Requirements and Limitations


Rhino requires version 1.1 or greater of Java.

To use the JavaAdapter feature or an optimization level of 0 or greater, Rhino must be running under a security manager that allows the definition of class loaders.


Platforms and JITs

Many platforms and JREs have problems converting decimal numbers to and from strings. These errors are usually boundary case errors and will show up as test failures in section 7.7.3.

Windows versions of the Symantec JIT prior to 3.00.029(i) will report internal errors for some generated class files.

On the Symantec JIT and the AIX JVM, accessing a static field of a class that has not yet loaded may not give the correct value of the field. For example, accessing before has been loaded will return a value of 0. (This is a bug in the JIT; accessing the field should cause the class to be loaded.)

The AIX Java version "JDK 1.1.6 IBM build a116-19980924 (JIT enabled: jitc)" core dumps running several classes generated by Rhino. It also has errors in java.lang.Math.pow that are reflected as failures in the JavaScript Math object's pow method.

IBM Java for Linux version "JDK 1.1.8 IBM build l118-19991013 (JIT enabled: jitc)" has errors in java.lang.Math.pow that are reflected as test failures in the JavaScript Math object's pow method.

Solaris JDK 1.1.6 has errors in java.lang.Math.atan2 that are reflected as test failures in the JavaScript Math object's atan2 method.


If a JavaObject's field's name collides with that of a method, the value of that field is retrieved lazily, and can be counter-intuitively affected by later assignments:
javaObj.fieldAndMethod = 5;
var field = javaObj.fieldAndMethod;
javaObj.fieldAndMethod = 7;
// now, field == 7
You can work around this by forcing the field value to be converted to a JavaScript type when you take its value:
javaObj.fieldAndMethod = 5;
var field = javaObj.fieldAndMethod + 0; // force conversion now
javaObj.fieldAndMethod = 7;
// now, field == 5


Rhino does NOT support the netscape.javascript.JSObject class.

Date object

The JavaScript Date object depends on time facilities of the underlying Java runtime to determine daylight savings time dates. Earlier JRE versions may report a date for the daylight savings changeover that is a week off. JRE 1.1.6 reports the correct date.

Under the 1.1.6 JRE, evaluating (new Date(1998, 9, 25, 2)).toString() returns:

        Sun Oct 25 02:00:00 GMT-0800 (PST) 1998
Earlier versions may return:
        Sun Oct 25 02:00:00 GMT-0700 (PDT) 1998
(the JRE doesn't report the changeover until Nov. 1.)

The Microsoft SDK 3.1 for Java also exhibits this problem.

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