Total attachments in "pdfbox_1_8_8" by detected content type
DETECTED_CONTENT_TYPE_A | Number of attachments total | NUM_FILES | Average number of attachments per file |
| 7312
| 231211
| 0.03
SELECT comparisons.DETECTED_CONTENT_TYPE_A, sum(ifnull(NUM_ATTACHMENTS_A, 0)) as "Number of attachments total", detected_types_A.NUM_FILES as TOTAL_FILES, DEC_PATTERN((1.0*sum(ifnull(NUM_ATTACHMENTS_A, 0))/detected_types_A.NUM_FILES), '###,###.##') as "Average number of attachments per file" from comparisons left outer join detected_types_A on comparisons.DETECTED_CONTENT_TYPE_A=detected_types_A.DETECTED_CONTENT_TYPE_A group by comparisons.DETECTED_CONTENT_TYPE_A having "Number of attachments total" > 0 order by "Number of attachments total" desc;