// Generated with `lib/make.js` 'use strict'; const path = require('path'); const Stream = require('stream').Stream; const url = require('url'); const Umask = () => {}; const getLocalAddresses = () => []; const semver = () => {}; exports.types = { access: [null, 'restricted', 'public'], 'allow-same-version': Boolean, 'always-auth': Boolean, also: [null, 'dev', 'development'], 'auth-type': ['legacy', 'sso', 'saml', 'oauth'], 'bin-links': Boolean, browser: [null, String], ca: [null, String, Array], cafile: path, cache: path, 'cache-lock-stale': Number, 'cache-lock-retries': Number, 'cache-lock-wait': Number, 'cache-max': Number, 'cache-min': Number, cert: [null, String], color: ['always', Boolean], depth: Number, description: Boolean, dev: Boolean, 'dry-run': Boolean, editor: String, 'engine-strict': Boolean, force: Boolean, 'fetch-retries': Number, 'fetch-retry-factor': Number, 'fetch-retry-mintimeout': Number, 'fetch-retry-maxtimeout': Number, git: String, 'git-tag-version': Boolean, global: Boolean, globalconfig: path, 'global-style': Boolean, group: [Number, String], 'https-proxy': [null, url], 'user-agent': String, 'ham-it-up': Boolean, 'heading': String, 'if-present': Boolean, 'ignore-prepublish': Boolean, 'ignore-scripts': Boolean, 'init-module': path, 'init-author-name': String, 'init-author-email': String, 'init-author-url': ['', url], 'init-license': String, 'init-version': semver, json: Boolean, key: [null, String], 'legacy-bundling': Boolean, link: Boolean, // local-address must be listed as an IP for a local network interface // must be IPv4 due to node bug 'local-address': getLocalAddresses(), loglevel: ['silent', 'error', 'warn', 'notice', 'http', 'timing', 'info', 'verbose', 'silly'], logstream: Stream, 'logs-max': Number, long: Boolean, maxsockets: Number, message: String, 'metrics-registry': [null, String], 'node-version': [null, semver], offline: Boolean, 'onload-script': [null, String], only: [null, 'dev', 'development', 'prod', 'production'], optional: Boolean, 'package-lock': Boolean, parseable: Boolean, 'prefer-offline': Boolean, 'prefer-online': Boolean, prefix: path, production: Boolean, progress: Boolean, 'proprietary-attribs': Boolean, proxy: [null, false, url], // allow proxy to be disabled explicitly 'rebuild-bundle': Boolean, registry: [null, url], rollback: Boolean, save: Boolean, 'save-bundle': Boolean, 'save-dev': Boolean, 'save-exact': Boolean, 'save-optional': Boolean, 'save-prefix': String, 'save-prod': Boolean, scope: String, 'script-shell': [null, String], 'scripts-prepend-node-path': [false, true, 'auto', 'warn-only'], searchopts: String, searchexclude: [null, String], searchlimit: Number, searchstaleness: Number, 'send-metrics': Boolean, shell: String, shrinkwrap: Boolean, 'sign-git-tag': Boolean, 'sso-poll-frequency': Number, 'sso-type': [null, 'oauth', 'saml'], 'strict-ssl': Boolean, tag: String, timing: Boolean, tmp: path, unicode: Boolean, 'unsafe-perm': Boolean, usage: Boolean, user: [Number, String], userconfig: path, umask: Umask, version: Boolean, 'tag-version-prefix': String, versions: Boolean, viewer: String, _exit: Boolean }