# #catalog_report.rb # # Description: # begin @debug = true #$evm.root.attributes.sort.each { |k, v| $evm.log(:info, "root: #{k}: #{v}") } if @debug #$evm.object.attributes.sort.each { |k, v| $evm.log("info", "object: #{k}: #{v}") } if @debug require 'pg' start_time = (Time.now-1.month).beginning_of_month.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") $evm.log(:info, "Start time: #{start_time}") if @debug end_time = (Time.now-1.month).end_of_month.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") $evm.log(:info, "End time: #{end_time}") if @debug year = (Time.now-1.month).year $evm.log(:info, "Year: #{year}") if @debug month = (Time.now-1.month).strftime("%B") $evm.log(:info, "Month: #{month}") if @debug hostname = $evm.object['hostname'] rescue nil $evm.log(:info, "Hostname: #{hostname}") if @debug username = $evm.object['username'] rescue nil $evm.log(:info, "Username: #{username}") if @debug password = $evm.object.decrypt('password') rescue nil conn = PG.connect( :host => "#{hostname}", :dbname => 'vmdb_production', :port => 5432, :user => "#{username}", :password => "#{password}") report = conn.exec("select service_templates.name, count(miq_requests.source_id) from service_templates left outer join miq_requests on service_templates.id = miq_requests.source_id where (miq_requests.source_id is not null or miq_requests.source_id is null) and (miq_requests.created_on between to_date('#{start_time}','YYYY-MM-DD') and to_date('#{end_time}','YYYY-MM-DD') or miq_requests.created_on is null) and service_templates.name not in ('Redshift Poweroff','Redshift Poweron','Cluster Deploy','Create Snapshot - Redshift','Change Password','Restart Cluster','Test DataSource','Multiselect','Service Update' ) group by service_templates.name, miq_requests.source_id order by service_templates.name ASC;").values conn.close $evm.log(:info, "Report: #{report}") if @debug custom_rows = "" report.each_slice(1) do |row| custom_rows << "#{row[0][0]}#{row[0][1]}" end # Get to_email_address # to = 'tkopuru@tva.gov' to = 'CloudAdmins@tva.gov' # Get from_email_address from = nil from ||= 'AutomationAdmins@tva.gov' # email subject subject = "Cloudforms Usage Report" # Build email body body = "

Catalog Request Report (#{month}, #{year})

Catalog Name Count
" # Send email $evm.log("info", "Sending email to <#{to}> from <#{from}> subject: <#{subject}>") $evm.execute('send_email', to, from, subject, body) rescue => err $evm.log(:error, "[(#{err.class})#{err}]\n#{err.backtrace.join("\n")}") exit MIQ_ABORT end