EMAN Tutorial

How to do a Reconstruction

Particle with no symmetry

This is the most difficult type of reconstruction to perform. The refinement procedure is quite robust and capable of working with asymmetrical data. The difficulty lies in generating a preliminary model to bootstrap the refinement procedure. Generally it is sufficient to examine a set of particles, then build a model from 'balls and sticks' which looks like it might be similar to the actual structure. In reality this model can be quite different from the true molecule and the refinement procedure will still function. The problem is, currently EMAN doesn't contain a GUI program for building such a model. We are working on a program to generate preliminary models automatically, but it isn't completely functional yet. Currently you'll have to modify a program to generate an initial model. In the main EMAN source directory, there is a subdirectory called 'test'. In that directory are 3 sample programs which create simple 3d models: 'ryr3d.C', 'tri3dg.C' and 'mk3dgaus.C'. Modify one of these programs to create the model you wish to start with, then copy it to the name 'tst.c' in the main source directory. At this point, doing a 'make' will compile this new program.

In the next version, this should be replaced with an automatic procedure.

    Generate an initial model as described above. (tst)

    Now you should decide if you want to do CTF correction or not:

Yes, I want to make a CTF corrected structure.

No, I'll try the uncorrected structure first.

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