;+ ; Project : SOHO - LASCO/EIT ; ; Name : EIT_DAILY ; ; Purpose : Get a list of EIT images on a selected date and then create ; a postscript file of a wavelength sequence of 4. ; ; Explanation : creates a database query to get a list of files for a single day and ; then brings up a list widget to select the desired files and they ; will then be scaled and output to a postscript file ; ; Use : EIT_DAILY ; ; ; ; Inputs : none: program will ask a date to be typed in ; ; Keywords : bw is set to create a black and white output ; ; Outputs : None: program creates a postscript file ; ; Calls : EIT_DAILY ; ; Restrictions: Uses data in NRL archive ; ; Side effects: Creates postscript file in current working directory ; ; Category : Image Display. ; ; Written : Ken Dere September 1996. ; ; Modified : Ken Dere, Dec. 1996 to include black and white output ; ; Version : ;- ;______________________________________________________________________________________ ; pro EIT_DAILY,out,bw=bw ; common colors,r_orig,g_orig,b_orig,r_curr,g_curr,b_curr ; ; eit_lister,list ; print,' selected files: ' nlist=n_elements(list) for i=0,nlist-1 do print,list(i) ; hdr=headfits(list(0)) dateobs=strtrim(fxpar(hdr,'date-obs'),2) utc=anytim2utc(dateobs) outdate=anytim2cal(utc,form=10,/date) remchar,dateobs,'/' timeobs=strtrim(fxpar(hdr,'time-obs'),2) iper=strpos(timeobs,'.') timeobs=strmid(timeobs,0,iper) remchar,timeobs,':' fname='eit_daily_'+dateobs+'_'+timeobs if keyword_set(bw) then fname=fname+'_bw' openw,luo,fname+'.txt',/get_lun ; print,' ps file name = ',fname set_plot,'ps' device,filename=fname+'.ps' device,bits_per_pixel=8,yoffset=3.,ysize=20. device,xoffset=2.54,xsize=6.5*2.54 device,/times,/bold,font_size=24,/isolatin1 if not keyword_set(bw) then device,/color ximsize=0.5*!d.x_size xmargin=10 ymargin=100 yimsize=ximsize*(512.+ymargin)/(512.+2*xmargin) ; nlist=n_elements(list)<4 wlist=['304A','171A','195A','284A'] ang=string(197b) ion=['He II 304'+ang,'Fe IX/X 171'+ang,'Fe XII 195'+ang,'Fe XV 284'+ang] colorwave=['171A','195A','284A','304A'] ; xyouts,0.5,0.003,'EIT '+outdate,/normal,align=0.5,font=0 ; ; timeout=strarr(4) lpos=0 for ilist=0,nlist-1 do begin ; a=l_rdfts(list(ilist),ahdr) a=eit_degridn(a,ahdr) eit_scale,a,sa,ahdr,/logscl asize=size(a) asiz1=asize(1) asiz2=asize(2) if asiz1 gt asiz2 and asiz1 lt 512 then begin outsiz=asiz1 endif else if asiz2 gt asiz1 and asiz2 lt 512 then begin outsiz=asiz2 endif else begin outsiz=512 sa=rebin(sa,512,512) endelse ; dateobs=strtrim(fxpar(ahdr,'date-obs'),2) timeobs=strtrim(fxpar(ahdr,'time-obs'),2) filter=strtrim(fxpar(ahdr,'filter'),2) wave=strtrim(fxpar(ahdr,'sector'),2) exptime=strtrim(fxpar(ahdr,'exptime'),2) printf,luo,list(ilist)+' '+dateobs+' '+timeobs+' '+wave+' '+filter ipos=where(wave eq wlist) lpos=[lpos,ipos(0)] ; print,' wave = ',wave, ' ipos = ',ipos ; colon=str_index(timeobs,':') timeout(ipos(0))=strmid(timeobs,0,colon(1)) ; ; ; next step is because of difference between full disk scaling ; if outsiz ge 512 then eit_transfer,tr,wave else eit_transfer,tr,'' if keyword_set(bw) then wave = 'bw' eit_ct,r,g,b,wave tvlct,r,g,b out=replicate(255,outsiz+2*xmargin,outsiz+ymargin) out(xmargin,ymargin)=tr(sa) ; ; for j_wave = 0, 3 do if wave eq colorwave(j_wave) then i_wave = j_wave ; loadct,42 + i_wave,file=getenv('coloreit') ; tv,out,ipos(0),xsize=ximsize,ysize=yimsize endfor ; lpos=lpos(1:*) ; ; put on subtitles ; for ilist=0,nlist-1 do begin dx=2 ddx=ximsize/!d.x_size ; iy=lpos(ilist)/dx ix=(lpos(ilist)-iy*dx) xyouts,(ix+0.5)*ddx,1.02-(iy)*(yimsize/!d.y_size),ion(lpos(ilist)) $ ,/normal,align=0.5,font=0 ; endfor ; ; put on times ; device,/times,font_size=12,/isolatin1 ; for ilist=0,nlist-1 do begin dx=2 ddx=ximsize/!d.x_size ; iy=lpos(ilist)/dx ix=(lpos(ilist)-iy*dx) xyouts,(ix+1.0)*ddx,1.05-(iy+1)*(yimsize/!d.y_size),timeout(lpos(ilist)) $ ,/normal,align=1.0,font=0 ; endfor ; ; lz data or quicklook data ; ck=grep('lz',list(0)) if ck ne '' then src='lz' else src='qkl' ; device,/times,font_size=12,/isolatin1 xyouts,1.,0.003,src,font=0,align=1.,/normal ; ; device,/close set_plot,'x' ; free_lun,luo end