oo-admin-ctl-usage This displays or controls the usage synchronization. The output includes user, gear, usage type and duration. oo-admin-ctl-usage [--list | --sync | --remove-sync-lock] [--enable-logger] One of , or must be specified. Specify to sync usage with the billing vendor. Specify to remove an existing sync lock. Option means to print error/warning messages to the log file instead of to the terminal. The following table provides more information on the output of the option. Field Description User User names the user accumulating the resource usage. Gear Gear indicates the UUID of the relevant gear. UsageType GEAR_USAGE is related to how long a gear has been in use. ADDTL_FS_GB is related to how long additional storage has been in use on a gear. Usage Usage lists the duration of the gear (in hours). See also: .