EMAN Reference: Cylinders Class

addbool add(Cylinder cyl)
copyCylinders copy()
CylindersA container of Cylinder objects
CylLenCompCylinder length compare class
CylWeightCompCylinder weight compare class
OrientationDifffloat OrientationDiff(Cylinders comp, ignoredir=true, uselengthweight=true)
average individual cylinders angle diff
Printvoid print()
sizeint size()
Returns number of Cylinders.
SortLengthbool SortLength()
SortWeightbool SortWeight()
subsetCylinders subset(list1, int n)
TransformTransform(Quater rot, Vect trans, Vect center)
transform: rotate then translate

Transform(Euler rot, Vect trans, Vect center)
transform: rotate then translate
WriteCosecbool WriteCosec(outfile, prog='helixhunter', pdbid='0dum', header='dummy protein', compnd='dummy protein', source='nowhere', author=''

bool WriteCosec(outfilename, prog='helixhunter', pdbid='0dum', header='dummy protein', compnd='dummy protein', source='nowhere', author='')
WriteDejaVubool WriteDejaVu(outfile, mol = '0dum', note = 'dummy protein', pdb = '0dum.pdb')
bool WriteDejaVu(outfilename, mol = '0dum', note = 'dummy protein', pdb = '0dum.pdb')