# -*- mode: perl -*- # Configuration file # ( { # Global configuration # Path to glimpse executables. # Define this OR the swish-e variable depending which search engine you want to use. 'glimpsebin' => '/usr/local/bin/glimpse', 'glimpseindex' => '/usr/local/bin/glimpseindex', # Location of SWISH-E binary # 'swishbin' => '/usr/local/bin/swish-e', # Path to Exuberant Ctags executable 'ectagsbin' => '/usr/local/bin/ctags', # Place where lxr can write temporary files 'tmpdir' => '/tmp', # Location of the Generic.pm config file 'genericconf' => '/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/LXR/Lang/generic.conf', # Location of the ectags.conf file 'ectagsconf' => '/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/LXR/Lang/ectags.conf', # Paths for CVS module 'cvspath' => '/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin', }, { # Configuration for # baseurl is used to select configuration block. 'baseurl' => 'http://reserve02.usatlas.bnl.gov/lxr', # Put your URL here # baseurl_aliases allows other URLs to be used to reach the site # comment this out if you do not want any aliases # 'baseurl_aliases' => [ 'http://localhost/lxr', 'http://mydomain/lxr' ], 'baseurl_aliases' => [ 'http://alxr.usatlas.bnl.gov/lxr' ], 'virtroot' => '/lxr', # The bit after the / above 'variables' => { # Define typed variable "v". This is the list of versions to index. 'v' => { 'name' => 'Version', # This can come from a file, a function or be explicitly # ennumerated. # From a file: # 'range' => [ readfile('/home/lxrsource/source/versions') ], 'range' => [qw(head nightly GaudiDev)], # Explicitly: # 'range' => [qw(v1 v2 v3.1 v4 experimental)], # If files within a tree can have different versions, # e.g in a CVS tree, 'range' can be specified as a # function to call for each file: #'range' => sub { return # ($files->allreleases($LXR::Common::pathname), # $files->allrevisions($LXR::Common::pathname)) # }, # deferred function call. # The default version to display 'default' => 'nightly' }, # Define typed variable "a". First value is default. 'a' => { 'name' => 'Architecture', 'range' => [qw(linux)] }, }, # These do funky things to paths in the system - you probably don't need them. ## 'maps' => { ## '/include/asm[^\/]*/' => '/include/asm-$a/', ## '/arch/[^\/]+/' => '/arch/$a/', ## }, # Templates used for headers and footers 'htmlhead' => 'html-head.html', 'htmltail' => 'html-tail.html', 'htmldir' => 'html-dir.html', 'htmlident' => 'html-ident.html', 'htmlident_refs' => 'html-ident-refs.html', 'htmlfind' => 'html-find.html', 'htmlsearch' => 'html-search-glimpse.html', 'sourcehead' => 'html-head.html', 'sourcedirhead' => 'html-head.html', 'stylesheet' => 'lxr.css', # sourceroot - where to get the source files from # For ordinary directories, this specifies a directory which has each version as a # subdirectory e.g. # indexed-src/version1/... # indexed-src/version2/... # The names of the version directories must match the values for the Version # variable above. 'sourceroot' => '/home/lxrsource-n2/source', # Alternatively, this can specify a CVS repository by setting the value to "cvs:" # followed by the path to the repository. Note this must be file accessible - remote # server access does NOT work. # 'sourceroot' => 'cvs:/hom/karsk/a/CVSROOT/linux', # For a BitKeeper repository, specify bk: followed by the path to the # repository. For BK it is also necessary to specify a 'cachepath' parameter in # the 'sourceparams' value below. This should point to a directory where the # code can write and read files. # 'sourceroot' => 'bk:/some/repository/here', # Finally, you can also use GIT, Linux Kernel's new # distributes SCM to access the history: # 'sourceroot' => 'git:/some/repository/.git' # 'sourceroot' => 'git:/some/repostitory.git' # The `sourceroot' config variable points to the directory # in which you find the `objects', `refs', `index' etc. # directories. # The name to display for this source tree 'sourcerootname' => '.', # Any parameters to the source access method should be specified below 'sourceparams' => {'cachepath' => '/a/path/here'}, # The DBI identifier for the database to use # For mysql, the format is dbi:mysql:dbname= # for Postgres, it is dbi:Pg:dbname= # for Oracle, it is dbi:Oracle:host=localhost;sid=DEVMMS;port=1521 'dbname' => 'dbi:mysql:dbname=lxr_n2:reserve02.usatlas.bnl.gov', # If you need to specify the username or password for the database connection, # uncomment the following two lines 'dbpass' => '', 'dbuser' => 'lxr', # If you need multiple lxr configurations in one database, set different table # prefixes for them. 'dbprefix' => 'lxr_n2_', # For using glimpse, the directory to store the .glimpse files in is required 'glimpsedir' => '/home/lxrsource-n2/glimpsedir', # Location of swish-e index database files if using swish-e # 'swishdir' => '/usr/local/lxr/swishdir', # where to look for include files inside the sourcetree. This is used to hyperlink # to included files. 'incprefix' => [ '/include' ], # Which extensions to treat as images when browsing. If a file is an image, # it is displayed. 'graphicfile' => '(?i)\.(gif|jpg|jpeg|pjpg|pjpeg|xbm|png)$', #' # How to map files to languages # Note that the string for the key and the first entry in the # array MUST match 'filetype' => { # Format is # Language name, filepatten regexp, module to invoke, # (optional )tabwidth # Note that to have another language supported by Generic.pm, # you must ensure that: # a) exuberant ctags supports it # b) generic.conf is updated to specify information about the language # c) the name of the language given here matches the entry in generic.conf 'C' => [ 'C', '\.c$|\.pc$' #' , 'LXR::Lang::Generic', '8' ], 'C++' => [ 'C++', '\.C$|((?i)\.c\+\+$|\.cc$|\.cpp$|\.cxx$|\.h$|\.hh$|\.hpp$|\.icc$|\.hxx$|\.h\+\+$)' #' , 'LXR::Lang::Generic', '8' ], # Some languages are commented out until the relevant entries in generic.conf are made # The list here is the set supported by ctags 5.0.1 # 'Beta' => [ 'Beta', '(?i)\.bet$', 'LXR::Lang::Generic' ], # 'Eiffel' => [ 'Eiffel', '(?i)\.e$', 'LXR::Lang::Generic' ], # 'Fortran' => # [ 'Fortran', '(?i)\.f$|\.for$|\.ftn$|\.f77$|\.f90$|\.f95$', 'LXR::Lang::Generic' ], 'Cobol' => [ 'Cobol', '(?i)\.cob$', 'LXR::Lang::Cobol' ], 'Java' => [ 'Java', '(?i)\.java$', 'LXR::Lang::Java', '4' ], # 'Lisp' => [ # 'Lisp', '(?i)\.cl$|\.clisp$|\.el$|\.l$|\.lisp$|\.lsp$|\.ml$', 'LXR::Lang::Generic' # ], # No tabwidth specified here as an example 'Make' => [ 'Make', '(?i)\.mak$|(?i)\.mk$|makefile*', 'LXR::Lang::Generic' ], # 'Pascal' => [ 'Pascal', '(?i)\.p$|\.pas$', 'LXR::Lang::Generic' ], 'Perl' => [ 'Perl', '(?i)\.pl$|\.pm$|\.perl$', 'LXR::Lang::Generic', '4' ], 'php' => [ 'php', '(?i)\.php$|\.php3$|\.phtml$', 'LXR::Lang::Generic', '2' ], 'Python' => [ 'Python', '(?i)\.py$|\.python$', 'LXR::Lang::Generic', '4' ], # 'rexx' => [ 'rexx', '(?i)\.cmd$|\.rexx$|\.rx$', 'LXR::Lang::Generic' ], # 'ruby' => [ 'ruby', '(?i)\.rb$', 'LXR::Lang::Generic' ], # 'scheme' => [ 'scheme', '(?i)\.sch$|\.scheme$|\.scm$|\.sm$', 'LXR::Lang::Generic' ], 'shell' => [ 'shell', '(?i)\.sh$|\.bsh$|\.bash$|\.ksh$|\.zsh$', 'LXR::Lang::Generic' ], # 's-Lang' => [ 's-Lang', '(?i)\.sl$', 'LXR::Lang::Generic' ], 'SQL' => [ 'SQL', '(?i)\.sql$|\.pks$|\.pkb$', 'LXR::Lang::Generic' ], 'VB' => [ 'VB', '(?i)\.bas$|\.cls$|\.ctl$|\.frm$|\.vbs$', 'LXR::Lang::Generic' ], #'tcl' => [ 'tcl', '(?i)\.tcl$|\.wish$', 'LXR::Lang::Generic' ], }, # Maps interpreter names to languages. The format is: # regexp => langname # regexp is matched against the part after #! on the first line of a file # langname must match one of the keys in filetype above. # # This mapping is only used if the filename doesn't match a pattern above, so # a shell script called shell.c will be recognised as a C file, not a shell file. 'interpreters' => { 'perl' => 'Perl', 'bash' => 'shell', 'csh' => 'shell', 'python' => 'Python', 'ksh' => 'shell', 'zsh' => 'shell', 'sh' => 'shell', 'ksh' => 'shell', }, # a link of the form (prefix)($filepath)(postfix) is generated when viewing a file # example for cvsweb: #'cvswebprefix' => 'http://cvs.myhost.com/cgi-bin/cvsweb.cgi', #'cvswebpostfix' => '?cvsroot=rootname', # example for viewcvs: #'cvswebprefix' => 'http://cvs.myhost.com/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/myroot', #'cvswebpostfix' => '', # Directories to always ignore. These usually are the SCM's # private directories which possibly may contain non-public # project history. 'ignoredirs' => ['CVSROOT', '.git'], } )