## Converters NAN contains functions that convert `v8::Value`s to other `v8::Value` types and native types. Since type conversion is not guaranteed to succeed, they return `Nan::Maybe` types. These converters can be used in place of `value->ToX()` and `value->XValue()` (where `X` is one of the types, e.g. `Boolean`) in a way that provides a consistent interface across V8 versions. Newer versions of V8 use the new `v8::Maybe` and `v8::MaybeLocal` types for these conversions, older versions don't have this functionality so it is provided by NAN. - Nan::To() ### Nan::To() Converts a `v8::Local` to a different subtype of `v8::Value` or to a native data type. Returns a `Nan::MaybeLocal<>` or a `Nan::Maybe<>` accordingly. See [maybe_types.md](./maybe_types.md) for more information on `Nan::Maybe` types. Signatures: ```c++ // V8 types Nan::MaybeLocal Nan::To(v8::Local val); Nan::MaybeLocal Nan::To(v8::Local val); Nan::MaybeLocal Nan::To(v8::Local val); Nan::MaybeLocal Nan::To(v8::Local val); Nan::MaybeLocal Nan::To(v8::Local val); Nan::MaybeLocal Nan::To(v8::Local val); Nan::MaybeLocal Nan::To(v8::Local val); // Native types Nan::Maybe Nan::To(v8::Local val); Nan::Maybe Nan::To(v8::Local val); Nan::Maybe Nan::To(v8::Local val); Nan::Maybe Nan::To(v8::Local val); Nan::Maybe Nan::To(v8::Local val); ``` ### Example ```c++ v8::Local val; Nan::MaybeLocal str = Nan::To(val); Nan::Maybe d = Nan::To(val); ```