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EMAN Reconstruction - Phase 1

Welcome to EMAN. This tutorial interface is beginning to show its age. While it has been updated several times over the years, it no longer adequately covers everything involved in doing the highest possible resolution reconstruction. For the time being, this still serves as a good starting point for learning how to do refinements. Nothing said here is wrong, it is simply that better methods for performing certain tasks have been found over the last couple of years. While you should be able to achieve a reasonably good initial reconstruction by following these instructions, there are many subtleties involved in single particle reconstructions, and most of the refinement commands have a wide variety of options for a variety of specific situations. If you run into problems, don't be shy about emailing for help (sludtke@bcm.tmc.edu), or attending one of our free workshops (http://ncmi.bcm.tmc.edu). User feedback is how we improve the software.

By way of introduction for beginners, a few EMAN basics:

Analysis of computing resources (very rough estimates)


Preparing particles for reconstruction

1. Box out particles


The individual particles must be located in each micrograph. In EMAN, the program for doing this is called 'boxer'. Note that this program uses a lot of memory (it loads the entire image into memory). To determine how much memory an image will require, type:

iminfo imagefile
Your machine should have about 1.5-2 times this much memory. If your machine has less than this much memory, do NOT run the following command, or your machine will begin to swap heavily, and will generally become very slow. If you DO have enough memory, run the following command:
boxer imagefile
On an SGI, you can find out how much memory your machine has with the 'hinv' command. On linux machines just 'cat /proc/meminfo'. If your machine doesn't have enough memory, boxer may allow you to split the image in pieces. See the boxer documentation for more info on this, and for detailed instructions on using boxer. In many cases particles can be selected semiautomatically, using programs like 'batchboxer', or internal features in 'boxer'. At this point we'll stick to manual particle selection.

Select the particles from each micrograph using boxer. When you save the particles, use a different file for the particles from each micrograph. They will be combined later. At this point, you also want to use a box size that's about 25-50% larger than your particles. That is, if the smallest box that you could possibly use is 80 pixels, you should start with a box size of 100-120 pixels. Technically, any box size can be used, but things will run faster if the box size is a multiple of 8, or at least 4. Some good sizes are: 32, 40 ,48 , 56, 64, 72, 80, 96, 112,128, and160. Do not use a box size smaller than 32 pixels.

1a. Normalization

While EMAN does not strictly demand a particular normalization in the image data, problems can occur if, for example, you use the typical values from a CCD image, with very large amplitudes and the mean very far from zero. It is a very good idea to always edgenormalize your particles. If doing CTF correction in a later stage, renormalizing after phase flipping is also a good idea.

proc2d ptcl file ptcl file edgenorm inplace

2. Determine defocus for each micrograph


When CTF correction is not being performed, only micrographs with similar defocuses should be used in the reconstruction. This technique is really suitable only for preliminary analysis of new particles to get a rough indication of their overall structure, or for processing negative stain data where the high percentage amplitude contrast reduces CTF artifacts. The data from each micrograph is typically filtered at the first zero of the CTF, which should be at roughly the same position in each micrograph.

Run ctfit and first make sure the microscope and image parameters at the bottom of the control panel are correct. Then, using the 'Open Particle Set' item 'file' menu, read the particles from each micrograph into ctfit. Each file you read will appear as a separate item in the list in the upper left of the control panel. Determine the defocus of each micrograph as described in the ctfit manual. Any micrograph that varies by more than ~10% from the desired defocus should not be used in the reconstruction. In addition, any micrographs with a significant amount of drift or astigmatism should be discarded and not used in any reconstruction.

Now is a good time to determine the low-pass filter radius you will use. Drag the left mouse button in the plot window to determine the radius in pixels of the 1st zero (dark ring) of the CTF. Make a note of this value. Then drag with the left button in the plot window and determine the location of the first zero in A (the 'X=' number in the upper right corner). This is the best resolution you can hope to get from this type of reconstruction. To go to higher resolutions, you will need to perform CTF correction.

Make sure all of the data you use is at a similar defocus. The resolution of your reconstruction will be limited by the farthest from focus image you use in the reconstruction. Do not include any data farther from focus than usable for your target resolution. Closer to focus images are all right to an extent, but if the defocus range is too great, it will be impossibile to perform trivial low resolution CTF correction on the final 3D model. $3c

2. Determine CTF parameters for particles in each micrograph


This is currently the most difficult part of performing a reconstruction in EMAN, largely because it is one of the most important when a high resolution reconstruction is the goal. You should probably read the manual section on CTF Correction to get the proper background before trying to proceed.

There are two methods for determining CTF parameters in EMAN. The 'classic' method is to use 'ctfit' to manually determine the parameters of each micrograph. The other method is fully automatic, but requires that you have a 1D structure factor file for your molecule.

The trick, of course, is where to get a 1D structure factor. Unfortunately this isn't a trivial question. The first and best option is to perform an x-ray solution scattering experiment at a small-angle x-ray scattering beamline. Of course, this requires a substantial amount of protein at fairly high concentrations, as well as time on an appropriate beamline. Since this won't be an option in most cases we need to look for alternative methods.

As it happens, if you take a sampling of different structures from the PDB, generate 1D structure factors from each, and plot them all on a semilog scale, you immediately notice that at resolutions higher than ~15 A, all proteins have a very similar structure factor. There will be subtle variations depending on the secondary structure distribution of the protein, but the overall shape of the curves at high resolution is remarkably consistent. The low resolution section of the curve, however, varies considerably with the tertiary and quaternary structures of the protein. However, it is possible, using CTFIT, to (manually) simultaneously fit the power spectra of several curves collected at different defocuses. The FAQ in the EMAN documentation has a section explaining this.

Run ctfit and make sure the microscope voltage, Cs and A/pix values are correct. Then, using the 'Read Clip Set' item 'file' menu, read the particles from each micrograph into ctfit. Alternatively, you can invoke ctfit with a list of image files to open when you run the program. Each file you read will appear as a separate item in the list in the upper left of the control panel. For each file displayed in this list, 2 lines will be drawn in the plot window. One line will be smooth, and one line will be somewhat jagged. The smooth line represents the current CTF model based on the parameters set with the top 9 sliders in the control panel. The 'jagged' line represents the power spectrum of the images you read in. You will probably want to read the manual section on ctf parameter determination in ctfit before proceeding.

You will now need to determine the 8 CTF parameters for each micrograph. This is a nontrivial process, and is difficult to describe. The best description currently exists in the ctfit documentation mentioned above. The suggested method is to use x-ray scattering data for your specimen if you have it. Of course, you probably don't, in which case, for optimal results, you'll need to generate a predicted structure factor from your data. We used to suggest preparing a structure factor from a PDB file (and this technique may still be suitable for some uses). However, in the current EMAN version we now suggest making more 'aggressive' use of the structure factor file, and PDB -> structure factor problems suffer from significant solvation artifacts. We are not currently aware of any software that can solve this problem. The best current technique is to perform simultaneous fitting of 3-5 micrographs to produce a reasonable low-resolution structure factor, then combine this with a canonical solution scattering curve using sfmerge.py. Again, the details of this process are beyond the scope of this document. You might consider looking through the material from the Dec 2002 EMAN workshop as well.

EMAN does not currently do astigmatism correction, so if some images are astigmatic or have a significant amount of drift, they should be excluded from the reconstruction.

Once the parameters have been determined, highlight the first data set, and use the 'Phase Correct' item on the 'Process' menu. Repeat this process for the other data sets. This will generate a new file for each data set with '.fix' inserted in the name. All of the data in these files has now been phase corrected, and the CTF parameters you determined have been stored in the headers of each particle image. You will now use these '.fix' images for the remainder of the processing.

Note: there is an alternative to using 'Phase Correct' one each image manually. A command called applyctf can perform the same function. Just invoke applyctf with the 'flipphase setparm' options, along with one method of specifying the CTF parameters. Please read the program documentation before attempting this.

At this point, you should also make a note of the maximum resolution of your images. One of the 8 parameters you determined for each image is the envelope function width (which can also be displayed as a B factor). When displayed as 'Envelope', this number represents approximately the highest resolution you are likely to achieve in a reconstruction using this data set. Record the average value of this number for a few of the close to focus images for use in step 2. $4

3. Combine all particles into start.hed


This is a simple step. Take all of the image files you are going to use in your reconstruction and combine them into a file called 'start.hed'. For example, if you have data files: 2345.fix.hed, 2346.fix.hed and 2347.fix.hed, you would do (proc2d appends to output files):

rm start.hed start.img
proc2d 2345.fix.hed start.hed
proc2d 2346.fix.hed start.hed
proc2d 2347.fix.hed start.hed
Just to keep things neat, at this point, you might want to make a subirectory for all of the raw data. eg :
mkdir raw-data
mv * raw-data     (ignore the warning message this produces)
mv raw-data/start.* .

Note: There is a widespread problem with single files larger than 2 Gb in size. While EMAN contains the necessary code to deal with such files, in many cases the operating system may have problems. So, if you suspect that your image data may exceed this value, it is a good idea to use the workaround described in the ctfitEMAN FAQ. $4.1n

This is a simple step. Take all of the image files you are going to use in your reconstruction and combine them into a file called 'start.hed'. For example, if you have data files: 2345.hed, 2346.hed and 2347.hed, you would do (proc2d appends to output files):

rm start.hed start.img
proc2d 2345.hed start.hed
proc2d 2346.hed start.hed
proc2d 2347.hed start.hed
Just to keep things neat, at this point, you might want to make a subirectory for all of the raw data. eg :
mkdir raw-data
mv *.hed *.img *.mrc raw-data
mv raw-data/start.* .

Note: There is a widespread problem with single files larger than 2 Gb in size. While EMAN contains the necessary code to deal with such files, in many cases the operating system may have problems. So, if you suspect that your image data may exceed this value, it is a good idea to use the workaround described in the ctfitEMAN FAQ. $5n

4. Filter the particles at the first zero, invert if necessary


Now we need to filter the particles at the first zero. Keep in mind that this is NOT CTF correction, it simply prevents phase errors from causing distortions at high resolution. There are still low resolution amplitude effects due to the CTF which are NOT compensated for. This will cause certain features in your map to be expanded or reduced. This method is fine for generating a first model for a new protein, or generating a preliminary model to use for a later CTF corrected reconstruction.

You may also wish to perform a slight high-pass filter to eliminate the strong incoherent scattering very close to the origin in Fourier space. There is really no clear-cut rule on when this is and isn't appropriate to do. In most cases the effect will be negligible. If you do decide to high-pass filter, typically a 1 pixel radius is sufficient, but for small particles (box size <64 pixels) even this may be too much. To do the filtering (with the low pass radius you determined above for the 1st zero):

proc2d start.hed start.hed hp=1 lp=radius in pixels inplace [invert]
The hp option does high-pass filtering, the lp option does low pass filtering, and the inplace option tells proc2d not to append to the output file, but to overwrite the input images in the same location in the file. If necessary, add the invert option to reverse the density of your particles. EMAN assumes that positive values (white) indicate high density. For cryo images, that means the protein should appear white against the water background. Use invert if your protein looks darker than the background.

At the end of the reconstruction, the unhp= option in proc3d can be used to undo the highpass filter. In some cases this has a noticable effect. In other cases virtually none. $5c

4. Optionally high pass filter the particles, invert if necessary


Near the origin in Fourier space, there is a very strong component due to the structure factor and incoherent scattering. This term is so strong that interpolation errors here could potentially interfere with alignment in the reconstruction process. However, EMAN now contains built in factors that largely compensate for this effect. Nonetheless, some people may like to apply a small high-pass filter to the particles before reconstruction. Usually 1 pixel is sufficient:

proc2d start.hed start.hed hp=1 inplace [invert]
The hp option does high-pass filtering, and the inplace option tells proc2d not to append to the output file, but to overwrite the input images in the same location in the file. If necessary, add the invert option to reverse the density of your particles. EMAN assumes that positive values (white) indicate high density. For cryo images, that means the protein should appear white against the water background. Use invert if your protein looks darker than the background.

At the end of the reconstruction, the unhp= option in proc3d can be used to undo the highpass filter. $6

5. Center the particles with cenalignint

$6.1 This step is not necessary for refinement, and may be harmful. However it is necessary before running startcsym, startnrclasses, or similar programs. So, you may consider making a copy of start.hed/img in a subdirectory where you will run initial model generation programs, and run cenalignint only here. The particles you've boxed out will generally be pretty well centered in the box, but some may be considerably off-center. cenalignint will average all of the particles together, then align each particle to this average. This process is iterated until the particles stop moving. The particles are only allowed to shift by an integral number of pixels. This prevents interpolation errors. During this process, any particles which cannot be unambiguously cenetered will be discarded. While this iterative centering method works well on most particles, it may not work in all cases. Generally it works exceptionally well on highly symmetric particles (like icosahedral viruses), but there are exceptions. This technique actually destroys the centering on particles like GroEL (round in the top view but rectangular with striations in the side view). You'll have to look at your particle and decide whether this step should be completed.

An alternative to this centering technique is to use the new multireference-based automatic boxing routine in 'boxer', which does a pretty good job of centering. Unfortunately, generating the appropriate references requires a preliminary 3D model. If you have a preliminary model, you can use makeboxref.py to generate the necessary references. If you decide to use cenalignint, run:

cenalignint start.hed mask=<mask> [frac=<num>/<denom>]
This program will read ALL of the particles into memory, and effectively make 2 copies of each. That means if you do an 'iminfo start.hed', your computer should have 3 times this much physical memory. If this is not the case, you should use the frac=<n>/<d> option. This causes only a fraction of of the data to be processed. For example, if you have 1/3 as much memory as you need, you'd do:
cenalignint start.hed maxshift=<max> frac=0/3
cenalignint start.hed maxshift=<max> frac=1/3
cenalignint start.hed maxshift=<max> frac=2/3
Replace <max> with the maximum shift, in pixels, that should be used to center the particles. If you don't specify one, 1/4 of the box size will be used. If the particles are already fairly well centered, using a small value here will prevent erroneous centering with large translations.

This program will generate 3 new image files: ali.img contains the centered particles after processing. bad.img contains the particles that were rejected because of ambiguous alignment. Finally, avg.img contains the average images after each iteration of the alignment. This third file can be examined to determine the size of your particle. Find the radius a pixel or two outside the outermost whitish ring in the last image in avg.hed. This is the mask radius you should use from here on. Go back to 'step 1' in eman and enter the correct value if you haven't already.

Once you're satisfied with the results of the centering, copy ali.hed/img over start.hed/img. If you're concerned about being able to retrace your steps, you may wish to make a copy of start first. The main reason for this step is to get the centering good enough that you can reduce the box size somewhat. You probably still want to leave about 15% padding around your particle. So, if your maximum particle dimension is 64 pixels, and you used a 100 pixel box, you might reduce this to 80 pixels now (remember this number should be divisible by 8), like so:

proc2d ali.hed start.hed clip=80
rm ali* avg* bad*
Note that it's not necessary to get perfect centering, just good enough so the particles don't get chopped off at the edge of the box. The smaller box size is very important for speed. A 20% box size reduction may mean as much as a factor of 2 increase in reconstruction speed. $7

6. Run 2D refinement to get a first impression of your data quality

This step is not mandatory, and the results will not be used again (unless you have a C1 model and opt to use startAny in the next step). The refine2d.py program has been extensively improved over the last 18 months, and is now used routinely to evaluate new particle sets. refine2d.py does something similar to 3-D reconstruction, but without any 3-D models. It takes a large set of raw particles and iteratively produces a set of higher contrast class-averages representative of the views present in the raw images. You might also consider shrinking the particles before running refine2d:
mkdir r2d
cd r2d
proc2d ../start.hed start.hed shrink=2
If you have more than 2000 particles, run:
refine2d.py start.hed --iter=9 --ninitcls=50 --minptcl=8
if you have fewer than 2000 particles:
refine2d.py start.hed --iter=9 --ninitcls=20 --minptcl=8

When it's done look at iter.final.hed and/or iter.final.sort.hed. You should see some nice looking class-averages. If you see a substantial number of 'bad' class-averages, ie- contamination blobs, bad particles, etc., then you may need to consider reboxing your images, or collecting new data. While the 3-D refinement proceedure can remove bad particles to some extent, it will have an impact on your reconstruction if a substantial fraction of your data is bad. Note also that there are techniques for removing bad particles associated with the class-averages you just generated, but this process is also imperfect.

If you see almost completely nice looking class-averages, then you're ready to proceed to 3-D refinement.

7. Move on to step 2 of the reconstruction.

Just press the step 2 button in eman.