Keyboard shortcuts

j/k, Up/Down  scroll up/down by line
space  scroll by screen
<Shift> + space  scroll back by screen
n/p, l/h  next/previous page
Page Down/Page Up  next/previous page
<Ctrl> + Down/<Ctrl> + Up  next/previous page
<Alt> + Left  go back
<Alt> + Right  go forward
<Ctrl> + G, g  go to page
Home  go to first page
End  go to last page
b  flip a page in book mode
<Ctrl> + <Shift> + Right  open next document in the directory
<Ctrl> + <Shift> + Left  open previous document in the directory
<Ctrl> + N  open a New window
<Ctrl> + <Shift> + N  open current document in New window
<Ctrl> + O  open a new document
<Ctrl> + W  close current document
<Ctrl> + F4  also close current document
<Ctrl> + S  save as
F2  rename file and reopen in new name
<Ctrl> + P  print
r  reload
<Ctrl> + F, /  find text
F3, <Shift> + F3  find next/previous
<Ctrl> + Q or q  quit program
<Ctrl> + Left Mouse  select area (can then use with copy, print or +/- zoom)
<Ctrl> + Right Mouse  grab and pan page in any direction
<Alt> + Scroll Wheel  increase vertical scroll wheel steps (faster)
<Shift> + Scroll Wheel  pan horizontally with scroll wheel
<Ctrl> + y  show dropdown zoom control
Viewing state
+, -  zoom in/out
<Ctrl> + scroll wheel  zoom in/out
z  toggle zoom between Fit Page, Fit Width, Fit Content
c  toggle between continous/non-continous mode
<Ctrl> <Shift> -  rotate left
<Ctrl> <Shift> +  rotate right
F12  show/hide bookmarks (table of contents)
F6  switch focus between bookmarks window and main window
<Ctrl> + L or F5  togle presentation mode (minimal full screen mode)
<Ctrl> <Shift> + L  toggle full screen mode
F11  toggle full screen mode
ESC  exit full screen or presentation mode
.  in presentation mode, change background to black
w  in presentation mode, change background to white
i  show page information in full screen/presentation mode
m  show cursor position in document coordinates
F8  show/hide toolbar
F9  show/hide menu
<Ctrl> + Tab  go to next tab
<Ctrl> <Shift> + Tab  go to previous tab
<Alt> + 1  go to tab 1. Use 2, 3 etc. up to 8 to go to n-th tab
<Alt> + 9  go to last tab
Bookmarks View
(numeric keyboard)
*  expand current tree item
<Shift> + *  expand all tree items
/  collapse current tree item
<Shift> + /  collapse all tree items
(only in daily builds)
Enter  toggle current tree item
<Shift> + Enter  toggle current tree item and its children

Advanced settings

SumatraPDF can be customized by editing settings file.

Command-line arguments

For most complete documentation, read this page.

LaTeX preview support

Sumatra has built-in support for easy previewing of LaTeX documents.

Running in restricted mode

A restricted mode is useful if you want to use SumatraPDF as a bundled viewer for your program's documentation or in kiosk mode. Read more about restricted mode.

Known limitations

Editing interactive forms and adding comments is not implemented.

More documentation

You can find more documentation on this page.

Krzysztof Kowalczyk