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Software for Single Particle Analysis and Electron Micrograph Analysis

by Steve Ludtke
Wen Jiang, Grant Tang, Liwei Peng, Phil Baldwin, Matt Baker, Lavu Sridhar, Xiangan Liu, Htet Khant, Shunming Fang, Graham Randall, Teepanis Chachiyo

National Center for Macromolecular Imaging

Useful Resources

If you publish results produced using EMAN1, please cite:
Ludtke, S.J., Baldwin, P.R., and Chiu, W. (1999). EMAN: semiautomated software for high-resolution single-particle reconstructions. J Struct Biol 128, 82-97.

NOTE: EMAN includes the AIRS (Analysis of Intermediate Resolution Structure) programs, including foldhunter (docking) and ssehunter (secondary structure identification). Many of these tools have been integrated with Chimera in this release.

EMAN is a complete software package for reconstructing 3d models from a set of randomly oriented particle images. This technique is typically used in conjunction with images of individual molecules collected using electron cryomicroscopy. This technique is capable of determining subnanometer resolution structures of particles in the 10-1000 nm range. The core of EMAN is a Python-enabled scientific image processing library which may be useful for other fields as well. EMAN also incorporates a number of tools for docking x-ray crystal structures into lower resolution density maps.

EMAN2 is currently under development, and pre-alpha versions can be downloaded from the NCMI website. EMAN1 remains the stable platform for performing reconstructions.

EMAN is provided free of charge as a service to the scientific community. One of it's biggest advantages is ease of use. An inexperienced image processor should be able to download the EMAN package, and begin a 3d reconstruction almost immediately. An entire 3d model refinement can be run with a single command. Understanding the details will obviously take a bit of time, but the user can start producing useful results almost immediately.

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