 24 kgx2.2 420 IO 3 0.5-I .o x s 71 28 kgx2.0 400 IO 4 Children 1-3 13 29 90 35 23 400 IO 5 20 44 112 44 30 500 IO 6 7% 28 62 132 52 34 700 IO 7 Males 11-14 45 99 157 62 45 loo0 IO 8 % 15-18 66 145 176 69 56 looo IO IO B-22 154 177 70 loo0 7.5 10 23-50 z 154 178 i: loo0 5 IO 51+ 70 154 178 :: 56 loo0 5 IO $ Females 11-14 46 101 157 62 46 800 IO 8 1 15-18 55 120 163 64 46 800 IO 19-22 55 120 163 64 44 800 7.5 t 0 g. 23-50 55 120 163 44 800 5 8 1 51+ 55 120 163 iii 44 800 5 8 B Pregnant +30 +200 +5 +2 e Lactating +20 +400 +5 +3 m R aThe allowances are intended to provide for individual variations among most normal persons as they live in the United States under usual en- 9 vironmental stresses. Diets should be based on a variety of common foods to provide other nutrients for which human requirements have been less well defined. s Wetinol equivalents; 1 RE = 1 kg retinol or 6 pg $ carotene. CAs cholecalciferol; 10 pg cholecalciferol = 4000 IU of vitamin D. da-tocopherol equivalents: 1 mg d-a tocopherol = 1 a-TE. Table l-6 (continued) 0 2 Water-Soluble Vitamins Age Weir& s: Height Vitamin C Thiamin Riboflavin Niacin Vitamin B, Folacinr Vitamin B,, (years) (kg) (lb) (cm) (in) b-fg) (mg) (mg) (mg NEP (mg) h3) (Ia) iz E infants 0.0-0.5 6 13 0. 60 24 35 0.3 0.4 6 0.3 30 0.5g X 0.5-1.0 9 20 71 28 35 0.5 0.6 8 0.6 45 1.5 i! Children l-3 29 90 35 45 0.7 0.8 9 0.9 loo 2.0 g :i 44 II2 44 45 0.9 1.0 II 1.3 200 2.5 7% 28 62 132 52 45 1.2 1.4 I6 1.6 300 3.0 Males II-14 45 99 I57 62 50 I.4 1.6 18 400 3.0 15-18 66 I45 176 69 60 I.4 1.7 I8 :*: 400 3.0 19-22 70 154 177 70 60 1.5 1.7 19 212 400 3.0 3 23-50 70 154 178 70 60 I.4 1.6 18 2.2 51+ 70 154 I78 70 60 1.2 I.4 16 2.2 z :-I Females II-14 46 IO1 157 62 50 I.1 1.3 I5 1.8 400 3:o 15-18 55 120 163 64 60 I.1 1.3 14 2.0 400 3.0 19-22 55 120 163 64 I.1 1.3 14 2.0 3.0 23-50 55 I20 163 64 2 1.0 1.2 I3 iti 3.0 51+ 55 120 163 64 60 1.0 1.2 I3 El 400 3.0 Pregnant +20 +0.4 + 0.3 +2 + 0.6 +400 +1.0 Lactating +40 +0.5 +0.5 +5 +0.5 +100 +1.0 eNiacin equivalent; 1 NE = 1 mg of niacin or 60 mg of dietary tryptophan. f The folacin allowances refer to dietary sources as determined by Lactobacillus casei assay after treatment with enzymes (conjugates) to make polyglutamyl forms of the vitamin available to the test organism. @Ihe recommended dietary allowance for vitamin B12 in infants is based on average concentration of the vitamin in human milk. The allowances after weaning are based on energy intake (as recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics) and consideration of other factors, such as intestinal absorption.