Displays info on an image or set of images

iminfo <input image> [all]
<input image> 2d image file, single image or set
all Displays euler angles and other info for each image in a set

Typical Usage
iminfo classes.hed

This program displays some information about a single or multi-image file. Without the 'all' option, a count of the images in the file, and the image size is displayed. With 'all', the euler angles, number of images represented by each image in the file (mainly for class averages) and the image title. At the end, a count of images represented by the images in the file is displayed.

This point may need some further explanation. When a classes.hed is generated by classalignall, the number of images used to generate each class average is stored with each image. If reference images are also stored in this file, the image count for these is set to -1. The 'all' option lets you see this image count for each class average in the file, as well as see the total number of images represented by all of the class averages in the file.

EMAN Copyright 1997-8 Steve Ludtke, Phil Baldwin