oo-admin-ctl-team This command manages global teams. oo-admin-ctl-team -c command [options] The list command lists all teams. The create command creates a new team. It requires either both and , or both and . For example: # oo-admin-ctl-team create --name myteam --maps-to mygroup or # oo-admin-ctl-team create --groups grpA,grpB --config-file AB.cfg The update command updates an existing team LDAP correspondance. It requires both and . The delete command deletes a team. It requires . The show command displays a team and its members. It requires either or . (It would be nice to show some output here.) The sync command syncs SOMETHING?! with the LDAP groups. It requires . The sync-to-file command generates a sync file for review. No changes are made to the teams and their members. It requires and . The sync-from-file command syncs from a file. It requires . The option is identical to . Other options are: (hmm, is the "ITEM; ITEM; LAST-ITEM." form (trailing semicolons then period) ok?) path to specify the path to the broker; to create new users in OpenShift if they don't exist; to remove members from a team that are no longer in the group. See also: .