Generated by

Interface org.infinispan.client.hotrod.RemoteCache

Added interface org.infinispan.commons.api.BasicCache.

Changed Methods
Set<Entry<K, V>> entrySet() Change in return type from Set<<any>> to (Set<Entry<K, V>>).
@throws UnsupportedOperationException
NotifyingFuture<Boolean> removeWithVersionAsync(K, long) Change in return type from <any> to NotifyingFuture<Boolean>.
@see #remove(Object, Object)
NotifyingFuture<Void> putAllAsync(Map<?, extends, K, ?, extends, V>) Change in return type from <any> to NotifyingFuture<Void>.
Synthetic operation.
NotifyingFuture<Void> putAllAsync(Map<?, extends, K, ?, extends, V>, long, TimeUnit) Change in return type from <any> to NotifyingFuture<Void>.
Synthetic operation.
NotifyingFuture<Void> putAllAsync(Map<?, extends, K, ?, extends, V>, long, TimeUnit, long, TimeUnit) Change in return type from <any> to NotifyingFuture<Void>.
Synthetic operation.
NotifyingFuture<Boolean> replaceWithVersionAsync(K, V, long) Change in return type from <any> to NotifyingFuture<Boolean>.
@see #replaceWithVersion(Object, Object, long)
NotifyingFuture<Boolean> replaceWithVersionAsync(K, V, long, int) Change in return type from <any> to NotifyingFuture<Boolean>.
@see #replaceWithVersion(Object, Object, long)
NotifyingFuture<Boolean> replaceWithVersionAsync(K, V, long, int, int) Change in return type from <any> to NotifyingFuture<Boolean>.
@see #replaceWithVersion(Object, Object, long)