'use strict'; const is = require('./is'); /** * Weighting to apply to image crop. * @member * @private */ const gravity = { center: 0, centre: 0, north: 1, east: 2, south: 3, west: 4, northeast: 5, southeast: 6, southwest: 7, northwest: 8 }; /** * Strategies for automagic crop behaviour. * @member * @private */ const strategy = { entropy: 16, attention: 17 }; /** * Reduction kernels. * @member * @private */ const kernel = { nearest: 'nearest', cubic: 'cubic', lanczos2: 'lanczos2', lanczos3: 'lanczos3' }; /** * Enlargement interpolators. * @member * @private */ const interpolator = { nearest: 'nearest', bilinear: 'bilinear', bicubic: 'bicubic', nohalo: 'nohalo', lbb: 'lbb', locallyBoundedBicubic: 'lbb', vsqbs: 'vsqbs', vertexSplitQuadraticBasisSpline: 'vsqbs' }; /** * Resize image to `width` x `height`. * By default, the resized image is centre cropped to the exact size specified. * * Possible reduction kernels are: * - `nearest`: Use [nearest neighbour interpolation](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nearest-neighbor_interpolation). * - `cubic`: Use a [Catmull-Rom spline](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Centripetal_Catmull%E2%80%93Rom_spline). * - `lanczos2`: Use a [Lanczos kernel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lanczos_resampling#Lanczos_kernel) with `a=2`. * - `lanczos3`: Use a Lanczos kernel with `a=3` (the default). * * Possible enlargement interpolators are: * - `nearest`: Use [nearest neighbour interpolation](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nearest-neighbor_interpolation). * - `bilinear`: Use [bilinear interpolation](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bilinear_interpolation), faster than bicubic but with less smooth results. * - `vertexSplitQuadraticBasisSpline`: Use the smoother [VSQBS interpolation](https://github.com/jcupitt/libvips/blob/master/libvips/resample/vsqbs.cpp#L48) to prevent "staircasing" when enlarging. * - `bicubic`: Use [bicubic interpolation](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bicubic_interpolation) (the default). * - `locallyBoundedBicubic`: Use [LBB interpolation](https://github.com/jcupitt/libvips/blob/master/libvips/resample/lbb.cpp#L100), which prevents some "[acutance](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acutance)" but typically reduces performance by a factor of 2. * - `nohalo`: Use [Nohalo interpolation](http://eprints.soton.ac.uk/268086/), which prevents acutance but typically reduces performance by a factor of 3. * * @example * sharp(inputBuffer) * .resize(200, 300, { * kernel: sharp.kernel.lanczos2, * interpolator: sharp.interpolator.nohalo * }) * .background('white') * .embed() * .toFile('output.tiff') * .then(function() { * // output.tiff is a 200 pixels wide and 300 pixels high image * // containing a lanczos2/nohalo scaled version, embedded on a white canvas, * // of the image data in inputBuffer * }); * * @param {Number} [width] - pixels wide the resultant image should be. Use `null` or `undefined` to auto-scale the width to match the height. * @param {Number} [height] - pixels high the resultant image should be. Use `null` or `undefined` to auto-scale the height to match the width. * @param {Object} [options] * @param {String} [options.kernel='lanczos3'] - the kernel to use for image reduction. * @param {String} [options.interpolator='bicubic'] - the interpolator to use for image enlargement. * @param {Boolean} [options.centreSampling=false] - use *magick centre sampling convention instead of corner sampling. * @param {Boolean} [options.centerSampling=false] - alternative spelling of centreSampling. * @returns {Sharp} * @throws {Error} Invalid parameters */ function resize (width, height, options) { if (is.defined(width)) { if (is.integer(width) && width > 0) { this.options.width = width; } else { throw is.invalidParameterError('width', 'positive integer', width); } } else { this.options.width = -1; } if (is.defined(height)) { if (is.integer(height) && height > 0) { this.options.height = height; } else { throw is.invalidParameterError('height', 'positive integer', height); } } else { this.options.height = -1; } if (is.object(options)) { // Kernel if (is.defined(options.kernel)) { if (is.string(kernel[options.kernel])) { this.options.kernel = kernel[options.kernel]; } else { throw is.invalidParameterError('kernel', 'valid kernel name', options.kernel); } } // Interpolator if (is.defined(options.interpolator)) { if (is.string(interpolator[options.interpolator])) { this.options.interpolator = interpolator[options.interpolator]; } else { throw is.invalidParameterError('interpolator', 'valid interpolator name', options.interpolator); } } // Centre sampling options.centreSampling = is.bool(options.centerSampling) ? options.centerSampling : options.centreSampling; if (is.defined(options.centreSampling)) { this._setBooleanOption('centreSampling', options.centreSampling); } } return this; } /** * Crop the resized image to the exact size specified, the default behaviour. * * Possible attributes of the optional `sharp.gravity` are `north`, `northeast`, `east`, `southeast`, `south`, * `southwest`, `west`, `northwest`, `center` and `centre`. * * The experimental strategy-based approach resizes so one dimension is at its target length * then repeatedly ranks edge regions, discarding the edge with the lowest score based on the selected strategy. * - `entropy`: focus on the region with the highest [Shannon entropy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Entropy_%28information_theory%29). * - `attention`: focus on the region with the highest luminance frequency, colour saturation and presence of skin tones. * * @example * const transformer = sharp() * .resize(200, 200) * .crop(sharp.strategy.entropy) * .on('error', function(err) { * console.log(err); * }); * // Read image data from readableStream * // Write 200px square auto-cropped image data to writableStream * readableStream.pipe(transformer).pipe(writableStream); * * @param {String} [crop='centre'] - A member of `sharp.gravity` to crop to an edge/corner or `sharp.strategy` to crop dynamically. * @returns {Sharp} * @throws {Error} Invalid parameters */ function crop (crop) { this.options.canvas = 'crop'; if (!is.defined(crop)) { // Default this.options.crop = gravity.center; } else if (is.integer(crop) && is.inRange(crop, 0, 8)) { // Gravity (numeric) this.options.crop = crop; } else if (is.string(crop) && is.integer(gravity[crop])) { // Gravity (string) this.options.crop = gravity[crop]; } else if (is.integer(crop) && crop >= strategy.entropy) { // Strategy this.options.crop = crop; } else if (is.string(crop) && is.integer(strategy[crop])) { // Strategy (string) this.options.crop = strategy[crop]; } else { throw is.invalidParameterError('crop', 'valid crop id/name/strategy', crop); } return this; } /** * Preserving aspect ratio, resize the image to the maximum `width` or `height` specified * then embed on a background of the exact `width` and `height` specified. * * If the background contains an alpha value then WebP and PNG format output images will * contain an alpha channel, even when the input image does not. * * @example * sharp('input.gif') * .resize(200, 300) * .background({r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, alpha: 0}) * .embed() * .toFormat(sharp.format.webp) * .toBuffer(function(err, outputBuffer) { * if (err) { * throw err; * } * // outputBuffer contains WebP image data of a 200 pixels wide and 300 pixels high * // containing a scaled version, embedded on a transparent canvas, of input.gif * }); * * @returns {Sharp} */ function embed () { this.options.canvas = 'embed'; return this; } /** * Preserving aspect ratio, resize the image to be as large as possible * while ensuring its dimensions are less than or equal to the `width` and `height` specified. * * Both `width` and `height` must be provided via `resize` otherwise the behaviour will default to `crop`. * * @example * sharp(inputBuffer) * .resize(200, 200) * .max() * .toFormat('jpeg') * .toBuffer() * .then(function(outputBuffer) { * // outputBuffer contains JPEG image data no wider than 200 pixels and no higher * // than 200 pixels regardless of the inputBuffer image dimensions * }); * * @returns {Sharp} */ function max () { this.options.canvas = 'max'; return this; } /** * Preserving aspect ratio, resize the image to be as small as possible * while ensuring its dimensions are greater than or equal to the `width` and `height` specified. * * Both `width` and `height` must be provided via `resize` otherwise the behaviour will default to `crop`. * * @returns {Sharp} */ function min () { this.options.canvas = 'min'; return this; } /** * Ignoring the aspect ratio of the input, stretch the image to * the exact `width` and/or `height` provided via `resize`. * @returns {Sharp} */ function ignoreAspectRatio () { this.options.canvas = 'ignore_aspect'; return this; } /** * Do not enlarge the output image if the input image width *or* height are already less than the required dimensions. * This is equivalent to GraphicsMagick's `>` geometry option: * "*change the dimensions of the image only if its width or height exceeds the geometry specification*". * @param {Boolean} [withoutEnlargement=true] * @returns {Sharp} */ function withoutEnlargement (withoutEnlargement) { this.options.withoutEnlargement = is.bool(withoutEnlargement) ? withoutEnlargement : true; return this; } /** * Decorate the Sharp prototype with resize-related functions. * @private */ module.exports = function (Sharp) { [ resize, crop, embed, max, min, ignoreAspectRatio, withoutEnlargement ].forEach(function (f) { Sharp.prototype[f.name] = f; }); // Class attributes Sharp.gravity = gravity; Sharp.strategy = strategy; Sharp.kernel = kernel; Sharp.interpolator = interpolator; };