[GENERAL] description = BioSQL - 1 Mbp of chr 2 of Arabidopsis db_adaptor = Bio::DB::Das::BioSQL db_args = driver mysql dbname bioperl namespace arabidopsis version 3 host hostname user username pass password port 3306 plugins = SequenceDumper FastaDumper RestrictionAnnotator # Web site configuration info stylesheet = /gbrowse/gbrowse.css buttons = /gbrowse/images/buttons tmpimages = /gbrowse/tmp # Default glyph settings glyph = generic height = 8 bgcolor = cyan fgcolor = cyan label density = 25 bump density = 100 # where to link to when user clicks in detaild view link = AUTO # what image widths to offer image widths = 450 640 800 1024 # default width of detailed view (pixels) default width = 800 default features = CDS Genes #repeat_region # max and default segment sizes for detailed view max segment = 500000 default segment = 50000 # zoom levels zoom levels = 100 200 1000 2000 5000 10000 20000 40000 100000 200000 500000 1000000 low res = 200000 # colors of the overview, detailed map and key overview bgcolor = wheat detailed bgcolor = white key bgcolor = beige footer =
For the source code for this browser, see the Generic Model Organism Database Project. For other questions, send mail to lstein@cshl.org.

$Id: 06.biosql.conf,v 2006/06/07 20:50:29 scottcain Exp $
# examples to show in the introduction examples = AP000868 # "automatic" classes to try when an unqualified identifier is given automatic classes = Accession init_code = *Bio::SeqFeature::Generic::type = \&Bio::SeqFeature::Generic::primary_tag; # the remainder of the sections configure particular features to show [CDS] feature = CDS glyph = transcript2 #glyph = generic bgcolor = turquoise fgcolor = black height = 10 connector = solid label = sub { my $feature = shift; my @notes; if ($feature->primary_tag eq "CDS") { foreach (qw(product gene)) { next unless $feature->has_tag($_); @notes = $feature->each_tag_value($_); last; } return $notes[0]; } else { return $feature->display_name; } } description = sub { my $feature = shift; my @notes; if ($feature->primary_tag eq "CDS") { foreach (qw(note)) { next unless $feature->has_tag($_); @notes = $feature->each_tag_value($_); last; } return unless @notes; substr($notes[0],30) = '...' if length $notes[0] > 30; return $notes[0]; } else { my $description; foreach ($feature->all_tags) { my @values = $feature->each_tag_value($_); $description .= $_ eq 'note' ? "@values" : "$_=@values; "; } $description =~ s/; $//; # get rid of last return $description; } } # key = Predicted transcripts [REPEAT] feature = repeat_region glyph = generic bgcolor = red height = 10 description = 1 key = Repeat regionss [TranslationF] glyph = translation global feature = 1 frame0 = cadetblue frame1 = blue frame2 = darkblue height = 20 fgcolor = purple strand = +1 translation = 3frame key = 3-frame translation (forward) [DNA/GC Content] glyph = dna global feature = 1 height = 40 do_gc = 1 fgcolor = red axis_color = blue [TranslationR] glyph = translation global feature = 1 frame0 = darkred frame1 = red frame2 = crimson height = 20 fgcolor = blue strand = -1 translation = 3frame key = 3-frame translation (reverse) [Genes] feature = gene:sgd glyph = generic bgcolor = yellow forwardcolor = yellow reversecolor = turquoise strand_arrow = 1 height = 6 description = 1 key = Named gene