Traceback (most recent call first): File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/yum/", line 612, in tagByName raise Errors.MiscError, "Unknown header tag %s" % tag File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/yum/", line 629, in returnSimple return self.tagByName(thing) File "/usr/lib/anaconda/", line 17, in __getMedia uri = po.returnSimple('basepath') File "/usr/lib/anaconda/", line 42, in add id = self.__getMedia(txmember.po) File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/yum/", line 298, in addObsoleted self.add(txmbr) File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/yum/", line 1840, in update self.tsInfo.addObsoleted(installed_pkg, obsoleting_pkg) File "/usr/lib/anaconda/", line 960, in doPostSelection self.ayum.update() File "/usr/lib/anaconda/", line 154, in doPostSelection return anaconda.backend.doPostSelection(anaconda) File "/usr/lib/anaconda/", line 200, in moveStep rc = stepFunc(self.anaconda) File "/usr/lib/anaconda/", line 123, in gotoNext self.moveStep() File "/usr/lib/anaconda/", line 919, in nextClicked self.anaconda.dispatch.gotoNext() MiscError: Unknown header tag basepath Local variables in innermost frame: self: gnu.getopt - 1.0.9-4jpp_4fc.noarch tag: basepath e: 'unknown header tag' Anaconda instance, containing members: rootPath: /mnt/sysimage rescue_mount: True intf: InstallInterface instance, containing members: intf.icw: InstallControlWindow instance, containing members: intf.icw.handle: 50 intf.icw.mainxml: intf.icw.reloadRcQueued: 0 intf.icw.currentWindow: UpgradeBootloaderWindow instance, containing members: intf.icw.currentWindow.bootDev: /dev/sda intf.icw.currentWindow.newbl_radio: x86BootloaderInfo instance, containing members: 1 0 mbr None KernelArguments instance, containing members: /boot/ sda /etc/lilo.conf 0 None 1 None BootImages instance, containing members: vg00/lv00 {'vg00/lv00': ('linux', 'Fedora Core', 'ext3'), 'sda1': ('Other', 'Other', 'ntfs')} [sda] 0 None 0 intf.icw.currentWindow.nobl_radio: intf.icw.currentWindow.nobl_label: intf.icw.currentWindow.update_label: intf.icw.currentWindow.dispatch: Dispatcher instance, containing members: intf.icw.currentWindow.dispatch.step: 31 intf.icw.currentWindow.dispatch.skipSteps: {'writeconfig': 1, 'firstboot': 1, 'writexconfig': 1, 'accounts': 1, 'keyboard': 2, 'timezone': 1, 'confirminstall': 1, 'addswap': 1, 'network': 1, 'basepkgsel': 1, 'setuptime': 1, 'autopartitionexecute': 1, 'zfcpconfig': 1, 'upgrademigratefs': 1, 'parttype': 1, 'bootloaderadvanced': 1, 'tasksel': 1, 'betanag': 1, 'networkdevicecheck': 1, 'partitiondone': 1, 'bootloader': 1, 'enablefilesystems': 1, 'language': 2, 'upgradeswapsuggestion': 1, 'partition': 1, 'writeksconfig': 1, 'setfilecon': 1, 'group-selection': 1, 'regkey': 1} intf.icw.currentWindow.dispatch.firstStep: 0 intf.icw.currentWindow.dispatch.method: UrlInstallMethod instance, containing members: intf.icw.currentWindow.dispatch.method.splitmethod: False intf.icw.currentWindow.dispatch.method.intf: Already dumped intf.icw.currentWindow.dispatch.method.tree: None intf.icw.currentWindow.dispatch.method.rootPath: /mnt/sysimage intf.icw.currentWindow.dispatch.method.baseUrl: http://development/i386/os intf.icw.currentWindow.dispatch.method.currentMedia: [] intf.icw.currentWindow.dispatch.anaconda: Already dumped intf.icw.currentWindow.update_radio: intf.icw.currentWindow.newbl_label: intf.icw.currentWindow.ics: InstallControlState instance, containing members: intf.icw.currentWindow.ics.prevEnabled: True Already dumped intf.icw.currentWindow.ics.nextEnabled: True intf.icw.currentWindow.ics.grabNext: True intf.icw.currentWindow.ics.title: Upgrade Boot Loader Configuration intf.icw.currentWindow.type: GRUB intf.icw.window: intf.icw.installFrame: intf.icw.anaconda: Already dumped intf.icw.rnv: ReleaseNotesViewer instance, containing members: intf.icw.rnv.textWin: intf.icw.rnv.vue: intf.icw.rnv.currentURI: None intf.icw.rnv.topDir: None intf.icw.rnv.doc: intf.icw.rnv.height: 600 intf.icw.rnv.width: 800 intf.icw.rnv.opener: FancyURLopener instance, containing members: intf.icw.rnv.opener._URLopener__unlink: intf.icw.rnv.opener._URLopener__tempfiles: [] intf.icw.rnv.opener.cert_file: None intf.icw.rnv.opener.addheaders: [('User-agent', 'Python-urllib/1.16')] intf.icw.rnv.opener.tries: 0 intf.icw.rnv.opener.ftpcache: {} intf.icw.rnv.opener.tempcache: None intf.icw.rnv.opener.auth_cache: {} intf.icw.rnv.opener.key_file: None intf.icw.rnv.opener.proxies: {} intf.icw.rnv.opener.maxtries: 10 intf.icw.rnv.anaconda: Already dumped intf.icw.rnv.htmlheader:
intf.icw.rnv.is_showing: False intf.runres: 800x600 intf.anaconda: Already dumped rescue: False methodstr: http://development/i386/os dispatch: Already dumped method: Already dumped isKickstart: False id: InstallData instance, containing members: id.dbpath: None id.firewall: Firewall instance, containing members: id.firewall.portlist: [22:tcp] id.firewall.trustdevs: [] id.firewall.enabled: 1 id.rootParts: [('/dev/vg00/lv00', 'ext3', 'Fedora Core 5', '')] id.upgradeDeps: id.upgradeRoot: [('/dev/vg00/lv00', 'ext3')] id.xsetup: XSetup instance, containing members: id.xsetup.skipx: 0 id.xsetup.imposed_sane_default: 0 id.xsetup.xserver: XServer instance, containing members: id.xsetup.xserver.videohw: primary: 0 vidCards: [] Primary Video Card Info: device: None driver : radeon descr : ATI Technologies Inc M22 [Radeon Mobility M300] vidRam: None id.xsetup.xserver.serverflags: [vt6, -config, /tmp/XConfig.test, -extension, Composite, -s, 1440, -dpms, -v, -ac, -nolisten, tcp, -fp, /usr/share/X11/fonts/misc, -screen, Anaconda] id.xsetup.xserver.resolution: 800x600 id.xsetup.xserver.root: / id.xsetup.xserver.hwstate: XF86HardwareState instance, containing members: id.xsetup.xserver.hwstate.videocard_PCIFn: None id.xsetup.xserver.hwstate.monitor: monName: None monID: Unprobed Monitor monHoriz: None monVert: None physicalWidth: 0 physicalHeight: 0 id.xsetup.xserver.hwstate.videocard_name: ATI Technologies Inc M22 [Radeon Mobility M300] id.xsetup.xserver.hwstate.monitor_name: Unknown monitor id.xsetup.xserver.hwstate.video_ram: 0 id.xsetup.xserver.hwstate.videocard: Already dumped id.xsetup.xserver.hwstate.videocard_driver: radeon id.xsetup.xserver.hwstate.videocard_options: [] id.xsetup.xserver.hwstate.all_resolutions: [640x480, 800x480, 800x512, 800x600, 1024x600, 1024x768, 1152x768, 1152x864, 1280x800, 1280x960, 1280x1024, 1400x1050, 1440x900, 1600x1024, 1600x1200, 1680x1050, 1900x1200, 1920x1200, 1920x1440, 2048x1536] id.xsetup.xserver.hwstate.hsync: 31.5-37.9 id.xsetup.xserver.hwstate.vsync: 50-70 id.xsetup.xserver.hwstate.probed_video_ram: 0 id.xsetup.xserver.hwstate.videocard_PCIBus: None id.xsetup.xserver.hwstate.colordepth: 24 id.xsetup.xserver.hwstate.videocard_PCIDev: None id.xsetup.xserver.hwstate.resolution: 800x600 id.xsetup.xserver.hwstate.dri_enabled: 0 id.xsetup.xserver.hwstate.xconfig: None id.xsetup.xserver.monitorhw: Already dumped id.xsetup.xserver.keyboard: Keyboard instance, containing members: {'KEYBOARDTYPE': pc, 'KEYTABLE': us} id.xsetup.xserver.keyboard.type: PC id.xsetup.xserver.keyboard.beenset: 0 id.xsetup.xserver.keyboard._mods: KeyboardModels instance, containing members: id.xsetup.xserver.mousehw: FULLNAME="No - mouse" MOUSETYPE="none" XEMU3="no" XMOUSETYPE="none" id.xsetup.xserver.defaultdepth: 24 id.xsetup.xserver.logfile: /tmp/ramfs/X.log id.xsetup.xserver.config: id.xsetup.xserver.display: :1 id.keyboard: Already dumped id.timezone: Timezone instance, containing members: id.timezone.utc: 0 id.timezone.utcOffset: 0 id.timezone.arc: 0 None id.timezone.dst: 0 id.mouse: Already dumped id.zfcp: ZFCP instance, containing members: id.zfcp.description: zSeries machines can access industry-standard SCSI devices via Fibre Channel (FCP). You need to provide 5 parameters for each device: a 16 bit device number, a 16bit SCSI ID, a 64 bit World Wide Port Name (WWPN), a 16bit SCSI LUN and a 64 bit FCP LUN. id.zfcp.fcpdevices: [] id.zfcp.options: [('Device number', 1, 'You have not specified a device number or the number is invalid', >, >), ('SCSI Id', 0, 'You have not specified a SCSI ID or the ID is invalid.', >, >), ('WWPN', 1, 'You have not specified a worldwide port name or the name is invalid.', >, >), ('SCSI LUN', 0, 'You have not specified a SCSI LUN or the number is invalid.', >, >), ('FCP LUN', 1, 'You have not specified a FCP LUN or the number is invalid.', >, >)] id.upgrade: True id.monitor: Already dumped id.iscsi: iscsi instance, containing members: id.iscsi.initiator: id.iscsi.targets: [] id.iscsi.iscsidStarted: False id.methodstr: http://development/i386/os id.fsset: FileSystemSet instance, containing members: id.fsset.messageWindow: > id.fsset.volumesCreated: 0 id.fsset.progressWindow: > id.fsset.migratedfs: 0 id.fsset.waitWindow: > id.fsset.entries: [fsentry -- device: vg00/lv00 mountpoint: / fsystem: ext3 format: 0 ismounted: 1 options: 'defaults' bytesPerInode: 4096 label: None , fsentry -- device: sda2 mountpoint: /boot fsystem: ext3 format: 0 ismounted: 1 options: 'defaults' bytesPerInode: 4096 label: /boot , fsentry -- device: vg00/lv04 mountpoint: /data fsystem: ext3 format: 0 ismounted: 1 options: 'defaults' bytesPerInode: 4096 label: None , fsentry -- device: devpts mountpoint: /dev/pts fsystem: devpts format: 0 ismounted: 0 options: 'gid=5,mode=620' bytesPerInode: 4096 label: None , fsentry -- device: shm mountpoint: /dev/shm fsystem: tmpfs format: 0 ismounted: 0 options: 'defaults' bytesPerInode: 4096 label: None , fsentry -- device: tmpfs mountpoint: /dev/shm fsystem: tmpfs format: 0 ismounted: 0 options: 'defaults' bytesPerInode: 4096 label: None , fsentry -- device: vg00/lv03 mountpoint: /home fsystem: ext3 format: 0 ismounted: 1 options: 'defaults' bytesPerInode: 4096 label: None , fsentry -- device: proc mountpoint: /proc fsystem: proc format: 0 ismounted: 1 options: 'defaults' bytesPerInode: 4096 label: None , fsentry -- device: sys mountpoint: /sys fsystem: sysfs format: 0 ismounted: 1 options: 'defaults' bytesPerInode: 4096 label: None , fsentry -- device: sysfs mountpoint: /sys fsystem: sysfs format: 0 ismounted: 1 options: 'defaults' bytesPerInode: 4096 label: None , fsentry -- device: vg00/lv01 mountpoint: /usr fsystem: ext3 format: 0 ismounted: 1 options: 'defaults' bytesPerInode: 4096 label: None , fsentry -- device: vg00/lv02 mountpoint: /var fsystem: ext3 format: 0 ismounted: 1 options: 'defaults' bytesPerInode: 4096 label: None , fsentry -- device: vg00/lv05 mountpoint: swap fsystem: swap format: 0 ismounted: 1 options: 'defaults' bytesPerInode: 4096 label: None ] id.fsset.mountcount: 10 id.desktop: Desktop instance, containing members: {} id.desktop.runlevel: 3 id.x_already_set: 0 id.upgradeRemove: [] id.backend: YumBackend instance, containing members: id.backend.prevmedia: None id.backend.modeText: id.backend.instPath: /mnt/sysimage id.backend.instLog: None id.backend.method: Already dumped id.firstboot: 0 id.diskset: DiskSet instance, containing members: id.diskset.disks: {'sda': } id.diskset.onlyPrimary: None id.upgradeInfoFound: None id.users: None id.displayMode: g id.excludeDocs: 0 id.auth: --enableshadow --enablemd5 id.dependencies: [] id.ksdata: None id.bootloader: Already dumped id.extraModules: [] Network instance, containing members: localhost.localdomain 0 {'eth0': DEVICE=eth0 BOOTPROTO=dhcp HWADDR=00:0A:E4:C0:54:43 ONBOOT=yes } eth0 1 [] id.instClass: InstallClass instance, containing members: id.floppyDevice: fd0 id.partitions: Partitions instance, containing members: id.partitions.useFdisk: 0 id.partitions.useAutopartitioning: 1 id.partitions.autoClearPartType: 0 id.partitions.nextUniqueID: 11 id.partitions.reinitializeDisks: 0 id.partitions.autoClearPartDrives: [] id.partitions.zeroMbr: 0 id.partitions.isKickstart: 0 id.partitions.requests: [PreexistingPartitionSpec instance, containing members: currentDrive: None migrate: None origfstype: ext3FileSystem instance, containing members: origfstype.partedPartitionFlags: [] origfstype.checked: 1 ext3 origfstype.migratetofs: None origfstype.deviceArguments: {} origfstype.linuxnativefs: 1 origfstype.maxSizeMB: 8388608 origfstype.supported: -1 origfstype.defaultOptions: defaults origfstype.packages: [e2fsprogs] origfstype.extraFormatArgs: [-j] origfstype.formattable: 1 origfstype.partedFileSystemType: origfstype.maxLabelChars: 16 primary: None dev: None uniqueID: 2 mountpoint: None requestSize: 103.359375 size: 103.359375 end: 9994319 grow: 0 start: 9782640 ignoreBootConstraints: 0 type: 1 badblocks: None format: None fsopts: None fstype: Already dumped preexist: 1 device: sda2 maxSizeMB: None bytesPerInode: 4096 drive: sda fslabel: /boot protected: 0 multidrive: None , PreexistingPartitionSpec instance, containing members: currentDrive: None migrate: None origfstype: NTFSFileSystem instance, containing members: origfstype.partedPartitionFlags: [] origfstype.checked: 0 ntfs origfstype.migratetofs: None origfstype.deviceArguments: {} origfstype.linuxnativefs: 0 origfstype.maxSizeMB: 8388608 origfstype.supported: -1 origfstype.defaultOptions: defaults origfstype.packages: [] origfstype.extraFormatArgs: [] origfstype.formattable: 0 origfstype.partedFileSystemType: origfstype.maxLabelChars: 16 primary: None dev: None uniqueID: 1 mountpoint: None requestSize: 4776.64892578 size: 4776.64892578 end: 9782639 grow: 0 start: 63 ignoreBootConstraints: 0 type: 1 badblocks: None format: None fsopts: None fstype: Already dumped preexist: 1 device: sda1 maxSizeMB: None bytesPerInode: 4096 drive: sda fslabel: None protected: 0 multidrive: None , PreexistingPartitionSpec instance, containing members: currentDrive: None migrate: None origfstype: lvmPhysicalVolumeDummyFileSystem instance, containing members: origfstype.partedPartitionFlags: [6] origfstype.checked: 0 physical volume (LVM) origfstype.migratetofs: None origfstype.deviceArguments: {} origfstype.linuxnativefs: 1 origfstype.maxSizeMB: 8388608 origfstype.supported: 1 origfstype.defaultOptions: defaults origfstype.packages: [lvm2] origfstype.extraFormatArgs: [] origfstype.formattable: 1 origfstype.partedFileSystemType: origfstype.maxLabelChars: 16 primary: None dev: None uniqueID: 3 mountpoint: None requestSize: 71436.09375 size: 71436.09375 end: 156295439 grow: 0 start: 9994320 ignoreBootConstraints: 0 type: 1 badblocks: None format: None fsopts: None fstype: Already dumped preexist: 1 device: sda3 maxSizeMB: None bytesPerInode: 4096 drive: sda fslabel: None protected: 0 multidrive: None , VG Request -- name: vg00 uniqueID: 4 format: 0 pesize: 32768 physvols: [3] , LV Request -- mountpoint: None uniqueID: 5 type: ext3 format: 0 badblocks: None size: 3808.0 lvname: lv00 volgroup: 4 bytesPerInode: 4096 options: 'None' , LV Request -- mountpoint: None uniqueID: 7 type: ext3 format: 0 badblocks: None size: 1024.0 lvname: lv02 volgroup: 4 bytesPerInode: 4096 options: 'None' , LV Request -- mountpoint: None uniqueID: 8 type: ext3 format: 0 badblocks: None size: 10240.0 lvname: lv03 volgroup: 4 bytesPerInode: 4096 options: 'None' , LV Request -- mountpoint: None uniqueID: 9 type: ext3 format: 0 badblocks: None size: 46080.0 lvname: lv04 volgroup: 4 bytesPerInode: 4096 options: 'None' , LV Request -- mountpoint: None uniqueID: 10 type: swap format: 0 badblocks: None size: 2048.0 lvname: lv05 volgroup: 4 bytesPerInode: 4096 options: 'None' , LV Request -- mountpoint: None uniqueID: 6 type: ext3 format: 0 badblocks: None size: 8192.0 lvname: lv01 volgroup: 4 bytesPerInode: 4096 options: 'None' ] id.partitions.autoPartitionRequests: [New Part Request -- mountpoint: None uniqueID: None type: physical volume (LVM) format: 1 badblocks: None device: None drive: None primary: None size: 0 grow: 1 maxsize: None start: None end: None migrate: None fslabel: None origfstype: None bytesPerInode: 4096 options: 'None' , VG Request -- name: lvm uniqueID: None format: 1 pesize: 32768 physvols: [] , LV Request -- mountpoint: / uniqueID: None type: ext3 format: 1 badblocks: None size: 1024 lvname: LogVol00 volgroup: lvm bytesPerInode: 4096 options: 'None' , New Part Request -- mountpoint: /boot uniqueID: None type: ext3 format: 1 badblocks: None device: None drive: None primary: None size: 100 grow: 0 maxsize: None start: None end: None migrate: None fslabel: None origfstype: None bytesPerInode: 4096 options: 'None' , LV Request -- mountpoint: None uniqueID: None type: swap format: 1 badblocks: None size: 1000 lvname: LogVol01 volgroup: lvm bytesPerInode: 4096 options: 'None' ] id.partitions.deletes: [] id.isHeadless: 0 id.videocard: Already dumped id.instLanguage: Language instance, containing members: id.instLanguage.targetLang: None id.instLanguage.default: en_US.UTF-8 id.instLanguage.displayMode: g id.instLanguage.current: en_US.UTF-8 Security instance, containing members: 1 id.upgradeSwapInfo: None dir: 1 backend: Already dumped /tmp/syslog: <5>Linux version 2.6.17-1.2630.fc6 ( (gcc version 4.1.1 20060828 (Red Hat 4.1.1-20)) #1 Wed Sep 6 16:26:41 EDT 2006 <6>BIOS-provided physical RAM map: <4> BIOS-e820: 0000000000000000 - 000000000009f000 (usable) <4> BIOS-e820: 000000000009f000 - 00000000000a0000 (reserved) <4> BIOS-e820: 00000000000d2000 - 00000000000d4000 (reserved) <4> BIOS-e820: 00000000000dc000 - 0000000000100000 (reserved) <4> BIOS-e820: 0000000000100000 - 000000007fee0000 (usable) <4> BIOS-e820: 000000007fee0000 - 000000007fef5000 (ACPI data) <4> BIOS-e820: 000000007fef5000 - 000000007ff00000 (ACPI NVS) <4> BIOS-e820: 000000007ff00000 - 0000000080000000 (reserved) <4> BIOS-e820: 00000000e0000000 - 00000000f0000000 (reserved) <4> BIOS-e820: 00000000f0008000 - 00000000f000c000 (reserved) <4> BIOS-e820: 00000000fec00000 - 00000000fec10000 (reserved) <4> BIOS-e820: 00000000fed14000 - 00000000fed1a000 (reserved) <4> BIOS-e820: 00000000fed20000 - 00000000fed90000 (reserved) <4> BIOS-e820: 00000000fee00000 - 00000000fee01000 (reserved) <4> BIOS-e820: 00000000ff000000 - 0000000100000000 (reserved) <5>1150MB HIGHMEM available. <5>895MB LOWMEM available. <4>Using x86 segment limits to approximate NX protection <7>On node 0 totalpages: 524000 <7> DMA zone: 4096 pages, LIFO batch:0 <7> Normal zone: 225279 pages, LIFO batch:31 <7> HighMem zone: 294625 pages, LIFO batch:31 <6>DMI present. <7>ACPI: RSDP (v002 IBM ) @ 0x000f6bf0 <7>ACPI: XSDT (v001 IBM TP-76 0x00001250 LTP 0x00000000) @ 0x7fee6ff2 <7>ACPI: FADT (v003 IBM TP-76 0x00001250 IBM 0x00000001) @ 0x7fee7100 <7>ACPI: SSDT (v001 IBM TP-76 0x00001250 MSFT 0x0100000e) @ 0x7fee72b4 <7>ACPI: ECDT (v001 IBM TP-76 0x00001250 IBM 0x00000001) @ 0x7fef4def <7>ACPI: TCPA (v001 IBM TP-76 0x00001250 PTL 0x00000001) @ 0x7fef4e41 <7>ACPI: MADT (v001 IBM TP-76 0x00001250 IBM 0x00000001) @ 0x7fef4e73 <7>ACPI: MCFG (v001 IBM TP-76 0x00001250 IBM 0x00000001) @ 0x7fef4ecd <7>ACPI: BOOT (v001 IBM TP-76 0x00001250 LTP 0x00000001) @ 0x7fef4fd8 <7>ACPI: DSDT (v001 IBM TP-76 0x00001250 MSFT 0x0100000e) @ 0x00000000 <6>ACPI: PM-Timer IO Port: 0x1008 <4>Allocating PCI resources starting at 88000000 (gap: 80000000:60000000) <4>Detected 798.038 MHz processor. <4>Built 1 zonelists. Total pages: 524000 <5>Kernel command line: ramdisk_size=8192 <6>Enabling fast FPU save and restore... done. <6>Enabling unmasked SIMD FPU exception support... done. <6>Initializing CPU#0 <4>CPU 0 irqstacks, hard=c079d000 soft=c079c000 <4>PID hash table entries: 4096 (order: 12, 16384 bytes) <4>Console: colour VGA+ 80x25 <4>Lock dependency validator: Copyright (c) 2006 Red Hat, Inc., Ingo Molnar <4>... MAX_LOCKDEP_SUBCLASSES: 8 <4>... MAX_LOCK_DEPTH: 30 <4>... MAX_LOCKDEP_KEYS: 2048 <4>... CLASSHASH_SIZE: 1024 <4>... MAX_LOCKDEP_ENTRIES: 8192 <4>... MAX_LOCKDEP_CHAINS: 8192 <4>... CHAINHASH_SIZE: 4096 <4> memory used by lock dependency info: 696 kB <4> per task-struct memory footprint: 1200 bytes <4>Dentry cache hash table entries: 131072 (order: 7, 524288 bytes) <4>Inode-cache hash table entries: 65536 (order: 6, 262144 bytes) <6>Memory: 2066276k/2096000k available (2014k kernel code, 28576k reserved, 995k data, 196k init, 1178500k highmem) <4>Checking if this processor honours the WP bit even in supervisor mode... Ok. <4>Calibrating delay using timer specific routine.. 1598.63 BogoMIPS (lpj=3197274) <6>Security Framework v1.0.0 initialized <6>SELinux: Initializing. <6>SELinux: Starting in permissive mode <6>selinux_register_security: Registering secondary module capability <6>Capability LSM initialized as secondary <4>Mount-cache hash table entries: 512 <7>CPU: After generic identify, caps: afe9fbff 00100000 00000000 00000000 00000180 00000000 00000000 <7>CPU: After vendor identify, caps: afe9fbff 00100000 00000000 00000000 00000180 00000000 00000000 <6>CPU: L1 I cache: 32K, L1 D cache: 32K <6>CPU: L2 cache: 2048K <7>CPU: After all inits, caps: afe9f3ff 00100000 00000000 00000040 00000180 00000000 00000000 <6>Intel machine check architecture supported. <6>Intel machine check reporting enabled on CPU#0. <4>CPU: Intel(R) Pentium(R) M processor 2.00GHz stepping 08 <6>Checking 'hlt' instruction... OK. <6>ACPI: Core revision 20060707 <4>ACPI: setting ELCR to 0200 (from 0800) <6>checking if image is initramfs... it is <6>Freeing initrd memory: 5889k freed <7>PM: Adding info for No Bus:platform <6>NET: Registered protocol family 16 <6>ACPI: bus type pci registered <6>PCI: Using MMCONFIG <4>Setting up standard PCI resources <6>ACPI: Found ECDT <6>ACPI: Interpreter enabled <6>ACPI: Using PIC for interrupt routing <7>PM: Adding info for acpi:acpi <4>ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKA] (IRQs 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 *11) <4>ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKB] (IRQs 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 *11) <4>ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKC] (IRQs 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 *11) <4>ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKD] (IRQs 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 *11) <4>ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKE] (IRQs 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 *11) <4>ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKF] (IRQs 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 *11) <4>ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKG] (IRQs 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 *11) <4>ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKH] (IRQs 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 *11) <6>ACPI: PCI Root Bridge [PCI0] (0000:00) <7>PCI: Probing PCI hardware (bus 00) <7>PM: Adding info for No Bus:pci0000:00 <4>PCI quirk: region 1000-107f claimed by ICH6 ACPI/GPIO/TCO <4>PCI quirk: region 1180-11bf claimed by ICH6 GPIO <6>PCI: Ignoring BAR0-3 of IDE controller 0000:00:1f.2 <7>Boot video device is 0000:01:00.0 <6>PCI: Transparent bridge - 0000:00:1e.0 <7>ACPI: PCI Interrupt Routing Table [\_SB_.PCI0._PRT] <7>PM: Adding info for pci:0000:00:00.0 <7>PM: Adding info for pci:0000:00:01.0 <7>PM: Adding info for pci:0000:00:1c.0 <7>PM: Adding info for pci:0000:00:1c.2 <7>PM: Adding info for pci:0000:00:1d.0 <7>PM: Adding info for pci:0000:00:1d.1 <7>PM: Adding info for pci:0000:00:1d.2 <7>PM: Adding info for pci:0000:00:1d.3 <7>PM: Adding info for pci:0000:00:1d.7 <7>PM: Adding info for pci:0000:00:1e.0 <7>PM: Adding info for pci:0000:00:1e.2 <7>PM: Adding info for pci:0000:00:1e.3 <7>PM: Adding info for pci:0000:00:1f.0 <7>PM: Adding info for pci:0000:00:1f.2 <7>PM: Adding info for pci:0000:00:1f.3 <7>PM: Adding info for pci:0000:01:00.0 <7>PM: Adding info for pci:0000:02:00.0 <7>PM: Adding info for pci:0000:0b:00.0 <7>PM: Adding info for pci:0000:0b:00.1 <7>PM: Adding info for pci:0000:0b:02.0 <6>ACPI: Embedded Controller [EC] (gpe 28) interrupt mode. <6>ACPI: Power Resource [PUBS] (on) <7>ACPI: PCI Interrupt Routing Table [\_SB_.PCI0.AGP_._PRT] <7>ACPI: PCI Interrupt Routing Table [\_SB_.PCI0.EXP0._PRT] <7>ACPI: PCI Interrupt Routing Table [\_SB_.PCI0.EXP2._PRT] <7>ACPI: PCI Interrupt Routing Table [\_SB_.PCI0.PCI1._PRT] <6>Linux Plug and Play Support v0.97 (c) Adam Belay <6>pnp: PnP ACPI init <7>PM: Adding info for No Bus:pnp0 <7>PM: Adding info for pnp:00:00 <7>PM: Adding info for pnp:00:01 <7>PM: Adding info for pnp:00:02 <7>PM: Adding info for pnp:00:03 <7>PM: Adding info for pnp:00:04 <7>PM: Adding info for pnp:00:05 <7>PM: Adding info for pnp:00:06 <7>PM: Adding info for pnp:00:07 <7>PM: Adding info for pnp:00:08 <7>PM: Adding info for pnp:00:09 <7>PM: Adding info for pnp:00:0a <7>PM: Adding info for pnp:00:0b <7>PM: Adding info for pnp:00:0c <7>PM: Adding info for pnp:00:0d <6>pnp: PnP ACPI: found 14 devices <6>usbcore: registered new driver usbfs <6>usbcore: registered new driver hub <6>PCI: Using ACPI for IRQ routing <6>PCI: If a device doesn't work, try "pci=routeirq". If it helps, post a report <6>NetLabel: Initializing <6>NetLabel: domain hash size = 128 <6>NetLabel: protocols = UNLABELED CIPSOv4 <6>NetLabel: unlabeled traffic allowed by default <6>PCI: Bridge: 0000:00:01.0 <6> IO window: 3000-3fff <6> MEM window: b0100000-b01fffff <6> PREFETCH window: c0000000-c7ffffff <6>PCI: Bridge: 0000:00:1c.0 <6> IO window: disabled. <6> MEM window: b0200000-b02fffff <6> PREFETCH window: disabled. <6>PCI: Bridge: 0000:00:1c.2 <6> IO window: 4000-4fff <6> MEM window: b2000000-b3ffffff <6> PREFETCH window: c8000000-c80fffff <4>PCI: Bus 12, cardbus bridge: 0000:0b:00.0 <4> IO window: 00005000-000050ff <4> IO window: 00005400-000054ff <4> PREFETCH window: d0000000-d1ffffff <4> MEM window: b6000000-b7ffffff <6>PCI: Bridge: 0000:00:1e.0 <6> IO window: 5000-8fff <6> MEM window: b4000000-bfffffff <6> PREFETCH window: d0000000-d7ffffff <4>ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKA] enabled at IRQ 11 <7>PCI: setting IRQ 11 as level-triggered <6>ACPI: PCI Interrupt 0000:00:01.0[A] -> Link [LNKA] -> GSI 11 (level, low) -> IRQ 11 <7>PCI: Setting latency timer of device 0000:00:01.0 to 64 <4>ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKE] enabled at IRQ 11 <6>ACPI: PCI Interrupt 0000:00:1c.0[A] -> Link [LNKE] -> GSI 11 (level, low) -> IRQ 11 <7>PCI: Setting latency timer of device 0000:00:1c.0 to 64 <4>ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKG] enabled at IRQ 11 <6>ACPI: PCI Interrupt 0000:00:1c.2[C] -> Link [LNKG] -> GSI 11 (level, low) -> IRQ 11 <7>PCI: Setting latency timer of device 0000:00:1c.2 to 64 <7>PCI: Setting latency timer of device 0000:00:1e.0 to 64 <6>ACPI: PCI Interrupt 0000:0b:00.0[A] -> Link [LNKA] -> GSI 11 (level, low) -> IRQ 11 <6>NET: Registered protocol family 2 <4>IP route cache hash table entries: 32768 (order: 5, 131072 bytes) <4>TCP established hash table entries: 65536 (order: 9, 2621440 bytes) <4>TCP bind hash table entries: 32768 (order: 8, 1441792 bytes) <6>TCP: Hash tables configured (established 65536 bind 32768) <6>TCP reno registered <7>PM: Adding info for platform:pcspkr <6>Simple Boot Flag at 0x35 set to 0x1 <6>IBM machine detected. Enabling interrupts during APM calls. <6>apm: BIOS version 1.2 Flags 0x03 (Driver version 1.16ac) <5>apm: overridden by ACPI. <6>audit: initializing netlink socket (disabled) <5>audit(1157925949.540:1): initialized <4>highmem bounce pool size: 64 pages <4>Total HugeTLB memory allocated, 0 <5>VFS: Disk quotas dquot_6.5.1 <4>Dquot-cache hash table entries: 1024 (order 0, 4096 bytes) <6>SELinux: Registering netfilter hooks <6>Initializing Cryptographic API <4>ksign: Installing public key data <4>Loading keyring <4>- Added public key CEF3CFAA314ED8E8 <4>- User ID: Red Hat, Inc. (Kernel Module GPG key) <6>io scheduler noop registered <6>io scheduler anticipatory registered <6>io scheduler deadline registered <6>io scheduler cfq registered (default) <7>PCI: Setting latency timer of device 0000:00:01.0 to 64 <4>assign_interrupt_mode Found MSI capability <7>Allocate Port Service[0000:00:01.0:pcie00] <7>PM: Adding info for pci_express:0000:00:01.0:pcie00 <7>Allocate Port Service[0000:00:01.0:pcie03] <7>PM: Adding info for pci_express:0000:00:01.0:pcie03 <7>PCI: Setting latency timer of device 0000:00:1c.0 to 64 <4>assign_interrupt_mode Found MSI capability <7>Allocate Port Service[0000:00:1c.0:pcie00] <7>PM: Adding info for pci_express:0000:00:1c.0:pcie00 <7>Allocate Port Service[0000:00:1c.0:pcie02] <7>PM: Adding info for pci_express:0000:00:1c.0:pcie02 <7>Allocate Port Service[0000:00:1c.0:pcie03] <7>PM: Adding info for pci_express:0000:00:1c.0:pcie03 <7>PCI: Setting latency timer of device 0000:00:1c.2 to 64 <4>assign_interrupt_mode Found MSI capability <7>Allocate Port Service[0000:00:1c.2:pcie00] <7>PM: Adding info for pci_express:0000:00:1c.2:pcie00 <7>Allocate Port Service[0000:00:1c.2:pcie02] <7>PM: Adding info for pci_express:0000:00:1c.2:pcie02 <7>Allocate Port Service[0000:00:1c.2:pcie03] <7>PM: Adding info for pci_express:0000:00:1c.2:pcie03 <7>PM: Adding info for platform:vesafb.0 <6>ACPI: CPU0 (power states: C1[C1] C2[C2] C3[C3] C4[C3]) <6>ACPI: Processor [CPU] (supports 8 throttling states) <6>ACPI: Thermal Zone [THM0] (56 C) <7>PM: Adding info for No Bus:pnp1 <6>isapnp: Scanning for PnP cards... <6>isapnp: No Plug & Play device found <6>Real Time Clock Driver v1.12ac <6>Non-volatile memory driver v1.2 <6>Linux agpgart interface v0.101 (c) Dave Jones <6>agpgart: Detected an Intel 915GM Chipset. <6>agpgart: AGP aperture is 256M @ 0x0 <6>Serial: 8250/16550 driver $Revision: 1.90 $ 4 ports, IRQ sharing enabled <7>PM: Adding info for platform:serial8250 <6>pnp: Device 00:0a activated. <6>00:0a: ttyS0 at I/O 0x3f8 (irq = 4) is a NS16550A <4>ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKH] enabled at IRQ 11 <6>ACPI: PCI Interrupt 0000:00:1e.3[B] -> Link [LNKH] -> GSI 11 (level, low) -> IRQ 11 <6>ACPI: PCI interrupt for device 0000:00:1e.3 disabled <7>PM: Adding info for No Bus:isa <4>RAMDISK driver initialized: 16 RAM disks of 8192K size 4096 blocksize <6>Uniform Multi-Platform E-IDE driver Revision: 7.00alpha2 <6>ide: Assuming 33MHz system bus speed for PIO modes; override with idebus=xx <3>ide0: I/O resource 0x1F0-0x1F7 not free. <3>ide0: ports already in use, skipping probe <7>Probing IDE interface ide1... <4>hdc: MATSHITADVD-RAM UJ-830S, ATAPI CD/DVD-ROM drive <7>PM: Adding info for No Bus:ide1 <4>ide1 at 0x170-0x177,0x376 on irq 15 <7>PM: Adding info for ide:1.0 <4>ide-floppy driver 0.99.newide <6>Yenta: CardBus bridge found at 0000:0b:00.0 [1014:0532] <6>Yenta: ISA IRQ mask 0x04b8, PCI irq 11 <6>Socket status: 30000006 <6>pcmcia: parent PCI bridge I/O window: 0x5000 - 0x8fff <6>cs: IO port probe 0x5000-0x8fff: clean. <6>pcmcia: parent PCI bridge Memory window: 0xb4000000 - 0xbfffffff <6>pcmcia: parent PCI bridge Memory window: 0xd0000000 - 0xd7ffffff <6>usbcore: registered new driver libusual <6>usbcore: registered new driver hiddev <6>usbcore: registered new driver usbhid <6>drivers/usb/input/hid-core.c: v2.6:USB HID core driver <6>PNP: PS/2 Controller [PNP0303:KBD,PNP0f13:MOU] at 0x60,0x64 irq 1,12 <7>PM: Adding info for platform:i8042 <6>serio: i8042 AUX port at 0x60,0x64 irq 12 <6>serio: i8042 KBD port at 0x60,0x64 irq 1 <7>PM: Adding info for serio:serio0 <6>mice: PS/2 mouse device common for all mice <6>md: md driver 0.90.3 MAX_MD_DEVS=256, MD_SB_DISKS=27 <6>md: bitmap version 4.39 <6>TCP bic registered <6>Initializing IPsec netlink socket <6>NET: Registered protocol family 1 <6>NET: Registered protocol family 17 <4>Using IPI Shortcut mode <7>PM: Adding info for serio:serio1 <6>ACPI: (supports S0 S3 S4 S5) <6>Freeing unused kernel memory: 196k freed <4>Write protecting the kernel read-only data: 369k <6>Time: tsc clocksource has been installed. <6>Time: acpi_pm clocksource has been installed. <6>input: AT Translated Set 2 keyboard as /class/input/input0 <6>IBM TrackPoint firmware: 0x0e, buttons: 3/3 <6>input: TPPS/2 IBM TrackPoint as /class/input/input1 <5>FS-Cache: Loaded <4>FS-Cache: netfs 'nfs' registered for caching <6>loop: loaded (max 8 devices) <6>Floppy drive(s): fd0 is 1.44M <6>FDC 0 is a National Semiconductor PC87306 <7>PM: Adding info for platform:floppy.0 <6>BIOS EDD facility v0.16 2004-Jun-25, 1 devices found <6>input: PC Speaker as /class/input/input2 <6>squashfs: version 3.1 (2006/08/09) Phillip Lougher <6>NET: Registered protocol family 10 <6>lo: Disabled Privacy Extensions <6>IPv6 over IPv4 tunneling driver <6>hdc: ATAPI 24X DVD-ROM DVD-R-RAM CD-R/RW drive, 2048kB Cache <6>Uniform CD-ROM driver Revision: 3.20 <5>SCSI subsystem initialized <6>Loading iSCSI transport class v2.0-685.<5>iscsi: registered transport (tcp) <4>ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKD] enabled at IRQ 11 <6>ACPI: PCI Interrupt 0000:00:1d.7[D] -> Link [LNKD] -> GSI 11 (level, low) -> IRQ 11 <7>PCI: Setting latency timer of device 0000:00:1d.7 to 64 <6>ehci_hcd 0000:00:1d.7: EHCI Host Controller <6>ehci_hcd 0000:00:1d.7: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 1 <6>ehci_hcd 0000:00:1d.7: debug port 1 <7>PCI: cache line size of 32 is not supported by device 0000:00:1d.7 <6>ehci_hcd 0000:00:1d.7: irq 11, io mem 0xb0000000 <6>ehci_hcd 0000:00:1d.7: USB 2.0 started, EHCI 1.00, driver 10 Dec 2004 <7>PM: Adding info for usb:usb1 <7>PM: Adding info for No Bus:usbdev1.1_ep00 <6>usb usb1: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice <7>PM: Adding info for usb:1-0:1.0 <6>hub 1-0:1.0: USB hub found <6>hub 1-0:1.0: 8 ports detected <7>PM: Adding info for No Bus:usbdev1.1_ep81 <6>USB Universal Host Controller Interface driver v3.0 <6>ACPI: PCI Interrupt 0000:00:1d.0[A] -> Link [LNKA] -> GSI 11 (level, low) -> IRQ 11 <7>PCI: Setting latency timer of device 0000:00:1d.0 to 64 <6>uhci_hcd 0000:00:1d.0: UHCI Host Controller <6>uhci_hcd 0000:00:1d.0: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 2 <6>uhci_hcd 0000:00:1d.0: irq 11, io base 0x00001800 <7>PM: Adding info for usb:usb2 <7>PM: Adding info for No Bus:usbdev2.1_ep00 <6>usb usb2: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice <7>PM: Adding info for usb:2-0:1.0 <6>hub 2-0:1.0: USB hub found <6>hub 2-0:1.0: 2 ports detected <7>PM: Adding info for No Bus:usbdev2.1_ep81 <4>ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKB] enabled at IRQ 11 <6>ACPI: PCI Interrupt 0000:00:1d.1[B] -> Link [LNKB] -> GSI 11 (level, low) -> IRQ 11 <7>PCI: Setting latency timer of device 0000:00:1d.1 to 64 <6>uhci_hcd 0000:00:1d.1: UHCI Host Controller <6>uhci_hcd 0000:00:1d.1: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 3 <6>uhci_hcd 0000:00:1d.1: irq 11, io base 0x00001820 <7>PM: Adding info for usb:usb3 <7>PM: Adding info for No Bus:usbdev3.1_ep00 <6>usb usb3: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice <7>PM: Adding info for usb:3-0:1.0 <6>hub 3-0:1.0: USB hub found <6>hub 3-0:1.0: 2 ports detected <7>PM: Adding info for No Bus:usbdev3.1_ep81 <4>ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKC] enabled at IRQ 11 <6>ACPI: PCI Interrupt 0000:00:1d.2[C] -> Link [LNKC] -> GSI 11 (level, low) -> IRQ 11 <7>PCI: Setting latency timer of device 0000:00:1d.2 to 64 <6>uhci_hcd 0000:00:1d.2: UHCI Host Controller <6>uhci_hcd 0000:00:1d.2: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 4 <6>uhci_hcd 0000:00:1d.2: irq 11, io base 0x00001840 <7>PM: Adding info for usb:usb4 <7>PM: Adding info for No Bus:usbdev4.1_ep00 <6>usb usb4: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice <7>PM: Adding info for usb:4-0:1.0 <6>hub 4-0:1.0: USB hub found <6>hub 4-0:1.0: 2 ports detected <7>PM: Adding info for No Bus:usbdev4.1_ep81 <6>ACPI: PCI Interrupt 0000:00:1d.3[D] -> Link [LNKD] -> GSI 11 (level, low) -> IRQ 11 <7>PCI: Setting latency timer of device 0000:00:1d.3 to 64 <6>uhci_hcd 0000:00:1d.3: UHCI Host Controller <6>uhci_hcd 0000:00:1d.3: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 5 <6>uhci_hcd 0000:00:1d.3: irq 11, io base 0x00001860 <7>PM: Adding info for usb:usb5 <7>PM: Adding info for No Bus:usbdev5.1_ep00 <6>usb usb5: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice <7>PM: Adding info for usb:5-0:1.0 <6>hub 5-0:1.0: USB hub found <6>hub 5-0:1.0: 2 ports detected <7>PM: Adding info for No Bus:usbdev5.1_ep81 <7>ieee1394: Initialized config rom entry `ip1394' <6>ACPI: PCI Interrupt 0000:0b:00.1[B] -> Link [LNKB] -> GSI 11 (level, low) -> IRQ 11 <7>PM: Adding info for ieee1394:fw-host0 <6>ohci1394: fw-host0: OHCI-1394 1.0 (PCI): IRQ=[11] MMIO=[b1000000-b10007ff] Max Packet=[2048] IR/IT contexts=[4/4] <7>PM: Adding info for ieee1394:000ae40520400bbb <7>ieee1394: Host added: ID:BUS[0-00:1023] GUID[000ae40520400bbb] <7>PM: Adding info for ieee1394:000ae40520400bbb-0 <6>cs: IO port probe 0x100-0x3af: clean. <6>tg3.c:v3.65 (August 07, 2006) <6>ACPI: PCI Interrupt 0000:02:00.0[A] -> Link [LNKA] -> GSI 11 (level, low) -> IRQ 11 <7>PCI: Setting latency timer of device 0000:02:00.0 to 64 <6>eth0: Tigon3 [partno(BCM95751M) rev 4101 PHY(5750)] (PCI Express) 10/100/1000BaseT Ethernet 00:0a:e4:c0:54:43 <6>eth0: RXcsums[1] LinkChgREG[0] MIirq[0] ASF[0] Split[0] WireSpeed[1] TSOcap[1] <6>eth0: dma_rwctrl[76180000] dma_mask[64-bit] <7>libata version 2.00 loaded. <7>ata_piix 0000:00:1f.2: version 2.00 <6>ata_piix 0000:00:1f.2: MAP [ P0 P2 IDE IDE ] <4>ata: 0x170 IDE port busy <7>PCI: Setting latency timer of device 0000:00:1f.2 to 64 <6>ata1: SATA max UDMA/133 cmd 0x1F0 ctl 0x3F6 bmdma 0x18C0 irq 14 <6>scsi0 : ata_piix <7>PM: Adding info for No Bus:host0 <6>ata1.00: ATA-6, max UDMA/100, 156301488 sectors: LBA <6>ata1.00: ata1: dev 0 multi count 16 <6>ata1.00: applying bridge limits <6>ata1.00: configured for UDMA/100 <7>PM: Adding info for No Bus:target0:0:0 <5> Vendor: ATA Model: IC25N080ATMR04-0 Rev: MO4O <5> Type: Direct-Access ANSI SCSI revision: 05 <7>PM: Adding info for scsi:0:0:0:0 <5>SCSI device sda: 156301488 512-byte hdwr sectors (80026 MB) <5>sda: Write Protect is off <7>sda: Mode Sense: 00 3a 00 00 <5>SCSI device sda: drive cache: write back <5>SCSI device sda: 156301488 512-byte hdwr sectors (80026 MB) <5>sda: Write Protect is off <7>sda: Mode Sense: 00 3a 00 00 <5>SCSI device sda: drive cache: write back <6> sda: sda1 sda2 sda3 <5>sd 0:0:0:0: Attached scsi disk sda <6>ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): eth0: link is not ready <6>tg3: eth0: Link is up at 100 Mbps, half duplex. <6>tg3: eth0: Flow control is off for TX and off for RX. <6>ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): eth0: link becomes ready <7>eth0: no IPv6 routers present <4>Unable to identify CD-ROM format. <4>VFS: Can't find an ext2 filesystem on dev loop0. <6>security: 3 users, 6 roles, 1532 types, 159 bools, 1 sens, 256 cats <6>security: 58 classes, 47255 rules <6>SELinux: Completing initialization. <6>SELinux: Setting up existing superblocks. <6>SELinux: initialized (dev loop0, type squashfs), not configured for labeling <6>SELinux: initialized (dev usbfs, type usbfs), uses genfs_contexts <6>SELinux: initialized (dev ramfs, type ramfs), uses genfs_contexts <6>SELinux: initialized (dev ramfs, type ramfs), uses genfs_contexts <6>SELinux: initialized (dev tmpfs, type tmpfs), uses transition SIDs <6>SELinux: initialized (dev debugfs, type debugfs), uses genfs_contexts <6>SELinux: initialized (dev selinuxfs, type selinuxfs), uses genfs_contexts <6>SELinux: initialized (dev mqueue, type mqueue), uses transition SIDs <6>SELinux: initialized (dev hugetlbfs, type hugetlbfs), uses genfs_contexts <6>SELinux: initialized (dev devpts, type devpts), uses transition SIDs <6>SELinux: initialized (dev eventpollfs, type eventpollfs), uses task SIDs <6>SELinux: initialized (dev inotifyfs, type inotifyfs), uses genfs_contexts <6>SELinux: initialized (dev tmpfs, type tmpfs), uses transition SIDs <6>SELinux: initialized (dev futexfs, type futexfs), uses genfs_contexts <6>SELinux: initialized (dev pipefs, type pipefs), uses task SIDs <6>SELinux: initialized (dev sockfs, type sockfs), uses task SIDs <6>SELinux: initialized (dev proc, type proc), uses genfs_contexts <6>SELinux: initialized (dev bdev, type bdev), uses genfs_contexts <6>SELinux: initialized (dev rootfs, type rootfs), uses genfs_contexts <6>SELinux: initialized (dev sysfs, type sysfs), uses genfs_contexts <5>audit(1157926156.088:2): policy loaded auid=4294967295 <6>md: raid0 personality registered for level 0 <6>md: raid1 personality registered for level 1 <6>raid5: automatically using best checksumming function: pIII_sse <4> pIII_sse : 2104.000 MB/sec <4>raid5: using function: pIII_sse (2104.000 MB/sec) <4>raid6: int32x1 239 MB/s <4>raid6: int32x2 266 MB/s <4>raid6: int32x4 286 MB/s <4>raid6: int32x8 255 MB/s <4>raid6: mmxx1 783 MB/s <4>raid6: mmxx2 854 MB/s <4>raid6: sse1x1 629 MB/s <4>raid6: sse1x2 900 MB/s <4>raid6: sse2x1 968 MB/s <4>raid6: sse2x2 1109 MB/s <4>raid6: using algorithm sse2x2 (1109 MB/s) <6>md: raid6 personality registered for level 6 <6>md: raid5 personality registered for level 5 <6>md: raid4 personality registered for level 4 <4>GFS2 (built Sep 6 2006 16:28:42) installed <6>Lock_Nolock (built Sep 6 2006 16:29:00) installed <6>JFS: nTxBlock = 8192, nTxLock = 65536 <6>SGI XFS with ACLs, security attributes, large block numbers, no debug enabled <6>SGI XFS Quota Management subsystem <6>device-mapper: ioctl: 4.7.0-ioctl (2006-06-24) initialised: <6>device-mapper: multipath: version 1.0.4 loaded <6>device-mapper: multipath round-robin: version 1.0.0 loaded <6>device-mapper: multipath emc: version 0.0.3 loaded <5>audit(1157926161.585:3): audit_pid=628 old=0 by auid=4294967295 subj=system_u:system_r:anaconda_t:s0 <6>kjournald starting. Commit interval 5 seconds <6>EXT3-fs: mounted filesystem with ordered data mode. <6>SELinux: initialized (dev dm-5, type ext3), uses xattr <6>kjournald starting. Commit interval 5 seconds <6>EXT3-fs: mounted filesystem with ordered data mode. <6>SELinux: initialized (dev dm-2, type ext3), uses xattr <6>kjournald starting. Commit interval 5 seconds <6>EXT3-fs: mounted filesystem with ordered data mode. <6>SELinux: initialized (dev dm-3, type ext3), uses xattr <6>kjournald starting. Commit interval 5 seconds <6>EXT3-fs: mounted filesystem with ordered data mode. <6>SELinux: initialized (dev dm-1, type ext3), uses xattr <6>kjournald starting. Commit interval 5 seconds <6>EXT3-fs: mounted filesystem with ordered data mode. <6>SELinux: initialized (dev dm-0, type ext3), uses xattr <6>kjournald starting. Commit interval 5 seconds <6>EXT3 FS on sda2, internal journal <6>EXT3-fs: mounted filesystem with ordered data mode. <6>SELinux: initialized (dev sda2, type ext3), uses xattr <6>kjournald starting. Commit interval 5 seconds <6>EXT3 FS on dm-5, internal journal <6>EXT3-fs: mounted filesystem with ordered data mode. <6>SELinux: initialized (dev dm-5, type ext3), uses xattr <6>kjournald starting. Commit interval 5 seconds <6>EXT3 FS on dm-5, internal journal <6>EXT3-fs: mounted filesystem with ordered data mode. <6>SELinux: initialized (dev dm-5, type ext3), uses xattr <6>kjournald starting. Commit interval 5 seconds <6>EXT3 FS on sda2, internal journal <6>EXT3-fs: mounted filesystem with ordered data mode. <6>SELinux: initialized (dev sda2, type ext3), uses xattr <6>kjournald starting. Commit interval 5 seconds <6>EXT3 FS on dm-0, internal journal <6>EXT3-fs: mounted filesystem with ordered data mode. <6>SELinux: initialized (dev dm-0, type ext3), uses xattr <6>kjournald starting. Commit interval 5 seconds <6>EXT3 FS on dm-1, internal journal <6>EXT3-fs: mounted filesystem with ordered data mode. <6>SELinux: initialized (dev dm-1, type ext3), uses xattr <6>kjournald starting. Commit interval 5 seconds <6>EXT3 FS on dm-2, internal journal <6>EXT3-fs: mounted filesystem with ordered data mode. <6>SELinux: initialized (dev dm-2, type ext3), uses xattr <6>kjournald starting. Commit interval 5 seconds <6>EXT3 FS on dm-3, internal journal <6>EXT3-fs: mounted filesystem with ordered data mode. <6>SELinux: initialized (dev dm-3, type ext3), uses xattr <6>Adding 2097144k swap on /dev/vg00/lv05. Priority:-1 extents:1 across:2097144k /tmp/anaconda.log: 22:05:52 INFO : 2073124 kB are available 22:05:52 INFO : modules to insert cramfs fat vfat sunrpc lockd fscache nfs_acl nfs loop isofs floppy edd pcspkr squashfs 22:05:52 INFO : loaded cramfs from /modules/modules.cgz 22:05:52 INFO : loaded fat from /modules/modules.cgz 22:05:52 INFO : loaded vfat from /modules/modules.cgz 22:05:52 INFO : loaded sunrpc from /modules/modules.cgz 22:05:52 INFO : loaded lockd from /modules/modules.cgz 22:05:52 INFO : loaded fscache from /modules/modules.cgz 22:05:52 INFO : loaded nfs_acl from /modules/modules.cgz 22:05:52 INFO : loaded nfs from /modules/modules.cgz 22:05:52 INFO : loaded loop from /modules/modules.cgz 22:05:52 INFO : loaded floppy from /modules/modules.cgz 22:05:52 INFO : loaded edd from /modules/modules.cgz 22:05:52 INFO : loaded pcspkr from /modules/modules.cgz 22:05:52 INFO : loaded squashfs from /modules/modules.cgz 22:05:52 DEBUG : module(s) isofs not found 22:05:52 INFO : inserted /tmp/cramfs.ko 22:05:52 INFO : inserted /tmp/fat.ko 22:05:52 INFO : inserted /tmp/vfat.ko 22:05:52 INFO : inserted /tmp/sunrpc.ko 22:05:52 INFO : inserted /tmp/lockd.ko 22:05:52 INFO : inserted /tmp/fscache.ko 22:05:52 INFO : inserted /tmp/nfs_acl.ko 22:05:53 INFO : inserted /tmp/nfs.ko 22:05:53 INFO : inserted /tmp/loop.ko 22:05:53 INFO : inserted /tmp/floppy.ko 22:05:53 INFO : inserted /tmp/edd.ko 22:05:53 INFO : inserted /tmp/pcspkr.ko 22:05:53 INFO : inserted /tmp/squashfs.ko 22:05:53 INFO : load module set done 22:05:53 INFO : modules to insert ipv6 22:05:53 INFO : loaded ipv6 from /modules/modules.cgz 22:05:53 INFO : inserted /tmp/ipv6.ko 22:05:53 INFO : load module set done 22:05:53 INFO : modules to insert cdrom ide-cd 22:05:53 INFO : loaded cdrom from /modules/modules.cgz 22:05:53 INFO : loaded ide-cd from /modules/modules.cgz 22:05:53 INFO : inserted /tmp/cdrom.ko 22:05:53 INFO : inserted /tmp/ide-cd.ko 22:05:53 INFO : load module set done 22:05:53 INFO : modules to insert scsi_mod sd_mod sr_mod 22:05:54 INFO : loaded scsi_mod from /modules/modules.cgz 22:05:54 INFO : loaded sd_mod from /modules/modules.cgz 22:05:54 INFO : loaded sr_mod from /modules/modules.cgz 22:05:54 INFO : inserted /tmp/scsi_mod.ko 22:05:54 INFO : inserted /tmp/sd_mod.ko 22:05:54 INFO : inserted /tmp/sr_mod.ko 22:05:54 INFO : load module set done 22:05:54 INFO : modules to insert scsi_transport_iscsi libiscsi iscsi_tcp 22:05:54 INFO : loaded scsi_transport_iscsi from /modules/modules.cgz 22:05:54 INFO : loaded libiscsi from /modules/modules.cgz 22:05:54 INFO : loaded iscsi_tcp from /modules/modules.cgz 22:05:54 INFO : inserted /tmp/scsi_transport_iscsi.ko 22:05:54 INFO : inserted /tmp/libiscsi.ko 22:05:54 INFO : inserted /tmp/iscsi_tcp.ko 22:05:54 INFO : load module set done 22:05:54 INFO : looking for usb controllers 22:05:54 INFO : found USB controller ehci-hcd 22:05:54 INFO : modules to insert ehci-hcd 22:05:55 INFO : loaded ehci-hcd from /modules/modules.cgz 22:05:55 INFO : inserted /tmp/ehci-hcd.ko 22:05:55 INFO : load module set done 22:05:55 INFO : found USB controller uhci-hcd 22:05:55 INFO : modules to insert uhci-hcd 22:05:55 INFO : loaded uhci-hcd from /modules/modules.cgz 22:05:56 INFO : inserted /tmp/uhci-hcd.ko 22:05:56 INFO : load module set done 22:05:56 INFO : found USB controller uhci-hcd 22:05:56 INFO : modules to insert 22:05:56 INFO : load module set done 22:05:56 INFO : found USB controller uhci-hcd 22:05:56 INFO : modules to insert 22:05:56 INFO : load module set done 22:05:56 INFO : found USB controller uhci-hcd 22:05:56 INFO : modules to insert 22:05:56 INFO : load module set done 22:05:56 DEBUG : waiting for usb to become stable... 22:05:58 DEBUG : 2 seconds. 22:05:58 INFO : modules to insert hid keybdev 22:05:58 DEBUG : module(s) hid keybdev not found 22:05:58 INFO : load module set done 22:05:59 INFO : found firewire controller ohci1394 22:05:59 INFO : modules to insert ieee1394 ohci1394 22:06:00 INFO : loaded ieee1394 from /modules/modules.cgz 22:06:00 INFO : loaded ohci1394 from /modules/modules.cgz 22:06:00 INFO : inserted /tmp/ieee1394.ko 22:06:00 INFO : inserted /tmp/ohci1394.ko 22:06:00 INFO : load module set done 22:06:03 INFO : probing for firewire scsi devices 22:06:03 DEBUG : no firewire scsi devices found 22:06:03 DEBUG : found pcmcia adapter yenta_socket 22:06:03 INFO : modules to insert pcmcia_core yenta_socket pcmcia 22:06:03 DEBUG : module(s) pcmcia_core yenta_socket pcmcia not found 22:06:03 INFO : load module set done 22:06:03 DEBUG : probing buses 22:06:03 DEBUG : finished bus probing 22:06:03 DEBUG : ignoring driverless device Intel Corporation Unknown device 266a 22:06:03 DEBUG : ignoring driverless device Intel Corporation Unknown device 2641 22:06:03 DEBUG : ignoring driverless device Intel Corporation Unknown device 266d 22:06:03 DEBUG : ignoring driverless device Intel Corporation Unknown device 2448 22:06:03 DEBUG : ignoring driverless device Intel Corporation Unknown device 2664 22:06:03 DEBUG : ignoring driverless device Intel Corporation Unknown device 2660 22:06:03 DEBUG : ignoring driverless device Intel Corporation Unknown device 2591 22:06:03 DEBUG : ignoring driverless device Intel Corporation Unknown device 2590 22:06:03 DEBUG : ignoring driverless device Intel Corporation Unknown device 4224 22:06:03 DEBUG : ignoring driverless device Intel Corporation Unknown device 266e 22:06:03 DEBUG : ignoring driverless device ATI Technologies Inc M22 [Radeon Mobility M300] 22:06:03 INFO : modules to insert tg3 yenta_socket libata ata_piix 22:06:04 INFO : loaded tg3 from /modules/modules.cgz 22:06:04 INFO : loaded libata from /modules/modules.cgz 22:06:04 INFO : loaded ata_piix from /modules/modules.cgz 22:06:04 DEBUG : module(s) yenta_socket not found 22:06:04 INFO : inserted /tmp/tg3.ko 22:06:04 INFO : inserted /tmp/libata.ko 22:06:05 INFO : inserted /tmp/ata_piix.ko 22:06:05 INFO : load module set done 22:06:05 INFO : trying to mount CD device hdc 22:08:38 DEBUG : going to set language to en_US.UTF-8 22:08:38 INFO : setting language to en_US.UTF-8 22:08:38 INFO : 53 keymaps are available 22:08:42 INFO : need to set up networking 22:08:42 INFO : going to pick interface 22:08:42 INFO : only have one network device: eth0 22:08:42 INFO : going to do getNetConfig 22:08:42 INFO : eth0 is not a wireless adapter 22:08:44 DEBUG : waiting for link eth0... 22:08:44 DEBUG : 0 seconds. 22:08:44 INFO : Listening on LPF/eth0/00:0a:e4:c0:54:43 22:08:44 INFO : Sending on LPF/eth0/00:0a:e4:c0:54:43 22:08:44 INFO : Sending on Socket/fallback 22:08:44 INFO : DHCPDISCOVER on eth0 to port 67 interval 8 22:08:52 INFO : DHCPDISCOVER on eth0 to port 67 interval 14 22:08:52 INFO : DHCPOFFER from 22:08:52 INFO : DHCPREQUEST on eth0 to port 67 22:08:52 INFO : DHCPACK from 22:08:52 INFO : bound to -- renewal in 8186 seconds. 22:08:52 INFO : DHCPv4 eth0 - obtained lease 22:08:52 INFO : DHCPv4 eth0 - option subnet-mask: 22:08:52 INFO : DHCPv4 eth0 - option subnet-mask - prefix_len: 24 broadcast: 22:08:52 INFO : DHCPv4 eth0 - option routers: 22:08:52 DEBUG : device = eth0 22:08:52 DEBUG : broadcast = 22:08:52 DEBUG : netmask = 22:08:52 DEBUG : network = 22:08:52 DEBUG : gateway = 22:08:52 DEBUG : dns[0] = 22:08:52 DEBUG : dns[1] = 22:08:52 DEBUG : waiting for link eth0... 22:08:52 DEBUG : 0 seconds. 22:08:52 WARNING : reverse name lookup failed 22:08:52 INFO : starting to STEP_URL 22:09:02 INFO : trying to mount CD device hdc 22:09:02 INFO : transferring http://development//i386/os/images/updates.img to a fd 22:09:02 INFO : transferring http://development//i386/os/disc1/images/updates.img to a fd 22:09:02 INFO : transferring http://development//i386/os/images/product.img to a fd 22:09:02 INFO : transferring http://development//i386/os/disc1/images/product.img to a fd 22:09:02 INFO : 2073124 kB are available 22:09:02 INFO : transferring http://development//i386/os/images/stage2.img to a fd 22:09:15 DEBUG : copied 79499264 bytes to /tmp/ramfs/stage2.img (complete) 22:09:15 INFO : mntloop loop0 on /mnt/runtime as /tmp/ramfs/stage2.img fd is 22 22:09:15 INFO : got url http://development/i386/os 22:09:15 INFO : Loading SELinux policy 22:09:16 INFO : getting ready to spawn shell now 22:09:16 INFO : modules to insert 22:09:16 INFO : load module set done 22:09:16 INFO : modules to insert 22:09:16 INFO : load module set done 22:09:16 INFO : modules to insert 22:09:16 INFO : load module set done 22:09:16 INFO : modules to insert pcmcia_core yenta_socket pcmcia 22:09:16 DEBUG : module(s) pcmcia_core yenta_socket pcmcia not found 22:09:16 INFO : load module set done 22:09:16 DEBUG : probing buses 22:09:16 DEBUG : finished bus probing 22:09:16 DEBUG : ignoring driverless device Intel Corporation 82801FB/FBM/FR/FW/FRW (ICH6 Family) SMBus Controller 22:09:16 DEBUG : ignoring driverless device Intel Corporation 82801FBM (ICH6M) LPC Interface Bridge 22:09:16 DEBUG : ignoring driverless device Intel Corporation 82801FB/FBM/FR/FW/FRW (ICH6 Family) AC'97 Modem Controller 22:09:16 DEBUG : ignoring driverless device Intel Corporation 82801 Mobile PCI Bridge 22:09:16 DEBUG : ignoring driverless device Intel Corporation 82801FB/FBM/FR/FW/FRW (ICH6 Family) PCI Express Port 3 22:09:16 DEBUG : ignoring driverless device Intel Corporation 82801FB/FBM/FR/FW/FRW (ICH6 Family) PCI Express Port 1 22:09:16 DEBUG : ignoring driverless device Intel Corporation Mobile 915GM/PM Express PCI Express Root Port 22:09:16 DEBUG : ignoring driverless device Intel Corporation Mobile 915GM/PM/GMS/910GML Express Processor to DRAM Controller 22:09:16 DEBUG : ignoring driverless device Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 2915ABG Network Connection 22:09:16 DEBUG : ignoring driverless device Intel Corporation 82801FB/FBM/FR/FW/FRW (ICH6 Family) AC'97 Audio Controller 22:09:16 DEBUG : ignoring driverless device ATI Technologies Inc M22 [Radeon Mobility M300] 22:09:16 INFO : modules to insert yenta_socket 22:09:16 DEBUG : module(s) yenta_socket not found 22:09:16 INFO : load module set done 22:09:16 INFO : modules to insert md raid0 raid1 raid5 raid6 xor raid456 msdos jbd ext3 gfs2 lock_nolock reiserfs jfs xfs dm-mod dm-zero dm-mirror dm-snapshot dm-multipath dm-round-robin dm-emc 22:09:17 INFO : loaded raid0 from /modules/modules.cgz 22:09:17 INFO : loaded raid1 from /modules/modules.cgz 22:09:17 INFO : loaded xor from /modules/modules.cgz 22:09:17 INFO : loaded raid456 from /modules/modules.cgz 22:09:17 INFO : loaded msdos from /modules/modules.cgz 22:09:17 INFO : loaded jbd from /modules/modules.cgz 22:09:17 INFO : loaded ext3 from /modules/modules.cgz 22:09:17 INFO : loaded gfs2 from /modules/modules.cgz 22:09:17 INFO : loaded lock_nolock from /modules/modules.cgz 22:09:17 INFO : loaded reiserfs from /modules/modules.cgz 22:09:17 INFO : loaded jfs from /modules/modules.cgz 22:09:17 INFO : loaded xfs from /modules/modules.cgz 22:09:17 INFO : loaded dm-mod from /modules/modules.cgz 22:09:17 INFO : loaded dm-zero from /modules/modules.cgz 22:09:17 INFO : loaded dm-mirror from /modules/modules.cgz 22:09:17 INFO : loaded dm-snapshot from /modules/modules.cgz 22:09:17 INFO : loaded dm-multipath from /modules/modules.cgz 22:09:17 INFO : loaded dm-round-robin from /modules/modules.cgz 22:09:17 INFO : loaded dm-emc from /modules/modules.cgz 22:09:17 DEBUG : module(s) md raid5 raid6 not found 22:09:17 INFO : inserted /tmp/raid0.ko 22:09:17 INFO : inserted /tmp/raid1.ko 22:09:17 INFO : inserted /tmp/xor.ko 22:09:18 INFO : inserted /tmp/raid456.ko 22:09:18 INFO : inserted /tmp/msdos.ko 22:09:18 INFO : inserted /tmp/jbd.ko 22:09:18 INFO : inserted /tmp/ext3.ko 22:09:18 INFO : inserted /tmp/gfs2.ko 22:09:18 INFO : inserted /tmp/lock_nolock.ko 22:09:18 INFO : inserted /tmp/reiserfs.ko 22:09:18 INFO : inserted /tmp/jfs.ko 22:09:18 INFO : inserted /tmp/xfs.ko 22:09:18 INFO : inserted /tmp/dm-mod.ko 22:09:18 INFO : inserted /tmp/dm-zero.ko 22:09:18 INFO : inserted /tmp/dm-mirror.ko 22:09:18 INFO : inserted /tmp/dm-snapshot.ko 22:09:18 INFO : inserted /tmp/dm-multipath.ko 22:09:18 INFO : inserted /tmp/dm-round-robin.ko 22:09:18 INFO : inserted /tmp/dm-emc.ko 22:09:18 INFO : load module set done 22:09:18 INFO : looking for USB mouse... 22:09:18 INFO : Running anaconda script /usr/bin/anaconda 22:09:21 INFO : using only installclass _Fedora 22:09:21 INFO : _Fedora is only installclass, using it 22:09:22 INFO : Display mode = g 22:09:22 INFO : Method = http://development/i386/os 22:09:27 INFO : anaconda floppy device is fd0 22:09:37 INFO : Started mini-wm 22:09:37 INFO : Starting graphical installation... 22:09:40 INFO : Detected 2032M of memory 22:09:40 INFO : Swap attempt of 1000M to 2000M 22:09:40 WARNING : step installtype does not exist 22:09:40 WARNING : step complete does not exist 22:09:41 INFO : moving (1) to step welcome 22:09:58 INFO : moving (1) to step betanag 22:10:00 INFO : moving (1) to step findrootparts 22:10:00 DEBUG : starting mpaths 22:10:00 DEBUG : self.driveList(): ['sda'] 22:10:00 DEBUG : DiskSet.skippedDisks: [] 22:10:00 DEBUG : DiskSet.skippedDisks: [] 22:10:00 DEBUG : starting all mpaths on drives ['sda'] 22:10:00 DEBUG : scanning for multipath on drives ['sda'] 22:10:00 DEBUG : mpaths: [] 22:10:00 DEBUG : done starting mpaths. Drivelist: ['sda'] 22:10:00 DEBUG : starting dmraids 22:10:00 DEBUG : self.driveList(): ['sda'] 22:10:00 DEBUG : DiskSet.skippedDisks: [] 22:10:00 DEBUG : DiskSet.skippedDisks: [] 22:10:00 DEBUG : starting all dmraids on drives ['sda'] 22:10:00 DEBUG : scanning for dmraid on drives ['sda'] 22:10:00 DEBUG : done starting dmraids. Drivelist: ['sda'] 22:10:03 INFO : lv is vg00/lv00, size of 3808 22:10:03 INFO : lv is vg00/lv01, size of 8192 22:10:03 INFO : lv is vg00/lv02, size of 1024 22:10:03 INFO : lv is vg00/lv03, size of 10240 22:10:03 INFO : lv is vg00/lv04, size of 46080 22:10:03 INFO : lv is vg00/lv05, size of 2048 22:10:03 DEBUG : going to mount /dev/vg00/lv00 on /mnt/sysimage 22:10:03 DEBUG : going to mount /dev/vg00/lv01 on /mnt/sysimage 22:10:03 DEBUG : going to mount /dev/vg00/lv02 on /mnt/sysimage 22:10:03 DEBUG : going to mount /dev/vg00/lv03 on /mnt/sysimage 22:10:04 DEBUG : going to mount /dev/vg00/lv04 on /mnt/sysimage 22:10:04 DEBUG : going to mount /tmp/sda2 on /mnt/sysimage 22:10:05 WARNING : step complete does not exist 22:10:05 INFO : moving (1) to step findinstall 22:10:05 INFO : using only installclass _Fedora 22:10:10 WARNING : step installtype does not exist 22:10:10 WARNING : step checkdeps does not exist 22:10:10 WARNING : step dependencies does not exist 22:10:11 INFO : Detected 2032M of memory 22:10:11 INFO : Swap attempt of 1000M to 2000M 22:10:11 WARNING : step complete does not exist 22:10:11 INFO : moving (1) to step partitionobjinit 22:10:11 INFO : no initiator set 22:10:14 INFO : pv is /dev/sda3 in vg vg00, size is 71436 22:10:14 INFO : vg vg00, size is 71424, pesize is 32768 22:10:14 INFO : lv is vg00/lv00, size of 3808 22:10:14 INFO : lv is vg00/lv01, size of 8192 22:10:14 INFO : lv is vg00/lv02, size of 1024 22:10:14 INFO : lv is vg00/lv03, size of 10240 22:10:14 INFO : lv is vg00/lv04, size of 46080 22:10:14 INFO : lv is vg00/lv05, size of 2048 22:10:14 ERROR : could not create directory //dev/mapper: File exists 22:10:14 INFO : moving (1) to step upgrademount 22:10:17 INFO : going to mount /dev/vg00/lv00 on /mnt/sysimage as ext3 22:10:17 DEBUG : going to mount /dev/vg00/lv00 on /mnt/sysimage 22:10:18 INFO : trying to mount vg00/lv00 on / 22:10:18 INFO : set SELinux context for mountpoint / to system_u:object_r:root_t:s0 22:10:18 DEBUG : going to mount /dev/vg00/lv00 on /mnt/sysimage 22:10:18 INFO : trying to mount sda2 on /boot 22:10:18 ERROR : could not create directory /mnt/sysimage//boot: File exists 22:10:18 INFO : set SELinux context for mountpoint /boot to system_u:object_r:boot_t:s0 22:10:18 DEBUG : going to mount /dev/sda2 on /mnt/sysimage/boot 22:10:18 INFO : trying to mount vg00/lv04 on /data 22:10:18 ERROR : could not create directory /mnt/sysimage//data: File exists 22:10:18 INFO : set SELinux context for mountpoint /data to system_u:object_r:default_t:s0 22:10:18 DEBUG : going to mount /dev/vg00/lv04 on /mnt/sysimage/data 22:10:18 INFO : trying to mount vg00/lv03 on /home 22:10:18 ERROR : could not create directory /mnt/sysimage//home: File exists 22:10:18 INFO : set SELinux context for mountpoint /home to system_u:object_r:home_root_t:s0 22:10:18 DEBUG : going to mount /dev/vg00/lv03 on /mnt/sysimage/home 22:10:18 INFO : trying to mount proc on /proc 22:10:18 ERROR : could not create directory /mnt/sysimage//proc: File exists 22:10:18 INFO : set SELinux context for mountpoint /proc to None 22:10:18 DEBUG : going to mount proc on /mnt/sysimage/proc 22:10:18 INFO : trying to mount sys on /sys 22:10:18 ERROR : could not create directory /mnt/sysimage//sys: File exists 22:10:18 INFO : set SELinux context for mountpoint /sys to None 22:10:18 DEBUG : going to mount sys on /mnt/sysimage/sys 22:10:18 INFO : trying to mount sysfs on /sys 22:10:19 ERROR : could not create directory /mnt/sysimage//sys: File exists 22:10:19 INFO : set SELinux context for mountpoint /sys to None 22:10:19 INFO : trying to mount vg00/lv01 on /usr 22:10:19 ERROR : could not create directory /mnt/sysimage//usr: File exists 22:10:19 INFO : set SELinux context for mountpoint /usr to system_u:object_r:usr_t:s0 22:10:19 DEBUG : going to mount /dev/vg00/lv01 on /mnt/sysimage/usr 22:10:19 INFO : trying to mount vg00/lv02 on /var 22:10:19 ERROR : could not create directory /mnt/sysimage//var: File exists 22:10:19 INFO : set SELinux context for mountpoint /var to system_u:object_r:var_t:s0 22:10:19 DEBUG : going to mount /dev/vg00/lv02 on /mnt/sysimage/var 22:10:19 ERROR : could not create directory //mnt/sysimage/dev: File exists 22:10:19 INFO : set SELinux context for mountpoint /mnt/sysimage/dev to None 22:10:19 DEBUG : going to mount /dev on //mnt/sysimage/dev 22:10:19 INFO : moving (1) to step upgradecontinue 22:10:19 INFO : moving (1) to step upgrademigfind 22:10:19 INFO : moving (1) to step upgbootloader 22:10:22 INFO : moving (1) to step bootloadersetup 22:10:22 INFO : moving (1) to step reposetup 22:10:42 INFO : no groups missing 22:10:42 INFO : moving (1) to step postselection 22:10:42 INFO : selected kernel package for kernel 22:10:49 INFO : ensuring device-mapper-multipath is installed 22:10:50 INFO : ensuring dmraid is installed /tmp/netinfo: DEVICE=eth0 ONBOOT=yes BOOTPROTO=dhcp /tmp/lvmout: /mnt/sysimage/root/install.log: Installing libgcc-4.1.0-3.i386. warning: libgcc-4.1.0-3: Header V3 DSA signature: NOKEY, key ID 4f2a6fd2 Installing setup-2.5.49-1.noarch. Installing filesystem-2.3.7-1.2.1.i386. Installing classpathx-jaf-1.0-2jpp_5fc.noarch. Installing oro-2.0.8-1jpp_4fc.noarch. Installing gnome-mime-data-2.4.2-1.2.1.i386. Installing slib-3a1-5.1.noarch. Installing jdepend-2.6-2jpp_4fc.1.1.noarch. Installing desktop-backgrounds-basic-2.0-31.noarch. Installing bsf-2.3.0-6jpp_3fc.noarch. Installing jakarta-commons-launcher-0.9-3jpp_3fc.noarch. Installing basesystem-8.0-5.1.noarch. Installing tzdata-2006b-1.noarch. Installing glibc-common-2.4-4.i386. Installing glibc-2.4-4.i686. Installing zlib-1.2.3-1.2.1.i386. Installing glib2-2.10.1-1.i386. Installing atk-1.11.3-1.i386. Installing libICE-1.0.0-2.2.i386. Installing libSM-1.0.0-2.2.i386. Installing popt-1.10.2-15.2.i386. Installing libart_lgpl-2.3.17-2.2.1.i386. Installing libstdc++-4.1.0-3.i386. Installing chkconfig-1.3.29-1.i386. Installing libjpeg-6b-36.2.1.i386. Installing libpng-1.2.8-2.2.1.i386. Installing mktemp-1.5-23.2.1.i386. Installing expat-1.95.8-8.2.i386. Installing glib-1.2.10-18.2.2.i386. Installing bzip2-libs-1.0.3-2.2.1.i386. Installing db4-4.3.29-2.i386. Installing libXau-1.0.0-2.2.i386. Installing audit-libs-1.1.5-1.i386. Installing libattr-2.4.28-1.2.i386. Installing libacl-2.2.34-1.2.i386. Installing libogg-1.1.3-1.2.i386. Installing elfutils-libelf-0.119-1.2.1.i386. Installing tcp_wrappers-7.6-40.2.i386. Installing libusb-0.1.11-2.2.i386. Installing cyrus-sasl-lib-2.1.21-10.i386. Installing libcap-1.10-24.2.i386. Installing libexif-0.6.12-3.2.1.i386. Installing libgpg-error-1.1-1.2.1.i386. Installing libgcrypt-1.2.2-1.2.1.i386. Installing gnutls-1.2.10-1.i386. Installing libvorbis-1.1.2-1.2.i386. Installing libfontenc-1.0.1-1.2.i386. Installing libraw1394-1.2.0-3.fc5.2.i386. Installing pcre-6.3-1.2.1.i386. Installing beecrypt-4.1.2-9.2.1.i386. Installing file-4.16-6.2.i386. Installing libieee1284-0.2.9-3.2.1.i386. Installing libXdmcp-1.0.0-2.2.i386. Installing libX11-1.0.0-3.i386. Installing libXext-1.0.0-3.2.i386. Installing libXrender- Installing libXi-1.0.0-2.2.i386. Installing libXt-1.0.0-2.2.i386. Installing startup-notification-0.8-3.2.1.i386. Installing libXmu-1.0.0-2.2.i386. Installing gtk+-1.2.10-50.i386. Installing libXinerama-1.0.1-1.2.i386. Installing libXtst-1.0.1-1.2.i386. Installing libXrandr- Installing libXxf86vm-1.0.0-2.2.i386. Installing libXfixes- Installing libXcursor- Installing libXScrnSaver-1.0.1-1.2.i386. Installing libXpm- Installing libXaw-1.0.1-1.2.i386. Installing libXxf86misc-1.0.0-2.2.i386. Installing libXp-1.0.0-2.2.i386. Installing libxkbfile-1.0.1-1.2.i386. Installing libavc1394-0.5.1-2.2.i386. Installing flac-1.1.2-25.2.1.i386. Installing libmusicbrainz-2.1.1-2.1.i386. Installing gdbm-1.8.0-26.2.i386. Installing mkisofs- Installing libdv-0.104-2.fc5.i386. Installing patch-2.5.4-29.2.1.i386. Installing libtool-ltdl-1.5.22-2.2.i386. Installing zip-2.31-1.2.1.i386. Installing xorg-x11-xkb-utils-1.0.1-1.2.i386. Installing libXdamage- Installing SDL-1.2.9-5.2.1.i386. Installing libdmx-1.0.1-1.2.i386. Installing libXv-1.0.1-1.2.i386. Installing giflib-4.1.3-6.2.1.i386. Installing elfutils-libs-0.119-1.2.1.i386. Installing elfutils-0.119-1.2.1.i386. Installing speex-1.0.5-1.2.1.i386. Installing libgtop2-2.14.0-1.i386. Installing gmp-4.1.4-6.2.1.i386. Installing libIDL-0.8.6-2.2.1.i386. Installing ORBit2-2.14.0-1.i386. Installing libao-0.8.6-1.2.1.i386. Installing liblbxutil-1.0.0-2.2.i386. Installing mailx-8.1.1-44.2.1.i386. Installing liboil-0.3.6-3.fc5.2.i386. Installing hesiod-3.0.2-31.2.1.i386. Installing wireless-tools-28-0.pre13.5.1.i386. Installing bluez-libs-2.25-1.i386. Installing libdrm-2.0-2.2.i386. Installing mesa-libGL-6.4.2-6.i386. Installing mesa-libGLU-6.4.2-6.i386. Installing freeglut-2.4.0-4.i386. Installing libtiff-3.7.4-3.2.1.i386. Installing imlib-1.9.13-26.2.1.i386. Installing lcms-1.15-1.2.1.i386. Installing gdk-pixbuf-0.22.0-22.i386. Installing libmng-1.0.9-3.2.1.i386. Installing dvd+rw-tools- Installing libXcomposite- Installing libXTrap-1.0.0-2.2.i386. Installing libXevie-1.0.0-2.2.i386. Installing libXxf86dga-1.0.0-2.2.i386. Installing libXres-1.0.0-2.2.i386. Installing libXfontcache-1.0.1-1.2.i386. Installing libiec61883-1.0.0-10.fc5.2.i386. Installing libtheora-1.0alpha5-1.2.1.i386. Installing libstdc++-devel-4.1.0-3.i386. Installing libicu-3.4-6.2.i386. Installing cdrdao-1.2.1-1.i386. Installing gmime-2.1.19-3.i386. Installing zlib-devel-1.2.3-1.2.1.i386. Installing libgfortran-4.1.0-3.i386. Installing libghttp-1.0.9-11.2.1.i386. Installing flex-2.5.4a-37.4.i386. Installing pax-3.4-1.2.1.i386. Installing libpng10-1.0.18-3.2.1.i386. Installing netpbm-10.31-4.i386. Installing libevent-1.1a-3.2.i386. Installing mpage-2.5.4-6.1.i386. Installing ethtool-3-1.2.1.i386. Installing libdaemon-0.10-3.1.i386. Installing eject-2.1.2-1.2.1.i386. Installing libnl-1.0-0.8.pre5.i386. Installing dosfstools-2.11-4.2.i386. Installing dmidecode-2.7-1.23.i386. Installing mingetty-1.07-5.2.1.i386. Installing libgomp-4.1.0-3.i386. Installing ctags-5.5.4-4.2.1.i386. Installing libsilc-0.9.12-12.2.1.i386. Installing cryptsetup-luks-1.0.3-0.rc2.i386. Installing libFS-1.0.0-2.2.i386. Installing cracklib-dicts-2.8.6-1.2.1.i386. Installing termcap-5.4-7.1.noarch. Installing libtermcap-2.0.8-45.i386. Installing bash-3.1-6.2.i386. Installing libxml2-2.6.23-1.2.i386. Installing info-4.8-9.2.i386. Installing ncurses-5.5-19.i386. Installing freetype-2.1.10-5.2.1.i386. Installing grep-2.5.1-52.2.i386. Installing gawk-3.1.5-6.2.i386. Installing readline-5.0-3.2.1.i386. Installing desktop-file-utils-0.10-6.1.i386. Installing audiofile-0.2.6-2.2.1.i386. Installing sed-4.1.5-1.2.i386. Installing libxslt-1.1.15-1.2.1.i386. Installing redhat-menus-6.7.5-1.noarch. Installing nspr-4.6.1-2.2.i386. Installing sqlite-3.3.3-1.2.i386. Installing libxml-1.8.17-13.2.1.i386. Installing libsepol-1.11.18-2.i386. Installing nss-3.11-4.i386. Installing fedora-logos-1.1.42-1.noarch. Installing libidn-0.6.2-1.1.i386. Installing ORBit-0.5.17-15.2.2.i386. Installing libsoup-2.2.91-1.i386. Installing gamin-0.1.7-1.2.1.i386. Installing libXfont-1.0.0-2.2.i386. Installing make-3.80-10.2.i386. Installing diffutils-2.8.1-15.2.1.i386. Installing m4-1.4.4-1.2.1.i386. Installing guile-1.6.7-6.i386. Installing ttmkfdir-3.0.9-19.2.1.i386. Installing binutils- Installing iproute-2.6.15-1.2.i386. Installing slang-2.0.5-5.2.1.i386. Installing xmlsec1-1.2.9-4.2.i386. Installing pilot-link-0.12.0-0.pre4.5.2.1.i386. Installing less-394-3.i386. Installing gzip-1.3.5-6.2.1.i386. Installing gdb- Installing cpp-4.1.0-3.i386. Installing xorg-x11-server-utils-1.0.1-1.2.i386. Installing gpm-1.20.1-73.3.i386. Installing groff- Installing cpio-2.6-11.2.1.i386. Installing tetex-fonts-3.0-17.i386. Installing ed-0.2-38.2.1.i386. Installing tar-1.15.1-12.2.i386. Installing libxklavier- Installing shared-mime-info-0.16.cvs20060212-3.i386. Installing libbeagle-0.2.2-3.i386. Installing iptables-1.3.5-1.2.i386. Installing cdparanoia-libs-alpha9.8-27.1.i386. Installing xorg-x11-filesystem-7.0-1.noarch. Installing cdrecord- Installing crontabs-1.10-7.1.noarch. Installing procmail-3.22-16.2.1.i386. Installing bzip2-1.0.3-2.2.1.i386. Installing fedora-release-5-5.noarch. Installing cdparanoia-alpha9.8-27.1.i386. Installing xmlsec1-nss-1.2.9-4.2.i386. Installing g-wrap-1.9.6-2.i386. Installing bc-1.06-19.2.1.i386. Installing vim-common-6.4.007-4.i386. Installing dialog-1.0.20051107-1.2.1.i386. Installing time-1.7-27.2.1.i386. Installing libcroco-0.6.1-1.i386. Installing xorg-x11-xauth-1.0.1-1.2.i386. Installing xorg-x11-xinit-1.0.1-2.i386. Installing bitstream-vera-fonts-1.10-5.1.noarch. Installing unzip-5.52-2.2.i386. Installing pnm2ppa-1.04-13.2.1.i386. Installing tcl-8.4.12-4.i386. Installing iputils-20020927-35.i386. Installing xorg-x11-xkbdata-1.0.1-7.noarch. Installing agg-2.3-4.i386. Installing mailcap-2.1.20-1.noarch. Installing comps-extras-11.1-1.noarch. Installing jakarta-commons-codec-1.3-2jpp_4fc.noarch. Installing jlex-1.2.6-1jpp_3fc.noarch. Installing gal-0.24-7.i386. Installing libgal23-0.24-7.i386. Installing iso-codes-0.49-1.noarch. Installing jzlib-1.0.5-2jpp_2fc.noarch. Installing rmt-0.4b41-1.2.i386. Installing dump-0.4b41-1.2.i386. Installing anacron-2.3-36.1.i386. Installing iptstate-1.4- Installing pstack-1.2-7.2.1.i386. Installing bison-2.1-1.2.1.i386. Installing grub-0.97-5.i386. Installing ftp-0.17-32.1.2.i386. Installing units-1.85-1.2.1.i386. Installing tftp-0.41-1.2.1.i386. Installing crash-4.0-2.18.1.i386. Installing cscope-15.5-13.2.i386. Installing mtr-0.69-7.2.1.i386. Installing nano-1.3.8-1.2.1.i386. Installing telnet-0.17-35.2.1.i386. Installing talk-0.17-29.2.1.i386. Installing jwhois-3.2.3-3.2.1.i386. Installing mgetty-1.1.33-7.FC5.2.i386. Installing indent-2.2.9-12.2.i386. Installing tux-3.2.18-4.2.1.i386. Installing nc-1.84-3.2.i386. Installing gtk-engines-0.12-7.2.1.i386. Installing dvgrab-2.0-1.2.1.i386. Installing glx-utils-6.4.2-6.i386. Installing xorg-x11-twm-1.0.1-1.2.i386. Installing cyrus-sasl-plain-2.1.21-10.i386. Installing ltrace-0.3.36-4.2.i386. Installing acl-2.2.34-1.2.i386. Installing rsync-2.6.6-2.2.1.i386. Installing attr-2.4.28-1.2.i386. Installing dcraw-0.0.20051211-1.2.i386. Installing doxygen-1.4.6-3.i386. Installing swig-1.3.24-2.2.1.i386. Installing squashfs-tools-2.2r2-2.2.1.i386. Installing diffstat-1.41-1.2.1.i386. Installing hardlink-1.0-1.21.2.i386. Installing symlinks-1.2-24.2.1.i386. Installing setarch-1.8-1.2.1.i386. Installing hdparm-6.3-2.2.i386. Installing rsh-0.17-34.1.i386. Installing joystick-1.2.15-20.2.1.i386. Installing unix2dos-2.2-26.2.1.i386. Installing rdate-1.4-4.2.1.i386. Installing strace-4.5.14-1.2.i386. Installing pam_smb-1.1.7-7.2.i386. Installing lsof-4.76-2.i386. Installing dos2unix-3.1-24.2.1.i386. Installing pam_passwdqc-1.0.2-1.2.1.i386. Installing tree-1.5.0-3.2.1.i386. Installing traceroute-1.0.4-1.2.i386. Installing vconfig-1.9-2.i386. Installing gpart-0.1h-1.2.i386. Installing rcs-5.7-29.2.1.i386. Installing x86info-1.17-1.20.i386. Installing setserial-2.17-19.2.1.i386. Installing finger-0.17-32.2.i386. Installing pkgconfig-0.20-2.2.1.i386. Installing cdda2wav- Installing lrzsz-0.12.20-21.2.1.i386. Installing rdist-6.1.5-42.2.1.i386. Installing byacc-1.9-29.2.1.i386. Installing jdepend-demo-2.6-2jpp_4fc.1.1.noarch. Installing ant-manual-1.6.5-1jpp_7fc.i386. Installing mx4j-javadoc-3.0.1-1jpp_9fc.i386. Installing java_cup-manual-0.10-0.k.1jpp_9fc.i386. Installing cryptix-javadoc-3.2.0-4jpp_3fc.noarch. Installing xalan-j2-manual-2.6.0-3jpp_9fc.i386. Installing gnome-backgrounds-2.14.0-1.noarch. Installing junit-manual-3.8.1-3jpp_7fc.noarch. Installing words-3.0-8.1.noarch. Installing xml-commons-apis-manual-1.3.02-0.b2.7jpp_7fc.i386. Installing man-pages-2.21-1.noarch. Installing jakarta-commons-lang-2.0-2jpp_4fc.noarch. Installing log4j-manual-1.2.8-7jpp_8fc.noarch. Installing avalon-framework-manual-4.1.4-2jpp_8fc.noarch. Installing mx4j-manual-3.0.1-1jpp_9fc.i386. Installing ldapjdk-javadoc-4.17-1jpp_3fc.1.1.noarch. Installing oro-javadoc-2.0.8-1jpp_4fc.noarch. Installing gnome-audio-2.0.0-3.1.noarch. Installing jlex-javadoc-1.2.6-1jpp_3fc.noarch. Installing cryptix-asn1-javadoc-20011119-4jpp_2fc.1.1.noarch. Installing jakarta-commons-dbcp-javadoc-1.2.1-3jpp_3fc.noarch. Installing rootfiles-8.1-1.1.noarch. Installing jdepend-javadoc-2.6-2jpp_4fc.1.1.noarch. Installing gnu.getopt-1.0.9-4jpp_4fc.noarch. Installing specspo-10-1.noarch. Installing jakarta-commons-validator-javadoc-1.1.4-1jpp_5fc.i386. Installing antlr-manual-2.7.4-2jpp_6fc.noarch. Installing libselinux-1.29.7-1.2.i386. Installing shadow-utils-4.0.14-1.2.i386. Installing dbus-0.61-3.i386. Installing dbus-glib-0.61-3.i386. Installing device-mapper-1.02.02-3.2.i386. Installing e2fsprogs-libs-1.38-12.i386. Installing findutils-4.2.27-4.i386. Installing coreutils-5.93-7.2.i386. Installing fontconfig-2.3.94-1.i386. Installing cairo-1.0.2-5.i386. Installing krb5-libs-1.4.3-4.1.i386. Installing openssl-0.9.8a-5.2.i686. Installing python-2.4.2-3.2.1.i386. Installing openldap-2.3.19-4.i386. Installing alsa-lib-1.0.11-3.rc2.2.i386. Installing esound-0.2.36-2.2.1.i386. Installing libXft- Installing pango-1.12.0-1.i386. Installing hicolor-icon-theme-0.9-2.noarch. Installing gtk2-2.8.15-1.i386. Installing libgcj-4.1.0-3.i386. Installing GConf2-2.13.5-5.i386. Installing libglade2-2.5.1-3.2.1.i386. Installing libgnomecanvas-2.14.0-1.i386. Installing gnome-keyring-0.4.9-1.i386. Installing newt-0.52.2-5.2.i386. Installing gail-1.8.11-1.i386. Installing cups-libs-1.1.23-30.2.i386. Installing redhat-artwork-0.241-1.i386. Installing qt-3.3.5-13.i386. Installing sgml-common-0.6.3-17.1.noarch. Installing module-init-tools-3.2-0.pre9.2.2.1.i386. Installing glib-java- Installing libwnck-2.14.0-1.i386. Installing neon-0.25.5-1.2.i386. Installing cairo-java- Installing libgtk-java- Installing perl-5.8.8-4.i386. Installing libbonobo-2.14.0-1.i386. Installing jpackage-utils-1.6.6-1jpp_2rh.noarch. Installing xorg-x11-font-utils-1.0.1-3.i386. Installing aspell-0.60.3-5.i386. Installing gnome-icon-theme-2.14.1-1.noarch. Installing procps-3.2.6-3.2.i386. Installing psmisc-21.8-1.2.1.i386. Installing at-spi-1.7.6-2.i386. Installing perl-URI-1.35-2.2.noarch. Installing hwdata-0.177-1.noarch. Installing pyxf86config-0.3.24-1.i386. Installing rhpl-0.185-1.i386. Installing gnome-menus-2.13.5-5.2.i386. Installing curl-7.15.1-1.2.1.i386. Installing junit-3.8.1-3jpp_7fc.noarch. Installing apr-1.2.2-7.2.i386. Installing logrotate-3.7.3-2.2.1.i386. Installing xml-commons-1.3.02-0.b2.7jpp_7fc.i386. Installing autoconf-2.59-7.noarch. Installing automake-1.9.6-2.noarch. Installing oaf-0.6.10-12.3.i386. Installing rpm-libs-4.4.2-15.2.i386. Installing rpm-4.4.2-15.2.i386. Installing rpm-python-4.4.2-15.2.i386. Installing metacity-2.14.0-1.i386. Installing net-snmp-libs-5.3-4.2.i386. Installing gd-2.0.33-6.2.i386. Installing ghostscript-fonts-5.50-13.1.noarch. Installing xml-common-0.6.3-17.1.noarch. Installing utempter-0.5.5-7.2.1.i386. Installing net-tools-1.60-62.1.i386. Installing libwmf- Installing GConf-1.0.9-20.i386. Installing pciutils-2.2.1-1.2.i386. Installing gtkspell-2.0.11-1.2.1.i386. Installing psutils-1.17-25.2.1.i386. Installing tetex-dvips-3.0-17.i386. Installing perl-Digest-SHA1-2.11-1.2.i386. Installing opensp-1.5.2-1.2.i386. Installing openjade-1.3.2-23.2.i386. Installing docbook-dtds-1.0-30.noarch. Installing docbook-style-xsl-1.69.1-5.noarch. Installing libofx-0.8.0-2.2.i386. Installing arts-1.5.1-1.2.i386. Installing system-config-securitylevel-tui-1.6.16-1.i386. Installing poppler-0.5.1-2.i386. Installing gtk2-engines-2.7.4-3.i386. Installing pwlib-1.10.0-1.i386. Installing libxml2-python-2.6.23-1.2.i386. Installing dbus-python-0.61-3.i386. Installing alchemist-1.0.36-1.2.1.i386. Installing bind-libs-9.3.2-4.1.i386. Installing libpcap-0.9.4-2.1.2.i386. Installing libgssapi-0.7-2.1.i386. Installing tcsh-6.14-5.2.1.i386. Installing e2fsprogs-1.38-12.i386. Installing lvm2-2.02.01-1.2.1.i386. Installing dbus-x11-0.61-3.i386. Installing lockdev-1.0.1-9.2.1.i386. Installing vim-minimal-6.4.007-4.i386. Installing mtools-3.9.10-1.2.1.i386. Installing syslinux-3.10-2.2.i386. Installing nfs-utils-lib-1.0.8-3.1.i386. Installing libxslt-python-1.1.15-1.2.1.i386. Installing opal-2.2.1-1.i386. Installing poppler-utils-0.5.1-2.i386. Installing docbook-style-dsssl-1.79-4.noarch. Installing docbook-simple-1.0-2.1.noarch. Installing perl-SGMLSpm-1.03ii-16.2.noarch. Installing perl-Digest-HMAC-1.01-14.2.noarch. Installing man-1.6c-1.2.i386. Installing gnome-mag-0.12.4-1.i386. Installing tmpwatch-2.9.6-1.2.1.i386. Installing tetex-3.0-17.i386. Installing antlr-2.7.4-2jpp_6fc.noarch. Installing bsh-1.3.0-5jpp_1fc.1.1.noarch. Installing w3m-0.5.1-12.2.1.i386. Installing perl-BSD-Resource-1.24-3.2.2.i386. Installing perl-String-CRC32-1.3-3.FC5.2.i386. Installing perl-Net-IP-1.24-2.2.noarch. Installing perl-Net-DNS-0.55-1.1.2.i386. Installing perl-HTML-Tagset-3.10-2.1.noarch. Installing perl-HTML-Parser-3.50-1.i386. Installing wpa_supplicant-0.4.8-5.i386. Installing netpbm-progs-10.31-4.i386. Installing tetex-latex-3.0-17.i386. Installing xmltex-20020625-7.noarch. Installing passivetex-1.25-5.1.noarch. Installing jadetex-3.12-13.1.noarch. Installing festival-1.95-5.2.i386. Installing gnome-speech-0.3.9-3.i386. Installing newt-perl-1.08-9.2.1.i386. Installing valgrind-3.1.0-2.i386. Installing sip-4.3.1-1.2.1.i386. Installing PyQt-3.15-1.2.2.i386. Installing ntsysv-1.3.29-1.i386. Installing netconfig-0.8.24-1.2.2.i386. Installing bluez-pin-0.30-2.i386. Installing gjdoc-0.7.7-3.1.i386. Installing libgcj-devel-4.1.0-3.i386. Installing libgcj-src-4.1.0-3.i386. Installing xsri-2.1.0-9.2.1.i386. Installing notify-daemon-0.3.1-9.i386. Installing libnotify-0.3.0-6.i386. Installing openmotif-2.3.0- Installing xorg-x11-utils-1.0.1-1.2.i386. Installing sox-12.17.9-1.2.i386. Installing alsa-utils-1.0.11-3.rc2.i386. Installing gettext-0.14.5-3.i386. Installing cracklib-2.8.6-1.2.1.i386. Installing pam- Installing libuser-0.54.5-1.i386. Installing SysVinit-2.86-2.2.2.i386. Installing samba-common-3.0.21b-2.i386. Installing passwd-0.71-3.2.i386. Installing usermode-1.85-2.2.i386. Installing authconfig-5.2.2-1.i386. Installing ppp-2.4.3-6.2.1.i386. Installing firstboot-tui-1.4.6-1.noarch. Installing system-config-keyboard-1.2.7-1.1.noarch. Installing usermode-gtk-1.85-2.2.i386. Installing libwvstreams-4.2.1-2.i386. Installing at-3.1.8-81.1.i386. Installing libsemanage-1.5.28-1.i386. Installing gnome-doc-utils-0.6.0-1.noarch. Installing python-numeric-23.7-2.2.1.i386. Installing python-sqlite-1.1.7-1.2.i386. Installing pyorbit-2.0.1-4.2.1.i386. Installing python-elementtree-1.2.6-4.2.1.i386. Installing pycairo-1.0.2-1.2.1.i386. Installing pygtk2-2.8.4-1.1.i386. Installing pygtk2-libglade-2.8.4-1.1.i386. Installing authconfig-gtk-5.2.2-1.i386. Installing system-config-securitylevel-1.6.16-1.i386. Installing system-config-language-1.1.11-1.noarch. Installing python-urlgrabber-2.9.8-2.noarch. Installing libselinux-python-1.29.7-1.2.i386. Installing PyXML-0.8.4-3.2.2.i386. Installing postgresql-libs-8.1.3-1.i386. Installing apr-util-1.2.2-4.2.i386. Installing httpd-2.2.0-5.1.2.i386. Installing mod_perl-2.0.2-5.1.i386. Installing php-5.1.2-5.i386. Installing perl-Compress-Zlib-1.41-1.2.2.i386. Installing perl-libwww-perl-5.805-1.1.noarch. Installing perl-XML-Parser-2.34- Installing intltool-0.34.2-1.1.i386. Installing scrollkeeper-0.3.14-5.2.1.i386. Installing elinks-0.11.0-2.2.i386. Installing distcache-1.4.5-13.i386. Installing gwenhywfar-1.99.2-1.2.i386. Installing aqbanking-1.8.1beta-3.1.i386. Installing ntp-4.2.0.a.20050816-11.i386. Installing bitmap-fonts-0.3-5.1.noarch. Installing libgdiplus- Installing mono-core- Installing mono-data- Installing mono-data-sqlite- Installing mono-web- Installing dbus-sharp-0.61-3.i386. Installing nscd-2.4-4.i386. Installing sysklogd-1.4.1-36.i386. Installing dmraid-1.0.0.rc9-FC5_5.2.i386. Installing MAKEDEV-3.21-3.i386. Installing udev-084-13.i386. Installing which-2.16-6.2.1.i386. Installing htmlview-3.0.0-14.noarch. Installing gnome-libs- Installing libgnomeprint15-0.37-13.i386. Installing libglade-0.17-16.2.1.i386. Installing gdk-pixbuf-gnome-0.22.0-22.i386. Installing Guppi-0.40.3-25.i386. Installing system-config-users-1.2.42-1.noarch. Installing docbook-utils-0.6.14-5.noarch. Installing kdelibs-3.5.1-2.3.i386. Installing libsetrans-0.1.18-1.2.i386. Installing xorg-x11-drv-cirrus- Installing k3b-0.12.10-2.2.i386. Installing docbook-utils-pdf-0.6.14-5.noarch. Installing pinfo-0.6.8-11.2.1.i386. Installing system-config-services-0.9.0-1.noarch. Installing oprofile-0.9.1-8.1.1.i386. Installing nss_ldap-249-1.i386. Installing mod_ssl-2.2.0-5.1.2.i386. Installing gnome-user-docs-2.14.0-1.noarch. Installing php-pear-1.4.6-2.noarch. Installing php-ldap-5.1.2-5.i386. Installing crypto-utils-2.2-9.2.1.i386. Installing mod_python-3.2.8-3.i386. Installing webalizer-2.01_10-29.2.1.i386. Installing httpd-manual-2.2.0-5.1.2.i386. Installing subversion-1.3.0-4.2.i386. Installing system-config-rootpassword-1.1.8-1.1.noarch. Installing wvdial-1.54.0-5.2.2.i386. Installing setuptool-1.18.1-1.2.i386. Installing samba-client-3.0.21b-2.i386. Installing cvs-1.11.21-3.2.i386. Installing pam_krb5-2.2.6-2.2.i386. Installing pam_ccreds-3-3.2.i386. Installing sudo-1.6.8p12-4.1.i386. Installing squid-2.5.STABLE12-5.1.i386. Installing hplip-0.9.8-6.i386. Installing valgrind-callgrind-0.10.1-1.1.i386. Installing linuxdoc-tools-0.9.21-6.2.1.i386. Installing gnuplot-4.0.0-11.i386. Installing lftp-3.4.2-5.i386. Installing texinfo-4.8-9.2.i386. Installing docbook-slides-3.3.1-2.1.noarch. Installing minicom-2.1-1.2.1.i386. Installing bind-utils-9.3.2-4.1.i386. Installing gnome-themes-2.14.0-1.noarch. Installing a2ps-4.13b-49.i386. Installing xterm-209-4.i386. Installing xhtml1-dtds-1.0-7.1.noarch. Installing rpm-build-4.4.2-15.2.i386. Installing automake17-1.7.9-6.1.noarch. Installing automake15-1.5-14.noarch. Installing automake16-1.6.3-5.1.noarch. Installing xml-commons-which-1.3.02-0.b2.7jpp_7fc.i386. Installing junit-demo-3.8.1-3jpp_7fc.noarch. Installing vorbis-tools-1.1.1-1.2.1.i386. Installing readahead-1.2-1.25.2.i386. Installing autofs-4.1.4-16.2.2.i386. Installing aspell-en-6.0-2.i386. Installing automake14-1.4p6-12.1.noarch. Installing patchutils-0.2.31-2.2.1.i386. Installing redhat-rpm-config-8.0.40-1.noarch. Installing enscript-1.6.4-1.1.2.i386. Installing xchat-2.6.0-4.i386. Installing stunnel-4.14-3.2.i386. Installing vim-enhanced-6.4.007-4.i386. Installing fbset-2.1-20.2.1.i386. Installing logwatch-7.1-8.noarch. Installing numactl-0.6.4-1.27.i386. Installing cadaver-0.22.3-2.2.i386. Installing irda-utils-0.9.16-7.2.1.i386. Installing xorg-x11-apps-1.0.1-2.i386. Installing python-ldap-2.0.6-5.2.1.i386. Installing gnupg- Installing diskdumputils-1.2.8-4.i386. Installing tcpdump-3.9.4-2.2.i386. Installing wget-1.10.2-3.2.1.i386. Installing lynx-2.8.5-27.2.1.i386. Installing krb5-workstation-1.4.3-4.1.i386. Installing xerces-j2-javadoc-impl-2.7.1-6jpp_7fc.i386. Installing antlr-javadoc-2.7.4-2jpp_6fc.noarch. Installing xerces-j2-javadoc-other-2.7.1-6jpp_7fc.i386. Installing java_cup-javadoc-0.10-0.k.1jpp_9fc.i386. Installing avalon-framework-javadoc-4.1.4-2jpp_8fc.noarch. Installing jakarta-taglibs-standard-javadoc-1.1.1-4jpp_3fc.noarch. Installing log4j-javadoc-1.2.8-7jpp_8fc.noarch. Installing jakarta-commons-beanutils-javadoc-1.7.0-2jpp_6fc.i386. Installing xerces-j2-javadoc-xni-2.7.1-6jpp_7fc.i386. Installing psacct-6.3.2-41.i386. Installing jakarta-commons-logging-javadoc-1.0.4-2jpp_10fc.i386. Installing classpathx-jaf-javadoc-1.0-2jpp_5fc.noarch. Installing bcel-javadoc-5.1-1jpp_6fc.noarch. Installing xalan-j2-javadoc-2.6.0-3jpp_9fc.i386. Installing jakarta-commons-daemon-javadoc-1.0-2jpp_4fc.i386. Installing jakarta-commons-modeler-javadoc-1.1-4jpp_6fc.i386. Installing xerces-j2-javadoc-apis-2.7.1-6jpp_7fc.i386. Installing avalon-logkit-javadoc-1.2-3jpp_3fc.noarch. Installing sysreport-1.4.3-3.noarch. Installing jakarta-commons-digester-javadoc-1.7-2jpp_10fc.i386. Installing gnu.getopt-javadoc-1.0.9-4jpp_4fc.noarch. Installing gnu-crypto-javadoc-2.1.0-1jpp_2fc.i386. Installing puretls-javadoc-0.9-0.b4.1jpp_4fc.noarch. Installing jakarta-commons-collections-javadoc-3.1-2jpp_5fc.i386. Installing ksh-20060124-3.i386. Installing jakarta-commons-pool-javadoc-1.2-2jpp_4fc.noarch. Installing junit-javadoc-3.8.1-3jpp_7fc.noarch. Installing ant-javadoc-1.6.5-1jpp_7fc.i386. Installing regexp-javadoc-1.3-2jpp_7fc.i386. Installing xml-commons-resolver-javadoc-1.1-1jpp_8fc.noarch. Installing jakarta-commons-lang-javadoc-2.0-2jpp_4fc.noarch. Installing jakarta-commons-launcher-javadoc-0.9-3jpp_3fc.noarch. Installing xml-commons-which-javadoc-1.3.02-0.b2.7jpp_7fc.i386. Installing classpathx-mail-javadoc-1.0-4jpp_5fc.noarch. Installing jakarta-commons-el-javadoc-1.0-4jpp_6fc.i386. Installing xml-commons-apis-javadoc-1.3.02-0.b2.7jpp_7fc.i386. Installing jakarta-commons-fileupload-javadoc-1.0-3jpp_5fc.noarch. Installing reiserfs-utils-3.6.19-2.2.i386. Installing parted-1.6.25-8.i386. Installing jfsutils-1.1.10-4.i386. Installing xfsprogs-2.7.3-1.2.1.i386. Installing mlocate-0.12-1.2.i386. Installing star-1.5a69-1.2.1.i386. Installing nss_db-2.2-35.i386. Installing initscripts-8.31.1-1.i386. Installing avahi-0.6.9-3.i386. Installing cups-1.1.23-30.2.i386. Installing avahi-glib-0.6.9-3.i386. Installing vte-0.12.0-1.fc5.1.i386. Installing libgnomecups-0.2.2-3.2.1.i386. Installing glibc-kernheaders-3.0-5.2.i386. Installing bind-9.3.2-4.1.i386. Installing dhclient-3.0.3-26.i386. Installing xorg-x11-drv-keyboard- Installing dhcdbd-1.12-1.FC5.2.i386. Installing caching-nameserver-7.3-5.FC5.noarch. Installing glibc-headers-2.4-4.i386. Installing glibc-devel-2.4-4.i386. Installing gcc-4.1.0-3.i386. Installing gcc-java-4.1.0-3.i386. Installing audit-libs-python-1.1.5-1.i386. Installing libvte-java- Installing yum-2.6.0-1.noarch. Installing cyrus-sasl-2.1.21-10.i386. Installing sendmail-8.13.5-3.i386. Installing xinetd-2.3.13-6.2.1.i386. Installing vixie-cron-4.1-54.FC5.i386. Installing spamassassin-3.1.0-5.fc5.2.i386. Installing foomatic-3.0.2-33.2.i386. Installing samba-3.0.21b-2.i386. Installing kbd-1.12-13.2.i386. Installing system-config-samba-1.2.34-1.noarch. Installing authd-1.4.3-7.1.i386. Installing mdadm-2.3.1-3.i386. Installing pirut-1.0.1-1.noarch. Installing gcc-c++-4.1.0-3.i386. Installing libtool-1.5.22-2.2.i386. Installing gcc-gfortran-4.1.0-3.i386. Installing rhgb-0.16.3-1.i386. Installing gnome-user-share-0.9-3.i386. Installing bluez-utils-2.25-4.i386. Installing irqbalance-1.12-1.25.i386. Installing rng-utils-2.0-1.11.i386. Installing dhcpv6_client-0.10-16.1.i386. Installing acpid-1.0.4-2.i386. Installing rp-pppoe-3.5-31.i386. Installing ipsec-tools-0.6.4-1.1.i386. Installing vsftpd-2.0.4-1.2.i386. Installing cpuspeed-1.2.1-1.33.i386. Installing quota-3.13-1.2.1.i386. Installing isdn4k-utils-3.2-40.i386. Installing java-1.4.2-gcj-compat- Installing libgnome-2.14.0-1.i386. Installing jakarta-commons-logging-1.0.4-2jpp_10fc.i386. Installing tomcat5-servlet-2.4-api-5.5.15-1jpp_6fc.i386. Installing chkfontpath-1.10.1-1.i386. Installing xml-commons-apis-1.3.02-0.b2.7jpp_7fc.i386. Installing jakarta-commons-collections-3.1-2jpp_5fc.i386. Installing jakarta-commons-beanutils-1.7.0-2jpp_6fc.i386. Installing regexp-1.3-2jpp_7fc.i386. Installing xalan-j2-2.6.0-3jpp_9fc.i386. Installing jakarta-commons-digester-1.7-2jpp_10fc.i386. Installing classpathx-mail-1.0-4jpp_5fc.noarch. Installing policycoreutils-1.29.26-6.i386. Installing util-linux-2.13-0.20.i386. Installing hal-0.5.7-3.i386. Installing gnome-vfs2-2.14.0-1.i386. I/O warning : failed to load external entity "/etc/gconf/schemas/system_storage.schemas" Failed to open `/etc/gconf/schemas/system_storage.schemas': No such file or directory Installing libbonoboui-2.14.0-1.i386. Installing libgnomeui-2.14.0-1.i386. Installing gnome-desktop-2.14.0-1.i386. Installing evolution-data-server-1.5.92-1.i386. Installing gnome-panel-2.14.0-1.i386. Installing kudzu- Installing gphoto2-2.1.99-8.i386. Installing sane-backends-1.0.17-4.i386. Installing openssh-4.3p2-4.i386. Installing gnome-mount-0.4-5.i386. Installing mozilla-1.7.12-5.i386. Installing libgsf-1.13.3-2.2.1.i386. Installing mkinitrd-5.0.32-1.i386. Installing kernel-2.6.15-1.2054_FC5.i686. Installing bcel-5.1-1jpp_6fc.noarch. Installing jakarta-commons-pool-1.2-2jpp_4fc.noarch. Installing log4j-1.2.8-7jpp_8fc.noarch. Installing xml-commons-resolver-1.1-1jpp_8fc.noarch. Installing xerces-j2-2.7.1-6jpp_7fc.i386. Installing urw-fonts-2.3-6.1.noarch. Installing ghostscript-8.15.1-7.i386. Installing libgnomeprint22-2.12.1-4.2.i386. Installing libgnomeprintui22-2.12.1-1.2.1.i386. Installing gtk-sharp2-2.8.2-1.i386. Installing librsvg2-2.14.2-1.i386. Installing eel2-2.14.0-1.i386. Installing gimp-print-4.2.7-16.i386. Installing tomcat5-jasper-5.5.15-1jpp_6fc.i386. Installing jakarta-commons-el-1.0-4jpp_6fc.i386. Installing eclipse-ecj-3.1.2-1jpp_13fc.i386. Installing gmime-sharp-2.1.19-3.i386. Installing gtksourceview-1.6.0-1.i386. Installing system-config-printer-0.6.151-1.i386. Installing jakarta-commons-dbcp-1.2.1-3jpp_3fc.noarch. Installing libgail-gnome-1.1.3-1.2.i386. Installing gtkhtml2-2.6.3-1.2.1.i386. Installing gimp-2.2.10-4.i386. Installing NetworkManager-0.6.0-3.i386. Installing NetworkManager-glib-0.6.0-3.i386. Installing portmap-4.0-65.2.2.i386. Installing jakarta-commons-fileupload-1.0-3jpp_5fc.noarch. Installing jakarta-commons-httpclient-3.0-0.rc2.0jpp_4fc.noarch. Installing gnu-crypto-2.1.0-1jpp_2fc.i386. Installing lucene-1.4.3-1jpp_11fc.i386. Installing jsch-0.1.18-1jpp_7fc.i386. Installing xorg-x11-drv-vesa- Installing lucene-demo-1.4.3-1jpp_11fc.i386. Installing xmlrpc-2.0.1-1jpp_6fc.i386. Installing nfs-utils-1.0.8.rc2-4.FC5.2.i386. Installing ypbind-1.19-0.i386. Installing hal-cups-utils-0.5.5-1.2.i386. Installing java-1.4.2-gcj-compat-devel- Installing ant-1.6.5-1jpp_7fc.i386. Installing ant-apache-resolver-1.6.5-1jpp_7fc.i386. Installing ant-jdepend-1.6.5-1jpp_7fc.i386. Installing ant-apache-oro-1.6.5-1jpp_7fc.i386. Installing ant-apache-log4j-1.6.5-1jpp_7fc.i386. Installing ant-apache-bsf-1.6.5-1jpp_7fc.i386. Installing ant-trax-1.6.5-1jpp_7fc.i386. Installing ant-jsch-1.6.5-1jpp_7fc.i386. Installing ant-javamail-1.6.5-1jpp_7fc.i386. Installing ant-apache-regexp-1.6.5-1jpp_7fc.i386. Installing ant-nodeps-1.6.5-1jpp_7fc.i386. Installing ant-antlr-1.6.5-1jpp_7fc.i386. Installing ant-apache-bcel-1.6.5-1jpp_7fc.i386. Installing ant-swing-1.6.5-1jpp_7fc.i386. Installing ant-commons-logging-1.6.5-1jpp_7fc.i386. Installing ant-junit-1.6.5-1jpp_7fc.i386. Installing gsf-sharp-0.6-8.i386. Installing gthumb-2.7.3-2.i386. Installing gtkhtml3-3.10.0-1.i386. Installing gtk-sharp-1.0.10-5.i386. Installing gnome-utils-2.14.0-3.i386. Installing gnome-print-0.37-13.i386. Installing gtkhtml-1.1.9-12.i386. Installing libwpd-0.8.4-1.2.1.i386. Installing libswt3-gtk2-3.1.2-1jpp_13fc.i386. Installing openssh-clients-4.3p2-4.i386. Installing libsane-hpaio-0.9.8-6.i386. Installing system-config-soundcard-1.2.16-2.noarch. Installing system-config-network-tui-1.3.30-2.1.noarch. Installing gnome-pilot-2.0.13-7.fc5.4.i386. Installing gnome-netstatus-2.12.0-3.2.1.i386. Installing libgnome-java- Installing libglade-java- Installing gnome-spell-1.0.5-13.2.i386. Installing evolution-2.6.0-1.i386. Installing evolution-sharp-0.10.2-9.i386. Installing gnome-vfs2-smb-2.14.0-1.i386. Installing nautilus-2.14.0-1.i386. Installing nautilus-cd-burner- Installing control-center-2.14.0-1.i386. Installing libgpod-0.3.0-2.2.i386. Installing xorg-x11-xfs-1.0.1-4.i386. Installing selinux-policy-2.2.23-15.noarch. Installing avalon-framework-4.1.4-2jpp_8fc.noarch. Installing fonts-japanese-0.20050222-11.1.noarch. Installing xorg-x11-fonts-base-7.0-3.noarch. Installing hsqldb-1.80.1-1jpp_9fc.i386. Installing Installing Installing Installing tomcat5-jsp-2.0-api-5.5.15-1jpp_6fc.i386. Installing jakarta-commons-discovery-0.3-1jpp_3fc.noarch. Installing eclipse-rcp-3.1.2-1jpp_13fc.i386. Installing ldapjdk-4.17-1jpp_3fc.1.1.noarch. Installing java_cup-0.10-0.k.1jpp_9fc.i386. Installing java-1.4.2-gcj-compat-javadoc- Installing jakarta-commons-daemon-1.0-2jpp_4fc.i386. Installing wsdl4j-1.5.1-1jpp_4fc.noarch. Installing axis-1.2.1-2jpp_2fc.noarch. Installing mx4j-3.0.1-1jpp_9fc.i386. Installing jakarta-commons-modeler-1.1-4jpp_6fc.i386. Installing tomcat5-server-lib-5.5.15-1jpp_6fc.i386. Installing geronimo-specs-1.0-0.M2.2jpp_7fc.i386. Installing geronimo-specs-compat-1.0-0.M2.2jpp_7fc.i386. Installing tomcat5-common-lib-5.5.15-1jpp_6fc.i386. Installing tomcat5-5.5.15-1jpp_6fc.i386. Installing eclipse-platform-3.1.2-1jpp_13fc.i386. Installing jessie-1.0.1-3.i386. Installing eclipse-jdt-3.1.2-1jpp_13fc.i386. Installing eclipse-pydev-0.9.3_fc-14.i386. Installing eclipse-cdt-3.0.2-1jpp_2fc.i386. Installing eclipse-bugzilla-0.2.2-2.i386. Installing eclipse-changelog-2.0.1_fc-25.i386. Installing avalon-logkit-1.2-3jpp_3fc.noarch. Installing xalan-j2-xsltc-2.6.0-3jpp_9fc.i386. Installing Installing Installing Installing Installing Installing Installing Installing Installing Installing tetex-xdvi-3.0-17.i386. Installing selinux-policy-targeted-2.2.23-15.noarch. Installing file-roller-2.14.0-1.i386. Installing nautilus-sendto-0.4-7.2.i386. Installing evince-0.5.1-3.i386. Installing beagle-0.2.2-3.i386. Installing evolution-connector-2.5.92-1.i386. Installing frysk- Installing hpijs-0.9.8-6.i386. Installing netdump-0.7.14-1.2.1.i386. Installing gnucash-1.8.12-3.i386. Installing tomboy-0.3.5-3.i386. Installing ant-scripts-1.6.5-1jpp_7fc.i386. Installing desktop-printing-0.19-6.i386. Installing yp-tools-2.9-0.i386. Installing system-config-nfs-1.3.19-1.noarch. Installing krb5-auth-dialog-0.6.cvs20060212-1.i386. Installing NetworkManager-gnome-0.6.0-3.i386. Installing xsane-gimp-0.99-2.2.i386. Installing gimp-print-plugin-4.2.7-16.i386. Installing gimp-data-extras-2.0.1-1.1.noarch. Installing gimp-help-2- Installing gnopernicus-1.0.2-1.i386. Installing gimp-print-utils-4.2.7-16.i386. Installing gnome-games-2.14.0-1.i386. Installing gdm-2.14.0-1.i386. Installing f-spot-0.1.10-1.i386. Installing eog-2.14.0-1.i386. Installing planner-0.13-4.1.i386. Installing yelp-2.14.0-1.i386. Installing ImageMagick- Installing xerces-j2-scripts-2.7.1-6jpp_7fc.i386. Installing xerces-j2-demo-2.7.1-6jpp_7fc.i386. Installing pcmciautils-011-1.2.i386. Installing systemtap-0.5.4-2.2.i386. Installing mkbootdisk-1.5.2-5.2.i386. Installing openssh-server-4.3p2-4.i386. Installing openssh-askpass-4.3p2-4.i386. Installing sane-frontends-1.0.14-1.2.1.i386. Installing xsane-0.99-2.2.i386. Installing smartmontools-5.33-4.2.i386. Installing evolution-webcal-2.4.1-3.2.i386. Installing ekiga-2.0.1-1.i386. Installing gaim-1.5.0-15.fc5.1.i386. Installing gok-1.0.6-2.i386. Installing firefox- Installing gnome-system-monitor-2.14.0-1.i386. Installing gnome-terminal-2.14.0-1.i386. Installing vino-2.13.5-2.2.i386. Installing gnome-screensaver-2.14.0-1.i386. Installing gnome-power-manager-2.13.93-4.i386. Installing pm-utils-0.15-1.i386. Installing redhat-lsb-3.0-9.2.i386. Installing xmlto-0.0.18-9.2.1.i386. Installing prelink-0.3.6-3.i386. Installing vnc-server-4.1.1-36.i386. Installing jakarta-commons-validator-1.1.4-1jpp_5fc.i386. Installing xalan-j2-demo-2.6.0-3jpp_9fc.i386. Installing xorg-x11-fonts-100dpi-7.0-3.noarch. Installing xorg-x11-fonts-misc-7.0-3.noarch. Installing xorg-x11-fonts-truetype-7.0-3.noarch. Installing xorg-x11-fonts-75dpi-7.0-3.noarch. Installing xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-1-100dpi-7.0-3.noarch. Installing xorg-x11-fonts-Type1-7.0-3.noarch. Installing xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-1-75dpi-7.0-3.noarch. Installing jakarta-taglibs-standard-1.1.1-4jpp_3fc.noarch. Installing java-1.4.2-gcj-compat-src- Installing xorg-x11-server-Xorg-1.0.1-8.i386. Installing gnome-python2-2.12.4-1.i386. Installing gnome-python2-canvas-2.12.4-1.i386. Installing gstreamer-plugins-base-0.10.3-3.i386. Installing gstreamer-0.10.3-3.i386. Installing gstreamer-plugins-good-0.10.2-1.i386. Installing gnome-media-2.14.0-2.i386. Installing gnome-python2-desktop-2.14.0-1.i386. Installing rhpxl-0.18-1.noarch. Installing xorg-x11-drv-mouse-1.0.4-1.i386. Installing system-config-display-1.0.37-2.noarch. Installing gnome-python2-gnomeprint-2.14.0-1.i386. Installing gnome-python2-gtksourceview-2.14.0-1.i386. Installing gnome-volume-manager-1.5.15-1.i386. Installing totem-1.3.92-1.i386. Installing system-config-network-1.3.30-2.1.noarch. Installing system-config-date-1.8.2-1.noarch. Installing gnome-python2-extras-2.14.0-1.i386. Installing gnome-python2-gtkhtml2-2.14.0-1.i386. Installing xorg-x11-drv-hyperpen- Installing xorg-x11-drv-aiptek- Installing xorg-x11-drv-ur98- Installing xorg-x11-drv-vmware- Installing xorg-x11-drv-nsc- Installing xorg-x11-drv-summa- Installing xorg-x11-drv-acecad- Installing xorg-x11-drv-digitaledge- Installing xorg-x11-drv-nv- Installing xorg-x11-drv-vga- Installing xorg-x11-drv-elographics- Installing xorg-x11-drv-sisusb- Installing xorg-x11-drv-rendition- Installing xorg-x11-drv-ati- Installing xorg-x11-drv-apm- Installing xorg-x11-drv-siliconmotion- Installing xorg-x11-drv-fbdev- Installing xorg-x11-drv-palmax- Installing xorg-x11-drv-magictouch- Installing xorg-x11-drv-i810- Installing xorg-x11-drv-via- Installing xorg-x11-drv-spaceorb- Installing xorg-x11-drv-joystick- Installing xorg-x11-drv-dummy- Installing xorg-x11-drv-void- Installing xorg-x11-drv-microtouch- Installing xorg-x11-drv-savage- Installing xorg-x11-drv-ark- Installing xorg-x11-drv-mutouch- Installing xorg-x11-drv-mga- Installing xorg-x11-drv-voodoo- Installing xorg-x11-drv-penmount- Installing xorg-x11-drv-i128- Installing xorg-x11-drv-cyrix- Installing xorg-x11-drv-s3- Installing xorg-x11-drv-citron-2.1.5-1.i386. Installing xorg-x11-drv-tseng- Installing xorg-x11-drv-chips- Installing xorg-x11-drv-neomagic- Installing xorg-x11-drv-magellan- Installing xorg-x11-drv-tdfx- Installing xorg-x11-drv-v4l- Installing xorg-x11-drv-i740- Installing xorg-x11-drv-calcomp- Installing xorg-x11-drv-evdev- Installing xorg-x11-drv-dmc- Installing xorg-x11-drv-s3virge- Installing xorg-x11-drv-trident- Installing xorg-x11-drv-jamstudio- Installing xorg-x11-drv-dynapro- Installing xorg-x11-drv-fpit- Installing xorg-x11-drv-glint- Installing xorg-x11-drv-sis- Installing xorg-x11-drv-elo2300- Installing system-config-httpd-1.3.3-1.1.noarch. Installing synaptics-0.14.4-4.2.1.i386. Installing system-config-lvm-1.0.13-1.0.noarch. Installing gnome-python2-bonobo-2.12.4-1.i386. Installing gnome-session-2.14.0-1.i386. Installing gedit-2.14.0-1.i386. Installing linuxwacom-0.7.2-1.2.i386. Installing rhythmbox- Installing firstboot-1.4.6-1.noarch. Installing gnome-python2-gnomevfs-2.12.4-1.i386. Installing xorg-x11-drivers-7.0-2.i386. Installing sound-juicer-2.14.0-1.i386. Installing gnome-applets-2.14.0-1.i386. Installing system-config-printer-gui-0.6.151-1.i386. Installing hal-gnome-0.5.7-3.i386.