EMAN Release Notes (1.7)

Welcome to EMAN 1.7.  Remember the full online help for EMAN is always available by pressing the "HELP" button in eman. Most of our development effort is now focused on the completely revamped EMAN 2.0, though another release in the 1.x series is likely.

EMAN 1.7 has some major enhancements over 1.61.

Major changes in v1.7
Minor changes

Major changes in v1.60 :

Known bugs:

Major changes in version 1.50 :

Here's a list of the major changes in version 1.40:

As always, comments, suggestions and questions are always welcome. Just email sludtke@bcm.tmc.edu.

Good luck, and enjoy EMAN !

Steven Ludtke, PhD             |        Baylor College of Medicine
sludtke@bcm.tmc.edu            |              Co-Director
stevel@alumni.caltech.edu      | National Center For Macromolecular Imaging
V: (713)798-6989               |    Dept of Biochemistry and Mol. Biol.
instant messenger: sludtke42   |           * Those who do ARE *
http://ncmi.bcm.tmc.edu/~stevel |         The converse also holds