Fiction Adventure Adventures of Huckleberry Finn RC 43591 by Mark Twain read by John Polk 3 cassettes A comprehensive edition of Twain's 1885 tale about a boy who runs away from home and floats down the Mississippi on a raft with an escaping slave. Includes four episodes originally deleted from the first edition, an introduction by Twain biographer Justin Kaplan, and an addendum of explanatory and interpretive notes. Strong language. 1996. Anything Considered RC 43770 by Peter Mayle read by George Holmes 2 cassettes English expatriate Bennett tenders his services to a business magnate with a secret formula for cultivating truffles in a scheme to dominate the world market. When gangsters steal the formula, Bennett snatches it back and enjoys a sybaritic holiday while being pursued across the south of France. Bestseller 1996. Apprentice to the Sea: A Tom Chatto Adventure RC 41979 by Philip McCutchan read by John Lescault 2 cassettes McCutchan begins a series with this account of Tom Chatto, almost seventeen and fresh from West Ireland, who signs on as an apprentice aboard the Pass of Drumochter. On his first trip to sea, Tom must deal with an aging but fair captain, a brutal first mate, and a stowaway who proves to be a murderer. He also quickly learns the value of what is termed "jodurecom"-job, duty, responsibility, and command. 1994. Gump and Co. RC 44596 by Winston Groom read by Jamie Horton 2 cassettes In this sequel to Forrest Gump (RC 38876), Forrest has lost his "srimp bidness" and must find a new way to support Forrest Junior, now that his beloved Jenny is dead. This leads to involvement in creating the new Coke, Oliver North's trial, Bill Clinton's real estate deals, bringing down the Berlin Wall, and much more. Strong language and some violence. 1995. The Island of the Day Before RC 43382 by Umberto Eco read by Peter Gil 3 cassettes Roberto della Griva, a shipwrecked spy in the South Pacific in 1643, rescues himself by climbing aboard an abandoned though well-stocked ship. He eventually discovers a companion on board, Father Caspar, who understands advanced concepts in time and distance-the very ideas Roberto was hired to steal. Together they conduct experiments and attempt to reach land. 1995. The Legend of Tarik RC 44203 by Walter Dean Myers read by Gary Tipton 1 cassette As a young boy, Tarik first saw his mother and a brother killed and then a few days later watched as his father and other brother were slaughtered by an evil warrior known as El Muerte. Tarik vows revenge but knows he will need help. First he must seek a magic sword, a priceless crystal, and a black horse. Some violence. For junior and senior high readers. 1981. The Riddle of the Sands: A Record of Secret Service RC 45072 by Erskine Childers read by Jim Zeiger 3 cassettes Bestseller, first published in 1903, combines adventure at sea with intrigue. The Baltic vacation of two friends aboard the yacht Dulcibella is disrupted by the discovery of a German plan to invade their British homeland. Carefully details the men's achievements in seamanship and espionage. 1903. Rising from the Ruins RC 43277 by Daniel Peters read by Gary Tipton 3 cassettes Harper Yates, a Vietnam War "draft dodger," struggles as a novelist, while his wife launches a late academic career. When he finds himself stealing lawn ornaments, Yates realizes he needs a change and accepts an invitation to help out at a Guatemalan archaeological dig. Strong language and descriptions of sex. 1995. Walkabout RC 41555 by James Vance Marshall read by Susan McInerney 1 cassette (Reissue) An Aboriginal boy, who is on his ritual walkabout in Australia's remote Northern Territory, encounters a brother and sister from South Carolina who have just survived a plane crash. Although the Aborigine is supposed to complete his walkabout alone, he realizes he must save the children. But when the girl looks at him in fear, he thinks she has seen the spirit of death and that he will soon die. For junior and senior high readers. 1959. Animals Final Refuge: A Novel of Eco-Terrorism RC 43082 by James L. Haley read by Gary Tipton 2 cassettes Eric Jackson's love and life's work, his Houston wildlife preserve, has cost him his marriage, and now two beloved black rhinos have been killed by poachers. Learning that the thieves plan to raid his refuge for more rare-animal loot, Eric confronts the armed poachers and defends his animals. Some strong language. 1994. Raptor Red RC 42714 by Robert T. Bakker read by Celeste Lawson 2 cassettes Widowed, somewhat slim Utahraptor in search of large, tick-free velociraptor mate-for-life; must be family oriented, have good genes, enjoy hunting and gorging, and not be thin-skinned. The author of this "romance" novel, a world-renowned paleontologist, works information about these smart and deadly dino- saurs into an amusing tale of a year in the life of a female, Raptor Red. Violence, strong language, and some descriptions of sex. 1995. Tales from Watership Down RC 43864 by Richard Adams read by John Horton 2 cassettes Twenty-four years after writing Watership Down (RC 35730), Adams now offers nineteen short stories about the lives of the rabbits since they defeated General Woundwort. Many of the stories focus on the hero El-ahriarah, and all deal with the theme of the human enemy versus the animal. 1996. Classics Adventures of Huckleberry Finn RC 43591 by Mark Twain read by John Polk 3 cassettes A comprehensive edition of Twain's 1885 tale about a boy who runs away from home and floats down the Mississippi on a raft with an escaping slave. Includes four episodes originally deleted from the first edition, an introduction by Twain biographer Justin Kaplan, and an addendum of explanatory and interpretive notes. Strong language. 1996. Bleak House RC 43614 by Charles Dickens read by George Holmes 7 cassettes (Reissue) Nineteenth-century satire of the English judicial system and aristocratic class of Dickens's time. Follows the fortunes of young Esther Summerson and her mother, Lady Dedlock, as the disposition of the Jarndyce estate drags on year after year. 1980. The Caves of Steel RC 44325 by Isaac Asimov read by Ken Kliban 2 cassettes (Reissue) A thousand years in the future, Earth's teeming billions are crowded into huge enclosed cities. New York City detective Elijah Baley is forced to team up with an android to solve the murder of a prominent spacer from the outer worlds. Failure will jeopardize any hope of Earth's overcrowded population reaching out to the stars. 1954. The Complete Short Stories of Mark Twain RC 44119 by Mark Twain read by L.J. Ganser 6 cassettes (Reissue) Sixty stories filled with folklore and wit that span Twain's entire writing career and are arranged chronologically by publishing date from 1865 through 1916. Some entries, like "The Trials of Simon Erikson" and four other stories from Roughing It (RC 12437), are fictional yarns extracted from nonfiction works. Includes an introduction by editor Charles Neider. 1957. The Friendly Persuasion RC 39935 by Jessamyn West read by Janet Daley 2 cassettes (Reissue) Jess Birdwell is an Irish nurseryman who is homesteading in Indiana with his wife, Eliza, a Quaker minister, at the time of the Civil War. Jess is also a music lover who enjoys fast horses-worldly desires for a Quaker. With a sense of sharing and humor, the Birdwell family negotiates the arrival of a new organ and the threat of Confederate soldiers. 1940. The Informer RC 43629 by Liam O'Flaherty read by Graeme Malcolm 2 cassettes A melodrama set in Dublin in the 1920s just after the Irish rebellion. Francis McPhillip, who has killed a man and been in hiding for six months, has returned to Dublin to see his family. He is betrayed to the police by Gypo Nolan, and when surrounded, Francis shoots himself. Hunted by members of the revoluntionary organization, Gypo finds Mrs. McPhillip, Francis's mother, in church, and begs her forgiveness. 1925. Little Dorrit RC 42796 by Charles Dickens read by Vanessa Maroney 7 cassettes (Reissue) Classic nineteenth-century novel portrays a changing society and prison life. William Dorrit, who owes money, lives in debtor prison at Marshalsea with his children Edward, Fanny, and Amy-known as Little Dorrit. Amy falls in love with and marries her middle-aged benefactor. 1857. Pudd'nhead Wilson and Those Extraordinary Twins RC 41298 by Mark Twain read by Chuck Young 2 cassettes (Reissue) Two novels by the American humorist. In Pudd'nhead Wilson Twain provides a complex, ironic, and morally disturbing account of human nature under slavery as a brilliant and inventive nineteenth-century lawyer attempts to prove his case by using the newfangled science of fingerprinting. Those Extraordinary Twins is about Siamese twins who share many amusing problems. 1894. So Big RC 44189 by Edna Ferber read by Jill Ferris 2 cassettes (Reissue) A farm woman's indomitable spirit and quick response to beauty are unquenched by years of hardship-all for the sake of her son. Pulitzer Prize. Originally published in 1924. 1995. The Stranger RC 40902 by Albert Camus read by Phil Regensdorf 1 cassette An existential novel originally published in 1942, set in Algiers, about a man who resists any commitment, rendering his life meaningless. He does not react to his mother's death nor to a killing he commits, and he becomes a placid prisoner convicted of murder. His own impending death, however, leads him to some realizations. 1988. Uncle Silas: A Tale of Bartram-Haugh RC 44497 by J.S. Le Fanu read by Barbara Caruso 4 cassettes (Reissue) Maud Ruthyn, the heroine of this classic Victorian novel, recalls her fear of death, her moody father, the grotesque Madame de la Rougierre, and the suspicions surrounding her Uncle Silas. New introduction by Frederick Shroyer. 1966. Waverley; or, 'Tis Sixty Years Since RC 44321 by Sir Walter Scott read by George Holmes 5 cassettes This historical novel, the first in English and the first fiction work by this author, tells of Edward Waverley, a romantic captain in the royal army, who resigns his commission and proposes marriage to an ardent supporter of the Stuart cause. Rejected, he enters the service of Prince Charles Edward and becomes a rebel. 1814. Contemporary Fiction Animal Acts RC 43378 by Rhoda Lerman read by Nanette Savard 2 cassettes Suburban housewife Linda Morris sneaks away from her rich, kind husband and her dangerous lover to visit her husband's Rent-A-Pet gorilla, Moses, at Coney Island. When Moses kills his keeper in self-defense, Linda sets off with the fugitive ape to Florida and freedom. En route they forge a rare bond. Strong language. 1994. Art and Lies: A Piece for Three Voices and a Bawd RC 43202 by Jeanette Winterson read by Lisette Lecat 2 cassettes A story of three people aboard a high-speed train out of London in the year 2000. Handel, a surgeon and priest; Picasso, a young woman artist; and Sappho, a lesbian poet, are all fleeing lives of suppression in a brutal world of technology. Strong language and some descriptions of sex. 1994. Baby Be-Bop RC 43313 by Francesca Lia Block read by Jennifer Mendenhall 1 cassette In this companion to Weetzie Bat (RC 37026), sixteen-year-old Dirk McDonald comes to terms with being gay. He is consumed with self-loathing because of his unrequited love for his best friend. While recuperating from a savage beating, Dirk is comforted by surreal visitations from his deceased parents. Some strong language. For senior high and older readers. 1995. Breath, Eyes, Memory RC 46001 by Edwidge Danticat read by Anne Hancock 1 cassette Until age twelve, Sophie is raised by her aunt in Haiti. Her mother then sends for her to come to New York and explains that Sophie is the product of rape. When a grown Sophie is befriended by an older musician, her mother tests her virginity. Sophie rebels by violently deflowering herself, an act that later causes her to seek sexual phobia therapy. She marries the musician and tries to come to terms with her past as her mother does the same. Some violence. 1994. The Constellations RC 43488 by James Finney Boylan read by Barbara Pinolini 2 cassettes Fifteen-year-old Phoebe runs away in search of her mother, leaving the adults at home to their lustful frenzy. Her offbeat adventures include a trip to a tattoo parlor and discovery of a latex brain. After three months, she rejoins her zany and dysfunctional family. Strong language and descriptions of sex. Sequel to The Planets (RC 34507). 1994. Go Ask Alice RC 44179 by Anonymous read by Martha Harmon Pardee 1 cassette (Reissue) Based on the diary of a fifteen-year-old girl who turned to drugs because of her feelings of loneliness and rebellion against the world. Though she tries to stop, she dies of an overdose three weeks after her seventeenth birthday. Strong language. For junior and senior high readers. 1971. Jazz RC 44374 by Toni Morrison read by Camille McCurty Ali 2 cassettes Joe, a middle-aged salesman, kills his teenaged mistress. His wife goes berserk at the funeral and attempts to mutilate the corpse. Against the steady pulse of Harlem in the 1920s, the storyteller improvises on the passionate and tragic themes of these three characters. Past and present voices, like jazz, share the spotlight and fade out. Some strong language. Bestseller 1992. John's Wife RC 43792 by Robert Coover read by Fred Major 4 cassettes John is a wealthy and prominent builder in middle America, and his wife is the "coveted object, elusive mystery, beloved ideal, hated rival, princess, saint, or social asset" of almost everyone in town. The story views John's wife through the eyes of the characters who are obsessed with her. Strong language and descriptions of sex. 1996. Lying Together RC 44505 by D.M. Thomas read by John Horton 2 cassettes Conclusion of the Russian Nights quintet of novels in which the central theme is improvisation. In this volume, the author himself assumes the character of a writer who meets old friends at a conference. Their reminiscences form sequential patterns that play out like jazz, creating tension and resolution with eternal motifs like truth and lies or life and death. Sequel to Summit (RC 44517). Strong language and descriptions of sex. 1990. Sphinx RC 44511 by D.M. Thomas read by John Horton 2 cassettes Set in various cold-war capitals during the twentieth century, this novel encompasses verse, drama, and prose. Themes are both fantastic and realistic, portraying espionage, love and betrayal, and truth and lies, symbolizing the state of the Soviet regime. Third in the Russian Nights quintet, following Ararat (RC 19387) and Swallow (RC 38668). Strong language. 1986. The Woman and the Ape RC 44318 by Peter Hoeg read by Barbara Caruso 2 cassettes Scientists from the London zoo capture a highly intelligent ape, whom they name Erasmus. Fearing that the captive primate is headed for abusive experimentation, Madelene, a scientist's wife, absconds with Erasmus to an idyllic reserve, where they share their lives and passions. Strong language, violence, and descriptions of sex. 1996. The Zoo Where You're Fed to God RC 39974 by Michael Ventura read by June Carter 2 cassettes James Abbey, a fifty-year-old surgeon, has spent his life fighting his fears. His marriage crumbles, then his defenses. At the zoo, he hears voices and develops obsessions with the animals and with a young woman he meets. Realizing that his estranged adolescent son is fighting his own fears and obsessions, Abbey finally learns from the animals how to be more human. Some strong language. 1994. Family All That Glitters RC 43328 by V.C. Andrews read by Mary Woods 2 cassettes In the sequel to Pearl in the Mist (RC 39864), Ruby is living in her late grandmother's bayou shack with her baby, Pearl. Wealthy Paul Tate wants to marry Ruby even though they now know they are half-siblings. She agrees to a celibate marriage for Pearl's sake, but cannot forget her love for Pearl's father, Beau. Meanwhile, Ruby's twin, Gisselle, continues to be a thorn in her side. Some strong language and some explicit descriptions of sex. 1995. Behind the Scenes at the Museum RC 42712 by Kate Atkinson read by Jennifer Mendenhall 3 cassettes "I exist!" Beginning with her conception above a Yorkshire pet shop in 1951, Ruby Lennox intermingles accounts of her adventures and misadventures with the history of four generations of her female ancestors. 1995 Whitbread Prize. 1995. The Book of Mercy RC 44065 by Kathleen Cambor read by Ann Hodapp 2 cassettes Retired fireman Edmund Mueller's lonely life is haunted by melancholy memories of his runaway wife and estranged children. Mueller practices alchemy, hoping to restore his lost past. His psychiatrist daughter uncovers the secret of her father's obsession and realizes that her own life is also a futile quest for happiness. Strong language and descriptions of sex. 1996. A Charmed Circle RC 43392 by Anna Kavan read by Corrie James 2 cassettes The story of a dysfunctional family in an English manufacturing town in the 1920s. Two daughters run away from their oppressive home to establish independent lives. But, over time, neither woman proves able to dissociate herself from the home she left, and both are drawn back into the family circle. 1929. Clear Light of Day RC 43122 by Anita Desai read by Annie Wauters 2 cassettes An Indian girl describes middle-class life in Old Delhi in 1947, at the time of partition and independence. Focuses on the Das family, made up of a diabetic mother, a mostly absent father, a widowed aunt, and various children. 1980. Commonwealth Avenue RC 43523 by Linda Nevins read by Nanette Savard 3 cassettes After a decade away, Hollywood insider Zoe Hillyard is called home to Boston for her grandmother's funeral. At risk to her career, she extends her visit in the family mansion and discovers her great-grandmother's long-hidden diary. The diary provides her with a means to rescue her dysfunctional family and to achieve her own happiness. 1996. The Crazy Hunter RC 44453 by Kay Boyle read by Laura Giannarelli 1 cassette Mrs. Lombe has long resented her husband, considering him a failure, particularly after he pays too much for their daughter's horse. When the horse becomes blind, Mrs. Lombe wants him destroyed, but father and daughter unite to oppose her. 1940. Crooked Little Heart RC 44316 by Anne Lamott read by Suzanne Toren 3 cassettes In this sequel to Rosie (RC 20356), young tennis star Rosie Ferguson is beset by the anxieties of early adolescence and the unwanted attentions of a menacing, middle-aged, court-side spectator. When tragedy strikes close to her family, Rosie rises to confront her fears. Strong language and descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1997. Le Divorce RC 44152 by Diane Johnson read by Martha Harmon Pardee 2 cassettes Isabel Walker is in Paris to help her pregnant stepsister, Roxy, whose French husband has left her for another woman. The two sisters, their family, and Roxy's in-laws attempt to work things out, hampered by vast differences in attitudes. The ownership of a valuable painting that Roxy gave to her husband as a wedding present further complicates matters. Some strong language. Bestseller 1997. Dreams of the Centaur RC 43565 by Montserrat Fontes read by Carole Jordan Stewart 3 cassettes In this prequel to First Confession (RC 34291), José Durcal is killed and his eldest son, Alejo, avenges the death with terrible results that take him to prison, war, and a brush with the slave trade. His special bond with his mother, Felipa, prevails throughout, even as Alejo risks personal danger to avert a massacre of the Yaqui Indians. Strong language and violence. 1996. Emma Watson: The Watsons Completed RC 44694 by Joan Aiken read by Anne Flosnik 2 cassettes Aiken continues The Watsons, begun by Jane Austen in 1804. After living with an aunt for fourteen years, Emma, the youngest of a large family, returns home to face a spinsterhood of genteel poverty with her favorite sister, Elizabeth. It falls to them to deal with the foibles and misadventures of their siblings, assorted relatives, and eccentric neighbors. 1996. Family Album RC 44233 by Danielle Steel read by Mitzi Friedlander 3 cassettes A melodrama of the enduring love between talented movie star-director Fay Price and the playboy shipping heir Ward Thayer and the growing pains of their five children. Includes the grit and glitter of Hollywood life from the war years of the 1940s to the 1980s. Strong language and some explicit descriptions of sex. 1985. The Flaming Corsage RC 43596 by William Kennedy read by J.P. Linton 2 cassettes This sequel to Very Old Bones (RC 35384) opens in 1908 with a murder-suicide by a husband who finds his wife in a hotel room under compromising circumstances. The story goes on to limn the complex romance and doomed marriage between an Irish Catholic writer and a high-born Protestant woman. Descriptions of sex. 1996. Flesh and Blood RC 43094 by Michael Cunningham read by Barry Bernson 3 cassettes The saga of the Stassos clan, from poverty in Greece to wealth, dysfunction, and tragedy in America. In the family's nouveau-riche home on Long Island, the crude patriarch Constantine presides over his refined wife, two daughters, and gay son. As the years pass, all must confront their personal demons. Strong language and explicit descriptions of sex. 1995. The Friendly Persuasion RC 39935 by Jessamyn West read by Janet Daley 2 cassettes (Reissue) Jess Birdwell is an Irish nurseryman who is homesteading in Indiana with his wife, Eliza, a Quaker minister, at the time of the Civil War. Jess is also a music lover who enjoys fast horses-worldly desires for a Quaker. With a sense of sharing and humor, the Birdwell family negotiates the arrival of a new organ and the threat of Confederate soldiers. 1940. Heart Song RC 44797 by V.C. Andrews read by Martha Harmon Pardee 3 cassettes Following the death of her husband, Haille Logan leaves her daughter, Melody, with the Logan family on Cape Cod and is later killed in an accident. A stranger to her stepfather's family, Melody wants to learn the identity of her real father. But before she can unlock the secret, she sees a picture of a model who resembles her mother. Sequel to Melody (RC 43437). Bestseller 1997. Hidden Jewel RC 43329 by V.C. Andrews read by Mary Woods 2 cassettes In this sequel to All That Glitters (RC 43328), Ruby and Beau's daughter, Pearl, graduates from high school and plans to become a doctor. But before the summer is over, one of Pearl's brothers dies and his twin becomes catatonic. To set things straight, Ruby turns to Cajun voodoo and disappears into the bayou. Beau is too distraught to go after Ruby, so Pearl goes. Some strong language and some descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1995. Homecoming RC 45255 by Belva Plain read by Terry Hayes Sales 1 cassette Annette Byrne, eighty-five, has had enough of the estrangement between her two sons and among other family members. She summons them all to her home on a wintry December day. Tensions are high, and harsh words begin to flow. Then a near tragedy puts a different light on the day for each of those present. Bestseller 1997. In the Deep Midwinter RC 45097 by Robert Clark read by Jim Zeiger 2 cassettes When his brother is killed in a hunting accident, lawyer Richard MacEwan arrives to identify the body and handle affairs. Among his brother's personal effects, he finds a letter suggesting his own wife's infidelity. Further revelations force the family to confront and reconcile other past wrongs. Descriptions of sex. 1997. Justice RC 42536 by Larry Watson read by Michael Kramer 2 cassettes Prequel to Montana 1948 (RC 37940). A series of episodes dating from 1899 about the Hayden family. Tells how patriarch Julian Hayden settled in Montana; recounts sons Wesley and Frank's youthful adventure outside sheriff Julian's jurisdiction; and portrays Wesley's wife's misgivings about her husband. Strong language. 1995. Like Mother, Like Daughter RC 44466 by Marcia Rose read by Annie Wauters 4 cassettes Portrays four generations of twentieth-century women striving to maintain independence but finding motherhood a struggle. Leah, the matriarch, is a journalist championing women's rights, Jo becomes a World War II photographer, Sarah is a singer and songwriter, and Annie is a comedienne. Strong language. 1994. The Marks of Birth RC 43215 by Pablo Medina read by Ilona Dulaski 2 cassettes Felicia Turner is the matriarch of her Caribbean family. Her son, Fernando García-Turner, and his wife, Rosa, are forced to flee to America with Felicia's beloved grandson, Antón, who bears the family's hereditary birthmark. Antón and his family face hardship adapting to American society while living in exile. Some descriptions of sex. 1994. Mason's Retreat RC 43854 by Christopher Tilghman read by Christopher Hurt 2 cassettes Faced with declining fortunes in England, Edward Mason moves his family to Maryland's Eastern Shore in 1936. As war threatens and Edward returns to England on business, family conflicts and betrayals lead to tragedy and loss of birthright. Strong language and descriptions of sex. 1996. Mazel RC 43628 by Rebecca Goldstein read by Suzanne Toren 2 cassettes Seventyish Sasha Saunders believes in mazel-luck in Yiddish. In fact it is mazel that has gotten Sasha to this place in life-Lipton, New Jersey, where a granddaughter has recently married and is expecting her first child. And as they await the birth, Sasha looks back over her life as an actress in Poland between the world wars, and the luck that has brought her to this time. National Jewish Book Award. 1995. Melody RC 43437 by V.C. Andrews read by Martha Harmon Pardee 2 cassettes Melody Logan loses her beloved father in a coal mining accident. When her mother leaves her with the Logan family on Cape Cod, Melody tries to adjust to her hard, new life. She finds a faithful ally in her cousin, Cary, who reveals the family's tragic past. Bestseller 1996. Power of a Woman RC 44840 by Barbara Taylor Bradford read by Mitzi Friedlander 2 cassettes Stephanie "Stevie" Jardine runs the American branch of Jardine's, the prestigious Crown jewellers of London. Widowed at the age of twenty-three, she raised three sons and a daughter while running a first-class company. Now as she approaches fifty, she fears one son is trying to force her out of the company. She also worries about her daughter, who demands to know her real father. Some strong language. Bestseller 1997. Seedtime and Harvest RC 43010 by Mary E. Pearce read by Patricia Kilgarriff 2 cassettes Sequel to The Land Endures (RD 17912), set in England in the decades just prior to and during World War II. Charlie Truscott, thirty-five, has become a mechanic, repairing cars and farm equipment in Herrick Cross. Linn Mercybright, her father, and her illegitimate son have also settled down in Herrick Cross after several moves. Charlie and Linn soon marry, but their hopeful plans are destroyed by Linn's ambition. 1982. Shards of Memory RC 42946 by Ruth Prawer Jhabvala read by Barbara Pinolini 2 cassettes A twentieth-century saga covering four generations of a New York City family with ties to London and India. The first narrator is the genial grandmother called Baby, who tells of her mother's marriage with an Indian poet and the international religious movement they founded. 1995. Show Me No Mercy: A Compelling Story of Remarkable Courage RC 39982 by Robert Perske read by Phil Regensdorf 1 cassette Andy and Maggie Banks and their teenage twins, Ben and Beth, are a close-knit family. When a car accident leaves Maggie and Beth dead and Andy paralyzed, an aunt decides that Ben, who has Down's syndrome, must be institutionalized. But feisty Ben is helping Andy recover, and he doesn't mind upsetting expectations at the institute. For junior and senior high readers. 1984. Somebody Else's Mama RC 43734 by David Haynes read by Camille McCurty Ali 3 cassettes Al and Paula Johnson live with their twin sons in an African American town in northern Missouri. Paula cares not only for her sons, but also for her feisty and cantankerous mother-in-law, Miss Kezee, whom Paula invited to stay after Ms. Kezee became a widow. Paula struggles to unify her household while Al runs for mayor. Some strong language. 1995. Unfinished Symphony RC 45275 by V.C. Andrews read by Martha Harmon Pardee 2 cassettes In this sequel to Heart Song (RC 44794), Melody Logan longs to discover the identity of her real father. Following a clue, she travels to Los Angeles and learns that her mother also is still alive. When Melody returns to her grandmother's house on Cape Cod, more family secrets are unearthed. Bestseller 1997. Vegas Heat RC 44138 by Fern Michaels read by Martha Harmon Pardee 3 cassettes The story of the Thornton family continues in 1980 as Fanny Thornton, divorced from Ash, marries his twin, Simon. But Fanny's life remains in turmoil, as her marriage to Simon estranges her from the rest of her family. She also finds herself struggling to save Babylon when Ash becomes fatally ill. Sequel to Vegas Rich (RC 44137). Some strong language and some descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1997. Vegas Rich RC 44137 by Fern Michaels read by Martha Harmon Pardee 4 cassettes In this spinoff from Michaels's Texas trilogy, Sallie Coleman comes to Las Vegas and, because she is kind to an old man, suddenly finds herself very rich. The story continues with accounts of Sallie's grandchildren. Prequel to Vegas Heat (RC 44138). Some strong language and some explicit descriptions of sex. 1996. The Virgin in the Garden RC 42967 by A.S. Byatt read by Corrie James 4 cassettes A coming-of-age story set in 1953 England. Alternating chapters follow the lives of three Potter children: Stephanie, an atheist, marries the local curate; Frederica, an actress, falls in love with a playwright; and Marcus, who dabbles with psychic phenomena, goes mad. Strong language and descriptions of sex. 1978. What Is Told RC 43605 by Askold Melnyczuk read by Ken Kliban 1 cassette Ukrainian professor Zenon Zabobon weds a peasant girl, Natalka, on the day Archduke Ferdinand is shot in Sarajevo. The family survives the upheavals of two world wars, then migrates to New Jersey in 1950 only to face "the subtle sabotages of peacetime suburbia." Strong language and descriptions of sex. 1994. Where the Wild Rose Blooms: Rocky Mountain Memories, Book 1 RC 44430 by Lori Wick read by Michele Schaeffer 2 cassettes Morgan Fontaine, his wife, and his five daughters move to Colorado to go into business with his brother. They quickly settle into the community and the eldest daughter marries. But her sister Jackie finds herself at odds with young Clayton Taggart. Resolving their differences, they eventually plan to marry until an accident intervenes. Prequel to Whispers of Moonlight (RC 44429). 1996. Whispers of Moonlight: Rocky Mountain Memories, Book 2 RC 44429 by Lori Wick read by Michele Schaeffer 2 cassettes In this sequel to Where the Wild Rose Blooms (RC 44430), Jackie Fontaine's marriage to Clayton Taggart brings them into contact with Travis Buchanan, a good friend of Jackie's brother-in-law, Robert Langley. Travis is a very troubled man who married his boss's daughter, only to have her disappear a week after the wedding. 1996. Young Art and Old Hector RC 44406 by Neil Gunn read by Vanessa Maroney 2 cassettes Eight-year-old Art Macrae is beset by the travails of family life in turn-of-the-century Scotland. As he copes with his overbearing siblings and a school bully, the birth of a brother displaces Art as the family's youngest. Elderly Hector, the village sage, helps Art navigate the shoals of youth. For junior and senior high readers. 1976. Fantasy Belgarath the Sorcerer RC 43837 by David and Leigh Eddings read by Roy Avers 5 cassettes In this prequel to the Belgariad and the Malloreon series, Belgarath the Sorcerer is encouraged by his grandson, Garion, to explain how the evil god Torak split the world apart, and how Aldur set it right again with Belgarath's help. 1994. The Bishop's Heir: The Histories of King Kelson, Volume 1 RC 44521 by Katherine Kurtz read by Gary Tipton 3 cassettes There has been some peace between the Church and the Deryni in the kingdom of Gwynedd, but they are once again at war. There is also the threat of a revolution. Some factions want to become independent kingdoms. And Bishop Loris, with the support of other prelates, plans to do away with King Kelson and all the Deryni. Prequel to The King's Justice (RC 44522). Some violence. 1984. Blood of the Fold: The Sword of Truth, Book 3 RC 41104 by Terry Goodkind read by Nick Sullivan 4 cassettes A group of fanatical zealots called Blood of the Fold joins forces with the evil emperor Jagang. War wizard Richard Cypher and his lover, mother confessor Kahlan Amnell, must combine their magical powers to fend off the impending Armageddon. Sequel to Stone of Tears (RC 41792). Strong language, violence, and descriptions of sex. 1996. Camber of Culdi: The Legends of Camber of Culdi, Volume 1 RC 44586 by Katherine Kurtz read by Erik Sandvold 2 cassettes Lord Camber MacRorie, seventh earl of Culdi, wants only to retire to his family estate and return to his monastic studies. But Gwynedd is currently ruled by Imre and his sister Ariella, and Lord Camber knows the kingdom will never be safe until a Haldane monarch is returned to the throne. Prequel to Saint Camber (RC 44587). Some violence. 1976. Camber the Heretic: The Legends of Camber of Culdi, Volume 3 RC 44588 by Katherine Kurtz read by Erik Sandvold 4 cassettes Twelve years ago, in order to help King Cinhil maintain peace between humans and the Deryni, Camber "died" and then took on the form of Bishop Allister Cullen. Now, however, King Cinhil is dying and his weak son will be no match for those whose hatred of the Deryni will bring an end to the current peace. Sequel to Saint Camber (RC 44587). Some violence. 1981. The Cursed RC 44567 by Dave Duncan read by Madelyn Buzzard 4 cassettes The few who survive "star sickness" possess magical powers that are both helpful and destructive, but the law requires these "cursed" individuals to be banished from the empire. Innkeeper Gwin Solith, whose husband and children fell to the dreaded disease, faces a dramatic change when she illegally shelters a young stranger. Some strong language and some descriptions of sex. 1995. Daggerspell RC 44481 by Katharine Kerr read by Fred Major 3 cassettes Tale derived from Celtic mythology. With the birth of a girl named Jill, the sorceror Nevyn has the chance to right a wrong he committed more than four hundred years ago when he caused the death of two young lovers. Prequel to Darkspell (RC 44482). Violence, strong language, and some descriptions of sex. 1993. Darkspell RC 44482 by Katharine Kerr read by Fred Major 3 cassettes In this sequel to Daggerspell (RC 44481), Lord Rhodry and Jill move closer to danger as they attempt to recover the Great Stone. And the sorcerer Nevyn can only watch and hope for the best, since he has vowed not to interfere in their lives. Violence, strong language, and some descriptions of sex. 1994. Dinotopia Lost RC 43486 by Alan Dean Foster read by Gregory Gorton 3 cassettes A utopian tale of Dinotopia, an island where humans and dinosaurs live in harmony. When a pirate ship reaches its shores and the marauding crew captures a dinosaur family, young pilot Will Denison leads the rescuers into the perilous Rainy Basin for a tense and fateful confrontation. 1996. Drums of Autumn RC 43320 by Diana Gabaldon read by Barbara Caruso 8 cassettes In this sequel to Voyager (RC 38591), time travelers Claire and Jamie Fraser find themselves in South Carolina in 1767. Realizing that the clouds of revolution are forming, they join a remote community of Scottish immigrants and confront the perils of the wilderness. Strong language, violence, and descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1997. The Fire Duke: Keepers of the Hidden Ways, Book One RC 43668 by Joel Rosenberg read by Fred Major 2 cassettes Torrie Thorsen takes friends Maggie and Ian home to North Dakota for college spring break. Suddenly werewolves attack the town and carry Torrie's mother and Maggie underground to Tir Na Nog, realm of the Fire Duke. Torrie and his father follow to rescue them from the secret city. Some strong language. 1995. First King of Shannara RC 43233 by Terry Brooks read by James DeLotel 4 cassettes In this prequel to The Sword of Shannara (RC 11046), Bremen the Druid, who has been expelled from Paranor for studying the magical sciences, learns of an advancing army of trolls led by Brona, the Warlock Lord. Bremen now struggles to unite the peoples of the Four Lands and to find a new weapon that will foil Brona's evil plans. 1996. Five Hundred Years After RC 43533 by Steven Brust read by Erik Sandvold 4 cassettes Phoenix guard Khaavren and his swashbuckling companions Aerich, Tazendra, and Pel again come to the aid of the aging Emperor Tortaalik. They face Dragonlord Adron, who schemes to claim the throne of Dragaera for himself. But Adron's beautiful and ambitious daughter Aliera has plans of her own. Sequel to The Phoenix Guards (RC 43532). 1994. Geis of the Gargoyle RC 43783 by Piers Anthony read by Bruce Huntey 2 cassettes In this fantasy saga, Gary Gar must find a spell powerful enough to preserve the purity of the Swan Knee River, which flows into Xanth. The Good Magician Humfrey dispatches Gary to tutor an unruly girl whose magic can locate the fabled philtre and restore the river to a pristine state. For junior and senior high readers. 1995. Gold Unicorn RC 40922 by Tanith Lee read by June Carter 1 cassette Sixteen-year-old Tanaquil is taken captive by the conquering army of Empress Veriam, who turns out to be her half sister, Lizra. Lizra has constructed a huge, mechanical, gold-plated unicorn as a symbol of her power, but only Tanaquil's talents can make it work. And Tanaquil finds the unicorn is much more than a machine of war. Sequel to Black Unicorn (RC 37074). For junior and senior high and older readers. 1994. The Golden Compass: His Dark Materials, Book 1 RC 44343 by Philip Pullman read by Suzanne Toren 3 cassettes A tale set in Victorian England on an alternate Earth. Young Lyra Belacqua and her daemon enjoy an idyllic life among the scholars at Jordan College. Then her friend Roger and other children are abducted by the Gobblers. Venturing north in pursuit, Lyra encounters an alien and sinister world. Violence. For junior and senior high readers. 1995. The Green Isle of the Great Deep RC 43482 by Neil Gunn read by Vanessa Maroney 2 cassettes In this sequel to Young Art and Old Hector (RC 44406), the old man and the little boy accidentally fall into a pond and discover the Green Isle deep beneath the water. In this secret world, a seemingly perfect and orderly society is achieved. However, it is at the expense of human individuality and spiritual freedom. 1975. Her Majesty's Wizard RC 44132 by Christopher Stasheff read by Erik Sandvold 3 cassettes When postgraduate student Matthew Mantrell deciphers the runes on an ancient parchment that he finds in the university library, he is transported to a medieval-like world where reciting verses can work magic. Matt is good at reciting verses, so he takes on the job of wizard and attempts to rescue a princess from an evil sorcerer. 1986. King and Emperor: The Hammer and the Cross, Book 3 RC 44574 by Harry Harrison and John Holm read by Bruce Huntey 3 cassettes Sequel to One King's Way (RC 41357), set during an alternate Dark Ages. The warrior Shef has become king of the North and faces confrontation with the Holy Roman Empire. When his invading fleet is threatened by the dreaded Greek fire, he seeks to regain the advantage through technological innovation. Violence. 1996. The Last Unicorn RC 40903 by Peter S. Beagle read by Mimi Bederman 2 cassettes (Reissue) A beautiful white unicorn worries that she is the last of her species, and so sets out in search of any surviving relatives. Accompanied by a second-rate magician and a sad, thin woman, the unicorn has fairy-tale adventures and finds her family enslaved by a wicked king. 1968. The Lions of Al-Rassan RC 43861 by Guy Gavriel Kay read by Ed Blake 4 cassettes In a tale evocative of medieval Spain, two exiled military leaders of rival religious kingdoms become allies and friends. A woman doctor falls in love with both men. When political events pit the two warriors against each other, love and loyalty is tested in a climactic holy war. Violence and descriptions of sex. 1995. The Oathbound Wizard RC 44133 by Christopher Stasheff read by Erik Sandvold 3 cassettes Although she loves him, Queen Alisande refuses to marry lord wizard Matt Mantrell because he is not a king. In a moment of anger, Matt vows to win a kingdom by overthrowing a neighboring tyrant. Bound by his oath, Matt gathers together his magic and minions in an attempt to conquer the vile sorcerer-king, Gordogrosso. Sequel to Her Majesty's Wizard (RC 44132). 1993. Out of This World: Three Worlds Trilogy, Book 1 RC 44629 by Lawrence Watt-Evans read by Chuck Benson 2 cassettes Inhabitants from two alternate universes travel to Earth to enlist help against the evil Shadow, who threatens to conquer both of their worlds. When Amy and Pel go to investigate the story, they find themselves pursued by Shadow and stranded in the Galactic Empire. Some strong language and some descriptions of sex. 1993. The Phoenix Guards RC 43532 by Steven Brust read by Erik Sandvold 3 cassettes In this prequel to Five Hundred Years After (RC 43533), four young warriors set out to join the emperor's elite guards. The quartet become enmeshed in sorcery, intrigue, and a plot to overthrow the monarch. Their fast wits, adroit swordplay, and blind luck see them through. Violence. 1991. Rise of a Merchant Prince: Serpentwar Saga, Volume 2 RC 44241 by Raymond E. Feist read by Roy Avers 3 cassettes Erik von Darkmoor and Rupert Avery have warned the rulers of the Sauur's drive to enslave the entire population of Midkemia, and they are free to pursue their own interests. Erik remains in the army while Rupert strives to become a wealthy merchant. Sequel to Shadow of a Dark Queen (RC 41872). Some strong language and some descriptions of sex. 1995. Sabriel RC 44682 by Garth Nix read by Martha Harmon Pardee 2 cassettes Sabriel was sent to school outside the Old Kingdom for her safety. Now in her last year of study, she receives her father's necromancy tools, indicating that he is dead. Determined to find his body, Sabriel reenters the Old Kingdom and confronts the evil forces of life and death. Some violence. For junior and senior high readers. 1995. Saint Camber: The Legends of Camber of Culdi, Volume 2 RC 44587 by Katherine Kurtz read by Erik Sandvold 3 cassettes Although Camber has seen to the overthrow of Imre and the return of a Haldane king, Cinhil, to the throne of Gwynedd, he still cannot rest. Imre's sister Ariella is plotting to overthrow Cinhil. But Cinhil resents having been taken from his monastic studies and is not inclined to listen to Camber. Sequel to Camber of Culdi (RC 44586). Some violence. 1978. The Ship of Ishtar RC 44420 by A. Merritt read by Ted Stoddard 2 cassettes While convalescing from injuries sustained in World War I, John Kenton receives a mysterious block of stone from an archaeologist whose work he is supporting. Upon cracking open the stone, he suddenly finds himself on the deck of a Babylonian ship accompanied by the priestess of Ishtar and the priests of Nergal. Some strong language and some violence. 1924. Stone of Tears: The Sword of Truth, Book 2 RC 41792 by Terry Goodkind read by Nick Sullivan 7 cassettes In this sequel to Wizard's First Rule (RC 41067), reluctant sorcerer Richard Cypher discovers that the evil Darken Rahl was his father. At Rahl's death the veil to the underworld was torn, threatening to make the world a living hell. Richard's destiny is to repair the veil-but at a terrible price. Strong language, violence, and descriptions of sex. 1995. Stranger at the Wedding RC 45093 by Barbara Hambly read by Martha Harmon Pardee 3 cassettes In a land like eighteenth-century England, Kyra, a student wizard, has been estranged from her father for six years because of her interest in magic. Through visions, Kyra discovers that her sister Alix's life will end on her wedding night. Returning home, Kyra tries to stop the spells that threaten Alix. Some violence. 1994. The Tangle Box RC 44690 by Terry Brooks read by James DeLotel 3 cassettes Ben Holiday, sovereign of the Magic Kingdom of Landover, allows confidence-man Horris Kew to return from exile on Earth. But Horris has become the unwitting dupe of the evil sorcerer Gorse, who plans to enslave the fairy folk of Landover and imprison Ben and his companions in the Tangle Box. Sequel to Wizard at Large (RC 33053). 1994. Ticktock RC 44204 by Dean Koontz read by James DeLotel 2 cassettes Thirty-year-old novelist Tommy Phan arrives home one day to find a mysterious rag doll at his front door. That night Tommy hears strange noises coming from the doll, which springs to life and turns its diabolical powers on him. Tommy flees in desperation to escape the fiend's clutches. Bestseller 1996. Towing Jehovah RC 43408 by James Morrow read by Ray Hagen 3 cassettes God has died and fallen into the sea. With that news, sea captain Anthony Van Horne is recruited by a grieving Archangel Raphael to tow God's colossal corpse to a remote Arctic cave for burial. As Van Horne pursues the mission with his motley crew, he confronts a series of setbacks that satirize aspects of modern society. Strong language and descriptions of sex. 1994. Waking the Moon RC 43484 by Elizabeth Hand read by Mary Kane 4 cassettes At a Washington, D.C., university, six freshmen explore the limits of freedom, friendship, and sex-until one makes a terrible discovery. The university is a haven of the Benandanti, an order that secretly controls the world through ancient magic. The students come to understand that their own lives and fates are enmeshed with the order. Strong language and descriptions of sex. 1995. When the Bough Breaks RC 43402 by Mercedes Lackey and Holly Lisle read by Gregory Gorton 2 cassettes Elves and humans combine around Amanda, a sexually abused girl who is endowed with Psi, a powerful telekinetic ability. Amanda harbors multiple personalities, as well as the spirit of an ancient witch, Cethlenn, who manages to rescue Amanda and punish her abuser. Strong language, violence, and descriptions of sex. 1993. Winds of Fate: The Mage Winds, Book 1 RC 44392 by Mercedes Lackey read by Madelyn Buzzard 3 cassettes Lackey returns to her kingdom of Valdemar with this account of Herald Elspeth's search for a mage who can teach her both to use and to deflect the power of magic in order to save her country from Ancar of Hardorn. Prequel to Winds of Change (RC 44393). Strong language, some violence, and some descriptions of sex. 1991. Yon Ill Wind RC 44655 by Piers Anthony read by Bruce Huntey 2 cassettes Wanting to become the top demon of his realm, Xanth accepts a wager with unusual restrictions. Now called Nimby and with the body of a dragon and the head of an ass, he must remain incognito, speak only once, remain with the first creature he meets, and make that creature shed one tear. His task is complicated when a hurricane blows a human family into his realm. 1996. General The Actual RC 44636 by Saul Bellow read by James DeLotel 1 cassette Semiretired Harry Trellman, a man alienated from life and love, is abruptly hired to join the "brain trust" of a billionaire. There Harry reencounters the flame of his youth, who is now divorced and widowed. In a testimonial of hope, Harry seeks to reclaim his lost love. Strong language and descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1997. The Adventurers RC 44275 by Harold Robbins read by Chuck Young 5 cassettes Chronicle of the life of Diogenes Alejandro Xenos, known to most as Dax, a strong man both feared and loved by men and women, a man whose favor is sought by many. His is a tale of revolutions, high finance, and high fashion on an international playground. Strong language and explicit descriptions of sex. 1966. The Age of Consent RC 43481 by Geoffrey Wolff read by Michele Schaeffer 2 cassettes Ted and Maisie are brought up in upstate New York in an idyllic utopian community, which their parents joined in the 1960s. At age fifteen, Maisie leaps from a rock into a shallow pool, causing permanent injuries. Distraught, Ted struggles to find the reason for his sister's act and gradually discovers dark secrets of incest and sexual abuse. Strong language and descriptions of sex. 1995. Albion's Story RC 43534 by Kate Grenville read by John Lescault 2 cassettes Albion Gidley Singer, who is socially awkward and neurotic, grows up to inherit his father's lucrative business. When the misogynist Singer marries, fate delivers him a strong-willed daughter. As years unfold, the two are doomed to a mutually destructive struggle for dominance. Descriptions of sex. 1994. The Anatomy Lesson RC 43119 by John David Morley read by Christopher Walker 1 cassette Kiddo, a college and social dropout, lives on the dole in Amsterdam, mourning the premature death of his brother, Morton. Honoring Morton's final request, Kiddo witnesses the autopsy and begins a painful discovery of the darker side of his brother's life. Strong language and descriptions of sex. 1995. Ancestral Truths RC 43076 by Sara Maitland read by Janis Gray 3 cassettes Clare Kerslake has lost her right hand- and David, her cruel male companion of eight years-in a mountain-climbing accident. She cannot remember what happened that day and is terrified that she might have killed David. And Clare must learn to deal with "the hand," her much-despised prosthesis. Some strong language and some descriptions of sex. 1993. Babel Tower RC 42872 by A.S. Byatt read by Laura Giannarelli 5 cassettes In mid-1960s England, an unhappily married Frederica lives in a country manor isolated from her Cambridge friends. After she flees with her son to make a new life, she becomes the focus of a court case over custody of her son and involved in an obscenity case for her part in publishing a lurid novel. Strong language. 1996. Beachcombing for a Shipwrecked God RC 42938 by Joe Coomer read by Laura Giannarelli 2 cassettes Three women share life aboard an ocean yacht in New Hampshire. The recently widowed Charlotte has fled her Kentucky in-laws and lands on a boat belonging to Grace, an elderly widow. Already aboard is Chloe, a sweet, plump teenage dropout with an abusive boyfriend. The beleaguered women escape to Nova Scotia across open ocean. 1995. The Bestseller RC 43428 by Olivia Goldsmith read by Martha Harmon Pardee 4 cassettes When, after countless rejections from publishers, first-time author Terry O'Neil kills herself, her mother vows to get Terry's huge manuscript into print. Intertwined are stories of other authors and publishers hoping they have a book that will make the bestseller list. Strong language and explicit descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1996. A Better Place RC 43282 by Barbara Hall read by Mimi Bederman 2 cassettes As a girl, Valerie Caldwell was the belle of every ball in Maddock, Virginia. Now, after fourteen years as an aspiring movie star in Los Angeles, she returns home, hoping to recapture the joys of her youth. But things there have changed, and Valerie's return disrupts and alters the lives of her family and friends. Strong language. 1994. A Book of Common Prayer RC 44419 by Joan Didion read by Laura Giannarelli 2 cassettes A contemporary American woman who has survived two disastrous marriages becomes caught in the inner conflicts of the aristocracy of a Central American country. Some strong language. 1977. The Bookmakers RC 44085 by Zev Chafets read by Randy Wieck 2 cassettes When Mack Green brazenly foils an attempted holdup, the burned-out writer realizes he wants to die. So he proposes writing a suicide diary of his final year, his agent likes the idea, and Mack's offbeat project begins. But Mack finds love and a reason to live, and the scheme goes awry. Strong language. 1995. But I Love You Anyway RC 40967 by Sara Lewis read by Anne Mullen 2 cassettes Fortyish, once widowed, and once divorced, Mimi is a partner with her sister, Eve, in a copy business. She is dealing with a lot: her dislike for Eve's new husband, who is being investigated for stealing from his last job; competition that threatens the business; a needy ex-husband; two kids; and a much younger suitor. Some strong language. 1996. BUtterfield 8 RC 44130 by John O'Hara read by John Stratton 2 cassettes Inspired by a New York murder case and set in Prohibition-era Manhattan of the early 1930s, this novel revolves around the sensational lives of the seedy characters who inhabit the speakeasies and underground clubs of New York's upper East Side. Principal among the cast is Gloria Wandrous, who is on a doomed quest for love. Some strong language. 1935. Carolina Moon RC 45184 by Jill McCorkle read by Nanette Savard 2 cassettes Life in the small, sleepy town of Fulton, North Carolina, is not as serene as it appears. Quee Purdy is busy operating a stop-smoking clinic while giving out advice and solving the murder of one of the locals. 1996. Changing Places: A Tale of Two Campuses RC 44106 by David Lodge read by George Holmes 2 cassettes Two English professors exchange posts and alter the lives of each other's colleagues, students, and wives in this prequel to Small World (RC 44105). Morris Zapp is from the prestigious and moneyed Euphoric State located near California; Phillip Swallow is from modest and middling Rummidge situated in the industrial English Midlands. Some strong language and some descriptions of sex. 1975. Chasing Cézanne RC 44634 by Peter Mayle read by Fred Major 2 cassettes Andre Kelly, a freelance photographer for DQ magazine, is in France to photograph a Russian woman's icons. While there he decides to visit an old friend. He arrives and discovers his friend is not at home, but the hired man seems to be removing a Cézanne painting. Kelly follows and finds himself involved in an art-forgery scam. Bestseller 1997. Cheap Ticket to Heaven RC 44891 by Charlie Smith read by Barbara Pinolini 3 cassettes After Clare springs husband Jack from prison, the couple sets off on a violent and destructive spree through the South and Midwest. Driven by memories of dysfunctional childhoods and dreams of revenge, the pair is drawn into a bloody family feud. Strong language, violence, and descriptions of sex. 1996. The Christmas Mystery RC 43882 by Jostein Gaarder read by Michele Schaeffer 1 cassette Young Joachim's father buys him a dusty, old Advent calendar with little doors to open each day until Christmas. Behind the first door, Joachim finds a note that begins the story of a little girl who travels back in time to the Nativity. On Christmas Eve, the tale magically blends into the present and a contemporary miracle. 1996. Death in the Andes RC 43874 by Mario Vargas Llosa read by Peter Gil 2 cassettes When three men vanish from a remote mountain village, two Peruvian soldiers are sent to search. In their efforts to solve the disappearances, the troopers encounter the horrors of human sacrifice, cannibalism, and guerrilla violence. Strong language, violence, and descriptions of sex. 1996. The Discovery of Heaven RC 44282 by Harry Mulisch read by Christopher Hurt 5 cassettes A philosophical tale that traces the lives and thoughts of two improbable friends, astronomer Max and linguist Onno, over thirty years. The son that Max fathers with Onno's wife is actually God's emissary, who is sent into the world to recover the tablets bearing the Ten Commandments after God's contract with man has failed. Strong language. 1996. The Dream Merchants RC 44552 by Harold Robbins read by James DeLotel 4 cassettes This tale of the American movie industry chronicles the rise of Johnny Edge, a pioneer Hollywood moviemaker, and the men and women who sold their souls and their bodies for a piece of the action. Strong language and explicit descriptions of sex. 1949. The Driver's Seat RC 44691 by Muriel Spark read by Anne Flosnik 1 cassette Lise leaves her office, shops, closes up her apartment, and heads for the airport. In the process she buys clothing, makes scenes, follows one man onto the plane, and is herself followed by a second man. Her destination is a foreign city-and ultimately her own murder. Some violence. 1970. The Drowning Room RC 43712 by Michael Pye read by Faith Potts 2 cassettes Recreates the adventurous life of Gretje Reyniers, a seventeenth-century Dutch woman. Orphaned at twelve, she resorts to begging, prostitution, and an unappealing marriage. Then she absconds with her sailor lover to New Amsterdam, where she amasses wealth and her lover eventually dies. Strong language, violence, and descriptions of sex. 1995. Edisto Revisited RC 43175 by Padgett Powell read by David Hartley-Margolin 1 cassette In this sequel to Edisto (RC 20773), Simons Manigault returns home after graduating from Clemson with an architectural degree. But Simons has no plans to seek gainful employment-instead he finds ways to while away his summer. He begins by having an affair with his first cousin. Some strong language. 1996. The Empress of One RC 43889 by Faith Sullivan read by Michele Schaeffer 3 cassettes Young Sally Wheeler's life is overshadowed by her mother's chronic depression. Sally struggles to forge a stable life, but the strain affects her behavior and grades at school. Blessed with a talent for drama, she writes and stages a play in which she expresses her feelings. 1996. Galatea 2.2 RC 43800 by Richard Powers read by Roy Avers 3 cassettes Humanist author Richard Powers is recruited by cognitive neurologist Philip Lentz to train a computer neural net to pass a university comprehensive exam in English literature. The team succeeds in developing their highbrow processor, which not only meets expectations, but begins thinking for itself. 1995. The Good Husband RC 44444 by Gail Godwin read by Michele Schaeffer 3 cassettes Magda Danvers, a noted English professor, looks to what she can learn from her "final teacher," advanced ovarian cancer. As she and her husband test their relationship, so do another couple who are reeling from the loss of a baby son. Strong language and explicit descriptions of sex. 1994. The Great Longing RC 43531 by Marcel Möring read by Phil Regensdorf 2 cassettes Sam van Dijk lost all memory of his childhood up to age twelve, when his parents died in a car wreck. Now, as a young adult, Sam is reunited with his brother and sister, who help him recover his past. With that, Sam is able to pursue his "great longing" for identity and love. Strong language and descriptions of sex. 1995. The Hand I Fan With RC 43943 by Tina McElroy Ansa read by Saidah Arrika Ekulona 3 cassettes In this sequel to Baby of the Family (RC 31112), Lena McPherson is forty-five and a much-admired successful businesswoman in Mulberry, Georgia. Her ability to gaze into people's souls hampers her love life until she conjures up Herman, a man who died a hundred years ago. Explicit descriptions of sex and some strong language. 1996. Hearing Voices RC 44123 by A.N. Wilson read by John Horton 2 cassettes This sequel to Daughters of Albion (RC 35723) opens in the mid-1960s as wealthy Virgil Everett, avid collector of the Lampitt papers, plunges to his death from a skyscraper. Thirty years later, Julian Ramsay's memory regressions link Everett's death to Lampitt's own. Some strong language. 1996. Hollywood Kids RC 43946 by Jackie Collins read by Kimberly Schraf 4 cassettes Spoiled offspring of dysfunctional Hollywood families share love and adventure. Jordanna Levitt, a movie producer's daughter, assists handsome, cruel movie-star Bobby Rush. Cheryl Landers runs a call-girl service with Grant Lennon, a struggling agent. Then an ex-convict turns on the heat. Strong language, explicit descriptions of sex, and some violence. Bestseller 1994. If This World Were Mine RC 45016 by E. Lynn Harris read by Robin Miles 2 cassettes Four black graduates of Hampton Institute continue their friendship through monthly meetings of a journal-keeping support group. For almost twenty years, Yolanda, Dwight, Leland, and Riley help each other through marriage, love, sexual identity, and work crises until the group is strained to the breaking point. Strong language and descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1997. In the Place of Fallen Leaves RC 43360 by Tim Pears read by Patricia Kilgarriff 3 cassettes The story of thirteen-year-old Alison, the youngest child of a Devon, England, farm family during the summer drought of 1984. As Alison is awakening to love, sexuality, and life's mysteries, her disabled grandmother reveals to her the tragic and sordid history of her family's past. 1993. The Inhabited Woman RC 43456 by Gioconda Belli read by Gabriella Cavallero 3 cassettes Aristocrat Lavinia Alarcón returns to her Latin American home to begin work after her university studies in Italy. At first an apolitical yuppie, she is gradually drawn into a guerilla movement under the influence of a fifteenth-century female rebel, whose spirit resides at Lavinia's home. Descriptions of sex. 1994. Keeper of the House RC 43104 by Rebecca T. Godwin read by Annie Wauters 2 cassettes A maid's forty-year chronicle of life in an infamous South Carolina brothel. Sent there in 1929 to work as a housekeeper at age fourteen, Minyon Manigault tells of the powerful clients, the prostitutes, and the white madam, whom Minyon eventually succeeds as "keeper of the house." Strong language and descriptions of sex. 1994. Larry's Party RC 44816 by Carol Shields read by Martha Harmon Pardee 2 cassettes Middle-aged and twice-divorced, Larry Weller designs garden mazes, in which he finds security, as they offer a "nest of softness" and the "rapture of being blindly led." At a dinner party with his sister and ex-wives, Larry becomes aware of his perplexity with life. Strong language and descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1997. Last Orders RC 44117 by Graham Swift read by Graeme Malcolm 2 cassettes Three British World War II veterans and drinking mates set out to fulfill a friend's dying request: that his ashes be scattered into the sea at Margate. En route, the men reflect on love, war, marriage, and business, as they reveal the failed hopes of their own lives. Strong language. 1996. The Legend of the Barefoot Mailman RC 44246 by John Henry Fleming read by David Palmer 2 cassettes After a failed foray into the citrus business in the late 1800s, immigrant Josef Steinmetz is hired to carry the mail to beach homes in Figulus, Florida. As he treads the sweltering sands barefoot, Steinmetz encounters unfriendly Seminoles, pirates, and wild animals to become a living myth and a boon to the tourist trade. 1995. The Letter RC 44841 by Richard Paul Evans read by Barry Bernson 2 cassettes In this companion to Timepiece (RC 43227) and The Christmas Box (RC 43556), a woman leaves a letter at the grave of Andrea Parkin, daughter of David and MaryAnne Parkin. As David comes to grips with the contents of the letter, he must also deal with MaryAnne's departure from his life. Bestseller 1997. Live at Five RC 43206 by David Haynes read by L.J. Ganser 2 cassettes Middle-class African American Brandon Wilson anchors a TV newscast in the Twin Cities. His producer decides that Wilson isn't "black" enough and has him "go back to the streets" to cover the horrors of ghetto life. But there Wilson finds a different story from what his boss envisioned. Strong language. 1996. Lost Laysen RC 43670 by Margaret Mitchell read by David Palmer 1 cassette A biographical introduction and a novella, both presenting Mitchell writings first unveiled in 1995. The introduction includes letters from the Gone with the Wind (RC 33082) author to unsuccessful suitor Henry Love Angel. The novella, set in the South Pacific, tells of a feisty female missionary, her devoted suitor, and a smitten sailor. Bestseller 1996. Lucky You RC 45006 by Carl Hiaasen read by Nanette Savard 3 cassettes JoLayne Luck's fortune turns when she hits a multimillion-dollar lottery. Also holding the winning number are a pair of white supremacists who lose their own lucky ticket and steal JoLayne's. Desperate to realize her dream of buying an endangered turtle colony, she pursues the thieves. Strong language. Bestseller 1997. Lying on the Couch RC 44897 by Irvin D. Yalom read by John Stratton 3 cassettes When therapist Ernest Lash counsels a man to end his marriage, the jilted wife blames Lash. A bright and comely lawyer, the woman becomes Lash's patient, planning to seduce him and ruin his career. Her scheme goes awry and yields unexpected results. Strong language and descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1996. Madeleine's Ghost RC 43156 by Robert Girardi read by David Hartley-Margolin 3 cassettes Ned Conti, thirty-two, from New Orleans, lives in a haunted New York apartment while working on his dissertation and trying to forget his ex-girlfriend. He takes a temporary job as a researcher for Father Rose, who is looking for evidence to declare a former nun a saint. As his worlds converge, Ned becomes involved in seances, suicides, miracles, and mummies. Some strong language. 1995. Maggie Cassidy RC 43932 by Jack Kerouac read by David Hartley-Margolin 2 cassettes A story of high school life and love in a New England mill town in 1939. Evokes the exuberance and anguish of adolescent romance, the joys of competitive sports, and the thrill of youthful adventures. Strong language. 1959. Make Lemonade RC 40705 by Virginia Euwer Wolff read by Celeste Lawson 1 cassette As a first step toward earning money for college, fourteen-year-old LaVaughn answers an ad for a baby-sitter. Jolly, a seventeen-year-old mother of two who does factory work in the evenings, offers LaVaughn the job. Then Jolly is fired, and LaVaughn learns how to "take hold," as her mother says, of her own plans, of Jolly's situation, and of the children's needs as they all work on lessons in and out of school. For high school and older readers. 1993. The Man Who Loved Children RC 44559 by Christina Stead read by Mitzi Friedlander 4 cassettes (Reissue) Classic story of hypocrisy and evil that probes human nature. Egocentric Sam Pollit, a government scientist; his careworn second wife, Henny; and six children are the characters in this family tragedy. Originally published in 1940. 1995. Martin Dressler: The Tale of an American Dreamer RC 43648 by Steven Millhauser read by Dick Jenkins 2 cassettes From a boy working in his father's New York City cigar shop in the late 1800s, Martin Dressler rises to the pinnacle of entrepreneurial success during the early 1900s. His vision leads him to build the Grand Cosmo, the ultimate hotel, retail center, and theme park. Only later does he realize that "he had dreamed the wrong dream." 1996. Memoir from Antproof Case RC 43802 by Mark Helprin read by Fred Major 3 cassettes Fictional autobiography of an American octagenarian who resides with his much younger wife and son in Brazil. As a Harvard grad, World War II fighter pilot, and investment banker, he epitomizes success in the twentieth century. Yet his deep aversion for coffee has brought him trouble and anguish. Strong language. 1995. Memoirs of a Geisha RC 45008 by Arthur Golden read by Yolande Bavan 4 cassettes A fictionalized account of the life of a typical geisha in Japan in the 1930s and 1940s. Sayuri recalls how as a nine-year-old she and her sister are sold to a geisha house as their mother lies dying. From then on Sayuri learns the traditional exotic arts for pleasing men. Bestseller 1997. Middle Son RC 44379 by Deborah Iida read by Robert Sams 2 cassettes The story of a Japanese family with three sons on a Hawaiian sugar plantation. The youngest son is given to childless relatives and the eldest boy drowns, leaving their mother distraught. As his mother lies dying, the middle son reveals the truth of his brother's death and the tragic consequences of custom and tradition. 1996. Midnight Lemonade RC 41731 by Ann Goethe read by Celeste Lawson 2 cassettes Sister Helena never prepared the poetic Katherine for real life. As a Catholic schoolgirl, Katherine had imagined a dreamy life as a wife and mother. When her handsome professor husband turns to yet another woman, no amount of alcohol can soothe Katherine's sorrow. The needs of her three children press closer and the strong southern woman pulls herself together with humor and grit. Explicit descriptions of sex and some strong language. 1993. Missing Angel Juan RC 41977 by Francesca Lia Block read by Jennifer Mendenhall 2 cassettes Suddenly Angel Juan is leaving for New York to find his own music. He doesn't want Witch Baby to write his songs, and she is afraid he doesn't want her around at all. But he is her soul mate, and she goes to dark, dangerous New York to find him. There the spirit of Charlie Bat helps her to learn about holding on and holding within. Sequel to Cherokee Bat and the Goat Guys (RC 37032). Some descriptions of sex. For senior high and older readers. 1993. The Mulching of America RC 44051 by Harry Crews read by Roy Avers 2 cassettes Traveling soap salesman Hickum Looney wins the annual sales contest that his tyrannical boss has dominated for twenty-five years. As his reward, Looney is degraded and ejected near-naked into the parking lot, where his life takes a bizarre turn for the better. Strong language, violence, and descriptions of sex. 1995. Nathan's Run RC 43498 by John Gilstrap read by John Stratton 2 cassettes Nathan, an orphaned and abused twelve-year-old, is sentenced to a detention center, where he kills a guard in self-defense. Nathan escapes and is relentlessly pursued by police, as well as by a hit man. While on the lam, the boy finds unlikely allies in a conservative talk-show host and a cop. Strong language. 1996. Nightlines RC 42477 by Neil Jordan read by John Lescault 2 cassettes As Donal Gore awaits execution in a Madrid prison, he is sustained by memories of night fishing with his father back in Ireland. Unexpectedly freed, Donal returns home, betrays his pledge to the IRA, and enters into a love affair with his stepmother-despite the presence of his paralyzed father. "Betrayal seeds itself, like a weed through a garden," reflects Donal in this story of love and politics. 1994. No Reck'ning Made RC 40929 by Joanne Greenberg read by Ardyth Heller 2 cassettes When her mother dies, Clara knows that she must find a way to stay in school to overcome poverty and the stigma of being from the gulch. She earns a teaching certificate and is hired by Gold Flume, a mining town much like her home. Clara works hard to create a haven where children can learn and gain self-respect. After decades of success, she faces a fight for her job when wealthy and demanding outsiders move to the area. Some descriptions of sex. 1993. Now I Know Everything RC 43390 by Andrew Postman read by Christopher Walker 2 cassettes Andrew, a would-be novelist, is hired by a famous women's magazine as a columnist to report on romance and sex from a "sensitive" man's perspective. As columnist "Vince," his popularity among women soars while, paradoxically, his love life-potential "material" for his column-founders. Strong language and descriptions of sex. 1995. Objects in Mirror Are Closer Than They Appear RC 43375 by Katharine Weber read by Faith Potts 2 cassettes At twenty-six, photographer Harriet Rose has established her career and has found her true love. Traveling to Geneva, she stays with her old friend, Anne, whom Harriet finds much changed, involved with a married man, and headed for disaster. Harriet is faced with the delicate task of rescuing a reluctant victim. Strong language. 1995. The Ordinary Seaman RC 44623 by Francisco Goldman read by David Hartley-Margolin 3 cassettes Fifteen Nicaraguan men are recruited to crew the damaged cargo ship Urus, moored at a Brooklyn pier. They soon realize that they have been abandoned there without money or legal status. One of the men, who ventures into the city seeking help for his comrades, finds both love and tragedy. Strong language and descriptions of sex. 1997. Outer Dark RC 43924 by Cormac McCarthy read by Pam Ward 2 cassettes A bleak tale of incest set in Appalachia around 1900. After fathering his sister's baby, a man abandons the infant in the woods and flees. As the frantic mother sets out on a relentless search for the child, she is pursued through the forest by three mysterious strangers. Strong language and violence. 1968. Paradise RC 44917 by Abdulrazak Gurnah read by Ed Blake 2 cassettes When he is sent to live with his "uncle" Aziz, twelve-year-old Yusuf is unaware that his father has sold him into slavery to pay off a debt. He works in Aziz's shop and then travels across East Africa with a trade caravan. Yusuf comes of age in an atmosphere of cultural tensions among African Muslims, Indian traders, and European colonists. Some strong language. 1994. The Partisan RC 41909 by Benjamin Cheever read by John Lescault 2 cassettes Nelson, a film student in New York, and his sister, Narcissus, are wards of Jonas and Elspeth Collingwood. Jonas is a novelist who, with eighteen books in print, dries up when a publisher offers him a large advance to write a war memoir. Nelson becomes the storyteller, hoping to free up Jonas's block. 1993. Peregrine's Rest RC 44477 by Jennifer Gostin read by Madelyn Buzzard 2 cassettes Hesper Dance, nearing forty, begins her new life as resident caretaker of Peregrine's Rest, a small historic cemetery. When she sets about cataloging and restoring the unkempt burial ground, some local residents view her as a threat and plot to close down the cemetery that has become her life's purpose. 1996. Play It as It Lays RC 43391 by Joan Didion read by Barbara Pinolini 1 cassette A discursive story set in late 1960s Hollywood about an actress whose immoderate lifestyle has alienated her from family and friends. She witnesses a friend's suicide and enters a mental hospital, where she recollects some of the formative events in her life. Strong language. 1970. Prizes RC 43306 by Erich Segal read by Faith Potts 3 cassettes Adam Coopersmith is a caring physician whose genetic research brings him to the nation's capital to save the life of a "senior Washington personage." Sandy Raven is a gerontological researcher whose work has left his personal life on the brink of disaster. Isabel da Costa, a child prodigy, is a brilliant physicist whose father dominates her life. Each aspires to win a Nobel Prize. One will die in the process. Strong language. 1995. The Puttermesser Papers RC 45082 by Cynthia Ozick read by Mary Woods 2 cassettes Ruth Puttermesser is ousted from her job, but a golem she creates from the soil in her flowerpots helps her become mayor of New York City. The creature turns troublesome and eventually has to be destroyed. Ruth's love life, modeled on that of George Eliot, does not work out until after her death. But even then Ruth discovers that Paradise is not what she expected. Some violence. 1997. The Rapture of Canaan RC 44391 by Sheri Reynolds read by Michele Schaeffer 2 cassettes Ninah Huff's Grandpa Herman, minister of the Church of Fire and Brimstone and God's Almighty Baptizing Wind, maintains control over the entire community in an isolated part of South Carolina. But Ninah, fourteen, finds herself pregnant by her prayer partner James, fifteen, because they believe they are following God's command. Some strong language. Bestseller 1995. Reef RC 40950 by Romesh Gunesekera read by Ray Dizefalo 1 cassette This Booker Prize finalist is set in Sri Lanka beginning in 1962 when Triton is an eleven-year-old boy. He relates his arrival at the home of Ranjan Salgado, a marine biologist studying the coral reefs. Triton learns to cook and clean-lessons that will serve him well later in life. As political unrest becomes serious in Sri Lanka, Salgado and Triton leave their island paradise behind and travel to England. 1994. Seeing Calvin Coolidge in a Dream RC 43850 by John Derbyshire read by Ed Blake 2 cassettes Chai is living the good life with his wife, Ding, and daughter, Hetty, in suburban New York, having survived a difficult time as a Red Guard in China during the Great Cultural Revolution. Chai undergoes a midlife crisis, however, when a former lover reappears, and Ding must scheme to bring back her wayward husband. 1996. The Shadow Bride RC 43616 by Roy Heath read by Yolande Bavan 3 cassettes Betta Singh, a Guyanese-born physician of Indian descent, works as a government doctor fighting malaria on a plantation in Guyana. His domineering, wealthy Hindu mother is angered by her son's idealistic aspirations and his marriage to a Muslim. She herself lives in luxury until she eventually loses her fortune to a conniving Hindu holy man. 1988. The Sharpshooter Blues RC 43569 by Lewis Nordan read by John Polk 2 cassettes When two out-of-towners are shot in the general store of a sleepy Southern town, folks assume it was Morgan, the Texas-trained sharpshooter. In truth, it was the slow-witted Hydro. But the tragedy transforms several of the town's idiosyncratic characters. Some violence and some strong language. 1995. So Big RC 44189 by Edna Ferber read by Jill Ferris 2 cassettes (Reissue) A farm woman's indomitable spirit and quick response to beauty are unquenched by years of hardship-all for the sake of her son. Pulitzer Prize. Originally published in 1924. 1995. Solar Storms RC 43726 by Linda Hogan read by Mary Kane 3 cassettes Seventeen-year-old Angela Jensen returns from her Oklahoma foster home to her birthplace, a desolate Indian village in northern Minnesota. There she joins with four generations of Native American women on a canoe voyage to their ancestral homeland, which is threatened by a hydroelectric dam project. 1995. A Spanish Lover RC 44368 by Joanna Trollope read by Corrie James 3 cassettes The similarities between British twins Lizzie and Frances end with their physical resemblance. As Lizzie enjoys the success of family and career, she criticizes Frances for remaining unmarried. Just when Frances begins to find fulfillment with her married Spanish lover, Lizzie's stable life begins to crumble. 1993. The Story of B RC 43863 by Daniel Quinn read by Gordon Gould 3 cassettes In this companion to Ishmael (RC 35383), Father Jared Osborne is dispatched to investigate a suspected Antichrist, known as B. As he engages B in dialogue, Osborne learns that B's tenets have less to do with God and spirituality than with man's responsibility to nature and the survival of the world. 1996. The Street Lawyer RC 45550 by John Grisham read by Christopher Hurt 2 cassettes At thirty-two, Michael is on the fast track to become a partner in his prestigious Washington law firm, but that changes the day he is held hostage by a homeless man. Disillusioned by the realization that his firm had illegally evicted the man, Michael quits his job to work for the homeless. Some strong language and some violence. Bestseller 1998. Suspects RC 43807 by Thomas Berger read by Ray Foushee 2 cassettes When Donna Howland and her young daughter are found bludgeoned, Donna's unfaithful husband is fingered as the killer. But as the circle of bizarre suspects widens, the bungling police force is stretched to solve the case amid the lunacy. Strong language, violence, and descriptions of sex. 1996. Tales out of School RC 40944 by Benjamin Taylor read by Phil Regensdorf 2 cassettes A novel of moods and mysticism set on Galveston Island at the turn of the century. After building a fortune with a brewing company, the Jewish Mehmel family is in decline. Fourteen-year-old Felix, a Latin scholar, is the heir to the business, but he is a dreamy child. Complex characters populate the story, none more enigmatic than the ragged Russian emigrant Schmulowicz. Some strong language and some descriptions of sex. 1995. Tristessa RC 44155 by Jack Kerouac read by David Hartley-Margolin 1 cassette A rambling story relating an American's stuporous escapades in the slums of Mexico City in 1952. This stream-of-consciousness tale interweaves observations of a rooster, a cat, a chihuahua dog, and a ravished drug addict in homes, shops, and on the streets of the city. 1960. The Unusual Life of Tristan Smith RC 43581 by Peter Carey read by Fred Major 3 cassettes Set in the fictitious nation of Efica, this picaresque story traces the childhood of Tristan, a hideously deformed dwarf and son of a famous actress. Tristan's life is a process of losing his mother, searching for his father, and seeking self-acceptance and a place in the world. Strong language and descriptions of sex. 1994. V. RC 43066 by Thomas Pynchon read by Fred Major 4 cassettes A wild, discursive tale of two men and an unknown woman called "V." Benny Profane, inveterate victim, is set in contrast to the young adventurer called Stencil, whose life quest is to discover the identity of V., whose initial appears in his dead father's journal. Some strong language and some violence. 1963. Van Gogh's Bad Café: A Love Story RC 44317 by Frederic Tuten read by Ed Blake 1 cassette Dream-like tale of a young morphine-addicted woman who becomes Vincent van Gogh's lover. She steps through a wall and forward in time to explore the alien world of late-twentieth-century New York. But a lingering concern about van Gogh returns her to him. Strong language and violence. Bestseller 1997. Vendetta: Lucky's Revenge RC 43478 by Jackie Collins read by Madelyn Buzzard 3 cassettes Sicilians never forget someone who causes them trouble, and Donna Bonnatti Landsman has plans for Lucky Santangelo, who now owns Panther Studios. Donna's determination to take over the company leads to murder and revenge. Sequel to Lady Boss (RC 31989). Strong language, explicit descriptions of sex, and some violence. Bestseller 1997. Virgin Heat RC 45117 by Laurence Shames read by Madelyn Buzzard 2 cassettes Mafioso Paul Amaro has just finished a nine-year prison term. The man who fingered him has a new identity as Ziggy Maxx and is bartending in Key West. Paul's daughter Angelina fell in love with Ziggy before the betrayal and still yearns for him. Recognizing his altered appearance in a home video, Angelina heads for Florida, trailing relatives behind her. Strong language. 1997. A Watch in the Night RC 44114 by A.N. Wilson read by John Horton 2 cassettes This sequel to Hearing Voices (RC 44123) finds Julian Ramsay at home one evening reminiscing on his past career and romances. In his musings, he reveals the secret life of his rival Lampitt biographer, Raphael Hunter, and the sordid circumstances of Lampitt's death. Strong language. 1996. Water from the Well RC 40991 by Myra McLarey read by Peggy Gilleland 1 cassette It is 1919 in Arkansas when the white team of Sugars Spring meets the black team from nearby Bethel in a cow-pasture baseball game, the outcome of which upsets prevailing expectations. This and other dramatic events unfold in these stories of families, overlapping lives, and racial relations from the 1920s to the 1970s. Descriptions of sex. 1995. A White Bird Flying RC 43586 by Bess Streeter Aldrich read by Carole Jordan Stewart 2 cassettes (Reissue) Laura Deal's grandmother has died, but Laura still holds on to the dream they shared "to write lovely things." In this sequel to A Lantern in Her Hand (RC 24820), Laura attends the University of Nebraska, dreaming of a literary career, but in the end recognizes the stronger claim of love. 1931. White Widow RC 44546 by Jim Lehrer read by Gary Tipton 2 cassettes When Trailways driver Jack Oliver is recognized as a master operator for his career performance, he savors his life's success. Then he becomes obsessed with a mysterious passenger, a beautiful "white widow," who drives him to distraction and eventually to disaster. Strong language. 1996. The Woman Who Walked into Doors RC 45095 by Roddy Doyle read by Martha Harmon Pardee 2 cassettes Paula Spencer has survived a hard life, beset by alcoholism and spousal abuse. From a child in a happy Irish family, she developed into an alluring teenager, a young wife and mother, and, after eighteen years, a widow. At thirty-nine, she is struggling to reclaim her life. Strong language, violence, and descriptions of sex. 1996. ĄYo! RC 44910 by Julia Alvarez read by Suzanne Toren 2 cassettes Yolanda's friends and the Garcia family from How the Garcia Girls Lost Their Accents (RC 34544) want revenge! Yolanda has written about their lives and secrets in her popular novel. Now it is their turn to speak their minds about her. Strong language and descriptions of sex. 1997. Zero Coupon RC 40638 by Paul Erdman read by Gary Telles 2 cassettes William F. Saxon has spent three years and a day in prison for misconduct in the investment business. Now he is free and, with his $74-million stash in Liechtenstein and some help from former accomplices, he plans to reestablish himself. He sets up an operation at a high-tech ranch in the Napa Valley, and everything is going smoothly until he sells some bogus bonds. Strong language and some descriptions of sex. 1993. Gothic Amethyst Dreams RC 44759 by Phyllis A. Whitney read by Martha Harmon Pardee 2 cassettes Tension abounds in the household of wealthy Nicholas Trench, whose granddaughter, Susan, vanished two years ago. He has brought Susan's best friend, Hallie Knight, to Topsail Island, North Carolina, hoping she can unravel the mystery of Susan's disappearance. As she searches, Hallie is forced to reexamine her own life. Bestseller 1997. The Crying Child RC 44073 by Barbara Michaels read by Madelyn Buzzard 2 cassettes Mary Fraser's grief after losing yet another child through miscarriage has brought her to the brink of madness. Mary's husband begs her sister, Joanne, to join them on the tiny Maine island of his ancestors and try to help Mary, who claims to hear a child crying. Joanne truly fears her sister is losing her mind-until she also hears a cry in the night. 1971. Greygallows RC 44023 by Barbara Michaels read by Vanessa Maroney 2 cassettes Born in 1826, heiress Lucy Cartwright is soon orphaned and grows up in an English boarding school. At sixteen she is surprised by a proposal from mysterious Baron Clare and reluctantly accepts. He takes Lucy to Greygallows, his estate, but doesn't share her bedroom and soon begins to mistreat her. Meanwhile, she discovers the Greygallows ghost. 1972. Let Us Prey RC 44472 by Dorothy Eden read by Vanessa Maroney 2 cassettes Antonia Webb thought she was going to New Zealand to celebrate the wedding of her cousin Simon Mildmay to Iris Matthews and to gain her small inheritance from their Aunt Laura. But before she completes her journey, Antonia begins receiving strange messages, and even more bizarre things happen when she reaches her destination. 1952. The Manikin RC 43367 by Joanna Scott read by Mary Kane 2 cassettes Manikin, the lavish estate of a taxidermist, houses a collection of stuffed creatures. The taxidermist's lonely widow lives on in this isolated kingdom with a staff of eccentric servants. A new housekeeper arrives with her young daughter, who is doomed to grow up in the eerie and cursed house. Strong language and descriptions of sex. 1996. The Master of Blacktower RC 43376 by Barbara Michaels read by Vanessa Maroney 2 cassettes (Reissue) In April of 1853, Damaris Gordon, an independent young woman left penniless upon the death of her father, arrives in Scotland to take up her position as companion to the spoiled disabled daughter of the master of Blacktower-an enigmatic man with a scarred face who may be responsible for the death of his wife. 1966. Mistress of Mellyn RC 44443 by Victoria Holt read by Corrie James 2 cassettes (Reissue) For an impoverished gentlewoman like Martha Leigh, twenty-four, there are few options other than becoming a governess. Martha has come to Mount Mellyn in Cornwall to care for Connan TreMellyn's daughter Alvean. Martha soon discovers her pupil's mother was murdered, and that she is in danger of the same fate. 1960. Nine Coaches Waiting RC 43401 by Mary Stewart read by Anne Flosnik 2 cassettes (Reissue) In an isolated château in the French Alps, Linda Martin, governess to the orphaned comte de Valmy, discovers her pupil is the object of a murder plot involving his crippled uncle and the latter's son, whom Linda loves. 1958. The Sea King's Daughter RC 43570 by Barbara Michaels read by Sharon Murray 2 cassettes (Reissue) A romantic suspense novel about a young American girl unexpectedly employed by her archaeologist father to dive illegally for Minoan artifacts. As many frightening accidents happen to her on the Greek island of Thera, she at first suspects ancient spirits but finally discovers that a live enemy wants her out of the way. Some strong language. 1975. Seven Gothic Tales RC 42194 by Isak Dinesen read by Laura Giannarelli 3 cassettes These stories' opulent settings heighten the eeriness of the supernatural forces and almost madness that run throughout. "The Deluge at Norderney," about a flood in a resort town that forces a cardinal, a spinster, and two others to take refuge in a hayloft, is one of the author's best-known stories and illustrates her powers of observation and description. The life of the Danish baroness was the basis for the movie Out of Africa. 1934. Shelter RC 43397 by Jayne Anne Phillips read by Kimberly Schraf 3 cassettes A rite-of-passage tale in which two young sisters encounter crazed drifters in a remote West Virginia girls' camp in 1963. The girls are transformed by their contacts with Parson, a Bible-obsessed avenger; Buddy, child of the forest; and the vicious Carmody. Strong language and violence. 1994. Slow Dancing on Dinosaur Bones RC 44882 by Lana Witt read by Robert Sams 3 cassettes Greed and suspicion invade the town of Pick, Kentucky (population 900), when the Conroy Coal Company begins pressing homeowners to sign over coal-mining rights beneath the quiet streets and houses. Town residents, including a few downright eccentrics, oppose the company's efforts, creating a tale of gothic-style suspense cast in small-town America. 1996. Violin RC 45005 by Anne Rice read by Martha Harmon Pardee 3 cassettes In the two days since her husband died, Triana has stayed alone in the house with his body and the solace of music. A Russian ghost, Stefan, serenades Triana with his Stradivarius violin, his music captivating her almost to madness. Their struggle for the violin also becomes a struggle for her sanity. Bestseller 1997. The Visiting Physician RC 43396 by Susan Richards Shreve read by Michele Schaeffer 2 cassettes Twenty years ago, Helen Fielding's baby sister drowned while the children were visiting their aunt in small-town Ohio. Helen returns to the town as a pediatrician to stem a deadly epidemic. Less easy to diagnose is the malaise that grips the townspeople and which Helen must confront to resolve the tragedy of her youth. 1996. We Are Eternal RC 41244 by Pierrette Fleutiaux read by Laura Giannarelli 5 cassettes Contemporary gothic novel set in France after World War II. Estelle Helleur is the sole living member of her family. Burdened by secrets, she recounts her tragic, incestuous family history to a mythical "madame." It is a foreboding and passionate tale, centering around her younger brother Dan, the love of her life and a dancer like their mother. Estelle begs madame to use her story to create a dramatic opera. Some strong language. 1990. Winds of Graystone Manor: The St. Clare Trilogy, Volume 1 RC 44873 by B.J. Hoff read by Annie Wauters 2 cassettes Haunted by the death of his wife and their unborn child, Civil War photographer Roman St. Clare has come to Staten Island in 1867 to search for the killer. He is staying at Graystone Manor, owned by the charming Amanda Fairchild. Amanda is suspicious of Roman because of several incidents on the island, but she eventually joins him in his struggle between good and evil. 1995. Witch RC 43688 by Barbara Michaels read by Margaret Strom 2 cassettes (Reissue) Hoping to put a failed marriage behind her and begin a new life, Ellen, with her teenage daughter, moves into an old house in the Virginia backcountry, only to find it may be haunted by an eighteenth-century witch. 1973. Growing Up The Absence of Angels RC 43444 by W.S. Penn read by Jamie Horton 2 cassettes Alley Hummingbird, born of white and Indian parents, longs to reconcile the two cultures that have formed him. A rebellious college student during the Vietnam War, he moves between the Hopi Second Mesa and Los Angeles in search of identity. When he gets a brain tumor, he confronts death and finds enlightenment. Strong language and descriptions of sex. 1994. The Activist's Daughter RC 45088 by Ellyn Bache read by Mary Woods 2 cassettes 1963. For Beryl Rosinsky, going to college has always been about more than getting an education; she wants to escape her mother's political activism. Then Beryl's firsthand encounters with bigotry and hypocrisy at the University of North Carolina cause her to examine her own values and principles. Some descriptions of sex. For senior high and older readers. 1997. A Frozen Woman RC 43113 by Annie Ernaux read by Annie Wauters 1 cassette Autobiographical novel published in France in 1981 about the author's coming of age in the 1960s. A bright girl with unconventional parents, she becomes a typical teenager worrying about looks, first love, and developing the female role. After marriage she finds herself frozen into a stultifying life. Strong language and explicit descriptions of sex. 1995. Last Comes the Egg RC 44380 by Bruce Duffy read by Steven Carpenter 3 cassettes After his mother's sudden death, twelve-year-old Frank Dougherty seeks from friends the intimacy that he lacks with his troubled father. With two other boys, Frank heads south in a stolen car on a coming-of-age quest that involves sex and danger. Strong language. 1997. Lives of Girls and Women RC 42708 by Alice Munro read by Laura Giannarelli 2 cassettes (Reissue) In this coming-of-age story, bright, impressionable Del Jordan presents a young girl's view of happenings in the small 1940s Canadian town where she grows up. She describes the heartaches and dreams of the townspeople and her own struggle to understand life. Explicit descriptions of sex. 1971. Lucky Town RC 44031 by James Brown read by Christopher Walker 2 cassettes A boy's coming-of-age escapade with his shiftless, ex-con father and a former prostitute. When they reach Las Vegas, where they scheme to strike it rich, their ventures lead to disaster for the father and a fresh view on life for the boy. Strong language, violence, and descriptions of sex. 1994. Northern Borders RC 39940 by Howard Frank Mosher read by Ray Dizefalo 2 cassettes Now an adult, Austen Kittredge III recalls his years on a farm in northern Vermont. When Austen is six, his widowed father sends him to live with his grandparents. Austen learns much from this strangely embattled couple, a grandmother with a passion for Egyptology and a grandfather who is a surveyor and cartographer. Near the end of the grandfather's life, he tells Austen a secret he has shared with only his wife of fifty years. Some strong language. 1994. Rumble Fish RC 44103 by S.E. Hinton read by John Lescault 1 cassette (Reissue) Rusty-James, the toughest guy in the junior high crowd, idolizes his older brother, a mean street fighter. But when Rusty-James tries to emulate his brother, trouble erupts. For junior and senior high readers. 1975. The Saskiad RC 44170 by Brian Hall read by Martha Harmon Pardee 3 cassettes The coming-of-age tale of Saskia, twelve, who ekes out a living with her mother on a run-down commune in Ithaca, New York. When the imaginative Saskia and her friend Jane set out to visit Saskia's charismatic father, they discover the harsh reality of adulthood and personal disappointment. Strong language and descriptions of sex. 1997. Sydney, Invincible RC 40921 by Colby Rodowsky read by June Carter 1 cassette In this sequel to Sydney, Herself (RC 31872), Sydney dreads having her mother as her history teacher and looks forward to classes with the new writing instructor. Then Sydney is hit with big news. She is to be the editor of the school paper-and her mother, who married Sydney's last writing teacher, is pregnant. Sydney finds support from boyfriend Wally, but he is dealing with his own problems. For junior and senior high readers. 1995. Synonym for Love RC 43368 by Alison Moore read by Barbara Pinolini 2 cassettes Matty Grover is on the move a lot. When her mother dies and her father leaves her, Matty's previously unknown stepbrother boards her with the church organist. Later, in the Arizona desert, Matty deals with family secrets and her own coming-of-age. Strong language. 1995. Wish You Were Here RC 39999 by Barbara Shoup read by Gregory Ricks 2 cassettes Jackson was supposed to get an apartment with his best friend, Brady, for their senior year of high school, but Brady runs away instead. Now Jax can't benefit from Brady's humorous advice. Jax must cope with issues like his mother's marriage to Ted; Ted's two young daughters; Jax's father's latest relationship; and his own desire for female companionship. Strong language. For high school and older readers. 1994. Historical Against All Odds: The Lucy Scott Mitchum Story RC 45099 by Barbara Riefe read by Jill Ferris 2 cassettes In 1849, Lucy Mitchum is not thrilled with the idea of moving from Maryland to California by wagon. Her husband, Noah, is so excited by the prospect of finding gold that she agrees to join him when the wagon train leaves. But Noah doesn't possess the skills needed on the trail, and Lucy dreads the day they must part from the others to make their own way to Sacramento. Descriptions of sex. 1997. Angel of the Outback: Land of the Far Horizon, Book 2 RC 43827 by Patricia Hickman read by Martha Harmon Pardee 2 cassettes In 1793 Rachel Langley finishes her seven-year transportation sentence in Australia and begins to make a life for herself while searching for the killer of her best friend, Betsy. When Rachel finds work with the Prentices on their struggling plantation, her desire to find Betsy's assassin almost destroys them. Sequel to Voyage of the Exiles (RC 43445). 1995. Annapolis RC 44290 by William Martin read by Ted Stoddard 5 cassettes An epic tale spanning eight generations of a maritime family and two hundred years of American naval history. Portrays the Stafford family, whose sons served the navy from the early days of the Barbary Coast and the War of 1812 through the modern-day Gulf of Tonkin and Persian Gulf engagements. Strong language, violence, and descriptions of sex. 1996. April Morning RC 43072 by Howard Fast read by Gary Tipton 1 cassette (Reissue) Fictional account of the Revolutionary War battles of Lexington and Concord, related by fifteen-year-old Adam Cooper. After his father is shot down by the British, Adam joins the colonial militia at Lexington in its ambush of British regulars. For junior and senior high readers. 1961. Beyond the Wild Shores: Land of the Far Horizon, Book 4 RC 45313 by Patricia Hickman read by Martha Harmon Pardee 2 cassettes Having rejected her suitor, Bailey Templeton of Virginia flees to Sydney Cove, Australia, to work as a teacher in 1807. Her arrival is an unpleasant surprise to Captain Grant Hogan, who expects a male teacher. But Bailey refuses to leave and tries to make a difference in the lives of the emancipist families and Captain Hogan. Sequel to The Emerald Flame (RC 43828). 1997. Birdsong RC 43199 by Sebastian Faulks read by George Holmes 4 cassettes Rootless after an unhappy love affair, young Englishman Stephen Wraysford joins the World War I British army. He finds comradeship and loyalty amid the horrors of war as he commands men charged with digging tunnels under German lines and setting off bombs there. Violence and explicit descriptions of sex. 1993. The Book of Daniel RC 41978 by E.L. Doctorow read by Ray Hagen 2 cassettes (Reissue) Paralleling the real-life story of the Rosenberg espionage case, this novel tells of a young man whose parents are executed during the cold war for conspiring to steal atomic secrets for Russia. He portrays the Isaacson family before, during, and after his parents' arrest, trial, and execution. Some strong language. 1971. The Boys from St. Petri RC 43112 by Bjarne Reuter read by Peter Gil 1 cassette Lars Balstrup is coming of age in his German-occupied Denmark village in 1942. He longs to join his older brother's secret club, the St. Petri Group, which engages in petty acts of resistance against the Nazis. As the defiance grows more serious, however, the St. Petri boys find their lives in jeopardy. For junior and senior high readers. Batchelder Award. 1994. Braveheart RC 44916 by Randall Wallace read by Graeme Malcolm 2 cassettes As a boy in 1276, William Wallace lost his father and brother at the hands of the English, who fought the Scots for control of Scotland. Now a young man, Wallace wages a battle to avenge the death of his family and crush the tyranny of England. Violence, strong language, and some descriptions of sex. 1995. Burr RC 44097 by Gore Vidal read by Roy Avers 4 cassettes (Reissue) A fictional memoir of Aaron Burr, a hero of the American Revolution, which describes the struggles and endless intrigues of the new United States. Washington, Jefferson, and Hamilton emerge as questionable politicians. Bestseller 1973. By the Green of the Spring: Loss of Eden, Volume 3 RC 43012 by John Masters read by John Horton 5 cassettes In this sequel to Heart of War (RC 42912), it is 1918 and the guns have fallen silent on the battlefields of Europe. Four families struggle to mend their lives and pursue their dreams in the aftermath of the Great War. Some strong language and descriptions of sex. 1981. Carnival of Saints RC 44620 by George Herman read by David Hartley-Margolin 3 cassettes In 1502 Renaissance Italy, a mysterious vagabond and an aging prostitute form a motley troupe of itinerant actors. As their satirical plays are cheered by the masses, the players find themselves increasingly imperiled by intrigues of church and state. Violence and descriptions of sex. 1994. Chariots in the Smoke: The Appomattox Saga, Book 9 RC 44948 by Gilbert Morris read by Mitzi Friedlander 2 cassettes As the Civil War heads toward Vicksburg, David Rocklin arrives in search of salt and barrels to take back to Richmond. When he meets Leah Cleburne, a true Confederate, David is forced to make a tough decision: maintain his stand against slavery or become a Confederate soldier for the woman he loves. Sequel to Stars in Their Courses (RC 44573). 1997. Child of All Nations RC 44104 by Pramoedya Ananta Toer read by Ed Blake 3 cassettes Set in Indonesia in the 1890s. In this sequel to This Earth of Mankind (RC 35356), Minke is distraught over the forced departure of his wife, Annelies, to the Netherlands, where she later dies. Minke begins writing but wrestles over which language to use and what issues to address in asserting the voice of the oppressed Javanese people. 1990. Cold Mountain RC 44762 by Charles Frazier read by Robert Sams 4 cassettes A wounded Confederate soldier leaves the war on an arduous trek to his mountain home and the woman he aims to marry. Meanwhile, his intended struggles to work her deceased father's hardscrabble farm. Depicts hardship, peril, and courage in the wartime South. Strong language and violence. Bestseller 1997. Cosette: The Sequel to Les Misérables RC 43461 by Laura Kalpakian read by George Holmes 5 cassettes Cosette, Jean Valjean's adopted daughter, and Marius, a freedom fighter rescued by Valjean, continue the struggle begun in Victor Hugo's Les Misérables (RC 35363). They rear their two children and publish a revolutionary newspaper as a brief, disappointing French Republic gives way to the Second Empire. Strong language, violence, and descriptions of sex. 1995. Creek Thunder RC 45114 by Donald Clayton Porter read by Roy Avers 2 cassettes Following the massacre of white settlers at Fort Mims by Creek Indians, General Andrew Jackson's forces attack the Creek nation in brutal retaliation. Renno, the White Indian, braves the perilous conflict in a heroic attempt to rescue his nephew. Violence and descriptions of sex. 1995. A Cup of Tea RC 45018 by Amy Ephron read by Suzanne Toren 1 cassette When New York socialite Rosemary Fell invites indigent Eleanor Smith to her home for tea, the comely young Eleanor becomes enamored of Rosemary's fiancé, Philip Alsop. Philip weds Rosemary and goes off to fight in World War I. When he returns, he must face his betrayed wife and the woman who has borne his child. Bestseller 1997. Daybreak: Of Saints and Sinners, Volume 2 RC 43594 by Harold Fickett read by Tom Martin 2 cassettes In 1765, Abram and Sarah have been married for some time, but the inability to have children has brought discord into their marriage. Sarah now spends much of her time in Boston, where she develops an interest in John Singleton Copley, the painter. Abram, who stays behind in Newburyport, develops an interest of his own. Sequel to First Light (RC 40431). 1995. A Dead Man in Deptford RC 42540 by Anthony Burgess read by Steven Carpenter 2 cassettes A fictionalized life of Elizabethan playwright and poet Christopher Marlowe, depicting his homosexuality, his espionage for the crown, and his early death in a bar brawl. Using the diction of the period, Burgess celebrates the life of the great artist, whom he calls "the Muse's darling." 1993. Dina's Book RC 43458 by Herbjorg Wassmo read by Martha Harmon Pardee 3 cassettes In this story set in 1840s Norway, young Dina has felt guilty since age five for having caused the death of her mother. Now sixteen, Dina captivates and marries a man her father's age, who teaches her the joys of sensuality before his untimely death. Dina is alone and obsessed by her life's tragedies until she once again discovers love. Strong language and descriptions of sex. 1996. The Discoveries of Mrs. Christopher Columbus: His Wife's Version RC 40682 by Paula DiPerna read by Laura Giannarelli 3 cassettes DiPerna imagines what would have happened if Columbus's wife had accompanied him on his voyage to the New World. Frustrated in her desire to be more of a partner in his life, Felipa keeps a diary. While recording political struggles in Spain, rigors of the voyage, and wonders of discovery, she explores her own emotions as well. Some explicit descriptions of sex. 1994. The Double Tongue RC 40937 by William Golding read by June Carter 1 cassette In ancient Greece, the oracle at Delphi is in decline until the priest finds a young girl with powers, Arieka, to train as a Pythia, the earthly voice of the shrine. But the shrine, the priest, and Greece all continue to decline, and Arieka, now in her eighties, recalls long, lonely years without hope. Second draft by Nobel prize-winning author, who died before completing the final. Some strong language and some descriptions of sex. 1995. Dust and Ashes: The Arbat Trilogy, Volume 3 RC 43598 by Anatoli Rybakov read by Ken Kliban 4 cassettes In this sequel to Fear (RC 37477), Sasha Pankratov emerges from exile in 1937 to join the Russian army tank corps, which is preparing to oppose the Nazi juggernaut. Sasha fights valiantly in battle, achieves personal redemption, and is reunited with his true love, Varya. Some violence. 1996. 1812 RC 43939 by David Nevin read by Bob Askey 4 cassettes This sequel to Dream West (RC 20213) follows the lives of national figures James and Dolley Madison, Andrew Jackson, and Winfield Scott. As the new republic is drawn into conflict with England, regional divisions at first beset America's war effort. The tide turns, and in 1815 Jackson wins the Battle of New Orleans. Strong language and violence. 1996. The Emerald Flame: Land of the Far Horizon, Book 3 RC 43828 by Patricia Hickman read by Martha Harmon Pardee 2 cassettes In 1800 twelve-year-old Kelsey McBride is torn from her beloved Ireland and sent to Australia with her mother, a convicted dissident. Kelsey wants to return to Ireland, but the love of the Prentice family changes her mind. And Rachel Langley finally returns to Sydney Cove, where surprises await her. Sequel to Angel of the Outback (RC 43827). 1996. Every Man for Himself RC 43731 by Beryl Bainbridge read by Rick Rohan 1 cassette Aboard the RMS Titanic on its maiden voyage in 1912 is a wealthy young man who helped design the ship that now bears him home to New York. En route he is daunted by an unrequited love affair and by the squalid life of the ship's crew amid the opulence above deck. When disaster strikes, he faces tests of courage and survival. 1996. Everyone's Gone to the Moon RC 43609 by Philip Norman read by Steven Crossley 4 cassettes Louis Brennan writes for a hip magazine in "Mod London" at the height of the "swinging sixties." He and his married editor, Jack Shildrick, are both having an affair with the same secretary. Brennan is torn between his loyalty to the older, stodgier Shildrick and his desire to gain acceptance from his younger, talented colleagues. Some strong language. 1995. Familiar Acts RC 43910 by June Barraclough read by Gabriella Cavallero 2 cassettes As a child growing up in Victorian England, Hetty Coppen always sensed that her mother favored Hetty's younger sister. When Hetty discovers that she is a stepchild, she vows to uncover her family's past. On a trip in Italy, Hetty encounters intrigue and romance as she assembles her family history. 1993. The Fields of Glory: The Wakefield Dynasty, Volume 4 RC 44280 by Gilbert Morris read by Lynn Schrichte 2 cassettes Evan Morgan just can't stay out of trouble, and now he has been thrown out of Wales. He is going to live with the Wakefields, who are hoping he will be a companion for their son Amos. Along the way, Evan rescues Jenny Clairmont, a runaway, and together the three young people form a triangle that tests the limits of their faith. Sequel to The Shield of Honor (RC 41526). 1996. The Fifth Column and Four Stories of the Spanish Civil War RC 40905 by Ernest Hemingway read by Graci Ragsdale 1 cassette (Reissue) Contains the author's only full-length play, which conveys the feverish life in Madrid under siege. The accompanying stories grew from Hemingway's experience as a foreign correspondent. Some strong language and some violence. 1938. Flashman and the Angel of the Lord: From "The Flashman Papers," 1858-1859 RC 42979 edited by George MacDonald Fraser read by Graeme Malcolm 3 cassettes The cowardly and lecherous Harry Flashman is recruited to the cause of abolitionist John Brown in 1859. Flashman's adventures see him enlisted as a government spy, abducted by white supremacists, and involved in John Brown's raid on the federal arsenal at Harper's Ferry. Some descriptions of sex. 1994. Footsteps RC 43597 by Pramoedya Ananta Toer read by Graeme Malcolm 3 cassettes This sequel to Child of All Nations (RC 44104) is set in the early-twentieth-century Dutch East Indies, later Indonesia. Minke leaves his medical studies to become a crusading journalist and political activist in the struggle against Dutch rule. 1990. The Forge RC 43658 by T.S. Stribling read by Ilona Dulaski 3 cassettes In this prequel to The Store (RC 43211), an Alabama family, headed by slaveowner and cotton farmer Jimmie Vaiden, finds their southern way of life profoundly affected by the Civil War and its aftermath. Strong language. 1931. Hearts of Hickory: A Story of Andrew Jackson and the War of 1812 RC 44089 by John Trotwood Moore read by Jack Fox 3 cassettes The return of heroes Andrew Jackson and David Crockett after the Creek War inspires Philippe to leave his childhood home near the Hermitage to become a grown-up man. As the War of 1812 brews, Philippe is smitten by Pamela Crockett, niece of the famous scout, but Philippe's exploits lead him away, among the Creek Indians. Historical adventure by a former Tennessee state librarian. 1926. His Father's House RC 41115 by D.J. Meador read by Michael Kramer 3 cassettes When his father dies in 1973, Robert Trepnitz Kirkman finds among his father's papers a letter, a photograph, and an account of an event that took place during World War I. Kirkman's compulsion to find the woman to whom the letter was addressed takes him on an odyssey through East and West Germany and into the lives of a German family. He compares the divided Germany to the American South after the Civil War. 1994. Hiwassee: A Novel of the Civil War RC 44371 by Charles F. Price read by Terence Aselford 1 cassette A North Carolina mountain family struggles against marauding bands of Yankee partisans who run amok in the Civil War South. While the parents and daughters defend their homestead and harbor a battle-wounded son, his brothers are away fighting to preserve the waning Confederacy. Strong language and violence. 1996. Homecoming: The Holts; an American Dynasty, Volume 9 RC 42633 by Dana Fuller Ross read by Roy Avers 2 cassettes In this sequel to Pacific Destiny (RC 38606), Henry Blake is discouraged by the protracted war in Manila, but falls in love with a local woman. Frank returns from the Yukon, only to be drawn back to the West. Aspiring artist India Blackstone must fight to pursue her dreams. Strong language, some violence, and some descriptions of sex. 1994. The Horses at the Gate: Earthsong Trilogy, Volume 2 RC 42880 by Mary Mackey read by Madelyn Buzzard 3 cassettes In this sequel to The Year the Horses Came (RC 42879), Marrah and converted Hansi warrior Stavan struggle on to Shara, a prehistoric city in the Ukrainian steppes. Their plight continues as the Hansi seek out the renegade Stavan. Violence and explicit descriptions of sex. 1995. I Was Amelia Earhart RC 44456 by Jane Mendelsohn read by Kimberly Schraf 1 cassette Fictionalized account of the aviatrix's last days on a small Pacific Island, assuming that she and navigator Fred Noonan survived the crash that ended their attempt to circumnavigate the globe in 1937. Reminiscences of childhood, marriage, and planning for the historic flight are interspersed with day-to-day survival efforts and occasional moments of joy in Noonan's company. 1996. The Iron Lady: The House of Winslow, Book 19 RC 43775 by Gilbert Morris read by Mitzi Friedlander 3 cassettes In 1902 three Winslow cousins arrive in New York City to seek their future. Ruth becomes a missionary at Baxter Hospital with Dr. David Burns. Priscilla also works at the hospital but finds herself drawn to Broadway. And Esther, who wants to do something important, photographs the plight of immigrants. Sequel to The Rough Rider (RC 43774). 1996. Jackson RC 44557 by Max Byrd read by Jack Fox 3 cassettes A fictional portrayal of the political life and times of Andrew Jackson. In 1828 President Jackson's political adversaries commission David Chase to write a biography aimed at damaging Jackson's reelection prospects. Chase experiences a crisis of conscience as sensitive facts emerge. Strong language. 1997. The Knight and the Dove RC 43100 by Lori Wick read by Jill Ferris 2 cassettes King Henry VIII has ordered a marriage between Bracken of Hawkings Crest and a daughter of Lord Vincent of Stone Lake. When Marigold refuses, Vincent offers his youngest, Megan. She and Bracken get off to a shaky start, but matters worsen when Marigold learns Bracken is to become a duke. Sequel to Who Brings Forth the Wind (RC 43099). 1995. Knights RC 44937 by Linda Lael Miller read by Ann Hodapp 2 cassettes At the age of five, Megan Saunders walked through an opening in a wall and found herself in the thirteenth century, where she is called Gloriana and betrothed to Dane St. Gregory. Now several years later, Gloriana's husband returns from years at war, and she hopes to finally become his true wife. But he has brought home another woman. Some explicit descriptions of sex. 1996. The Knowledge of Water RC 43212 by Sarah Smith read by Mary Kane 3 cassettes This sequel to The Vanished Child (RC 36805) is set in Paris in 1910, when the Seine overflows. Concert pianist Perdita Halley regrets her career-based refusal to marry scientist Alexander von Reisden. As their love deepens, the two become entangled in a web of art theft and forgery, conspiracy, and murder. Violence and descriptions of sex. 1996. Legacies RC 43513 by Janet Dailey read by Mary Kane 3 cassettes It has been five years since Diane Parmelee saw Lije Stuart, yet the attraction to each other is still very evident. But in this sequel to The Proud and the Free (RC 40764), Lije, now a Harvard graduate, is forced to return to his Cherokee Nation home without Diane, as the country heads toward civil war. Some violence and some descriptions of sex. 1995. London RC 44752 by Edward Rutherfurd read by Graeme Malcolm 7 cassettes A tale spanning two millennia of London history, as revealed in the lives and fortunes of generations of six imaginary families. Traces the city's evolution from a small trading port to a flourishing metropolis. Touches on the natural, social, and political aspects of England's capital. Violence. Bestseller 1997. The Long Way Home: The Real People, Book 5 RC 43449 by Robert J. Conley read by Erik Sandvold 1 cassette In this sequel to The Way South (RC 40256), an enslaved Cherokee priest, Deadwood Lighter, becomes an interpreter for conquistador Hernando de Soto. On de Soto's expedition and quest for gold in Florida, the priest is appalled at the Spaniards' cruelty. As de Soto nears Cherokee territory, Lighter escapes to warn his people. Violence. 1994. Look Away RC 44411 by Harold Coyle read by Roy Avers 4 cassettes Following the accidental death of a young woman for whom they both had an affection, James and Kevin Bannon are sent off to school. Because of the growing conflict between the North and South, their father sends one to Virginia while the other stays in New Jersey. And as civil war breaks out, they find themselves facing one another in battle. Prequel to Until the End (RC 44412). Some strong language. 1995. The Middle Heart RC 43912 by Bette Bao Lord read by Martha Harmon Pardee 3 cassettes During the turbulent 1930s in China, three outcasts form a bond that lasts a lifetime. Steel Hope, an undesired second son of a fallen family, is assigned a tutor, Mountain Pine, whose leg is malformed. They join with Firecrackers, an orphaned girl, in decades of struggle to survive under the Communist regime. Some strong language, some violence, and some descriptions of sex. 1996. Milton in America RC 44815 by Peter Ackroyd read by Jim Zeiger 2 cassettes "What if the outspoken seventeenth-century English poet John Milton had fled England in 1660 to avoid arrest and emigrated to Puritan America?" supposes Ackroyd. In his scenario, the aging and blind agitator establishes a settlement named New Milton, where he rules with an iron hand and wages war on a neighboring colony of Roman Catholics. 1996. Mister Christian RC 41112 by William Kinsolving read by Graeme Malcolm 2 cassettes In this take on the HMS Bounty, mutineer Fletcher Christian is captured by pirates, then escapes and rescues a woman with whom he finds love on a deserted island. Christian makes his way back to England where he changes his identity, returns to sea, and eventually reencounters the vengeful Bligh. Violence and descriptions of sex. 1996. The Oracle Glass RC 43379 by Judith Merkle Riley read by Annie Wauters 4 cassettes At fifteen Genevičve Pasquier is orphaned and living in Paris during the reign of Louis XIV. She is taken in and tutored by La Voisin, an occultist and witch. Gifted with the power to read the swirling waters of the oracle glass, Genevičve finds intrigue and danger at the king's court. 1994. Out of the Shelter RC 43687 by David Lodge read by George Holmes 2 cassettes A coming-of-age story based on the author's teen years during and after World War II. Having survived bombing and privation in wartime Britain, he stays with his older sister in American-occupied Germany, where he experiences a world of abundance and glamor that changes him forever. Strong language and descriptions of sex. 1985. People of the Lakes: The First North Americans, Volume 6 RC 41693 by Kathleen O'Neal Gear and W. Michael Gear read by Jim Zeiger 6 cassettes The Mask, an evil spirit among the Hopewell Mound Builders, now has complete control of Mica Bird. For peace to be restored, his wife, Star Shell, must take the Mask to the Great Lakes and throw it into the Roaring Waters. For Star Shell it is a race against time. Sequel to People of the Sea (RC 41692). Violence, strong language, and some descriptions of sex. For senior high and older readers. 1994. People of the Lightning: The First North Americans, Volume 7 RC 43174 by Kathleen O'Neal Gear and W. Michael Gear read by Jim Zeiger 4 cassettes In this sequel to The People of the Lakes (RC 41693), the authors discuss the Windover people who lived in what is now Florida some eight thousand years ago. The story centers around Pondwader, an albino, who becomes known as White Lightning Boy. Violence and some descriptions of sex. For high school and older readers. 1995. People of the Silence: The First North Americans, Volume 8 RC 44626 by Kathleen O'Neal Gear and W. Michael Gear read by Jim Zeiger 5 cassettes This sequel to People of the Lightning (RC 43174) focuses on the Anasazi people of what is now northwestern New Mexico. In the mid-twelfth century, teenaged Cornsilk and Poor Singer seek their beginnings amid the fall of an empire beset by internal warfare. Violence and some descriptions of sex. For senior high and older readers. 1996. The Persian Boy RC 44166 by Mary Renault read by David Hartley-Margolin 4 cassettes (Reissue) A beautiful slave boy is given as a peace offering by the Persian king to Alexander the Great, and their meeting develops into a love that lasts until Alexander's death. Descriptions of sex and some violence. 1972. The Physician of London: The Second Part of the Seventeenth-Century Trilogy of Nicholas Cooke RC 43460 by Stephanie Cowell read by John Horton 3 cassettes This sequel to Nicholas Cooke (RC 37467) opens in 1617 as Nicholas, now a physician and priest, is living in a small London parish. Nicholas and his colleagues form a scientific society to better the world. His friend, the politically ambitious Thomas Wentworth, becomes the focus of controversy and faces execution for treason. 1995. The Pioneers: An American Family Portrait, Book 5 RC 43858 by Jack Cavanaugh read by John Stratton 2 cassettes Jesse Morgan, twenty, lives in the lower east side tenements of 1890s New York. He dreams of a better life, knowing God will help him. But Morgan encounters tragedy when he thinks he let someone die. He flees to the West, followed by several people-including Emily, who wants to be his wife. Sequel to The Adversaries (RC 41795). 1996. Pope Joan RC 43715 by Donna Woolfolk Cross read by Nanette Savard 4 cassettes Born in ninth-century Europe, Joan aspires to an education, a privilege then denied to girls. When her brother is killed in a Viking raid, she assumes his identity as a male, enters a monastery, and rises through the ranks of the church to the Throne of Saint Peter itself. 1996. Radetzky March RC 43848 by Joseph Roth read by Robert Blumenfeld 3 cassettes In mid-nineteenth-century Austria, Lieutenant Trotta saves the life of Emperor Franz Joseph in battle. For his deed, Trotta is knighted a baron. The Trotta family live in the shadow of their heroic forebear through the waning years of the Hapsburg Empire in the changing world prior to World War I. First published in German in 1932. 1995. Ragtime RC 44378 by E.L. Doctorow read by Jeff Baker 2 cassettes (Reissue) A story set in 1906 New York that incorporates luminaries of the period, including Theodore Roosevelt, Sigmund Freud, and Emma Goldman. A ragtime musician from Harlem falls victim to racist vandalism and seeks redress through violence. Strong language, violence, and descriptions of sex. 1974. Raising Holy Hell RC 42964 by Bruce Olds read by Gary Telles 2 cassettes A fictionalized account of the life of abolitionist John Brown from his Ohio roots to his failed raid on the federal arsenal at Harper's Ferry and subsequent hanging in 1859. Using private letters, interviews, speeches, public documents, and other sources, the author weaves his story of Brown's violent commitment to the antislavery cause. Includes views of historic figures such as Frederick Douglass and Robert E. Lee. 1995. The Ramparts of Heaven: The Wakefield Dynasty, Volume 5 RC 44700 by Gilbert Morris read by Lynn Schrichte 2 cassettes The mines are closing in Wales, so Gareth, sixteen, and his sister Dorcas, eighteen, are grateful to accept their relatives' invitation to live in England. Cousin Andrew, studying for the priesthood, comes to accompany them. Soon the three young people are caught up in the spiritual revival that is sweeping the land. Sequel to The Fields of Glory (RC 44280). 1997. The Ramsay Scallop RC 39908 by Frances Temple read by Randy Means 2 cassettes 1299. Fourteen-year-old Elenor waits, reluctantly, for her betrothed, Lord Thomas, to return from his crusade to the Holy Land. Though it is their duty to marry, neither relishes the prospect. Elenor is frightened of marriage; Thomas has been broken by the crusade. Father Gregory sends them on a chaste pilgrimage to Spain. Through their long wandering, Elenor and Thomas come to know themselves and each other. For junior and senior high readers. 1994. The Rifles: Seven Dreams; a Book of North American Landscapes, Volume 6 RC 42993 by William T. Vollmann read by Ed Blake 3 cassettes Follows The Ice-Shirt (RC 32983) and Second Dream, Fathers and Crows (RC 37080), which covered North America's history up to the sixteenth century. Here the author intertwines Sir John Franklin's 1840s search for a Northwest passage with the relocation of the Inuits in the 1950s and its results. Some violence. 1994. Roanoke: The Lost Colony; Keepers of the Ring, Volume 1 RC 44069 by Angela Elwell Hunt read by Mitzi Friedlander 3 cassettes Using John White's 1587 voyage to America, Hunt creates a fictional account of the founding of Roanoke colony. Jocelyn White is reluctant to join her uncle's expedition, but he and Jocelyn's father insist she accompany her cousin, Eleanor, recently married and pregnant. John also makes sure a future husband for Jocelyn is aboard. 1996. The Rough Rider: The House of Winslow, Book 18 RC 43774 by Gilbert Morris read by Mitzi Friedlander 2 cassettes Teddy Roosevelt is forming his Rough Riders, and Lewis Winslow joins up. His older brother Aaron enlists to keep an eye on Lewis and to act as a war correspondent for William Randolph Hearst. Also enlisting are Dr. David Burns and Gail Summers, his assistant. As war rages, Gail's affections shift from David to Aaron. Sequel to The Yukon Queen (RC 42190). 1995. The Secret Diary of Anne Boleyn RC 44455 by Robin Maxwell read by Vanessa Maroney 3 cassettes Fictionalized account of sixteenth-century royal life in England told through the eyes of the young queen, Elizabeth I, and a diary kept in secret by her mother, Anne Boleyn. Events in Elizabeth's life unfold alongside those retold in the diary, and her mother's words bring her new insight into her family and herself. 1997. The Secret of Sarah Revere RC 40983 by Ann Rinaldi read by Graci Ragsdale 1 cassette Many things happen at once in the life of Sarah, Paul Revere's thirteen-year-old daughter. Her father keeps secrets about his revolutionary activities, but Sarah learns of them through gossip. She is also troubled by Dr. Warren's attention to her stepmother and finds herself feeling jealous. For junior and senior high readers. 1995. Secret Place of Thunder: Cheney Duvall M.D., Volume 5 RC 44907 by Lynn and Gilbert Morris read by Suzanne Toren 3 cassettes Cheney Duvall and her nurse, Shiloh Irons, have finally reached New Orleans. But even as they are poling up the bayou to Cheney's aunts' plantation, both realize strange things are going on along the shore. They soon discover a priestess has put a curse on the plantation and its indigo crop. Sequel to Toward the Sunrising (RC 44908). 1996. The Shadow of His Wings: The Appomattox Saga, Book 6 RC 41584 by Gilbert Morris read by Mitzi Friedlander 2 cassettes Rooney Smith is a young woman in trouble who has fled to Richmond to begin a new life. She meets Lowell Rocklin after he is wounded and taken to a Richmond hospital. While recovering, Lowell tells Rooney of his plans to make an observation hot-air balloon to help the Confederate Army. They build the balloon, but then fate steps in and deals them a severe blow. Sequel to Out of the Whirlwind (RC 41583). 1994. Silent Honor RC 43683 by Danielle Steel read by Mary Kane 2 cassettes Hiroko's father is a man ahead of his time, while her mother is steeped in Japanese traditions. At eighteen, Hiroko bows to her father's wishes and travels to California to stay with cousins and attend college. It is 1941, and Hiroko soon finds herself an enemy in a foreign land. Some strong language and some descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1996. The Silver Star: The House of Winslow, Book 20 RC 45106 by Gilbert Morris read by Mitzi Friedlander 3 cassettes Determined to put Eddie Rich behind her, Priscilla Winslow leaves Broadway and heads to California for a movie career. Her cousin Andrew and his family have also come to California, where he is to be the new pastor of Faith Temple. Both find themselves confronting difficult choices. Sequel to The Iron Lady (RC 43775). 1997. Snow Wolf RC 43906 by Glenn Meade read by Chuck Benson 4 cassettes In 1953 President Eisenhower receives alarming reports of Joseph Stalin's deteriorating mental health and of a heightened risk of war. Ike authorizes the CIA to kill Stalin, and two agents are dropped in Moscow. When the plot goes awry, the agents come under threat from both sides and find an unlikely ally. Violence, strong language, and descriptions of sex. 1995. Song in a Strange Land: The Liberty Bell, Book 2 RC 44480 by Gilbert Morris read by Jack Fox 3 cassettes Boston, 1775. Dake Bradford is an American patriot. His cousin Clive Gordon is a Tory. As war breaks out, the two find themselves on opposite sides. And both are in love with Jeanne Corbeau, a young girl who once saved Clive's life. Sequel to Sound the Trumpet (RC 42297). 1996. Spite Fences RC 41946 by Trudy Krisher read by Laura Giannarelli 2 cassettes Maggie Pugh, thirteen, lives in Kinship, Georgia, where in 1960 there are racially segregated parks, lunch counters, and bathrooms. Maggie is good friends with Zeke, a black man who peddles goods in Kinship. When Zeke is brutally beaten, life changes dramatically for Maggie, who is no stranger to abuse. She uses the camera given her by Zeke to record the truth. Violence. For junior and senior high readers. 1994. Stars in Their Courses: The Appomattox Saga, Book 8 RC 44573 by Gilbert Morris read by Mitzi Friedlander 2 cassettes In the summer of 1863, Frank Rocklin, who would rather act than fight, joins a theater group in Washington, D.C., as a spy. Before long, his abilities are recognized by Allan Pinkerton, who sends Rocklin on a secret mission as part of an acting troupe touring the South. But perhaps the greatest danger he faces may come from an actress. Sequel to Wall of Fire (RC 41585). 1995. The Store RC 43211 by T.S. Stribling read by Ilona Dulaski 4 cassettes Chronicle of an Alabama family headed by Colonel Miltiades Vaiden, a southern gentleman who fought at Shiloh and was a Klan member during Reconstruction. The story depicts the ending of the old South and the beginning of the new. Sequel to The Forge (RC 43658). Strong language. 1933 Pulitzer Prize winner. 1932. The Sun in Splendour: The Plantagenet Saga, Volume 14 RC 44731 by Jean Plaidy read by Patricia Kilgarriff 3 cassettes This sequel to Red Rose of Anjou (RC 40059) begins with Edward of York successfully wresting the throne from the Lancasters and continues with his marriage to Elizabeth Woodville, who presents him with ten children. But his reign is continually plagued by the conflict between the houses of York and Lancaster. 1982. Talons of Eagles RC 44013 by William W. Johnstone read by Jack Fox 2 cassettes In this sequel to Dreams of Eagles (RC 44012), Jamie MacCallister joins the Confederate cause in the Civil War as leader of MacCallister's Marauders. When the tide of the war turns in favor of the North and some Union troops resort to rape and pillage, the Marauders become a swift agent of revenge. Strong language and violence. 1995. Tapes of the River Delta RC 44108 by Peter Cunningham read by Graeme Malcolm 2 cassettes Theo Shortcourse escapes from the mental hospital where he is held after committing murder. He hides out in the river delta, where he long ago swam with boyhood friends, one of whom is now Ireland's prime minister. Theo reveals the chilling story of his tragic life by talking into a tape recorder. Strong language, violence, and descriptions of sex. 1995. Theory of War RC 41117 by Joan Brady read by Kimberly Schraf 2 cassettes Brady draws on her grandfather's experience to tell of a white boy sold into slavery after the Civil War. Four-year-old Jonathan Carrick begins a life few animals could endure. But he makes his way with the help of the railroad, a friend, a preacher, and some education. Later, years of adversity tell on Carrick and produce serious consequences within his family. Winner of Britain's Whitbread Award. Strong language and some violence. 1993. A Time for Silence RC 44928 by Philippa Carr read by Barbara Caruso 2 cassettes Britishers Lucinda and Annabelinda, who have been friends since childhood, are delighted when they both have the chance to attend an exclusive finishing school in Belgium. But an indiscretion on the part of Annabelinda and the beginning of World War I send both girls fleeing back to England and an uncertain future. 1991. Tracks of Deceit: Katy Steele Adventures, Volume 1 RC 43159 by Alan and Gilbert Morris read by Martha Harmon Pardee 2 cassettes When a Central Pacific Railroad detective is murdered in 1867, his daughter, Katy, is hired to investigate. Katy and her fellow sleuth, Sam Bronte, uncover a web of official corruption as they track the murderer and railroad saboteur. 1996. Two Crowns for America RC 43911 by Katherine Kurtz read by Jill Ferris 3 cassettes In 1775 George Washington falls from his horse and, while unconscious, has a vision of a Masonic ceremony involving a woman. The author of Washington's vision is the ageless Masonic master, whose aim is to seat Bonnie Prince Charlie on the throne of America. Washington's vision comes to pass, while the master's is foiled. 1996. Underworld RC 45021 by Don DeLillo read by John Stratton 5 cassettes This narrative starts at the end of the cold war in the early 1990s and works back to 1951 when baseball and the atomic bomb dominated headlines in American newspapers. The private lives of Nick Shay, a waste disposal manager, and Klara Sax, an ecology-minded artist, intermingle with public events and historic characters. Some descriptions of sex, some violence, and some strong language. Bestseller 1997. Unfinished Cathedral RC 44433 by T.S. Stribling read by Ilona Dulaski 3 cassettes Sequel to The Store (RC 43211). Amidst a backdrop of rising prosperity for the emerging middle class of the 1920s, Jerry Catlin, a Methodist minister and nephew of Colonel Miltiades Vaiden, struggles to create a cathedral in the town of Florence, Alabama. Strong language. 1934. Variations on Night and Day RC 43634 by 'Abd al-Rahman Munif read by Robert Blumenfeld 3 cassettes In the final novel of the Cities of Salt trilogy, Sultan Khureybit rises to power in the Persian Gulf nation-state of Mooran in the 1930s. During his reign, Khureybit- who is aided by the underhanded British -battles rival clans and squelches internal opposition using bribery and brutality. Sequel to The Trench (RC 35743). 1989. Voyage of the Exiles: Land of the Far Horizon, Book 1 RC 43445 by Patricia Hickman read by Martha Harmon Pardee 2 cassettes England, 1787. George Prentice's death sentence is reduced to exile in Australia. Prentice is unaware that his wife and daughter are also headed to the new colony under separate passage. After a perilous voyage, they are reunited in their new land. Prequel to Angel of the Outback (RC 43827). 1995. The Waiting Time RC 44609 by Eugenia Price read by Gabriella Cavallero 2 cassettes Coastal Georgia, late 1850s. When Abigail Banes of Boston marries plantation-owner Eli Allyn, she doesn't mind Eli's owning slaves because she knows he will treat them well. But then Eli drowns, and Abby is left to run the plantation. As Abby and her overseer, Thaddeus Green, become abolitionists, Thad becomes Abby's helpmate. Bestseller 1997. Wall of Fire: The Appomattox Saga, Book 7 RC 41585 by Gilbert Morris read by Mitzi Friedlander 2 cassettes Mark Rocklin is dying, and there is something he must do before he goes. Years ago he fell in love with a woman named Beth but did not marry her, and now he has learned they share a daughter. Allyn is located and brought to Gracefield, but it will take some time for her and Mark to become close, and even longer for her to accept his plans for her future. Sequel to The Shadow of His Wings (RC 41584). 1995. The Wandering Arm RC 43642 by Sharan Newman read by Robert Blumenfeld 2 cassettes Medieval France. When the theft of a reliquary is linked to some of their friends and family, a former nun and her husband launch a discreet search. Upon the murder of one suspect, a Jewish merchant, the case becomes even more complex and their investigation increasingly perilous. 1995. Warrior Scarlet RC 43867 by Rosemary Sutcliff read by Tom Martin 2 cassettes (Reissue) A tale set in England during the Bronze Age. A boy aspires to wear the warrior's scarlet, the sign of manhood in his tribe. To do so, he must first slay a wolf. But with a withered spear arm, he faces a formidable challenge. For junior and senior high readers. Violence. 1958. Waverley; or, 'Tis Sixty Years Since RC 44321 by Sir Walter Scott read by George Holmes 5 cassettes This historical novel, the first in English and the first fiction work by this author, tells of Edward Waverley, a romantic captain in the royal army, who resigns his commission and proposes marriage to an ardent supporter of the Stuart cause. Rejected, he enters the service of Prince Charles Edward and becomes a rebel. 1814. The Wedding Dress: Stories from the Dakota Plains RC 43856 by Carrie Young read by Catherine Byers 1 cassette In the title story, Ildri, a seamstress of Norwegian descent, is asked to model an intricately made wedding dress. Upon leaving her position, Ildri buys the dress and lends it to a succession of brides in her homesteading community before finding her own bittersweet use for it. The collection's other entries are also peopled with Norwegian Americans on the Dakota plains. Some strong language. 1992. Wooden Fish Songs RC 43902 by Ruthanne Lum McCunn read by Gabriella Cavallero 2 cassettes Three women recount stories about the life of Chinese immigrant and botanist Lue Gim Gong, whose 1870s experiments in hybridization boosted the Florida citrus industry. Recounts his life of privation prior to emigrating, his education in America, and the alienation that he felt in spite of his professional success. 1995. Human Relationships The Animals' Waltz RC 43899 by Cary Fagan read by Martha Harmon Pardee 2 cassettes Quirky Sheila Hersh leads a double life. By day she writes ads for her father's Toronto mattress store. By night she is part of the art scene, where she stars in an underground film. Intrigued with an Austrian book of poems, Sheila goes to romantic Vienna where she makes some surprising discoveries. Strong language and some descriptions of sex. 1994. Bombardiers RC 43265 by Po Bronson read by Ray Foushee 3 cassettes Sid Geeder is a top-selling bond trader but he hates his work and only hangs on to become vested in his firm's stock. As Sid and the other greedy rogues hustle bonds to gullible people, their deals become more bizarre, culminating in the corporate takeover of a country. Strong language and some explicit descriptions of sex. 1995. Bone Truth RC 43388 by Anne Finger read by Kimberly Schraf 2 cassettes Elizabeth, single and unexpectedly pregnant, considers her own childhood and how her disability and her abusive father have shaped her. She finds peace with herself through her art and her humor, but worries about the effects she and the baby will have on one another. Strong language, violence, and explicit descriptions of sex. 1994. Brain Fever RC 42974 by Valerie Sayers read by David Palmer 2 cassettes Middle-aged professor Tim Rooney feels another breakdown looming when he leaves his fiancée, decides to find his former wife, and heads for New York with fifteen thousand dollars stuffed in his shoes. Tim's mind slowly unravels as he contends with past and present troubles. Strong language and some explicit descriptions of sex. 1996. The Bubble Reputation RC 43387 by Cathie Pelletier read by Faith Potts 2 cassettes Grieving Rosemary O'Neal is just emerging from isolation after the suicide of her lover when her oddball family and friends move in and complicate her recovery. Rosemary retreats into a backyard tent for privacy until a troubling turn of events brings her back into the family circle. Strong language. 1993. A Child's Night Dream RC 44860 by Oliver Stone read by Steven Carpenter 2 cassettes In this autobiographical story, an alienated young man leaves home on a harrowing odyssey to Vietnam as a combat soldier, across the ocean as a merchant seaman, and to a hotel room in Mexico where he writes about his experiences. Explores the power that dreams have to direct one's life. Strong language, violence, and descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1997. Come in from the Cold RC 43049 by Marsha Qualey read by Gary Tipton 1 cassette In 1969, Maud is seventeen and her older antiwar activist sister has just been killed in a bomb blast. Meanwhile in another Minnesota town, seventeen-year-old Jeff steps up his own protests against the Vietnam War after his brother is killed in battle. The two meet and find solace in each other. Some descriptions of sex. For junior and senior high readers. 1994. Comfort Woman RC 44684 by Nora Okja Keller read by Gabriella Cavallero 2 cassettes A Korean-American girl grows up in Hawaii with her mother, who is secretly haunted by memories of sexual enslavement as a "comfort woman" during the Japanese occupation of Korea. Outwardly she exhibits her trauma through embarrassing bouts with the spirit world. The daughter, who loves and protects her, learns the horrible truth only after her mother's death. Violence and descriptions of sex. 1997. Couplings RC 43732 by Peter Schneider read by Steven Carpenter 2 cassettes Eduard, a biologist in West Berlin, determines the longevity of human love affairs to be three and one-half years. He wagers with two friends that the three of them will not be with their current partners one year hence. Over the course of the year, each of the three men's relationships falls victim to fate. Strong language. 1996. A Crack in Forever RC 45052 by Jeannie Brewer read by Barbara Pinolini 2 cassettes When illustrator Alexandra Taylor meets sexy medical student Eric Moro, she drops her steady boyfriend and begins a whirlwind relationship with Eric. After she happily accepts his marriage proposal, they learn Eric is HIV-positive. Explicit descriptions of sex and some strong language. 1996. Dreams of My Russian Summers RC 45019 by Andreď Makine read by Ken Kliban 2 cassettes A Soviet youth imbibes his French grandmother's tales of Paris and the Soviet Revolution during his summer visits to her home on the steppes. His fascination with her and her stories transcends his Russian life and leads him eventually to France. Some violence. Winner of top French literary awards: the Prix Goncourt and the Prix Médicis. Bestseller 1995. Driver's Ed RC 39997 by Caroline B. Cooney read by Jeanne Evans 1 cassette Remy and Morgan pay more attention to each other than they do to the teacher of their driver's ed class, unless they get a chance to drive. Some people in this class play tricks, like switching name tags, and one night they decide to steal stop signs. But disaster strikes and a young mother is left dead. Now the teenagers must deal with their thoughtless act, their deceit, and their guilt. For high school and older readers. 1994. An Echo of Heaven RC 44607 by Kenzaburo Oe read by David Hartley-Margolin 2 cassettes Following the tragic suicides of her two sons in Japan, Marie Kuraki travels to Mexico to find meaning and solace in Western religion. Kuraki joins a remote farming community and dedicates her life to its people, who come to venerate her. Originally written in 1989. Descriptions of sex. 1996. Ellen Foster RC 44846 by Kaye Gibbons read by Mary Kane 1 cassette A spunky eleven-year-old tells how she survives a miserable homelife with an ill, suicidal mother and a mean, alcoholic father. Her best friend Starletta (a black sharecropper's daughter), her love of reading, and her resourcefulness keep Ellen going. Eventually she needs a new home, and even that she has to find for herself. Bestseller 1987. Errands RC 43896 by Judith Guest read by Annie Wauters 2 cassettes When her husband of seventeen years dies of a brain tumor, Annie Browner is grief-stricken and frantic to find a job that will provide for her three children. The Detroit family's troubles intensify until each member performs an errand of love for the others. Strong language. 1997. Evening Class RC 44308 by Maeve Binchy read by Anne Flosnik 3 cassettes For many people in Dublin, life is the same day after day, but that changes dramatically for forty-eight-year old Aidan Dunne, when he is passed over for a school principal position. He and Nora O'Donoghue, just returned from twenty-six years in Italy, begin teaching Italian in a series of evening classes. Together, they help many other Dubliners make transitions, too. Some strong language. Bestseller 1996. Falling into Glory RC 43359 by Robert Westall read by Graeme Malcolm 2 cassettes At seventeen Robbie Atkinson is a popular, respected rugby star in his final year of British grammar school. By a series of chance encounters, he becomes involved with schoolteacher Emma Harris, whose fiance was killed in World War II. For junior and senior high and older readers. 1993. Footprints RC 43395 by Shelby Hearon read by Margaret Strom 2 cassettes After the sudden death of their grown daughter, Doug and Nan Mayhall confront the long-suppressed conflicts of their marriage. As Doug takes a young lover, Nan retreats to the security of her relinquished academic career. It takes another tragic event to bring healing to the estranged couple. Strong language. 1996. For Your Eyes Only RC 44417 by Rebecca York read by Ilona Dulaski 2 cassettes Jenny Larkin lost her sight in a car accident in high school. She blames herself, though no one else does. Ben Brisco has always loved Jenny, yet never expressed it. Their feelings come to the surface when Jenny becomes a possible witness in her best friend's murder. Some descriptions of sex. 1997. The Fox in the Field: A WWII Novel of India RC 43636 by Maynard Allington read by Andrew Seear 2 cassettes A roguish gambler is pressed by British intelligence to uncover a 1944 German plot to foment anti-British unrest in India. His espionage involves Kama Sutra interludes with a half-caste lovely and tense encounters with a ruthless Nazi intelligence agent. Explicit descriptions of sex. 1994. The Good Negress RC 43632 by A.J. Verdelle read by Connie Winston 2 cassettes In 1963 Denise Palms is caught between two worlds. She struggles with caring for her mother's newborn and looking out for her irresponsible brother, and with her desire to fulfill her educational ambitions, motivated by her inspiring teacher. Some descriptions of sex. 1995. Hanging Up RC 44212 by Delia Ephron read by Madelyn Buzzard 2 cassettes As her father lies dying in a nursing home, Eve Mozell thinks back on her troubled life with him. After her mother left, Eve, more than her two sisters, had to deal with her father's drinking, his increasingly erratic behavior, and his constant phone calls. For seven years she refused to speak with him, but now he is once more consuming her life. Some strong language. 1995. Hilda and Pearl RC 43696 by Alice Mattison read by Annie Wauters 2 cassettes Preadolescent Frances, growing up in 1950s Brooklyn, is confused by her complex family and world. When she finds a hidden pair of baby shoes cherished by her mother, Hilda, Frances unravels a series of tragic secrets involving her parents, Aunt Pearl, and her uncle. In time, Frances comes to realize the special bond that Hilda and Pearl share. Descriptions of sex. 1995. House Work RC 42314 by Kristina McGrath read by Susan McInerney 2 cassettes Anna and Guy Hallissey and their three children live in Pittsburgh. As is typical in the 1950s, Anna stays home, keeps house, and takes care of their children while Guy works at Radiant Oven Company. But Guy has problems-he stops off to have drinks on the way home, and he is becoming mentally unstable. Anna believes that either life is pleasant or it is her job to make it so. She immerses herself in housework as she struggles to maintain a happy home. 1994. How Far Would You Have Gotten If I Hadn't Called You Back? RC 43171 by Valerie Hobbs read by Pam Ward 2 cassettes Sixteen-year-old Bron Lewis's life turns upside down when her family moves to a small California town. She eventually makes friends, but they prove to be the wrong kind. And when gentle Will Harding comes along, Bron has trouble accepting his earnestness. Some strong language. For junior and senior high readers. 1995. Independence Day RC 44192 by Richard Ford read by Jamie Horton 4 cassettes Seven years ago Frank Bascombe, of Sportswriter (RC 37166), got divorced, yet he is still in his "existence period." Perhaps things will change this Fourth of July weekend. After a brief trip to see his longtime girlfriend, who may take him into a "permanent period," Frank plans to take his son, Paul, fifteen and recently arrested for shoplifting, to visit several sports halls of fame. But fate steps in along the way. Strong language. Bestseller 1995. Keeping the Good Light RC 43061 by Katherine Kirkpatrick read by Carol Dines 1 cassette Stepping Stones Lighthouse, Long Island Sound, 1903. Eliza Brown, sixteen, is bored with living in a lighthouse and longs for friends and adventure. When tragedy strikes her family, Eliza's life begins to change and her maturity is tested. For junior and senior high readers. 1995. The Last Hotel for Women RC 45221 by Vicki Covington read by Nanette Savard 2 cassettes The summer of 1961 in Birmingham upsets life in the Fraley family. Freedom riders and journalists bring out the worst in Bull Connor, the city's bigoted Commissioner of Public Safety. Dinah Fraley, owner of the hotel (formerly a bordello), and her family suffer the repercussions of Connor's emotional crisis. Some descriptions of sex, some strong language, and some violence. 1996. The Late Child RC 40953 by Larry McMurtry read by Dick Jenkins 3 cassettes Five-year-old Eddie sustains his mother with his sweet and forthright nature while she reels from the death of her older daughter. Eddie, his mom, and his aunts journey to New York and Oklahoma to make sense of their grief and find the meaning of family. Sequel to The Desert Rose (RC 21771). Strong language and some explicit descriptions of sex. 1995. Love and Reruns in Adams County RC 44545 by Mark Spencer read by John Polk 2 cassettes Lon Peterson returns to his southern Ohio hometown after his minor-league baseball career and marriage have both failed. His ex-wife still lives there, working at a fast-food restaurant. Both lead frustrated lives, continue to be unlucky in love, and cannot seem to get each other out of their minds. Strong language and some descriptions of sex. 1993. The Man without a Face RC 43164 by Isabelle Holland read by Erik Sandvold 1 cassette Receiving no love from his mother or stepsisters, troubled Chuck Norstadt welcomes the acceptance and affection of Justin McLeod, a mysterious recluse with a badly scarred face. Chuck is confused and frightened by his own feelings for Justin. For junior and senior high readers. 1972. A Marriage Made at Woodstock RC 41563 by Cathie Pelletier read by June Carter 3 cassettes Woodstock. For Fred and Lorraine it was a way of life as well as a part of the landscape. But now, twenty-one years later, the love that blossomed there is strained. Fred, onetime poetry-loving hippie, has turned into a compulsive yuppie, while Lorraine, now known as Chandra, continues to fight for the betterment of humanity. Still, Chandra's decision to call the marriage quits shocks Fred. Strong language. 1994. Mrs. Ted Bliss RC 43626 by Stanley Elkin read by Suzanne Toren 2 cassettes Mrs. Ted Bliss is an elderly Jewish widow who lives in a Miami condo. Until now her entire life has been centered on her husband and children. Gradually, she comes to terms with the death of her husband and son and with her own identity- as Dorothy Bliss. When Hurricane Andrew bears down on Miami, she braces for the storm. 1995. One True Thing RC 40750 by Anna Quindlen read by Susan McInerney 2 cassettes Ellen's father demands her return from a fledgling journalism career to care for her terminally ill mother. Her two brothers are in college, and no one else will do. During the months that follow, Ellen turns into nurse and housekeeper, recognizes her mother as the "one true thing," and slowly becomes aware of her father's shortcomings. When the end comes, Ellen is accused of mercy killing and fights the charge. Strong language. 1994. Out to Pasture (but Not over the Hill) RC 41559 by Effie Leland Wilder read by Mimi Bederman 1 cassette Like herself, eighty-five-year-old Wilder's protagonist, Hattie, is in a home for the elderly. After fourteen months there, Hattie is compelled to jot down the often amusing and sometimes sad situations she and her neighbors get into. She uses these notes to help convince an old college friend, whose name is almost to "the top of the list," that the home is a good place to live. 1995. A Private View RC 43262 by Anita Brookner read by David Palmer 2 cassettes Retirement disappointments leave George Bland with an empty life. The appearance of a brash New Age neighbor sparks long-buried feelings in Bland. Rekindled, he considers his life and the women in it, including a lukewarm romance of long ago. Some strong language and some descriptions of sex. 1994. The Ranch RC 44312 by Danielle Steel read by Laura Giannarelli 3 cassettes They had been close friends in college, but an incident in their senior year tore them apart. Now more than twenty years later, Tanya Thomas, a rock star; Mary Stuart Walker, the wife of a successful lawyer; and Zoe Phillips, a doctor, come together on a Wyoming ranch where they reach out to each other again. Some strong language. Bestseller 1997. Reality and Dreams RC 44462 by Muriel Spark read by Anne Flosnik 1 cassette Director Tom Richards begins to realize that his life and his film are spinning out of control. His relationships with his wife and girlfriend are in peril. His daughters may lose their jobs and their marriages. One daughter vanishes, making headlines in the tabloids. Tom begins to feel like a character in one of his movies. 1996. A Regular Guy RC 44127 by Mona Simpson read by Barbara Caruso 3 cassettes When Tom and Mary Owens decide to split, Mary takes daughter Jane to a commune, while Tom strikes it rich in biotechnology. At the age of ten, Jane is dispatched to live with her wealthy dad. Then Tom's fortunes fail, and he comes to a new understanding of love and family. Descriptions of sex and some strong language. 1996. River of Hidden Dreams RC 43264 by Connie May Fowler read by Mitzi Friedlander 2 cassettes Sadie Hunter is a middle-aged woman who takes tourists on boating excursions in Florida's Key West. She entertains passengers with stories of her family's heritage and her Native American grand- mother's doomed love for Sadie's mulatto grandfather. Throughout, Sadie struggles to commit to her Cuban boyfriend, Carlos. Some strong language and some descriptions of sex. 1994. RL's Dream RC 41947 by Walter Mosley read by Chuck Young 2 cassettes Old bluesman Soupspoon has had a lifetime of pain. He grew up in the Jim Crow South, has now been evicted from his New York apartment, and has cancer. His free-spirited neighbor, Kiki, who has her own pain, takes him in and a relationship of compassion and caring begins. As Soupspoon gets stronger, he tells his story in the music and words of blues greats, starting with R.L. Johnson. Violence, strong language, and explicit descriptions of sex. 1995. Secrecy RC 44761 by Belva Plain read by Jill Ferris 2 cassettes The factory-owning Dawes brothers have been distinguished residents of the New England town of Kingsley for years. But when the stepson of one brother rapes the daughter of the other and the families try to keep it a secret, the lives of the brothers, their wives, and the victimized young woman are all damaged. Some strong language. Bestseller 1997. Send No Blessings RC 40998 by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor read by June Carter 2 cassettes Beth Herndon, fifteen, lives in a trailer with her parents and eight brothers and sisters. Beth longs for a better life than her parents have and hopes her typing ability will be the key to a better future away from West Virginia. But her father wants Beth to quit school when she turns sixteen and to marry twenty-two-year-old Harless. For junior and senior high readers. 1990. Shadows on the Hudson RC 45102 by Isaac Bashevis Singer read by Ken Kliban 5 cassettes First written in Yiddish and serialized in the Forward in 1957-58, a portrayal of the lives of a group of Jewish refugees in New York after World War II. Boris Makaver and his friends gather to discuss day-to-day events-marriages, affairs, births, and deaths. Makaver, more religious since the Holocaust, despairs over the choice of husbands for his only daughter, Anna. Bestseller 1998. Snow Angels RC 40845 by Stewart O'Nan read by John Lescault 2 cassettes Annie Marchand, who always had a difficult life, was at one time Arthur Parkinson's baby-sitter. Their lives were compli- cated by the death of her small daughter, Tara, whose body was found by Arthur. When Arthur was fifteen, Annie's husband murdered her. Each year as Arthur returns to Butler, Pennsylvania, for Christmas, he relives the events of 1974, hoping to finally comprehend what happened but knowing he never will. Strong language. 1994. Some Girls RC 40619 by Kristin McCloy read by Laura Giannarelli 2 cassettes To the dismay of her rancher lover and her family, twenty-three-year-old Claire leaves New Mexico to live in New York City where she knows no one and works for a temp agency. Her exotic neighbor Jade intrigues her, and eventually the two women become friends. When the friendship turns sexual one drunken night, Claire, shocked, avoids Jade while trying to sort out her feelings. Strong language and some explicit descriptions of sex. 1994. Songs in Ordinary Time RC 44955 by Mary McGarry Morris read by Carole Jordan Stewart 5 cassettes In the summer of 1960, a young Vermont boy, Benjy, sees Earlie Jones and con man Omar Duvall fighting in the woods near his home. Earlie is later found dead. When Duvall insinuates himself into the lives of Benjy's family, Benjy's mother-divorced from her alcoholic husband-is particularly vulnerable. Strong language and some violence. Bestseller 1995. Splitting RC 43250 by Fay Weldon read by Ann Hodapp 2 cassettes Angelica White, former lead singer of a successful rock band, marries Edwin Rice and settles down on an English estate. She is betrayed by Edwin, who divorces her and tricks her out of her fortune. As Angelica's life comes apart, her multiple personalities vie for control. Some strong language and some descriptions of sex. 1995. Summer of Rescue RC 43703 by Barbara Nelson read by Ilona Dulaski 2 cassettes The summer of Clare's fortieth year is stressful. Her teenage daughter has discovered love and sex, while Clare finds herself the object of a younger man's fancy. An end-of-summer family reunion at the lake where her son drowned provides Clare with the insight she needs to cope. 1994. Summerspell RC 43526 by Jean Thesman read by Mimi Bederman 1 cassette Fifteen-year-old Jocelyn Tyler lives with her half-sister, Hope, and Hope's husband, Gerald. But Jocelyn runs away to escape Gerald's sexual harassment and holes up in her cherished family cabin, Summerspell. Much to her chagrin, Jocelyn is joined by Baily, a boy from school, and a stranger named Spider. For junior and senior high readers. 1995. The Tin Can Tree RC 44373 by Anne Tyler read by Mary Kane 2 cassettes (Reissue) A novel following the few days after the death of a little girl, exploring the effects on her older brother, on her mother who neglects the boy in her grief, and on their neighbors. 1965. Tunnel of Love RC 40290 by Hilma Wolitzer read by Martha Harmon Pardee 3 cassettes In this sequel to Hearts, Linda Reismann-twenty-seven, newly widowed, and pregnant-and Robin, her thirteen-year-old stepdaughter, have just arrived in Los Angeles. They hope to begin a new life and establish a less volatile relationship. But fate has more trouble in store for both-robbery, murder, a car accident, and a custody battle. Strong language and some descriptions of sex. 1994. Up Island RC 45160 by Anne Rivers Siddons read by Carol Dines 3 cassettes Molly Redwine of Atlanta, Georgia, has never really gotten to know herself. Her mother dominated Molly's childhood, and since then her life has been devoted to her family. Now, more than twenty years later and alone, Molly begins to find herself when she has the chance to spend the summer on Martha's Vineyard. Some strong language. Bestseller 1997. A Virtuous Woman RC 44845 by Kaye Gibbons read by Faith Potts 1 cassette In alternating chapters, Jack and Ruby recount their lives and marriage. Although they come from very different backgrounds, they nonetheless have a marriage that lasts twenty-five years until Ruby dies of lung cancer. Jack continues to miss her months after her death. Some strong language. Bestseller 1989. The Voice at the Back Door RC 44342 by Elizabeth Spencer read by John Stratton 2 cassettes Lacey, Mississippi, in the 1950s. The new sheriff, Duncan Harper, who is chosen because he was a popular college football player, tries to uphold the law fairly, despite the deep-rooted racial tensions that divide the citizens. But changes coming to the South bring conflict and new problems. Some strong language and some violence. 1956. We Were the Mulvaneys RC 44100 by Joyce Carol Oates read by Bruce Huntey 4 cassettes The Mulvaneys live an idyllic life on their family farm. Then their world is shattered on Valentine's Day in 1976, when daughter Marianne is raped while drinking with a high school classmate. After that, everything comes apart for the once stable and close-knit family. Strong language, violence, and descriptions of sex. 1996. The Wedding RC 40947 by Dorothy West read by June Carter 2 cassettes Harlem Renaissance author Dorothy West writes of the Oval, an elite black community on Martha's Vineyard during the 1950s. The Coles, a prominent family, are dismayed that daughter Shelby is marrying a white jazz musician, a union that raises issues of race and class. At the same time, womanizer Lute McNeil desperately wants to gain acceptance by the Oval and is determined to do so by marrying Shelby himself. Some strong language. 1995. The Wisest Man in America RC 41568 by W.D. Wetherell read by Phil Regensdorf 2 cassettes New Hampshire native Ferris and columnist Max Thomas have known each other since 1952. It was back then, as the two men spent a day talking, that Thomas realized Ferris understood the way America was moving and asked him to predict the election results. Ferris was correct then, and has been correct ever since. Now in 1996, Thomas is back for the latest forecast. As they talk, they uncover interesting facts about each other. 1995. A Woman's Place RC 44942 by Barbara Delinsky read by Carole Jordan Stewart 2 cassettes Wife, mother, and entrepreneur Clare Raphael is the model of a successful woman. Then her life is shattered when she is served with divorce and eviction papers. As Clare struggles for her rights in a biased court system, she receives needed support and succor from her business partner. Strong language and descriptions of sex. 1997. Humor Barrel Fever: Stories and Essays RC 40676 by David Sedaris read by Ray Hagen 2 cassettes Darkly humorous stories include "Parade," in which the protagonist claims homosexual affairs with such celebrities as Mike Tyson and Bruce Springsteen, and "Music for Lovers," in which a tight-fisted man's homemade casts cause his daughter to lose her feet. Originally broadcast on NPR, the essay "SantaLand Diaries" relates Sedaris's most frightening occupation: Christmas elf at Macy's. Strong language and some explicit descriptions of sex. 1994. A Dog's Life RC 44236 by Peter Mayle read by Barry Bernson 1 cassette The author of A Year in Provence (RC 33619) presents the autobiography of the "mutt" Boy, who was abandoned at an early age by his mother, mistreated by his master, and eventually adopted by the Mayles. Boy tells how he learned to please and manipulate "the management" and mixes a lighthearted account of his adventures with advice on dealing with the human species. Bestseller 1995. The Free Fall of Webster Cummings RC 44365 by Tom Bodett read by Rick Rohan 3 cassettes Webster Cummings defies all odds when he plummets four thousand feet from an airplane and lives to tell the tale. He becomes inspired to find his natural parents and goes on to encounter a series of eccentric characters, each as improbable as his own miraculous survival, whose lives eventually come together with his. 1996. Good Evening Mr. and Mrs. America and All the Ships at Sea RC 43817 by Richard Bausch read by Bruce Huntey 3 cassettes This humorous story set in 1964 Washington, D.C., follows the antics of Walter Marshall, a naive and devout student of journalism. Walter believes that his ultimate destiny is the presidency, and his hapless forays toward manhood leave him sadder but wiser about the ways of a fast-changing world. Strong language. 1996. Infernal Affairs RC 44285 by Jane Heller read by Annie Wauters 2 cassettes The night her husband leaves her, overweight, graying, real estate agent Barbara Chessner unknowingly makes a deal with the devil. The next morning she wakes up blond and shapely, and she even makes an impossible sale to a gorgeous man. But when Barbara learns she's a darksider, she wants her old life back. Some strong language and some descriptions of sex. 1996. The Inimitable Jeeves RC 44504 by P.G. Wodehouse read by George Holmes 2 cassettes (Reissue) When a longtime chum of Bertie Wooster falls in love with a girl at a dance, he asks Bertie to enlist the aid of the incomparable Jeeves to smooth matters over. 1951. The Liar RC 43154 by Stephen Fry read by Jim Zeiger 2 cassettes Follows Adrian Healey through prep school, a brief time spent as a Piccadilly "rent-boy," his work in smuggling illegal drugs, and his return to academia at Oxford where he meets Professor Trefusis, a language instructor. Adrian has spent his life telling so many lies that he actually begins to believe many of them. Then he and Professor Trefusis get involved with a caper regarding a "truth machine." Violence, strong language, and descriptions of sex. 1991. The Luck of the Bodkins RC 44490 by P.G. Wodehouse read by George Holmes 2 cassettes (Reissue) This tale by the English humorist introduces a group of droll characters en route to Hollywood on the R.M.S. Atlantic. Combines fun with three on, off, on-again romances, a model steward, and a diamond necklace. 1935. Our Landlady RC 43370 by L. Frank Baum read by Terence Aselford 2 cassettes A collection of humorous stories written around 1890 about life in South Dakota. Speaking through his fictional landlady, the creator of Oz comments on railroads, suffrage, prairie populism, prohibition, and other issues of moment at the time that state entered the Union. 1996. Politically Correct Holiday Stories: For an Enlightened Yuletide Season RC 43421 by James Finn Garner read by David Hartley-Margolin 1 cassette Garner, who wrote Politically Correct Bedtime Stories (RC 38598) and Once upon a More Enlightened Time (RC 40614), now rewrites holiday favorites for the 1990s. Includes "'Twas the Night before Solstice," "Frosty the Persun of Snow," and "Rudolph the Nasally Empowered Reindeer." In "A Christmas Carol," Marley is visited by spiritual facilitators. Bestseller 1995. Pudd'nhead Wilson and Those Extraordinary Twins RC 41298 by Mark Twain read by Chuck Young 2 cassettes (Reissue) Two novels by the American humorist. In Pudd'nhead Wilson Twain provides a complex, ironic, and morally disturbing account of human nature under slavery as a brilliant and inventive nineteenth-century lawyer attempts to prove his case by using the newfangled science of fingerprinting. Those Extraordinary Twins is about Siamese twins who share many amusing problems. 1894. Simon's Night RC 44880 by Jon Hassler read by Gary Telles 2 cassettes Retired English professor Simon Shea, seventy-six, recently checked himself into a home for the aged but then realizes he is not yet ready to forsake the world. As he reminisces about his life and past loves, he forms new friendships and is reunited with his estranged wife. 1979. Small World: An Academic Romance RC 44105 by David Lodge read by George Holmes 3 cassettes At his first academic conference, poor Persse McGarrigle sees that the only bright spot among the fifty-seven lackluster attendees is the gorgeous Angelica Pabst. Exchanging sexual repartees with her, he falls in love, and he pursues her throughout the 1979 conference season, while all around him academic politics take their toll. Strong language and explicit descriptions of sex. 1984. Sunburn RC 40942 by Laurence Shames read by Arnie Warren 2 cassettes Usually Mafia godfathers don't talk, but in quirky Key West, Vincente Delgatto begins to reminisce so his sons, obnoxious Gino and illegimate Joey, can understand his life. Meanwhile, the FBI is watching him for its own reasons. Treachery follows, but the "Reluctant Godfather" still has zip. Satiric sequel to Florida Straits (RC 36937). Strong language and some violence. 1995. Very Good, Jeeves! RC 44515 by P.G. Wodehouse read by George Holmes 2 cassettes (Reissue) Eleven stories about the resourceful Jeeves, manservant to the irresponsible Bertie Wooster. In these tales Jeeves extricates Bertie from overwhelming dilemmas. 1930. Wanda Hickey's Night of Golden Memories and Other Disasters RC 41950 by Jean Shepherd read by Michael Kramer 2 cassettes (Reissue) Shepherd recalls humorous episodes about growing up in the northern Indiana steel town of Hohman. When the hillbilly Bumpus family and their 745 dogs move in next door, a stolen Easter ham results in a Shepherd-Bumpus feud. Later, spiffed-up Jean with his seven-pound pompadour goes on a disastrous date with a wealthy classmate. But he manages to top that with a drunken junior prom fiasco. Strong language. 1971. Literature The Book of Lamentations RC 45081 by Rosario Castellanos read by Gabriella Cavallero 3 cassettes A tale of social and racial conflict set in the Mexican state of Chiapas in 1930. Describes events that precipitate a Mayan Indian rebellion against the dominant Ladino class. Culminates in a harrowing, redemptive crucifixion of a child. Originally published in 1962. Violence and descriptions of sex. 1996. Fireflies RC 44603 by Shiva Naipaul read by Jill Ferris 3 cassettes Chronicles the family life of three generations of Trinidad's preeminent Hindu family, the Khojas. Portrays the wisdom, humor, and tragedy of their daily affairs and depicts special events including a family festival and a funeral. 1970. The Following Story RC 43219 by Cees Nooteboom read by Steven Carpenter 1 cassette Herman Mussert, a classics professor and travel writer, falls asleep in his Amsterdam apartment but awakens in Lisbon in the very room where once he had a brief affair. He revisits other scenes of that liaison and then inexplicably embarks on a voyage to the Amazon. Some strong language. Winner of the 1993 European Literary Prize for Best Novel. 1993. The God of Small Things RC 44608 by Arundhati Roy read by Gabriella Cavallero 2 cassettes A story of class struggle, family crisis, and coming of age in Kerala, India. Born to prosperity, twins Estha and Rahel are isolated from the squalor and political unrest around them. The events of a single day in 1969 alter their lives and relationships forever. Descriptions of sex. Booker Prize. Bestseller 1997. Nightwood RC 44449 by Djuna Barnes read by Kimberly Schraf 1 cassette The story of a femme fatale, Robin Vote, whose elusive and enigmatic spirit ruins the lives of her husband, "Baron" Volkbein, their child, and Nora and Jenny, the two women who are obsessed with her. With an introduction by T.S. Eliot. Some strong language. 1937. Old New York: Four Novellas RC 42245 by Edith Wharton read by Jennifer Mendenhall 2 cassettes (Reissue) Originally published in 1924, these four stories offer a glimpse of New York life in the 1840s, 1850s, 1860s, and 1870s and cover topics dealing with infidelity, illegitimacy, the class system, and the treatment of women. "False Dawn," set in the 1840s, shows a father's contempt for a son who does not follow his instructions to the letter. "New Year's Day," set in the 1870s, reveals the motivation behind a woman's infidelity. 1924. Rasero RC 43373 by Francisco Rebolledo read by Peter Gil 5 cassettes Fausto Rasero, mysteriously bald since birth, is a Spaniard living in eighteenth-century Paris. Clairvoyant upon orgasm and yearning for wisdom, he struggles to reconcile the optimism of the Enlightenment with the horrific prophecies of his visions, which include the Holocaust and the atomic bomb. Some strong language and descriptions of sex. Winner of the 1994 Pegasus Prize for Latin American literature. 1995. A Simple Heart RC 43738 by Gustave Flaubert read by Laura Giannarelli 1 cassette The story of a French housemaid in the mid-1800s who embraces life in spite of her harsh circumstances. With faith and an inner strength, she endures a wretched childhood, a failed love, the tragic death of a nephew, and the loss of her beloved pet bird. Her end is sad, yet dignified. 1924. A Son at the Front: With an Introduction by Shari Benstock RC 43601 by Edith Wharton read by Christopher Hurt 2 cassettes Story about American painter John Compton, whose only child, George, is called to duty in World War I. As Compton and his ex-wife bicker about protecting their son, George transfers to the front lines and is killed in battle. His parents are devastated, but artist Compton experiences an epiphany in his view of war. 1995. The Three Daughters of Madame Liang RC 43147 by Pearl S. Buck read by Jill Ferris 2 cassettes (Reissue) The story of China is portrayed through the eyes of a Shanghai restaurant owner, Madame Liang. She sends her three daughters to America to be educated, and they become torn between China and America. Their emotional and patriotic conflicts frame a story of turbulence and drama. 1969. Medical Themes Brothers RC 43809 by Ben Bova read by Andy Chappell 3 cassettes Dr. Arthur Marshak makes a biomedical discovery that enables the body to regenerate injured or diseased organs. Some extol it as a great scientific breakthrough; others see it as blasphemy. When a scientific court convenes to weigh the merits of his work, Marshak is pitted against his brother, Jesse, a humanitarian physician. Some strong language. 1996. Ebola: A Documentary Novel of Its First Explosion RC 43938 by William T. Close read by Jim Zeiger 3 cassettes Fictional account of the devastating effects of the ebola virus at the Catholic Mission of Yambuku in Africa. Dr. Close spent sixteen years in the Republic of Zaire and worked closely with the Flemish nuns and others who dealt with the disease, which struck the country in 1976. He recounts the story of a local teacher who arrived at the clinic with a raging fever and the tragic results of his visit. Bestseller 1995. Implant RC 44239 by F. Paul Wilson read by Carole Jordan Stewart 3 cassettes New doctor Gina Panzella returns to Washington, D.C., hoping to work with the congressional medical ethics committee. She also moonlights with friend Duncan Lathram, a former vascular surgeon. Duncan is now a plastic surgeon, and odd things are happening to his congressional patients. Strong language, violence, and explicit descriptions of sex. 1995. Life Support RC 44835 by Tess Gerritsen read by Barbara Pinolini 2 cassettes As emergency-room doctor Toby Harper investigates the disappearance of a patient and some unusual deaths, she finds problems at a wealthy retirement home. Toby's suspicions lead her to a handsome medical examiner whose findings heighten the mystery. Meanwhile Toby has ongoing difficulties with her mother, who has Alzheimer's disease. Some strong language and some violence. Bestseller 1997. Mystery and Detective Artists in Crime RC 43463 by Ngaio Marsh read by Graeme Malcolm 2 cassettes Scotland Yard detective Roderick Alleyn must turn his interest in the feisty artist, Agatha Troy, from personal to professional. At Troy's artists' colony, a model is murdered, and Alleyn is called in to investigate. Suspects abound, including the lovely but aloof Troy. 1938. Ashworth Hall: A Thomas and Charlotte Pitt Mystery RC 44638 by Anne Perry read by Terry Hayes Sales 3 cassettes In the autumn of 1890, the country home of Charlotte Pitt's sister is the setting for a meeting between Protestants and Catholics to discuss the Irish question. But the negotiations founder when a Protestant is found in bed with the wife of a Catholic, and then the chairman is murdered. Superintendent Thomas Pitt, with his wife's assistance, once again solves the crime. Bestseller 1997. The Babysitter III RC 40912 by R.L. Stine read by June Carter 1 cassette In the sequel to Babysitter II (RC 36925), Jenny Jeffers is still terribly upset about her experience babysitting Donny Hagen. Donny's father had threatened Jenny by phone and then died while trying to kill her. Jenny, spending the summer with her cousin Debra, is not sur- prised when Debra begins receiving calls from Mr. Hagen while she babysits. Jenny knew he would come back from the grave. For junior and senior high readers. 1993. Best Kept Secrets RC 43890 by Sandra Brown read by Laura Giannarelli 3 cassettes Alexandra Gaither has convinced her district attorney boss to let her reopen a twenty-five-year-old murder case in Purcell, Texas. The victim was Alexandra's mother, Celina, and the suspects are wealthy rancher Angus Minton and Celina's close friends Junior and Reede Lambert. Strong language and explicit descriptions of sex. 1989. Black Ribbon: A Dog-Lover's Mystery RC 43462 by Susan Conant read by Catherine Byers 2 cassettes A mystery embedded in an encyclopedia of information about breeding and showing dogs. Holly Winter and her Alaskan malamute, Rowdy, enjoy Waggin' Tail dog camp, where participants eagerly compare dogs and exchange gossip. Then the spiteful Eva Spitteler dies under a collapsing dog-training ramp, and Holly suspects murder. 1995. The Black Tower: An Adam Dalgliesh Mystery RC 44163 by P.D. James read by David Hartley-Margolin 2 cassettes (Reissue) Mystery set in England about convalescent Adam Dalgliesh, who goes to Dorset and discovers that the priest who had summoned him is dead. Adam becomes involved in intrigue and murder when more deaths occur at a nearby home for disabled people. 1975. The Blond Baboon RC 43182 by Janwillem van de Wetering read by Jim Zeiger 2 cassettes (Reissue) In this sequel to Outsider in Amsterdam (RC 43181), detectives Grijpstra and De Gier are called to the scene of a middle-aged woman's death-an apparent accident. But factors, such as the dead woman's wealth and an ex-lover called "Blond Baboon," cause the pair of sleuths to suspect murder. 1978. Blood and Thunder: A Nathan Heller Novel RC 43554 by Max Allan Collins read by Bruce Huntey 2 cassettes In this historical mystery set in 1935 Louisiana, detective Nate Heller is hired to guard Senator Huey Long. When Long is killed, the uncertain source of the fatal bullet leaves his widow's life insurance claim in limbo. Heller resolves the matter and unmasks the killer. Strong language, violence, and descriptions of sex. 1995. Blue Lonesome RC 43724 by Bill Pronzini read by Christopher Walker 2 cassettes Every evening Jim Messenger dines alone in the Harmony Cafe, where Janet Mitchell, another lonely soul, catches his fancy. When she commits suicide, Jim sets out to discover her story. His hunt leads him to a bleak Nevada town, where he learns Janet's terrible secret. Strong language. 1995. Born Guilty: A Joe Sixsmith Novel RC 43016 by Reginald Hill read by George Holmes 2 cassettes The black, balding Luton, England, ex-lathe operator, now a private eye, discovers a boy's body stuffed into a box in the graveyard. A society matron wants to know what happened. Sixsmith also has two other cases: Galina Hacker has hired him to find out why someone is annoying her grandda, and Mavis Dalgety wants her school chum's teacher investigated. Some strong language. 1995. Breakheart Hill RC 43922 by Thomas H. Cook read by Bob Askey 2 cassettes A tale of young romance, racism, and tragedy in 1962 rural Alabama. The town doctor, at the time a high school senior, recounts events that led to the murder of his first love, a girl who aroused public passions by embracing the civil rights cause. Strong language and violence. 1995. The Brimstone Wedding RC 43587 by Barbara Vine read by Ann Hodapp 2 cassettes Elderly Stella Newland, dying of cancer, is confined to Middleton Hall, a home for well-off old folks. Genevieve Warner, thirty and a caregiver there, is very fond of Stella. She confides about her loveless marriage, even though she doesn't think Stella will understand. But Stella knows all too well the disaster that lurks behind the revelations. 1995. Cadillac Jukebox RC 44093 by James Lee Burke read by Bruce Huntey 2 cassettes Cajun cop Dave Robicheaux gets a call for help from redneck Aaron Crown, who after twenty-eight years is convicted of killing a prominent civil rights activist. Though he is warned off the case, Robicheaux decides to buck the power structure and take some personal risks to prove Crown's innocence. Strong language, violence, and descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1996. Cain His Brother: A William Monk Mystery RC 44539 by Anne Perry read by James DeLotel 3 cassettes Genevieve Stonefield, whose kind and considerate husband of fourteen years has disappeared, believes that his violent and outcast twin has murdered him. She has come to William Monk for help. But in searching out clues, Victorian detective Monk almost destroys his own name and reputation. 1995. A Caribbean Mystery RC 44500 by Agatha Christie read by Carmella Ross 1 cassette (Reissue) Miss Marple, vacationing on a Caribbean island, is listening to a major who is suddenly interrupted as he is about to show her a photograph of a murderer he has known. The next day the major dies suspiciously, and several murders occur before Miss Marple remembers the detail that helps unravel the mystery. 1964. The Case of the Fugitive Nurse RC 44936 by Erle Stanley Gardner read by Brian Conn 2 cassettes (Reissue) Perry Mason takes on the case of Steffanie Malden, the beautiful widow of a prominent doctor recently killed in a plane crash. It appears that the victim's money has disappeared along with his former nurse and girlfriend. As Mason probes, new problems arise, including an IRS investigation and a murder charge brought against his client. 1954. The Case of the Hesitant Hostess RC 44668 by Erle Stanley Gardner read by Brian Conn 2 cassettes (Reissue) Perry Mason agrees to defend penniless ex-salesman Albert Brogan against a charge of armed robbery. But at the last minute, Perry's star witness, nightclub hostess Inez Kaylor, fails to appear. To make matters worse, an additional accusation of murder is levelled against his client. A Perry Mason mystery. 1953. Cat and Mouse: A Detective Alex Cross Mystery RC 45155 by James Patterson read by Chuck Benson 2 cassettes Washington, D.C., detective Alex Cross is again faced with his nemesis, psychotic killer Gary Soneji from Along Came a Spider (RC 35894). At the same time, mass murderer Mr. Smith is in Europe performing live autopsies on his victims. FBI profiler Thomas Pierce is taken off the European case to assist in apprehending Soneji after Cross is attacked at home. Violence. Bestseller 1997. The Cat Who Tailed a Thief RC 44143 by Lilian Jackson Braun read by Bob Askey 2 cassettes A rash of petty thievery, newcomers in Pickax, a wedding, and a couple of murders Down Below keep Qwilleran, who has bought a condo for the winter, and his cats, KoKo and Yum Yum, busy during the holiday season. Bestseller 1997. Cha Cha Cha RC 40669 by Jane Heller read by Kimberly Schraf 3 cassettes Alison Koff, thirty-five, lives in an extravagant house and writes about celebrities for the local paper part-time. Then the stock market crashes, her husband leaves her for his first wife, and she is forced to take a job as a maid for visiting writer, hateful Melanie Moloney. Adjusting to her poor lifestyle and a new boyfriend, Alison is shocked to be accused of murdering Moloney. Strong language and explicit descriptions of sex. 1994. The Chatham School Affair RC 43733 by Thomas H. Cook read by Rick Rohan 2 cassettes In 1926 free-spirited Elizabeth Channing arrives to teach at the elite Chatham School on Cape Cod. There she has an affair with a married colleague, provoking scandal, suicide, and a murder that goes unsolved because of one man's deeply held secret. Violence. 1996. Chromosome 6 RC 44637 by Robin Cook read by Carole Jordan Stewart 3 cassettes The body of a murdered Mafia boss vanishes from the city morgue and is later recovered in a mutilated condition. A pair of forensic pathologists trace the mystery to the jungles of equatorial Africa and uncover a conspiracy to alter the course of evolution. Strong language and violence. Bestseller 1997. Clean Break: A Kate Brannigan Mystery RC 43787 by Val McDermid read by Madelyn Buzzard 2 cassettes The Manchester P.I. investigates two crimes. First a Monet is stolen from an estate that is using Kate's security system, and Kate feels responsible. Then Trevor Kerr hires Kate to find out who is trying to blackmail him by sabotaging his Kerrchem industrial cleaners business. Some strong language. 1995. Cleopatra Gold: An Alex Delaware Mystery RC 44555 by William J. Caunitz read by John Polk 2 cassettes Alejandro Monahan is an undercover cop working as a nightclub singer. His father was killed several years ago by the Cleopatra drug network, and since then Monahan has worked his way into the syndicate so he can avenge his father's death. When three cops are killed, Monahan swings into action, unaware that narcotics has also sent in a female undercover cop. Strong language, some violence, and some explicit descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1993. The Clinic RC 44038 by Jonathan Kellerman read by Roy Avers 3 cassettes When Hope Devane, psychology professor and author of a controversial book, is murdered, police detective Milo Sturgis asks his friend, psychologist Alex Delaware, to help with the case. Delaware searches for clues by interviewing the troubled students who came before Devane's Conduct Committee. Strong language and some violence. Bestseller 1996. Cold Light RC 43515 by John Harvey read by Steven Crossley 2 cassettes Detective Charlie Resnick is harried with the usual Christmas crime wave, when a social worker is reported missing. The evidence points to a psychopathic kidnapper, and Resnick is off on a race against time to find the victim. A British police procedural. Strong language. 1994. The Continental Op RC 42705 by Dashiell Hammett read by Gary Telles 2 cassettes (Reissue) Seven stories that appeared in the magazine Black Mask during the twenties. They introduce Continental Op, the fat man from the Continental Detective Agency (modeled after the Pinkerton Agency where Hammett once worked) and reflect a world of cruelty and stealth. Some violence. 1923. The Daughters of Cain RC 43356 by Colin Dexter read by Graeme Malcolm 2 cassettes Chief Inspector Morse is faced with two related murders. When an Oxford don is found stabbed in his flat, the trail of clues leads to an unsavory college servant whom the don had sacked. But when the servant turns up murdered with the same weapon, Morse is left with a surfeit of suspects and a perplexing mystery. 1994. Dead Cert RC 44817 by Dick Francis read by Bob Askey 2 cassettes Alan York is in second place in a steeplechase when he watches the leader, his friend Bill Davidson, and his horse take a bad fall. Although the course is covered by a thick British fog, York thinks he sees something suspicious about the way the horse and rider go down. A close inspection following the race proves he is right. 1962. Dead in the Water RC 44806 by Stuart Woods read by Chuck Benson 2 cassettes Allison Manning pilots her yacht into St. Mark's Island, claiming she had to bury her husband at sea after he had a fatal heart attack. When the minister of justice moves to convict Allison of murder, a vacationing New York lawyer comes to her defense. Strong language and descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1997. Dead Lagoon: An Aurelio Zen Mystery RC 43705 by Michael Dibdin read by Peter Gil 2 cassettes Ostensibly inquiring into ghost sightings, Aurelio Zen is in his hometown of Venice investigating the abduction of an American businessman. Along the trail, Zen makes some powerful enemies, both criminal and political, who complicate his work and jeopardize his life. Strong language and violence. 1994. Death at the President's Lodging RC 44344 by Michael Innes read by Graeme Malcolm 2 cassettes When Josiah Umpleby of England's St. Anthony's College is murdered, the faculty members attempt to throw suspicion on one another, leaving Inspector John Appleby with too much evidence. 1936. Death of a Hawker RC 44832 by Janwillem van de Wetering read by Jim Zeiger 2 cassettes Normally placid Newmarket Square is shaken by the discovery of a street vendor's body, his head bludgeoned. Amsterdam detectives Grijpstra and de Gier narrow the field to two suspects: the sister of the deceased and a house boarder. Then a reluctant witness helps to finger the culprit. Violence. 1977. The Death of an Ardent Bibliophile: A Peter McGarr Mystery RC 44570 by Bartholomew Gill read by Andy Chappell 2 cassettes When the curator of prestigious Marsh's Library is found naked and dead among his books, detective Peter McGarr investigates. In the course of his probe, McGarr discovers a bizarre world of literary pornography, avarice, and murder. Strong language and violence. 1995. The Death of Friends RC 44671 by Michael Nava read by Roy Avers 2 cassettes Attorney Henry Rios is shocked when a scared young man who claims to be the lover of Henry's law school friend, L.A. Superior Court judge Chris Chandler, describes finding Chris dead. Unlike Henry, Chris vowed never to "come out of the closet." Why hadn't he told Henry that he had left his wife and son for a man? And did one of them kill him? Strong language and some descriptions of sex. 1996. Deception on His Mind RC 44764 by Elizabeth George read by Patricia Kilgarriff 5 cassettes British detective Sergeant Barbara Havers probes the murder of a wealthy Pakistani immigrant in a sleepy Essex resort town. As the community liaison in the ethnically sensitive case, Havers must bridge a cultural gulf to solve the complex investigation. Strong language, violence, and descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1997. Déjŕ Dead RC 44763 by Kathy Reichs read by Anne Hancock 3 cassettes Forensic anthropologist Temperance Brennan detects evidence of a serial killer when she examines a woman's sexually mutilated body. Frustrated by the slow pace of the police investigation, Brennan probes the crimes on her own and becomes the target of a murderous psychopath. Strong language and violence. Bestseller 1997. Done Wrong: A Marti MacAlister Mystery RC 43521 by Eleanor Taylor Bland read by Dani Carr 2 cassettes It's been three years since Chicago narc Johnny MacAlister's supposed suicide. His widow, Marti, has moved with her two children to quiet Lincoln Prairie, where she works as a cop, and they struggle to get on with their lives. Now another Chicago policeman dies, and his widow suggests a connection to Johnny's death. Some strong language. 1995. The Dreadful Lemon Sky RC 44341 by John D. MacDonald read by John Stratton 2 cassettes (Reissue) Soon after Travis McGee's old friend Carrie Milligan entrusts him with an unexplained bag of cash, she dies suspiciously. When McGee sets out to find the truth about the money and Carrie's death, he is led into a sordid world of blackmail, corruption, and personal peril. Includes new introduction by Carl Hiassen to this 1974 mystery. Strong language, violence, and descriptions of sex. 1995. The Echo RC 44313 by Minette Walters read by Patricia Kilgarriff 2 cassettes Wealthy architect Amanda Powell discovers that homeless Billy Blake has died in her garage. Journalist Michael Deacon is puzzled by Powell's interest in Blake, especially after learning her husband has been missing for five years. He teams up with an odd colleague and with a friend of Blake's to find out more about the man. Some strong language. 1997. Escapade RC 43522 by Walter Satterthwait read by Christopher Walker 3 cassettes In 1921 Arthur Conan Doyle and Harry Houdini are among the guests summoned for a seance at a stately Devon manor house. Pinkerton agent Phil Beaumont is hired to protect Houdini from Chin Soo, a rival magician. Ghost sightings, attempted murder, and an apparent suicide make a plot in which suspects and secrets abound. 1995. The Estate of the Beckoning Lady RC 45113 by Margery Allingham read by David Palmer 2 cassettes Author William Faraday dies in his room at the Beckoning Lady in Suffolk. At approximately the same time, another man has his head bashed in and now lies in a deep ditch. His body is not discovered for eight days. Albert Campion, on holiday in the area, thinks the two deaths are related. And Old Harry, a local resident, predicts a third death. 1955. Farewell, My Lovely: A Phillip Marlowe Mystery RC 41976 by Raymond Chandler read by Conrad Feininger 2 cassettes Los Angeles in the 1930s. A redheaded warbler named Velma is the only connection hard-boiled investigator Philip Marlowe has to Moose Malloy. Malloy is six feet five inches tall, about as wide as a beer truck, and wanted for murder. The trail to Malloy is strewn with cops and dames and leads right through the gambling rackets. Violence and strong language. 1940. The Five Red Herrings RC 44340 by Dorothy L. Sayers read by Tom Martin 3 cassettes (Reissue) Though Kirkcudbright, a proud Scottish village, was not ordinarily tolerant of outsiders, Lord Peter Wimsey always felt welcome. Then one day the village offered him something in his own line of work-a corpse. 1931. The Gemini Contenders RC 43406 by Robert Ludlum read by Gary Telles 3 cassettes (Reissue) A small vault with rare documents that could shatter the civilized world is smuggled from an ancient monastery in Greece to the Italian Alps at the beginning of World War II. The only clue to its hiding place lies with a wealthy anti-Nazi who last moved the vault. Strong language, violence, and explicit descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1976. Gladly, the Cross-Eyed Bear: A Matthew Hope Mystery RC 44572 by Ed McBain read by Ray Foushee 2 cassettes No longer a cuddly plaything, Gladly, a teddy bear, is first the subject of a copyright trial and then a possible motive for murder. After recovering from a gunshot wound in There Was a Little Girl (RC 40487), Matthew Hope defends Lainie, a beautiful, but questionable, toy designer. Violence, strong language, and explicit descriptions of sex. 1996. The Goddess Affair RC 45124 by Lillian O'Donnell read by Carole Jordan Stewart 2 cassettes Private investigator Gwenn Ramadge is hired to find out who is robbing guests on a cruise ship. While on board she meets Minerva Aldrich, who (along with her sisters) inherited her late mother's prestigious dress company, Goddess Designs. When terminally ill Minerva is found dead in the pool, Ramadge's investigation expands to murder. 1996. Gone Fishin' RC 43412 by Walter Mosley read by Phil Regensdorf 1 cassette Prequel to Devil in a Blue Dress (RC 32935). In 1939, Easy Rawlins and Mouse are two young men on a reckless road trip to wring money out of Mouse's loathsome stepfather. Their path to manhood is crossed by violence, lust, and tragedy. Strong language, violence, and descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1997. The Grilling Season RC 45060 by Diane Mott Davidson read by Martha Harmon Pardee 2 cassettes Goldy Schulz, the only caterer in Aspen Meadow, Colorado, gets set to cater Patricia McCracken's Stanley Cup party. But Patricia also wants Goldy's help in getting revenge against Dr. John Richard Korman-Goldy's ex-husband and Patricia's ob-gyn. When the doctor's current girlfriend is found dead, Patricia may get her wish. Some strong language. Bestseller 1997. Happy Never After RC 43578 by Kathy Hogan Trocheck read by Madelyn Buzzard 2 cassettes Sometime-sleuth Callahan Garrity takes time from her housecleaning business to look for a missing member of the VelvetTeens, a 1960s music group planning a comeback. Then Stuart Hightower, the group's hated former producer, is found dead. VelvetTeen Rita Fontaine lies drunk nearby, the murder weapon in her hand. Strong language. 1995. Hearts and Bones RC 43725 by Margaret Lawrence read by Annie Wauters 2 cassettes Discovery of a woman's beaten, raped body by midwife Hannah Trevor shocks the town of Rufford, Maine, in 1786. There is also a letter of accusation, naming Hannah's lover, penned by the victim just before her death. Joining in the investigation, Hannah follows a sinuous trail of clues to the murderer. Violence and descriptions of sex. 1996. Hercule Poirot's Christmas RC 44355 by Agatha Christie read by Tom Martin 2 cassettes (Reissue) As the holiday guest of Colonel Johnson, chief constable of his county, the little Belgian detective Poirot spends his Christmas investigating the brutal and baffling murder of rich, eccentric old Simeon Lee. 1938. The Hills of Homicide RC 41471 by Louis L'Amour read by Gary Telles 2 cassettes The noted western writer presents eight of his "hard-boiled" detective stories. In the title story, a private eye is sent to the small western town of Ranagat to clear Blacky Caronna of wealthy Jack Bitner's murder. Three other stories feature Kip Morgan, a prize-fighter turned private investigator. L'Amour includes an author's note with most of the stories. Some strong language and some violence. 1983. Hornet's Nest RC 43749 by Patricia Cornwell read by Madelyn Buzzard 3 cassettes Police chief Judy Hammer, deputy chief Virginia West, and young reporter Andy Brazil are perplexed by a serial killer who paints his victims' genitals orange. Pursuing a trail of odd clues, the trio tracks and brings down the culprit in a perilous climax. Strong language and violence. Bestseller 1996. Hotel Paradise RC 44447 by Martha Grimes read by Annie Wauters 3 cassettes Twelve-year-old Emma narrates this mystery and coming-of-age novel as she searches for the truth about the death of another young girl forty years earlier. The setting-a dilapidated ninety-eight-room hotel on the edge of a woods near an Appalachian lake-and several eccentric inhabitants of the area add to the atmosphere of intrigue. 1996. How I Spent My Summer Vacation: An Amanda Pepper Mystery RC 45044 by Gillian Roberts read by Annie Wauters 2 cassettes Philadelphia teacher Amanda Pepper, previously in Caught Dead in Philadelphia (RC 37547), is invited to vacation in Atlantic City with her friend Sasha Berg. Sasha later finds a dead man in her bed and is arrested for murder. With the help of Amanda's police boyfriend and some colorful locals, Amanda hunts for the real killer. 1994. The Hyde Park Headsman: A Thomas and Charlotte Pitt Mystery RC 44549 by Anne Perry read by Terry Hayes Sales 3 cassettes In the spring of 1890, three men have been beheaded in Hyde Park, and newly promoted police superintendent Thomas Pitt is being pressured to solve the case. Since his wife Charlotte is involved with the move to their new home, and his sister-in-law is busy working on her husband's election to Parliament, Pitt must do most of the work himself. Some violence. 1994. If I'd Killed Him When I Met Him...: An Elizabeth MacPherson Novel RC 44478 by Sharyn McCrumb read by Madelyn Buzzard 2 cassettes Forensic anthropologist Elizabeth MacPherson helps her attorney brother, Bill, in a bigamy-murder case that echoes a long-ago arsenic poisoning in the defendant's family. Meanwhile Bill's partner, A.P., defends a woman who killed her arrogant ex-husband and his new wife. 1995. An Imperfect Spy RC 44915 by Amanda Cross read by Barbara Caruso 1 cassette When Kate Fansler and her husband become visiting professors at Schuyler Law School, they have more than academic matters to consider. Dismayed by the rampant sexism on campus, Kate looks into the suspicious death of a feminist professor and the conviction of a battered faculty wife for murder. 1995. In the Dead of Summer: An Amanda Pepper Mystery RC 45217 by Gillian Roberts read by Annie Wauters 2 cassettes Philadelphia high school English teacher Amanda Pepper is grumpy about teaching summer school until she meets her one enthusiastic pupil, a Vietnamese girl, April Truong. Then a series of hate crimes and April's apparent abduction force Amanda into her sleuth mode. Some violence. 1995. Invasion of Privacy: A John Francis Cuddy Mystery RC 44336 by Jeremiah Healy read by Nick Sullivan 2 cassettes Boston P.I. John Cuddy is hired by Russian immigrant banker Olga Evorova to investigate her boyfriend, Andrew Dees. Although she loves Dees, she is concerned because he won't discuss his past and may just be after her money. Cuddy's interrogation of Dees's neighbors has unexpected results. Strong language, some violence, and some descriptions of sex. 1996. Jack and Jill: A Detective Alex Cross Mystery RC 43318 by James Patterson read by Chuck Benson 2 cassettes When a United States senator is shot dead in his home, the sole clue is a cryptic poem signed "Jack and Jill." More murders follow, and detective Alex Cross is caught up in a frantic race to stop the killers before they reach the president. Strong language, violence, and descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1996. The Japanese Corpse RC 44676 by Janwillem van de Wetering read by Jim Zeiger 2 cassettes When a waitress reports the disappearance of her Japanese art dealer boyfriend, Amsterdam detectives Grijpstra and de Gier launch a search that turns up his corpse. The trail of evidence leads the two investigators into the closed and mysterious world of the yakusa, Japan's Mafia. Violence. 1977. Justice: A Peter Decker/Rina Lazarus Mystery RC 43862 by Faye Kellerman read by Richard Davidson 3 cassettes The brutal murder of a prom queen raises detective Peter Decker's fears for the safety of his own daughter. Although he can make a solid case against the cold-eyed nephew of a mobster, the package is too neat. Disturbing questions remain unanswered. Strong language, violence, and explicit descriptions of sex. 1995. The King of Babylon Shall Not Come against You RC 43875 by George Garrett read by Christopher Walker 3 cassettes Novel set in 1993. Reporter Billy Tone returns to Paradise Springs, Florida, to research crimes that took place there during the week civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated. The tale is told through the voices-sometimes cynical-of participants and witnesses. Strong language, violence, and descriptions of sex. 1996. The King's Bishop: An Owen Archer Mystery RC 43893 by Candace Robb read by Vanessa Maroney 3 cassettes In 1367 King Edward III dispatches Owen Archer on a covert mission to persuade two major abbeys to support the king's choice for bishop of Winchester. When his mission is interrupted by murder and his friend stands accused, Archer follows a path of clues that leads him back to the royal court. Violence. 1996. The Lady in the Lake: A Philip Marlowe Mystery RC 42315 by Raymond Chandler read by Conrad Feininger 2 cassettes (Reissue) A swaggering businessman hires hard-boiled Philip Marlowe to find his wife, who has been missing for a month. She sent her husband a note to say she was running off to remarry, but her "intended" denies seeing her. When a woman's body is pulled from the lake where the wife had been staying and the caretaker's wife also turns out to be missing, Marlowe begins expertly piecing the puzzle together. Some strong language and some violence. 1943. The Laws of Our Fathers RC 43768 by Scott Turow read by Martha Harmon Pardee 5 cassettes A probation officer is arrested after his mother is killed in a drive-by shooting. The confusing case comes before Judge Sonny Klonsky, who knows the victim, the accused, and the defense attorney from her college days. As the trial progresses, Sonny also becomes reacquainted with an old beau. Strong language, some violence, and some descriptions of sex. 1996. Lieberman's Day: An Abe Lieberman Mystery RC 43331 by Stuart Kaminsky read by Richard Davidson 2 cassettes Aging police detective Lieberman and his partner, William Hanrahan, bring their own kind of justice to two criminals: a robber who kills Lieberman's nephew, David, and wounds David's pregnant wife; and an abusive husband whose wife and son have taken refuge with Hanrahan. Some violence and some strong language. 1994. A Little Yellow Dog RC 40994 by Walter Mosley read by Phil Regensdorf 2 cassettes It is 1963 and Easy Rawlins has given up the mean streets for a steady job and a stable life with his adopted kids. But when he tries to help a woman in distress, his security is shattered, and he must go back to the streets to clear his name. Strong language, violence, and descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1996. Local Rules RC 44230 by Jay Brandon read by Roy Avers 2 cassettes When vacationing former assistant D.A. Jordan Marshall mouths off when caught speeding, he is taken to the local judge, who asks him to handle the defense in an attempted murder case. Marshall can't understand the importance of the case until he learns of a connected death-the town's young golden girl. Some strong language and some explicit descriptions of sex. 1995. The Long Goodbye: A Phillip Marlowe Mystery RC 42704 by Raymond Chandler read by Conrad Feininger 2 cassettes Something about Terry Lennox gets to hard-boiled Philip Marlowe: maybe the scars along his face, maybe the lost quality. When Lennox shows up with a gun, implies his wife lies murdered, and asks to be driven to Mexico, Marlowe doesn't want too many answers. But the intrigue and layers of deceit are only beginning, and Marlowe must untangle the tightly woven threads. Some violence and some strong language. 1953. Maigret and the Millionaires RC 44516 by Georges Simenon read by Gordon Gould 1 cassette (Reissue) A rich British colonel is found dead in his bath, while his mistress vanishes mysteriously from her hospital bed. Inspector Maigret is off to the champagne playgrounds of the wealthy on a case he would much rather avoid. 1974. Malice Prepense RC 43593 by Kate Wilhelm read by Madelyn Buzzard 3 cassettes In this sequel to The Best Defense (RC 39424), lawyer Barbara Halloway defends Teddy Wendover, who has mental retardation, in a murder charge. When the evidence clears Teddy, suspicion shifts to his father, who has a motive. In a tense courtroom contest, Halloway uncovers several other links. 1996. The Mamur Zapt and the Donkey-Vous: A Suspense Tale of Old Cairo RC 43017 by Michael Pearce read by George Holmes 2 cassettes Following The Mamur Zapt and the Night of the Dog, Captain Owen is mystified by the silence that accompanies the disappearance of Octave Moulin, an elderly Frenchman, from a famous Cairo hotel. When word comes that Moulin's wife is coming to Cairo, his girlfriend is spirited away. Then a ransom note appears. But no one admits to seeing anything awry, not even the usually observant donkey rental boys. 1990. The Mamur Zapt and the Girl in the Nile RC 43018 by Michael Pearce read by George Holmes 2 cassettes In this sequel to The Mamur Zapt and the Men Behind (RC 42884), Captain Owen goes to examine the body of a young woman who fell off Prince Narouz's boat while it was moored. But the corpse is missing, and the prince denies any knowledge of the drowning victim. Now the captain's investigation pits him against his superiors, the prince, the Cairo underground, the colonial government, and his girlfriend. 1992. The Mamur Zapt and the Spoils of Egypt RC 43019 by Michael Pearce read by George Holmes 2 cassettes Mamur Zapt, head of Cairo's secret police, is piqued when asked to keep an eye on Miss Skinner, an outspoken American whose cause it is to keep priceless antiquities in Egypt. But when two serious accidents nearly befall his charge, Zapt wonders if her inquiries are exposing dangerous truths. Sequel to The Mamur Zapt and the Girl in the Nile (RC 43018). 1992. The Man in the Brown Suit RC 44356 by Agatha Christie read by Patricia Kilgarriff 2 cassettes (Reissue) Pretty Anne Beddingfeld witnesses the death of a man when he falls on the tracks at a London tube station. She also observes a man in a brown suit who examines the body and drops a piece of paper as he hurries away. 1924. The Man Who Cast Two Shadows RC 43274 by Carol O'Connell read by Madelyn Buzzard 2 cassettes Suspended for shooting a suspect, NYPD sergeant Kathleen Mallory hears on the news that she's been strangled. Mallory moves into the real victim's apartment building to sort out the confusion and pursues a string of clues into a world of illusion and horror. Strong language and violence. 1995. McNally's Gamble RC 44593 by Lawrence Sanders read by Chuck Benson 2 cassettes As chief of discreet inquiries in his father's law firm, Archy McNally investigates the validity of a Fabergé Imperial egg. Client Edythe Westmore wants to buy the egg as an investment, but her children are strongly opposed. McNally uncovers greed, passion, and murder amidst the residents of Palm Beach. Some strong language. Bestseller 1997. The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes RC 43001 by Arthur Conan Doyle read by John Horton 3 cassettes Follows the Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (RC 17437). Doyle offers eleven more tales of Holmes and Dr. Watson, including Holmes's meeting with Moriarty, the Napoleon of crime. In a final note, Doyle explains Holmes's demise. Includes a chronology of Doyle's work and an introduction by editor Christopher Roden. 1993. A Monstrous Regiment of Women RC 43358 by Laurie R. King read by Carmella Ross 2 cassettes In this sequel to The Beekeeper's Apprentice (RC 39416), detective Mary Russell is in London when she happens upon her friend Veronica, who has joined a feminist religious temple that attracts wealthy young women, some of whom meet untimely ends. Mary goes underground on the case and finds more danger than she expected. 1995. Mrs. Malory: Death of a Dean RC 44741 by Hazel Holt read by Carmella Ross 1 cassette Sheila Malory arrives in Stratford to visit her actor friend David and finds him worried about his finances. After the sudden deaths of his brother and their childhood nanny, David is free to sell a valuable piece of property, but he is also suspected of murder. Mrs. Malory decides to help. 1996. Mrs. Pollifax and the Lion Killer RC 44902 by Dorothy Gilman read by Suzanne Toren 1 cassette Kadi Hopkirk, whose missionary parents were killed in Ubangiba, Africa, has received an urgent request from her childhood friend Sammat for help in maintaining peace in his country. Ubangiba is plagued by murders that resemble lion maulings-but there are no lions in Ubangiba. Mrs. Pollifax refuses to let Kadi go alone, so they are off to Africa to help Sammat. Some violence. 1996. Mrs. Pollifax Pursued RC 44901 by Dorothy Gilman read by Suzanne Toren 1 cassette Henry Bidwell is kidnapped. Meanwhile, Kadi Hopkirk, chased by men in a dirty white van with a misspelled company name on it, is hiding in Mrs. Pollifax's storage closet. At first there seems to be no connection. But when Mrs. Pollifax discovers Kadi and tries to take her home, they find themselves running for their lives-because of Henry Bidwell. 1995. Murder at the National Gallery RC 44805 by Margaret Truman read by Mary Woods 2 cassettes Luther Mason, curator at the National Gallery for more than twenty years, is finally getting the Caravaggio exhibit he has dreamed of. But Luther also has other visions-he plans to keep one of the original paintings and substitute a forgery. Some violence. Bestseller 1996. Murder in the House RC 45084 by Margaret Truman read by Mary Woods 2 cassettes Paul Latham, a longtime member of the House of Representatives, is nominated to be secretary of state. No one expects any problems with his confirmation hearing until one of his staffers files sexual harassment charges against him. When the congressman is found dead of an apparent suicide, many questions arise. Some strong language. 1997. My Gal Sunday RC 43179 by Mary Higgins Clark read by Pam Ward 1 cassette Stories featuring a husband-and-wife team of amateur sleuths. Henry Britland is a former U.S. president who is married to a younger congresswoman nicknamed Sunday. Their cases include finding out who really killed the girlfriend of Henry's secretary of state. Bestseller 1996. The Night Crew RC 44311 by John Sandford read by Madelyn Buzzard 2 cassettes As Anna Batory and her TV camera crew patrol the nocturnal streets of Los Angeles, the night turns deadly. Following the filming of a drugged teen's suicide and the mysterious death of her cameraman, Anna realizes that she is the next target of a psychotic killer. Strong language, violence, and descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1997. Nightmare in Pink RC 44330 by John D. MacDonald read by John Stratton 1 cassette (Reissue) Travis McGee's case involves his best friend's sister's fiancé, who is murdered. Upon investigation, McGee uncovers a gigantic swindle that centers around a seventy-million-dollar fortune. Some strong language. 1964. The Nun's Tale: An Owen Archer Mystery RC 43894 by Candace M. Robb read by Vanessa Maroney 3 cassettes In fourteenth-century England, a woman who claims the identity of a deceased nun is trading in stolen relics and miracles. When she is linked to a series of deaths and treason against the crown, Owen Archer is called to investigate. Violence. 1995. Outrageous Fortune RC 44872 by Patricia Wentworth read by Corrie James 2 cassettes Is he Jimmy Riddell or Jim Randal? Following an accident on a coastal steamer headed to Scotland, he was rescued and taken to the hospital. In a semiconscious state, he keeps muttering the name Jimmy Riddell, and that is the name the hospital advertises when looking for relatives. Two women come to claim him, and soon a picturesque village becomes a crime scene. 1933. The Outside Man RC 44157 by Richard North Patterson read by Jim Zeiger 2 cassettes Ever since attorney Adam Shaw migrated from the North to his new southern home, he has felt like a stranger. Then his best friend disappears, and the friend's wife is found dead. Shaw aims to solve the crime and risks everything to penetrate the social facade that conceals the mystery. Strong language and violence. 1981. Outsider in Amsterdam RC 43181 by Janwillem van de Wetering read by Jim Zeiger 2 cassettes (Reissue) Detective Grijpstra and Sergeant De Gier of the Amsterdam police investigate the apparent suicide of a shady restaurant owner. But as new evidence surfaces, the case turns into a puzzling mystery with a surfeit of suspects. 1975. Panama RC 43372 by Eric Zencey read by Gary Telles 3 cassettes The year is 1892, and historian Henry Adams is researching a book in France, where he meets artist Miriam Talbott. Adams soon learns of Talbott's reported death-but the body turns out not to be hers. Adams pursues the trail of the missing artist and is drawn into an intrigue involving the failed Panama Canal plan. 1995. Paragon Walk: A Thomas and Charlotte Pitt Mystery RC 43241 by Anne Perry read by Terry Hayes Sales 2 cassettes In the posh street of Paragon Walk in Victorian London, a young woman is brutally raped and murdered. Inspector Thomas Pitt and his wife, Charlotte, must penetrate the highbrow facades of the suspects before they can uncover the scandal and prevent more killing. Violence. 1981. Pay Dirt; or, Adventures at Ash Lawn RC 42960 by Rita Mae and Sneaky Pie Brown read by Laura Giannarelli 2 cassettes The tiny town of Crozet, Virginia, is abuzz with strange happenings. A wild, leather-clad biker is found murdered just after he arrives in town, and a computer virus causes a two-million-dollar shortfall at the local bank. A sagacious team of house pets untangles the mysteries of murder and money. Strong language. 1995. Pentecost Alley: A Thomas and Charlotte Pitt Mystery RC 44224 by Anne Perry read by Terry Hayes Sales 3 cassettes As a Scotland Yard superintendent, Pitt rarely gets calls at 2:00 AM to inspect a crime scene. But a Whitechapel prostitute has been murdered just after the days of Jack the Ripper. Although the evidence points to Finlay Fitzjames, son of a wealthy, powerful, and dangerous man, Pitt gets a confession from the victim's pimp. Then after his execution, a similar murder occurs. 1996. A Piece of Justice RC 41567 by Jill Paton Walsh read by June Carter 2 cassettes Cambridge University nurse Imogen Quy, from The Wyndham Case (RC 38919), becomes involved in another mystery. Her lodger, student Fran Bullion, has been asked to write a biography of a Cambridge mathematician, Gideon Summerfield. Although Summerfield appears to have been a bit of a bore, each of his previous biographers has mysteriously died or disappeared. Imogen's own project, quiltmaking, provides an intriguing clue. 1995. A Plague of Kinfolks: A Kate Mulcay Mystery RC 43520 by Celestine Sibley read by Michele Schaeffer 2 cassettes Atlanta reporter Kate Mulcay loves her log cabin and rustic solitude, but the peace is broken when her homeless kinfolk arrive. Then an old man disappears, a neighbor is murdered, and Kate is a suspect. Some strong language. 1995. Plum Island RC 44551 by Nelson DeMille read by Fred Major 4 cassettes While NYPD detective John Corey is recuperating from wounds on Long Island, two research biologists are found shot on nearby Plum Island. Corey joins the case and finds himself in a perilous world of germ warfare, buried treasure, avarice, and murder. Strong language, violence, and descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1997. The Poet RC 44935 by Michael Connelly read by David Hartley-Margolin 3 cassettes Crime reporter Jack McEvoy decides to probe the apparent suicide of his brother, a police officer, when the official inquiry bogs down. McEvoy doggedly follows a trail of clues that leads to a vicious cop killer with a morbid penchant for poetry. Strong language, violence, and descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1996. Postern of Fate RC 44323 by Agatha Christie read by Patricia Kilgarriff 2 cassettes (Reissue) Tommy and Tuppence Beresford, new residents of a charming old dream house, find a chilling message about the murder of a former resident stuck in a book. The solution to the ancient crime lies behind a dreaded gate known as the Postern of Fate. Bestseller 1973. Prayers for the Dead: A Peter Decker/Rina Lazarus Novel RC 43860 by Faye Kellerman read by Richard Davidson 3 cassettes When renowned Dr. Azor Sparks is found brutally murdered in an alley, LAPD detective Peter Decker gets the case. Decker's probe reveals that Sparks's secret life belied his upright image and made him some powerful and dangerous enemies. The trail of clues leads to Decker's own family. Strong language and violence. 1996. Princess Charming RC 44680 by Jane Heller read by Martha Harmon Pardee 2 cassettes Since her divorce, Elaine Zimmerman mistrusts men and has no interest in romance. So she is not thrilled when her two friends drag her on a Caribbean cruise. Her qualms disappear when she meets appealing tablemate Sam Peck, but return when she learns that either she or one of her friends has been targeted for murder by an ex-husband. Some strong language. 1997. The Quality of Mercy RC 45094 by Faye Kellerman read by Martha Harmon Pardee 4 cassettes Elizabethan London. Young playwright Will Shakespeare is distraught over the murder of his mentor. Rebecca Lopez, the daughter of Queen Elizabeth I's physician, is a Jew whose family rescues other Jews from Portugal's Inquisition. When Will and Rebecca meet, they vow to help each other in their quests for justice. Strong language, violence, and explicit descriptions of sex. 1989. Ransom for an Angel: A Jeremy Ransom/Emily Charters Mystery RC 43153 by Fred W. Hunter read by David Hartley-Margolin 2 cassettes Chicago detective Ransom, happiest soaking in a tub and reading Dickens, is attracted to Angela Stephens but can't help her. A fortune-teller has predicted Angela's murder and described the killer as Angela's husband. When Angela is strangled, though, her husband doesn't seem to have a motive, and Ransom can't believe he's guilty. Some strong language. 1995. Rescue RC 44739 by Jeremiah Healy read by Nick Sullivan 2 cassettes When Boston private eye John Cuddy stops to change a flat for a young woman and her ten-year-old companion Eddie, he makes a promise to find the boy should he ever get lost. When Cuddy later learns of the woman's murder and Eddie's disappearance, he takes up the search, which leads him to a church compound in the Florida Keys. Some strong language. 1995. The Return of Sherlock Holmes RC 43002 by Arthur Conan Doyle read by John Horton 3 cassettes (Reissue) Ten years after the fictional death of Sherlock Holmes, Doyle bows to public pressure and breathes new life into his creation. Using incidents from his own life, Doyle provides thirteen adventures for his amateur detective and Holmes's frequently baffled colleague, Dr. Watson. Includes a chronology of Doyle's work and an introduction by editor Richard Lancelyn Green. 1993. Rosemary Remembered RC 43524 by Susan Wittig Albert read by Faith Potts 2 cassettes When China Bayles finds CPA Rosemary Robbins murdered, the suspects include a wife-killer, a boyfriend, and angry clients. China's lover goes off in pursuit of the wrong suspect, leaving the imperiled China to solve the crime with the aid of spiritual forces. 1995. The Rosewood Casket RC 43475 by Sharyn McCrumb read by L.J. Ganser 2 cassettes Randall Stargill wants to leave this world in a handmade coffin and calls his sons to his Tennessee home to build one out of rosewood he has stored in the barn. Before Randall dies, though, old friend Nora Bonesteel delivers a box of dark secrets she says Randall would want buried with him. 1996. Sandra Nichols Found Dead RC 43885 by George V. Higgins read by Gregory Gorton 2 cassettes When Sandra Nichols is found murdered, her ex-husband is charged with wrongful death, and attorney Jerry Kennedy agrees to try the case. Kennedy becomes guardian for the orphaned children, sedulously gathers the needed evidence, and assails the ex-husband's alibi. Strong language. 1996. Saratoga Fleshpot RC 43091 by Stephen Dobyns read by James DeLotel 2 cassettes P.I. Charlie Bradshaw's buddy Victor Plotz knows the colt Fleshpot is a ringer when it refuses to take the trademark nip at Vic's backside. Then the inept man hired by legal enemies to shadow Vic turns up dead; Vic is accused; and the real Fleshpot has to be rescued. A mix of sleuthing and humor. 1995. Second Skin RC 44827 by Eric Lustbader read by David Hartley-Margolin 4 cassettes In this sequel to Floating City (RC 39345), Mafia boss Mick Leonforte schemes to take over the Japanese underworld from an old friend of Nicholas Linnear. Linnear's own livelihood and personal safety are also threatened as he moves to thwart the mob. Strong language, violence, and descriptions of sex. 1995. Serpent's Tooth: A Peter Decker/Rene Lazarus Mystery RC 44839 by Faye Kellerman read by Richard Davidson 3 cassettes Thirteen customers are massacred at a chic L.A. restaurant, and the killer, Harlan Manz, is among the dead. As Lt. Peter Decker investigates, forensic evidence points to a possible accomplice. Checking out Manz's previous job as a tennis pro leads Decker to an heiress with a lot to gain by her parents' deaths. Violence, strong language, and explicit descriptions of sex. 1997. Shadow Queen RC 40841 by Tony Gibbs read by Jennifer Mendenhall 2 cassettes An elderly librarian contacts a historical-romance writer, claiming to have the long-missing Casket Letters supposedly written by Mary Stuart. The librarian also has a family Bible that proves her reclusive daughter, Marie, is the rightful heir of the Scottish queen. While the writer's New York publishing firm frantically tries to authenticate the letters, an Irish terrorist plots to make this discovery work for his cause. Strong language. 1992. Shinju RC 43369 by Laura Joh Rowland read by Robert Sams 3 cassettes In 1689 Tokyo, detective Sano Ichiro discovers the bodies of a man and a woman bound together in an apparent shinju or "double love suicide." But Sano suspects otherwise and risks personal ruin as he follows a trail of clues that lead to a treasonous plot against the shogun. Violence. 1994. Shroud for a Nightingale: An Adam Dalgliesh Mystery RC 43141 by P.D. James read by David Hartley-Margolin 2 cassettes The General Nursing Council inspector is visiting the Nightingale School on the Sussex-Hampshire border. As she watches the class practice tube feeding, the nurse playing the patient suddenly convulses and dies. Soon another nurse is dead. Scotland Yard's Adam Dalgliesh investigates. 1971. Silent Witness RC 43767 by Richard North Patterson read by Chuck Benson 4 cassettes When he was a teenager, Tony Lord was falsely accused of murdering his girlfriend, Alison. Now a successful attorney, Tony learns his best friend from that time, Sam, is in a similar situation. Determined to save Sam, Tony returns to his now hated hometown. Strong language, some violence, and some explicit descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1996. The Sins of the Wolf: A William Monk Mystery RC 44216 by Anne Perry read by James DeLotel 3 cassettes In Victorian England, nurse Hester Latterly is hired to accompany Mrs. Farraline on the train to London from Edinburgh and to see that she takes her medication. But Mrs. Farraline dies on the trip and Hester faces murder charges. Investigator William Monk comes to her aid. 1994. Small Vices RC 44310 by Robert B. Parker read by Ray Foushee 2 cassettes As a district attorney, Rita Fiore won a murder conviction for convicted sex offender Ellis Alves. Two years later, now as part of a major law firm, Fiore has doubts about Alves's guilt, and convinces her firm to hire Spenser to investigate his claims of innocence. But soon after Spenser begins work, a "man in gray" takes him down with three shots. Strong language and some violence. Bestseller 1997. Smallbone Deceased RC 44345 by Michael Gilbert read by George Holmes 2 cassettes The elder Horniman-of the firm of Horniman, Birley, and Craine-has died and his son Bob has just taken his place. Bob is now co-trustee with a Mr. Smallbone on one of the firm's large accounts. But when Horniman is unsuccessful in contacting Smallbone to discuss the account, he opens the deed box himself and finds Mr. Smallbone's body. 1950. Smoke RC 43592 by Donald E. Westlake read by Bruce Huntey 3 cassettes Freddie Noon, twenty-nine, is a thief. When he breaks into the apartment of two doctors doing research for the tobacco industry, they convince Freddie to sample a drug they are creating. Freddie becomes invisible! Not such a bad thing for a thief, or is it? Strong language. 1995. Strong as Death RC 44347 by Sharan Newman read by Suzanne Toren 2 cassettes In this medieval mystery, a couple journeys to a shrine to pray for fertility. En route they join a motley group of other pilgrims, some of whom suffer fatal mishaps. The wife and husband follow clues leading to an old wrong and a vengeful killer. Strong language, violence, and descriptions of sex. 1996. Sunset Express RC 43514 by Robert Crais read by Gregory Gorton 2 cassettes LAPD detective Angela Rossi says she recovered the murder weapon from the garden of the victim's husband. But since Rossi was once accused of planting evidence, Elvis Cole is hired to find holes in her story. He follows another trail of clues that draws him deeper into intrigue and danger. Strong language. 1996. Survival of the Fittest: An Alex Deleware Mystery RC 45156 by Jonathan Kellerman read by David Hartley-Margolin 3 cassettes LAPD detective Milo Sturgis asks psychologist Alex Delaware to help solve the murder of a deaf Israeli teenager. After two other people with physical disabilities are killed, Delaware goes undercover to work on the case. Israeli policeman Daniel Sharavi, at the request of the teen's father, joins the team. Some violence and some strong language. Bestseller 1997. Ten-lb. Penalty RC 44861 by Dick Francis read by Christopher Walker 2 cassettes Eighteen-year-old Ben Juliard abandons his dream of becoming a professional jockey when he is falsely accused of drug abuse. After Ben joins the staff of his politically ambitious father, whose enemies aim to derail his promising career, the pair join forces in opposing the scandal-mongers. Bestseller 1997. The Tenth Justice RC 44527 by Brad Meltzer read by Roy Avers 3 cassettes Ben Addison, a Supreme Court clerk, unwittingly leaks the outcome of a forthcoming Court decision and finds himself the target of blackmail. Worse, Ben and his intimate circle of friends begin to treat each other with suspicion when someone in their group appears to be leaking information to the blackmailer. Some strong language. 1997. Three at Wolfe's Door RC 45314 by Rex Stout read by Jim Zeiger 2 cassettes Three tales of mystery featuring Nero Wolfe and Archie Goodwin. In "Poison a la Carte," Wolfe lends out his cook, and some of the dinner guests die. In "Method Three for Murder," a woman arrives at Wolfe's office driving a cab with a corpse inside. And in "The Rodeo Murder," a rodeo rider's rope turns up on the chest of a dead man. 1960. Three Doors to Death RC 45281 by Rex Stout read by Jim Zeiger 2 cassettes Three mysteries written between 1947 and 1949. In "Man Alive," Nero Wolfe's investigation of the murder of a man already declared dead takes him into the world of high fashion. "Omit Flowers" involves the food industry and a family's covering up for a murderer. In "Door to Death," a horticulturist finds his fiancée dead in his hothouse. Some strong language. 1995. Three to Get Deadly RC 44434 by Janet Evanovich read by Dani Carr 2 cassettes In this sequel to Two for the Dough (RC 42474), bounty hunter Stephanie Plum is dismayed to be assigned to pick up a neighborhood favorite, candy store owner Mo Bedemier. Mo was arrested for "carrying concealed." Although this crime is common in Trenton, Mo has gone into hiding. Strong language, some violence, and some descriptions of sex. 1997. Traitors Gate: A Thomas and Charlotte Pitt Mystery RC 43771 by Anne Perry read by Terry Hayes Sales 3 cassettes Thomas Pitt, now promoted to superintendent, is at home when his long-time friend Matthew Desmond comes to call. Desmond's father has died from an overdose of laudanum, and Desmond suspects foul play. So does Pitt when he learns that Sir Arthur Desmond was a member of the covert Inner Circle. Pitt, with the help of his wife, Charlotte, begins an investigation that uncovers betrayal in the Colonial Office and a second murder. 1995. Trunk Music RC 44802 by Michael Connelly read by David Hartley-Margolin 3 cassettes When a mob-connected Hollywood film producer is murdered, detective Harry Bosch begins his crime hunt in Las Vegas. Along the trail, Bosch deals with an old flame, seedy cops, and the sordid underworld. Strong language, violence, and descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1997. The Turquoise Mask RC 44086 by Phyllis A. Whitney read by Carole Jordan Stewart 2 cassettes (Reissue) Amanda Austin comes to Santa Fe to learn the truth about her mother, who died mysteriously when Amanda was only five, and to face the fiery Spanish blood of her ancestors, the Cordovas. 1974. Uncle Silas: A Tale of Bartram-Haugh RC 44497 by J.S. Le Fanu read by Barbara Caruso 4 cassettes (Reissue) Maud Ruthyn, the heroine of this classic Victorian novel, recalls her fear of death, her moody father, the grotesque Madame de la Rougierre, and the suspicions surrounding her Uncle Silas. New introduction by Frederick Shroyer. 1966. Underdog RC 43092 by Laurien Berenson read by Carole Jordan Stewart 2 cassettes Melanie Travis is presented with a pedigreed poodle and enrolls the pup in Jenny Maguire's elite dog handling school. When Jenny loses her own dog, Ziggy, Melanie offers consolation. But Jenny herself is dead within a week, and Melanie discovers Ziggy alive. The sleuth hits the dog show circuit on a hunt for Jenny's killer. 1996. The Unknown Quantity RC 44376 by Mignon G. Eberhart read by Nanette Savard 2 cassettes Sarah doesn't know why she let Arthur, her husband, talk her into the deception. He said he needed to go away secretly, and that James Dixon-who looks exactly like him-would stay with her and act as his double. It all becomes a nightmare when a body is discovered in the lake and Sarah is accused of her husband's murder. 1953. The Venus Throw RC 43363 by Steven Saylor read by Richard Davidson 3 cassettes In this sequel to Catilina's Riddle (RC 39565), Gordianus the Finder is visited by his old teacher, Dio, who is now Egyptian ambassador to Rome and who fears assassination. Dio is killed that very night, and Gordianus becomes enmeshed in a contentious trial involving political conspiracy and public scandal. Strong language. 1995. Watery Grave RC 44124 by Bruce Alexander read by George Holmes 2 cassettes In 1767 Josiah Markham, captain of a British frigate, falls overboard and drowns in the Indian Ocean. When the ship returns to England, the acting captain accuses another officer of murdering Markham. Blind magistrate Sir John Fielding probes the matter. 1996. Where Echoes Live: A Sharon McCone Mystery RC 42869 by Marcia Muller read by Pam Ward 2 cassettes Sharon McCone has joined a former colleague in the California desert to work for the California Coalition for Environmental Preservation. A San Francisco-Hong Kong-based company is buying up nearby acreage, disturbing the environment, and making suspicious land deals with the few remaining residents. McCone investigates the disappearance of a local eccentric and the appearance of a bullet-ridden body. Strong language and some violence. 1991. Winter Games RC 44128 by John Feinstein read by Christopher Hurt 2 cassettes Rytis Buzelis, a Lithuanian-born basketball star, is wooed by college coaches across the country. When journalist Bobby Kelleher finds the body of an old friend and coach who had been vying to sign Buzelis, Kelleher ventures into the sinister world of big-money sports to find the killer. Strong language. 1995. With Child RC 44894 by Laurie R. King read by Kimberly Schraf 2 cassettes San Francisco detective Kate Martinelli is reeling from being left by her girlfriend, when Jules, the twelve-year-old daughter of her work partner's fiancée, asks for help. After assisting her, Kate inadvertently puts Jules in the path of a serial killer, and Jules disappears. Strong language and some violence. 1996. The Wood Beyond RC 43624 by Reginald Hill read by George Holmes 3 cassettes While picketing a drug-research lab, animal-rights demonstrators stumble upon a generations-old corpse. In the course of the investigation, Inspector Peter Pascoe links the unearthed remains to his grandfather's shameful court martial in World War I. Strong language. 1996. Written in Blood: A Chief Inspector Barnaby Mystery RC 43927 by Caroline Graham read by David Hartley-Margolin 3 cassettes The eccentrics in a writers' group are pleased to get author Max Jennings as a guest speaker-except for the reclusive host, who begs not to be left alone with him. As everyone is leaving, Jennings rushes back inside and bars the door. Strong language and some descriptions of sex. 1995. Yesterday's News RC 44116 by Jeremiah Healy read by Nick Sullivan 2 cassettes Newspaperwoman Jane Rust hires Boston private eye John Cuddy to investigate the murder of one of her informants. The next night Jane's body is found in her apartment. Her death is considered a suicide and soon becomes "yesterday's news." But Cuddy is convinced there is more to it. Strong language and descriptions of sex. 1989. Occult and Horror The Between RC 43640 by Tananarive Due read by L.J. Ganser 2 cassettes As a child, Hilton James was rescued from drowning by his grandmother, who perished to save him. Now a family man of almost forty, he begins to think his borrowed time is running out. Haunted by dreams of death and threatened by a psychotic who stalks his family, Hilton finds his grip on reality slipping. Strong language and descriptions of sex. 1995. Dance of Death RC 43224 by P.N. Elrod read by Jim Zeiger 2 cassettes In this sequel to Death Masque (RC 43223), Jonathan Barrett has grown used to his abilities and needs as a vampire. Now he finds a most engaging four-year-old boy who is his image-and his own son. When his enemies try to use his affection for the lad against him, Jonathan invokes his immortal powers. Descriptions of sex. 1996. Dark Debts RC 44619 by Karen Hall read by Martha Harmon Pardee 3 cassettes A dark debt, or curse, hangs over the entire Landry family. Cam Landry has just signed a major publishing contract when he goes berserk. His former lover, trying to understand what happened, discovers other family members who believe insanity awaits them. And an ex-Jesuit priest, writing an article on exorcism, discovers he is related to the Landrys. Strong language, violence, and explicit descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1996. Death and the Maiden RC 43222 by P.N. Elrod read by Jim Zeiger 2 cassettes Set just before the Revolutionary War, this sequel to Red Death (RC 43221) finds British colonist Jonathan Barrett trying to live a normal life with his family as he adjusts to his vampire needs and abilities. When the growing tensions of the coming conflict threaten his sanctuary and loved ones, Jonathan is forced to call up the powers of the undead. 1994. Death Masque RC 43223 by P.N. Elrod read by Jim Zeiger 2 cassettes In this sequel to Death and the Maiden (RC 43222) set in 1777, vampire Jonathan Barrett resides in Long Island where he struggles with his "changed condition." Desperate to be with his lover, Nora, he leaves for England with his sister and valet. There Jonathan becomes embroiled in London society while searching for Nora. Descriptions of sex and some strong language. 1995. Desperation RC 43098 by Stephen King read by Martha Harmon Pardee 4 cassettes A couple driving across the Nevada desert are pulled over by an enormous cop, who arrests them for marijuana that mysteriously appears in their trunk. On the way back to the town, Desperation, they realize the cop is insane. Violence, strong language, and some explicit descriptions of sex. Companion to The Regulators (RC 42876), written under the name of Richard Bachman. Bestseller 1996. Red Death RC 43221 by P.N. Elrod read by Jim Zeiger 2 cassettes In pre-Revolutionary War America, Jonathan Barrett's mad loyalist mother ships him off to England's Cambridge University. There Jonathan meets Nora Jones, who enjoys drinking blood during lovemaking. Later when he is killed while defending the Tory cause, he rises as a vampire. Prequel to Death and the Maiden (RC 43222). Some strong language and some descriptions of sex. 1993. The Secret Life of Laszlo, Count Dracula RC 43169 by Roderick Anscombe read by Jamie Horton 3 cassettes A psychiatrist offers this fictional diary recounting a man's reluctant, horrified surrender to perversion. Though not a real vampire, this Dracula gradually develops a taste for the blood of young girls, even as he tries to live a respectable life. Violence and descriptions of sex. 1994. Short Circuits: Thirteen Shocking Stories by Outstanding Writers for Young Adults RC 43261 edited by Donald R. Gallo read by Madelyn Buzzard 2 cassettes Tales of terror about teenagers caught in precarious situations. In "Ethan Unbound," a boy finds himself locked in the library with a librarian-witch and must summon Dracula and other literary figures to his aid. For junior and senior high readers. 1992. Son of Rosemary: The Sequel to Rosemary's Baby RC 44999 by Ira Levin read by David Palmer 2 cassettes In 1999 when Rosemary wakes from a twenty-seven-year coma, her first concern is her son Andy. Now thirty-three years old, he is a spiritual leader with a worldwide following. But he was raised by the witches' coven, so Rosemary wonders how truthful Andy is. Sequel to Rosemary's Baby (RC 17695). Some strong language. Bestseller 1997. Political Themes Bullet Heart RC 43393 by Michael Doane read by Rick Rohan 3 cassettes When golf course developers in South Dakota unearth a pioneer burial ground in 1972, they reinter the bones of the white settlers, but keep those of an Indian girl for public display as "artifacts." After failed attempts to recover the bones, the Indians resort to force, leading to a shootout with FBI agents. Strong language and descriptions of sex. 1994. Don't Die before You're Dead RC 43643 by Yevgeny Yevtushenko read by Ken Kliban 3 cassettes A fictionalized chronicle of the three-day attempted coup in the Soviet Union in 1991. Depicts citizens struggling for freedom yet still insecure from their long subjugation to Communism. Blends autobi- ography, political suspense, and love stories to dramatize the historic event. Strong language. 1995. 1876 RC 44566 by Gore Vidal read by Roy Avers 3 cassettes (Reissue) Sequel to Burr (RC 44097) that evokes the New York and Washington of 1876 and deals with the contested presidential election between Samuel Tilden and Rutherford B. Hayes. Burr's unacknowledged son returns from Paris to write about the U.S. political scene, seek financial security for himself, and find a good marriage for his titled widowed daughter. 1976. Executive Orders RC 43316 by Tom Clancy read by David Hartley-Margolin 9 cassettes In this sequel to Debt of Honor (RC 38875), Jack Ryan accedes to the presidency following a massive terrorist attack on the Capitol. Amid the devastation and turmoil, Ryan endeavors to restore a functioning government even as foreign and domestic forces move to exploit the crisis for their own ends. Strong language and violence. Bestseller 1996. The Illuminati RC 43186 by Larry Burkett read by Jack Fox 3 cassettes In the year 2001, the president suspends the U.S. Congress because of a crumbling economy. His act follows the agenda of the Illuminati, a secret society that aims to make a one-world economy controlled by a central computer system. An Atlanta pastor leads a crusade to expose the society and thwart the diabolical scheme. 1991. Kowloon Tong RC 44859 by Paul Theroux read by Anne Flosnik 2 cassettes In 1996 Hong Kong prepares to return to Chinese rule the next year. But middle-aged Neville Mullard and his mother cling to their British lifestyle. When a Chinese businessman offers to buy out their family's textile factory, mother and son are at odds until a tragedy causes them to realize the peril of their situation. Violence. Bestseller 1997. The Ladies' Lunch RC 39939 by Patricia O'Brien read by Gillian Wilson 3 cassettes Four Washington women (a Supreme Court nominee, a prestigious caterer, a journalist, and a congresswoman) are waiting for White House press secretary Faith Paige to join them for their regular lunch when they learn she was found dead in the Potomac. As the women try to determine why and if their friend committed suicide, they are thwarted by White House insiders and their lives are thrown into turmoil. Some strong language. 1994. The Patchwork People RC 43217 by Louise Lawrence read by Vanessa Maroney 2 cassettes In twenty-first century, the natural resources of Wales are almost depleted, and work is scarce. As Hugh, sixteen, panhandles at the railway station, he meets and rescues Helena, fifteen, the rich daughter of a mine manager. They come to realize that they have the ability to reshape their futures. Some strong language. For senior high readers. 1994. The People's Choice RC 42310 by Jeff Greenfield read by Ray Foushee 2 cassettes When the president-elect dies in a freak accident just two days after his election, many fear that the departed's dim-witted running mate will accede to the top post. Constitutional chaos ensues as the electoral college process unfolds and insiders vie to influence the outcome. Political wit and satire abound. 1995. The Plan RC 43561 by Stephen J. Cannell read by Roy Avers 3 cassettes A Mafia capo feels threatened by the new anticrime laws and decides to put his own puppet in the White House to change the odds. The plan is discovered by Ryan Bolt, who is hired to do a documentary on the sham candidate. Bolt finds himself in a ruthless power game and must fight to save himself and his country. Strong language and descriptions of sex. 1995. Shadow of a Hero RC 43618 by Peter Dickinson read by George Holmes 2 cassettes With the rise of ethnic nationalism in postcommunist Eastern Europe, English-born Letta and her grandfather, Restaur Vax, return to his native Varina, a fictional Balkan state. But officials there fear that Vax, the nation's last democratic leader, might spur Varian nationalism, and his family is plunged into perilous intrigue. For junior and senior high readers. 1994. Summit RC 44517 by D.M. Thomas read by John Horton 1 cassette An adult fairy tale intended as a satirical coda to Ararat (RC 19387), Swallow (RC 38668), and Sphinx (RC 44511). A summit conference is the setting for a meeting between the Soviet premier and an ailing actor who has become president of the United States. Strong language and descriptions of sex. 1987. The Thor Conspiracy: The Seventy-Hour Countdown to Disaster RC 43187 by Larry Burkett read by Jack Fox 2 cassettes In this sequel to The Illuminati (RC 43186), set in the near future, the U.S. government is controlled by environmentalists. When documents are found to indicate a political cover-up in the THOR nuclear testing project, three patriots combine their talents to thwart the corrupt regime. 1995. The Two Georges RC 43256 by Richard Dreyfuss and Harry Turtledove read by Roy Avers 4 cassettes In this "alternate history" tale, 1996 America is at peace under His Majesty Charles III-a peace that has held since the 1760s, when George Washington and George III struck an agreement. When the symbol of harmony, a painting called The Two Georges, is stolen by a separatist group, a team of sleuths sets out to get it back. Strong language and descriptions of sex. 1996. Waiting for the Dark, Waiting for the Light RC 44328 by Ivan Klima read by Christopher Hurt 2 cassettes Ambitious filmmaker Pavel Fuka yearns to make a documentary exposing the oppression and corruption endemic to Communist Czechoslovakia. But when Communism falls, Fuka discovers internal obstacles impede his completion of his great work: cynicism, apathy, and a sense of futility brought on by years of cultural conditioning. Some strong language. 1994. Psychological Themes Guided Tours of Hell RC 44270 by Francine Prose read by Laura Giannarelli 2 cassettes Two novellas about traveling Americans who are transformed as they confront the historic tragedies of the French Revolution and the Holocaust. In the title story, a second-rate writer dreams of Kafka while touring a concentration camp. In "Three Pigs in Five Days," a travel writer seeks to rekindle a waning romance with her editor while on a "death tour" of Paris. Strong language. Bestseller 1997. Konfidenz RC 43371 by Ariel Dorfman read by Terence Aselford 1 cassette A woman comes to Paris to aid her imperiled lover. Immediately, the telephone rings and she is swept into an alarming relationship with the mysterious voice of a man who seems to know everything about her, even intimate details. Gradually there comes a startling revelation. Strong language and descriptions of sex. 1995. Missing Pieces RC 44834 by Joy Fielding read by Carole Jordan Stewart 2 cassettes Kate Sinclair, a family therapist, is having trouble with her own family. Her teenage daughter is running wild, her mother has Alzheimer's disease, and her half-sister JoLynn marries Colin Friendly, a serial killer convicted of murdering thirteen women. Strong language, violence, and explicit descriptions of sex. 1997. My Other Life RC 43635 by Paul Theroux read by John Stratton 4 cassettes The author's "story of a life I could have lived had things been different." His imaginary memoir includes stints as teacher at an African leper colony and as writer in Singapore and London. He relates a series of encounters with eccentrics and seductive women. Strong language and descriptions of sex. 1996. The Queen of the Tambourine RC 43172 by Jane Gardam read by Martha Harmon Pardee 2 cassettes The chronicle of stodgy suburban housewife Eliza Peabody's mental breakdown as reflected through letters that she writes to a neighbor. When one of the missives incites the neighbor to abandon her family, Eliza cracks. Later epistles trace her continuing collapse. 1991. Religious Themes Other books with religious themes can be found in categories such as family, historical, romance, and westerns. Ariel Custer RC 39998 by Grace Livingston Hill read by Sharon Lauve Komorn 2 cassettes When her grandmother dies, Ariel Custer of Virginia must face the world alone with God. She travels north to a promised job as a librarian's apprentice but finds the job has been filled. Ariel is rescued by Jud Granniss, who helps her get settled. Although Jud is drawn to gentle Ariel, his harsh overbearing mother strongly disapproves, wanting Jud to marry a popular girl instead. 1929. Blind Faith RC 45291 by Judith Pella read by Gabriella Cavallero 2 cassettes Irene Lorenzo's faith has been tested as a result of her divorce from Greg Mitchell. Now Joel Costain, a blind lawyer, has approached Irene seeking information about Greg, who claimed to be Joel's brother and has now died under mysterious circumstances. As the two search for answers, Irene begins to regain her faith. 1996. Coming through the Rye RC 39964 by Grace Livingston Hill read by Ellen Frost 2 cassettes (Reissue) Romayne Ransom is thrilled when her widowed father is finally able to afford some nice things for the family. But one day she comes home to find members of a league staked out in her house waiting to arrest her father and brother for selling liquor. Young attorney Evan Sherwood, head of the league, feels sorry for Romayne, who knew nothing of the activity. But she holds him responsible for ruining her family. 1926. The End of the Age RC 43093 by Pat Robertson read by Andy Chappell 3 cassettes The apocalyptic prophesy is fulfilled in this tale of the Earth's last days in the year 2000. In the wake of natural calamities, the Antichrist forms a new world order based in Babylon. All are doomed but the "unaffected," who believe in Jesus Christ and who finally prevail. 1995. Happiness Hill RC 43415 by Grace Livingston Hill read by Suzanne Toren 2 cassettes Jane Arleth is taking a much-needed vacation and one that her family has encouraged. Jane is having a wonderful time and has met a nice man. Then, with one week left, she suddenly finds herself headed home after getting a letter from her younger sister. Jane's world at home is in trouble. 1932. In Heaven as on Earth: A Vision of the Afterlife RC 43744 by M. Scott Peck read by Gregory Gorton 1 cassette The tale of a man's journey into the afterlife. Upon dying, he finds himself in a small room where "greeters" introduce him to his new life. He is reunited with departed loved ones and has an encounter with Satan in the form of an enticing young woman. Strong language and descriptions of sex. 1996. The Scarlet Thread RC 44425 by Francine Rivers read by Barbara Pinolini 3 cassettes California housewife Sierra Clanton Madrid learns she has much in common with her pioneer ancestor, Mary Kathryn McMurray, as she reads Mary's tattered journal. Like her predecessor, Sierra is forced to move away from family and friends so her husband can make a new beginning. Both women struggle, but each finds contentment when she turns to God. 1996. The Strange Proposal RC 40954 by Grace Livingston Hill read by Jeanne Evans 2 cassettes (Reissue) John Saxon takes time off from his medical studies to be best man for Jeff Wainwright's wedding. During the ceremony, John falls in love at first sight with the maid of honor, whom he has been told is Helen Foster, a good Christian woman. He blurts out a proposal to her before leaving. Once on the train, John looks at the card she gave him and realizes there had been a substitution: the girl he fell for is Jeff's cousin, heiress Mary Elizabeth Wainwright. 1935. Yesterday Framed in Today RC 40936 by Isabella Macdonald Alden read by June Carter 2 cassettes David Holman, nearing his thirtieth birthday, has spent the past seven years in bed -the result of his own recklessness. But now there is hope. A stranger able to heal the sick has come to town, and David is determined to see him. As David hopes for a miracle, he wonders if he will once again be disappointed by the work of a physician. 1898. Romance Absolutely, Positively RC 44426 by Jayne Ann Krentz read by Nanette Savard 2 cassettes Molly Abberwick, sole trustee of a foundation that supports inventors, hires Harry Trevelyan as a consultant. Molly is on the verge of firing him when he shocks her by suggesting they have an affair. Considering her options, she finds that Harry is not as unreasonable as he appears. Some strong language and some explicit descriptions of sex. 1996. Acts of Love RC 44307 by Judith Michael read by Barbara Pinolini 3 cassettes As theater director Lucas Cameron is closing his grandmother's villa in Italy, he comes across a box of letters from her protégé, Jessica Fontaine. Jessica and his grandmother were great actresses, but now his grandmother is dead, and Jessica has not been seen on stage for years. Although Lucas never liked Jessica, something about her letters compels him to seek her out. Some strong language. Bestseller 1997. Affair RC 44803 by Amanda Quick read by Gabriella Cavallero 2 cassettes As the sole support of her younger sister and herself, Charlotte Arkendale has established a business of making discreet inquiries about the suitors of wealthy young women. With her new man of affairs, she is looking into the death of one of her recent clients when it soon becomes evident that she and her assistant are being stalked by a killer. Bestseller 1997. All I Need Is You RC 45468 by Johanna Lindsey read by Mary Woods 2 cassettes Casey Straton, seventeen, believes she can run her grandfather's Texas ranch, but her father does not. So Casey, dressed as a boy, runs away to prove herself. New Yorker Damian Rutledge III has come west to find his father's killer. When Damian and Casey meet, he hires her to help with the search, not suspecting she is a woman. Strong language and some descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1997. All the Winters That Have Been RC 43884 by Evan Maxwell read by Jeff Baker 1 cassette Dane Corvin returns to the Pacific Northwest to tend his dying uncle and to resolve the rift that separated him from his lover, Helen Raven, twenty years ago. In a bittersweet reunion, Helen reveals that Dane is the father of her son. Strong language and descriptions of sex. 1995. Anything for Love RC 42575 by Janelle Taylor read by Ann Hodapp 2 cassettes Rachel Gaines has been a widow for fifteen years and, at forty-seven, is tired of doing charity work and attending ladies' luncheons. Her chance for a change of pace comes at a class reunion. There she again meets Quentin Rawls, whom she cut out of her life more than twelve years earlier. Some explicit descriptions of sex. 1995. Arrow to the Heart RC 43926 by Jennifer Blake read by Martha Harmon Pardee 2 cassettes Giles Castlereagh knows he is dying and wants to be sure he has an heir to inherit Arcadia, his Louisiana plantation, but Katrine is still a virgin because their marriage remains unconsummated. Giles has arranged a tournament to pick a suitable mate for Katrine. But when Rowan de Blanc wins the honor, neither he nor Katrine are willing to obey Giles's orders, until they are locked in the tower together. Some strong language and explicit descriptions of sex. 1993. Autumn Lover RC 43798 by Elizabeth Lowell read by Sharon Murray 3 cassettes Elyssa Sutton, twenty, is startled when Hunter Maxwell offers his services as a ramrod who can handle a gun. Together they rally against the Culpeppers, a family of raiders who are stripping the Ladder S ranch of cattle. Strong language, explicit descriptions of sex, and some violence. Bestseller 1996. Beauty's Release RC 41076 by A.N. Roquelaure read by George Holmes 2 cassettes Anne Rice, writing as A.N. Roquelaure, concludes her trilogy the Erotic Adventures of Sleeping Beauty. Beauty and her beloved, the slave Tristan, have been taken captive by a sultan, who imprisons her in his harem. Sequel to Beauty's Punishment (RC 40644). Strong language, violence, and explicit descriptions of sex. 1985. The Best Revenge RC 45147 by Stella Cameron read by Madelyn Buzzard 3 cassettes Rae Faith flees her abusive childhood home and, for ten years, leads a decent life, marrying a salesman. Then one day her husband doesn't return home, and his brother-in-law, Dallas Calhoun, accuses them both of embezzlement. Hoping to clear her own name, Rae follows Dallas -and falls in love. Violence, strong language, and explicit descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1998. Bridge of Dreams RC 44830 by Christina Skye read by Martha Harmon Pardee 3 cassettes Two hundred years after Gabriel Ashton died at Draycott Abbey, his body and will have been discovered, and Nicholas Draycott must handle the distribution of a case of wine. But Cathlin O'Neill, whose mother also died at Draycott Abbey, is reluctant to fulfill the terms of the will. Sequel to Hour of the Rose (RC 41752). Some strong language and some descriptions of sex. 1995. Captive Bride RC 44168 by Johanna Lindsey read by Gabriella Cavallero 2 cassettes Seventeen-year-old Christina Wakefield's first London season in 1883 is ruined by the arrogant Philip Caxton. Soon afterwards her brother is ordered to Cairo, and Christina travels with him. On her first night there, Christina is abducted by Sheik Abu, a.k.a. Philip Caxton. Explicit descriptions of sex, some strong language, and some violence. 1977. The Carousel RC 41818 by Rosamunde Pilcher read by Mimi Bederman 1 cassette A contemporary romance set in a seaside town in Cornwall. While visiting a beloved aunt, Prue falls in love with the most interesting man she's ever met, an unpredictable artist named Daniel who sowed considerable wild oats in his youth. Prue also forms an attachment to a poor little rich girl who, she learns to her astonishment, is one of Daniel's offspring. 1982. Chances Are RC 45074 by Robin Lee Hatcher read by Gabriella Cavallero 2 cassettes In 1886, actress Faith Butler must quit her job with a traveling troupe and stay in the small town of Dead Horse, Wyoming, until her ill daughter recovers. Reclusive rancher Drake Rutledge reluctantly hires Faith as a housekeeper even though he has avoided women since an accident that cost him an eye. Some strong language, some violence, and some explicit descriptions of sex. 1996. Christmas Belles RC 44945 by Susan Carroll read by Ann Hodapp 1 cassette On Christmas Eve 1805, Sir Waverly died en route to Portugal while on a diplomatic mission. Now two years later, Captain William Trent, guardian of Waverly's four daughters, has come to Windhaven Manor in Norfolk to take over the estate he inher- ited and to marry the eldest sister. But as his wedding day approaches, Trent realizes he is marrying the wrong woman. 1992. Christmas Carol RC 39966 by Flora Speer read by Anne Mullen 2 cassettes After her bankrupt father kills himself, a bitter Carol takes a job in London as a paid companion to miserly Lady Augusta. When Augusta dies five years later at Christmas, her ghost appears and explains to Carol that for penance she is to make sure Carol doesn't waste her life, too. Augusta and Carol experience a past, present, and future Christmas, and Carol falls in love each time, with the same man. Explicit descriptions of sex and some strong language. 1994. The Clayborne Brides: One Pink Rose, One White Rose, One Red Rose RC 45329 by Julie Garwood read by Mitzi Friedlander 3 cassettes This companion to For the Roses (RC 43563) portrays events leading up to the marriages of three Clayborne brothers. Travis falls for a woman he is escorting to meet her mail-order bridegroom, Douglas falls in love with a woman for whom he acts as a midwife, and Adam falls for the woman Mama Rose picked out for him. Some descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1997. Dancing at the Harvest Moon RC 45163 by K.C. McKinnon read by Pam Ward 1 cassette A recently divorced English professor, Maggie, impulsively decides to revisit the summer resort where she met her first love. There, her passion is rekindled by the son of her former lover. She debates whether to let her heart or her mind determine her future. Some descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1997. Deep Waters RC 44530 by Jayne Ann Krentz read by Ann Hodapp 2 cassettes Charity Truitt, twenty-nine, walks out on her engagement party and escapes to Whispering Waters Cove, Washington. Although their marriage meant a merger between two large Seattle firms, her fiancé was just too big a man for Charity. In her new life, Charity meets Elias Winters, a man who seems to be just the right size. Some strong language and some explicit descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1996. The Dream Hunter RC 41791 by Laura Kinsale read by Laura Giannarelli 3 cassettes Lord Arden Winter once again leaves London for the desert, this time in disguise to procure a noted horse. He learns too late that the young Bedouin boy he meets up with is actually Zenia, the illegitimate daughter of his late friend, an Englishwoman who lived among the Arabs. As they await their execution, Arden and Zenia make love. Zenia, pregnant, escapes to London, believing Arden dead. Strong language, violence, and explicit descriptions of sex. 1994. Dream Man RC 43933 by Linda Howard read by Gabriella Cavallero 2 cassettes Six years after a brutal incident, Marlie Keen is hopeful that her psychic abilities are gone for good. Then she is overcome with the knowledge that a man is committing a savage murder. Police detective Dane Hollister doesn't believe her until he investigates her past. But he does know he's wildly attracted to her from the start-even while he considers her a suspect. Strong language, violence, and explicit descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1994. Fancy Lady RC 44229 by Peggy Hanchar read by Madelyn Buzzard 2 cassettes Coop Fletcher, a successful Colorado businessman, feels his Indian blood is keeping him from being accepted into society. He asks his attorney to find a real lady to marry him and help his reputation. Down-on-her-luck actress Fancy Bourne arrives, pretending to be a plantation owner's daughter. Some violence and some explicit descriptions of sex. 1994. Far from Home RC 44947 by Georgia Bockoven read by Jill Fox 2 cassettes Adam Kirkpatric is fishing near his California town when he sees a woman jump off a cliff into the sea. Rescuing her, Adam finds himself drawn to this mysterious Miranda Dolan. Although he finally wins her trust, Miranda refuses to discuss her nightmarish past. Strong language, violence, and explicit descriptions of sex. 1996. Fire: A Novel of Hawaii RC 43579 by Armine Von Tempski read by Mitzi Friedlander 2 cassettes In 1927 a girl visits her uncle in Hawaii. Though betrothed to a proper young man in Washington, D.C., she is taken with a dashing Hawaiian cowboy, whom she later marries. Caught between cultures, the two cope with adversity, but their love holds fast. Companion to Hula: A Romance of Hawaii (RC 30708). 1929. The Folly: Being the Fourth Volume of the Daughters of Mannerling RC 44591 by Marion Chesney read by Jill Ferris 1 cassette Rachel Beverley, the next sister in line to try to regain the lost family home, Mannerling, hopes to make a good impression on the latest owner, Charles Blackwood. But Rachel gets off to a bad start when she reprimands him for leaving his children in the charge of a spiteful governess. Sequel to The Deception (RC 42439). 1996. For the Roses RC 43563 by Julie Garwood read by Mitzi Friedlander 4 cassettes Teenagers Adam, Douglas, Cole, and Travis are struggling to survive in the alleys of New York City in the 1860s when they discover an abandoned baby girl. Believing she would never survive in an orphanage, the boys decide to keep her, and name her Mary Rose. They become a "family," head west to Montana, and take up ranching. Then Lord Harrison MacDonald comes looking for a long-lost Lady Victoria. Some explicit descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1995. Hawk O'Toole's Hostage RC 44863 by Sandra Brown read by Annie Wauters 1 cassette Hawk O'Toole is convinced that by kidnapping six-year-old Scott, the son of Representative Price, he can negotiate the reopening of the Lone Puma silver mine. But he didn't plan to end up with Miranda, Scott's mother, who is determined to protect her son. Nor did Hawk expect to fall for his unwanted captive. Some explicit descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1988. The Heiress RC 44289 by Jude Deveraux read by Anne Flosnik 2 cassettes In 1572 English knight Jamie Montgomery is assigned to escort the Maidenhall heiress, who is joining her fiancé. Because Jamie's family is now impoverished, his sisters convince Jamie to try to make the heiress fall in love with him. When Jamie mistakes the heiress's cousin for her and confides his plan to the heiress, she decides not to reveal her identity. Explicit descriptions of sex and some strong language. Bestseller 1995. Holding the Dream RC 44156 by Nora Roberts read by Martha Harmon Pardee 2 cassettes In this sequel to Daring to Dream (RC 42829), accountant Kate Powell is stunned to be accused of skimming money from her clients. Suspended and working in the shop she co-owns with her cousin and friend, Kate's anxiety leads to illness. Her unlikely savior is suave Byron De Witt, a manager in Kate's uncle's hotel chain. Strong language and explicit descriptions of sex. 1997. Hunter's Moon RC 43887 by Karen Robards read by Ilona Dulaski 2 cassettes FBI agent Will Lyman stakes out a Kentucky stable to prove suspected race-fixing. When groom Molly Ballard takes money left as bait and Lyman's source kills himself, Lyman insists Molly go undercover for him, and he poses as her boyfriend. Strong language, violence, and explicit descriptions of sex. 1996. Imagine Love RC 44666 by Katherine Stone read by Sharon Murray 4 cassettes Cole and Claire are singing partners who dream of a life together, but the brutal death of Cole's father drives Cole away. When Cole-now famous-returns home twelve years later, he finds he still cares for Claire and invites her to London. There they become involved in a bizarre murder plot involving Claire's former pen pal. Strong language. 1996. Jackson's Dilemma RC 43352 by Iris Murdoch read by George Holmes 2 cassettes On the eve of their wedding, Marian Berran mysteriously jilts country squire Edward Lannion. The disappointed friends and family, all overcome with sadness, are healed by a world-wise manservant, who intervenes and sets their world to rights. 1995. Kill and Tell RC 45340 by Linda Howard read by Carole Jordan Stewart 2 cassettes Shortly after her mother's death, nurse Karen Whitlaw receives a notebook from her father, a Vietnam vet who abandoned her years before. She then learns from New Orleans detective Marc Chastain that her father has been killed. As Karen and Marc become involved, someone threatens Karen's life. Violence, strong language, and explicit descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1998. The Lady in Green RC 44237 by Barbara Metzger read by Sharon Murray 2 cassettes Young heiress Annalise Avery, just recovered from a brain fever, overhears her fiancé joking with her stepfather about his other women. Outraged that her greedy guardian insists the wedding still take place, Annalise flees with her former nanny and her nanny's rascal husband to her aunt's home. When they discover her traveling aunt is renting the house out, the trio pose as servants, but find that the tenant is a blatant womanizer. Some strong language. 1993. Legend RC 43560 by Jude Deveraux read by Ann Hodapp 3 cassettes Shortly before she is to marry, Kady Long impulsively buys an old flour tin. Inside it she discovers a well-preserved satin wedding dress, just the kind she's been looking for. She tries it on and suddenly finds herself transported in time to a harsh landscape where a man is about to be hanged. Descriptions of sex and some strong language. Bestseller 1996. The Listening Sky RC 44223 by Dorothy Garlock read by Carole Jordan Stewart 3 cassettes Jane Love answers an ad for female workers in Timbertown, Wyoming Territory, but soon realizes the ad was a ploy by mill owner T.C. Kilkenny to lure single women to town to marry his lumberjacks. This, coupled with threats to reveal a dark secret, makes Jane want to leave, until Kilkenny convinces her otherwise. Strong language, violence, and explicit descriptions of sex. 1996. The Lonely Lady RC 44451 by Harold Robbins read by Barbara Pinolini 3 cassettes (Reissue) Relates the life of JeriLee Randall, a small-town girl, from child to woman and from actress to bestselling author. An early marriage to a brilliant older playwright fails, but JeriLee finds success through perseverance and determination. Strong language and explicit descriptions of sex. 1976. The Long Road Home RC 46008 by Danielle Steel read by Annie Wauters 3 cassettes Gabriella Harrison, the only child of wealthy New Yorkers, is abused by her deranged mother for more than ten years. Abandoned by her now-divorced parents at a convent, Gabriella is content until she falls in love with a priest. Some violence and some descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1998. Lost Island RC 44220 by Phyllis A. Whitney read by Carole Jordan Stewart 2 cassettes (Reissue) Lacey Ames returns to Hampton, an island off the coast of Georgia, where she spent her childhood and where her youthful romance with Giles Severn ended in disappointment. Unable to forget Giles, Lacey hopes to exorcise the spell of the island and of Giles. 1970. Love Me Forever RC 43432 by Johanna Lindsey read by Jill Ferris 2 cassettes Nineteenth-century English heiress Kimberly Richards is pressured to select a husband soon so her father can remarry. Lachlan MacGregor is in need of a wife with money, since his stepmother took off with his family's inheritance. Then Richards and MacGregor are given adjoining rooms while visiting a mutual friend. Some descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1995. The MacGregor Brides RC 45023 by Nora Roberts read by Ilona Dulaski 2 cassettes Daniel MacGregor, ninety years old, meddles in the love lives of his three oldest granddaughters. Impatient for great-grandchildren, MacGregor hand-picks three eligible bachelors and conspires to have them meet Laura, Gwendolyn, and Julia. The three granddaughters are, however, independent, modern women who do not appreciate Grandfather's interference. Descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1997. Masquerade RC 45080 by B.J. Hoff read by Jill Ferris 2 cassettes Danni St. John has returned to her hometown of Red Oak, Alabama, to work as the editor of the newspaper being published by the Colony, a cult that has established a compound just outside of town. She soon finds herself involved in a series of terrifying events, which she investigates with the aid of Sheriff Logan McGarey, with whom she is falling in love. 1996. Midnight Lady RC 45017 by Rosemary Rogers read by Barbara Caruso 2 cassettes In 1816, Kyla Van Vleet returns to London to claim her share of the estate of her late father, the duke of Wolverton. When the heir to the title, American Brett Banning, denies her right, virginal Kyla threatens to ruin his reputation by becoming a whore as her mother had been forced to do. Explicit descriptions of sex, some strong language, and some violence. Bestseller 1997. Mischief RC 43441 by Amanda Quick read by Martha Harmon Pardee 2 cassettes Imogen Waterstone has inherited her uncle's Zamarian antiquities, which she intends to use to trap her friend's killer. Waterstone gets help from the reluctant earl of Colchester, who was indebted to her uncle. But Waterstone and Colchester are soon in serious trouble as corpses pile up. Strong language and some descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1996. Miss Jacobson's Journey RC 40938 by Carola Dunn read by Miriam Wagner 2 cassettes In 1802 Miriam Jacobson's parents plan a marriage between her and Isaac Cohen, a Talmudic scholar. One glance at the young, thin, stooped man and Miriam announces she will, instead, leave London to travel in Russia helping her uncle with his research. Nine years later, in wartime France, Miriam promises to help deliver some gold in exchange for safe transport back to England. In dismay she realizes the man she has agreed to help is a much-changed Isaac! 1992. Morning Is a Long Time Coming RC 43661 by Bette Greene read by Carole Jordan Stewart 2 cassettes (Reissue) En route to Germany in search of the mother's love she has never known, eighteen-year-old Patty Bergen lingers in Paris and experiences her first love affair. Sequel to Summer of My German Soldier (RC 36625). Some strong language. For junior and senior high readers. 1978. Mornings of Gold RC 40917 by Carol Marsh read by Ellen Frost 2 cassettes Pursuing her dream as a photographer in New York, Caddy Wilcox stays with her aunt, sending her earnings home to her younger brother, who has multiple sclerosis. Shortly after Caddy's fiancé breaks it off because she won't quit her job, Caddy accepts an assignment photographing birds on a private island. The short stay leads to a relationship with the island residents, especially attorney Fiske Spencer. Strong language. 1995. Nothing but You: Love Stories from the New Yorker RC 44363 edited by Roger Angell read by Faith Potts 4 cassettes An anthology of romantic stories by postmodernists, ironists, and other authors recounting their personal encounters with love. In "The Diver," a young man accidentally falls into the river. A kindly Parisian seamstress seduces the hapless fellow as she helps him change his wet clothes. Descriptions of sex. 1997. The Offer RC 45012 by Catherine Coulter read by Barbara Caruso 2 cassettes Fleeing her ancestral home after an attempted rape by her new brother-in-law, Lady Sabrina Eversleigh, eighteen, becomes lost in the forest during a winter blizzard. She is rescued by Phillip Mercerault, but her reputation is compromised when he takes her to an unoccupied hunting lodge. Phillip offers marriage, but Sabrina refuses for his sake. Some descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1997. The Passion of Dellie O'Barr RC 40982 by Cindy Bonner read by Annie Wauters 2 cassettes In this sequel to Looking After Lily (RC 36944), the youngest De Lony sister has now, in the 1880s, grown up. Although married to Daniel, a solid and settled man, Dellie is swept off her feet by Andy, whose political agitation churns the emotions of the rural Texas town. Throwing aside convention, Dellie foolishly follows her heart. Explicit descriptions of sex and some strong language. 1996. Pearl Moon RC 44450 by Katherine Stone read by Mary Kane 3 cassettes As Hong Kong prepares for the expiration of British rule, the decision by James Drake to build an opulent hotel in the city brings together two sisters who have never met-Allison Whitaker, an American photographer, and Maylene Kwan, a Chinese architect. 1995. The Rag Nymph RC 43818 by Catherine Cookson read by Carol Dines 2 cassettes At the age of seven, Millie Forester finds herself alone in the world. Her mother has committed suicide, and her father disappeared long ago. She is taken in by Raggie Aggie Winkowski and Ben, a young man Aggie opened her home to years before. Millie is free-spirited and often finds herself in difficult situations- especially with men. Ben quietly stays in the background and rescues her when the need arises. 1991. The Rake and the Reformer RC 43053 by Mary Jo Putney read by Ann Hodapp 3 cassettes Regency romance in which the notorious Reggie Davenport unexpectedly inherits an estate. Told that it has been expertly managed, Reggie has no idea that the manager is in fact a woman, the striking "spinster" Alys Weston. Tensions mount when they meet face to face. Strong language and explicit descriptions of sex. 1989. Remember When RC 45335 by Judith McNaught read by Jill Fox 3 cassettes Wealthy Diana Foster knew Cole Harrison when she was a teenager and he worked as a stable boy. Cole now owns a multimillion-dollar company. They meet again at Houston's White Orchid Ball and auction just after Diana is jilted by her fiancé. Cole takes a dramatic step to help Diana save face. Some strong language and some descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1996. River of Sky RC 43808 by Karen Harper read by Madelyn Buzzard 3 cassettes In 1835 widowed, impoverished Kate Craig befriends Blue Wing, her husband's other wife, and together they set out for the Mandan tribe up the Missouri River, where Kate hopes to set up a fur trade. Also on the riverboat is Rand, a part-Indian man bent on saving the Mandans from corrupt traders. Descriptions of sex. 1994. The Romance: Being the Fifth Volume of the Daughters of Mannerling RC 44592 by Marion Chesney read by Jill Ferris 1 cassette In this sequel to The Folly (RC 44591), the job of recapturing the former family estate, Mannerling, falls to Belinda Beverley. The current owner, Lord St. Clair, is more interested in fashion than in Mannerling (bought for him by his father). Belinda tries to develop an interest in him, but St. Clair's friend Lord Gyre has other ideas. 1997. Rosehaven RC 45024 by Catherine Coulter read by Annie Wauters 3 cassettes England, 1277. Severin of Langthorne, having returned from the Holy Land to find his estate in ruin, accepts an offer to wed Hastings of Trent and become lord of her lands upon her father's death-which is imminent. Hastings, a strong-willed girl who has no desire to become obedient to a man she detests, uses her knowledge of herbal medicine to her benefit. Violence and some descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1996. The Ruby RC 43162 by Christina Skye read by Gabriella Cavallero 4 cassettes A tale of intrigue set in London and Ceylon in the 1860s. The beautiful Barrett Winslow's knowledge of her grandfather's scientific secrets puts her life in jeopardy. The Rajah of Ranapore rescues her, but draws her into the web of his desire under the mystical power of the fabled ruby. Strong language, violence, and explicit descriptions of sex. 1992. Sanctuary RC 44635 by Nora Roberts read by Carole Jordan Stewart 3 cassettes Twenty years ago Annabelle Hathaway disappeared from her home in coastal Georgia. Now her oldest daughter, Jo Ellen, a well-known photographer, is receiving pictures of Annabelle, naked and dead. Following a mental breakdown, Jo seeks comfort within her dysfunctional family, but instead she receives more photos. Violence, some strong language, and some explicit descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1997. The Savage Lord Griffin RC 44705 by Joan Smith read by Anne Flosnik 1 cassette When Lord Griffin returns "from the dead" after five years in Brazil, he finds many changes awaiting him. His cousin has taken over his estate, his fiancée Myra is betrothed to another, and Myra's sister, Alice, has grown into a young woman. Naturally Griffin wants to win back Myra's love. But he makes a big mistake when he asks Alice to help him. 1993. Say You Love Me RC 43553 by Johanna Lindsey read by Sharon Murray 2 cassettes Kelsey Langton surprises herself by agreeing to be sold as a mistress to the highest bidder. But she believes it is the only way to help her uncle and younger sister. Kelsey is in for more shocks when she learns the identity of her "owner" and the secrets he harbors. Some strong language and some explicit descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1996. Seasons of Her Life RC 44286 by Fern Michaels read by Ilona Dulaski 5 cassettes In the spring of her life, Ruby escapes an abusive father and servile mother, heads to Washington, D.C., and becomes an admiral's secretary. "Summer" finds Ruby with two children and an abusive husband. In her "fall," Ruby starts a cookie business with a friend and finds happiness in her "winter." Strong language and some descriptions of sex. 1994. A Secret Affair RC 43476 by Barbara Taylor Bradford read by Carole Jordan Stewart 1 cassette Bill Fitzgerald, foreign war correspondent, and Vanessa Stewart, glass designer, meet in Venice. An immediate attraction starts an affair during which they rendezvous several times in the U.S. Then at a planned tryst in Venice, one of them does not appear. Some descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1996. Shades of Twilight RC 44045 by Linda Howard read by Carole Jordan Stewart 3 cassettes When her parents and aunt die in an accident, Roanna Davenport and her conniving, illegitimate cousin, Jessie, move to their grandmother Lucinda's Alabama estate. Lucinda's great-nephew and heir, Webb, marries Jessie, much to Roanna's secret sorrow. Then Jessie's past rips the family apart. Strong language, explicit descriptions of sex, and some violence. Bestseller 1996. Shameless RC 44184 by Jennifer Blake read by Gabriella Cavallero 2 cassettes Camilla Greenley Hutton's divorce is almost final when her husband, Keith, decides he doesn't want to let her go. It seems Cammie may be heiress to the town's paper mill (currently owned by Reid Sayers), because of an old feud between two Louisiana families. Then Keith is found murdered and Cammie and Reid become suspects. Some strong language and some explicit descriptions of sex. 1994. Sharing Sam RC 39994 by Katherine Applegate read by Jeanne Evans 1 cassette Alison, a junior, is fascinated by the new boy at school, Sam Cody. But shortly after they meet, her best friend, Izzy, is diagnosed with a fatal brain tumor. Realizing that Izzy is attracted to Sam, too, Alison decides to put her own budding relationship on hold and convince Sam to devote himself to Izzy during the girl's last few months. Some strong language. For junior and senior high readers. 1995. Small Town Girl RC 43784 by LaVyrle Spencer read by Sharon Murray 3 cassettes Country-music star Tess McPhail returns home to care for her mother, who had hip surgery. But all Tess can think about is the month she's wasting while so much work is waiting in Nashville. To make matters worse, Kenny Kronek, the boy-next-door she taunted throughout school, has become her mother's best friend. Some strong language and some descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1997. Special Delivery RC 44765 by Danielle Steel read by Pam Ward 1 cassette At fifty-nine, entrepreneur and confirmed playboy Jack Watson becomes attracted to Amanda, his son's widowed mother-in-law. Their romance blossoms, overcoming family resistance and yielding an unexpected blessing. Strong language and descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1997. Splendor RC 45284 by Brenda Joyce read by Gabriella Cavallero 3 cassettes The daughter of a London bookseller, Carolyn Browne is an enlightened eighteen-year-old who has been writing articles for the Morning Chronicle under the name of Charles Copperville. When she lampoons Prince Nicholas Sverayov of Russia, he seeks out Copperville, quickly uncovering Carolyn's identity and beginning a new game of deception. Some explicit descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1997. Straight for the Heart RC 43087 by Marsha Canham read by Carol Dines 3 cassettes The stakes are high for Montana Rose, a lady gambler on the Mississippi riverboats. Her true identity is discovered by the dashing Yankee Michael Tarrington as Rose struggles to save the family plantation from ruin after the Civil War. Strong language and explicit descriptions of sex. 1995. Sweet Awakening RC 44662 by Marjorie Farrell read by Carole Jordan Stewart 2 cassettes Lord Giles Whitton and his twin, Lady Sabrina, first met Lady Clare Dysart when they were thirteen and Clare was ten. Now, eight years later, everyone expects Giles and Clare to marry, but having received no declaration of love from Giles, Clare marries Lord Justin Rainsborough. Justin soon reveals a violent side. Some descriptions of sex. 1995. Temptation's Kiss RC 45145 by Sandra Brown read by Martha Harmon Pardee 1 cassette The memory of Josh Bennett's passionate kiss the night before her wedding to his good friend James Lambert has haunted Megan, especially since James's death three years ago. Now Josh-handsome, wealthy, and powerful-wants to fulfill the potential of that kiss, but Megan needs to be convinced of his sincerity. Descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1983. Then Came Heaven RC 45146 by LaVyrle Spencer read by Annie Wauters 2 cassettes In 1950s Browerville, Minnesota, Eddie Olczak, devastated by the death of his wife, and Sister Regina, his children's teacher, come to terms with the special feelings they have for each other. Some strong language. Bestseller 1997. Tidings of Great Joy RC 45342 by Sandra Brown read by Ann Hodapp 1 cassette A romantic Christmas Eve encounter results in pregnancy for architect Ria Lavender. Her lover is the town's mayor-elect, Taylor MacKensie. For the child's legitimacy and for political reasons, the two marry and move in together. But will circumstances and past lovers allow them to continue their sham? Explicit descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1987. Timeswept Bride RC 45096 by Eugenia Riley read by Jill Ferris 3 cassettes Just weeks before her wedding, Priscilla Pemberton is dumped by J. Ackerly Frost V. Now she will never have a place on Galveston's social register. As she walks on the beach drowning her sorrows in Dom Perignon, Priscilla finds an old bottle with a note inside: "Accursed tide, bring me a bride." Suddenly she is overcome by a huge wave and finds herself in 1880s Galveston. Some descriptions of sex. 1995. To Love Again RC 44158 by Bertrice Small read by Martha Harmon Pardee 3 cassettes Britain, A.D. 453. Cailin Drusus is a young woman when her family is destroyed and she must flee to her maternal grandfather. Forced to spend the night with Wulf Ironfist, a guest of her grandfather's, Cailin, with Wulf's help, develops a plan to regain her lost lands. But soon afterwards, Cailin is drugged and sold into slavery. Explicit descriptions of sex and some violence. 1993. Treacherous Beauties RC 39984 by Cheryl Emerson read by Nancy Kronenfeld 2 cassettes After her mother, brother, and husband die within six months of each other, thirty-year-old Annabelle dreams her brother Alan is begging her to help him. Annabelle moves to Alan's town of Rahunta, Georgia, and anonymously takes a job with the Forresters, who may be connected with the fall that killed Alan. As Annabelle searches for clues, she becomes attracted to Jason Forrester. Some strong language and some explicit descriptions of sex. 1993. The Unlikely Angel RC 44437 by Betina Krahn read by Anne Flosnik 2 cassettes London, 1882. Aunt Olivia often asked Madeline Duncan what she would do with a million pounds. Now Madeline has become extremely wealthy. But her aunt's solicitors are appalled at Madeline's plans to do good with the money and have an overseer appointed to watch her-the very attractive Cole Mandeville. Some explicit descriptions of sex. 1996. The Wedding RC 44078 by Julie Garwood read by Ann Hodapp 3 cassettes In twelfth-century Scotland, Lady Brenna is on her way to an arranged marriage with Laird MacNare when her party is attacked by Laird MacAlister. MacAlister, to whom she proposed when she was just a child, forces Lady Brenna to marry him. Explicit descriptions of sex, some strong language, and some violence. Bestseller 1996. Wild Is My Love RC 43078 by Janelle Taylor read by Carole Jordan Stewart 3 cassettes A mysterious stranger arrives to rescue Princess Alysa, who is captive in her father's besieged kingdom. Trapped by destiny, the stranger and Alysa struggle to reclaim her lost legacy and consummate the passionate love that they share. Violence and descriptions of sex. 1987. Wish List RC 44087 by Fern Michaels read by Sharon Murray 2 cassettes Ariel Hart is approaching the big Five-O, and two husbands and a brilliant acting career have not made her happy. Now she is on the skids, and her "wish list" is growing. If only she could recapture the way she felt at sixteen when she and Felix Sanchez were secretly married in Tijuana. Perhaps if she returns to her childhood home of Chula Vista, life will improve. Strong language and some explicit descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1996. Science Fiction The Anvil: The General, Book 3 RC 43663 by S.M. Stirling and David Drake read by Roy Avers 2 cassettes In this sequel to The Hammer (RC 43662), General Raj Whitehall, victorious in battle and adored by his people and soldiers, has nearly united planet Bellevue. Attempting to undo his efforts, however, is the jealous Governor Barholm Clerett, who sees the general as a major obstacle to his own ambitions. Strong language and violence. 1993. Before the Storm: The Black Fleet Crisis, Book 1 RC 44589 by Michael P. Kube-McDowell read by Jim Zeiger 2 cassettes Since the Empire has been vanquished, the New Republic has entered an era of tranquil harmony under the leadership of the Jedi Knights. Then a series of events disrupts the peace: Luke ventures off on a perilous rescue mission to his mother's homeworld, Lando confronts a menacing spacecraft, and Leia attempts to avert a war. Prequel to Shield of Lies (RC 44590). 1996. Blue Mars RC 43603 by Kim Stanley Robinson read by John Stratton 5 cassettes In this sequel to Green Mars (RC 42050), the red planet has become green with seas and settlements, while Earth is in peril. Settlers on Mars are drawn into a fierce struggle between the Reds, who want to preserve Mars as desert, and the Green terraformers, who want to cultivate it. The battle plunges Mars into an ice age and threatens Earth's future. 1996. The Bones of Time RC 43483 by Kathleen Ann Goonan read by Dani Carr 3 cassettes In twenty-first century Hawaii, young Cen is in love with a woman from the past, which drives him to solve the mysteries of time travel. Meanwhile Linda, a geneticist, rescues a clone derived from the bones of a long-dead Hawaiian king. The bones prove to be the key to time travel and help Cen and Linda join forces to liberate the exploited Hawaiian people. Strong language. 1996. The Caves of Steel RC 44325 by Isaac Asimov read by Ken Kliban 2 cassettes (Reissue) A thousand years in the future, Earth's teeming billions are crowded into huge enclosed cities. New York City detective Elijah Baley is forced to team up with an android to solve the murder of a prominent spacer from the outer worlds. Failure will jeopardize any hope of Earth's overcrowded population reaching out to the stars. 1954. Children of the Mind RC 44602 by Orson Scott Card read by Bob Askey 3 cassettes In this sequel to Xenocide (RC 34265), Lusitania is threatened with destruction by the Starways Congress, which believes the planet to be infected with an insidious virus. Ender Wiggin and his computer intelligence, Jane, race against time to locate new worlds and save the races of Lusitania before the cataclysm. 1996. The Chronicles of Pern: First Fall RC 44409 by Anne McCaffrey read by Martha Harmon Pardee 2 cassettes Five stories about the early adventures of humans on the dragon planet, Pern. Includes stories on the discovery of Pern by humans, the human liaison with the indigenous flying dragons, the first battle with the deadly Threadfall, and the final isolation of the planet from the rest of humanity. Sequel to All the Weyrs of Pern (RC 34008). 1993. The Chrysalids RC 44711 by John Wyndham read by Rick Rohan 2 cassettes (Reissue) Science fiction about fanatical survivors of an atomic war who are obsessed with weeding out all mutants in the population. The "different" ones are condemned to a hideous exile, and children are careful to hide their "differences" even from their zealous parents. First published in Great Britain in 1955. Published later in the United States under the title Re-birth. 1955. CivilWarLand in Bad Decline: Stories and a Novella RC 43170 by George Saunders read by Bob Askey 1 cassette Six short stories and one novella that paint a frightful and bleak-though darkly humorous-portrait of future America. In the novella Bounty, severe environmental degradation produces a population of genetically mutant "Flaweds," who must service the ranking "Normals." Some strong language and some descriptions of sex. 1996. Cloud's Rider RC 44893 by C.J. Cherryh read by Vanessa Maroney 3 cassettes Danny Fisher and his nighthorse, Cloud, rescue three children from a village destroyed by telepathic predators. Danny and Cloud battle the rigors of the High Wild winter to bring the youths to safety. But more perilous dangers await them, including human greed and a powerful rogue nighthorse. Sequel to Rider at the Gate (RC 42261). Strong language. 1996. Crisis on Doona RC 43872 by Anne McCaffrey and Jody Lynn Nye read by Mary Woods 2 cassettes For twenty-five years, humans and the catlike Hrrubans have lived in harmony on the planet Doona. Human diplomat Todd Reeve and his inseparable Hrruban friend, Hrriss, symbolize the peaceful relationship between the two races. But xenophobic politicians, who want to disrupt the peace, target Todd and Hrriss with trumped-up charges of theft and treason. Sequel to Decision at Doona (RC 43871). 1992. Crystal Line RC 44960 by Anne McCaffrey read by Madelyn Buzzard 2 cassettes Now almost two centuries old, Killashandra Ree enjoys the longevity conferred by her trade as a crystal cutter on the planet Ballybran. But the crystal symbiont also causes a progressive loss of memory. When her longtime lover investigates a new crystal that can restore her memories, she faces a difficult choice. Sequel to Killashandra (RC 24201). Some descriptions of sex. 1992. Decision at Doona RC 43871 by Anne McCaffrey read by Mary Woods 2 cassettes Seeking to escape an overcrowded and stagnant Earth, human colonists travel to a new planet called Doona. They discover that a sentient race of cat-like beings already inhabits the planet, and the colonists must make a painful decision between abandoning their new home or learning to coexist with the alien race. Followed by Crisis at Doona (RC 43872). 1969. Devil in the Sky RC 44943 by Greg Cox and John Gregory Betancourt read by James DeLotel 2 cassettes The life-forms of Janus VI, called the Hortas, have the ability to burn through solid rock and metal as easily as humans walk through air. Commander Sisko of Deep Space Nine gets involved when a mother Horta is abducted by Cardassians while being transported to Bajor to help with the mining industry. A Star Trek: Deep Space Nine novel. 1995. The Dolphins of Pern RC 44410 by Anne McCaffrey read by Martha Harmon Pardee 2 cassettes As the struggle against the deadly Thread spores continues in the Dragonriders of Pern series, humans rediscover the planet's long-forgotten dolphins. Rebuilding the connection between land and sea rekindles the old dream of an ideal Pern. Sequel to The Chronicles of Pern: First Fall (RC 44409). 1994. Dragonseye RC 44828 by Anne McCaffrey read by Martha Harmon Pardee 3 cassettes It's been over two hundred years since the deadly silver strands called Thread fell from the skies of Pern. Now a new generation of Dragonriders unite in their efforts to prepare for the next cycle of Threadfall. But one of the Lord Holders refuses to cooperate and jeopardizes the safety of all. Sequel to The Dolphins of Pern (RC 44410). 1997. Dune RC 44126 by Frank Herbert read by J.P. Linton 4 cassettes (Reissue) In this science fiction novel with sociological and religious overtones, an exile with psychic powers becomes the prophet of the savage people on the planet Dune. Prequel to Dune Messiah (RC 19126). 1965. The Eternal Savage RC 45280 by Edgar Rice Burroughs read by Chuck Benson 2 cassettes A hundred thousand years ago, Nu, the son of Nu, was trapped in a cave during an earthquake. Now, American Victoria Custer is in Africa for some big game hunting when another earthquake hits. The terrified Victoria faints and awakens to find herself facing the man she has dreamed of all her life-Nu, the son of Nu. Some violence. 1914. Evolution's Shore RC 43900 by Ian McDonald read by Mary Woods 3 cassettes A meteor strikes Africa's Mt. Kilimanjaro in 2002. Soon the "Chaga," an alien plant form, spreads across Africa, transforming all life in its path. Reporter Gaby McAslan struggles to uncover the truth about government secrecy, missing persons, and "research camps." Some strong language and some descriptions of sex. 1995. The Fearful Summons RC 44180 by Denny Martin Flinn read by Chuck Benson 2 cassettes The Thraxians, a little-known race on the galactic frontier, kidnap the crew of the Federation starship Excelsior and demand powerful weapons in exchange for the release of the hostages. Captain Kirk and the former officers of the starship Enterprise reunite to undertake a rescue mission. A Star Trek novel. 1995. The Ferengi Rules of Acquisition RC 44033 by Ira Steven Behr read by James DeLotel 1 cassette The guiding principles that have made the Ferengi the most successful, if unscrupulous, businessmen in the galaxy include such gems as "greed is eternal," "never place friendship above profit," "once you have their money . . . you never give it back," and "keep your lies consistent." Seventy of these adages are offered by Quark, the profit-motivated Ferengi barkeep of Deep Space Nine. A Star Trek: Deep Space Nine treatise. 1995. A Fisherman of the Inland Sea: Science Fiction Stories RC 43403 by Ursula K. Le Guin read by Ted Stoddard 2 cassettes Eight tales that delve into the relationship between perception and reality, and explore the "churten" effect, a way of moving objects and people between distant worlds at the speed of light. In the title story, a churten researcher is flung backward in time to face a choice of alternative futures. Some strong language. 1994. The Forge: The General, Book 1 RC 43242 by S.M. Stirling and David Drake read by Roy Avers 2 cassettes In this prequel to The Hammer (RC 43662), a young military officer discovers a sentient battle computer, a relic from before his planet's fall. Guided by the computer, he leads his people against enemy barbarians as he contends with the treachery of his own civil government. Strong language and violence. 1991. Georgia on My Mind and Other Places RC 41666 by Charles Sheffield read by Gary Telles 3 cassettes Collection of fourteen science fiction stories covering a wide range of topics and settings. The title piece is the 1993 Nebula Award-winning novelette about Charles Babbage's analytical engine of 1850, the forerunner of the modern computer. Other stories include "Beyond the Golden Road," "Humanity Test," "Destroyer of Worlds," "Millennium," "The Fifteenth Station of the Cross," and "Health Care System." 1995. The Hammer: The General, Book 2 RC 43662 by S.M. Stirling and David Drake read by Roy Avers 2 cassettes In this sequel to The Forge (RC 43242), General Raj Whitehall, guided by his computer, attempts to reunite the Holy Federation and rebuild the planet's civilization. Opposing his efforts, however, are barbarian forces, suspicious government officials, and resistance from his own men. Strong language and violence. 1992. Happy Policeman RC 40920 by Patricia Anthony read by Anne Mullen 2 cassettes Six years ago aliens came to the small Texas town of Coomey and sealed it off from whatever might remain of the rest of the world. The aliens are mysterious but apparently harmless, and the townsfolk have resumed their normal lives as much as possible. But when one of the citizens is found dead, police chief DeWitt Dawson faces a mystery with consequences far greater than simple murder. Strong language and some explicit descriptions of sex. 1994. Harvest the Fire RC 44528 by Poul Anderson read by Carole Jordan Stewart 1 cassette Jesse Nicol is a poet out of time looking for inspiration in a world now dominated by the vast machine intelligence called the Teramind. His quest takes him to the moon and to a beautiful revolutionary who is determined to escape from the tyranny of the machine. Sequel to The Stars Are Also Fire (RC 40383). 1995. Here There Be Dragons RC 44946 by John Peel read by Gary Tipton 2 cassettes Captain Jean-Luc Picard and the crew of the starship Enterprise discover a world of knights, serfs, and dragons reminiscent of Earth's Middle Ages. The technology driving this new world is by no means primitive, however, and before long the Enterprise is under attack from an unknown but highly sophisticated weapons system. A Star Trek: The Next Generation novel. 1993. Into the Nebula RC 44646 by Gene DeWeese read by Gary Tipton 2 cassettes While exploring a nebular dust cloud, Captain Picard and the crew of the USS Enterprise discover a planet on which life and civilization are dying for no obvious reason. With their lives hanging in the balance, the crew investigates. A Star Trek: The Next Generation novel. 1995. Islands in the Net RC 43055 by Bruce Sterling read by Madelyn Buzzard 3 cassettes In the twenty-first century, data is power, and it is closely rationed through a global communications network. Laura Webster is a bright young star who manages information at a multinational firm. Her secure life suddenly changes when she descends into a vicious high-tech underworld. Strong language and descriptions of sex. 1988. The Killing Star RC 44727 by Charles Pellegrino and George Zebrowski read by Stephen Angus 2 cassettes In 2076 an unknown alien race attacks the solar system, obliterating life on Earth and in the human colonies on the other planets. The handful of humans left alive in space stations between the planets find themselves hiding and trying to come to grips with the imminent extinction of their species. Some strong language. 1995. The Left Hand of Darkness RC 43166 by Ursula K. Le Guin read by Jim Zeiger 2 cassettes (Reissue) Confused and afraid, a lone human becomes the pawn in an intrigue on Gethen, a planet inhabited by creatures that are neither male nor female. They are not neuters but have the potential to be either man or woman. Originally published in 1969. Hugo and Nebula Awards. 1976. Manhattan Transfer RC 43573 by John E. Stith read by James DeLotel 3 cassettes Without warning, all of Manhattan is swept into space by an alien force and encased in a giant bubble. The trapped humans soon discover that their city is but one of many that have been kidnapped. A small group devises a way to escape and attempts to communicate with people in other bubbles. Some strong language. 1993. Mind Light RC 44885 by Margaret Davis read by Stephen Angus 3 cassettes The Michaelsons are in danger of losing their starship unless they can find another pilot. Greg Lukas is available, but his personality is prickly and there is some disgrace in his past. The Michaelsons give him the job, but become apprehensive when Lukas begins recalling suppressed memories. Some violence. 1992. Mirrorshades: The Cyberpunk Anthology RC 42197 edited by Bruce Sterling read by Gary Telles 2 cassettes Twelve stories of Cyberpunk science fiction, a genre that mixes high-tech science with streetwise pop culture to create nightmarish futures. Includes "The Gernsback Continuum" by William Gibson, "Snake-Eyes" by Tom Maddox, "Rock On" by Pat Cadigan, "Petra" by Greg Bear, and "Mozart in Mirrorshades" by Bruce Sterling and Lewis Shiner. Strong language, violence, and explicit descriptions of sex. 1986. Nebula Awards 29: SFWA's Choices for the Best Science Fiction and Fantasy of the Year RC 44096 edited by Pamela Sargent read by Roy Avers 3 cassettes Includes the 1993 choices of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America for best novel, novella, novelette, and short story. Nonfiction entries include the Rhysling Awards for poetry, essays on new science fiction and fantasy works, memorials to deceased authors, and a survey of 1993 movies. Strong language, violence, and explicit descriptions of sex. 1995. Nebula Awards 30: SFWA's Choices for the Best Science Fiction and Fantasy of the Year RC 43079 edited by Pamela Sargent read by James DeLotel 3 cassettes The year's best stories, poems, and essays in science fiction and fantasy. In "Seven Views of Olduvai Gorge," alien anthropologists discover that members of the now-extinct human race had been slaughtering each other on Earth even before they reached the stars and wreaked havoc there. Strong language and some descriptions of sex. 1996. Nebula Awards 31: SFWA's Choices for the Best Science Fiction and Fantasy of the Year RC 44618 edited by Pamela Sargent read by Martha Harmon Pardee 3 cassettes Includes the 1995 Nebula Award winners for novella, novelette, and short story as well as some of the runner-ups. Also includes memorials to John Brunner and Roger Zelazny, a tribute to A.E. Van Vogt, the Rhysling Award winners for poetry, and a list of films. General information on the Nebula Awards is given in articles, essays, and appendixes. Some strong language. 1997. Night Sky Mine RC 44254 by Melissa Scott read by Madelyn Buzzard 3 cassettes Ista Kelly, now a teenager, is a foundling without an identity. And in the cyberspace world of Night Sky Mine, to have any kind of future, people must know their origins. As Ista searches out her past, she uncovers a terrible menace hidden by the Night Sky Mining Corporation. Strong language. 1996. Orion RC 44641 by Ben Bova read by Bruce Huntey 2 cassettes John O'Ryan saves a beautiful woman from a terrorist's bomb in a Manhattan restaurant. Thus he begins an extraordinary adventure to combat the great enemy of humankind, an adventure that takes him through time and space from the Stone Age of the Neanderthals to a future Earth on the brink of nuclear annihilation. Prequel to Vengeance of Orion (RC 44642). Violence and some strong language. 1984. The Other End of Time RC 44464 by Frederik Pohl read by Rick Rohan 2 cassettes A diverse group of humans investigating an abandoned orbital laboratory are kidnapped by aliens. The humans find themselves in a nightmarish environment of advanced technology, clones of themselves, and warring alien factions. But the biggest threat to their survival may well be their own interpersonal clashes. Strong language and some descriptions of sex. 1996. Out of the Silent Planet RC 44319 by C.S. Lewis read by Graeme Malcolm 1 cassette (Reissue) In this prequel to Perelandra (RC 23329), Elwin Ransom is abducted by a deranged physicist and transported by spaceship to the planet Malacandra. Aware of his captor's malign intentions, Ransom escapes upon landing and finds a world populated by gargantuan creatures who live by an alien moral code. 1943. Peace on Earth RC 43781 by Stanislaw Lem read by James DeLotel 2 cassettes Earth's governments have agreed to export the arms race to the moon, where highly intelligent, self-evolving weaponry battle each other without human carnage. Nevertheless, the Lunar Agency dispatches Ijon Tichy, of Memoirs of a Space Traveler (RC 19264), to investigate. Tichy returns to Earth profoundly altered. 1994. Planet of Twilight RC 44829 by Barbara Hambly read by Chuck Benson 3 cassettes Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, and the heroes of the New Republic continue their struggle against forces of the Empire when the ruthless warlord Seti Draconis decides to take over the mysterious planet Renat Chorios. But Renat Chorios harbors a deadly secret that neither the Empire nor the New Republic is prepared to face. A Star Wars novel. Bestseller 1997. Podkayne of Mars RC 44627 by Robert A. Heinlein read by Martha Harmon Pardee 2 cassettes (Reissue) Indomitable young Podkayne (Poddy) Fries jumps at the chance to accompany her uncle Tom on a mission to Earth. The only drawback is that she'll have her loathsome little brother along for the trip. But even greater dangers face the niece of a diplomat from Mars who has powerful enemies. For junior and senior high and older readers. 1963. Remake RC 40913 by Connie Willis read by Anne Mullen 1 cassette Tom works as a film editor in twenty-first-century Hollywood where all the new movies are digital remakes of twentieth-century movies. Between episodes in the Hollywood drug-and-sex scene, he is immersed in the lore of old movies and the technology of an industry that no longer uses live actors. Then he meets Alis, a star-struck young girl determined to be in the movies. Strong language. For senior high and older readers. 1995. The Ringworld Throne RC 44067 by Larry Niven read by James DeLotel 3 cassettes This sequel to The Ringworld Engineers (RC 17471) begins with a tour of the habitat of six hundred trillion square miles that rings a distant sun. When explorer Louis Wu returns to save Ringworld from colliding with its sun, he finds a society beset by violence. Violence. 1996. Sailing Bright Eternity RC 44648 by Gregory Benford read by John Polk 3 cassettes Nigel Walmsley of the twentieth century meets Toby Bishop and the last remnants of humanity in a far-future space-time shelter at the galactic center. Here they prepare for the final battle with the implacable mechs, who are determined to obliterate all traces of humankind. Sequel to Furious Gulf (RC 42137). 1995. Shield of Lies: The Black Fleet Crisis, Book 2 RC 44590 by Michael P. Kube-McDowell read by Jim Zeiger 2 cassettes In this sequel to Before the Storm (RC 44589), Lando is abducted aboard an unidentified spacecraft, while Leia contends with a threat to the stability of the New Republic. Han departs on a deep-space voyage, where he engages a fleet of warships in a battle that could doom civilization. Bestseller 1996. The Siege RC 45125 by Peter David read by James DeLotel 2 cassettes A murderer is loose aboard Deep Space Nine, and Commander Sisko and Security Chief Odo are unable to identify him or deduce his motive. It becomes apparent that they are dealing with a psychopathic shapeshifter who, like Security Chief Odo, can assume the shape of any object, inanimate or living, to escape detection. A Star Trek: Deep Space Nine novel. 1993. Somewhere East of Life RC 43855 by Brian Aldiss read by Andrew Seear 4 cassettes British architectural expert Roy Burnell, whose work takes him around the world, is vacationing in Budapest. Rogue neurosurgeons steal part of his memory and sell choice bits on the black market, where experiencing other people's lives is the latest entertainment craze. Burnell seeks to recover his memory. Some strong language and some descriptions of sex. 1994. The Sparrow RC 43892 by Mary Doria Russell read by Rick Rohan 4 cassettes It is the year 2059 when Jesuit priest Emilio Sandoz returns as the sole survivor of a forty-year space voyage to Alpha Centauri. Broken in body and spirit, Sandoz describes his horrific captivity by aliens and life in a depraved civilization. Strong language, violence, and descriptions of sex. 1996. The Steel: The General, Book 4 RC 43664 by S.M. Stirling and David Drake read by Roy Avers 2 cassettes Though General Raj Whitehall has been largely victorious in his battles against barbarian forces, he must still face the superior numbers of the Brigade before the Civil Government of Holy Federation can be united. Sequel to The Anvil (RC 43663). Strong language, violence, and some descriptions of sex. 1993. The Sword: The General, Book 5 RC 43665 by S.M. Stirling and David Drake read by Roy Avers 2 cassettes In this sequel to The Steel (RC 43664), the last of the barbarian forces-the Brigade-has submitted to the authority of the Federation, but the fighting continues. Meanwhile Governor Barholm Clerett considers the powerful General Raj Whitehall a traitor and wants him dead. Strong language, violence, and some descriptions of sex. 1995. Tek Money RC 43639 by William Shatner read by J.P. Linton 2 cassettes Old friend and Tek addict Peter Traynor appears one night at Jake Cardigan's door in a demented state, then suddenly dies. It seems that he was done in with a Tek "sizzler"-a chip implanted in his brain. Jake's efforts to solve the crime involve him in an illegal weapons ring, high stakes, and personal risk. Strong language. 1995. That Hideous Strength RC 44320 by C.S. Lewis read by Graeme Malcolm 3 cassettes (Reissue) This sequel to Perelandra (RC 23329) finds rival professors Ransom and Weston at Bracton College, as members of an evil technocratic society are planning to "recondition" mankind with the aid of the resurrected wizard Merlin. Ransom leads an opposition group in a climactic clash with the forces of evil. 1945. 3001: The Final Odyssey RC 44314 by Arthur C. Clarke read by John Stratton 2 cassettes After being killed and abandoned in space, twenty-first-century astronaut Frank Poole is revived a thousand years in the future. He finds that humanity has spread throughout the solar system and lives in a state of near utopia. But all is not well in the third millenium. The mysterious black monoliths are still present and may now pose a threat. Sequel to 2061: Odyssey Three (RC 26047). 1997. Timequake RC 45015 by Kurt Vonnegut read by John Stratton 1 cassette On February 13, 2001, the universe will revert back to February 17, 1991, and everyone will relive the next ten years exactly as they did in the past. A decade later, time will again move forward, but where will that leave people who, facing new experiences, have forgotten how to think for themselves? Strong language. Bestseller 1997. To Fear the Light RC 43588 by Ben Bova and A.J. Austin read by Gary Tipton 3 cassettes In this sequel to To Save the Sun (RC 38739), Adela emerges from two centuries of cold sleep to resume her project to save the Earth's dying sun. Finding her new world in conflict and dissolution, she joins a voyage to a distant planet and encounters a new life form. 1994. Treaty at Doona RC 43873 by Anne McCaffrey and Jody Lynn Nye read by Mary Woods 3 cassettes Human diplomat Todd Reeve and his lifelong Hrrubian friend, Hrriss, disagree sharply over opening up their world, Doona, to free trade. As politicians debate the issue, a new alien species, the Gringg, comes to Doona wishing to trade. The huge bearlike Gringg spark feelings of xenophobia and distrust in humans and Hrrubians, and once again Doona's peaceful coexistence is at risk. Sequel to Crisis on Doona (RC 43872). 1994. Tyrant's Test: The Black Fleet Crisis, Book 3 RC 45092 by Michael P. Kube-McDowell read by Jim Zeiger 3 cassettes Under the leadership of Princess Leia, the New Republic faces its final battle with the deadly Duskhan league, led by the evil Nil Spaar of the Yevetha. As battle plans are drawn up, Han Solo is captured by the enemy, while Chewbacca, Lando, and Luke Skywalker remain away on other quests. A Star Wars novel, sequel to Shield of Lies (RC 44590). Bestseller 1996. Vengeance of Orion RC 44642 by Ben Bova read by Bruce Huntey 2 cassettes Orion must do the bidding of his creator Ormazd, who wants to change time and history. Ormazd sends Orion back to the ancient world of Greece to participate as a warrior in the Trojan War and to rescue Helen of Troy. Sequel to Orion (RC 44641). Violence. 1988. War Drums RC 44058 by John Vornholt read by Gary Tipton 2 cassettes On the colony world of Selva, a small band of Klingons, survivors of a long-ago space wreck, have reverted to a savage state and are attacking the human settlement. Lieutenant Worf of the starship Enterprise leads a landing party to contact the Klingons. An all-out war between the Klingons and the human colonists appears to be inevitable. In addition, Worf learns that a more deadly force is at work on the planet. A Star Trek: The Next Generation novel. 1992. Winter of Fire RC 44571 by Sherryl Jordan read by Ann Hodapp 2 cassettes On a cold, sunless world, Elsha grows up a child of the Quelled, a race of slaves ruled over by the Chosen. But Elsha has strange visions and a strength of spirit that set her apart from the others, and she becomes the key to the future survival of her people and her planet. For junior and senior high and older readers. 1992. Short Stories After Rain RC 43805 by William Trevor read by Mitzi Friedlander 2 cassettes Stories that portray characters who experience setbacks, emotional collapse, new insights, and life's renewal. In the title story, a woman revisits the Italian pension where her family vacationed during her childhood. There she realizes that she herself has been the cause of her failed romances and other problems. 1996. American Eyes: New Asian-American Short Stories for Young Adults RC 43701 edited by Lori M. Carlson read by Annie Wauters 1 cassette Ten short stories that address aspects of the Asian American experience and touch upon such themes as alienation, cultural identity, and generational differences. In "Blonde" an Asian American girl yearns to be blonde like her Barbie doll. For junior and senior high readers. 1994. The Ballad of the Sad Café and Other Stories RC 41948 by Carson McCullers read by Barbara Rappaport 1 cassette Collection of short stories about human relationships by the Southern author. The title novella relates the story of a café that enlivens a small town and of a stranger who brings love. The other selections include "Wunderkind," "The Jockey," "Madame Zilensky and the King of Finland," "The Sojourner," "A Domestic Dilemma," and "A Tree-a Rock-a Cloud." 1951. Barking at a Fox-Fur Coat RC 44471 by Donald Davis read by Robert Sams 2 cassettes A noted storyteller shares seventeen homespun yarns from rural North Carolina. Blending oral tradition and creative fiction, the stories recount the humorous antics of crafty Uncle Frank, a master of practical jokes and tall tales. 1990. Barrel Fever: Stories and Essays RC 40676 by David Sedaris read by Ray Hagen 2 cassettes Darkly humorous stories include "Parade," in which the protagonist claims homosexual affairs with such celebrities as Mike Tyson and Bruce Springsteen, and "Music for Lovers," in which a tight-fisted man's homemade casts cause his daughter to lose her feet. Originally broadcast on NPR, the essay "SantaLand Diaries" relates Sedaris's most frightening occupation: Christmas elf at Macy's. Strong language and some explicit descriptions of sex. 1994. Because They Wanted To: Stories RC 44015 by Mary Gaitskill read by Manya LaBruja 2 cassettes Stories about women, some bisexual, and the secrets, lies, misunderstandings, and betrayals in their love relationships. "The Dentist" tells of a woman's perverse obsession with her stodgy dentist, who resists her sexual advances. Strong language, violence, and explicit descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1997. The Best American Short Stories 1996 RC 43660 edited by John Edgar Wideman read by Barry Bernson 3 cassettes Twenty-four stories with multicultural themes by new and well-known writers. "The Eve of the Spirit Festival," by Lan Chang, chronicles the uneasy assimilation of an Asian widower and his two daughters. In Mary Gordon's "Intertextuality," a woman creates a vivid portrait of her Irish grandmother. Descriptions of sex and some strong language. Bestseller 1996. Beyond Dreams: True-to-Life Series from Hamilton High RC 43133 by Marilyn Reynolds read by Mary Woods 1 cassette Six stories about Hamilton High students dealing with problems. In "Only If You Think So," Jason is transferred to Sojourner High until his grades improve. Despite his father's digs about "slowburner" school, Jason learns not to think of himself as a loser. In other stories, teen mothers make decisions to better their lives. Strong language, some violence, and some descriptions of sex. For junior and senior high readers. 1995. The Blue Woman and Other Stories RC 43638 by Mary Flanagan read by Barbara Caruso 2 cassettes A series of diverse tales about the lives of women, ranging from an abused and frightened girl to an old woman in a nursing home. In the title story a British couple uncovers their mutual hostility while on holiday in Greece. The stories share a theme of women's caring and empathy for others. Some strong language. 1994. The Chronicles of Pern: First Fall RC 44409 by Anne McCaffrey read by Martha Harmon Pardee 2 cassettes Five stories about the early adventures of humans on the dragon planet, Pern. Includes stories on the discovery of Pern by humans, the human liaison with the indigenous flying dragons, the first battle with the deadly Threadfall, and the final isolation of the planet from the rest of humanity. Sequel to All the Weyrs of Pern (RC 34008). 1993. CivilWarLand in Bad Decline: Stories and a Novella RC 43170 by George Saunders read by Bob Askey 1 cassette Six short stories and one novella that paint a frightful and bleak-though darkly humorous-portrait of future America. In the novella Bounty, severe environmental degradation produces a population of genetically mutant "Flaweds," who must service the ranking "Normals." Some strong language and some descriptions of sex. 1996. Cold Snap: Stories RC 43251 by Thom Jones read by Ray Foushee 2 cassettes Ten dark stories on themes of war, disease, and squalor. In the title story, a defrocked doctor finds relief from his depression by inducing intense physical pain and by putting a loaded gun to his head. Strong language, violence, and explicit descriptions of sex. 1995. Collected Stories RC 44489 by Isaac Babel read by Ken Kliban 3 cassettes Fifty-four stories by the noted Russian writer. Includes several of his semifictional "autobiographical" stories, as well as selections from Red Cavalry, tales of his service in the Red Army in 1920 during Russia's civil war, and Odessa Stories, a collection of vignettes about Russian Jewish life. 1994. The Collected Stories of Evan S. Connell RC 42624 by Evan S. Connell read by Roy Avers 5 cassettes Short stories composed over a period of fifty years, many of which are critical of political reactionaries and the American middle class. The lead story, "Arcturus," depicts the conflicts and veiled emotions between a husband and his wife's former suitor at a dinner party. Strong language. 1995. The Collected Stories of Mavis Gallant RC 43750 by Mavis Gallant read by Mitzi Friedlander 8 cassettes Selected stories on such themes as life crises, disillusionment, and the ability to adjust and go on living under a new set of personal myths. In "The Other Paris," a woman who enters a doomed marriage on romantic impulse later "reminisces" about a joyful past that never happened. 1996. The Collected Stories of William Carlos Williams RC 44040 by William Carlos Williams read by David Palmer 3 cassettes Insightful short stories by a physician-writer, often on medical themes, about the lives of immigrant and working-class people. In one vignette, "The Use of Force," a doctor is driven to coercive measures as he diagnoses a violently resistant child whose life is at risk. Some strong language. 1996. Complete Short Stories RC 44510 by Robert Graves read by Graeme Malcolm 3 cassettes Stories by the celebrated British writer on themes both fictional and autobiographical. In "Interview with a Dead Man," the subject belies his lifeless condition with animated banter about his estate and ambitions for the netherworld. 1995. The Complete Short Stories of Mark Twain RC 44119 by Mark Twain read by L.J. Ganser 6 cassettes (Reissue) Sixty stories filled with folklore and wit that span Twain's entire writing career and are arranged chronologically by publishing date from 1865 through 1916. Some entries, like "The Trials of Simon Erikson" and four other stories from Roughing It (RC 12437), are fictional yarns extracted from nonfiction works. Includes an introduction by editor Charles Neider. 1957. The Continental Op RC 42705 by Dashiell Hammett read by Gary Telles 2 cassettes (Reissue) Seven stories that appeared in the magazine Black Mask during the twenties. They introduce Continental Op, the fat man from the Continental Detective Agency (modeled after the Pinkerton Agency where Hammett once worked) and reflect a world of cruelty and stealth. Some violence. 1923. Cow Country RC 44594 by Will James read by Jim Zeiger 1 cassette Eight short stories that capture the hardships, adventures, and spirit of the American cowboy. The selections tell of wild mustangs, ornery steers, lonesome drifters, and fancy dudes of the West in the early 1900s. 1995. Driving Blind RC 45011 by Ray Bradbury read by L.J. Ganser 2 cassettes Seventeen new and four previously published short stories that mostly center on seemingly ordinary, everyday events. In the title story, "Driving Blind," a hooded stranger drives a new car into town, but it is a new young friend who understands what the hood really means. Bestseller 1997. The Ebony Tower RC 43713 by John Fowles read by Gordon Gould 2 cassettes (Reissue) Collection of stories probing physical, emotional, and spiritual relationships. In the title story, the author, a prose stylist, relates the visit of a young artist and a critic to the villa of an aging, expatriate painter. Explicit descriptions of sex and some strong language. 1974. Eight Stories RC 44506 by Dylan Thomas read by Graeme Malcolm 1 cassette Eight short stories by the noted Welsh writer and poet: "The End of the River," "The School for Witches," "The Peaches," "Just like Little Dogs," "Old Garbo," "One Warm Saturday," "Plenty of Furniture," and "The Followers." 1954. End of the Drive RC 45059 by Louis L'Amour read by David Hartley-Margolin 2 cassettes Tales of the untamed West depicting people who face harsh tests that threaten their way of life and survival. In "Caprock Rancher," a boy comes to realize his father's courage as the two join forces to recover their neighbors' lost savings from outlaws. Violence. Bestseller 1997. Everlasting Love RC 43918 by Jayne Ann Krentz and others read by Mary Woods 2 cassettes Collection of short stories about love from five romance authors. In Krentz's story, a young woman in Washington state pretends to be the fiancée of a private investigator she has hired. In Linda Miller's tale, set in Montana territory in 1888, a woman's husband returns after seven years-just as she is planning to marry again. Explicit descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1995. A Fisherman of the Inland Sea: Science Fiction Stories RC 43403 by Ursula K. Le Guin read by Ted Stoddard 2 cassettes Eight tales that delve into the relationship between perception and reality, and explore the "churten" effect, a way of moving objects and people between distant worlds at the speed of light. In the title story, a churten researcher is flung backward in time to face a choice of alternative futures. Some strong language. 1994. Flying Home and Other Stories RC 43853 by Ralph Ellison read by Bob Moore 1 cassette Thirteen short stories, some never before published, written by the award-winning African American author between 1937 and 1954. "In a Strange Country" features an African American sailor who envies a spirit among the Welsh people that he does not experience back home. Transients encounter rail-yard thugs in "Hymie's Bull." Strong language and some descriptions of sex. 1996. Georgia on My Mind and Other Places RC 41666 by Charles Sheffield read by Gary Telles 3 cassettes Collection of fourteen science fiction stories covering a wide range of topics and settings. The title piece is the 1993 Nebula Award-winning novelette about Charles Babbage's analytical engine of 1850, the forerunner of the modern computer. Other stories include "Beyond the Golden Road," "Humanity Test," "Destroyer of Worlds," "Millennium," "The Fifteenth Station of the Cross," and "Health Care System." 1995. The Hills of Homicide RC 41471 by Louis L'Amour read by Gary Telles 2 cassettes The noted western writer presents eight of his "hard-boiled" detective stories. In the title story, a private eye is sent to the small western town of Ranagat to clear Blacky Caronna of wealthy Jack Bitner's murder. Three other stories feature Kip Morgan, a prize-fighter turned private investigator. L'Amour includes an author's note with most of the stories. Some strong language and some violence. 1983. Journey into Christmas and Other Stories RC 44446 by Bess Streeter Aldrich read by Camille McCurty Ali 1 cassette (Reissue) A dozen short stories that embody the traditional warmth and sentimentality of the Christmas season. In addition to the title story, includes "The Drum Goes Dead," "The Man Who Caught the Weather," and recollections of an Iowa childhood in "I Remember." 1949. A Man of Mystery and Other Stories RC 44149 by Shiva Naipaul read by Gabriella Cavallero 2 cassettes Eight variously humorous and tragic tales that comment on the human condition. The title story describes the simple lives of a shoemaker and his wife until she has their house torn down and builds another and he lives in his shop and the neighborhood bar. 1984. The Matisse Stories RC 42478 by A.S. Byatt read by Laura Giannarelli 1 cassette Three novellas by the Booker Prize- winning author. The stories of seemingly ordinary women in everyday circumstances, which were inspired by three Matisse paintings, explore the nature of art and human relationships. The pain within the lives of these women is tempered by the kindnesses of those around them. The settings include a hair salon, the home of two artists, and a Chinese restaurant. 1993. The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes RC 43001 by Arthur Conan Doyle read by John Horton 3 cassettes Follows the Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (RC 17437). Doyle offers eleven more tales of Holmes and Dr. Watson, including Holmes's meeting with Moriarty, the Napoleon of crime. In a final note, Doyle explains Holmes's demise. Includes a chronology of Doyle's work and an introduction by editor Christopher Roden. 1993. Mirrorshades: The Cyberpunk Anthology RC 42197 edited by Bruce Sterling read by Gary Telles 2 cassettes Twelve stories of Cyberpunk science fiction, a genre that mixes high-tech science with streetwise pop culture to create nightmarish futures. Includes "The Gernsback Continuum" by William Gibson, "Snake-Eyes" by Tom Maddox, "Rock On" by Pat Cadigan, "Petra" by Greg Bear, and "Mozart in Mirrorshades" by Bruce Sterling and Lewis Shiner. Strong language, violence, and explicit descriptions of sex. 1986. The Morrow Anthology of Great Western Short Stories RC 44649 edited by Jon Tuska and Vicki Piekarski read by Roy Avers 5 cassettes This collection of twenty-eight western short stories from the 1920s-1990s includes works by renowned writers such as Zane Grey, Max Brand, Conrad Richter, Alan LeMay, and Cherry Wilson, as well as contemporary tales by Richard Wheeler, Ernest Haycox, and Cynthia Haseloff. Some strong language. 1997. My Gal Sunday RC 43179 by Mary Higgins Clark read by Pam Ward 1 cassette Stories featuring a husband-and-wife team of amateur sleuths. Henry Britland is a former U.S. president who is married to a younger congresswoman nicknamed Sunday. Their cases include finding out who really killed the girlfriend of Henry's secretary of state. Bestseller 1996. Nebula Awards 29: SFWA's Choices for the Best Science Fiction and Fantasy of the Year RC 44096 edited by Pamela Sargent read by Roy Avers 3 cassettes Includes the 1993 choices of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America for best novel, novella, novelette, and short story. Nonfiction entries include the Rhysling Awards for poetry, essays on new science fiction and fantasy works, memorials to deceased authors, and a survey of 1993 movies. Strong language, violence, and explicit descriptions of sex. 1995. Nebula Awards 30: SFWA's Choices for the Best Science Fiction and Fantasy of the Year RC 43079 edited by Pamela Sargent read by James DeLotel 3 cassettes The year's best stories, poems, and essays in science fiction and fantasy. In "Seven Views of Olduvai Gorge," alien anthropologists discover that members of the now-extinct human race had been slaughtering each other on Earth even before they reached the stars and wreaked havoc there. Strong language and some descriptions of sex. 1996. Nebula Awards 31: SFWA's Choices for the Best Science Fiction and Fantasy of the Year RC 44618 edited by Pamela Sargent read by Martha Harmon Pardee 3 cassettes Includes the 1995 Nebula Award winners for novella, novelette, and short story as well as some of the runner-ups. Also includes memorials to John Brunner and Roger Zelazny, a tribute to A.E. Van Vogt, the Rhysling Award winners for poetry, and a list of films. General information on the Nebula Awards is given in articles, essays, and appendixes. Some strong language. 1997. Nothing but You: Love Stories from the New Yorker RC 44363 edited by Roger Angell read by Faith Potts 4 cassettes An anthology of romantic stories by postmodernists, ironists, and other authors recounting their personal encounters with love. In "The Diver," a young man accidentally falls into the river. A kindly Parisian seamstress seduces the hapless fellow as she helps him change his wet clothes. Descriptions of sex. 1997. Numbers in the Dark and Other Stories RC 43455 by Italo Calvino read by David Hartley-Margolin 2 cassettes Thirty-seven tales and fables on such themes as politics, ethics, and technology. "The Black Sheep" tells of a country populated by thieves who rob one another every night. This economic system stays in balance until an honest man arrives. Some stories are humorous, others are ponderous, but all are thought-provoking. 1995. The One-Room Schoolhouse: Stories about the Boys RC 40675 by Jim Heynen read by Michael Kramer 1 cassette More than one hundred miniature stories about midwestern boys growing up on the farm. The stories often bear earthy titles, such as "Hog Calls" or "One Dead Chicken," about subjects appropriate to rural life. And the unnamed boys-brothers and their friends-capture moments of death, cruelty, innocence, tenderness, mystery, and revelation, but it is "the youngest boy" who steals the show. 1993. Our Landlady RC 43370 by L. Frank Baum read by Terence Aselford 2 cassettes A collection of humorous stories written around 1890 about life in South Dakota. Speaking through his fictional landlady, the creator of Oz comments on railroads, suffrage, prairie populism, prohibition, and other issues of moment at the time that state entered the Union. 1996. The Rest of Life: Three Novellas RC 40704 by Mary Gordon read by Laura Giannarelli 2 cassettes Stories that relate ways women's lives are altered by love. In "Immaculate Man," a middle-aged woman tells of her passion for a Catholic priest and her feelings of guilt when he breaks his vow of celibacy. "Living at Home" details a psychiatrist's love for a war correspondent who prefers the world's hot spots. And in "The Rest of Life," an elderly woman returns to her homeland after years in exile. Strong language and some descriptions of sex. 1993. The Return of Sherlock Holmes RC 43002 by Arthur Conan Doyle read by John Horton 3 cassettes (Reissue) Ten years after the fictional death of Sherlock Holmes, Doyle bows to public pressure and breathes new life into his creation. Using incidents from his own life, Doyle provides thirteen adventures for his amateur detective and Holmes's frequently baffled colleague, Dr. Watson. Includes a chronology of Doyle's work and an introduction by editor Richard Lancelyn Green. 1993. Selected Stories RC 43878 by Alice Munro read by Mary Kane 5 cassettes Twenty-eight short stories first published from 1961 through 1994 by the renowned Canadian writer. Lake Huron's small towns and farms provide the setting for stories that feature elaborate personalities in seemingly ordinary circumstances. Includes "Dance of the Happy Shades," "The Beggar Maid," "The Progress of Love," and "Vandals." 1996. Seven Gothic Tales RC 42194 by Isak Dinesen read by Laura Giannarelli 3 cassettes These stories' opulent settings heighten the eeriness of the supernatural forces and almost madness that run throughout. "The Deluge at Norderney," about a flood in a resort town that forces a cardinal, a spinster, and two others to take refuge in a hayloft, is one of the author's best-known stories and illustrates her powers of observation and description. The life of the Danish baroness was the basis for the movie Out of Africa. 1934. Short Circuits: Thirteen Shocking Stories by Outstanding Writers for Young Adults RC 43261 edited by Donald R. Gallo read by Madelyn Buzzard 2 cassettes Tales of terror about teenagers caught in precarious situations. In "Ethan Unbound," a boy finds himself locked in the library with a librarian-witch and must summon Dracula and other literary figures to his aid. For junior and senior high readers. 1992. Short Stories RC 43646 by Langston Hughes read by Chuck Young 2 cassettes Forty-seven short stories by the noted African American author originally written between 1919 and 1963. The tales, arranged in chronological order, include those previously uncollected, such as his first stories (written while in high school) and other early works published in African American journals. Some strong language. 1996. Some Love, Some Pain, Sometime RC 43868 by J. California Cooper read by Saidah Arrika Ekulona 2 cassettes Ten stories of women who seek love, contend with the risks of romance, and eventually find happiness. In the initial story, a country-bred young woman moves to the city in search of a husband who will make her feel like a "femme fatale." Strong language and descriptions of sex. 1995. Tales from Watership Down RC 43864 by Richard Adams read by John Horton 2 cassettes Twenty-four years after writing Watership Down (RC 35730), Adams now offers nineteen short stories about the lives of the rabbits since they defeated General Woundwort. Many of the stories focus on the hero El-ahriarah, and all deal with the theme of the human enemy versus the animal. 1996. Tales of the South Pacific RC 44249 by James A. Michener read by Roy Avers 3 cassettes (Reissue) Nineteen World War II tales that won the Pulitzer Prize. They describe the strain and the boredom, the careful planning and heroic action, the color and beauty of the islands, and all that made up life during the critical days of the war in the Pacific. Strong language. 1947. This Year It Will Be Different and Other Stories: A Christmas Treasury RC 43325 by Maeve Binchy read by Michele Schaeffer 1 cassette Fifteen tales set in England, Ireland, and Australia telling how family members come to terms with Christmases that circumstances make "different." In the title story, a mother's listlessness leads to a change in the way her family observes the holiday. In another a resentful stepdaughter finds love within her new family. Bestseller 1996. Three Doors to Death RC 45281 by Rex Stout read by Jim Zeiger 2 cassettes Three mysteries written between 1947 and 1949. In "Man Alive," Nero Wolfe's investigation of the murder of a man already declared dead takes him into the world of high fashion. "Omit Flowers" involves the food industry and a family's covering up for a murderer. In "Door to Death," a horticulturist finds his fiancée dead in his hothouse. Some strong language. 1995. Traveling On into the Light and Other Stories RC 40824 by Martha Brooks read by Chuck Young 1 cassette Eleven stories by the author of Paradise Cafe (RC 33408). In the title story, a girl visits her father and the man for whom he left her mother. In "The Kindness of Strangers," an old man befriends a runaway youth who has been betrayed by his mother. The final stories form a trilogy about Sidonie and Kieran, teenagers who have each lost a parent. Some strong language. For high school and older readers. 1994. Very Good, Jeeves! RC 44515 by P.G. Wodehouse read by George Holmes 2 cassettes (Reissue) Eleven stories about the resourceful Jeeves, manservant to the irresponsible Bertie Wooster. In these tales Jeeves extricates Bertie from overwhelming dilemmas. 1930. Wanda Hickey's Night of Golden Memories and Other Disasters RC 41950 by Jean Shepherd read by Michael Kramer 2 cassettes (Reissue) Shepherd recalls humorous episodes about growing up in the northern Indiana steel town of Hohman. When the hillbilly Bumpus family and their 745 dogs move in next door, a stolen Easter ham results in a Shepherd-Bumpus feud. Later, spiffed-up Jean with his seven-pound pompadour goes on a disastrous date with a wealthy classmate. But he manages to top that with a drunken junior prom fiasco. Strong language. 1971. The Wedding Dress: Stories from the Dakota Plains RC 43856 by Carrie Young read by Catherine Byers 1 cassette In the title story, Ildri, a seamstress of Norwegian descent, is asked to model an intricately made wedding dress. Upon leaving her position, Ildri buys the dress and lends it to a succession of brides in her homesteading community before finding her own bittersweet use for it. The collection's other entries are also peopled with Norwegian Americans on the Dakota plains. Some strong language. 1992. West of Dodge: Frontier Stories RC 44536 by Louis L'Amour read by John Polk 2 cassettes Fourteen tales of gunfighters, cowhands, and lawmen of the Old West. In the title story, an itinerant gunfighter rides into Dodge and learns of the widespread sentiment against the local marshal. In time marshal and gunslinger join forces and undo a plot to take over the town. 1996. While the Messiah Tarries: Stories RC 42482 by Melvin Jules Bukiet read by Ray Hagen 2 cassettes Nine stories, at times magical or comic and at other times mundane or tragic, describing the lives of Jews in America. In "Gematria," a woman's visit to New York's diamond district leaves the jeweler thinking about gematria, the transliteration of names and numbers, and about his own death. In "The Golden Calf and the Red Heifer," Kleinberg the butcher tries to hide the facts that he is a vegetarian and that his knife is not kosher. 1995. Women in Their Beds: New and Selected Stories RC 43699 by Gina Berriault read by Annie Wauters 3 cassettes Short stories that depict the human condition through a variety of characters in real-life situations. In one story, a librarian becomes suspicious of a homeless man who wants him to interpret a poem. The librarian later realizes that the man was simply seeking guidance for his life. 1996. Spies and Espionage Charity RC 44125 by Len Deighton read by Graeme Malcolm 2 cassettes This sequel to Hope (RC 44118) finds British agent Bernard Samson inquiring into the mysterious death of his sister-in-law, which occurred at the time his spy-wife was brought back from East Germany. Samson overcomes official resistance to his inquiry and uncovers a plot that causes him to doubt the system he serves. 1996. Death Throes RC 43495 by Clive Egleton read by Graeme Malcolm 2 cassettes In this sequel to A Killing in Moscow (RC 39539), Her Majesty's agent Peter Ashton is in Bulgaria on the trail of a mysterious Russian agent code-named Valentin. When a prominent neo-Nazi is shot in Germany and the assassin is linked to Valentin, Ashton goes undercover on a perilous mission to Moscow. Violence and some strong language. 1994. Icon RC 43301 by Frederick Forsyth read by Ted Stoddard 4 cassettes In 1999 Igor Komarov seems poised to become president of a Russia on the brink of anarchy. Then a copy of his racist and fascist ideology-the "Black Manifesto" -falls into foreign hands. Ex-CIA agent Jason Monk is dispatched to infiltrate Russia, spread word of the document's existence, and prevent Komarov from being elected. Some strong language. 1996. The Matarese Countdown RC 45152 by Robert Ludlum read by David Hartley-Margolin 4 cassettes Sequel to The Matarese Circle (RC 13413). A pattern of worldwide killings and business takeovers suggests a conspiracy of the highest order. Retired CIA agent Brandon Scofield is recalled to duty, bringing his unique knowledge to bear against an insidious international cartel. Strong language and violence. Bestseller 1997. Out of Control RC 42629 by G. Gordon Liddy read by Roy Avers 2 cassettes (Reissue) The former FBI agent and Watergate conspirator offers a novel of political intrigue set in the world of high finance. In an attempt to expose suspected KGB agent Ballinger, the CIA turns to Rick Rand, once of CIA and now a successful financier, who allegedly has connections to Mafia and Chinese Tong crime families. Rand plans a tough scheme. Strong language. 1979. The Patriot RC 43084 by Piers Paul Read read by Mitzi Friedlander 2 cassettes Francesca McDermott is an American art scholar hired to organize an exhibition of Russian experimental "decadent" art in unified Berlin. Assisting her is Andrei Serotkin, a devoted Marxist and former KGB agent, who plans to hijack the valuable paintings and hold them for ransom in a bold attempt to fund the bankrupt Communist Party. Some strong language and some descriptions of sex. 1995. The Riddle of the Sands: A Record of Secret Service RC 45072 by Erskine Childers read by Jim Zeiger 3 cassettes Bestseller, first published in 1903, combines adventure at sea with intrigue. The Baltic vacation of two friends aboard the yacht Dulcibella is disrupted by the discovery of a German plan to invade their British homeland. Carefully details the men's achievements in seamanship and espionage. 1903. Sleeper Spy RC 42851 by William Safire read by Chuck Benson 3 cassettes The cold war is past and the Russian government has lost track of a sleeper agent the KGB long ago placed in the U.S. to invest a fortune in capital markets. Not only is cash-strapped Moscow out to recover the billions invested, but so is a veteran American newsman with an ingenious plan to lure the sleeper into the open. 1995. The Tailor of Panama RC 43208 by John Le Carré read by Gary Telles 3 cassettes The imminent takeover of the Panama Canal by Panama prompts British intelligence to recruit Harry Pendel, tailor to the Panamanian president. For personal reasons, Harry isn't above tailoring his reports to suit his British handlers, heedless of the consequences for world order. Strong language. Bestseller 1996. The Unlikely Spy RC 44315 by Daniel Silva read by Patricia Kilgarriff 4 cassettes History professor and Winston Churchill confidant Alfred Vicary is enjoying success as head of England's counterintelligence unit during World War II. On the eve of the Normandy invasion, he learns that a Nazi "sleeper" spy has been activated in London to discover the location of the planned D-Day campaign. Some strong language and some descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1996. Sports Chance RC 40993 by Steve Shilstone read by Larry Shapiro 1 cassette An "oral biography" of fictitious Hall of Fame shortstop Chance Caine. The unnamed narrator admits that he lies to improve a story, then proceeds to chatter away about Caine's career, his poems and diaries, life in general, and baseball in particular. Some strong language. 1996. Ironman RC 42246 by Chris Crutcher read by John Lescault 2 cassettes After Bo Brewster's anger at the coach gets him thrown off the high school football team, he begins training in earnest for a triathalon. Another run-in with the coach gets Bo placed in an anger management class. Surprised at enjoying the group, Bo begins learning truths about his troubled relationship with his father, and by triathalon time the group members have become his training team. Some strong language. For junior and senior high readers. 1995. Slot Machine RC 43380 by Chris Lynch read by Terence Aselford 1 cassette Elvin, his two best friends, and other incoming male freshmen of a Christian high school spend three weeks at summer camp. The goal is to find an athletic slot for each boy. Unfortunately, as overweight Elvin sarcastically explains in letters to his mother, he's not the athletic type. Some strong language. For junior and senior high readers. 1995. The Veracruz Blues RC 43747 by Mark Winegardner read by Robert Sams 2 cassettes A rollicking tale based on events of 1946, when wealthy Jorge Pasquel lured disaffected players from American baseball to the fully integrated Mexican League. Relates the mixed fortunes of Pasquel's talented Veracruz team, whose eventual decline proves the value of teamwork. Strong language and descriptions of sex. 1996. Winter Games RC 44128 by John Feinstein read by Christopher Hurt 2 cassettes Rytis Buzelis, a Lithuanian-born basketball star, is wooed by college coaches across the country. When journalist Bobby Kelleher finds the body of an old friend and coach who had been vying to sign Buzelis, Kelleher ventures into the sinister world of big-money sports to find the killer. Strong language. 1995. Suspense Abuse of Power RC 45108 by Nancy Taylor Rosenberg read by Carol Dines 3 cassettes Policewoman Rachel Simmons witnesses a boy's death as a result of another officer's abuse of authority. Simmons's decision to break the blue code of silence pits her against colleagues and makes her a target of their reprisal. Strong language, violence, and descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1997. Airframe RC 43760 by Michael Crichton read by Martha Harmon Pardee 2 cassettes The flight of a Norton jet from Hong Kong to Denver ends badly: three dead and more than fifty others injured. Casey Singleton, Norton's quality assurance rep, must determine what caused the mid-air accident before the press crucifies the company and a huge contract is jeopardized. Strong language. Bestseller 1996. Almost Adam RC 44171 by Petru Popescu read by David Hartley-Margolin 4 cassettes On a remote savanna in Kenya, young scientist Ken Lauder discovers and befriends a protohuman boy. When the two become the prey of conspirators, they flee into a violent, primal world that has escaped evolution for millions of years. Strong language, violence, and descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1996. Amber Beach RC 45025 by Elizabeth Lowell read by Michele Schaeffer 2 cassettes Kyle Donovan and a shipment of amber, including a panel from the Russian czar's Amber Room, are missing. His sister, Honor, can't believe Kyle is guilty. In an effort to locate the amber and clear Kyle, Honor hires Jake Mallory. Each has a reason for finding Kyle, but trusting each other becomes difficult when romance gets in the way. Some strong language and some explicit descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1997. Angel RC 44077 by Nicholas Guild read by Ray Foushee 3 cassettes His father's death leaves lawyer James Kincaid alone with the family law practice. Among his father's effects, he finds a list of names with links to a series of ongoing murders. Accepting his inherited guilt, Kincaid sets out to find the killer and stop the bloodshed. Strong language, violence, and descriptions of sex. 1995. The Best Laid Plans RC 44998 by Sidney Sheldon read by Martha Harmon Pardee 2 cassettes Ad executive Leslie Stewart was once engaged to a politician from Kentucky, Oliver Russell. After he jilts her, Leslie is determined to ruin Oliver's life. Becoming a publisher brings her power and wealth, so when Oliver is eventually elected president, she tries to link him to the deaths of several of his past lovers. Some strong language. Bestseller 1997. Black Light RC 43278 by Stephen Hunter read by Fred Major 3 cassettes Bob Lee Swagger, a former Marine sniper in Vietnam, joins a young journalist in search of the killer of Swagger's father, an Arkansas highway patrolman. It soon becomes clear that powerful people don't want the truth uncovered, and Swagger must use every trick and weapon in his arsenal just to survive. Strong language. 1996. Black Lightning RC 44052 by John Saul read by Ray Foushee 3 cassettes Journalist Anne Jeffers is partially responsible for serial killer Richard Kraven's execution. When Kraven dies, Jeffers's husband has a near-fatal heart attack and then begins acting oddly. Meanwhile a copycat killer tries to gain the same notoriety as Kraven. Strong language, violence, and explicit descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1995. Blackwater RC 43630 by Kerstin Ekman read by Catherine Byers 3 cassettes Annie Raft and her six-year-old daughter, Mia, stumble upon two corpses in the forests of northern Sweden. Eighteen years later, Annie recognizes Mia's lover as the boy she had seen fleeing the murder scene of the unsolved crime. Some strong language and some descriptions of sex. 1996. Blind Spot RC 44660 by Adam Barrow read by Barry Bernson 2 cassettes Marshall Quinn is dozing at the Chicago planetarium when his three-year-old son, Jeff, is snatched from the seat beside him. As the kidnappers complete an "adoption" with an unsuspecting couple, Marshall gives up on police help and frantically searches for the boy himself. Strong language and some violence. 1997. The Blood of the Lamb RC 43399 by Thomas F. Monteleone read by Gregory Gorton 3 cassettes A young parish priest with supernatural powers is summoned to the Vatican and informed that he was cloned from blood found on the Shroud of Turin. The new Messiah uses his powers to preach an ecumenical faith and becomes a target of the religious establishment. Strong language, violence, and descriptions of sex. 1992. Blown Away RC 44831 by David Wiltse read by Chuck Benson 2 cassettes FBI agent John Becker is assigned to track down Spring, the man taking credit for a series of bombings in New York. Meanwhile, other New Yorkers have figured out who Spring is and want in on his demands on the city. Strong language, violence, and some descriptions of sex. 1996. The Blue Wall RC 44448 by Kenneth Abel read by Christopher Walker 2 cassettes Already reeling from a broken marriage, NYPD detective Dave Moser probes a brutal murder involving a crime family. As he presses the case, Moser runs afoul of the mob, the department, and a federal sting of city police corruption. Strong language and violence. 1996. The Campaign RC 43351 by Marilyn Tucker Quayle and Nancy Tucker Northcott read by L.J. Ganser 4 cassettes Conservative black senator Bob Grant becomes the prime suspect when a reporter who had been critical of Grant is murdered. Grant begins his own investigation to clear his name and in so doing, uncovers official corruption and conspiracy at the highest levels of power. 1996. Chance RC 43559 by Robert B. Parker read by Ray Foushee 2 cassettes In this sequel to Thin Air (RC 40561), a Mafia boss asks Spenser and his sidekick, Hawk, to locate his missing son-in-law. The two sleuths begin an odyssey through the seamy streets of Las Vegas and find more than a missing person as they uncover larceny, homicide, and a plot to control gangland Boston. Strong language. 1996. Cradle of Splendor RC 43404 by Patricia Anthony read by Ilona Dulaski 2 cassettes In this near-future tale, Brazil is on the verge of becoming a world power in space. When a troubled launch inexplicably achieves orbit, the United States thinks Brazil has seized a UFO and plans to invade. As agents uncover the mystery, the ensuing turmoil leads to tragedy. Strong language and descriptions of sex. 1996. Criminals RC 45075 by Margot Livesey read by Martha Harmon Pardee 2 cassettes En route to visit his sister Mollie in Scotland, London banker Ewan Munro finds an abandoned baby, whom he carries along. Munro is unaware that the child has been stolen from her mother and that the infant's father, intent on extortion, is trailing him. Strong language and descriptions of sex. 1995. The Cry of the Halidon RC 44191 by Robert Ludlum read by Chuck Benson 3 cassettes A team of scientists, hired to conduct a geophysical survey on a Caribbean island, is embroiled in a conspiracy to establish a multinational criminal enterprise. Members of the team encounter interference by local residents and British Intelligence as they pursue professional and romantic interests. Violence, some strong language, and some descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1974. Danger Zones RC 44540 by Sally Beauman read by Madelyn Buzzard 4 cassettes The disappearance of two teenage girls in rural England prompts reporter Rowland McGuire to investigate. His probe leads him into the sordid world of high fashion to uncover a drug conspiracy involving the world's premier couturier. Strong language, violence, and descriptions of sex. 1996. Dark Road Home RC 44094 by Karen Harper read by Ann Hodapp 2 cassettes To escape a stalker, Ohio attorney Brooke Benton retreats to an Amish community. Her new Amish neighbor, Daniel Brand, has returned from a stint in the outside world. The two are thrown together when Daniel's niece is killed by a hit-and-run driver, and Brooke, fearing she was the target, insists on investigating. Some violence and some descriptions of sex. 1996. Dark Specter RC 44598 by Michael Dibdin read by Bob Askey 3 cassettes When several murders around the country show a similar pattern, a Seattle detective begins to gather clues. At the same time, a professor sets out to rescue his abducted son. The trails lead to the island compound of a fanatical cult leader who directed the murders as rites of initiation. Strong language, violence, and descriptions of sex. 1995. Double Helix RC 44820 by Sigmund Brouwer read by Chuck Benson 2 cassettes On his way to his New Mexico home, Slater Ellis almost runs over a naked boy. Meanwhile, in Florida, Paige Stephens eavesdrops on a frightening conversation just before her husband kills himself. As Slater searches for the boy and Paige tries to understand her husband's death, they each draw closer to discovering a macabre medical research project. Violence. 1995. The Enemy Within RC 43067 by Larry Bond read by Bruce Huntey 3 cassettes A foreign terrorist campaign of bombings and massacres across the United States incites widespread civil turmoil and paralyzes the nation. As leaders hunker down to contain the disaster, FBI and Delta Force agents desperately pursue the terrorists. Strong language and violence. 1996. Extreme Denial RC 43611 by David Morrell read by Nick Sullivan 3 cassettes Antiterrorist agent Steve Decker took the fall for a botched covert operation in Rome and has retired to New Mexico. Then he meets gorgeous widow Beth Dwyer and disaster strikes. Decker's home is attacked and an explosion rocks Beth's. The stakes are high as Decker matches wits with his violent enemies. Strong language, violence, and explicit descriptions of sex. 1996. Eye of the Beholder RC 44631 by Brian Lysaght read by Chuck Benson 3 cassettes When fugitive financier Robert Vargo returns covertly to the U.S. to resume his criminal ways, U.S. Attorney Julie Beck vows to bring him down. Julie recruits the one man who can find Vargo-her ex-lover whom she put behind bars. Together they pursue the vicious criminal. Strong language and descriptions of sex. 1995. Fat Tuesday RC 44766 by Sandra Brown read by Carole Jordan Stewart 3 cassettes Lieutenant Burke Basile knew his partner's killer would be acquitted, but he didn't expect his own life to fall apart as a result. Now all he can think about is getting back at Pinkie Duvall, the murderer's defense attorney. Pinkie has one weakness -his wife Remy, and Burke's kidnapping of Remy sets off a confrontation that ends in the middle of Mardi Gras. Strong language and some descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1997. Father and Son RC 44664 by Larry Brown read by Fred Major 2 cassettes After serving a prison term for homicide, Glen Davis returns to his Mississippi hometown looking to settle some old wrongs. When Davis finds that his girlfriend has taken up with the sheriff who sent him to prison, Davis commits a vile act of revenge that turns fatal. Strong language, violence, and descriptions of sex. 1996. Final Refuge: A Novel of Eco-Terrorism RC 43082 by James L. Haley read by Gary Tipton 2 cassettes Eric Jackson's love and life's work, his Houston wildlife preserve, has cost him his marriage, and now two beloved black rhinos have been killed by poachers. Learning that the thieves plan to raid his refuge for more rare-animal loot, Eric confronts the armed poachers and defends his animals. Some strong language. 1994. Flood Tide RC 45276 by Clive Cussler read by Bob Askey 4 cassettes In the year 2000 Dirk Pitt of the National Underwater and Marine Agency is working with immigration officials to stop the smuggling of Chinese workers into the United States. Gangster Qin Shang has even built a port in Louisiana to unload the illegals. Pitt is also investigating a rumor of a shipwrecked Chinese vessel bearing a load of treasure. Some violence and some strong language. Bestseller 1997. Flower Net RC 45063 by Lisa See read by Gabriella Cavallero 3 cassettes The son of the American ambassador is found dead in Beijing, and the son of a Chinese leader is found dead in the U.S. Chinese inspector Liu Hulan and assistant U.S. attorney David Stark are assigned to investigate a possible connection. To further complicate matters, Hulan and Stark were once lovers. Violence, strong language, and some descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1997. Games of the Hangman RC 42613 by Victor O'Reilly read by Ray Foushee 4 cassettes A fast-moving story of international terrorism. War photographer Hugo Fitzduane discovers a boy's body hanging from a tree on Fitzduane's own property, an apparent suicide. But when the body of a slain terrorist is found with the same tattoo that marked the hanged boy, the chase begins. Strong language, violence, and descriptions of sex. 1991. Gideon's Torch RC 44053 by Charles Colson and Ellen Vaughn read by John Polk 4 cassettes When an abortion-clinic doctor is murdered, a federal crackdown is mounted to find the killer. Then a protest group gets a shocking abortion video on the evening news, terrorists bomb a fetal research center, and the president declares martial law. Violence. 1995. Grand Jury RC 43847 by Philip Friedman read by John Stratton 5 cassettes In this sequel to Inadmissable Evidence (RC 36253), grand juror Susan Linwood senses something odd about the government's drug case against an elderly Chinese couple. Herself of Chinese descent, Linwood enlists the help of another juror to probe the matter privately. What they uncover imperils their very lives. Descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1996. The Green Mile: A Novel in Six Parts RC 44564 by Stephen King read by Ray Foushee 3 cassettes Death-row supervisor Paul Edgecombe thinks back to 1932 when John Coffey is brought to the penitentiary and placed on the "Green Mile." Coffey is accused of the rape and murder of twin nine-year-old girls. But Coffey seems to be an unusual kind of human being. Strong language and violence. Bestseller 1996. Harvest RC 43323 by Tess Gerritsen read by Michele Schaeffer 3 cassettes Surgical resident Abby DiMatteo is excited to be considered for the prestigious cardiac transplant team. But when she must oppose her colleagues' plan to divert a transplant from a dying seventeen-year-old to a billionaire's wife, she is discredited. As she fights to clear her name, she is shocked at what she learns. Strong language and violence. 1996. The Heart of Danger RC 44349 by Gerald Seymour read by Graeme Malcolm 3 cassettes The body of a young British woman is found in a mass grave in war-torn Bosnia. On the case is former British agent Bill Penn, whose search focuses on a powerful Serbian warlord. Penn makes a daring attempt to capture the culprit and bring him to justice for war crimes. Strong language, violence, and descriptions of sex. 1995. Heart of War RC 45089 by Lucian K. Truscott read by Chuck Benson 3 cassettes When a female lieutenant is murdered at Fort Benning, army staff attorney Kara Guidry follows a trail of clues that leads to the base commander. Then a second young woman is killed, and Guidry plunges into a morass of political intrigue and scandal. Strong language, violence, and descriptions of sex. 1997. High Flight RC 43567 by David Hagberg read by Roy Avers 5 cassettes Guerin Airline Company hires ex-CIA officer Kirk McGarvey to investigate a spate of mysterious accidents. With the aid of his former Russian foes, Kirk uncovers a Japanese plot to sabotage U.S. planes and depress Guerin stocks. When U.S. terrorists exploit the plot for their own purposes, international turmoil ensues. Strong language. 1995. Hope RC 44118 by Len Deighton read by Graeme Malcolm 2 cassettes In this sequel to Faith (RC 40594), British agent Bernard Samson and his inept boss are in Poland tracking Samson's missing brother-in-law, George Kosinski, when macabre evidence of his demise causes them to abort their search. Kosinski reappears in Britain, and Samson is recalled from Berlin to resolve the matter. 1995. Hostile Witness RC 42592 by William Lashner read by Ray Foushee 4 cassettes Fresh out of law school, Victor Carl joined with two friends to form their own firm. But after six years, their future is bleak. Then well-known Philadelphia lawyer William Prescott offers Carl the opportunity of a lifetime. It sounds too good to be true-and it is. Explicit descriptions of sex, strong language, and some violence. 1995. Illusions RC 44288 by Katherine Stone read by Michele Schaeffer 2 cassettes Just before losing consciousness, a woman hears the doctor say there is a second baby. But when she wakes, she is told that child has died. Perhaps it would have been better for Chase Carlton, the boy declared dead, if he actually had died. The miserable years he spends in an orphanage leave their mark. And now the inner voice that has led him through tragedy is calling him to risk his life once more. Some strong language and some descriptions of sex. 1994. Indian Killer RC 44550 by Sherman Alexie read by Roy Avers 2 cassettes Adopted as an infant by white parents, John Smith grows up dispossessed of his Native American heritage and identity. When an elusive serial killer stalks and scalps white men around Seattle, the focus falls on Smith as a prime suspect. Strong language, violence, and descriptions of sex. 1996. The Insult RC 43935 by Rupert Thomson read by Jim Zeiger 3 cassettes Martin Blom is blinded by a stray bullet in a parking lot. When he discovers that he has been gifted with night vision, he sets out on a nocturnal urban odyssey. Blom's journey leads to a startling discovery of his own past in a remote mountain village. Strong language, violence, and descriptions of sex. 1996. Karma RC 44214 by Mitchell Smith read by Fred Major 3 cassettes When architect Evan Scott watches a female construction worker plunge seventy stories from a skyscraper frame, he realizes it was no accident. His investigation threatens powerful interests on both sides of the law and leads him on a perilous mission of vengeance. Strong language, violence, and descriptions of sex. 1994. The Last Don RC 43299 by Mario Puzo read by Ed Blake 3 cassettes On the day of a family double-christening in 1965, Mafia don Clericuzio decides to spare his progeny from "our sins" by shifting to legitimate investments. Twenty-five years later, the male cousins who shared the christening continue to struggle with the sins of their forebears. Strong language, violence, and descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1996. The List RC 44207 by Steve Martini read by Madelyn Buzzard 3 cassettes Lawyer-turned-novelist Abby Chandlis has penned a sure bestseller, but the market for women authors is tight. When she attributes authorship to a cute male model, things go awry and her scam turns sour-then lethal. Strong language, violence, and descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1997. Long after Midnight RC 44678 by Iris Johansen read by Martha Harmon Pardee 2 cassettes Scientist Kate Denby is on the verge of a dramatic discovery. Noah Smith, a geneticist, is also close to a major breakthrough in his research, but needs Kate to work with him. So far Kate has refused because she wants to keep life as normal as possible for her son since her divorce. But then bombs start exploding. Strong language and some violence. 1997. Los Alamos RC 44930 by Joseph Kanon read by John Polk 3 cassettes Toward the end of World War II, the murder of a Manhattan Project security officer calls agent Michael Connolly to a town that doesn't officially exist. He must penetrate the closed ranks of residents to discover whether the death is related to espionage or to the victim's homosexual lifestyle. Strong language, violence, and descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1997. Lovers and Liars RC 44182 by Sally Beauman read by Martha Harmon Pardee 5 cassettes London reporter Gini Hunter is surprised to be assigned a story with French photojournalist Pascal Lamartine, the man she had loved at fifteen. The assignment is to verify a tip that the U.S. ambassador has unusual sex habits. What Gini and Pascal don't realize is that the odd anonymous packages they receive the day they get the job are clues that they are pawns in a carefully orchestrated game. Strong language, violence, and descriptions of sex. 1994. The Maze RC 44814 by Catherine Coulter read by Martha Harmon Pardee 3 cassettes FBI Agent Lacey Sherlock gave up her goal of becoming a concert pianist seven years ago when her sister Belinda was murdered by a serial killer. Now a member of Dillon Savich's special FBI unit, Lacey can spend her free time investigating her sister's case. Strong language, violence, and some descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1997. Meg: A Novel of Deep Terror RC 44838 by Steve Alten read by Ray Foushee 2 cassettes Professor Jonas Taylor theorizes that the Carcharodon megalodon (Meg), a great white shark that thrived seventy million years ago and could devour a Tyrannosaurus rex, may exist beneath the sea. When his research causes Meg to emerge, Taylor is unprepared to handle her or her young. Some violence and some strong language. 1997. Mirage RC 44020 by F. Paul Wilson and Matthew J. Costello read by Nona Pipes 2 cassettes Medical scientist Julie Gordon has pioneered a computer scanner that visually records memories from a patient's brain. When her twin sister, Sam, falls into a coma, Julie employs the device to explore Sam's mindscape and relives the emotional traumas of their childhood. Violence and descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1996. The Monkey House RC 44350 by John Fullerton read by Richard Davidson 2 cassettes In strife-torn Sarajevo, police find the body of a murdered woman who had been a police informer. When the evidence leads to a local crime boss, police superintendent Rosso seeks the aid of an American journalist to finger the thug. Their joint effort triggers an international incident. Strong language, violence, and descriptions of sex. 1996. Mortal Fear RC 44276 by Greg Iles read by Christopher Walker 4 cassettes When author Karin Wheat is murdered, Harper Cole calls the police. Karin was a participant in the sexually explicit online service that Harper helps operate. He suspects that four other clients who mysteriously stopped participating may also have met gruesome ends. And he thinks he knows who did it. Strong language, violence, and explicit descriptions of sex. 1997. Mount Dragon RC 43919 by Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child read by Jim Zeiger 3 cassettes Genetic scientist Guy Carson's assignment at the elite Mount Dragon biomedical lab in New Mexico is to find a permanent cure for the flu by altering human DNA. But his discoveries take a tragic turn, putting the whole world at horrifying risk. Strong language and descriptions of sex. 1996. Night Passage RC 44848 by Robert B. Parker read by Michael Stanton 2 cassettes Jesse Stone is a thirty-five-year-old washout from the L.A.P.D. homicide unit. Recently divorced, alcoholic Stone accepts a job in a small town in Massachusetts. He soon finds himself in the middle of white supremacists, the mob from Boston, and local misconduct. Strong language, violence, and descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1997. Nightmare, with Angel RC 44176 by Stephen Gallagher read by Martha Harmon Pardee 3 cassettes Eleven-year-old Marianne Cadogan is not sure why she and her father fled Germany for England, leaving her mother behind. Marianne spends much of her time on the beach, where one day she is saved from drowning by loner Ryan O'Donnell. Much to Ryan's horror, the girl insists on being friends, unaware of his sinister background. Strong language and some violence. 1992. The Partner RC 43685 by John Grisham read by Steven Carpenter 2 cassettes Four years ago, attorney Patrick Lanigan faked his own death and ran away with ninety million dollars belonging to his partners and a client. Now he's been found, tortured, sued by numerous parties including his wife, and charged with murder. Strong language and violence. Bestseller 1997. The Passage RC 43815 by David Poyer read by Fred Major 4 cassettes Lieutenant Dan Lenson boards a destroyer for its shakedown cruise in the Caribbean. As he works to correct the ship's advanced electronic systems, he finds that greater problems plague his new command. Lenson's limits are tested as he rescues Cuban refugees from a stormy sea and confronts a mutinous crew. Strong language and descriptions of sex. 1995. Payback RC 44272 by Thomas Kelly read by Robert Sams 3 cassettes As an enforcer for the Irish mob in New York City, former boxer Paddy Adare lives well by extorting the building trade. His kid brother, a law student, comes into the line of fire when Paddy is ordered to break the construction workers' union. Paddy's loyalties are split in the deadly conflict that erupts. Strong language and violence. Bestseller 1997. A Place to Hide RC 43384 by Robert Westall read by Vanessa Maroney 2 cassettes Eighteen-year-old Lucy King's father tells her she must go into hiding because he is about to blow the whistle on the English government. Dressed in her late mother's posh clothes, Lucy flees, assumes a new identity as an antiques dealer, and waits in terror to hear what will happen to her father. Some strong language. For junior and senior high readers. 1994. The Presence RC 44836 by John Saul read by Dani Carr 2 cassettes Anthropologist Katharine Sundquist brings her teenage son to Hawaii, where she plans to study some ancient hominid remains. While swimming, the boy is horribly transformed by a mysterious substance, and he becomes the unwilling subject of a biological experiment. Violence. Bestseller 1997. The President's Daughter RC 44760 by Jack Higgins read by Chuck Benson 2 cassettes In 1969 Jake Cazalet has a one-night affair with a countess he rescues in Vietnam. Years later, he learns he has a daughter. Now in 1997, Jake is president of the United States, and his daughter is kidnapped by terrorists. Cazalet has ten days to meet their demands or his daughter will die. Strong language and some violence. Bestseller 1997. The President's Mother RC 43528 by Gloria Whelan read by June Carter 2 cassettes In the year 2002, president Robert Lange launches a costly defense buildup in the face of foreign threats. Strapped for funds, Lange proposes draconian health-care cutbacks, which his mother bitterly opposes. When she threatens to divulge a secret that could wreck her son's career, the president moves to silence her. 1996. The Prestige RC 44253 by Christopher Priest read by David Palmer 3 cassettes In 1878, a renowned magician interrupts a competitor's seance to expose it as a fraud. The incident turns tragic, with each man vowing to destroy the other. Their rivalry continues throughout their careers, ultimately leading to a catastrophe that resounds for generations. Violence. James Tait Black Award for Best Novel. 1995. Pretend You Don't See Her RC 44529 by Mary Higgins Clark read by Carol Dines 2 cassettes Lacey Farrell, a Manhattan real estate agent, is forced to assume a new identity when she accidentally witnesses the murder of a woman whose daughter had recently died in an apparent accident. The woman's dying act is to give Lacey her daughter's journal-which she photocopies before giving it to the police. Bestseller 1997. Retribution RC 43607 by Michael Grant read by L.J. Ganser 2 cassettes After a series of personal setbacks, rogue cop Michael Devlin quits the NYPD for a "plum" job as security director at a New York City office tower. He soon discovers that a killer is targeting company executives, the building is subject to sabotage, and he must match wits with a world-class assassin. Strong language and violence. 1995. Rules of the Hunt RC 43065 by Victor O'Reilly read by Ray Foushee 3 cassettes In this sequel to Games of the Hangman (RC 42613) Irish ex-soldier Hugo Fitzduane and his son are fiercely attacked by Japanese terrorists avenging their leader's death. Fitzduane recovers from his wounds and begins a relentless hunt for the attackers on their own turf. Strong language, violence, and descriptions of sex. 1995. The Senator's Daughter RC 44461 by Victoria Gotti read by Barbara Pinolini 2 cassettes Following the violent murder of Boston union boss Joseph Sessio, attorney Taylor Brooke is picked to defend the accused, a young black man. Brooke learns that her client is being railroaded by the district attorney. On the way to uncovering the real killer, Brooke herself becomes the next target. Strong language and violence. 1997. The Set-Up RC 45077 by Paul Erdman read by Chuck Benson 3 cassettes Charles Black, retired chairman of the Federal Reserve Board, is abruptly arrested by Swiss police for securities fraud. Frustrated in her attempts to obtain diplomatic assistance, Black's wife joins forces with a shadowy stranger and uncovers an international conspiracy in which Black is a hapless victim. 1997. The Shadow Man RC 44369 by John Katzenbach read by Gregory Gorton 3 cassettes When his neighbor, a Holocaust survivor, is found murdered, retired Miami detective Simon Winter joins the investigation and tracks the elusive Shadow Man, who betrayed his own people during the war and now stalks them in their retirement. Strong language, violence, and descriptions of sex. 1995. Shock Wave RC 43317 by Clive Cussler read by Bob Askey 4 cassettes In the 1850s, a male and a female prisoner survive a shipwreck and find diamonds on an island. In the year 2000, their descendant Arthur Dorsett plans to topple the diamond market with a flood of gems. His mining techniques are causing an "acoustic plague" that kills animals and humans. Investigating these odd deaths, Dirk Pitt meets Arthur's daughter Maeve, who is quite different from her father. Violence and some strong language. Bestseller 1996. Silent Night RC 44421 by Mary Higgins Clark read by Barbara Pinolini 1 cassette The Dornan family is in New York City on Christmas Eve because Tom Dornan has just had surgery for leukemia. When his wife drops her wallet, Cally Hunter, desperate for Christmas money, picks it up. Young Brian Dornan follows her, because inside the wallet is a recuperative St. Christopher medal for his dad. But Cally's brother, an escaped convict, is waiting in her apartment, and he has plans for the money and for Brian. Some strong language. 1995. Sole Survivor RC 44144 by Dean Koontz read by Chuck Benson 2 cassettes Los Angeles journalist Joe Carpenter is devastated by the loss of his wife and two daughters, who died in a plane crash. A year later, Carpenter is shocked to meet a mysterious woman who claims to have been on that flight. She appears to bring great joy to the crash victims' loved ones, but then they each inexplicably kill themselves. Violence. Bestseller 1997. Swamp RC 40925 by Peter Tremayne read by Phil Regensdorf 2 cassettes Two amateur hunters plan to illegally shoot a manatee in the Florida Everglades National Park. Instead they kill a monstrous-looking biped that was swimming in the swamp. Immediately an even larger monster emerges from the water and attacks them. Meanwhile two fugitives and their hostage make their way to the same swamp, ironically thinking it a safe place. Strong language and violence. 1985. Table for Five RC 44326 by Sean Hardie read by Graeme Malcolm 2 cassettes When appealing Julia Cornwall offers British freelance television producer Charlie Kavanagh big bucks to produce a rush show on the Israeli foreign minister, Charlie is amazed. After Julia introduces Charlie to the portly American funding the project, Charlie boards his plane, blissfully unaware that not only is the fat man just an actor, but he's now a dead actor. Strong language, explicit descriptions of sex, and some violence. 1991. The Takeover RC 44685 by Stephen W. Frey read by Bob Askey 3 cassettes Once a partner at one of Wall Street's top investment-banking firms, Andrew Falcon takes a decidedly less lucrative job at a commercial bank after his own financial venture fails. Desperate for money, he agrees to mastermind the hostile, five-million-dollar takeover of a chemical company. Some strong language and some descriptions of sex. 1995. A Thin Dark Line RC 44208 by Tami Hoag read by Mitzi Friedlander 4 cassettes When a murder prosecution is vitiated by an officer's failure to list key evidence on a search warrant, an irate detective decides to take the law into his own hands. Deputy Annie Broussard joins forces with the rogue detective in tracking the elusive killer. Strong language, violence, and descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1997. Tom Clancy's Op-Center: Acts of War RC 45009 by Tom Clancy and Steve Pieczenik read by Ed Blake 3 cassettes In a scheme to foment war involving world powers in the Middle East, Kurdish terrorists target a critical dam in Turkey. The threat is heightened when the rebels seize the high-tech regional operations center that has been keeping them under surveillance. Strong language and violence. Bestseller 1997. Tom Clancy's Power Plays: Politika RC 45253 by Tom Clancy and Martin Greenberg read by Chuck Benson 2 cassettes In 1999 Russian president Boris Yeltsin dies, plunging the federation into chaos. American assistance is forthcoming until the U.S. experiences a terrorist attack that seems to be of Russian origin. Meanwhile, Roger Gordian, head of a U.S. corporation with interests in Kaliningrad, gets involved. Some violence and some strong language. Bestseller 1997. Total Control RC 43947 by David Baldacci read by L.J. Ganser 3 cassettes Jason Archer tells his attorney wife, Sidney, that he is flying to Los Angeles for a job interview when in fact he is traveling to Seattle to hand over company secrets. When the L.A. plane that Jason was supposed to be on blows up, Sidney and FBI agent Lee Sawyer try to determine what actually happened to Jason. Strong language, violence, and some descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1997. Total Eclipse RC 44454 by Liz Rigbey read by Michele Schaeffer 4 cassettes Lomax, an astronomer, falls for his seductive new assistant, Julia, but soon learns she is about to stand trial for the brutal murders of her husband and stepdaughter. As Lomax's affair with her deepens, he uncovers a tangled web of relationships in his lover's past, particularly between Julia and each of her late husband's children. Strong language and descriptions of sex. 1995. Tremor RC 43602 by Winston Graham read by Graeme Malcolm 2 cassettes A disparate cast of characters comes together at a resort hotel in Agadir, Morocco, during the 1960 earthquake. On the guest list are a novelist on the make, a thief on the lam, a movie actress on a shoot, three prostitutes on the run, and others. The final disaster affects them all. 1995. The Ugly Duckling RC 43888 by Iris Johansen read by Barbara Pinolini 2 cassettes Mousy, plain-faced Nell Calder is attending a party on a Greek island when her husband and daughter are killed and she is badly mutilated. But why? Nicholas Tanek investigates as Nell emerges with a gorgeous new face and a new reason to live-revenge. Strong language, some violence, and some descriptions of sex. 1996. Undone RC 44611 by Michael Kimball read by Chuck Benson 3 cassettes Bobby Swift and his wife, Noel, have plotted the perfect crime, but it requires Bobby to fake his death and be buried in a coffin for hours before Noel digs him out. Then Bobby's "body" turns up missing, and the undertaker is found murdered. Strong language, some violence, and some explicit descriptions of sex. 1996. Unnatural Exposure RC 44749 by Patricia Cornwell read by Madelyn Buzzard 2 cassettes Medical examiner Kay Scarpetta is puzzled by what appears to be the latest victim of a serial killer. This woman is elderly and has an unusual rash. As Scarpetta realizes in horror the disease she's dealing with, the woman's killer begins taunting Scarpetta through the Internet. Strong language. Bestseller 1997. Vengeance in Death RC 45064 by J.D. Robb read by Martha Harmon Pardee 2 cassettes In the year 2058 New York cop Eve Dallas is faced with a serial killer who appears to have some connection with Eve's billionaire Irish husband Roarke's past. As Eve chases clues that keep pointing to Roarke's servant, Roarke secretly tries to solve the case, too. Strong language, violence, and explicit descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1997. White Star RC 44875 by James Thayer read by Gregory Gorton 2 cassettes Owen Gray, once an expert marine sniper in Vietnam, is now an assistant U.S. attorney in New York and the adoptive father of three Asian children. When a mysterious sniper begins picking off people around him, the reluctant former marksman takes up the challenge for a showdown. Violence and some strong language. 1995. A Wild Justice RC 43494 by Craig Thomas read by Ken Kliban 3 cassettes A posh birthday party in Washington, D.C., culminates in the brutal murders of businessman Billy Grainger and his wife, Beth. Beth's brother, ex-CIA agent John Lock, delves into the crime, uncovers Grainger's drug-smuggling ring, and follows the trail to Siberia. Violence. 1995. You Belong to Me RC 46009 by Mary Higgins Clark read by Martha Harmon Pardee 2 cassettes Once a prosecutor and then a psychologist, radio talk-show host Susan Chandler explores how lonely women are lured into relationships that turn deadly. On the air, witnesses offer evidence concerning one such victim. Unfortunately, Susan does not suspect that the killer has tuned in. Some violence. Bestseller 1998. Village Tales At Home in Mitford: The Mitford Years, Volume 1 RC 44194 by Jan Karon read by Gary Tipton 3 cassettes After years as a priest in the Southern village of Mitford, Father Tim wonders if he should move on. Then on the day a letter from the bishop tells him to "hang in there . . . give it a year," things begin to change, including an interest in his neighbor, Cynthia, and the arrival of Barnabas, a rather large dog. Prequel to A Light in the Window (RC 44195). 1994. High Rising RC 44375 by Angela Thirkell read by Anne Flosnik 2 cassettes Now that her three older sons are self-supporting, forty-five-year-old widowed novelist Laura Morland need only worry about young Tony, who "has a splendid natural resistance to learning in any form." But money complications make way for social ones as almost everyone in Laura's circle of acquaintances-from her publisher to her secretary-becomes involved in convoluted romances fraught with misunderstandings. 1933. A Light in the Window: The Mitford Years, Volume 2 RC 44195 by Jan Karon read by Gary Tipton 3 cassettes Father Tim has returned from his two-month visit to Ireland and finds much in the Southern village of Mitford the same. His neighbor Cynthia still has a special place in his heart, but he just can't seem to commit himself to her. And a wealthy widow is chasing after him. Sequel to At Home in Mitford (RC 44194). 1995. Miss Willie RC 43275 by Janice Holt Giles read by Terry Hayes Sales 2 cassettes The story of a kindly woman who moves to the Kentucky hills in the late 1940s to teach in a one-room schoolhouse. At first she tries to change the rustic habits of the stubborn and proud Appalachian people. But eventually she comes to appreciate the dignity of their customs and finds fulfillment in their way of life. 1951. Out to Canaan: The Mitford Years, Volume 4 RC 44958 by Jan Karon read by Gary Tipton 2 cassettes Changes are coming to the small town of Mitford. Father Tim Kavanagh, the Episcopal priest, and his wife Cynthia are thinking about retirement, the two candidates for mayor seem to be splitting the town in half, the bakery may be closing, and a real estate company out of Florida wants to turn Fernbank into a spa. Sequel to These High, Green Hills (RC 44196). Bestseller 1997. The Rector's Wife RC 43361 by Joanna Trollope read by Barbara Caruso 2 cassettes For twenty years, Anna Bouverie lived a stifled, penurious life as wife of the village rector. Her husband is passed over for a promotion to archdeacon, and he retreats into bitterness. But Anna begins a journey of self-discovery, taking a menial job and considering two new lovers. 1991. Tara's Healing RC 43240 by Janice Holt Giles read by Bruce Huntey 2 cassettes (Reissue) Dr. Tara Cochrane is a tired and broken young man. Hod Pierce, from Tara's World War II command, invites him to try the quiet rural life of Piney Ridge, Kentucky. The city boy slowly begins to understand the beauty of the hard mountain life, and thus to find meaning in his own existence. 1951. These High, Green Hills: The Mitford Years, Volume 3 RC 44196 by Jan Karon read by Gary Tipton 3 cassettes Now married, Father Tim and Cynthia are settling down in the rectory. Cynthia's cottage next door will be kept for her work and private retreats. In the Southern village of Mitford, life goes on. Dooley adjusts to prep school, Father Tim's housekeeper has twins, and Emma's clerical skills prove enormous. Sequel to A Light in the Window (RC 44195). 1996. A Visit to Highbury RC 41557 by Joan Austen-Leigh read by Jennifer Mendenhall 1 cassette The great-great-grand-niece of Jane Austen has taken some of the minor characters from Austen's Emma (RC 23490) and allowed them to come into the spotlight. Letters between Mrs. Goddard, the school headmistress in Highbury, and her recently remarried sister, Mrs. Pinkney, in London speculate on events in the lives of residents of both locations-especially a few romances. 1993. Wars Battlefields and Playgrounds RC 43196 by Janos Nyiri read by Ken Kliban 4 cassettes Portrays the suffering of Hungarian Jews during World War II as seen through the eyes of József Sondor, a defiant six-year-old. József, with his mother and brother, endures peril and privation at the hands of the Nazis. The hellish conditions bring out both the best and the worst aspects of humanity. 1989. The Bitterest Age RC 44718 by Raymond Kennedy read by Nanette Savard 2 cassettes As she endures the nightly Allied bombings and the privations of war with her mother and brother in 1945 Germany, ten-year-old Ingeborg Maas has faith that her soldier father will return alive from the front. Ingeborg's courage sustains her family through the terrible final days of the war. 1994. Choosers of the Slain RC 43698 by James H. Cobb read by Rick Rohan 2 cassettes In the year 2006, Argentina storms a British research station in Antarctica, a first step toward taking over the frigid continent. The destroyer USS Cunningham is ordered to interdict an Argentine supply convoy and unsheathes high-tech firepower as she encounters extensive enemy air and sea forces. Strong language. 1996. Courage under Fire RC 44351 by Patrick Sheane Duncan read by L.J. Ganser 2 cassettes His army career stalled by a friendly fire incident during the Gulf War, Lieutenant Colonel Nat Serling is handed the job of finding out whether a female chopper pilot deserves the Medal of Honor. Serling sorts through conflicting evidence to uncover a truth that could destroy the woman's reputation but save his own career. Strong language and violence. 1996. The Dirty War RC 43577 by Charles H. Slaughter read by Barry Bernson 1 cassette During the Argentine military coup of the late 1970s, two boys spend their days scheming to earn tips from yanqui tourists. When their friends and families become targets of the new regime, the boys are drawn into a stark world of political persecution and torture. Violence. For junior and senior high readers. 1994. Fatal Terrain RC 45110 by Dale Brown read by Gary Tipton 4 cassettes When tensions erupt between Taiwan and mainland China, America's options are limited by its recent military cutbacks. On the scene is USAF pilot McLanahan in a modified B-52 equipped with the latest cruise missiles. When war breaks out, McLanahan's lethal payload turns the tide of the conflict. Strong language. Bestseller 1997. The Gulf RC 43633 by David Poyer read by L.J. Ganser 3 cassettes While deployed in the Persian Gulf, the guided-missile frigate USS Turner Van Zandt is ordered to lead a convoy of supertankers through mined waters. When hostile fire sinks a navy destroyer, the Van Zandt's commanding officer sees the opportunity to avenge past wrongs. Strong language, violence, and descriptions of sex. 1990. Highways to a War RC 43707 by Christopher J. Koch read by Steven Carpenter 3 cassettes Asia, 1976. Australian photojournalist Mike Langford, missing in war-torn Cambodia, is presumed killed or captured. An old friend obtains the taped diaries that Langford kept until he disappeared. They reveal a story of duty, courage, and love through a decade of strife in Indochina. Strong language and violence. 1995. 1968 RC 43735 by Joe Haldeman read by Chuck Young 2 cassettes Portrays a year in the life of a young American soldier who endures some of the most brutal combat of the Vietnam War. Wounded and paranoid, he returns home to face a harsh readjustment with his family and girlfriend in a society out of control. Strong language, violence, and descriptions of sex. 1995. Rogue Warrior: Task Force Blue RC 43276 by Richard Marcinko and John Weisman read by Roy Avers 3 cassettes In Key West Marcinko and Task Force Blue bungle the rescue of the Secretary of the Navy from a hijacked 727, and Marcinko faces a court martial. But that must wait until he can stanch the flow of weapons from government arsenals. Sequel to Rogue Warrior: Green Team (RC 41020). Strong language and violence. Bestseller 1996. San Juan Hill RC 43813 by Will Henry read by David Palmer 2 cassettes A story of the assault on San Juan Hill by Teddy Roosevelt's Rough Riders during the Spanish-American War in 1898. Recounts the war preparations as seen through the eyes of the soldiers and describes the brutal conflict and its bitter aftermath. Strong language and violence. 1962. Storm Flight RC 43575 by Mark Berent read by Roy Avers 4 cassettes In this sequel to Eagle Station (RC 42374), American fliers languish in a secret Vietnamese prison, their names removed from official records. When U.S. officials discover a Soviet KGB scheme to exploit the prisoners, they direct a daring raid behind enemy lines. Strong language and violence. 1993. Tales of the South Pacific RC 44249 by James A. Michener read by Roy Avers 3 cassettes (Reissue) Nineteen World War II tales that won the Pulitzer Prize. They describe the strain and the boredom, the careful planning and heroic action, the color and beauty of the islands, and all that made up life during the critical days of the war in the Pacific. Strong language. 1947. Tiger's Tail RC 43644 by Gus Lee read by Ed Blake 3 cassettes In 1974, Chinese American Captain Jackson Kan is ordered to the Korean demilitarized zone to find a missing army prosecutor. Kan liberates a hell-hole prison, deposes the power-mad commander, and defuses a plot to incite a war, all while dealing with his own problems as a Vietnam veteran and as a Chinese son. Strong language and violence. 1996. To Kill the Leopard RC 43886 by Theodore Taylor read by Gregory Gorton 2 cassettes In March 1941, American merchant marine officer Sully Jordan survives the sinking of his oil tanker by a German U-boat. After the same U-boat torpedoes another tanker from under him one year later, Jordan takes command of an armed decoy Q-ship, hoping to settle the score. Strong language, violence, and descriptions of sex. For senior high and older readers. 1993. The Two-Headed Eagle RC 44348 by John Biggins read by Robert Blumenfeld 3 cassettes In this sequel to The Emperor's Coloured Coat (RC 43006), Austro-Hungarian naval officer Otto Prohaska is ordered to the flying service on the embattled Italian front in 1916. Though Prohaska and his fragile plane are tested to the limit in aerial combat, he finds the main obstacle to victory to be his own incompetent superiors. Violence. 1993. Westerns Badlands RC 40919 by Richard S. Wheeler read by Don Emmick 3 cassettes To finish her dead father's study of fossils, spirited Candace Huxtable leaves England for the Nebraska Territory in 1859 to join a field expedition. The other members attempt to exclude her, but she goes with them to the arid and untamed Badlands. There greedy Dr. Van Vliet plunders the sacred Sioux burial grounds for artifacts, putting the party in mortal danger. Some violence. Winner of the Golden Spur award. 1992. The Bear Paw Horses RC 43838 by Will Henry read by John Polk 2 cassettes (Reissue) Crazy Horse of the Oglala Sioux makes a dying request that his people locate a secret herd of four hundred horses. Con Jenkins, a cunning outlaw, joins an elderly medicine man and a white-hating Indian girl in a desperate effort to recover the hidden herd and save the Sioux people. Violence. 1973. Bordersnakes RC 43433 by James Crumley read by Jim Zeiger 2 cassettes A ribald tale of two ornery guys on a rollicking spree, each of whom seeks to avenge past wrongs. One wants payback for his own near-murder, while the other aims to even the score over his stolen inheritance. They descend into the sordid world of the drug trade along the Mexican border. Strong language and violence. Bestseller 1996. Bowdrie's Law RC 44245 by Louis L'Amour read by Roy Avers 2 cassettes When his old friend is killed by an outlaw gang, Texas Ranger Chick Bowdrie vows to settle the score. Bowdrie tracks the gang to a town that is as wild and tough as any in the Old West, where he faces formidable odds in a fierce showdown. Violence. 1984. Buchanan Says No RC 45306 by Jonas Ward read by Bob Askey 1 cassette Wrangler Tom Buchanan finishes the trail ride driving stolen cattle from Mexico. When the paymaster doesn't show up at the meeting place in California, Buchanan heads into town looking for him. Young gunslinger Mike Sandoe tags along. Unfortunately, their prey eludes them and the two find nothing but trouble. 1957. The California Trail: Trail Drive Series, Book 5 RC 42479 by Ralph Compton read by Chuck Benson 2 cassettes After their exploits in Mexico on The Bandera Trail (RC 41983), Gil and Van Austin return to the Texas ranch with cattle. Now the Gold Rush in California has created an unprecedented demand for beef, and the adventurous brothers see the opportunity of a lifetime. In 1850, they set off to drive four thousand head of cattle westward, not knowing the dangers that lie ahead. Violence and strong language. 1994. Chancy RC 43804 by Louis L'Amour read by Jack Fox 1 cassette Nineteen-year-old Otis Chancy, a drifter without prospects, struggles against corrupt lawmen, ruthless outlaws, and hostile Indians as he makes his way to manhood and forms his own cattle gang. 1968. Comanche Moon RC 45001 by Larry McMurtry read by Bob Askey 5 cassettes In this sequel to Dead Man's Walk (RC 43928) and prequel to Lonesome Dove (RC 22959), Texas Rangers McCrae and Call face Comanche raids and attacks by bandits, aid white settlers in the region, and try to survive frontier hardships. Some strong language and violence. Bestseller 1997. Cow Country RC 44594 by Will James read by Jim Zeiger 1 cassette Eight short stories that capture the hardships, adventures, and spirit of the American cowboy. The selections tell of wild mustangs, ornery steers, lonesome drifters, and fancy dudes of the West in the early 1900s. 1995. The Crossing RC 43839 by Will Henry read by John Polk 2 cassettes Lieutenant Jud Reeves, a well-bred grandson of southern generals, joins the Confederate campaign to secure the south- western territory in 1861. He encounters an embattled frontier contested by Union soldiers and Apaches avenging their stolen homelands. Violence. 1958. Dead Man's Walk RC 43928 by Larry McMurtry read by Bob Askey 3 cassettes This prequel to Lonesome Dove (RC 22959) recounts the early days of Gus McCrae and Woodrow Call. Not yet twenty, they enlist as members of the Texas Rangers under the command of Caleb Cobb. Traveling with the Rangers is Matilda Roberts, a hefty whore who occasionally provides comfort to the men as they head for Santa Fe across the Jornada Del Muerto. Violence, strong language, and some descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1995. The Diablo Grant RC 43723 by James M. Reasoner read by Robert Sams 1 cassette In this sequel to Stark's Justice (RC 39036), Juan Espina, the town drunk of a New Mexico territory settlement, claims historical rights to nearby ranch property and has an ancient land grant to prove it. The dispute goes before Judge Stark, who rules for Espina, thus unleashing chaos in the frontier town. 1994. Diary of a Loving Heart: Love Is a Gentle Stranger, Volume 3 RC 44257 by June Masters Bacher read by Janis Gray 2 cassettes Chris Beth struggles to deal with the death of her sister, Vangie; the diary she left behind; and a host of other problems that test her faith. Sequel to Love's Silent Song (RC 44256). 1984. The Dodge City Trail: Trail Drive Series, Book 8 RC 43450 by Ralph Compton read by Chuck Benson 2 cassettes With the railroad reaching Dodge City, a new market for cattle opens up. In Texas, Dan Ember and his fellow ranchers are desperate to move their livestock out of reach of the corrupt tax collector. The cattlemen strike out on a treacherous drive north. Violence and strong language. 1995. Dreams of Eagles RC 44012 by William W. Johnstone read by Jack Fox 2 cassettes In this sequel to Eyes of Eagles (RC 44011), Jamie MacCallister and his wife settle with friends on virgin Colorado land in 1837. The pioneers face privation and the dangers of an untamed West as they struggle to survive and to forge a life on the plains. Strong language and violence. 1994. End of the Drive RC 45059 by Louis L'Amour read by David Hartley-Margolin 2 cassettes Tales of the untamed West depicting people who face harsh tests that threaten their way of life and survival. In "Caprock Rancher," a boy comes to realize his father's courage as the two join forces to recover their neighbors' lost savings from outlaws. Violence. Bestseller 1997. Eyes of Eagles RC 44011 by William W. Johnstone read by Jack Fox 3 cassettes In this prequel to Dreams of Eagles (RC 44012), Jamie MacCallister is captured by Indians at age seven and later escapes to a Kentucky settlement, where he soon finds himself charged with murder. Fleeing westward, he joins with Jim Bowie, Sam Houston, and other Texans at the beleaguered Alamo. Strong language. 1993. The Feathered Sombrero RC 39989 by Norman A. Fox read by Larry Shapiro 2 cassettes After being pardoned by the governor, former outlaw Rowdy Dow sees an advertisement addressed to him. A captain named Trimble wants to meet with Dow in Bearclaw, and he'll be wearing a feathered sombrero. Nearly there, Dow and his partner, Stumpy Grampis, help an injured Mexican, then glimpse a frightened woman in a window. When the woman and the Mexican mysteriously vanish, Dow suspects Captain Trimble. Some strong language and some violence. 1949. Forlorn River RC 39959 by Zane Grey read by Gregory Ricks 2 cassettes (Reissue) Story of the lawless days of cattle thieves and the exciting pursuit and capture of wild horses. A courageous loner must rescue his woman and clear his name in a trumped-up charge of cattle rustling. 1927. Halo RC 44122 by John Loveday read by John Stratton 2 cassettes A boy comes of age while en route to Oregon on a wagon train in the mid-1800s. He chronicles the daily routine, his discovery of art, and his sexual awakening with a mother and daughter. The blissful peace of the trail is lost when the party reaches Halo, a raucous frontier town. Strong language and descriptions of sex. 1992. The High Missouri: Rivers West RC 43086 by Win Blevins read by Roy Avers 3 cassettes Montreal, 1820. Dylan Elfed Davis Campbell has had it with working in a bank and resigns on the spur of the moment. He plans to follow the calling he has always felt to be a priest. But his father is outraged, and they have a disagreement. With no place to go, Dylan hides in a barn. There he meets a druid, who offers him a chance to join the North- West Company and spread the word of God to the Indians. Some strong language and some violence. 1994. I, Tom Horn RC 44951 by Will Henry read by John Polk 3 cassettes In this fictional autobiography of the legendary cavalry scout, rodeo rider, and Pinkerton detective, the author deals with the question, "Did Tom Horn kill fourteen-year-old Willie Nickell in 1901, or was he, in fact, framed?" Strong language. 1975. Jesse James: Death of a Legend RC 43788 by Will Henry read by Jack Fox 2 cassettes A fictionalized account of the life of the infamous outlaw. Traces his youth in post-Civil War Missouri, where he joined the Confederate guerillas, his adult years as a ruthless renegade and robber of banks and trains, and his death at the hands of his comrades in 1882. Violence and some strong language. 1954. The Last Lawmen RC 40977 by Jack Cummings read by Phil Regensdorf 1 cassette Two Arizona Rangers strive to tame the lawless frontier in 1903. Rangers Wes Barnes and Jake Kenton, uneasy partners with conflicting views on the use of deadly force, separate and become enemies. Wild chases and gun battles ensue. 1994. Legacy: Journeys of the Stranger, Book 1 RC 39963 by Al Lacy read by Ellen Frost 2 cassettes Visiting nurse Breanna Baylor is saved from a stampede by a mysterious, scripture-quoting man named John, who explains that his vocation is helping people. Troubled by her feelings for him, Breanna sends him away but then realizes her mistake. As Breanna searches for John, he fulfils his promise to watch over her by saving her from a gang of outlaws but slips away before she sees him. Some violence. 1994. Love Is a Gentle Stranger: Volume 1 RC 44252 by June Masters Bacher read by Janis Gray 1 cassette After being jilted by her fiancé, gently bred Chris Beth Kelly heads for the Oregon Territory, where she plans to be a teacher. Shortly after her arrival, Chris Beth learns that her sister is also coming to Oregon. Both girls find themselves engulfed by a family of friends, and their individual pains begin to heal. Prequel to Love's Silent Song (RC 44256). 1983. Love's Silent Song: Love Is a Gentle Stranger, Volume 2 RC 44256 by June Master Bacher read by Janis Gray 2 cassettes Following their double wedding, Chris Beth and Joe and Vangie and Wilson wonder what the future holds. Can their small community support a minister, or will the families be separated? As they pray for guidance, they must also endure several plagues that strike their town. Sequel to Love Is a Gentle Stranger (RC 44252). 1983. The Meadow RC 40980 by James Galvin read by Phil Regensdorf 2 cassettes In a series of elegant vignettes, Galvin evokes the hundred-year history of a high-country meadow in the American West. He savors the weather, the wildlife, and the individuals who struggle to survive the harsh conditions. Of the meadow, Galvin states, "No one owns it, no one ever will." 1992. The Morrow Anthology of Great Western Short Stories RC 44649 edited by Jon Tuska and Vicki Piekarski read by Roy Avers 5 cassettes This collection of twenty-eight western short stories from the 1920s-1990s includes works by renowned writers such as Zane Grey, Max Brand, Conrad Richter, Alan LeMay, and Cherry Wilson, as well as contemporary tales by Richard Wheeler, Ernest Haycox, and Cynthia Haseloff. Some strong language. 1997. Murphy's Ambush RC 43237 by Gary Paulsen and Brian Burks read by John Polk 1 cassette Al Murphy, Murphy's Stand (RC 42350), is in love again and a sheriff in Turrett, New Mexico. When rancher Travis Price's wife and two children are killed, Murphy pursues the Apache suspects. But then Price is murdered in the doctor's office, leading Murphy on a new trail. Some violence. 1995. No Survivors RC 44175 by Will Henry read by Jim Zeiger 2 cassettes A fictionalized account of the 1876 Battle of the Little Bighorn, as recorded in the journal of its sole survivor, Colonel John Clayton. Clayton, who is captured and adopted by the Sioux, faces a crisis of identity when his tribe rides against the army in which he once served. Violence. 1950. The Prairieton Raid RC 40915 by Lauran Paine read by Don Emmick 1 cassette Three men plan to rob the bank in Prairieton. They ride in separately and take jobs: Henry at the blacksmith's, Buff at the stable, and Boice as a stage driver. But before they can pull off the heist, the stage carrying a large deposit is robbed and driver Boice is injured. Buff and Henry join a posse to help the bank recover the money, so they can go ahead with their original scheme. Strong language and some violence. 1994. The Rio Grande: Rivers West RC 43279 by Jory Sherman read by Roy Avers 2 cassettes Matthew Caine, an agent of the U.S. government and a friend to the Shoshone and Arapaho Indians, has spent his life along the Rio Grande. This big, powerful man is known as "El Gigante" by the Spanish, who fear he is a spy planning to help take away their land. As war rages between the nations, Caine, who has come to love a Shoshone woman, will find his life endangered along the banks of his beloved river. Strong language and some violence. 1994. Scarlet Plume: The Buckskin Man Tales, Volume 3 RC 43595 by Frederick Manfred read by J.P. Linton 3 cassettes A fictional account based on the 1862 Sioux Uprising in Minnesota. Despite the atrocities she witnesses and suffers, captive Judith Raveling falls passionately in love with the mysterious Scarlet Plume. Sequel to Lord Grizzly (RC 42917). Violence and explicit descriptions of sex. 1964. The Scout RC 42867 by Harry Combs read by Chuck Benson 5 cassettes In this sequel to Brules (RC 39642), narrator Cat Brules recounts his days as an Indian scout with the U.S. Army. Describes in detail Custer's debacle against the Sioux, the army's pursuit of the Nez Perce, and other brutal events. Strong language and violence. 1995. The Shawnee Trail: Trail Drive Series, Book 6 RC 42480 by Ralph Compton read by Bob Askey 2 cassettes As payment for his ride on the California Trail (RC 42479), Long John Coons now has his own herd of longhorns. With trouble brewing over states' rights, Coons jumps quickly to drive the cattle to St. Louis. His crew of misfits is almost as dangerous as the Comanches along the trail ahead. Strong language and violence. 1994. Sierra: A Novel of the California Gold Rush RC 43937 by Richard S. Wheeler read by Chuck Benson 3 cassettes In 1849 young Ulysses McQueen heads for the California gold field, leaving his pregnant wife in Iowa. That same year, former soldier Stephen Jarvis strikes gold and makes his fortune. The two men become partners in a farming venture, just as McQueen's wife arrives to join him. 1996. Stouthearted Men: A Cole Ryerson Novel RC 39995 by R.C. House read by Don Emmick 2 cassettes When Bad-Face Ike Bodene breaks out of jail, U.S. Marshal Cole Ryerson calls together a posse of stouthearted men made up of his most trusted and expert friends. Bodene has vowed to kill Ryerson if he comes after him, but that makes the marshal even more determined. Ryerson encounters a surprise along the way: a woman with as stout a heart as any of his posse. Strong language and violence. 1995. The Texas Bank Robbing Company RC 40964 by Giles Tippette read by Gregory Ricks 2 cassettes Outlaw Wilson Young thinks robbing the steamboat will be a snap. Instead, he winds up in a Laredo jail. But he manages to escape, rejoin his gang, and establish The Texas Bank Robbing Company. A fast-paced adventure tale. Strong language. 1982. Tracks of Deceit: Katy Steele Adventures, Volume 1 RC 43159 by Alan and Gilbert Morris read by Martha Harmon Pardee 2 cassettes When a Central Pacific Railroad detective is murdered in 1867, his daughter, Katy, is hired to investigate. Katy and her fellow sleuth, Sam Bronte, uncover a web of official corruption as they track the murderer and railroad saboteur. 1996. True Grit RC 44219 by Charles Portis read by Terry Hayes Sales 1 cassette (Reissue) Fifty years afterward, a woman tells how, as a girl of fourteen, she, a federal marshal, and a Texas Ranger tracked her father's murderer from Arkansas into Indian territory. Some violence. 1968. The Virginia City Trail: Trail Drive Series, Book 7 RC 42481 by Ralph Compton read by Chuck Benson 2 cassettes Nelson Story has money from his gold claim but is a marked man. The Plummer gang is after him for hanging the outlaw sheriff, Henry Plummer. So Story and his partners go to Fort Worth, buy cattle, and head for Illinois markets, but poor grass and high tolls turn them toward Montana and dangerous Sioux lands. Violence and strong language. 1994. West of Dodge: Frontier Stories RC 44536 by Louis L'Amour read by John Polk 2 cassettes Fourteen tales of gunfighters, cowhands, and lawmen of the Old West. In the title story, an itinerant gunfighter rides into Dodge and learns of the widespread sentiment against the local marshal. In time marshal and gunslinger join forces and undo a plot to take over the town. 1996.