Teiid Designer Parts Example Project

The following instructions will provide a quick overview of the Preview Data and Execute VDB functionality.

This example assumes you have a compatible Teiid instance running within an application server (i.e. JBoss AS, etc..) and write access to 2 JDBC databases (i.e. MySQL, PostrgeSQL, Oracle, etc.....)

Teiid as JDBC Source

Teiid provides a mechanism to expose your data via a Virtual DataBase (VDB) through a JDBC connection where user queries can be written against this VDB using all the sources defined as if they are in single source.

Teiid Designer is the tool used to create/edit/manage your VDBs and the models contained in them. Building your models and VDBs will probably be an interative process and Teiid Designer allows you to perform tests to insure the data access functionality is performing to your expectations.

You can test your data by using either the

Project Contents

This project contains 2 folders (data and readme) and 3 metadata models:

The data folder contains 5 data files you can use (described below) to load your data JDBC databases with "parts" data.

The following "csv-formatted" data files contain sample data which you can use to inject into your database for testing. The names of these files reflect the names of the 5 source tables defined in PartsSourceA and PartsSourceB. They include:
The readme folder, of course, contains the html backing this page.

The metadata models, PartsSourceA, PartsSourceB and PartsVirtual represent relational metadata which will be used by the Teiid engine to perform data access queries on your actual databases.

Project Content

Each source model contains 5 tables, PARTS, SHIP_VIA, STATUS, SUPPLIER and SUPPLIER_PARTS.

Data Flow

One of the key features of Teiid is the ability to abstract back-end data (sources) via business models (views).

PartsVirtual.xmi is a View Model containing a SupplierInfo table and a partsByColor  procedure. Each of these relational objects is backed by user-defined SQL.

To view the SQL:
Select Transformation Diagram
Edit Transformation
The SQL reflects a join of data from BOTH PartsSourceA and PartsSourceB sources.
Transformation Editor

You can view the SQL for partsByColor by selecting the "Edit Another Transformation" button Edit Another Transformation on the Transformation Editor tool-bar, then selecting partsByColor in dialog.
Transformation Editor

Setting up your Backing Databases

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"A JDBC driver is a software component enabling a Java application to interact with a database.

To connect with individual databases, JDBC (the Java Database Connectivity API) requires drivers for each database. The JDBC driver gives out the connection to the database and implements the protocol for transferring the query and result between client and database."

In this example you'll need to have driver jars available for setting up

In this exercise, you'll need driver jars for at least 1 database type and 2 if you can swing it.  t is recommended that as part of your Teiid installation process you place a copy of your JDBC driver jars into the /lib folder in that location and to select these same jars during the creation of your Connection Profiles.

STEP 1 - Setting up Data Sources

Ultimately, your data source models (PartsSourceA & PartsSourceB) will need to be backed by actual data so they can be queried through Data Preview or through a JDBC connection to your deployed VDB or Virtual Data Base.

Designer connections utilize the standard Data Tools Eclipse framework.

To set up a database for one of your source models, follow the steps below. You can complete this exercise by using the same database for both source models or you can repeat the following steps and create a second connection profile for a second database.

Create Connection Profile
  1. Open the "Database Development" perspective
  2. In the Data Source Explorer, select a "New Connection Profile" button
  3. Select a Connection Profile Type, enter a valid name (i.e. PartsSourceA/B for instance)
  4. Click "Next>" and provide required properties (including defining/selecting a driver definition)
  5. Test your connection and click Finish to create the connection profile
Note that you may need user/admin privileges in order to both CREATE the initial schema and to load the actual table data.

Generate DDL from source model

  1. Switch to Teiid Designer perspective
  2. Select PartsSourceA.xmi file in Model Explorer
  3. Right-click select the "Export" action
  4. Open the "Teiid Designer" category and select the Data Definition Language (DDL) file option.

  5. Click "Next", choose a database DDL export type (i.e. MySQL, Oracle, etc...), select desired export options, select the "..." button in the Export To section and navigate to your data folder in your PartsProject and define a file name (i.e. PartsSourceA.ddl). (Note: This ddl file can be saved anywhere on your file system. It's recommended to save in your workspace for viewing/editing)

  6. Select Finish to create your ddl file. (You may also need to "Refresh" your project or folder before your ddl file appears in tree)
Creating Tables In Database

The DDL you just generated contains the DDL commands required to create the necessary table structure in your database schema.

To create these tables:
  1. Select your DDL file in your workspace (under data folder) and right-click "Open With... > SQL File Editor"
  2. Set the appropriate Connection Profile options at top of scrapbook editor. This includes a database type and your Connection Profile name created earlier (i.e. PartsSourceA)

  3. Save this SQL/DDL for future reference.
  4. Put cursor in editor and right-click select "Execute All" action. This should result in 5 new tables created in your schemaModel Explorer
Loading Data into your Database

Now you have data base tables defined but no data in your database.

To load the provided data into the proper tables:
  1. Switch to the Database Development perspective
  2. Select your connection profile and select "Refresh" action
  3. Expand the connection profile until you get to your 5 Tables.
  4. Right click on each table and select "Data > Load..." action

  5. Select the Browse button and navigate to your project data folder and select the corresponding xxxx_table.data file.

  6. Select Finish to execute the loading of the data in the file to the database.
  7. Repeat steps 4, 5 & 6 for each table

STEP 2 - Set Source Connection Profiles

In order for Teiid Designer to preview data for a table or procedure, each source model has to be associated with a connection profile.

To can create this association open Teiid Designer perspective, right-click on a  source model (i.e. PartsSourceA) in the Model Explorer and select the "Modeling > Set Connection Profile" action.

The results of this action injects Teiid-specific connection properties into your source model. (Note: You can change this association at any time by performing the same action and selecting a different connection profile)

Perform the same action on PartsSourceB but use the second connection profile. If you created 1 connection profile in STEP 1 above,  use this one for PartsSourceB model as well.

STEP 3 - Create Teiid Instance

The Teiid Designer perspectives a Teiid view which allows for the definition of multiple Teiid server instances and their deployed VDBs and Data Sources. Data Sources are the  “JCA-compatible Connection Factory” xml configuration components required for Teiid to create the necessary connections to query data at run-time.
  1. Right-click in Teiid view and select “New Teiid Instance” action (or click the same action on the toolbar)

  2. In the New Teiid Instance dialog provide:
  3. Hit finish

Initial Teiid View should contain your new Teiid server instance.

STEP 4 - Testing Your Data

Teiid Designer provides 2 ways to test your data:

Preview Data action allows you to perform data checks on your source and view tables and procedures without having to switch to Database Development perspective and connect/query via SQL Editor.

Executing or testing a VDB involves creating and deploying the necessary Data Sources for each source model, creating a VDB and defining the required translator and JNDI data source names for all source models and performing the Execute VDB action and executing ad-hoc SQL queries via the Data Tools SQL Scrapbook.

Preview Data

Previewing data within Teiid Designer provides a quick method for verifying your data sources and for validating SQL results defined in your view (i.e. virtual) tables and procedures.

Basically the Preview Data feature is equivalent to deploying a VDB containing your metadata models, connecting to that VDB via a Teiid JDBC Connection Profile and querying a single table or procedure utilizing a canned simple SQL statement (i.e. SELECT * FROM PARTS). (See below)

The Preview Data action ( ) will be enabled if a previewable table, procedure or web-service operation is selected in the Model Explorer or in a diagram.

To preview data for a table:

  1. Expand PartsSourceA in the Model Explorer and select Parts table

  2. Click the Preview Data toolbar button
  3. If Preview Data is being run for the first time, the following dialog may displayed to assist in properly setting up the SQL Results data view. SQL Results View Setup
  4. The query results will be displayed in Data Tools SQL Results view (you may want to customize the view. The example results shown below is set to "Vertical View Orientation".

Also note when editing Virtual tables in the Transformation Editor, there is a special Preview Virtual Data toolbar button which allows you to edit/save/test your SQL changes repeatedly without switching to the Model Explorer or having to select the virtual table and right-click select Modeling > Preview Data action.

Create Data Sources

Each Teiid VDB requires at least one source model. For each source model, additional model properties are required by the Teiid server to identify and connect to the back-end data source. This is accomplished by specifying a JNDI Data Source name in the VDB Editor. In addition, a translator name is required for most data-source types.

By setting the connection profile on each model, you can generate a compatible Data Source and deploy it to your default Teiid instance by selecting a source model and right-click select "Modeling > Create Teiid Data Source" action.

Create Teiid Data Source Action

The resulting dialog allows you to accept the connection information extracted from your source model or modify/change the connection profile used to create this specific Data Source. The default name generated for your source will be the source model name. This will also be the generated JNDI name when source models are added to a VDB.  The defaults are provided for expediency, however you are free to name your Data Sources as you see fit as long as you edit the VDB's source model JNDI names to match.  If they do not match, the VDB's will be "in-active" upon deployment to Teiid.

Create Data Source Dialog

You may also be asked to provide a password if you elected to not save the password during creation of your connection profiles.

Create VDB

To create a VDB, select the PartsVirtual model in the Model Explorer, right-click select "New > Teiid VDB" and click Finish.

The new VDB is opened in a VDB Editor page, the view model is added as well as the 2 dependent source models. In addition the translator names are set based on source model connection profile information and the JNDI names are generated from the model names (as described earlier). If you specified non-default Data Source names in earlier steps, replace the JNDI names in this editor.

VDB Editor

Note that you could also create an empty VDB and click the Add... button in the editor to select one or more models in your workspace project and proceed from there.

Execute VDB

Once your VDB is saved, you can simply select it in your Model Explorer and right-click select "Modeling > Execute VDB" action.

This action will deploy your VDB to your running Teiid instance, open the Data Tools' Database Development perspective, create and connect to a JDBC Teiid connection profile.

From here, you can select the Parts -Teiid Connection, right-click select "Open SQL Scrapbook", enter SQL such as "SELECT * FROM SUPPLIERINFO WHERE SHIPPER_ID = '30' AND QUANTITY > 400".

Query results will be displayed in the same SQL Results view as shown in Preview Data example.


This example provides just a sample of the data modeling and testing provided by Teiid Designer backed by the Teiid query engine.

See http://www.jboss.org/teiiddesigner.html for latest on Teiid Designer project.