/* GRAPHITE2 LICENSING Copyright 2010, SIL International All rights reserved. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should also have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library in the file named "LICENSE". If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Suite 500, Boston, MA 02110-1335, USA or visit their web page on the internet at http://www.fsf.org/licenses/lgpl.html. Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of the Mozilla Public License (http://mozilla.org/MPL) or the GNU General Public License, as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License or (at your option) any later version. */ #pragma once #include "graphite2/Types.h" #include "graphite2/Font.h" #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif enum gr_break_weight { gr_breakNone = 0, /* after break weights */ gr_breakWhitespace = 10, gr_breakWord = 15, gr_breakIntra = 20, gr_breakLetter = 30, gr_breakClip = 40, /* before break weights */ gr_breakBeforeWhitespace = -10, gr_breakBeforeWord = -15, gr_breakBeforeIntra = -20, gr_breakBeforeLetter = -30, gr_breakBeforeClip = -40 }; enum gr_justFlags { /// Indicates that this segment is a complete line gr_justCompleteLine = 0, /// Indicates that the start of the slot list is not at the start of a line gr_justStartInline = 1, /// Indicates that the end of the slot list is not at the end of a line gr_justEndInline = 2 }; /** Used for looking up slot attributes. Most are already available in other functions **/ enum gr_attrCode { /// adjusted glyph advance in x direction in design units gr_slatAdvX = 0, /// adjusted glyph advance in y direction (usually 0) in design units gr_slatAdvY, /// returns 0. Deprecated. gr_slatAttTo, /// This slot attaches to its parent at the given design units in the x direction gr_slatAttX, /// This slot attaches to its parent at the given design units in the y direction gr_slatAttY, /// This slot attaches to its parent at the given glyph point (not implemented) gr_slatAttGpt, /// x-direction adjustment from the given glyph point (not implemented) gr_slatAttXOff, /// y-direction adjustment from the given glyph point (not implemented) gr_slatAttYOff, /// Where on this glyph should align with the attachment point on the parent glyph in the x-direction. gr_slatAttWithX, /// Where on this glyph should align with the attachment point on the parent glyph in the y-direction gr_slatAttWithY, /// Which glyph point on this glyph should align with the attachment point on the parent glyph (not implemented). gr_slatWithGpt, /// Adjustment to gr_slatWithGpt in x-direction (not implemented) gr_slatAttWithXOff, /// Adjustment to gr_slatWithGpt in y-direction (not implemented) gr_slatAttWithYOff, /// Attach at given nesting level (not implemented) gr_slatAttLevel, /// Line break breakweight for this glyph gr_slatBreak, /// Ligature component reference (not implemented) gr_slatCompRef, /// bidi directionality of this glyph (not implemented) gr_slatDir, /// Whether insertion is allowed before this glyph gr_slatInsert, /// Final positioned position of this glyph relative to its parent in x-direction in pixels gr_slatPosX, /// Final positioned position of this glyph relative to its parent in y-direction in pixels gr_slatPosY, /// Amount to shift glyph by in x-direction design units gr_slatShiftX, /// Amount to shift glyph by in y-direction design units gr_slatShiftY, /// attribute user1 gr_slatUserDefnV1, /// not implemented gr_slatMeasureSol, /// not implemented gr_slatMeasureEol, /// Amount this slot can stretch (not implemented) gr_slatJStretch, /// Amount this slot can shrink (not implemented) gr_slatJShrink, /// Granularity by which this slot can stretch or shrink (not implemented) gr_slatJStep, /// Justification weight for this glyph (not implemented) gr_slatJWeight, /// Amount this slot mush shrink or stretch in design units gr_slatJWidth = 29, /// SubSegment split point gr_slatSegSplit = gr_slatJStretch + 29, /// User defined attribute, see subattr for user attr number gr_slatUserDefn, /// Bidi level gr_slatBidiLevel = 56, /// Collision flags gr_slatColFlags, /// Collision constraint rectangle left (bl.x) gr_slatColLimitblx, /// Collision constraint rectangle lower (bl.y) gr_slatColLimitbly, /// Collision constraint rectangle right (tr.x) gr_slatColLimittrx, /// Collision constraint rectangle upper (tr.y) gr_slatColLimittry, /// Collision shift x gr_slatColShiftx, /// Collision shift y gr_slatColShifty, /// Collision margin gr_slatColMargin, /// Margin cost weight gr_slatColMarginWt, // Additional glyph that excludes movement near this one: gr_slatColExclGlyph, gr_slatColExclOffx, gr_slatColExclOffy, // Collision sequence enforcing attributes: gr_slatSeqClass, gr_slatSeqProxClass, gr_slatSeqOrder, gr_slatSeqAboveXoff, gr_slatSeqAboveWt, gr_slatSeqBelowXlim, gr_slatSeqBelowWt, gr_slatSeqValignHt, gr_slatSeqValignWt, /// not implemented gr_slatMax, /// not implemented gr_slatNoEffect = gr_slatMax + 1 }; enum gr_bidirtl { /// Underlying paragraph direction is RTL gr_rtl = 1, /// Set this to not run the bidi pass internally, even if the font asks for it. /// This presumes that the segment is in a single direction. Most of the time /// this bit should be set unless you know you are passing full paragraphs of text. gr_nobidi = 2, /// Disable auto mirroring for rtl text gr_nomirror = 4 }; typedef struct gr_char_info gr_char_info; typedef struct gr_segment gr_segment; typedef struct gr_slot gr_slot; /** Returns Unicode character for a charinfo. * * @param p Pointer to charinfo to return information on. */ GR2_API unsigned int gr_cinfo_unicode_char(const gr_char_info* p/*not NULL*/); /** Returns breakweight for a charinfo. * * @return Breakweight is a number between -50 and 50 indicating the cost of a * break before or after this character. If the value < 0, the absolute value * is this character's contribution to the overall breakweight before it. If the value * > 0, then the value is this character's contribution to the overall breakweight after it. * The overall breakweight between two characters is the maximum of the breakweight * contributions from the characters either side of it. If a character makes no * contribution to the breakweight on one side of it, the contribution is considered * to be 0. * @param p Pointer to charinfo to return information on. */ GR2_API int gr_cinfo_break_weight(const gr_char_info* p/*not NULL*/); /** Returns the slot index that after this character is after in the slot stream * * In effect each character is associated with a set of slots and this returns * the index of the last slot in the segment this character is associated with. * * @return after slot index between 0 and gr_seg_n_slots() * @param p Pointer to charinfo to return information on. */ GR2_API int gr_cinfo_after(const gr_char_info* p/*not NULL*/); /** Returns the slot index that before this character is before in the slot stream * * In effect each character is associated with a set of slots and this returns * the index of the first slot in the segment this character is associated with. * * @return before slot index between 0 and gr_seg_n_slots() * @param p Pointer to charinfo to return information on. */ GR2_API int gr_cinfo_before(const gr_char_info* p/*not NULL*/); /** Returns the code unit index of this character in the input string * * @return code unit index between 0 and the end of the string * @param p Pointer to charinfo to return information on. */ GR2_API size_t gr_cinfo_base(const gr_char_info* p/*not NULL*/); /** Returns the number of unicode characters in a string. * * @return number of characters in the string * @param enc Specifies the type of data in the string: utf8, utf16, utf32 * @param buffer_begin The start of the string * @param buffer_end Measure up to the first nul or when end is reached, whichever is earliest. * This parameter may be NULL. * @param pError If there is a structural fault in the string, the location is returned * in this variable. If no error occurs, pError will contain NULL. NULL * may be passed for pError if no such information is required. */ GR2_API size_t gr_count_unicode_characters(enum gr_encform enc, const void* buffer_begin, const void* buffer_end, const void** pError); /** Creates and returns a segment. * * @return a segment that needs seg_destroy called on it. May return NULL if bad problems * in segment processing. * @param font Gives the size of the font in pixels per em for final positioning. If * NULL, positions are returned in design units, i.e. at a ppm of the upem * of the face. * @param face The face containing all the non-size dependent information. * @param script This is a tag containing a script identifier that is used to choose * which graphite table within the font to use. Maybe 0. Tag may be 4 chars * NULL padded in LSBs or space padded in LSBs. * @param pFeats Pointer to a feature values to be used for the segment. Only one * feature values may be used for a segment. If NULL the default features * for the font will be used. * @param enc Specifies what encoding form the string is in (utf8, utf16, utf32) * @param pStart Start of the string * @param nChars Number of unicode characters to process in the string. The string will * be processed either up to the first NULL or until nChars have been * processed. nChars is also used to initialise the internal memory * allocations of the segment. So it is wise not to make nChars too much * greater than the actual number of characters being processed. * @param dir Specifies whether the segment is processed right to left (1) or left to * right (0) and whether to run the internal bidi pass, if a font requests it. * See enum gr_bidirtl for details. */ GR2_API gr_segment* gr_make_seg(const gr_font* font, const gr_face* face, gr_uint32 script, const gr_feature_val* pFeats, enum gr_encform enc, const void* pStart, size_t nChars, int dir); /** Destroys a segment, freeing the memory. * * @param p The segment to destroy */ GR2_API void gr_seg_destroy(gr_segment* p); /** Returns the advance for the whole segment. * * Returns the width of the segment up to the next glyph origin after the segment */ GR2_API float gr_seg_advance_X(const gr_segment* pSeg/*not NULL*/); /** Returns the height advance for the segment. **/ GR2_API float gr_seg_advance_Y(const gr_segment* pSeg/*not NULL*/); /** Returns the number of gr_char_infos in the segment. **/ GR2_API unsigned int gr_seg_n_cinfo(const gr_segment* pSeg/*not NULL*/); /** Returns a gr_char_info at a given index in the segment. **/ GR2_API const gr_char_info* gr_seg_cinfo(const gr_segment* pSeg/*not NULL*/, unsigned int index/*must be